Week 2 DLP Physical Fitness

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII- Eastern Visayas
Schools Division of Calbayog City
Trinidad, Calbayog City

Detailed Lesson Plan

In Physical Education and Health 11
Quarter 3
A. CONTENT STANDARD: The learner …
demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing one’s
health as a habit; as requisite for physical activity
assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.
lead recreational events with proficiency and confidence resulting
in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
C. LEARNING COMPETENCY: Self-assesses, Health Related Fitness (HRF) Status, Barriers
to Physical Activity Assessment Participation and One’s
Diet (PEH11FH-Ig-i-6).
 Identify the different heath related fitness components and barriers
on physical activity assessment participation
 Determine the significance of assessing health-related fitness
 Perform physical fitness test
a. Topic: Significance of Assessing Health-Related Fitness Components &
Barriers on Physical Activity Assessment Participation
b. References: LAS, MELCs.
c. Materials: Laptop, TV, HDMI.




May I request everyone to please stand for the prayer. (Students will pray)
(Student’s name) Kindly lead the prayer.


Good morning, Class! Good morning, sir

You may now take your seats Thank you, sir!

Checking of Attendance:

Who are the absent this afternoon? None sir

Very good!

Alright, before we start let me remind you to always wear your

facemask and avoid chatting with your classmates, so that we
will have the social distancing, understand? Yes sir!

Checking of Assignment:

Did I give you an assignment last meeting? No sir


We discussed about stress management
Alright, what have we discussed last meeting? through physical activity

I have learned about physical activities

What have you learned about stress management through
mechanism in coping with stress
physical activity?

Thank you!
Mood booster, endorphin release, mind
Who can give the different physical activities mechanism in stimulator and reduction of fight and flight
coping with stress? response.
Very good!


Now, kindly everyone stands. Before we begin our lesson let us

have first a quick stretching. This is to prepare and condition
your body for our activity later.
(Students will stand)
(Teacher will play a video)
(Students will start the exercise)
You will just have to follow the movements from the video.
Yes sir
Alright, do you feel good?

Very good! So, I guess you’re now ready and conditioned for
our activity later.

Presentation of the Lesson


But before that let’s have first this activity called “Because I
cared” This will help you evaluate your physical activity
status. It will help you make decisions concerning your health
and fitness level. Answer the questions as honestly as possible
and use the scoring guide to help you assess your physical
activity status.
(Teacher will distribute the physical activity status sheets)

I will give you 3 minutes to finish this activity.

NAME: ______________ DATE________


The following questions will help you evaluate your

physical activity status. It will help you make decisions
concerning your health and fitness level. Answer the questions
as honestly as possible and use the scoring guide to help you
assess your physical activity status.
1. In the past week, how active were you while homeschooling?
a. I am just in front of my computer/gadget the whole day.
b. I walked around for a minute.
c. I ran and played a bit.
d. I ran and played most of the time.
(Students will start)
2. In the past week, how many days were you active for at least
60 minutes?
a. 0
b. 1-2 days Equate the following points for each
c. 3-4 days response to the questions above:
d. 5 or more days. a = 1 point
b = 2 points
3. In the past week, how many days did you spend watching TV c = 3 points
or playing video games for more than 2 hours? d = 4 points
a. 5 or more days
b. 3-4 days Score Rating
c. 1-2 days  Excellent if your score is above 24
d. 0 points
4. In the past week, I spent most of my leisure time  Good if your score is 15-23 points.
_________________.  Needs Improvement if your score is
a. Watching TV, playing video games, surfing the net/ 14 below
Facebook, and sleeping
b. Helping with household chores, cleaning my room.
c. Performing moderate-intensity sports, games, and dance.
What’s New 9
d. Performing high-intensity sports, games, and dance

5. In the past week, how many hours (average) in a day did you
spend playing video games and surfing the net/Facebook?
a. More than 4 hours
b. 3-4 hours
c. 1-2 hours
d. Less than an hour

6. In the past week, how many hours (in total) of your weekend
did you spend in moderate to high-intensity activities?
a. More than 4 hours
b. 3-4 hours
c. 1-2 hours
d. Less than an hour

7. In the past week, how many minutes (in total) do you

actually spend walking dancing or moving?
a. Less than 15 minutes
b. 15-30 minutes
c. 31-45 minutes
d. More than 45 minutes

8. In the past week, how would you classify your participation

in various physical activities?
a. Inactive
b. Lightly active
c. Moderately active (Students will raise their hands)
d. Very active
(Students will raise their hands)
Times up! Kindly now rate your score.
(Students will raise their hands)

Who got 24 points above?

Engage more in physical activities than
Who got 15-23 points? spending time doing nothing
How about 14 below?

(Teacher will ask students)

Based on the results of your score, what are your suggestions or

plans to improve your physical status?

Very good! For you to improve your physical status you have to
engage more in different physical activities than lying your bed,
browsing internet and doing online games. Because those are
actually not good for you particularly your health.


Now, we will be discussing about SELF-ASSESSMET ON

ONE’S DIET, particularly the Significance of Assessing is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood
Health-Related Fitness Components- Keeping the body vessels to supply oxygen to your body
physically active enables the body systems to function properly tissues during sustained physical activity
with vigor and alertness. Staying in shape allows the individual
to perform daily task efficiently and effectively resulting to
better output and performance.

We have here the different health-related fitness components,

the first one is cardiovascular endurance- kindly read…

 Walking.
When we say cardiovascular endurance is a measure of how  Running.
well you can do exercises that involve your whole body at  Jogging.
moderate to high intensity for an extended time.  Hiking.
 Swimming.
 Dancing.
Can you give one physical activity that will measure or assess  Cross country skiing.
your cardiovascular endurance?  Aerobics.

(Answer may vary)

Very good! How will you increase your cardiovascular

Engage in physical activities or exercises, starts in a simple

Muscular strength
way, you may start from a little as 10-15 minutes exercise then
30 minutes per day at least 3 times a week. Doing this should
is the average force that a muscle can
result in a measurable improvement in your cardiovascular
produce in one single effort. Gaining muscle
endurance. You may also pick something you enjoyed in doing
strength depends on factors such as gender,
such like walking, running, dancing, and swimming. These will
age and physical attributes inherited.
also help you improve your cardiovascular endurance.

The next one is we have muscular strength, kindly read…  Squat

 Push up

 Plank

 Abdominal crunch or curl-ups

What do you think are the activities or exercises that will assess
your muscular strength?  Lifting

Very good! By doing all of these you can improve muscular

strength and endurance by doing repetitive movements until the
point of exhaustion.
Muscular endurance the ability of the
muscle to keep working(contract) over a
The next one is muscular endurance. Kindly read... period of time

While muscular strength and muscular endurance are similar in

some ways, they have some key differences. Muscular strength
is determined by how much force you can exert or how much
weight you can lift. Building muscular strength uses heavier
weights for fewer repetitions. Muscular endurance refers to the
ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions against
resistance for an extended period of time.  Long distance running

Can you give me physical activities that build muscular  Cycling

 Swimming

Very good! In doing these physical activities you can improve

muscular strength and endurance as well by doing repetitive
movements until the point of exhaustion.

Next is we have flexibility. Kindly read… Flexibility is the ability to stretch

through the entire range of motion
and rotate the joints.
One simple test that you can use to assess your flexibility is seat
and reach. Later we will do this.

Body composition is the percentage of a human body's fat,

bone, water, and muscle; it's also the ratio of lean tissue to fat
tissue in the body.

Now, let us proceed to self-assessment activities for health-

related fitness.

The first one is, Modified Sit and Reach

are you familiar with this?

Yes sir
Objective: Assess lower back and hamstring
Equipment: Wall, meter stick, ruler and chalk
1. The student should sit on the floor with his or her back,
shoulders, and head against the wall, with the arms
straightened, and then put one hand on top of the other hand.
2. Fingertips of the hand are touching the floor, and then the
measuring instrument is placed from this point to specify point
zero. The heals are 12 inches apart.
3. Then the student will slowly bend and hold the position until
the measurement has been recorded. Then the student will
slowly go back to the starting position.

Who among you here have already an experience of knowledge

in how the proper execution of sit and reach?
(Students will raise their hands)
Can you show us how to execute this?
(Students will try to demonstrate)

Modified Sit and Reach (cm)

Rating Male Female

Poor <29.5 <32

Fair 29.5 32-36.5

Average 34-38 36.6-40

execellent >43 >42

1-Mile Run
Objective: To assess cardiovascular endurance
Equipment: Running track and stopwatch
Procedure: The goal is to finish the distance with the fastest
time possible. You can combine walking and running if you are
unable to

1-Minute Push-up Test

Objective: Assess the upper body/arm strength and endurance
Equipment: Mat, Stopwatch
1. Begin with the push-up position with your body supported by
your hands, shoulders width apart.
2. Lower your chest on the floor with your back straight then
go back to the starting position, execute as many push-ups as
you can without changing your pace.
3. Maintain a 90-degree angle of the elbows as it helps for good
execution. A score or point is then given for the performance.

Who among you here know how to execute push-ups?

Can you show us how to push-ups?

(Students will raise their hands)

(Student will demonstrate)

1-Minute Curl-Up Test

Objective: Assess abdominal muscle strength and endurance
Equipment: mat, a 4-inch strip or mark with a stick/cardboard/
tape, and ruler
How about this curl-ups, do you know to execute this?

Can you show us?

1. Start by lying on the floor or mat with arms straight and Yes sir
hands extended by your side, shoulders relaxed, palms down
and fingers straight, knees are bent, feet flat on the floor. (Student will demonstrate)
2. Once your partner says go, perform as many curl-ups as you
can at a steady pace with the correct position. Your partner
signals for a stop if he or she notice any incorrect form or
changes in your pace.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body mass index is one of the most demanding fitness
assessment tests today because in most of all the fields in
different professions, they use this as part of the physical
examination to assess if the person is healthy or unhealthy. It
evaluates a person in terms of height and weight to determine
total body mass.
Equipment: Weighting Scale, tape measure/ meter stick for the
1. Measure the subject’s body weight (kg) and height (m)
2. Calculate BMI using the formula below: Weight in kg,
Height in (m2)

What is the formula of BMI?

Weight= 68kg
Height= 1.65 m
Calculations: 68/ (1.65)2 = 24.98
Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
It is the ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the
hips. It measures the fat percentage distributed in the torso. A
high amount of fat located in the abdominal area has been found
to have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease than a low ratio.

Equipment: Tape measure

1. Measure the student’s waist at the smallest circumference
below the ribcage and above the umbilicus. 17
2. Make sure that the student must close his/her feet together,
then measure the largest circumference of the hips.

Waist measurement
Hip measurement

Make sure you use the same metric system unit for each
measurement either inches or centimeters.

Alright! Based on your own experience, what are the barriers

that holds you to not engage in physical activities?

Thank you!
(Answer may vary)
Here are the Barriers to Physical Activity Assessment
Participants, Modern technology has made people’s lives easy
and convenient, making them less active. People who walk
before or ride bicycle even motorcycles to travel even short

We have here the Personal Barriers, kindly read…

 Too busy to exercise

 Inconvenience of exercise

 Does not believe that he can be

physically active

 Know nearby convenient and safe

places for exercise
 Easily bored and does not enjoy
Environmental Barriers kindly read… exercise

 Considered fitness activities and the

monitoring and other things that go
with it a very hard task to accomplish
It must be considered that the place and setting where people
live is a great factor for their participation in a physical activity.  Fear of injury or trauma of recent
Seeing and talking to people who perform daily exercise may injury does not have encouragement
greatly influence a person’s desire to join in the activities support or companionship from
family and friends
Is everything clear to you class?
 Does nit motivate self to exercise

Do you have any question?

 Lack of parks
Alright! Let’s see how far you learn about our today this
afternoon.  Lack of road intended for bicycling
or jogging
Who can give me the different health-related fitness
components?  Lack of gym and equipment

Yes sir
Very good!

We also have two types of barriers to physical activity

assessment participants, what are those? None sir


Very good class! I guess you have really learned about our
lesson. Now we will have our physical fitness test. Kindly move (Students will raise their hands)
all your chairs on the side and seat down on the floor. We will Cardiovascular endurance
begin first in body composition under this is your BMI and Muscular strength
waist to hip ratio. After that is your cardiovascular endurance, Muscular endurance
we will have the 1-mile run. And it will be followed for Flexibility
muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility. But since we are Body composition
not allowed to have to conduct activity outside the classroom,
we will skip this 1-mile run. Is that clear? Are you ready?
Personal barriers
Environmental barriers
(Teacher will collect the physical fitness test sheets)

How did you find the activity?

What did you find out from your physical fitness test?

Yes sir.
(Easy, difficult)

(Answer may vary)

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. A health-related fitness component that deals with the ability of the muscle to continue to
perform without fatigue
a. muscular strength b. flexibility c. muscular endurance d. cardiovascular endurance
2. A physical fitness test that gets the ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips.
a. waist to hip ratio b. BMI c. environment d. curl-ups
3. What is the rating or implication of a male under 16-26 years old if he gets 28 push-ups in a
a. low b. good c. high d. good and high
4. What is the BMI of a 38 y/o man weighing 75kg and has a height of 160 cm?
a. 29.30 b. 29.29 c. 30.1 d. 28.29
5. Referring to question number 4, what is the man’s BMI rating or implication?
a. underweight b. normal c. overweight d. healthy range
6. If a woman is said to be at Low Risk, what is her waist to hip ratio?
a. <80 b. >120 c. 28.3 d. 28.2
7. A health-related fitness component wherein the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to
supply oxygen to your body tissues is being tested.
a. cardiovascular endurance b. muscular endurance c. flexibility d. muscular strength
8. What is the WHR of a person with a waist circumference of 75cm and 90cm hip
a. 80 cm b. 81 cm c. 83 cm d. 82 cm
9. BMI and WHR are both physical fitness test on what specific physical fitness component?
a. flexibility b. body composition c. muscular endurance d. strength
10. Two types of barriers why a person is unable to participate in physical activity
a. I do not have time b. environmental c. personal and environment d. personal
Answer key:
1. c 6. a
2. a 7. a
3. b 8. c
4. b 9. b
5. c 10. C

Research about The Principles of Physical Activities

Prepared by:

Practice Teacher
Teacher I
(Cooperating Teacher)

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