WL115 0117 PE4710 Water Pipe

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WL115 – WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe

WL Plastics PE4710 Pressure Water Pipe

WL Plastics
WL Plastics is dedicated to the principle that customers should have the best in quality and service. WL
Plastics quality begins with premium materials and state-of-the-art extrusion equipment because better
materials and better processing yield a better product. Customer service begins with talking to people that
can provide answers, not selecting voice-mail numbers.
WL Plastics opened its Mills, WY plant near Casper in 2000. Four years later, Cedar City, UT opened
followed by Gillette, WY in late 2004. Bowie, TX opened in 2005, followed by Crossfield, AB Canada in
2007, Elizabethtown, KY in 2010, Snyder, TX in 2012, Rapid City, South Dakota in 2014, an additional
building added to our Bowie, TX location in 2014 and a new plant located in Statesboro, GA for 2016.
Such growth validates WL Plastics focus and dedication to quality products and customer service.

WL Plastics PE4710 Pressure-Rated Polyethylene

WL Plastics PE4710 polyethylene has enhanced long-term and short-term strengths for extended service
and reliability in demanding applications. WL Plastics PE4710 is the highest performing PE4710 available.
 WL Plastics PE4710 pressure-rated polyethylene compound meets or exceeds ASTM D 3350 Cell
Classification PE445574C
 WL Plastics PE4710 pressure-rated polyethylene has PPI Listed HDB ratings at 73°F and at 140°F
and PPI Listed HDS ratings for water at 73°F. See the table below.
 For potable water service, WL Plastics PE4710 polyethylene is certified to NSF-61 by the National
Sanitation Foundation
WL Plastics PE4710 – Physical Property (Plaque) Test Method Typical Value
Tensile strength at yield (2 in/min) ASTM D638 3500 < 4000 psi
Tensile elongation (2 in/min) ASTM D638 >400%
Flexural modulus ASTM D790 >120,000 psi
SCG Resistance, PENT (80°C, 2.4 MPa) ASTM F1473 > 500 h
ASTM D256 (Izod) >20 ft-lb/in
Impact Resistance
ASTM F2231 (Charpy) >14 ft-lb/in2
Brittleness temperature ASTM D746 <-103°F (<-75ºC)
WL Plastics PE4710 – Physical Property (Pipe) Test Method Typical Value
PPI TR-4 Listed HDB for water at 73°F (23ºC) ASTM D2837 & PPI TR-3 1600 psi (11.0 MPa)
PPI TR-4 Listed HDS for water at 73°F (23ºC) ASTM D2837 & PPI TR-3 1000 psi (6.9 MPa)
PPI TR-4 Listed HDB at 140°F (60ºC) ASTM D2837 & PPI TR-3 1000 psi (6.9 MPa)
HDS for water at 140ºF (60ºC) ASTM D2837 & PPI TR-3 630 psi (4.3 MPa)
RCP Resistance, Critical Pressure at 32ºF (0ºC) ISO 13477 >174 psi (>1.2 MPa)
RCP Resistance, Critical Temperature at 72.5 psi (0.5 MPa) ISO 13477 <2ºF (<-17ºC)

Typical values for compound physical properties determined by testing plaque or pipe specimens in accordance with the test method. Values for
pipe may vary.

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WL115 – WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe

What Does “Pressure-Rated” Mean?

The predominant use for plastics is packaging where a container is used for a short time and then
discarded (preferably recycled). Piping products, however, must perform for decades in environments that
quickly degrade most materials. Unlike plastic packaging, piping materials must be highly engineered for
extended service in pressure water systems. To assure performance in pressure piping, plastic piping
materials are tested for HDB and HDS ratings per ASTM and PPI standards. Pipe pressure class ratings
are then determined using the HDB and HDS ratings.
HDB and HDS ratings that are verified by the Hydrostatic Stress Board are typically listed in PPI TR-4.
PPI Listing in TR-4 is your assurance that products made from PPI Listed materials are suitable for a
lifetime of pressure service. Without PPI HDB and HDS Listings, there is no independent verification that
plastic pipe will provide long-term pressure service.
Two PPI Listings are available – Independent and Dependent. An Independent Listing is acquired from
the PPI Hydrostatic Stress board by a resin manufacturer. Independent Listing is based on:
 A specific, defined formulation for the plastic material;
 Long term testing of piping products made from the formulation;
 Evaluating test data per PPI and ASTM standards to determine the formulation’s HDB and HDS ratings.
 The formulation cannot be modified or altered without reconfirming HDB and HDS ratings.
 The resin manufacturer specifies how to process (extrude or mold) the formulation so that products
made from the formulation have the same HDB and HDS ratings.
A Dependent Listing is acquired from the PPI Hydrostatic Stress Board by the processor (extruder or
molder). Dependent Listing is based on:
 Using the specific formulation in accordance with the Independent Listing;
 Adhering to Independent Listing processing specifications to make piping products;
 Evaluation of the processor’s piping products for compliance with Independent Listing long term HDB
and HDS performance ratings;
 Independent Listing holder confirmation to PPI that the processor used the specified formulation and
processed in accordance with specifications, and that the products made were in conformance with
the Independent Listing.
WL Plastics PE4710 material has Independent Listings and Dependent Listings that are published in PPI
TR-4 so that customers may verify that WL Plastics PE4710 pipes are in fact suitable for pressure service.
Unlisted materials offer no assurance that products made from the unlisted material are suitable for
pressure service. Without published PPI Listings a user cannot independently verify that a plastic material
has HDB or HDS ratings – the basis for pressure piping service. A PVC cell classification per ASTM D1784
does not qualify a PVC material for pressure service because ASTM D1784 cell classification requirements
do not exclude proprietary formulation modifications, and because ASTM D1784 does not require HDB or
HDS ratings. PPI Listed HDB and HDS ratings are fundamental independent assurance of quality pressure
piping products. If PPI doesn’t list HDB or HDS ratings for the material, it could be a signal flag for higher
user risk or unreliable service.

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WL115 – WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe

Why should you use WL Plastics PE4710 instead of PVC?

In a word – toughness. No other water piping product offers the balance of performance and quality that
you get with WL Plastics PE4710.
Property WL Plastics PE4710 PVC Difference
Tensile elongation at break >700% <50% >14 to 1
PE4710 is ductile for all
Glass Transition (brittleness) operating temperatures.
Ductile above -103°F Brittle below +170°F
Temperature PVC is brittle for all
operating temperatures
>20 ft-lb/in (Izod)
Impact Resistance <0.65 ft-lb/in (Izod) >14 to 1
>14 ft-lb/in2 (Charpy)
RCP Resistance >174 psi at 32°F <29 psi at 32°F >6 to 1
Water Hammer pressure surge Up to 100% of PC ≤60% of PC 1.7 to 1
Cyclic Surge Resistance 250 million cycles 1 million cycles 250 to 1
>200 x OD (B & S) >6.7 to 1
Pipe Bending Radius <30 x OD
>250 x OD (fused) >8 to 1
Ring Deflection Up to 100% Up to 40% 2.5 to 1

Toughness and Ductility vs. Brittleness

Why are toughness and ductility important in pressure piping?
Toughness is resistance to suddenly applied stress – impact, water
hammer, RCP, cyclic fatigue, soil subsidence, earthquake. Did you
know that high density polyethylene pipe is the material of choice for
fireworks mortar tubes? It’s considered the safest material because it
doesn’t shatter if a fireworks shell explodes in the tube.
Ductility is the ability to deform rather than fracture under more slowly
applied stress. It is also referred to as strain tolerance. Ductile materials
have the ability to safely handle localized stresses such as rock impingement or localized deformation from
lower quality installation or lateral deflection from soil subsidence or seismic events. Ductility means safely
supporting loads that will cause brittle higher strength materials to fracture. Even if fracture does occur,
the energy absorbing qualities of ductile-elastic materials quickly lead to fracture arrest. Brittle strain
sensitive materials like PVC are more readily fractured and have low capacity for fracture arrest.
A measure of fracture toughness is RCP resistance. RCP or rapid crack propagation
in pressure pipe is where a fast running crack splits the pipe lengthwise. RCP
resistance is a special concern for pressurized gas pipelines, but also results from
internal water pressure and entrapped air that is compressed and pressurized in
pressure water piping. When the split starts, embedment soil around the pipe keeps
the split from opening up and quickly dissipating internal pressure so the split keeps
going until internal pressure dissipates enough for the split to arrest. RCP is a particular concern for fused
piping systems because a fracture can run from length to length right through fusions.
To prevent RCP, fusion joined systems need to be ductile materials with high RCP resistance and crack
arrest capability. There are no RCP requirements for fused PVC piping, but RCP requirements for PE
piping require arrest within five pipe diameters.

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WL115 – WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe

What is a Safety Factor?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk and misinformation about safety factors for thermoplastic piping. To
understand the various perspectives, we should first discuss safety factors and what they do.
A safety factor is a specified reduction of a particular strength property. A safety factor differs from a design
factor that is based on engineering evaluations of risk and reliability. Specified reduction safety factors are
frequently related to safety Codes and Regulations. Examples of specified reductions are maximum
operating pressures for gas pipes that are specified in Federal Codes and Regulations.
Unlike specified reduction safety factors, design factors result from risk and reliability evaluations of various
conditions and properties, and are the summation of the evaluations into a single design factor. Examples
are the design factors for thermoplastic pressure piping developed by the Hydrostatic Stress Board.
In the late 1960’s when the North American plastic pipe industry was in its infancy, the Hydrostatic Stress
Board developed design factors that would assure reliable thermoplastic plastic pressure piping. For water
piping, they first developed long-term pressure rating policies and procedures (material HDB ratings), and
then considered where uncertainty could be introduced. The engineering variables considered were:
1. Testing variability among laboratories
2. Extending the HDB from 100,000 hours to 50 years
3. Plastic compound lot to lot variations
4. Variations among plastic compounds that have the same classification
5. Variations among plastic pipes from different extrusion processors and plants
6. The effects of operating pressure variations on plastic pipe
7. The effects of variations in handling and installation
8. Unknown effects
The HSB then assigned reduction values to
each of the variables, and summed them with
the result being the familiar 0.50 design factor
multiplier (2.00 divisor) that has been applied to
plastic water piping for nearly five decades. It
incorporates risk and reliability evaluations
where a safety factor does not.
HSB policy and practice are incorporated into
ASTM D2837, Standard Test Method for
Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for
Thermoplastic Pipe Materials or Pressure
Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Products,
which is the standard for determining pressure
rating for all thermoplastic pressure piping including PE and PVC. Section 5.5 (above) describes how
design factors are developed. The HSB design factors applied to PE and PVC pipe pressure ratings
incorporate much more than a safety factor reduction of a particular mechanical property.
Reviewing the design factor variables that the HSB considered, 1 through 6 relate to product quality and
performance, and 7 and 8 relate to the application. Material performance is the single largest component

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WL115 – WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe

of the design factor. When plastic piping materials are compared to the HSB DF variables, the difference
between WL Plastics PE4710 and PVC is clear.
HSB DF Variable PE4710 PVC Difference
Testing variability among
1 ↔ ↔ Same ASTM and PPI standards
PE4710 HDB must be substantiated at 50 years; PE4710 pressure
piping standards and ASTM D3350 cell classification require HDB and
Extending the HDB from
2 ↑ ↓ HDS rated materials.
100,000 hours to 50 years
No HDB substantiation for PVC; ASTM D1784 cell classification 12454
does not require HDB or HDS ratings.
Less PE4710 variation – PE4710 formulation is controlled through
Plastic compound lot to lot independent PPI Listings and ASTM D3350 cell classification. PVC
3 ↑ ↓
variations ASTM D1784 cell classification does not restrict proprietary formulation
Variations among plastic
Less PE4710 variation – PE4710 must qualify for HDS rating by meeting
4 compounds that have the ↑ ↓
increased performance requirements.
same classification
Less PE4710 variation – PE4710 pipe is qualified as pressure pipe
Variations among plastic
through PPI dependent listing of the pipe manufacturer. Published
pipes from different
5 ↑ ↓ ratings are readily confirmed. Pressure ratings for PVC materials without
extrusion processors and
published listings cannot be confirmed. Without HDB and HDS ratings,
suitability for pressure service is unknown.
The effects of operating PE4710 is ductile, has much greater surge resistance and much greater
6 pressure variations on ↑↑↑ ↓ RCP resistance. PVC is brittle, has lower surge pressure capacity and
plastic pipe significantly lower RCP resistance.
The effects of varying PE4710 is more flexible, has significantly better impact resistance and
7 quality in handling and ↑↑ ↓ has greater tolerance to localized impingement stresses. PVC is brittle,
installation has low impact resistance and is sensitive to localized stress.
PE4710 and PVC will respond to unknown effects depending on the
8 Unknown effects ↔ ↔
conditions imposed and the material performance property affected. .

When it comes to water piping, there are differences among materials. If there weren’t, AWWA wouldn’t
publish different Manuals of Practice for different piping materials and there wouldn’t be different standards
for water piping products. These differences mean that design pressure ratings are dependent on the
material’s performance in water piping systems.
Following the same engineering evaluation procedure, the Hydrostatic Stress Board performed an
engineering evaluation of PE4710 and set three higher performance requirements. The only way to meet
PE4710 performance specifications is with improved PE material. When these new requirements are met,
the hydrostatic design stress (HDS) rating for PE4710 materials for water is 1000 psi, where conventional
unimproved HDPE is limited to 800 psi. Similarly, unimproved PVC materials are limited to HDS ratings
in accordance with 0.50 design factor limitations.
WL Plastics PE4710 qualifies for higher design factor and higher HDS rating because the piping material
is improved and meets higher performance requirements. (See WL123.)

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WL115 – WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe

WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe – DIPS Sizes & Pressure Classes (WL104)
Average OD Average ID (inch)
(inch) PC350 PC 300 PC 250 PC 200 PC 150 PC 100
4 4.80 2.707 3.478 3.669 3.875 4.088 4.315
6 6.90 3.281 5.000 5.000 5.570 5.877 6.203
8 9.05 4.717 6.558 6.558 7.306 7.708 8.136
10 11.10 6.186 8.044 8.044 8.961 9.454 9.979
12 13.20 7.588 9.566 9.566 10.656 11.243 11.867
14 15.30 9.023 11.088 11.088 12.351 13.032 13.755
16 17.40 10.459 12.609 12.609 14.047 14.820 15.643
18 19.50 11.894 14.131 14.131 15.742 16.609 17.531
20 21.60 13.330 15.653 15.653 17.437 18.398 19.419
24 25.80 ― 18.697 18.697 20.828 21.975 23.195
30 32.00 ― ― 23.190 25.833 27.256 28.770

WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe – IPS Sizes & Pressure Classes (WL102)
Average OD Average ID (inch)
IPS Size
(inch) PC 315 PC 250 PC 200 PC 160 PC 125 PC 100
1 1/2 1.900 1.348 1.452 1.534 ― ― ―
2 2.375 1.685 1.816 1.917 ― ― ―
2 1/2 2.875 2.040 2.198 2.321 ― ― ―
3 3.500 2.484 2.676 2.825 2.950 3.064 3.147
4 4.500 3.193 3.440 3.633 3.793 3.939 4.046
6 6.625 4.701 5.064 5.348 5.585 5.799 5.956
8 8.625 6.120 6.593 6.963 7.271 7.549 7.754
10 10.750 7.628 8.218 8.678 9.062 9.409 9.665
12 12.750 9.047 9.747 10.293 10.748 11.160 11.463
14 14.000 9.934 10.702 11.302 11.801 12.254 12.587
16 16.000 11.353 12.231 12.916 13.487 14.005 14.385
18 18.000 12.773 13.760 14.531 15.173 15.755 16.183
20 20.000 14.192 15.289 16.145 16.859 17.506 17.981
24 24.000 17.030 18.347 19.375 20.231 21.007 21.577
30 30.000 ― 22.933 24.218 25.289 26.259 26.971
36 36.000 ― ― 29.062 30.347 31.511 32.366
42 42.000 ― ― ― ― 36.762 37.760
48 48.000 ― ― ― ― 42.014 43.154
54 54.000 ― ― ― ― 47.266 48.549
Sizes available in coils. All sizes available in 40 ft. or 50 ft. lengths. For water flow calculations, average ID is calculated using minimum wall
thickness plus ½ of wall thickness tolerance.

WL Plastics PE4710 Fusion, Joining and Installation

WL Plastics PE4710 is joined using butt fusion, electrofusion and standard mechanical joint or flanged joint
waterworks connections. Services are connected to pressure or non-pressure mains using sidewall fusion,
sidewall electrofusion or mechanical saddles.

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WL115 – WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe

Industry Standards for Fusion Joining

Joint Type PE4710 PVC
Butt Fusion ASTM F2620, PPI TR-33 None
Electrofusion ASTM F1734 None
Sidewall (saddle) fusion ASTM F2620, PPI TR-41 None
Sidewall electrofusion ASTM F1734 None
Butt Fusion Testing ASTM F2634 None
Electrofusion Testing ASTM F1055, ASTM F905 None
Sidewall Fusion Testing ASTM F905 None

Industry Standards for Installation

Installation PE4710 PVC
Direct Burial ASTM D2774, ASTM F1668 ASTM D2774, ASTM F1668
Sliplining ASTM F585 None
Horizontal Directional Drilling ASTM F1962; ASCE MOP 108 None
Safe Pull-In Load ASTM F1804 None
Hydrostatic Leak Testing ASTM F2164 None
Disinfection AWWA C651 AWWA C651

Minimum Bending Radius – IPS Pipe

IPS Pipe Size PE4710 IPS Pipe Size PE4710
B&S Fused B&S Fused
1 1/2 5 ft 32 ft – 16 40 ft 267 ft 333 ft
2 6 ft 40 ft – 18 45 ft 300 ft 375 ft
2 1/2 7 ft 48 ft – 20 50 ft 333 ft 417 ft
3 9 ft 58 ft 73 ft 24 60 ft 400 ft 500 ft
4 11 ft 75 ft 94 ft 30 75 ft 500 ft –
6 17 ft 110 ft 138 ft 36 90 ft 600 ft –
8 22 ft 144 ft 180 ft 42 105 ft 700 ft –
10 27 ft 179 ft 224 ft 48 120 ft 800 ft –
12 32 ft 213 ft 266 ft 54 135 ft – –
14 35 ft 233 ft 292 ft

Minimum Bending Radius – DIPS Pipe

PE4710 PE4710
Size B&S Fused Size B&S Fused
4 12 ft 80 ft 100 ft 16 44 ft 290 ft 363 ft
6 17 ft 115 ft 144 ft 18 49 ft 325 ft 406 ft
8 23 ft 151 ft 189 ft 20 54 ft 360 ft 450 ft
10 28 ft 185 ft 231 ft 24 65 ft 430 ft 438 ft
12 33 ft 220 ft 275 ft 30 80 ft 533 ft 667 ft
14 38 ft 255 ft 319 ft

Comparative Water Flows and Pressures – PE4710 vs. PVC

Water hammer surge pressure can occur when flow suddenly changes. Water piping comparison covers
flow rate, operating pressure and surge pressure, not just pressure rating.

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WL115 – WL Plastics PE4710 Water Pipe

PE4710 is a resilient, ductile piping material that accommodates water hammer pressure surges using
standard allowances that are applied above the pipe’s PC. For repetitive surge, the allowance is 50% of
the PC, and for occasional surge, 100% of the PC. Both allowances are applied above the pipe’s PC; that
is, during a water hammer surge event, the allowable pressure in the pipe is the PC plus the surge
For brittle PVC pipes, repetitive surge pressure is deducted from the pipe’s PC. The allowance for
occasional surge is 60% of the pipe’s PC.
For WL Plastics PE4710 and PVC pipes having comparable inside diameters, the chart above illustrates
how WL Plastics PE4710 and PVC pipes compare for repetitive surge pressure conditions of equivalent
flow velocity, equivalent flow rate, and equivalent maximum operating pressure.
Surge Surge Max Op
Nom Avg ID V Q
PC lb/ft Pressure Allowance Pressure
Size in fps gpm
psi psi psi
PE4710 8” DIPS 150 7.35 7.708 5.0 727 61.9 75 150.0
PVC 8” IPS 235 7.86 7.609 5.0 708 86.8 – 148.2
PVC 8” IPS 235 7.86 7.609 5.1 727 89.1 – 145.8
PVC 8” IPS 235 7.86 7.609 4.9 693 85.0 – 150.0
PE4710 12” DIPS 100 10.914 11.867 4.9 1700 50.0 50 100.0
PVC 12” IPS 160 12.594 11.669 4.9 1655 70.9 – 89.1
PVC 12” IPS 160 12.594 11.669 5.1 1700 72.8 – 87.2
PVC 12” IPS 160 12.594 11.669 4.2 1401 60 – 100.0

This publication is intended for use as a piping system guide. It should not be used in place of a professional engineer’s judgment or advice and it is not intended as installation
instructions. The information in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or warranty for piping installations and cannot be guaranteed because the conditions of use are
beyond our control. The user of this information assumes all risk associated with its use. WL Plastics Corporation has made every reasonable effort to ensure accuracy, but the
information in this publication may not be complete, especially for special or unusual applications. Changes to this publication may occur from time to time without notice. Contact
WL Plastics Corporation to determine if you have the most current edition. Publication duplication permitted.

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