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User Manual SmartAir LITE

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Original User Manual

SmartAir LITE

EN March 2011
1.0 Safety Warning

2.0 Version revision notes

3.0 General description

3.1 SmartAir
3.2 SmartAir LITE
3.3 SmartAir LITE RS485
3.4 SmartAir LITE iPCB (I/O)
3.5 SmartAir LITE network card options

4.0 User interface

4.1 Device human interface
4.2 Device keypad assignment
4.3 Device LED assignments
4.4 Device initialisation
4.5 Device graphic user interface
4.6 Default mode navigation
4.7 Menu mode navigation
4.8 Menu mode map

5.0 SmartAir LITE commissioning procedure

6.0 Glossary of features, functions and terms used

6.1 Glossary of language codes
6.2 Glossary of message codes
6.3 Glossary of Controller ID’s supported via RS485

7.0 Help and Support

7.1 What you need to do before seeking help and support
7.2 Where to go for help and support
7.3 Declaration of conformity

Limit of Liability

The publisher and the author make no

representation or warranties with respect to the
accuracy or completeness of the contents of this
work and specifically disclaim all warranties,
including without limitation warranties of fitness for a
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Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable
for damages arising here from. The fact that an
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information does not mean that the author or the
publisher endorses the information the organisation Airbus485 and the Airbus485 logo are trademarks
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make. Further, readers should be aware that Controls NV. All other trademarks are the property
internet websites listed in this work may have of their respective owners.
changed or disappeared between when this work
was written and when it is read. All rights reserved.

Page 1
GD' or its suppliers' liability to Customer, whether in
IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, exceed
THIS AGREEMENT, RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE the price paid by Customer. The foregoing limitations shall
PLACE OF PURCHASE. apply even if the above-stated warranty fails of its
essential purpose.
Gardner Denver Deutchland GmbH hereinafter referred as
GD and its suppliers grant to Customer ("Customer") a The above warranty DOES NOT apply to any beta
nonexclusive and non-transferable single user license to software, any software made available for testing or
use the GD software ("Software") in object code form demonstration purposes, any temporary software modules
solely on a single Airmaster™ product. or any software for which GD does not receive a license
fee. All such software products are provided AS IS without
PART, SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION; MODIFY This License is effective until terminated. Customer may
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ASSEMBLE ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE including any documentation. This License will terminate
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Software, including technical data, is subject to Belgium
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GD warrants that for a period of ninety (90) days from the

date of shipment from GD the Software substantially
conforms to its published specifications. Except for the
foregoing, the Software is provided AS IS. This limited
warranty extends only to Customer as the original
licensee. Customer's exclusive remedy and the entire
liability of GD and its suppliers under this limited warranty
will be, at GD or its service centre’s option, repair,
replacement, or refund of the Software if reported (or,
upon request, returned) to the party supplying the product
to Customer. In no event does GD warrant that the
Software is error free or that Customer will be able to
operate the Software without problems or interruptions.

This warranty does not apply if the software (a) has been
altered, except by GD, (b) has not been installed,
operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with
instructions supplied by GD, (c) has been subjected to
abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse, negligence,
or accident, or (d) is used in ultra hazardous activities.






Page 2
Section 1: Safety Warning: (regardless of make or manufacturer)

Do not operate the SmartAir LITE until you 3.5 SmartAir LITE network card options
and all personnel concerned have read and
understood this software manual and the SmartAir LITE network card options are
respective product hardware documentation available.

Operation may only be done by trained SmartAir LITE network cards support
personnel according to safe engineering networking with network protocols not directly
practises and with the observance of all supported by SmartAir LITE e.g. MODBUS,
relevant local health and safety requirements Profibus or DeviceNet etc
and regulations.
Section 4: User interface
A requirement of fault-free operation and
fulfilment of any right to claim under guarantee 4.1 Device human interface
is that documentation is observed.

This document is subject to changes without

notice, if in doubt, do not proceed!

Section 2: Version Revision notes:

Version Revision notes

E** Phase 1 release

Section 3: General description

3.1 SmartAir

CompAir’s flexible, easy to use and cost 4.2 Device keypad assignment
effective range of air compressor control and
management products. Key: image Key: Function
3.2 SmartAir LITE

The SmartAir LITE is a specialised supervisory Stop

and control product designed to provide
energy efficient optimised pressure and Reset
sequence control of up to 4 air compressors
operating in a common compressed air Enter
3.3 SmartAir LITE RS485
Each air compressor in the system can be
integrated with the SmartAir LITE using RS485
where supported. A list of controller ID’s that Escape
support RS485 can be found in this user
4.3 Device LED assignment
3.4 SmartAir LITE iPCB (I/O)
Device Run Indicator (Green LED)
Each air compressor in the system can be
integrated with the SmartAir LITE using an
OFF – Not Active, Stopped
iPCB (interface printed circuit board) that is Slow Flash: Active, Standby
designed to enable connection to almost any Mode
positive displacement air compressor ON – Active, Running

Page 3
Device Fault Indicator (Red LED)
Standby (or Auto Restart)
Flash: Shutdown (Trip) Running Off load
ON – Alarm (Warning) Running On load
Inhibited from use in Table
4.4 Device initialisation
Service Maintenance Active
At device initialisation, all display graphic Alarm (Warning)
elements and LED indicators are switched on
Not Available (Stopped, Shutdown, Trip)
for three seconds (display test mode), the
display will then show the software version for
a further 3 seconds before initialisation is 4.6 ‘Default mode’ navigation
complete and the default display (Home Page
P00) is displayed. Display Item Structure:

4.5 Device graphical user interface To view status or values, that are not
immediately visible on the display screen,
Default mode (‘Home Page’ P00): press the UP or DOWN key.

‘Home Page’ P00 items cannot be adjusted.

a b

BAR Menu ‘Items’ can be selected using the UP or
DOWN keys at any time. Pressing the ENTER
c key will lock a selected Item display and inhibit
d 1 return to the default display. When an Item
10:35 e
display is locked the lock key symbol will be
f 1 2 3 4 shown. To unlock an Item display press UP or
g DOWN to view an alternative Item display or
press RESET or ESCAPE key.
If a message condition occurs the message
code becomes the first list item and the display
a) System Pressure Value
will automatically display the message code.
b) System pressure Units
More than one active message code item can
c) Device Status
exist at any one time and can be viewed by
pressing UP or DOWN keys. The most recent
‘active’ fault will be at the top of the list.
Started and Running Adjustable value, parameter or option item
displays are grouped into ‘menu mode’ lists.
d) Device Active Functions To access ‘menu mode’ lists an access code
must be entered.
Equal Hours Run
4.6 ‘Menu mode’ PIN access code
First In First Out
To access menu mode, simultaneously press
Timer Rotation the UP and DOWN keys; a PIN access code
Power Failure Auto-Restart entry display screen is shown and the first
code character will flash.

Pre fill function

Pressure schedule function

Function Inhibited 0000

e) Time
f) Compressor Number Use the UP or DOWN keys to adjust the value
g) Compressor Sequence Assignment of the first code character then press ENTER.
h) Compressor Status The next code character will flash; Repeat for

Page 4
all four code characters.
Page 0 Page 1
Use 0 if the code is less than 1000. e.g. 0011
Page 2
Item 1 Value
Page 3
To return to a previous code character press Item 2
Item 3
Page 4
ESCAPE. When all four code characters have Item 4
Item 5
Value Page 5
been set to an authorized code number press Item 6 Value Item 5 Value


All menu items have a unique reference

consisting of the menu page ID (a) and the
Access Code Accepted
menu page item number (b). Each item in a
menu also has a unique two alphanumeric
character code (c). All three references are
Access Code Rejected visible at the top of every menu item display.

An invalid code will return the display to a b c

default mode
P01 01.02 AB
Access Code Timeout:
Some menu items may consist of several
When in menu mode, if no key activity is individual settings. Each setting of the menu
detected for a period of time the access code item is also referenced as a sub-item number.
is cancelled and the display will automatically For example: P01-01.02 references sub-item
reset to the default display. ‘02’ of menu item ‘01’ in menu page ‘P01’.
Sub-item settings, where applicable, are
4.7 ‘Menu mode’ navigation: always displayed together on the same ‘Item’
adjustment display screen. Most menu items
The menu ‘page’ number will be highlighted at are single value or single option only in which
the top of the display. case the single item is referenced as sub-item
number ‘01’ (for example: P01-01.01).
Press and hold RESET for several
To select a menu ‘page’ press UP or DOWN. seconds to immediately exit menu mode and
To enter the indicated menu ‘page’ press return to the default display.
ENTER; the first item of the menu ‘page’ will
be highlighted. Press UP or DOWN to scroll The SmartAir LITE will retain an ‘access
though the selected menu ‘page’ items. code’ for a short period after menu exit
allowing the menu structure to be re-entered
To select an item value or parameters for edit without the need to re-enter the access code
press ENTER; an adjustment screen for the again. To immediately clear access code
item will be displayed. retention press and hold RESET for several
The value or option can now be modified by
pressing UP or DOWN. To enter a modified
value or options into memory press ENTER. A ‘locked’ symbol displayed with any item
indicates the item is locked and cannot be
Page 0 Page 1 modified. This will occur if the Item is view
Item 1 Value
Page 2 only (not adjustable) or in instances where the
Item 2
Item 3
Page 3 Item 1
Item 2
item cannot be adjusted while the SmartAir
Page 4
Item 4
Item 5
Value Page 5
Item 3
Item 4
LITE is in an operational state; stop the
Item 6 Value Item 5 Value
SmartAir LITE first.

Press ESCAPE at any time in menu mode to

step backwards one stage in the navigation
process. Pressing ESCAPE when the page
number is flashing will exit menu mode and
return the display to default mode.

Page 5
4.8 Menu mode map (Display menus will vary based on device configuration)

Access key: Code: 0011 Code: 0032

T01 – CONFIG TO1 – CONFIG P01 – Pressure schedule P01 – Pressure schedule P02 – Pre fill P02 – Pre fill CONFIG
Display and Description Display and Description CONFIG Display and Description
01 High pressure set point 01 Pre fill Function
T01 P01 P02
08 04 1 04 28 28 - . --:-- --- 07 04 X
01 PH 7.0 bar 01 01 - . --:-- --- 01 PF X
02 PL 6.8 bar 02 02 - . --:-- --- 02 PT - MIN
03 Pm 0 bar 03 03 - . --:-- --- 03 PP 0 BAR
04 SQ TR ( ) 04 04 - . --:-- --- 04 01 X

PH = High Pressure Set Point. PF = Pre fill Function.

The ‘upper’ or ‘unload’ pressure Determines the ‘Pre fill’ strategy
set point that will be used when or function that will be used at
the SmartAir LITE is started or equipment start up.
= Back up mode
! X = Standard mode

02 Low pressure set point PL = Low Pressure Set Point. 02 Pre fill time PT = Pre fill time. Sets the
The ‘lower’ or ‘load’ pressure set maximum time allowed for
point that will be used when the system ‘Pre fill’ during equipment
SmartAir LITE is started or active. start up

03 Minimum pressure Pm = Minimum Pressure Alarm. 03 Pre fill pressure PP = Pre fill Pressure
alarm The minimum pressure ‘Warning’ If pressure is at, or above, this
or ‘Alarm’ level that will be used setting at equipment start up the
when the ‘Table’ is active. pre fill function will be ignored

04 Rotation mode LR = Control strategy. The active 04 Compressor 1 01 ~ 04 = Compressor 1 to 4

control strategy that will be used
when the SmartAir LITE is started The function of compressor 1 to 4
or active. during the ‘Pre fill’ period.

Equal hours run

Page 6
First in first out
= Do not use
Timer rotation
05 Comp 1 priority config 01 = The ‘priority’ setting for 05 Compressor 2 = Use for primary pre fill
compressor 1 ! = Use for emergency pre fill
06 Comp 2 priority config 02 = The ‘priority’ setting for 06 Compressor 3
compressor 2
07 Comp 3 priority config 03 = The ‘priority’ setting for 07 Compressor 4
compressor 3
08 Comp 4 priority config 04 = The ‘priority’ setting for
compressor 4
09 Clock set Ct = Real time clock set (Hours,
Minutes, Date, Month, Year)

The ‘Day of the Week’ (1=

Monday to 7=Sunday) is
automatically calculated and set in
accordance with the Day, Month
and Year.
10 Pressure schedule PS = Pressure schedule enable /
enable inhibit:

= inhibit pressure schedule

= enable pressure schedule
11 Auto Restart enable AR = Power failure auto restart
enable / inhibit:

= inhibit auto restart

= enable auto restart

The SmartAir LITE will only

automatically restart when power
is restored if the SmartAir LITE
was in an operational (i.e. Started)
when the power loss or disruption

12 Rotation interval RP = Rotation interval

Sets the equipment ‘Rotation’

interval or time.

Page 7
13 Display backlight level BL = Display Backlight Adjust
Adjustable: 1 to 7, default = 5
The display will temporarily
increase brightness by 2 levels
when a key is pressed and return
to default setting after a period of
no keypad activity.
C01 – Comp run hours C01 – Comp run hours C02 – Comp CONFIG C02 – Comp CONFIG D01 – Diagnostics D01 – Diagnostics
Display and configuration Display and configuration Display and description
01 Comp 1 run hours 01 Comp 1 config 01 Digital input 1
02 Comp 2 run hours C01 02 Comp 2 config C02 02 Digital input 2 D01
03 Comp 3 run hours 03 Comp 3 config 03 Digital input 3 20 Ao 4.00 mA
04 Comp 4 run hours 01 01 0 hrs 04 Comp 4 config 01 01 I-PCB 04 Digital input 4 01 D1 0
02 02 0 hrs 02 02 I-PCB 02 D2 0
03 03 0 hrs 03 03 I-PCB 03 D3 1
04 04 0 hrs 04 04 I-PCB 04 D4 2

01 ~ 04 = Record of detected C02 01.01 01 The SmartAir LITE is equipped

‘running’ hours for each with comprehensive diagnostic
compressor. The run hour’s value functions. Each input can be
can be manually adjusted, at any 10 sec examined individually and each
time, to match the actual running output can be manually activated
hours of each compressor. or manipulated individually.

Digital inputs:
I/O config:
= OFF (open circuit)
Delcos1000, 3000, 3100L, R, = ON (closed circuit)
DH, Miniscan, Surescan, = Pulsing
Hydrovane, Airpilot, Digipilot, The pulse signal from an ‘i-PCB’
Smartpilot, Airbus485™, iPCB is 0V to 24VDC at 50/60Hz. A
I/O typical DC voltage meter, or multi
meter, will detect this as 12VDC
Start time:
Relay outputs:
Configure to match the time
taken between a compressor Each relay output can be
stopped state to a compressor energised and de-energised
load state (typically main manually by selecting it. Use UP
motor star delta time). (plus) and DOWN (minus) to

Page 8
adjust and ENTER.

This time is used by SmartAir Analogue Inputs:

LITE for ‘staggered starting’ of
multiple compressors. An The item will alternate between
accurate value is important. the detected value and the
electrical measurement on the
controller input terminals. An
iPCB alarm input: independent measuring device
can be used to check the
The voltage detection function displayed electrical
for the ‘i-PCB’ Alarm input can measurement.
be inverted
A1: System Pressure, 4-20mA
+V=! A2:Digital Input #9, voltage
A3:Auxiliary Digital Input, voltage
An Alarm condition is
generated if the ‘i-PCB’ Alarm A2 and A3 on SmartAir LITE
input detects a voltage are configured for use as digital
between 12-250Vac/dc inputs
Analogue Output:
The analogue output can be
An Alarm condition is manually adjusted. Use UP (plus)
generated if the ‘i-PCB’ Alarm and DOWN (Minus) to adjust and
input detects no voltage. ENTER. The output will return to
05 Digital input 5 normal operational value upon
06 Digital input 6 menu exit.
07 Digital input 7
08 Digital input 8
09 Digital input 9
10 Digital input 10
01 Relay output 1
12 Relay output 2
13 Relay output 3
14 Relay output 4
15 Relay output 5
16 Relay output 6
17 Analogue input 1
18 Analogue input 2
19 Analogue input 3

Page 9
20 Analogue output 1
E01 – Error Log E01 – Error Log S01 - Configuration S01 – Configuration S02 – Sensor S02 – Sensor calibration
Display and description Display and description calibration Display and description
01 Error log 1 01 Pressure units 01 Pressure offset
... E01 S01 S02
15 -: --- . -- 10 ER X
15 Error log 15 01 P> BAR
01 E : ERR . 01 0 1 0 BA
02 -:--- . -- 02 NC 4
0 1 16. BA
03 PM 10.0 BAR
03 -:--- . --
04 CF X
04 -:--- . --

P> = Display pressure units:

Presented in chronological order 1O = Pressure sensor offset
Entry 01 = most recent
02 Number of compressors NC = Configures the number 02 Pressure range 1R = Pressure sensor range
Each error log item will show the
of compressors connected to,
error code. To view details for the
and controlled by, the Configuration:
selected error log item press
SmartAir LITE. This value
ENTER. The first information
must be configured during Initially set the ‘Offset’ (minimum)
display shows the:
commissioning. to the minimum or lowest
pressure value for the sensor.
E01 01.01
Set the ‘Range’ (maximum) to the
E: ERR.01 maximum or highest value for the
16/05/2006 14:25 sensor.

a) The Error Code a) Offset: Expose the sensor to

b) Any Error Code symbol atmosphere and adjust the
c) The Error date ‘offset’ setting (if necessary) until
d) The Error time the detected pressure display
e) The active operational shows 0.0bar (0psi).

functions of the SmartAir LITE at b) Range: Apply an accurately

the time the error occurred; (see: know pressure to the pressure
SmartAir LITE Status Display) sensor and adjust the ‘Range’
setting until the detected
To return to the main error log pressure display matches the
menu screen press ESCAPE. To applied pressure. An applied
view the second information pressure equal too, or greater
screen press ENTER. than, the nominal system working
pressure is recommended.

Page 10
E01 01.01 The detected pressure is
1 2 3 4 displayed with the calibration
menu item and will change to
match the new calibration setting
The operational status of each as the setting is adjusted.
compressor, at the time the error
occurred, is displayed There is no need for the
symbolically (see: Compressor applied pressure to be static; it
Status Displays). can be dynamic and changing.
This enables calibration to be
To return to the first information carried out on a fully operational
screen press ENTER or ESCAPE. system where changing system
pressure can be accurately
verified from another source.

Correct pressure sensor set-

up and calibration is critical for
successful system operation. It is
recommended that pressure
sensor calibration is examined,
and adjusted if necessary,
annually or a pre-determined
routine periodic basis.
03 Maximum pressure PM = Maximum Pressure
alarm Alarm
High pressure ‘Fault’ level.
This value remains active at
all times. Set just below
system pressure relief value(s)
and below the maximum
system pressure rating of all
air system components
04 Stop control function CF = Stop Control Function
Determines if the SmartAir
LITE maintains control of the
compressors when the
SmartAir LITE is stopped.

= Return to local
= Maintain control
(maintains SmartAir LITE
Page 11
control and continuously holds
equipment ‘off load’)
05 Tolerance TO = Tolerance:

The pressure control

‘Tolerance’ band setting.
06 Damping DA = Damping

The pressure control

‘Damping’ setting.
07 Auxiliary input function
S02 08.01 AI

AI = The function of the
Auxiliary input.

TS = Override > Standby

SS = Remote Start/Stop **
AA = Remote Alarm (always
AR = Remote Alarm (active
when unit running, inhibited
when unit stopped or in
TA = Remote Trip (always
TR = Remote Trip (active
when unit running, inhibited
when unit stopped or in

NO (Normally Open):

The selected function is

activated when the input is
closed circuit (input terminals
are connected together by
remote volt-free contacts)

Page 12
NC (Normally Closed):

The selected function is

activated when the input is
open circuit (input terminals
are open circuit)

** Remote Start/Stop
Remote Start and Stop
commands are activated by a
‘change of state’ of the
Auxiliary input (a transition
from open circuit to closed
circuit or vice versa). The local
panel Start and Stop functions
remain active; both local and
remote Start/Stop functions
will function. The most recent
command, from a local or
remote source, will override
any previous command, from
a local or remote source.

The Remote Start/Stop

function can be selected for
normally open (NO) or
normally closed (NC)
operation. For ‘fail safe’
operation select normally
closed (NC); the SmartAir
LITE will start if the Auxiliary
input changes state from
‘open circuit’ to ‘closed circuit’
and stop if the input changes
state from ‘closed circuit’ to
‘open circuit’. Any remote
cabling or switch contact
failure that results in an open
circuit condition will stop the
SmartAir LITE.
08 Auxiliary output function

Page 13
S02 09.01 AO

AO = Auxiliary Output

AF = Any Fault
Any Alarm (Warning),
Shutdown (Trip) or
Compressor Not Available.
AT = Any Trip any Shutdown
(Trip) or Compressor Not
CF = Compressor Fault
Any compressor Alarm
(Warning), Shutdown (Trip) or
Not Available
CA = Compressor Alarm. Any
compressor Alarm (Warning)
CT = Compressor Trip. Any
compressor Shutdown (Trip)
or Not Available
SF = System Fault Any unit
Alarm (Warning) or Shutdown
ON = System On
Unit Started and Active,
including Pre-Fill period and
Standby (not active when unit
SA = System Active
Unit Active, including Pre-Fill
period (not active when unit
stopped or in standby)
SP = System Pressure Control
Active Unit Active excluding
Pre-Fill (not active when unit
stopped, or in standby, or in
Pre-Fill mode)
LP = Low Pressure Alarm

Page 14
HP = High Pressure Alarm
PO = Pressure Control
Override Normal, or Pressure
Schedule’ operation is being
manually overridden

NO (Normally Open):

The auxiliary output relay

contacts are normally open
and will close circuit when the
set function is active or true.

NC (Normally Closed):

The auxiliary output relay

contacts are normally closed
and will open circuit when the
set function is active or true; or
in the event of a SmartAir
LITE shutdown or power
supply disruption.

The contacts of the

Auxiliary output relay are rated
for 115V (UL), 240V (CE), at 5
Amps maximum.
09 Error log reset ER = Error log reset

Clears and resets the ‘Error

Log’. Adjust the item setting to
‘RST’ and press ENTER. The
setting will return to normal
and all existing entries in the
error log will be permanently

Page 15
5.0 SmartAir LITE commissioning procedure

Procedure Description Additional information

When commissioning the SmartAir LITE, carry out the following procedures before attempting to start the

Physical Checks...

Before applying power to the SmartAir LITE ensure that the power supply connections are correct and
secure and that the operating voltage selector is set correctly for the power supply voltage in use; 115Vac
or 230Vac (+-10%), 50/60Hz.

Open the front panel of the SmartAir LITE and check the location of the link wire(s) connected to the
‘Voltage Selection’ terminals of the power supply PCB. If necessary, change the link wire locations to
those illustrated for the voltage in use

Switch the power supply to the SmartAir LITE ON

The control program identification will be displayed for a short period followed by the default mode display
It is recommended that an
Check the displayed system pressure. If the pressure is incorrect, or inaccurate, check the type and range authorised and trained product
of the sensor and carry out the pressure sensor commissioning and calibration procedure described in installer carry out commissioning
menu mode S02 of the menu mode map.

Unit configuration...

Before successful basic operation can be established the following parameters must be set in the order
shown to suit installation requirements:

Features and Functions; Menu Items

S01 - NC Number of Compressors

S01 - PM Maximum Pressure Alarm
S01 - CF Stop Control Function
C02 – 01/04 Compressor #1-4 Configuration
C01 - 01/04 Compressor #1-4 Running Hours
T01 - PH High Pressure Set Point
T01 - PL Low Pressure Set Point
Page 16
T01 - Pm Minimum Pressure Alarm
T01 – LR Control strategy
T01 – 01/04 Compressor #1-4 Priority
T01 - Ct Real Time Clock Set
T01 - AR Auto Restart Enable
T01 - RP Rotation Interval

Installation requirements may also involve the implementation of additional or optional functions and
features; implement as required.

6.0 Glossary of features, functions and terms used

Function Description Additional information

The SmartAir LITE provides three basic sequence control strategies or modes. Each
sequence control strategy consists of two sub strategies:
strategy 1) The compressor ‘Rotation’ strategy
2) The compressor load ‘Control’ strategy

The ‘Rotation’ strategy defines how the compressors are re-arranged, or re-ordered, in to a
new sequence at each routine ‘Rotation’ event. Rotation events are triggered by a cyclic
strategy interval time, a set time of day each day, or a set time of day once a week.

The compressor load ‘Control’ strategy defines how the compressors are utilised in
response to variations in system pressure.

Compressor Sequence Arrangements:

Each compressor in a system is initially assigned to the SmartAir LITE with a fixed and
Compressor unchanging number reference, 1 to 4.
load control
strategy The ‘duty’ that a compressor is assigned in any set ‘Rotation’ sequence arrangement is
defined by a letter, A to D.

A = the ‘Duty’ compressor, the first to be utilised.

B = The ‘Standby’ compressor, the second to be utilised.
C = The ‘Second Standby’ compressor, the third to be utilised.
D = The ‘Third Standby’ compressor, the forth to be utilised.

Page 17
Compressor ‘duty’ assignments are reviewed, and re-arranged as appropriate in
accordance with the selected rotation strategy, at each rotation event.

Each compressor connected to the SmartAir LITE will have a unique assigned compressor
Compressor identification number; starting at compressor 1 increasing sequentially to the number of 1
identification compressors connected to the SmartAir LITE.

The primary function of the SmartAir LITE’s pressure control strategy is to maintain system
pressure between the ‘High Pressure’ set point (PH) and the ‘Low Pressure’ set point (PL)
in conjunction with targeting optimum achievable system energy efficiency. The SmartAir
LITE calculates a ‘Target’ pressure level, the mid-point between the two set points (PT),
which is used as the nominal ‘target’ pressure level for the system. When system pressure a
increases to the High Pressure set point (a) a compressor is unloaded. Pressure is allowed
to decrease to the Low Pressure set point (b) before a compressor is loaded again to add
capacity output and increase pressure. This process will continue under a steady demand PL
for air in a continuous stable cycle.

If demand for air is abruptly, or significantly, increased, and the capacity output of the
compressor loaded at the Low Pressure set point (b) is insufficient, the pressure will
continue to decrease at a reduced rate. The SmartAir LITE will accommodate for this event
Pressure by loading an additional compressor.
The instance at which the additional compressor is loaded (c) is dynamically calculated and
is determined by the rate of pressure decrease and the acceptable deviation of system
pressure from the normal control limits.

The same method is implemented in reverse (above the High Pressure set point) when an
abrupt, or significant, decrease for air demand is experienced. PH
Rate of change of pressure, and the stability of pressure control, is largely determined by PL
system volume and the scale, and/or abruptness, of air demand fluctuations; these b
characteristics will differ from installation to installation. To accommodate for variations in
installation characteristics the ‘Tolerance’ pressure level (TO) and an influence on the
dynamic reaction time (or ‘Damping’) of the SmartAir LITE (DA) is adjustable.

Page 18
Tolerance is a pressure limit above and below the set pressure control levels that
accommodates for an exceptional instance of abrupt and/or significant increase, or
decrease, in demand without compromise to optimal energy efficient control.

Tolerance (TO) is expressed as a pressure defining the width of the tolerance limit.

For example; a tolerance setting of 3psi (0.2bar) means the SmartAir LITE will implement PH + TO
appropriate optimal energy efficient response(s) during a deviation of pressure 3psi below TO
the set PL pressure level. If pressure ever deviates beyond the ‘tolerance’ limit the SmartAir PH
LITE will proportionally increment an emergency response, abandoning optimum energy PT
efficiency, until pressure is returned to normal levels. PL
If system volume is inadequate, and/or demand fluctuations are significantly large, it is
advisable to increase the ‘Tolerance’ band to maintain optimum energy efficiency, and
reduce over-reaction, during such transition periods.

If system volume is generous, rate of pressure change is slow and demand fluctuations are
insignificant and gradual, the ‘Tolerance’ band can be reduced to improve pressure control
without compromise to optimum energy efficiency.

In situations where the loading of an additional compressor, at the PL pressure set point, is
inadequate to match a significant and/or abrupt increase in air demand the additional
reaction of the SmartAir LITE, while pressure deviates into the ‘tolerance’ limit, is
dynamically calculated. The time before an additional compressor is loaded, to increase
generation capacity further, will vary in accordance with the urgency of the situation.

The SmartAir LITE’s dynamic reaction algorithm is pre-set by default to accommodate for
the majority of installation characteristics.

Damping In some situations, of which the following are examples, the rate of pressure change may
be aggressive and disproportionate:

a) Inadequate system volume

b) Excessive air treatment equipment pressure differential
c) Inadequately sized pipe work
d) Delayed compressor response

In such instances the SmartAir LITE may over-react and attempt to load an additional
compressor that may not be necessary once the initial compressor is running, loaded, and
Page 19
able to contribute adequate additional generation capacity. If an increase in the ‘tolerance’
band is insufficient, the SmartAir LITE’s dynamic reaction response can be influenced by
increasing the ‘Damping’ factor (DA) reducing tendency to over-react.

The ‘Damping’ factor is adjustable and scaled from 0.1 to 10 with a default factor of 1. A
factor of 0.1 equates to 10 times faster than default and a factor of 10 equates to 10 times
slower than default.

Pressure control of a system is a ‘feedback loop’ response derived from increasing, or

decreasing, air generation output capacity. If output capacity is greater than demand for air
the pressure in a system will increase, if demand is greater than output capacity system
pressure will decrease. The rate of change of pressure to changing generation and demand
capacity situations is largely dependent on system volume. If system volume is small in
comparison to recommended size the rate of change of pressure will be fast and abrupt
inhibiting effective control and compromising optimum system energy efficiency. If system
volume is large the rate of change of pressure will be slow and gradual. In this instance an
enhanced control of pressure can be achieved, the system response times can be reduced
and optimum system energy efficiency will generally be increased as a result.

The rule below provides an approximation for recommended minimum system volume:

1) For systems comprising of fixed capacity output (or fixed speed) compressors:
m3 = (m3/min) / (bar.g – 1)

The approximation only works in metric units; convert psi and ft3 to metric units first.
3 3
1.0 m = 35.315 ft
1.0 m /min = 35.315 cfm - +
1.0 bar = 14.5 psi

Example: for a system that operates with a maximum normal demand air flow of 36m3/min
at a nominal pressure of 7.0bar =
36m3/min / (7.0bar – 1) = 6.0 m3 (212 ft3)
2) For systems consisting of variable output capacity (or variable speed) compressor(s) the
system volume should be doubled.
m3 = 2 x ((m3/min) / (bar.g – 1))

Page 20
The primary function of EHR mode is to maintain a close relationship between the running
hours of each compressor in the system. This provides an opportunity to service all
compressors at the same time (providing the service interval times for all compressors are
the same or similar).

EHR is not an energy efficient focused mode of operation.


Each time the rotation interval elapses, or the rotation time is reached, the sequence order
of compressors is reviewed and re-arranged dependant on the running hours recorded for
each compressor. The compressor with the least recorded running hours is assigned as
the ‘duty’ compressor; the compressor with the greatest recorded running hours is assigned
as the ‘last standby’ compressor. For systems with more than two compressors, the
remaining compressor(s) are assigned in accordance with their recorded running hours in
the same way.

Example: The compressors in a four-compressor system have the following recorded

running hours at the ‘Rotation’ time.

Equal Compressor 1 = 2200 hrs

Hours Run Compressor 2 = 2150 hrs
Mode Compressor 3 = 2020 hrs
Compressor 4 = 2180 hrs

The new sequence order arrangement after a rotation event would be:

Compressor 1 = D
Compressor 2 = B
Compressor 3 = A
Compressor 4 = C

Compressor 3, which has the least recorded running hours, will now be utilised to a greater
extent in the new sequence arrangement; potentially increasing the running hours at a
faster rate.

The SmartAir LITE continuously monitors the running status of each compressor and
maintains a record of the accumulated running hours. These are available, and adjustable,

Page 21
in the SmartAir LITE’s compressor running hour’s menu. The SmartAir LITE uses these
values in EHR mode. The SmartAir LITE’s running hours record should be routinely
checked, and adjusted if necessary, to ensure a close match with the actual run hours
displayed on each compressor.

If a compressor is operated independently from the SmartAir LITE the running hours
record may not be accurately updated.

The running hours meter display on most compressors are intended for approximate
service interval indication only and may deviate in accuracy over a period of time.


Compressors are utilised, in response to changing demand, using a ‘FILO’ (First In, Last
Out) strategy. The ‘duty’ compressor (A) is utilised first followed by (B) if demand is greater
than the output capacity of (A). As demand increases (C) is utilised followed by (D) if
demand increases further. As demand reduces (D) is the first compressor to be unloaded,
followed by (C) and then (B) if demand continuous to reduce. The last compressor to be
unloaded, if demand reduces significantly, is (A). The compressor assigned as (A) in the
sequence is the first to be loaded and the last to be unloaded.

The primary function of FIFO mode is to keep a compressor in a loaded condition for the
maximum amount of time, dependant on demand fluctuations, while continuously sharing
regulation and utilisation among the available compressors.

FIFO is not an energy efficient focused mode of operation.

FIFO mode does not follow a fixed rotation interval, or set rotation time. Compressors are
First In rotated at each load event. The ‘Rotation’ strategy also becomes the ‘Control’ strategy in 2

First Out this mode. 3

Initially compressor 1 is loaded. As demand increases compressor 2 is loaded. If demand
reduces compressor 1 is unloaded and compressor 2 is allowed to remain loaded for a ABCD DABC DABC CDAB BCDA BCDA BCDA ABCD

longer period. If demand increases again compressor 3 is loaded followed by compressor 4

as demand continues to increase. If demand reduces compressor 2, the compressor that
has been loaded for the longest period, is unloaded first followed by compressor 3 if
demand continuous to reduce. If demand increases again compressor 1 will be loaded, this
strategy continuous in a cyclic pattern.
Page 22
At each load event the compressor that has just been loaded becomes (A), the compressor
that has been loaded for the longest period becomes (D) and is the next compressor to be
unloaded if demand decreases.

The primary function of Timer Rotation mode is to efficiently operate a compressed air
system consisting of fixed capacity output compressors. The routine rotation assignments
can be modified using ‘Priority’ settings to accommodate for a differentially sized or variable
1 2 3 4
capacity output compressor(s).

Rotation: #1 A B C D
Rotation #2 D A B C
Each time the rotation interval elapses, or the rotation time is reached, a sequence rotation
occurs and the sequence assignment for each compressor is re-arranged. The compressor
that was assigned for duty (A) is re-assigned as last standby (D) and all other compressor #3 C D A B
assignments are incremented by one.
#4 B C D A
The sequence assignment pattern can be modified by ‘Priority’ settings.

The SmartAir LITE operates priorities in accordance with settings that are configured into
menu mode T01 parameters:

1) PH: High pressure set point

2) PL: Low pressure set point
3) Pm: Minimum pressure warning level
4) LR: Load strategy
5) 01: Compressor 1 Priority setting
6) 02: Compressor 2 Priority setting T01
Priority 7) 03: Compressor 3 Priority setting PH - - - -
settings 8) 04: Compressor 4 Priority setting PL - - - -
Pm - - - -

The ‘maximum’ pressure fault level and the rotation interval, or rotation time, are set
independently in a configuration menu.

Pressure Change Time:

When pressure set points change the SmartAir LITE will increase, or decrease, the
pressure target levels towards the new settings in a gradual transition over a period of time.

Page 23
This feature is intended to allow the system to react to changes in pressure target levels in
a smooth and energy efficient manner without abrupt overreaction. The time the system will
take to complete the transition from one pressure target to another is determined by the
‘Pressure Change’ time (PC). This value can be adjusted to accommodate installation
characteristics to achieve the transition at optimal energy efficiency.

If the SmartAir LITE is able to achieve the transition without compromising energy
efficiency in a shorter time than set, the pressure change event time will be automatically

An aggressively short time setting will compromise system optimal energy efficiency.

A sequence ‘Rotation’ event can be automatically triggered on a routine basis using a pre-
determined interval, a pre-determined time each day or a pre-determined day and time
each week.
S01 04.01 RP
Enter the rotation period menu item (RP); the ‘day’ setting will flash.
#1 18:00
Select the ‘day’ or day function as required:

#1 = Monday to #7 = Sunday
#8 = each day of the week, excluding Saturday and Sunday
#9 = each working day of the weekly (Monday through Friday inclusive)
#- (dash) = deactivate
Select the required hour and minutes of the day(s) using the same method.

A day starts at 00:00hrs and ends at 23:59hrs (24hr clock system).

S01 04.02 RP
To define an interval time (more than one rotation event a day) select ‘#t’ for the
day function and press Enter #t 12:00
An ‘intervals per day’ value will appear and flash. Select the required number of rotation 2
events per day (1 to 96). The hour and minutes display will now show the interval time
between each rotation event; 1 = every 24hrs to 96 = every 15 minutes (example: 2 = every

Page 24
The first automated rotation event each day will occur at 00:00hrs and then every set
rotation interval time throughout the day.

The sequence assignment can be manually rotated at any time. When viewing the
‘Sequence Rotation’ information screen press Enter

Manual The manual rotation symbols will appear and flash. Press Enter to execute a manual
sequence rotation or Escape to abandon the manual rotation.
Automated sequence rotation is not disrupted by a manual rotation; the next scheduled
automated sequence rotation event will still occur.

The Pre fill feature provides a controlled and energy efficient method of increasing pressure
to normal operating levels at system start. This feature avoids the inefficient potential for all
available system compressors to start and load before pressure reaches the normal
operating level.

At system start (manual start or automated start from standby) the SmartAir LITE will only
load compressors that have been pre-set for pre fill operation, for a pre-set period of time.
The pre fill time (PT) can be adjusted to suit system characteristics. The aim is to increase
pressure to normal operational levels, using only the pre-determined compressors, prior to
the pre fill time expiring.

If normal operational pressure is reached prior to the set pre fill time, the pre fill function will
automatically cease and normal operational control begin. If normal operational pressure is
Pre fill
not reached by the end of the pre fill time the SmartAir LITE will utilise as many available
compressors as required to achieve normal operational pressure as quickly as possible.
Normal operational control will then begin.

Two pre fill modes are available; both function in the same way but differ in response to a
failure, or loss, of a pre fill compressor.

Backup Mode: Compressor(s) can be pre-selected as ‘Primary Pre fill’ compressor(s) or

‘Backup Pre fill’ compressor(s). If a primary pre fill compressor experiences a shutdown, or
is stopped, it is replaced by a pre-defined backup compressor and pre fill continues.

! X Standard Mode: If one or more of the pre-defined pre fill compressors

Page 25
experiences a shutdown, or is stopped, the pre fill function is cancelled and normal
operation begins.

To manually skip Pre fill mode, press and hold START for several seconds.

The SmartAir LITE is equipped with a real time clock feature and pressure schedule facility.
The ‘Pressure Schedule’ function can be used to provide automation of the system.

The pressure schedule consists of 28 individual settings that instruct the system to change
from one target system pressure to another, or put the system in to ‘Standby’ mode,
dependant on time of day and day of the week. The pressure schedule will cycle from
00:00 hours Monday (day #1) to 23:59 hours on Sunday (day #7) each calendar week.

01) Day of the Week

#1 = Monday to #7 = Sunday
#8 = every working day of the week; Monday to Friday, excluding Saturday and Sunday.
#9 = every working day of the week.
P01 01.0# 01
Select “-“ (dash) and enter to delete a setting from the schedule.

02) Hours; time of day (24hr format) # - --:--

schedule 03) Minutes; time of day
04) The required table, T01 to T03, or ---
“-X-“ = Standby (unload all compressors).

Adjust the ‘day of the week’ sub-setting first and then press ENTER to increment to the 0# = 01 02 04 03
next setting. Repeat until all item sub-settings are entered. The complete ‘Pressure
Schedule’ item will not be set in SmartAir LITE memory until the last sub-setting is entered.
Press ESCAPE to step back one sub-item if required.

Pressure Schedule menu item settings are automatically arranged and presented in
chronological order (Monday to Sunday). When an ‘empty’ item setting is set-up and
entered, the menu item number (01 to 28) may automatically change; this is normal.

The ‘Pressure Schedule’ can be overridden, at any time, from the remote input using the
auxiliary input facility or enabled/disabled from a single User menu setting (PS).

Aux input The SmartAir LITE is equipped with an auxiliary input. The function of the input is menu
function selectable and can be adapted for differing application requirements. The input is designed
Page 26
to detect a remote ‘volt-free’ switching contact (rated for a minimum 24VDC @ 10mA).

See menu mode S01

The SmartAir LITE is equipped with a remote relay contact output. The function of the
output is menu selectable and can be adapted for differing application requirements. The
Aux output remote output relay contacts are rated for 240V ‘CE’ / 115V ‘UL’ @ 5A maximum.
See menu mode S01

To stop the SmartAir LITE press Stop. The SmartAir LITE will respond dependant on set-
PC=0) Pressure regulation control is automatically transferred back to each compressor.
The compressor(s) will continue to operate using the pressure settings programmed or set
in the individual compressor controller(s).

PC=1) The SmartAir LITE will hold each compressor in an offload state. If the compressor
Stop is equipped with a main motor run-on-time function the compressor will run offload for a
period of time and then stop in to a ‘standby’ or ‘auto restart’ state.

The design of some air compressor control systems may inhibit automatic transfer of
pressure regulation control to local operation mode. In this instance the compressor will not
continue production of compressed air – consult the air compressor manual or your air
compressor supplier / specialist for details before installing the SmartAir LITE.
To start the SmartAir LITE press Start.

If the Pre fill function is enabled, and system pressure is below the set pre fill pressure, the
system will enter Pre fill mode for the set Pre fill time.

Start To manually skip the Pre fill function, press and hold Start for several seconds.

When Pre fill is complete, if applicable, the SmartAir LITE will enter normal operating mode.

The SmartAir LITE will operate in accordance with the parameters and options set.

Power If the power failure auto-restart function is enabled the SmartAir LITE will automatically
failure auto start, when power is restored after a disruption or failure, if the SmartAir LITE was in a
restart ‘started’ state when the power disruption or failure occurred.
Page 27
The SmartAir LITE will not automatically restart if the SmartAir LITE was in a stopped state
when the power disruption or failure occurred.

If the SmartAir LITE experiences a disruption to normal control, or a SmartAir LITE

shutdown fault occurs, pressure regulation control is automatically transferred back to each
compressor. The compressor(s) will continue to operate using the pressure settings
programmed or set in the individual compressor controller(s).

To reset a SmartAir LITE Alarm (Warning) or Shutdown condition press Reset.

Compressor Alarm (Warning) conditions are automatically reset when the condition has
been resolved and reset on the compressor.
Compressor Not Available (Shutdown, Trip) conditions are automatically reset when the
condition has been resolved and reset on the compressor; and the compressor has been

6.1 Glossary of Original User Manual language codes

Code Language
CZ Czech
DE German
DK Danish
EN English
ES Spanish
FI Finnish
FR French
IT Italian
NL Dutch
NO Norwegian
PT Portuguese
RU Russian
SE Swedish

6.2 Glossary of message codes

Description Additional information

Page 28
In the event of a unit or system ‘Fault’ the SmartAir LITE will display a message code. If
more than one ‘active’ message code occurs, each will be displayed as a separate item;
press UP or DOWN to view all active message codes or to view the normal status display.

Message codes are separated in to unit faults ‘ERR’ and system Alarms (Warning) ‘SYS’.

Each message type has a unique numeric code.

ERR.01 Pressure Sensor

ERR.04 Internal 24V Fault

ERR.05 Emergency Stop

ERR.06 Real Time Clock Error
SYS.01 Excess Pressure (PM)
Message Alarm (Warning)
SYS.02 Min Pressure (Pm)
code types
SYS.04 Insufficient Capacity Shutdown (Trip)

SYS.05 Remote Alarm (Warning). Auxiliary Input Function ‘AA’

SYS.06 Remote Alarm (Warning). Auxiliary Input Function ‘AR’
SYS.07 Remote Trip (Shutdown). Auxiliary Input Function ‘TA’
SYS.08 Remote Trip (Shutdown). Auxiliary Input Function ‘TR’

Compressor fault states are displayed as part of the normal operational status display and
do not generate fault codes. Examine the applicable compressor unit to establish the nature
or description of the detected fault condition.

Other message codes:

E0836 PLL Unlock; Internal failure or excessively high external electrical

codes E0866 Controller internal power supply fault
E5000 Internal memory map error
E5001 Internal memory failure

Page 29
To Display the Software Version:
software Press and hold Reset then press Escape.
The clock time display will change to show the software version ID (example: “E01”)

6.3 Glossary of Controller ID’s supported via RS485 (airbus485™ or MODBUS)

Controller ID SmartAir LITE port assignment Additional information

Some Gardner Denver, CompAir or Hydrovane products support the Airbus485™
protocol. Other air compressor types may also support the Airbus485™ protocol.
Airbus485™ X06
Where applicable, use this setting to connect to an Airbus485™ compatible air
compressor controller.
Airpilot X06
Delcos1000 X06
DelcosProL X08 of Airmaster T1
Delcos3000 X08 of Airmaster T1
Delcos3100DH X08 of Airmaster T1
Delcos3100L X08 of Airmaster T1
DelcosXL – L X08 of Airmaster T1
Digipilot X06
HydrovaneS1 X06
Miniscan X06
Smartpilot X06
Surescan ¹ X06

¹ Assumes Surescan has Airbus485™ capability. Some older Surescan products may not support Airbus485. If Airbus485 is not supported use iPCB.

7.0 Help and support

Help and support is available where necessary. Please following the following help and support guidelines before contacting us for help and support

7.1 What you need to do before seeking help and support

Before you go for help and support there’s a number of checks you need to perform and some important information you will need...

Checks / Information Additional information

Review your physical Check the integrity of the physical installtion with the documentation provided with SmartAir LITE
Page 30
installation and software Check the integrity of the physical installtion between any iPCB(s) and its host air compressor
configuration before seeking Check our website and support resources for compressor iPCB connectivity drawings (www.ipcbcomp-connection.info)
help! Check the integrity of the physical installtion of any iPCB(s) between the iPCB and SmartAir LITE
Review the RS485 communication port assignment and configuration for the host air compressor controller ID (see 6.3)
Review the host air compressors user manual for RS485 port assignment and configuration
Be aware that SmartAir LITE is capable of operating both Airbus485™ and MODBUS networks simultaniously!
Check the integrity and continuity of all RS485 network(s)
Check the integrity and continuity of all electrical connections
Check the integrity of the software configuration with thew original user manual

If you require help and support relating to the integrity of a physical installtion it is important that you have a comlete device
and device system wiring diagram available in electronic format. You will likely be asked to email this to your source of help
and support. It will likely NOT be possible to provide you with help and support without this information.

This should include:

Device product ID’s, part numbers and serial numbers

Device physical connections inclusive of pin to pin assignments
Device cable specifications
Physical installation
This may include:

Device general arrangement diagram

Air compressor associated wiring diagram(s)

Without the aforementioned information help and support can only be offered at the discretion of the source of help and

If you require help and support relating to the integrity of a software configuration it is important that you have a complete
software configuration for the SmartAir LITE and also have the software version number for the SmartAir LITE concerned.
This information must be available in electronic format. You will likely be asked to email this to your source of help and
support. It will likely NOT be possible to provide you with help and support without this information.
Software configuration
Without the aforementioned information help and support can only be offered at the discretion of the source of help and

Check the integrity of air compressors that are managed by SmartAir LITE for error free use and their availability to
SmartAir LITE

Page 31
Review 6.0 Glossary of features, functions and terms used and...
Understand the physical and software relationship between the SmartAir LITE and the host air compressors
available to it
Understand the demand for compressed air from the compressed network that SmartAir LITE serves and how
SmartAir LITE responds to that demand
Review 6.2 Glossary of message codes and supporting information

7.2 Where to go for help and support

Your status Where to go...

Contact the company who supplied you the device or the locally authorised product dealer or distributor. If you don’t
User know who your authorised product dealer or distributor is, visit our website at the address on the rear of this original user

Contact your local OEM representatives. If you don’t know who your local OEM representative is email us at the
address on the rear of this original user manual

OEM subsidiary Contact the product support channel for the product range

Page 32
7.3 Product declaration of conformity
Gardner Denver Deutschland GmbH
Argenthaler Str. 11
55469 Simmern

Tel. +49 (0) 6761 832-0

E-mail: [email protected]

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