Upskilling-ReskillingYourRemoteWorkforce Ebook
Upskilling-ReskillingYourRemoteWorkforce Ebook
Upskilling-ReskillingYourRemoteWorkforce Ebook
What Are the Essential Tools and Requirements for Successfully Training Your Workforce Remotely?. . . . . . . . . 9
How Can eLearning Help Companies in Providing Effective Training to Their Remote Workforce? . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Initially, companies feared that the pressure of this new work setup would
be too great to handle. But over time, both the employers and employees
became comfortable with the digital and remote work environment. The
COVID pandemic made adopting remote work essential for companies.
And today, we are on the brink of what we can rightfully call “the global
work revolution.” Organizations are discovering that this new way of
working could be a wonderful option for the long term.
Today, organizations, both big and small, are discovering the benefits of
the remote work environment. Organizations are reimagining their work
culture and trying to blend remote work into the traditional workday. But
this brings another unique challenge to the table- how can companies
prepare their remote workforce to achieve their goals and be successful
while working away from the office?
That is where upskilling and reskilling come into the picture. By providing
effective training opportunities to their employees, companies can
improve their present condition while strengthening their future position.
As per the 2018 World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report2, almost On the other hand, when you decide to reskill your workforce, you are
75 million jobs are expected to be displaced by 2022 due to technological essentially preparing them to take on new job roles within the same
developments, an increase in automation, and other similar factors. organization. It is necessary when you want your employees to adapt to a
However, the same technological advances and new ways of working new role or fill a different job position.
could also create 133 million new job roles that would enable employees
to work together with machines and algorithms.
While upskilling and reskilling might sound like two similar terms, they
are very different inherently. According to the Cambridge Dictionary,
‘Upskilling is the process of learning new skills or of teaching workers new
skills.’ On the other hand, ‘reskilling is the process of learning new skills so
you can do a different job, or of training people to do a different job.’
2 World Economic Forum (2018, September 17). The Future of Jobs Report 2018.
3 LinkedIn Learning. (n.d.). 2020 Workplace Learning Report. Upskilling & Reskilling Your Remote Workforce | 5
Benefits of Upskilling &
Reskilling Your Workforce
Benefits of Upskilling & Reskilling Your Workforce
Both learning initiatives help employees to get better growth opportunities A report from TalentLMS presented an interesting fact. According to it,
and take their careers to new heights. They also help companies to make over the last year, 42% of companies have ramped up their upskilling and
the most of their employees’ talent, improve workplace culture, and reskilling efforts. Moreover, 74% of employees who didn’t get ample skill
increase employee retention. development opportunities said they wanted to switch their companies.
In the current tech-friendly era, it is vital to have a competent workforce LinkedIn Learning’s 2021 Workplace Learning Report revealed some
that is proficient in handling advanced technology and taking care interesting statistics.
of complex tasks. As per the World Economic Forum, at least 54% of
employees will need upskilling and reskilling by 2022.
The Key to Gen Z’s Heart is Career Growth.
Some of the most significant benefits of upskilling and reskilling your % of learners globally who agreed with the statements below.
workforce are listed below: 80
Gen Y wants to learn new skills to
70 move into a different function
(slightly more than Gen Z)
For example, JPMorgan Chase has made a global investment of $350 Gen Z: 1997 – 2012 (ages 9 – 24) Gen X: 1965 – 1980 (ages 41 – 56)
million to prepare its workforce for the future and meet the increasing Gen Y/Millenials: 1981 – 1996 (ages 25 – 40) Boomer: 1946 – 1964 (ages 57 – 75)
We are living in the digital age where technology impacts all aspects of This proves that modern-day employees are aware of their development
how organizations carry out their tasks. So, companies need to ensure needs and want their employers to take care of them. They are also ready
that their employees are equipped with advanced tools and techniques to to change companies if their current employer fails to provide them with
can carry out their jobs more efficiently and effectively. sufficient skill development opportunities.
Improve Your Reputation Empowering your workforce with effective training can help companies
enhance their staff members’ interpersonal and analytical skills. By
Employees that are up to date with the latest industry trends and insights providing them with necessary training and development opportunities,
are naturally better at their jobs. They are more confident and can achieve employers can help them grow both personally and professionally. A
goals faster. They are also more proactive and can identify solutions survey conducted by Training Journal revealed that 80% of the surveyed
before problems escalate. employees accept that upskilling/reskilling training has boosted their
Moreover, when a company has competent staff and refined culture, it
becomes more attractive to professionals in other organizations. This
improves a company’s reputation in the market, making it much easier for
them to retain and attract new talent. Make Organizational Changes Easier to Handle
Nobody can avoid changes—not business, not markets, and not even the
economy. We can only be prepared for them, and that’s what upskilling
Enhance Soft Skills and reskilling helps organizations do. Research by Training Journal showed
that almost 68% of organizations invest in reskilling and upskilling training
As technology continues to affect how we work, it is essential to focus programs to help employees handle changes within the organization.
on building employees’ soft skills. As businesses become more reliant on
automation and smart algorithms, abilities like communication, resilience, By improving the existing skills of their employees and providing them
networking, and critical thinking can suffer if those skills are not nurtured. with newer and more in-demand skills, organizations can avoid the
negative side of changes. When employees are equipped with advanced
With the growing demand for remote work and reliance on computers, knowledge and abilities, they become more confident while adjusting to
the chances of employees losing their soft skills increases. Leading new work environments. Instead of feeling clueless or helpless, they are
organizations are concerned about ensuring that their employees don’t prepared to face future challenges.
lose skills like confidence, teamwork, and effective communication while
working remotely.
The coronavirus pandemic caused an acceleration of automation and economic uncertainty that made many question the division of labor between
humans and machines.
Thus, it’s important to focus on providing necessary training to your workforce. Training a remote workforce can be tough and requires additional
measures and patience to get right. Organizations need to dedicate time and create solid training strategies to create a good L&D program for remote
employees. Additionally, employers need to invest in the right tools and eLearning skills to effectively carry out employee training programs.
When employees are away from their workplace, digital tools become their best learning companion. This section will explore the requirements and the
most in-demand tools that make providing remote training easier for employers.
Fortunately, social collaboration tools allow learners (or anyone for that
Video Conferencing Tools matter) to communicate seamlessly. These tools give your trainees a
Video conferencing software has taken over the world in the past year and chance to discuss assignments, projects, and lessons with their fellow
a half. Imagining remote work without a good video conferencing platform trainees virtually, facilitating instant messaging, file sharing, and several
is next to impossible. These platforms provide a personal touch that is other features.
hard to find in messaging or phone conversations.
Some of the most in-demand social collaboration tools are:
By leveraging video conferencing tools, trainers can connect with the » Slack
learners when they are not in the same room. They can talk to them » Microsoft Teams
face-to-face and walk them through important training procedures. It also
becomes easier to train multiple people together via a video conferencing » Skype for Business
As per Mio’s 2019 Workplace Messaging Report, the following are the most Learning Management Software (LMS)
popular collaboration tools used by organizations globally.
Investing in a good learning management software (LMS) is vital to
conducting virtual training. It provides organizations with a platform
Messaging Systems Commonly Used in the Workplace where they can host their training modules, quizzes, and upload video
and audio files. LMS also offer features like message boards, skill tracking,
certificate tracking, mobile learning, etc. All these components allow
trainees to learn together without any hassle.
Learning management software breaks down the whole online training
40% process into simpler pieces. This makes training more manageable and
easier to understand for your remote workforce. Further, organizations
30% can curate all the training content in one single place. This makes it easier
for learners to find and access whatever they require.
There are estimated to be 600-800 LMS that primarily serve the corporate
learning space and separate and distinct 600-800 LMS that primarily serve
0% the academic (K-12, college/university) market. And, each of these LMSs
Cisco Jabber Cisco Webex Teams Microsoft Teams Skype for Business Slack has niches that they best serve.
Messaging System
eLearning has seen a tremendous rise in its popularity over the last Organizations Can Use eLearning Platforms for
few years. It not only reduces training costs but also enhances the
effectiveness of organizational learning. As remote work becomes more Providing Micro-learning Lessons on Specific Topics
popular, more and more companies are going to find the benefits of to Trainees
eLearning in providing training to their employees.
Organizations can use eLearning platforms to give employees smaller
LinkedIn’s 2020 Workplace Learning report states that 57% of L&D experts lessons on basic topics more frequently. They can enhance those lessons
expect to spend more on online learning globally. with infographics, short videos, audio, etc. These are especially useful
when trainees are learning about a complex topic and need to revisit the
The following graph represents the projected growth of the global LMS basics multiple times. Bite-sized lessons on specific topics are a great way
market in the next couple of years. to help employees to grasp or revise a concept quickly and retain it for
2019 2021 2026 They can also collaborate with their fellow trainees and share their
North America Europe Asia Pacific
thoughts, knowledge, opinions, and ideas. This gives them a sense of
community, which promotes engagement and boosts their motivation.
eLearning platforms also allow mentors to guide learners in every step
through live video sessions.
Image Data Source
eLearning Allows Employers to Leverage Companies Can Make Training More Innovative by
Gamification in Their Training Programs Utilizing Elements like Videos, Podcasts, Audios, and
Gamification is emerging as a great way to boost the engagement and
motivation of your remote workforce. eLearning enables organizations Whether organizations want to sharpen the existing skills of their
to incorporate gaming elements like leaderboards, scores, power-ups, employees or empower them with new ones, being creative is important.
and incentives into learning modules. This makes training more fun and Just providing learners with Word documents and PDFs won’t be enough.
eLearning enables organizations to utilize innovative elements to enhance
For example, companies can award badges, certificates, or merchandise to their learning modules. Companies and training experts can use videos,
employees who successfully complete their L&D program. Organizations audio files, podcasts, and more to enrich their modules and make them
can also design incentives for trainees who dedicate the most hours to more interesting.
their training.
Embedding videos and audio files in training lessons are also a great way
By including gamification in their L&D programs, companies motivate to present a topic or explain a procedure virtually. Further, videos have
trainees to perform better than everyone else. Another advantage more chances of attracting and retaining a learner’s attention than plain
of gamification is that it allows learners to assess their strengths and text.
weaknesses on their own and improve their performance.
Employee skill development has become the need of the hour. It not only
provides companies with a highly skilled workforce but also maximizes
productivity and increases ROI. In the words of Jamie Dimon, Chairman,
and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., “The new world of work is about skills,
not necessarily degrees.”
LinkedIn’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report states that 51% of L&D experts
plan to launch upskilling programs in their companies, while 41% of them
are looking forward to introducing reskilling programs. Furthermore,
the company’s 2021 Workplace Learning Report revealed that 59% of
L&D experts recognized these programs as their top priority in 2021 and
Remote work is here to stay. And so are eLearning and virtual training.
Both trainees and trainers are convinced about the efficacy and benefits
of eLearning for developing workplace skills. Adopting eLearning tools
and techniques might seem overwhelming at first. However, leveraging
them for your training programs is imperative for the success of your
9. Ivec, S. (2021, May 14). Skill Up Your Employee for the Future. https://, 3, 6