Saes J 400
Saes J 400
Saes J 400
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
3 References..................................................... 2
4 General Design Requirements....................... 3
5 Thermowells................................................... 4
6 Thermocouple Instruments............................. 6
7 Resistance Temperature
Detector (RTD) Instruments................. 10
8 Filled System Instruments............................ 13
9 Bimetallic Instruments.................................. 15
1 Scope
This Standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing the design and
installation of temperature instrumentation systems. Temperature measurement
associated with bulk storage tank automatic tank gauging (ATG) systems is covered in
SAES-J-300, “Level,” and is excluded from this Standard.
2.1 Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
General Supervisor, Process Instrumentation Division, Process & Control
Systems Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the General Supervisor, Process Instrumentation
Division, Process & Control Systems Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
4.4 Transmitters
5 Thermowells
5.1 General
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
mechanical protection sleeve shall be considered for the sensors in the area
where there is possibility of damage such as pump bearings.)
5.2 Design
5.2.1 When process temperatures are less than 535°C and pressure-
temperature design conditions do not require an ANSI Class 900 or
higher flange, threaded or flanged thermowells may be used. If process
temperatures exceed 535°C or the pressure-temperature design
conditions require an ANSI Class 900 or greater flange, flanged
thermowells shall be used.
5.2.2 Weld-in thermowells shall only be used when ASME or Saudi Aramco
standards or specifications require welded connections.
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
5.2.9 For process vessels and columns, the maximum insertion length shall be
600 mm (24 inches).
5.3.2 For Flanged Thermowells, where the calculated U-length ends up being
too short for good heat transfer, external dimensions such as root and tip
diameter may be increased to lower the wake frequency and increase the
resonant frequency. Collars shall not be used.
Pressure and static stress effects may combine with wake frequency
vibration to cause failure of thermowells.
6 Thermocouple Instruments
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
6.2.3 Thermocouples shall be installed in thermowells such that the end of the
thermocouple is in contact with the bottom of the thermowell. Spring-
loaded thermocouples are preferred to insure positive contact with the
6.2.4 Dual element thermocouples are permitted when their intended function
is to provide a spare thermocouple element for a single receiving
instrument. A dual element thermocouple shall not be used to provide
separate signals to different instruments or redundant inputs to a logic
control system.
6.3.1 Thermocouple extension wire shall be suitable for the specific type of
thermocouple being connected. Thermocouple extension wire shall meet
the requirements of ISA/ANSI MC96.1 and 34-SAMSS-913 and shall be
installed in accordance with SAES-J-902. Each pair shall be
individually twisted and shielded.
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
6.3.2 For grounded thermocouples, the extension wire shield drain wire shall
be grounded at the thermocouple head. The continuity of the shield shall
be maintained through junction boxes and transitions from single pair to
multipair cables. The shield and drain wire shall be cut and secured
(insulated) at the receiving instrument end of the extension wire.
6.3.3 For ungrounded thermocouples, the extension wire shield drain wire
shall be grounded at the receiving instrument end to the instrument
circuit ground. The continuity of the shield shall be maintained through
junction boxes and transitions from single pair to multipair cables.
The shield and drain wire shall be cut and secured (insulated) at the
thermocouple end of the extension wire.
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Transmitters
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
6.4.3 Switches Application
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
7.2.1 RTDs shall be insulated with packed magnesium oxide and protected
with a ¼-inch o.d., 316 stainless steel sheath. Alternative sheath
metallurgy may be used if required by process conditions. Alternative
metallurgy shall be approved by the Materials Engineering Unit of CSD.
7.2.2 Three-wire RTDs shall be used to eliminate lead wire resistance effects
from the temperature measurement. For temperature measurement
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
7.2.3 RTDs shall be installed in thermowells such that the end of the RTD is in
contact with the bottom of the thermowell. Spring-loaded RTDs are
preferred to insure positive contact with the thermowell.
7.2.4 Dual element RTDs are permitted when their intended function is to
provide a spare RTD element for a single receiving instrument. A dual
element RTD shall not be used to provide separate signals to different
instruments or redundant inputs to a logic control system.
7.2.5 Extension wire for RTD signals shall consist of shielded, twisted triad
copper conductors meeting the requirements of 34-SAMSS-913.
Wiring shall be installed in accordance with SAES-J-902.
7.2.6 The extension wire shield drain wire shall be grounded at the receiving
instrument end to the instrument circuit ground. The continuity of the
shield shall be maintained through junction boxes and transitions from
single pair to multipair cables. The shield and drain wire shall be cut and
secured (insulated) at the RTD end of the extension wire.
7.2.7 The overall shield of a multicore RTD extension cable shall be grounded
to the instrument circuit ground at the receiving instrument end.
7.2.8 Due to expected high vibration, RTDs shall not be used on the discharge
flange of a gas compressor.
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Transmitters
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
7.3.3 Switches Application RTD switches shall meet the NFPA 70 NEC hazardous area
requirements of the intended installation.
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
8.1.1 Filled system temperature sensing instruments shall be used only for
noncritical, local control and/or indication, where precise temperature
control is not necessary.
Commentary Note:
Due to the lower accuracy and repeatability associated with filled systems
compared to thermocouple or RTD-based sensors, as well as the
distance limits dictated by capillary length, filled systems should be
limited to local control or indication.
8.1.2 The fill fluid may be either liquid or gas, depending on the temperature
range of the process being measured.
8.2.1 The filled system shall consist of a sensing bulb connected via capillary
to the instrument.
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
Commentary Note:
8.3.1 Transmitters
8.3.2 Switches Application
8.3.3 Thermometers
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
Commentary Note:
9 Bimetallic Instruments
9.1 Thermometers
9.1.2 Thermometers shall have a ¼-inch o.d., 316 stainless steel stem.
Alternative stem metallurgy may be used if required by process
conditions. Alternative metallurgy shall be approved by the Materials
Engineering Unit of CSD.
9.1.4 The thermometer stem shall be in contact with the bottom of the
9.1.5 Dial size shall be 127 mm. The angle of view and orientation of the dial
shall be adjustable. The dial shall be readable from grade, platform or
permanent ladder and shall face the point where any corrective action
will be taken.
9.1.6 When subject to vibration, thermometers shall be sealed and filled with
silicone oil.
9.2 Switches
9.2.1 Application
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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-400
Issue Date: 10 October 2011
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2016 Temperature
9.2.2 Bimetallic temperature switches shall meet the NFPA 70 NEC hazardous
area requirements of the intended installation.
Revision Summary
28 June 2009 Minor revision to reference PIP Temperature Measurement Guideline, PCETE001.
Revised the "Next Planned Update".
10 October 2011 Revised the "Next Planned Update." Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and
reissued with minor revision to disallow the use of collars as a mean of shortening the
insertion length “U”.
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