B Lang 12

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SECTION 1 Spelling TASK 1 one incorrectly spelt word in each line. Draw a circle around the incorrectly spelt word. Write the correct spelling of the word in the box provided for each line. Diseases and illnessess have plagued this world | 1 since the begining of time. We are privileged, | 2 however, to have access to one of the mirakles | 3 of modern medicene, in the form of vaccines. 4, This has certainly brougth a feeling of hope | 5. towards a brighter tommorow for us 6 12 marks Punctuation and Capitalisation TASK 2 Some punctuation marks and capital letters have been left out in the passage below. There is one mistake in every line. Write in the missing punctuation mark or capital letter. “Have you heard about the vaccination passport” Maria | 7. asked David. vaccination card,” maria said, “and allows the ones who are | 9. vaccinated to restaurants and concerts. “! don’t think that's fair because | 11 there are not “No Ive not,” he replied. ‘It's similar to a | 8 get special privileges access to flights, | 10 enough vaccines for everyone” said David. | 12. 6 marks TEST 12 (2022) Page 1 GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE GRAMMAR TASK 3 There is one grammatical error in each line of the passage below. Circle the error and write the correct answer in the box provided. = You are never going to build self-confident if you continuously has negative thoughts going through your mine. Thoughts that constantly tell you when you are no good. You should instead eam to recognized your strengths and talents, by making small changes in your frame of thoughts. 13, 14. 45. 16. 17. 18. 12 marks Page 2 ‘TEST 12 (2022) GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE 10 20 SECTION 2. Comprehension Read the passage, Smoking, on this page. Using complete TASK 4- Non-Fiction | sentences, answer questions 19 to 25. When a persons addicted to something, they cannot control how they use it. They become. dependant on it to cope with daily life. Many people develop an addiction through habits. Ahabit however, is done by choice. A person with just a habit can choose to stop, which is not the same asa person who has developed an addiction. Cigarette smoking is one of the most common and deadly addictions prevalent. It causes more deaths each year than the following combined: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Alcohol use, Motor Vehicle Injuries and Firearm-related incidents, Nicotine is the addictive drug found in tobacco that causes smokers to continue to smoke. Addicted smokers need enough nicotine over a day to “feel normal” and get on with their daily routine. Apart from the addictive drug nicotine, tobacco smoke contains cancer causing chemicals. ‘Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body causing many diseases and reducing health in general. ‘Some of the damaging components of tobacco smoke are’ Tar: - which is sticky and brown and stains the teeth, fingernails and lung tissue of every smoker. Carbon monoxide:- This odourless gas is produced when tobacco is burt. When this gas is. inhaled, itis rapidly absorbed into the blood stream, causing less oxygen to flow to the brain, heart and other organs. This means that the heart has to do more work to supply oxygen to the body. There is evidence that the high levels of carbon monoxide in the blood of smokers is one of the main factors causing the increase of cardiovascular problems or heart attacks, When your parents were young, anyone could buy cigarettes and smoke everywhere. Today we are more aware that smoking is bad for our health. No one under the age of eighteen can purchase cigarettes and smoking is banned from all public places. Tobacco companies are no longer allowed to advertise on TY, radio and in many magazines. Yet people today are still lighting up. Young people should be cautious and never start such a fatal habit. ‘TEST 12 (2022) Page 3 GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE Questions: Smoking 19. What drug found in tobacco causes a person to become addicted? 1 mark 20. _ Whyisitimportant to not start bad habits? 2 marks 21. Explain what the writer is trying to achieve in paragraph two (2) 2marks 22. Using information from the passage, what physical signs on the body would help you to recognize someone who is addicted to smoking? 2marks ee TEST 12 (2022) Page 4 GOONTOTHE NEXT PAGE 23. State two ways cigarette smoke can cause harm to our bodies. 2 marks 24. Whydo you think people are still smoking? 2 marks 25. Do you agree with the law that prohibits persons under 18 years from purchasing cigarettes? Give a reason for your answer. 2 marks ee TEST 12 (2022) Page 5 GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE Read the poem, Habits, on this page. Using complete DS ee cee) sentences, answer questions 26 to 32. HABITS Atfirst it's just a word you blurt Oran action that you seldom do ‘And ifyou never check yourself, Itgrows and controls you. 5 Soon these habits find their home Where they corrupt your mind; Like the constant rhythm of your heart You do them all the time. It may start off with just pull 10 ona cigar or a sip; A'steups’, a frown or rolling eyes Would soon become habits. Even if you try hard to quit Aconstant battle then ensues. 15 You are scarred and cannot easily drop them; Now these actions reflect YOU. Daily, you must find the time; Examine things you say and do ‘And nurture gems like ‘please and thanks’ 2 For good habits can grow too. by Ephraim Ramkissoon Page 6 TEST 12 (2022) GOON TOTHENEXT PAGE Questions: 26. — Whatis the tone of the poet? 1 mark 27. _ Name two (2) bad habits you think that can, ‘start off with just a pull on a cigar ora sip” (ines 9-10) i ii 2 marks 28. _ Whattype of behaviour are you displaying with the following expressions, “A ‘steups’, a frown or rolling eyes" (line 11)? 2 marks 29. Give the meaning of the following words as used in the poem, i examine (line 18) - ii, nurture (line 19) - 2 marks TEST 12 (2022) Page 7 GOON TOTHENEXT PAGE 30. According to the poem, how can you prevent yourself from developing bad habits? Write lines from the poem to support your answer, 2marks 31. _ Whatis the poet's intention in the poem? 2marks 32. Why do you think itis important that you develop good habits? 2marks ‘TEST 12 (2022) Page 8 GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE TASK 6 - Graphic Study the Graphic on this page. Using complete sentences, answer questions 33 to 36. FINALLY Sk oa COVID-19 VACCINE IS HERE APR, th /f G es a The vaccine is SAFE. & The vaccine does not contain the live The vaccine side effects are CovID-9 virus, anditis NOT possible | mostly mild to moderate. to contract COVID-19 from being vaccinated. The most common side effects include: ‘Pain / soreness at injection site Fatigue a8 Pome ofcaache Please note: BY APPOINTMENT ONLY | TO BOOK APPOINTMENT © 1 Form of National Identification is required CALL TOLL FREE ‘© 30 minutes wait after vaccine is administered | 80-COVID / 802-6249 © Allhealth protocols are strictly enforced You should continue to wear a mask, <. ~_ social distance and practice proper S hygiene even after being vaccinated. TEST 12 (2022) : Page 9 GOON TOTHENEXT PAGE Questions: 33. What does the word “Finally” on the Poster suggest? 2marks 34. Using the information in the Poster, do you think foreigners will be able to obtain a vaccine in Trinidad? Give a reason for your answer. 2marks 35. What do you think about the layout of the information on the Poster? 2marks 36. Write a concer about the Covid vaccine many people have, which the Poster tries to clear up. 2marks TEST 12 (2022) Page 10 ENDOFTEST

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