Gen Reflection Pre Cal
Gen Reflection Pre Cal
Gen Reflection Pre Cal
In my experience, during our first quarter I have learned a lot about the different types of conic
sections, how to solve their standard and general equations, how to identify their general equations,
different types of sequence and series, and sigma notation and its properties. For me, the lessons that
were easy to understand were solving the standard and general equations of the circle, parabola, and
sigma notation and its properties. But I also faced difficulties. Some lessons were confusing, but I was
still able to accomplish and understand the lesson. The most common mistake that I make is putting up
the wrong signs. Because once a single sign is incorrect, the whole thing is incorrect. But in light of all
this, I still enjoy learning Pre-Calculus because our adviser is an amazing educator of this subject. I am
very grateful to my adviser, who is our pre-calculus teacher, because as difficult as our subject may be,
at least he made pre-calculus bearable and I could understand the lessons. I know that these subjects
will help me in the future, and all of this will be worth it.