Market Square Project Concept Design Report

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Cambridge Market Square

Concept Design
Concept Design Report
Lead Design Consultant, Public Realm
Design and Market Masterplaning

Lead Market Consultant

Market Stall Architecture

Transport Consultant

Lighting Design

Heritage Consultant

© - All work is the copyright of the respective

authors unless otherwise stated.
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report


1. Introduction6 5. Stalls44 7. Utilities74 8.5 Waste Bins 98

2. Heritage8 5.1 Existing stalls 44 7.1 Electricity74 8.6 Cycle stands  98
3. Design12 5.2 Stall Design 45 7.2 Data78 8.7 Wayfinding and Digital signs 98
3.1 Market Precedents 12 5.3 Option A: Module 46 7.3 Drainage80 8.8 Lighting98
3.2 Design Statement 16 5.4 Option B: Frame 50 7.4 Water Provision 84
3.3 Design Strategy 16 5.5 Structure and Materials 54 7.5 Market Waste Removal 86
3.4 Flexible Use 18 5.6 Canopies and Colours 56 7.6 Toilets & Storage 90
3.5 Layout26 5.7 Road Layout 60 8. Street Furniture 92
4. Surfacing30 6. Access60 8.1 Existing street furniture 92
4.1 Existing surfacing 30 6.1 Inset Parking Bays 64 8.2 Proposed strategy 94
4.2 Existing Setts 32 6.2 Cycle Access 70 8.3 Seating95
4.3 Proposed Surfacing 38 6.3 Pedestrian & Disabled Access 72 8.4 Objects97

Version: 3
Version date: 05.01.2021
Comment Final Report

This document has been prepared and checked

in accordance with ISO 9001:2015

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

1.0  Introduction

Executive Summary Information Base Collaboration life in every aspect of its design. In all decisions taken the
least impactful path was chosen.
This report details the concept design proposal for Part of the research performed in preparation for this This design proposal is the result of a collaborative
Cambridge Market Square. A variety of potential options design stage was the collection and assessment of process between a range of consultants that comprise Next Steps
for the design of the square were explored during this existing information around and in relation to the the design team as well as council officers of different
design stage and through a collaborative process of project. Amongst historical data and documentation, departments and external advisors consulted at various Whilst every design stage has specific outputs and
iterative testing and consultation they have been distilled relevant policies, regulations and guidance that were stages. The members of the design team have common clear directions there are always aspects of a design
into a preferred direction for the design of the square. consulted there was a particularly relevant document previous experience of collaboration in similar projects that require refinement at a technical and even
As a concept design proposal this document focuses on that preceded this design stage and which assisted in together and with council officers. However, the most regulatory level at a subsequent phase and in line with
the principle premises of the design rather than their informing the direction of the design investigations. crucial collaboration was achieved in the alignment the requirements of each stage according to the RIBA
technical resolution. Care and due diligence has been This was the “Market Square Redevelopment Feasibility of the design team with Quarterbridge, the market plan of works 2020. This concept design stage (RIBA
taken to put forth proposals that are feasible. Future Assessment” study that was completed in July 2019. consultant that was appointed to sit alongside the design Stage 2) sets out the principal concept of the design
stages will explore and develop the design’s applicability The study set a clear picture of the context in which the team. Quarterbridge have influenced the direction of purposefully avoiding technical detail and aiming for
in more detail and adjustments may be made accordingly. redevelopment is to take place. The technical desktop and the design significantly with invaluable benchmarking strategic considerations and alignment with the brief
site specific studies conducted within this assessment information and advice throughout the design process. and cost expectations. Design decisions have been taken
The design of the square has been considered on 3 are particularly robust and helpful. The ultimate goal based on collective experience and research of similar
levels: the landscape design of the public realm, the of the study was to provide development scenarios for Sustainability applications. What is proposed in this report has been
architecture of the market stalls and the programmatic the project with anticipated cost levels. This was also a asserted as a feasible solution that may or may not require
function of the space. All 3 directly influence each other very helpful bracketing of the development potential. In view of the climate change crisis facing the planet, refinement in subsequent stages. Certain products and
and have been considered in parallel. While the design The options explored an adequate range of possibilities the responsibility of producing an ecologically materials proposed are offered here as design directions
addresses a range of aspects, the brief for the redesign of allowing for some refinement of the approach to sustainable development has never been greater. It is and in-depth technical performance and suitability will
the square revolved around a set of key requirements. occur at early stages of the concept design such as the important to note here that ecological sustainability be assessed at the next stage (RIBA Stage 3 – “Spatial
Flexible use of the space and the creation of meaningful consideration of a whole new permanent structure for is the achievement of a development that balances its Coordination”) when a closer collaboration with an
and noteworthy public realm akin to international the market. consumption and replenishment of natural resources. engineering team will take place for both structural and
benchmarks were perhaps at the top of the agenda. These That means a development that can exist and function civil engineering aspects of the design. Each chapter in
were not criteria to measure the success of the design Other information and institutions that were consulted in perpetuity without burdening the environment. The this report discusses the next steps required to advance
in isolation and a substantial context of high design include amongst others: requirements to achieve a truly sustainable development the design in the next stage.
standards for accessibility, inclusivity, sustainability, are therefore so much broader and intricate than merely
heritage, commercial and logistical functionality have National Planning Policy Framework introducing more green to a site. In the case of the design
been driving the process from the onset. Cambridge Local Plan 2018 for the Market Square an overarching sustainability
The Museum of Cambridge approach has been considered that influences every
Capturing Cambridge Website ( aspect and decision taken for the project. The strategy involves the consideration of embodied energy as well as
Council archived files and images operational energy requirements through the project’s
Previous stakeholder engagement records

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Engagement the team received advice and information that guided

the design concept. It must be noted that this is only the
The Market square is one of the city’s most important concept design stage of the development of the scheme
public spaces. As such any design development effort and the consultation is and will be an ongoing process
needs to engage with as much of the city as possible. as the design matures further and to also include any
The space has various dimensions of significance to the groups that were either missed, not extensively consulted
city: civic, historic, commercial, political and social. or simply have more to add.
Various groups, institutions and even individuals may
have a direct relation to each one of these dimensions but Below is a full list of groups and bodies consulted
combined they concern the public as a whole. through the aforementioned processes.

There are obvious practical difficulties associated with

carrying out a engagement exercise across an entire city. Cambridge City Council
To overcome them a combined approach was employed Cambridgeshire County Council
by utilising previous engagement outputs, engaging key Greater Cambridge Partnership
stakeholders and sampling advice and opinions from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority
local organisations through the process. The effort was Cambridge Equalities Panel
carried out both by the council and the design team’s Cambridge Disability Panel
own initiative. Smart Cambridge
Market Traders
The market traders were the first group to be approached Market Traders Association
as the most directly relevant stakeholders. This took Friends of Cambridge Market
place as various informal meetings and discussions at University of Cambridge
the market and through a dedicated presentation of the Gonville & Caius College
design direction and options followed by a Q&A session. St John’s College
The same presentation format was also extended to Kings College
other groups at a subsequent event. Both events were Tenants of Square
held online through video conferencing due to the Bidwells
public meeting restrictions in place during the Covid-19 Cambridge Association of Architects
pandemic. Beyond the meetings at the market and the CamCycle
2 events, certain key organisations and departments of Smarter Cambridge Transport
the council were consulted during the design process FeCRA
through online virtual meetings. Collusion Cambridge
Cambridge Live
The input to the design exercise has been significant Cambridge Business Improvement District
and has informed fundamental aspects of the proposals.
In certain cases the design team’s thinking was already
aligned with views of those consulted and in other cases

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

2.0  Heritage
proposed and comments on how any impacts could this larger space, in contrast with Baker’s plan where Today, in addition to the changed surface above the
Cambridge Market Square – be avoided or reduced as detailed design progresses. the conduit head stood much closer to the junction lavatories, there is a further area of concrete surfacing
Heritage Assessment with Petty Cury. Prior to this, the original Market Cross immediately to the south of it, on axis with the fountain
apparently stood near to the north end of what is now and a larger area to the south east of this. The old photos
Peas Hill. do not provide any help in explaining this, though
This assessment has been prepared following two Heritage Assets Physically Affected certainly the latter area was covered in setts in the late
focussed meetings with Heritage and Urban Design By The Potential Works The first Ordnance Survey Plan of the city in 1888 is 1960s.
officers from Greater Cambridge Planning in addition to
extremely helpful in showing in detail the extent of
more wider-ranging meetings with other stakeholders.
‘Market Hill’. Although the sett work is not shown, the The original gas lamps on posts complete with ladder
These meetings have highlighted some of the key issues
space is defined by an outer cordon of lamp posts, which bars can be seen on the oldest photographs though by the
and considerations which will need to be borne in mind A - The listed surfacing of the Market presumably helped differentiate the market from the 1920s the lanterns had gone and certainly by the time the
as the proposals develop. Square and associated railings carriageway. The ‘drinking fountain’ dominates the fountain was dismantled, so had the posts.
centre of the market, in line with the chancel of Great
The scope of this heritage assessment is relatively
St Mary’s and is itself surrounded by lamp posts on the
restricted and it deliberately does not include a Brief History The Listing and present condition
compass points. Whilst a number of stop cocks are
detailed history of the site nor does it repeat the factual Although the market has been in existence in some The surface of the Market Square was listed as ‘Market
identified, it is notable that the lavatories and railings
information about the heritage assets in and around form possibly for more than 1000 years, it could not be Place paving and two sets of iron railings’ on 30 October
were not there at this time and were still not shown on
the square which can be found in (for example) the described as a ‘market square’ until the 1850s. Prior 2019. The reasons for designation states that ‘the granite
the 1903 plan. A letter box is shown in the NE corner
City Council’s Historic Core Appraisal ( to that, and as shown on plans from the C16 up to setts laid out in 1855-56 and iron railings installed later
of the market on the 1903 plan, but this had moved to Baker’s Plan of the City in 1830, the space was far more in the C19’ are listed as an ‘integral part of the mid-C19
opposite St May’s Passage on the 1927 plan, by which
2016-market-hill.pdf), the feasibility report for the amorphous, with specialist markets in the surrounding scheme for the expansion and re-laying of the Market
time the lavatories are shown. What are presumably
Market Square project prepared by BDP or on Historic streets though one constant seems to have been the Place which can be accurately dated’ and are therefore a
the paired steps down surrounded by railings can be
England’s National Heritage List for England (website at relatively open nature of the east side of the present space relatively early example of large-scale historic paving.
seen and interestingly they sit north and south of a (shown as Market Hill even on the 1575 Braun Hogenberg This forms part of the architectural interest as do the
rectangle demarcated by a dotted line – which could be
Plan). Perhaps not surprisingly this side retains quite ‘handsomely designed’ railings which are considered to
the extent of the underground structure or possibly a
Similarly, the statutory duty to preserve or enhance grand merchants’ houses today. However from Loggan’s be of good quality ironwork (with the exception of one
change in surface material. Early C20 photos appear to
Listed Buildings and their settings and the character Plan of 1690 through to Baker’s Plan of 1830, there was later gate). The historic interest is considered to stem
suggest a change in material with what may have been
and appearance of Conservation Areas within sections a mass of buildings hard against the back (east side) of form their being ‘good quality examples of C19 street
in situ concrete laid in panels (as can be seen elsewhere
16, 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Great St Mary’s Church and a whole block of buildings on furniture which (together with the previously listed
in parts of the city centre) and possibly glass blocks (as
Conservation Areas) Act 1990 is acknowledged as a what is now the west side of the market square. fountain base) form a significant ensemble at the heart
evident today) or certainly some form of smaller-module
guiding principle within these proposals and this of the city. The group value with the fountain and other
surfacing in the centre of space. The enclosed steps are
together with the guidance in Section 16 of the National The market was said to have been first paved as early as listed buildings around the Market Square (especially
shown also on the 1967 Ordnance Survey but not the
Planning Policy Framework and policy 61 of the 1613, the year before the erection of Hobson’s Conduit1. Great St Mary’s Church and the Guildhall is specifically
rectangular demarcation – and telephone boxes (together
Cambridge Local Plan 2018 are not explored in further However, after a major fire in 1849 which destroyed the mentioned.
with a flat-roofed kiosk building) located between the
detail though their requirements are fully understood. buildings on the west side of the market, the Cambridge
two sets of steps.
Corporation Act gave the Council the means to expand The list description acknowledges that two areas
This assessment does therefore focus on the following: and resurface the market using granite setts. At the same along the west side (totalling 220sqm of the 2000sqm
Several old photographs of the market are helpful in
time the old Conduit Head was moved to Brookside and a total listed area) have been either replaced or covered
showing how the place has been used from the late
• The heritage assets which will be physically affected new Gothic fountain added as the centrepiece (the upper over by asphalt. These include the area in which the
C19 and through the C20. Photographs for the late
by the proposals – the listed surfacing in Market Hill part demolished in 1953). underground lavatories were provided in the early C20,
1960s show a limited number of stalls along the east
(which includes two sets of iron railings) and the though the present surfacing is not that shown on the
and west sides which much of the central space used
listed fountain base; Lowry’s Plan of 1863 is the first to show the much larger early C20. Similarly there is the concreted area beneath
for car parking. At this time, three K6 telephone boxes
• The aspects of the setting of any other heritage and more regular space, though even this suggests a the present rubbish skips, which is edged with some
and a flat roofed car park attendant’s kiosk stood by the
assets which could be affected by potential works rather more ragged building line on the west and south larger setts laid in a different pattern. SW of the fountain
underground toilets. The phone boxes were moved onto
to the Market Square will also be considered as will boundaries; the latter being resolved when the present is a further L-shaped area of concrete. The reason for the
Market Street on the NE side of Great St Mary’s in 1995.
any impacts on the character and appearance of the Guildhall (which was built in two parts either side of change of surfacing is unknown (possibly modifications
A row of bollards now lines the east side of the concrete
Conservation Area where they differ from setting the Second World War) was finally completed in 1948. to electrical supply?), though it appears to date from after
apron over the lavatories.
considerations. Lowry’s map shows the fountain as the centrepiece of the late 1960s.
• Conclusions on the impact on the heritage
significance of the above assets from the works 1  Taylor, A. ‘Cambridge: The Hidden History’ Stroud (1999) p137

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Drainage channels survive in the sett work though are layout prior to the 1849 fire when it was a long, thin space rectangular sets laid at right angles. Drainage channels Heritage Significance
not specifically mentioned in the listing. Generally, they on the east side of the present market. are generally created by dished rows of setts laid at right The heritage significance of the market square surfacing
run north to south and there are clear Vs at the south and angles to the main bond, but similar areas do not appear is described in the listing as being as it is an early
north end to channel run off. These appear to have been The list description similarly makes no mention of to be for drainage. surviving area of historic paving, using granite setts
interrupted in places in the SE and NW corners, all along the sett patterns. A full and detailed survey of these is and as part of the ensemble of historic street furniture at
the western side of the market and in the central area required as the ‘mosaic’ is far more complex than it would It is similarly not clear if the setts are all from one source the civic heart of the City. As noted, the list description
around the fountain. first appear. The setts are in fact a mixture of broadly or (as is more likely) other setts have been mixed in as recognises the areas where the setts have been lost and
square and more rectangular setts. Generally they are repairs have taken place. Whilst some areas of repair are specifically excludes the subterranean former lavatories.
It seems likely that the drainage channels reflected laid in a staggered bond though there are (presumably obvious (with the use of hard cement mortar in places) it In general terms, the market place surfacing is therefore
the original proportions and form of stalls which may repaired) areas where they are stack bonded. The setts is hard to be clear what the original binding material was of high heritage significance. The later areas of concrete
themselves have been a product of the original market change direction in places or are separated into panels by (and consequently how easy it will be to lift the setts). or asphalt in contrast are of little heritage significance
and resurfacing them in setts would be a clear heritage
benefit. The area above the lavatories is however
considered further below.

From the list description, an important part of the

market surface’s heritage interest is as an holistic entity
– a large area paved with granite setts, at the heart of the
city’s commercial core and with the ornate fountain and
railings demonstrating civic pride in the area. Making
it function better as a market and civic space in general
terms would enhance its significance, and would be
another phase in the place’s evolution to respond to the
needs of citizens. The need for adaptation today stems
from many years of piecemeal changes to both the way
the market functions and society’s expectations of it
rather than a single cataclysmic event such as the 1849

Now the surface is listed, its fabric too has importance

however. The surfacing is not one uniform plateau. We
cannot be sure if it ever was. What is clear though is
that in 165 years it has had to adapt to changing needs,
it has been used and abused, repaired and altered. Even
the most sensitive restoration, which maximises the
opportunities for enhancement needs to be based on an
agreed strategy about what, in all probability, the original
surface pattern was and which, if any, of the subsequent
later changes are of heritage interest in themselves
because they reflect key moments in the market’s history.
To enable this to happen, an accurate survey is needed.
In the absence of an accurate survey of the whole
surfaced area, which is detailed enough to identify the
patterns of setts, any changes in material and size and
the binding material, it is impossible to identify which
parts of the surface have been altered and therefore
where relaying them to the original pattern would be
an opportunity for enhancing the heritage significance.
This needs to be provided before a detailed proposal is
Historic Development Of Market. Extract from 1888 Ordnance Survey Map – note the regimented Extract From 1927 Ordnance Survey. The lavatories drawn up. Without this, only the following general
‘Cambridge Described and Illustrated’ by T D lighting. The underground lavatories were not in are now in situ, but the present Guildhall and principles can be advanced.
Atkinson (1897) showing historical development existence at this time. Market Hill Buildings have not yet been built (south
of Cambridge Market Square and its features over and north of the market respectively). 1. The relaying of poorly altered areas of setts to
time. Note how different produce had specific the original pattern would enhance the heritage
markets spread out over a much wider area. significance.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

1960s photo – half market, half car park. Note the reduced fountain and telephone boxes and kiosk over Photo from early C20 – note the original fountain design, the surface change over the now-extant
the underground lavatories. underground lavatories and the lamp posts without lanterns.

2. It seems likely that the main N-S drainage pattern is challenged, it doesn’t alter the substance of why the appropriate binding, replace any redundant sockets, surface texture and patina would be lost (the latter would
a feature of the original pattern. Where the pattern railings were included within the listing. The altered covers etc which have been inserted, replace badly over time largely return). If possible, dressing rather
has been lost, reinstating it could be considered a surface is within the area of listing. The present surface damaged setts and, subject to decisions following the than cutting would be less harmful.
heritage benefit provided that enough evidence exists treatment is of no heritage interest, and so replacing detailed survey, relay to the most appropriate pattern(s).
to avoid conjecture. this with a more acceptable surface would be a clear Whilst some aspects could be considered to cause minor Removal of some of the later fixings and re-providing
3. Reinstating patched areas and removing enhancement. harm to heritage significance, others would be clearly electricity, water supply etc more neatly could also
inappropriate hard concrete binding with more Recovering the area with granite setts would not be beneficial and in heritage terms alone, this is the most potentially be a heritage benefit, including removing the
appropriate binding would enhance the significance. appropriate as this would obscure that ‘layer’ of the sensitive option. It would be unlikely to significantly fuse box from the main vista E-W across the market to
market’s evolution and weaken the significance of the improve the surface though and other changes would be the fountain and Great St Marys.
As noted earlier, the list description is incorrect in the lavatory provision and therefore the railings. needed to make the square fit for modern needs.
dating of the lavatory railings. These were installed Removing individual setts to allow well-designed floor-
somewhere between 1903 and 1927 according to Potential Heritage Impact of Potential Options Relaying the setts to remove the drainage channels mounted sockets for stalls should cause minimal harm
the Ordnance Survey plans of those years. From a A key driver of the project must be to make the surface would help make the surface more level. The degree of where the numbers are kept to a minimum and the
photograph which appears to be from the 1920s, it of the market more level. This could be achieved in a heritage harm would be less if the setts were laid flush socket covers well-designed. This should give a neater
appears that the surface over the lavatories was relaid number of ways. Replacing all the existing setts with a but the pattern was retained (clearly drainage would need appearance than the current ad-hoc anchor arrangement
and the granite setts removed. The photograph suggests new surface would constitute substantial harm and is to be provided in another way). and minimise disturbance to the historic surface.
large panels – possibly of concrete – and presumably with not being considered.
the central bank of pavement lights. Cutting the setts would allow them to be laid flatter. Other features added to the market later – including
It is likely that all the setts will need to lifted and relaid. Where setts are original, this would harm their historic the bollards adjacent to the top of the lavatory – could
Whilst the factual detail of the listing could be This provides the opportunity to relay using more integrity and the appearance may inevitably change as be moved with no harm to heritage significance. The

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

replicating the existing original gate and removing the not particularly well-known but the original structure, Whilst of similar age to the oldest part of the Guildhall, That said, it is the sense of informality which they create
later addition would be a heritage benefit. although not long-lived, seems to have been an the Market Hill Buildings on the north side of the market which is attractive and permanent market stalls or
accomplished Gothic design. do not have the same functional and civic relationship structural elements could run counter to this and give
with space and when built in 1937, the ‘white cliffs of the square an odd appearance in the times when the
B - The Fountain Whether or not it was a conscious design intent, the Caius’ replaced C19 and earlier buildings with more stalls have been cleared.
fountain, in addition to being generally in the centre of traditional narrow plot widths. Nevertheless, the
Brief History the paved area of the market, is also broadly in line with building with its ground floor arcade of shops attractively Other features within the market have, like the market,
The Gothic fountain was created as the focal point of the the east end of the chancel of Great St Mary’s Church defines the space. The Portland Stone façade catches the evolved over time. In terms of lighting, the regimented
newly enlarged market square in 1855. It was apparently and what would have been merchants’ houses on the sun and its lightness contrasts with the more austere perimeter gas lamps of the 1850s appear to have gone
designed by Gordon M Hills.2 Hills appears to have later east side of Market Hill (of which the Grade I listed No. 5 Guildhall (which sits in shadow) to the north. by the early years of the C20 (though the posts survived
become Diocesan Surveyor to London and Rochester but Market Hill is the finest). This inter-relationship of the longer) and lighting today is from modern highway
appears to have been a relatively little-known architect. market, the main city church and the most prestigious The other listed buildings around the market are columns on the corners and edges of the space. Some
early merchants’ houses goes to the heart of the heritage generally of C18 and C19 and are of a type which discrete lighting of the fountain could help lift is profile
Just short of its centenary at the heart of the market, significance of all these assets. characterises the commercial streets in the centre of the at the heart of the space and reduce the gloom in the
it ‘was seen to be swaying in the breeze in 1953. It was City. Works to the market itself, provided they enhance centre of the market in the hours of darkness.
dismantled, leaving only the base, and each carefully However, the limited height of the current structure its function at the heart of the city would not affect their
numbered piece was stored safely and never seen again!’3 compared to the original fountain means it is not general settings or heritage significance.
The exception is the four corner figures which are in the visible above the stalls and skips on the west side. This
courtyard of the Museum of Cambridge. lack of visibility and pre-eminence reduces its heritage The three K6 telephone boxes, which are Grade II Listed,
significance. and stand to the NW of the church were originally
An architectural competition for a new fountain, part of adjacent to the lavatories on the west side of the market
a drive to breathe new life into the market, was held in Potential Heritage Impact of Proposed Layout square. They were moved in the 1990s. Whilst their
the mid-1990s and consent to demolish the fountain base The main aspect of the proposed layout options is a clear positon in traditionally the busiest part of the city centre
applied for. The proposed designs however proved too open axis east-west through the market square. This was noteworthy, their relocation has reduced this and
controversial and consent for demolition was refused as helps to re-connect the church, market, fountain and again, works to the market would be unlikely to impact
premature. houses and is a clear heritage benefit of the scheme as is their heritage significance.
the removal of the waste skips from this axis line.
The Listing and Present Condition The repair of the fountain is a further obvious benefit The Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal
The list description (which dates from 1972) simply states as would be making it function once again. Allowing highlights a number of ‘key positive views’ across the
‘stone fountain, much weathered, set in a granite basin’. people to better understand its original form either market square. These include views of King’s College
What remains today is a rather sad shadow of its former through physical works or through some form of Chapel and the tower of Great St Mary’s from the east side
self. It remains in quite poor condition with some interpretation material would similarly enhance the of the square, of Nos. 4 & 5 Market Hill from the end of St
continuing movement of the structure evident and fountain’s heritage significance and the ability of people Mary’s Passage and the west end of Market Hill and of the
lacking any explanation of its original form. It has rather to appreciate it. This reflects the comment in the Historic Guildhall from similar positions. Within all these views,
lost its role as the centrepiece of the market. Core Appraisal that ‘any enhancement scheme should the bustle of the market and the lack of height of the
attempt to raise its profile.’ market stalls give a sense of informality which contrasts
Heritage Significance with the often grand buildings. When looking south
The fountain has historical interest as an example of in particular, the life and colour of the market gives a
Victorian civic pride at the heart of the commercial vibrant foreground to the grey tones of the Guildhall.
and administrative centre of the city. The fountain C - The Setting Of Other Heritage Assets
provided fresh water for those using the market and was In terms of the contribution to the character and
the central feature of the newly enlarged and planned Although not completed until many years after the appearance of the conservation area, the presence
marketplace. As noted in the list description for the refashioning of the market in 1855, the Guildhall of a bustling market in a major civic space is a key
surfacing, it therefore has strong group value with the dominates the south side of the space and is the latest characteristic of central Cambridge and the physical and
sett work and the later lavatories and railings. (and last) civic building to be provided in the city’s commercial improvement of this has the potential to
commercial heart. The main civic rooms are on the first benefit both the character and appearance of the area.
Its architectural interest is today rather more limited. floor and the balcony allowed civic leaders to address In terms of the components of the market, the stalls
Only the base and a small part of the rest of the structure people gathering outside. As a consequence, both the themselves, whilst they add to the colour, are relatively
survives and it is difficult for anyone who does not location of the market and the relative openness of recent structures and so there is nothing of intrinsic
know the history of the fountain to understand what the space immediately in front of the Guildhall are significance in heritage terms. Similarly their exact
it was originally like. The architect of the fountain is aspects of the building’s setting which contribute to its orientation and even permanence has changed
heritage significance. The loss of either would harm our throughout the years and certainly in the 1960s the space
understanding of the building and its function within was as much as car park as it was a market.
2  Atkinson, T D ‘Cambridge Described and Illustrated…’: Cambridge (1897) the city.
3  Durrant, J ‘Cambridge Past and Present…’ : Stroud (2007) p15.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report







3.1  Market Precedents

A review of other existing markets has been undertaken

to understand how different towns and cities in the
UK and internationally have approached the design of
their market spaces. This information is supplemented
by Quarterbridges report of how the existing market
functions and future market opportunities. The focus has REV. DESCRIPTION APP. DATE REV. DESCRIPTION APP. DATE

been on other regularly trading markets that operate on



multiple days of the week to understand the flexibility PROJE CT TI TL E


of each market and the opportunities for other uses PROJECT TITLE
Chesterfield Market comparison
alongside the market stalls. Cambridge Market Square Cambridge Market Square
Norwich market scale comparison Chesterfield market scale comparison DRAWI NG TI TL E Kingston Upon Thames market scale comparison
Chesterfield Market comparison
DRAWING T: 0117 2033 628
Study Area DATE Sept 2020
Study Area DRAWN XX
ISSUED BY Bristol T: 0117 2033 628 STATUS Draft APPROVED XX
SCALE @A3 BY 1:1,250
T: 01223 949 054
7480 BY Cambridge T: 01223 949 054
DATE Aug 2020 DRAWN JH No dimensions areDATE Aug
to be scaled from 2020
this drawing. DRAWN JH
All dimensions are to be checked on1:1,250
Sketch RA Area measurements for indicative Sketch
purposes only. RA
No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing. © LDA Design Consulting Ltd. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2015
All dimensions are to7480_SK0
be checked on site. 0 50Meters DWG. NO 7480_SK0
Sources: Ordnance Survey
Area measurements for indicative purposes only. 0 5

No r th
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Image credit Roger Cornfoot Image credit John Slater Image credit Mike Faherty

Norwich Market Chesterfield Market Kingston Upon Thames Market

A larger market than Cambridge Market with 189 stalls, Larger than Cambridge market, it is one of the largest Slightly smaller than Cambridge Market, a triangular
it is one of the oldest and largest outdoor markets in the open air markets in England. General Markets take shaped space with a central permanent building. It
country. The market trades Monday to Saturday, with a place on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays and themed has 28 permanent stalls containing back of house and
handful open on Sundays. The stalls are permanent steel markets on other days e.g. Flea Market, Artisan market, storage facilities with branded pop up 3x3m gazebos set
units with roller doors laid out in rows A-H. The rows Auto jumble Market, Young Persons Market and Farmers up backing onto the structures. Flush surfacing and fully
are tight and can feel claustrophobic and the permanent markets. The stalls are timber T post structures with pedestrianised area makes the space accessible and feel
nature of them means there are limited opportunities for canvas roof with trestle tables that are left out overnight. spacious, encouraging people to linger. The market trades
events. Previous more radical proposals for rebuilding Some stalls can be demounted with ground fixings. Flush 7 days a week, 10am – 5pm. An open area to the south is
of the area were extremely controversial and were surfacing of the surrounding streets connects the market used for events and is large enough for a stage or extra
abandoned in favour of the current scheme which retains to neighbouring streets, shops and cafes. Speciality Christmas markets. The permanent structures seem to
the parallel rows of stalls. The rebuilt was completed in events take place throughout the year. Permanent open create visual barriers and the layout is limited to 28 stalls,
early 2006. space with seating at western end allows for a some however the space works well with the surrounding
events space. However the market has falling customer shops and can accommodate other uses as seen by its
numbers and a poor visual appearance and is currently varied events program.
seeking to upgrade the market and make it more flexible.


Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report











Rotterdam Blaak Market comparison




Salisbury MarketCambridge Market Square PROJECT TITLE PROJECT TITLE
comparison Cambridge Market Square Cambridge Market Square
Ipswich Market comparison DWG. NO. 7480
Salisbury Market scale comparison Ipswich Market scale comparison Blaack Market scale comparison Torvehallerne Market scale comparison
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Image credit Richard Avery Image credit Chris Holifield Image credit Pengyao Lai Image credit Kund Winckelmann

Salisbury Market Ipswich Market Rotterdam, Blaak Market Torvehallerne Market, Copenhagen
Larger area than Cambridge Market with less stalls. A smaller space and market than Cambridge Market Europe’s longest street market, which consists of a 2.5 A permenant covered marketplace and outdoor market
Approximately 70 stalls of various sizes. They have their with 40 stalls (27 primary stalls and 13 secondary). The km long track of over 400 stalls and a permenant indoor area with space for seating to enjoy food and drink from
own farmers’ market of 12 blue/white stalls incorporated stalls used are pop up gazebos, colour coordinated and market building. Every Tuesday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 the market whilst listening to live music.
in to the main market and other traders use pop up branded. The Market links Cornhill to Giles Circus along p.m. and Friday noon to 5 p.m. Use of ground anchors to Overall space is larger than Cambridge but with less
gazebos. A central hot food area offering Hog roast, Thai, Princess street and is a series of spaces and streets rather fix stalls down in the street. outdoor stalls. Operates 7 days a week from 10am-7pm.
South African and Indian Food. Carpark was recently than one big space. It is held 4 days a week operating The use of giant umbrellas provides cover for outdoor
removed and new accessible flush surfacing installed. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9am till market stalls and seating.
The Charter Market is twice-weekly held every Tuesday 4pm. It is managed by Ipswich Borough Council. The
and Saturday. The use of demountable stalls mean the Cornhill provides a flexible open space when no market
space is a flexible open space when the market isn’t in is on which has in ground flush water fountains and
use. When the market is on the eastern end of the space deckchairs are brought out for extra seating.
can still be used for events.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Other markets

To understand the potential for other market uses in the

Market Square a review of pop markets, markets with
specific food offers and indoor markets was undertaken
to see what can be learnt from other types of markets.

Image credit Image credit Image credit

Tobacco Factory Market, Bristol Berlin Bite Club The Bridge Street Kitchen, Copenhagen
A regular Sunday market associated with a cultural A rolling out twice a month on Friday nights. The newest During the season, guest chefs from all over the world
theatre and bar venue. Using pop up gazebo stalls in and best of Berlin’s food traders and trucks. A core of are invited to present their personal perspective on street
a small outdoor space next to the venue. Additional regulars are joined by new members at each edition, food and on certain Fridays The Bridge Street Kitchen
Wednesday evening street food pop ups and themed complemented by specialist wine, whisky and craft beer will host the event Bar & Bølger (meaning bar and waves)
market days such as the plant market. Combination food, bars. Diners are invited aboard the vintage Hoppetosse where the street kitchen is focused on tasty drinks and
drink and retail with live music and workshops. A road boat, with its magnificent view of the city scape and set free samples.
closure is needed for bigger markets that spill out onto the tone of the evening with a curated music stage.
the street.

Image credit Philafrenzy Image credit Cambridge foodPark Image credit Cambridge foodPark Image credit Pete Gloria

The Real Food Market, Kings Cross Cambridge foodPark All traders are independent owner-operated businesses Indoor markets
Market for around 40 producers who rear, grow and A collective of top quality Cambridge based street with an emphasis on high quality and carefully sourced There are many indoor market across the world and
produce their own high quality artisan produce. food traders operating at regular lunchtime markets ingredients. Each of the traders are local to Cambridge or although not directly relevant to Cambridge Market
Operating on Weds-Fri 12pm-7pm. A successful pop up on weekdays and evening events throughout the year. Cambridgeshire and all of the food is freshly prepared. there are some useful insights.
market with high footfall due to it’s location next to a Trading all year round at University of Cambridge’s West * Spitalfields market have created a
major London railway terminus. Cambridge Campus, Cambridge Science Park, Eddington This is a pop up food market that is already operating successful modular market stall.
and the CB1 Development at Cambridge Railway Station. in the local area. The option of something similar in * Borough Market is well known for it’s demonstration
Cambridge Market Square on specific evening or as an areas that allow market traders to hold events
additional location for foodPark. * Greenwich Market has strong
recognisable heritage branding

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Market Precedents Summary

The research undertaken has informed the design Stalls Space/surfacing Key design criteria to incorporate
proposals. It has highlighted challenges specific to
Cambridge as well as lessons that can be learnt from * A range of stalls types exist in different markets, * All the other market example have either less market * Creating some breathing space.
other existing markets. some using a mix of stall types e.g Kingston Upon stalls or a larger surrounding area, Cambridge is a * Permanent open spaces with more seating to allow
Thames. particularly dense market place with a lot of stalls for for smaller events to happen more regularly and for
Market frequency the space it sits within, this is amplified by it being people to linger and spend more time in the space.
* Pop Up 3x3m gazebos appear to be the most surrounded by a road. * A stall design that allows flexibility is critical to
* Cambridge Market is open everyday of the week, commonly used temporary stall and can be colour enable greater more flexible use of the space
there aren’t many other markets that are open this coordinated and branded. When uncoordinated the * Reducing the presence of vehicles and * Reducing the presence of the road
often. stalls can end up fighting for attention and appear pedestrianising a market place creates more space to and prioritising pedestrians
less unified as a place e.g Salisbury Market. dwell and space for pedestrian circulation, this has * Connecting the Market Square to its
* Markets that operate less frequently are more been successful in many of the examples. surrounding with flush paving
temporary in nature e.g Salisbury. * Permanent fixed stalls limit the flexibility of the * An events programme
space e.g Norwich * Flush paving surfacing in the examples is successful
* Other markets have similar operating in creating more usable pedestrian space and
hours e.g Chesterfield and Norwich * A modular/moveable/demountable permanent visually connects shops, cafe and surrounding
and Kingston Upon Thames. market stall for outdoor use doesn’t yet exist (there uses, this is evident in most of the examples.
are some indoor examples of adaptable stalls e.g.
Flexibility Spitalfields) Events

* Several markets have a core number of stalls with the * Visual permeability of stalls and lighting when not in * Benefit of having a small flexible open space for
option of more on special days which creates more use is important for successful and safe evening use everyday pop up small events, this has been achieved
flexibility. of the space in other market that have more space or fewer stalls.

* All the Markets reviewed had more space than * Sight lines and prominence of stalls can cause issues * A larger area is needed for big events, other markets
Cambridge Market or less stalls allowing for more with traders e.g Chesterfield have achieved this by having no regular market
space around the market stalls or limited market days such as Nottingham and
* Stalls need to provide enough shelter from the Salisbury.
* The type of stalls influence the flexibility. Norwich weather and provide a suitable modern trading
has permanent stalls and no flexibility. Salisbury environment to attract the best traders. * Markets with a similar 6-7 day market have similar
market stalls clear away creating a large open space. issues with events and flexibility of space such as
* Fixing points in paving to tie down stalls are Chesterfield.
* Most of the markets either have demountable often used on temporary market stalls.
stalls or an open area dedicated to events e.g * Pop up food and drink markets have become very
Salisbury stalls are demountable and Kingston popular.
Upon Thames has a combination of permanent
stalls and demountable ones alongside an open * The option to have themed market days is an
area for events. Chesterfield Market has a small attraction in some markets.
area of events but has a similar issue to Cambridge
regarding the stalls limiting flexibility of the space.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

3.2  Design Statement this is articulated to host life cannot be overlooked.

Externally, the square’s open room-like nature needs
Spatial Character Strategic Open Space
to be recognised against and in synergy with other
key moments of decompression in the public realm
Market Hill is not just one of the city’s most important network such as the wide length of Kings Parade, the
public spaces, it is the primary civic node of the city’s great openness of Parker’s Piece, the protected interiority
public realm. Historically it has performed a pivotal of the Grand Arcade and even the hidden setting of the
function in the political frictions and reconciliations of river. Internally, the square has not only memories to
this university city. Spatially it is the only public open preserve and highlight but also inherent characteristics
place with the definition, qualities and proportions to articulate. Such is the space’s orientation and
akin to the typology of the college courtyards that directionality, its programmatic articulation and its

define so much of the city’s structure and grain. While temporal utilisation.
this urban condition has made the square at Market
Hill the indisputable centre of gravity for all public life The unexpected context of the Covid-19 pandemic
and movement much of its original vigour has been has invariably influenced the design for the future
overshadowed by peripheral retail development of a development of the Market Square. While it is impossible
highly competitive growth rate, offer and quality. A place to determine the length of time the restrictions imposed
with the significance of the market square will naturally on everyday life by the pandemic will be with us it CIVIC COMMERCIAL
evolve much slower and more deliberately than private also wouldn’t be appropriate to design a central public
retail premises yet there is abundant emerging context space around them. With that in mind, the design of the
and grounds for the regeneration of this key city asset.
The Guildhall defines a “civic” side of the square The Guildhall Forecourt
square was developed to be adaptable to the new norms
of everyday life in a pandemic but also to respond to
the effects it has had, and will continue to have, on the
The design approach is aimed directly at seizing this operation and vitality of the market. The pandemic has
opportunity of public realm design to generate a forward- accelerated the decline of the high-street which directly
looking concept grounded in its history, contextualised affects the life of city centres. In the case of Cambridge
in its present and surroundings and, above all, places there is also a significant shift in visitor traffic to the
people first and at the heart of its vision. The Market centre with the decline of international tourism.
Square is a place of confluence for very diverse types Inversely, the pandemic and decline of traditional retail RETAIL
of visitors and inhabitants. The group most present has also created moments of opportunity with a new
and directly associated with the space are the market +
wave of entrepreneurship that needs low-risk, testbed EVENTS/DEMOS EXCEPTIONAL
stall traders. The traders are not just the key end user environments like markets to experiment in. The safety
group to be consulted but they are themselves part of of open-air conditions during the pandemic has also
the definition of the square’s character and therefore an revealed a natural advantage of outdoors markets as a
integral part of the approach to the design. Just as much retail spaces against their brick and mortar counterparts.
as their focus is on their customers and the market’s The design endeavours to capitalise on these trends
footfall, the design aims to carefully consider how the by offering an adaptable space that can accommodate FLEXIBLE INFRASTRUCTURAL
square caters for those who visit, live or work in and a variety of uses, from market and outdoor dining
around it. This includes employees of surrounding to public events. Social distancing, visitor flows and
buildings, students and members of both universities, effective queue management have been considered in
city dwellers as well as local and international tourists. the structuring of a well organised and permeable layout
An important aspect in analysing users, their movements
Allocation of flexible and core area of the market The Fountain Piazza
with generous interstitial spaces.
and behaviours is the temporal aspect of the square’s
inhabitation from a daily rhythm to a seasonal cycle and To understand how to articulate the space and explore its While the proposals seek to establish a flexible space that
how this is defined by the city’s transient populations
such as the students and tourists as well as by the nigh 3.3  Design Strategy flexibility it is necessary to identify its different spatial
characters based on the urban context. The Guildhall
can ultimately release in parts or in whole the square
from the market, 2 areas are strategically designated as
time economy and occasional public events. In essence, functionally and symbolically creates a distinct focus on permanent open spaces. Through an efficient new stall
the design approach investigated how to create a place the space of a “civic” character. The main physical object layout a much larger space can be opened up in front of
that functions efficiently and is modernised to be in tune A set of overarching concepts have been established of the space, the fountain, divides the square into 2 halves the Guildhall acting as a type of forecourt. The fountain
with how society has evolved by addressing public life, as the starting points of the design approach. They set on either side of an axis aligned with Gt. ST. Mary’s and together with the church and Nr. 5 define a strip of open
urban movement, social interaction, communications guiding principles in which all the considered options the grade 1 listed Nr. 5 Market Hill. The “civic” half on the space to be reserved for seating and as a central buffer
and consumption. are grounded. The following diagrams illustrate these side of the Guildhall relates to events and demonstrations space.
strategic moves with short explanations. demanding more flexibility from the market whereas the
While people and activity is much of what defines other half is more “commercial” in character and hosts
a place, the physical aspect of the space and how the market’s infrastructure and core functions.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Spatial Cohesion Access and Circulation The Elements Stall Definition



Current fragmentation Current row orientation Current rows with wind rose and prevalent wind Current stall structures
funnelled direction



Proposed unification Proposed row orientation Proposed rows with wind rose and prevalent wind Proposed stall modules
funnelled direction
Currently the square is read and experienced as a In contrast to the historical function of the city centre, Weather conditions and sunlight are important factors The stalls on the market and their occupation has
fragmented space consisting of a central island, a today there are 2 main strands of circulation of a N-S for an open-air market. The prevalent wind direction developed over time into a mix of different and
predominantly vehicular road and surrounding orientation. The current stall row orientation is at odds and how it funnels between buildings is particularly uncoordinated structures. Additionally, the stall size
pavements. The design proposal seeks a reunification of with these traffic flows and hinder the permeability of important for the proposal of the market arrangement. currently defined is below the size of contemporary
the square into a single coherent space. the market area. The proposal will seek to align with The new orientation of the stalls facilitates the prevalent standards. The new stalls will be defined as a modular
these flows to improve on the circulation flows. wind directions and utilises them to ventilate the market (variable but consistent) solution of modern size
corridors. standards.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

3.4  Flexible Use

Existing flexibility
The Market Square is currently limited to accommodate
other uses beyond the market stalls. A key part of the
brief for this project includes making the space more
flexible. Spaces that can be adapted provide greater
flexibility and opportunities than a static fixed space. By
creating a flexible layout and fixtures that can respond
to the users needs will allow the space to accommodate
other uses.

To understand the current issues discussions with the Big Switch On - Stage in front of the Guildhall with a standing audience (night market)
Market Team and BID have provided information on how
the space is currently used other than for the market
stalls. This illustrates how flexible the space currently
is and what the challenges are to make the space more
adaptable whilst responding to all the Market Square
users needs.

Flexibility of fixtures - The market stalls aren’t

moveable which means there is no flexibility in the central
area. Market traders are allowed to trade until 6pm.

Performance space - The only performance space is in

front of the Guildhall. The space between the Guildhall
and the road can be used for small events, larger events
require the road to be closed with 13 weeks notice.

Programming of events - Currently events take place Outdoor Cinema - trus staging screen and directors Outdoor Cinema - Inflatable screen with deckchairs
about twice a year due to road and market restrictions. It chairs outside the Guildhall outside the Guildhall
takes about 13 weeks notice to close the road currently.

Events organisation and funding - Events on Market

Square are currently organised by Cambridge City
Council (Market Team) with BID. Events are run not for a
profit and are free to attend.

Types of events - Currently events include Big Light

switch on (5000-7000 ppl) and outdoor cinema with night
market, buskers and demonstrations.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report


Outdoor Cinema set up

and seating/Big Light
Switch on stage

Outdoor cinema over-

flow area/Big Light
Switch on audience

Busking spots

Plan showing current area used for events outside the Guildhall

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Future flexibility aspiration

Further discussions with the Market Team, BID and Types of uses and events Potential uses Everyday Small Scale Uses
Cambridge Live have helped inform the future aspiration Uses that can happen when all the market stalls are in
of how the space could become more flexible and The desire is for uses and events that cater for a range of Based on the potential uses these have been grouped into use at anytime of day.
adaptable to accommodate other uses including events tastes and audiences. Ideas included but are not limited to 4 themes based on the type of use: * Seating and eating areas
within the Market Square. the following: * Spontaneous small events such as pop up events
* Arts events Arts and technology uses * Street performers
Flexibility of fixtures - Desire for the market stalls to * Book Signings * Light projections * Small protests
be able to be cleared away from 6pm to create a clear * Buskers and street performers * Interactive arts events
space that would lend itself to things happening such as * Cambridge Live Big Weekend * Festival of Ideas, University of Cambridge Medium Scale Uses
live music or theatre or dance performance during the * Choirs * Open Cambridge Uses that need a dedicated area but can operate with
summer. * Concerts * Hidden Nature some or most of the market stalls in place. Involving
* Eating areas * Science Festival, University of Cambridge reduced market stalls in the day or evenings. Depending
Performance space - Aspiration for a permanent * Family Fun Day Event on the event these could happen alongside everyday
performance area with seating that would lend itself * Home comings Seasonal entertainment event uses small scale uses.
to impromptu performances at short notice that could * Interactive light projections * Film nights/film festival * Book Signings
be advertised on social media plus a larger formally * Lectures/demonstrations * Seasonal events * Speakers
organised event requiring the space to be booked out * Lights switch on * Christmas lights * Lectures/demonstrations
* Live Music * Sporting events * Small staged events
Programming of events - Desire for them to be more * Mass Dining * Big news screenings e.g. Space missions * Medium outdoor cinema
regular and space to allow for ‘spontaneous events’ and * Night market * Family Fun days * Choir
trial some ‘pop up’. * Outdoor cinema * Live music * Home comings
* Pop up events * Concerts * Medium scale organised protests
Events organisation and funding - Events to continue * Protests * Theatre * Lights switch on
to be organised by Cambridge City Council and BID * Science Festival * Comedy * Mass Dining
but with opportunities for other to host other uses and * Seating areas * Choirs * Medium Sports Events
events. Cambridge Live feel that they could add the * Speakers * Family Fun Day Events
market square to their programme and include it when * Sports Events Market Stall Holder uses * University events
they have the Big Weekend and run fringe events. The * Staged events * Night markets * Arts events/Interactive light projections
University’s may also use it for their events programmes. * Theatre performances * Themed markets
Option for free uses and events and potentially ticketed * University events * Workshops/demonstrations Large Scale Uses
ones. There may be opportunities for arts funding for arts Uses that need a large open area that would generally
events and installations. Buskers happen after 6pm. Reduced market stalls or all the
* Street performers market stalls cleared to create a larger events space.
* Large open air cinema
* Large staged events such as concerts, live music,
Scale of uses Cambridge Live Big Weekend, theatre performances
* Large scale organised protests
The type of use, combined with the scale of use, will * Large Sporting Events
inform the degree of flexibility required to accommodate
it. To test this the uses have been grouped into three The following page displays a potential distribution of
categories of scale to inform how the space can be flexible events programme through the year against daily market
to accommodate them. function and annual calendar events.





Light projections Art Events


Demo Days
Craft Special markets

Science Festival
Demo Days

Family Fun Day


Demo Days

May Day Event


Film Night
Nite Bite Market Love your local market week
Craft Special markets
Live Music
Farmers markets
Pride Event

Film Night
Nite Bite Market
Demo Days
Live Music
Farmers markets

Film Night

Nite Bite Market Independents Day
Comedy /Concert Demo Days
Live Music Farmers markets

Film Night Craft Special markets

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Nite Bite Market

Live Music Demo Days
Farmers markets
Bank Holiday Event
Nite Bite Market Open Cambridge

Food Festival
Demo Days
Live Music Farmers markets

Indicative annual Market Square uses programme showing the occurrence of potential uses (colour key as per heading colours of “Potential Uses” on opposite page)

Festival of Ideas

Light Projections
Craft Special markets
Big Switch On

Christmas night Markets


Market Set

Take Down
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Medium Cinema Event Large Cinema Event


Medium cinema event layout Large cinema event layout

* 24ft/7.32m screen * 40ft/12m screen
* 5m offset/access between screen and audience * 21m maximum audience depth from screen
* Back of house area behind screen * 5m offset/access between screen and audience
* Back of house area behind screen
Capacity of audience seated
* 230m2 of space at 0.6m2 per person (0.5m2 pp plus circulation) = approx. 385 people Capacity of audience seated
* 410m2 of space at 0.6m2 per person (0.5m2 pp plus circulation) = approx. 680 people


Berndt Anwander, St. Balbach Art Produktion, Austria

AIRSCREEN 40ft x 20ft (12m x 6m) · Bologna, Italy · Open-air concert

AIRSCREEN 100ft x 66ft (30m x 20m) · St. Mark’s Square, Italy · Venice Film Festival

Outdoor cinema event using Airscreen, Royal Outdoor cinema event using Airscreen, with Airscreen 12m x 6m Bologna, Italy Open-air Airscreen 30m x 20m St. Mark’s Square, Italy
Acadamy London. Using directors chairs deckchairs concert Venice Film Festival

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Medium staged event Large staged event

Noir CMYK Noir 100%

Indication of time and people
required to set up SL75 stage ROOM TO SHINE 1


Indication of time and people 2

required to set up SL320 stage





RBC Bluesfest / Steve Gerecke

SL75 stage layout 16'0"

SL320 stage layout 2

* 2m offset between stage and audience * 21m maximum audience depth from stage

* Back of house area/crossover area behind stage * 2m offset between stage and audience
* Back of house area/crossover area behind stage
Capacity of audience * 12x12m stage floor 3

* 350m2 at 0.3m2 per person = Approx. 1150 people standing Noir CMYK Noir 100%

* 350m2 at 0.6m2 per person = Approx. 580 people sitting 36'0"

6,10m Capacity of audience
* 350m2 at 2m2 per person = Approx 175 people socially distanced * 680m2 at 0.3m2 per person = Approx. 260 people standing
SL320 front view with screen support
SL75 dimensions and options * 680m2 at 0.6m2 per person = Approx. 1130 people sitting SL320 example
Sunset Music Festival / Alex G. Perez

Lincoln Tour
Hang Out Festival / Courtesy of Dave Vann

8 * 680m2 2m2 per person = Approx. 340 people socially distanced Stageline has earned its reputation as the leading designer and manufacturer of
mobile stages that inspire unmatched levels of confidence. All our ideas, concepts
TRue track eng
and developments are user oriented. Decades of experience with outdoor events are TRUE TRACK ENGINE

display & branding MADE EASY BANNERS 93'-0"

the sl320 a moving Billboard embodied in every single one of our mobile stages.
Stageline mobile stages, services and solutions enable technicians, creative
Stageline chassis wit
telescoping structure
from mileage and bad
designers, artists and event organisers to carry out their work with success
Display is an effective way to give your stage The SL320 offers maximum banner space to The smooth panels of the SL320 are covered
excellent road handlin
and complete satisfaction.
a personality with carefully planned showcase your event. 55'-9" with a gel coat that improves graphic
branding and visuals. application and appearance.
TOP BANNER 40’ x 4’ (12 M x 1,2 M)
1 42'-3" 6'-9" 9'-11"

branding space
12,87m 2,06m 3,02m
2 side BANNERs 16’ x 26’ (4,8 M x 8 M)
10’ x 40’ (3M x 12M) per side
3 customized windwalls RELIABLE IN ALL CONDITIONS
Retractable Backdrop system*
10 1 2 11

Screen and banner area Screen and banner area
24'-6" x 25'-0" 24'-6" x 25'-0"
28'-7" to 31'-1" (7,47m x 7,62m) 5'-3" (7,47m x 7,62m) 29'-10" to 32'-4"
8,71m to 9,47m 1,61m
9,09m to 9,86m

Door Door
10'-0" x 9'-0" 10'-0" x 9'-0"
(3.05m x 2.74m) (3.05m x 2.74m)

3'-6" to 6'-0"

1.07m to 1.83m 3

6'-8" 10'-5"
2,03m 3,17m

12'-0" 40'-0" 115 MPH (185 KM/H)

3,66m 12,19m WITHOUT WINDW
77 MPH (123 KM/H)
64'-0" RBC Bluesfest / Steve Gerecke WITH WINDWALLS.

Example of a Stageline SL75 stage Example of a Stageline SL75 stage

SL320 stage dimensions and options

* Optional
arrives on a lorry and
NOTE: Screen support ballasts were removed to lighten the view.

Drawings may show stage equipped with optional accessories. May be sold separately.
Mother Nature will not steal
© 2018 - All rights reserved, Stageline Mobile Stage Inc. Any and all forms of adaptation or reproduction of this document including the plans and drawings, in whole or in part, are strictly forbidden the show I [email protected]
SUPERIOR DESIGN FOR LOADS & RIGGING 1 Locking devices and pins are incorporated into
every step of the set up ensuring total control of
without the written authorisation of Stageline Mobile Stage Inc. Mass may vary depending on options. Technical specifications may change without notice. Stage specifications are subject to change without
notice. Figures are nominal.
With new exclusive features, the SL320 is a
The SL320 is built and tested with the highest load and
tech_drawings-v-SL320-002-2018 the installation in complete safety. Self-standing, + RAISE THE ROOF SECURELY EVEN
tough machine that withstands today’s changing rigging design criteria in the industry – up to 2 times the the SL320 needs no ballast nor cables.
climatic conditions. permitted load.
2 Designed to make production logistics easy, it sets
The SL320 offers superior protection with the highest stan-
dards and the most innovative built-in features. CERTIFICATION MADE EASIER up rapidly and safely as most of the work is done at
deck level reducing the risk of potential human
It demonstrates its superior capacities to resist high The SL320 is backed with independant engineering cer- error and accidents.
winds, to protect gear, talent and crew even under the tification for both structural design and rigging capacity
most demanding outdoor situations. 3 Pre-assembled rigid structural panels unfold
saving you time and money. With a Stageline, strict on-site
hydraulically and sequentially.
inspections become a mere formality.
6 7

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Proposed Flexibility

Discussions have established the need for a space that When combined with the flexible market stalls approach
has the flexibility to cater for everyday small uses that these spaces can be combined to make larger open spaces.
can be fairly spontaneous, medium scale uses that can
be programmed in and happen on regular intervals as The diagrams of the opposite page illustrate three
well as larger scale uses such as staged events that are scenarios that accommodate the different scale of uses:
booked in and require a greater degree of organisation
and logistics.

The proposal layout of the Market Square create 3

permanent open spaces alongside a flexible and adaptable
approach to the market stalls. This provides a range of
flexibility to respond to different potential uses.

These spaces are:

1. Guildhall Forecourt (1,160m2)

This provides for permanent spaces everyday on either
side of the road that can combine to create a larger space
when the road is closed. When also combined with
1 2 3
flexible market stalls this allows for this space to meet
space 2.

2. Central Seating Area (640m2 )

The Central Seating Area provides space for extended
dwelling time on the square with the long tables and
seating where Market produce may be consumed.

3. The Meeting Place (80m2)

A smaller space within the market with informal seating.
suitable for small everyday uses such as seating, eating
and street performers.

Plan illustrating 3 permanent open spaces

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Everyday scale uses mode Medium scale uses mode Large scale uses mode
This mode accommodates all the market stalls along with the everyday This mode accommodates a proportion of the market stalls such as on quieter This mode accommodates uses that need a large open area that would
smaller uses by utilising the flexibility of the 3 permanent spaces. market days or for an evening event. The amount of stalls cleared away would generally happen after 6pm. Providing as much open space as possible with
* Seating and eating areas provide places to meet, eat and socialise. depend on both the market and other uses requirements and would need to be either a large proportion of the market stalls cleared away or all the market
* Buskers and street performers can use the current locations or any of agreed based with both parties depending on the type of use and time of day. stalls cleared such as on sunny summer evenings or for large events.
the 3 permanent spaces depending on the type of space they require. * Some uses may require very minimal alterations to the market stall layout * This would be suitable for large staged events
* Pop up and small events such as market demonstrations such as book signings, speakers or demonstrations which could operate such as concerts and live music.
can be accommodated in front of the Guildhall, on quieter market days or with only a couple of stalls being cleared away.
the Central Axis or northern triangle. * Other uses such as small staged events, medium outdoor cinema,
home comings would require a larger proportion of stall to be cleared
away and are more likely to happen outside of core market hours.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

3.5  Layout Proposed Layout The most important achievement of the layout is the
opening up of the central corridor pivoting on the
fountain and focusing on Great St Mary’s re-introducing
Several options of layout arrangements have been the church to the square. This space is reserved for
considered. While these options considered layouts seating and extended dwelling time on the square. A
with the existing stall module and road layout it quickly larger opening is also created in front of the Guildhall
Existing Layout as a type of forecourt allowing for a more generous
became apparent that the most successful arrangements
were being achieved by a narrower road width and pedestrian environment at the head of the square,
Currently the market is arranged in a mixture of single the Grade II listed granite setts and is surrounded by a a more consistent stall dimensioned at the modern offering more prominence to the building and creating
and double stall rows of a north-south orientation. wide asphalt surfaced road leaving narrow pavements in standard of 3m x 3m. an apron space at the edge of the market for trader
Some stalls are extended with makeshift canopies and the periphery. vehicles during set-up and take-down of their stalls. The
umbrellas while some larger cabins have acquired The defining characteristic of the preferred option is enlargement of the open space in front of the Guildhall
more permanent positions in between the stalls. The There are currently 99 frame stalls (49 at premium the east-west stall row orientation. This new alignment also offers the opportunity for smaller events to take
central area between the fountain and Great St Mary’s is locations and 50 in standard locations) covering a total answers better to the pedestrian circulation patterns place without disturbing the market operation.
dominated by waste disposal infrastructure and storage. area of 808m2 and 2 trailers. of the city centre, the prevalent wind direction (see “3.3
The market trading grounds is defined by the extent of Design Strategy”) and creates shorter corridors with more In the proposed layout there are 92 stalls (48 at premium
entrances into the market that is more conducive to set- locations and 44 in standard locations) covering a total
up and take-down processes for the traders. area of 828m2.

View of existing layout from the Guildhall Plan illustrating proposed layout

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

0 10 20 m
N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

The removal of all of the waste collection infrastructure

(bins, compactors and containers) allows for Great St
Mary’s to step back into the market. For the first time
in many years the Boer War Memorial on the church’s
chancel will be visible again not just from the fountain
but from the diametrically opposite side of Market Hill.
The opening will create a heritage corridor that links the
2 Grade I listed buildings on the square, the church and
No 5 Market Hill, with the Grade II listed fountain at the
midpoint. Two long tables will sit on either side of the
fountain open to public use as a place to consume food
and drinks purchased on the market as well as places
to rest, work and socialise at the very heart of the city.
Conceptually the tables are public interpretations of the
long dining tables found in college dining halls.

View of the central seating area with Gt St Mary’s in the background

View of the central seating area looking towards No. 5 Market Hill

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

A new extended forecourt for the Guildhall is established

not only by narrowing the road between the building
and the square and moving the first line of stalls further
away but crucially by connecting the sidewalk and road
surface and lowering the kerb thresholds.

A secondary network of passages is created between the

View of the new enlarged forecourt of the Guildhall
market stalls with a main central axis running from
Market Street to the Guildhall via the fountain. The main
attempt of the layout is to make the navigation of the
market intelligible through consistent and simplified
articulation of the stall arrangements.

View of the north-south connecting corridor towards the Guildhall

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

4.0  Surfacing
4.1  Existing surfacing

The existing surface materials consist of a mix of

different surfaces. They lack consistency and quality.

Setts Yorkstone flags Block paving Mixed block and concrete paving
Historic setts are located in the central area of the Yorkstone flags are located in several locations on the St Mary’s Street carriageway is laid in a herringbone The pavements on the eastern and western edges are a
Market Square. This area of setts are Grade 2 listed. The streets that connect to the Market Square such as Rose pattern of block paving. This continues along the length mix of block and concrete paving, generally concrete
setts along St Marys Street and the junctions of Market Crescent, St Mary’s Passage and to the north-east of Great of the street. The adjacent pavement to the south of St paving in the centre and block paving at the edges. The
Hill were laid at a later date. The setts are an important St Mary’s along St Mary’s Street. There are also bands of Marys Street is also an area of block paving. contrast of paving material, size and colour creates an
heritage feature and contribute to the character of the yorkstone flag paving around the Guildhall that relate to inconsistent cluttered appearance.
market but are not accessible to everyone due their the Guildhall features such as the entrance, corners and
unevenness. facade details.

Concrete flag paving Asphalt Concrete Trail paving area

A large percentage of the paving around the Guildhall Market Hill is surfaced in asphalt which visually Areas within the central historic setts have been replaced There is an area of paving in the southeast of Market Hill
and north of St Marys Street is concrete flag paving. separates the central area of the market from the outer or poured over with concrete. This includes the area connecting to Petty Curry that has been used for paving
area. An area above the underground toilet block is also under the fishmongers stall and an area under the waste trials.
surfaced in asphalt. compactors.
Are found associated with buildings that front onto the
market square and one above the underground toilets.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report



Yorkstone flags

Block paving

Mixed block and

concrete paving

Concrete flag paving



Trial paving area


Existing surface materials 0 10 20 m

N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

4.2  Existing Setts

The existing setts consist of several different sizes and

laying patterns. The setts appear to be Mount Sorrel Existing historic setts
granite, also known as Leicester pinks, which would within central market area
have come from Leicester from the Mount Sorrell quarry
transported on the midlands train line. This is to be
confirmed with further on site investigations at the next Area shown on Historic
stage. England listing
The central area of setts located under the market stalls Existing setts laid at a later
date back to c1850 and have been Grade 2 listed. This
means listed building consent is required for any works date
to the setts.

The setts in the two access junctions and the lay by to

the north of St Marys Street were laid later as part of the
redesign of the central triangle and do not form part of
the listed setts.

The existing surface of the setts are uneven and causes

accessibility issues, some areas of setts are missing or
damaged and may present safety issues.
Some areas of the historic setts are no longer visible
where they have been covered or removed and replaced 80mm 100mm
with areas of asphalt or concrete.

The council is undertaking a survey of the setts (extent

of scope to be confirmed). An accurate record of the
locations of the different sizes, laying patterns, edge
demarcations, drainage channel details, condition of the
setts, areas of infill/repair and the type of bedding and
mortar used is a crucial record to inform the next stage

Photos of existing setts

Areas of existing setts and extent of listed area 0 10 20 m
N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Stack bond Staggered bond Staggered bond

(limited use) (square setts) (rectangualr setts)

In the absence of a comprehensive survey an analysis

Paving bond types
Drainage gulley
Drainage details
of the existing setts was undertaken to understand
the current surface materials and inform the design
proposals. It provides a record of the analysis undertaken
from various site visits and site photos.

The arrangement of setts and how they are laid create

many different laying pattern details across the market

These have been grouped into:

* Channel drainage details - which generally consist
of rows or 3,4 or 5 setts laid in a dished profile to
enable surface water to run along them to the gullies.
* Laying bond pattern - generally staggered Stack bond Staggered bond Staggered bond
bond laying pattern for square or rectangular
setts with some limited use of stack bonded (limited use) (square setts) (rectangualr setts)
for square setts, this appears to be in areas
that have been poorly repaired or infilled.
Dished rowDished
* Edge details - generally a line of setts orientated
of 5row
of 3 setts Dished row of 3 setts

Drainage gulley
against the laying pattern to create a linear
edge, one instance of rows of rectangular setts
on end which appears next to where concrete
has been used to replace an areas of setts .
* Dividing details - Rectangular setts used to divide

Dividing details
areas of square setts, rectangular sett rotated dividing
rectangular setts, rectangular sett rotated dividing
rectangular and square setts, band of 4 rectangular
or square setts and bands of 3 square setts.

Next Steps
* Confirm scope and time scales or setts survey.
* Further analysis of the existing jointing
mortars (both make-up and depth) where
present, would inform that to be used.

Dished row of 5 setts

Dished row of 5 setts Dished row of 3 setts

Row of 1 in opposite direction Row of 4 in opposite direction

Dividing details
Edge details 33
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Dividing details
Laying pattern
Paving bond types
Paving bond bond types

Row of of
1 in
1 in
direction Row
Row of of
4 in
4 in
Row ofRow
1 in of 1 in opposite
opposite directiondirection Row ofRow
4 in of 4 in opposite
opposite direction
direction Ro
Stack bond Staggered bond Staggered bond
(limited use) bond setts) Stack
Stack(square bond bond
Staggered Staggered bond
(rectangualr setts) Staggered bond
Staggered bond

Edge details
details (limited use) (limited use)
(square setts) (square setts)
(rectangualr setts) (rectangualr setts)

Edge details
Stack bond (Square setts) limited use Staggered bond (square setts) Staggered bond (rectangular setts)

Edge details Drainage gulley

gulley gulley

Rotated rectangular setts Rotated rectangular setts Square setts

1 1
Dished row of 5 setts 2 2 Alternate rows of rectangular setts are
started with cubes or half setts row of 3 setts
1 1 2 2
Dished row of 5 setts Dished row of 5 setts Dished row of 3 setts Dished row of 3 setts

details details
Dividing details 34
(rectangualr setts)

Dished row of 5 setts Dished row of 3 setts

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Dished Dished
row of 5row
of 5 setts Dished Dished
row of 3row
of 3 setts

Dividing details
Dividing details

of setts
row of 3 setts

Rectangular sett within square setts Row

Rectangular settof 1 individing
rotated opposite direction
rectanular setts Rectangular sett rotated dividing Row of 4 in opposite direction
No divide, change of direction of square R
Row of 4 in opposite direction Row of 4 inRow
of Rowdirection
1 in opposite
of 1 in opposite
rectanular Row of setts
and square 3 Row of Row
setts 4 in opposite
of 4 in opposite


Band of 4 rectangular setts Band of 4 square setts Band of 3 square setts

Row of44ininopposite
direction Rowof
Row of44ininopposite
direction Rowof
Row of33
ction Row of 4 in opposite direction Row of 4 in opposite direction Row of 3

1 2
1 1 2 2

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Illustrative plan of existing paving pattern 36 1:250 @ A3
0 5 10 15 20 25m
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Existing pedestrian accessibility

There are several factors contributing to the existing

pedestrian accessibility issues:
* The uneven surface of existing pavements
* The uneven surface of the historic existing
setts in the centre of the market are extremely Raised Table
difficult for self-propelled wheelchair users.
* The dished drainage channels causes Flush kerbs
accessibility issues and barriers to
wheelchair users crossing spaces. Dropped
* Existing level changes and kerb heights
provide limited pedestrian priority.
* Raised tables on St Marys Street/Market 100mm
Hill junctions and flush kerbs along St Mary
Street provides pedestrian permeability Bullnose Uneven settskerbs
Dropped and
to the north compared to limited dished drainage
opportunities to the south by Guildhall.
25mm channels
100mm kerbs

Existing granite Uneven setts and

dished drainage

25mm radius


Existing kerb profile

45 deg angle chamfer


Existing kerbs
Existing kerbs and pedestrian accessibility

0 10 20 m
N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

4.3  Proposed Surfacing

The proposed surfacing is based on the idea of a central

historic carpet laid over a new unified floorscape.
Area of setts
to be
of setts to be
The proposals are underpinned by:
restored andrestored
and repai
* The aim to retain tradition but
meet modern requirements;
* The aspiration of the scheme as a world class Proposed paving
Proposed paving
cultural square and thriving English market;
* The local attributes of the place as a historic square; Existing paving
Existing paving
* An understanding of local colour tone and the
elements of existing paving which will be retained;
* The users as predominately pedestrians but
with the requirement for vehicle loading.

The proposals
* Restore and repair the existing historic setts
whilst meeting modern accessibility requirements
to comply with the Equality Act Duty;
* Reinstating setts where they have been replaced by
concrete under the fishmongers and compactors;
* A strategy to reusing setts and sourcing
reclaimed setts to meet any shortfall;
* Removing the concrete, asphalt and lightwell
surfacing above the underground toilet block
and replacing with proposed granite paving to
match the surrounding proposed paving;
* Retain the majority of the existing high quality
Yorkstone paving with some alterations to the
north east of St Mary’s Church removing an area
and reusing it outside the Guildhall to allow
the existing areas to meet the new road edge;
* Retain the existing surfacing along St Marys
Street. The proposed paving starts to the south of
this street as any works to St Marys Street would
require the whole of the street to be resurfaced,
not just a small section adjacent to the market.
* Improved pedestrian accessibility
with reduced kerb heights.
* A consistent and continuous approach to the
surrounding paving with a phased approach. Proposed surfacing concept
0 10 20 m
N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report


Existing setts retained

Existing setts removed

and reused elsewhere

Existing Existing setts removed,

treated and relaid
Existing a
setts retained
percentage of
Existing setts)
setts removed
and reused elsewhere
Existing Sandstone
Existing settsretained
treated and relaid
Existing Sandstone
(incorporating a
flagstones of
percentage removed
and reused
reclaimed setts)

Existing Sandstone
flagstones reused

Existing block paving
retained removed
and reused
Existing concrete
paving Sandstone
Existing retained
flagstones reused

Existing block paving

Proposed paving
Phase 1concrete
paving retained
Proposed paving
Phase 2

Proposed paving
Proposed surfacing materials Phase 1
0 10 20 m
N Proposed paving
1:500 @ A3
Phase 2

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Strategy for reusing/reclaimed setts

The existing setts will require works to meet modern
accessibility requirements. The method to achieve this is Existing setts retained
to be confirmed after consultation with Historic England
and industry technical experts.
Existing setts removed
The method is likely to involve taking up some or all and reused elsewhere
of the setts to restore and repair them. This may result
in some setts being damaged or unusable and needing Existing setts relaid
replacing. This along with reinstating setts where they
have been replaced by concrete under the fishmongers
Reused/reclaimed setts
and compactors will mean extra setts will be required. Existing setts retained
The approach to this is two fold:
Existing setts removed
* To take up and reuse the area of setts by the and reused elsewhere
Market Hill junction areas. These setts were
laid at a later date so should be used together
and not intermixed with the older setts.
Existing setts relaid
* Source reclaimed setts of the same
type to make up the shortfall. Reused/reclaimed setts

Setts required (approx. areas)

Existing sett area to be repaired/ 1481m2
Reinstating fishmonger and compactor 80m2
Total area of setts required 1562m2

Reusing existing setts (approx. areas)

Reusing existing setts (based on 80% 1185m2
Reusing Market Hill junction areas 92m2
Total setts to be reused 1277m2

Reclaimed setts required (approx. areas)

Potential additional reclaimed setts 285m2

The pattern of the existing setts will be retained and
restored with some modifications to levels, drainage
falls and drainage channel depths to ensure appropriate
drainage and accessibility requirements can be met.

Strategy for reusing/reclaiming setts

0 10 20 m
N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Proposed pedestrian accessibility

To provide a more accessible and inclusive pedestrian

prioritised space the proposals look to address the
accessibility issues and comply with the Equalities Act by: SEGREGATION SYSTEM
* Replacing the uneven existing pavements;
* Improving the surface of the existing historic setts;
EING INVOLVED IN ROAD * Reducing the depth of the dished drainage
channels within the central market area;
Existing Flush kerbs
NT TO CREATE SAFE, * Reduce the amount of space for vehicles
by reducing the carriageway width;
SE OUR ROADS TODAY. * Bringing the carriageway height up to
reduce the kerb height to 25mm;

* Incorporate colour contrast to carriageway edges

with the use of a contrasting kerb colour.
Improved Flush
existing kerbs
surface repaired and
Proposed 25mm kerbs

Replaced unevenexisting setts
surface repaired and
Existing surfacing
Replaced uneven
Existing dished
25mm radius
drainage surfacing
channel on
St Marys street retained
Developed in conjunction with
gregation unit Cambridgeshire County Council, 25mm
etics of natural Cycle Kerb is produced in a Existing dished
ning 82% standard concrete finish. The drainage channel on
med material angled profile to the top face of St Marys street retained
s a 33% the kerb provides both a distinct
comparison visual and tactile division between
alternative. the carriageway and cycle lane.
Available in standard grey and
Eco Countryside finishes.
45 deg angle chamfer


Sector: Highways
Client: Transport for London (TfL)
ck weight (T) Colour available Profile Contractor: Ringway Jacobs
51 BF, Gy Splay/Square
Proposed kerb profile • Brand new
Proposed innovativeaccessibility
pedestrian integrated system
76 BF, Gy Splay
• One piece unit capable of withstanding vehicular impact 0 10 20 m
68 BF, Gy Square
01 BF, Gy Splay
• Replicates the aesthetics of natural granite N 1:500 @ A3
• Made from 82% recycled and secondary material content
36 BF, Gy Splay/Square
36 BF, Gy Splay/Square
52 BF, Gy Square 41
52 BF, Gy Square
12 BF, Gy Square
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

x2 x3 x4

Proposed surfacing Paving details


The proposed surfacing around the central setts area Recess covers KENT TELECOVER PAVER KTC-725/255
will provide a continuous and consistent surface, * Existing covers to be replaced with recessed
replacing the current uneven and mixed paving. This
paving will need to accommodate daily traffic of small x2 x1 covers to achieve a continuous surface.
* All new covers to be specified as recessed covers.
This is our version of the Kent Solo Paver manholes but adhering to the requirement
of telecoms and electricity utility providers a hanging beam is used.
q Designed to suit the Lift & Drag method
They have 2 lifting eyes, which facilitate an operator leveraging them upwards with a of opening manholes
vans and cars from market traders and occasional HGVs lifting tool, then dragging towards them. The sizes & weights are designed to match q Mesh insert to ensure bond with block or
and large emergency vehicles. Large events may also in with other telecom covers on site, but this style can be made larger and used on infill
chambers other than telecoms. They have no requirement for beam brackets to be q 2 Triangular lifting points per tray
require paving areas to accomodate large stages or event bolted to the chamber wall.
equipment. Next Steps Surfacing
A ‘hanging’ beam is used.

The existing colour tones of the square and local * Meeting with Historic England to Any size can be provided but by adhering to the sizes on the table shown we can
achieve a 78kg tray weight when filled with bedding and paver blocks.
materials have influenced the choice of surface materials. Grampian granite discuss historic setts proposals. Most telecom covers are situated on footpaths and not carriageways and so FACTA
The existing setts that will be retained have a pinky * Check proposed materials against sustainability Class B is appropriate. If matching covers are situated on a carriageway these covers

purple hue and the surrounding buildings and materials requirements and supply chain availability. Existing recessed cover within setts
can be made up to Load Class FACTA C or D.

contain a range of buffs, oranges and browns. * Develop technical information for granite
paving for adopted public highway approval.
Grampian Granite is proposed which is a buff grey
granite which suits the local colour tones and contrasts
against the existing setts.

* A consistent size that provides a change
in scale from the existing setts;
* A larger size than the existing setts but
small enough that it can be trafficked; Proposed size and laying pattern in relation to
* A size based on the proportions of the existing existing setts
rectangular setts e.g twice as big 380mm x 150mm
* An appropriate depth to be trafficked (60mm depth).
Proposed recessed cover within paving
* Bound, set on concrete bed using quality mortar
* Staggered bond laying pattern

* British – north Scotland quarry |
x2 x3 x4

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Illustrative plan of proposed paving pattern 43 1:250 @ A3
0 5 10 15 20 25m
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

5.0  Stalls


5.1  Existing stalls Side elevation Front elevation

The existing market stalls are rectilinear areas defined
by repurposed scaffolding frames. The frames have
been heavily adapted and modified over time and they

have been bolted directly on to the granite setts through

B18 of
the metal plates their footings. This fixing, the roof

5 C16 tying A17 and the electricity supply units
make it impossible
B16 Afor16the stalls to be dismantled
D14 C15
temporarily for any occasion.
5 A15
8 E14 D13 C1 4 B1 3.4m
E13 The
D 12 shape
C13 of the 4 A14originates in the historic timber
frames but the Bstriped Plan Side elevation Front elevation
E12 D11 C12 13 A1tarpaulin
3 cover appears to be
a later addition of unknown origin. The frames are
E11 D10 C11 B12 A12
equipped with simple swivelling angled arms that can
E10 support
D9 Cboards
10 horizontally
B11 A11 for the use as tables. Existing stall dimensions
E9 C9 B10 A10
D8 traders keep
Certain large benches and other display

E8 C8 9
Bat9 theAmarket
objects overnight which have become B18 A18
permanent fixtures 8
B8andAextensions of the stalls.
D15 C16 B17 A17

D14 C15 B16 A16

F8 E14 D13 C14 B15 A15 3.4m
A7 E13 B14 A14
B7 D12 C13
D7 A6 Plan
D6 C6
A5 E11 B12 A12
F6 E6
C5 GB151 D10 C11
E5 B140 A4
G E10 D9 C1
0 B11 A11
D4 C4
E4 B9
G 3 A3 E9 D8 C9 B10 A10
D3 C3
E3 B8
G 2 A2 E8 C8 B9 A9
F3 C2
D2 A1 A8
F2 E2 G17
B B8

Cambridge Market Square

1 F1 E1

B7 A7
D7 C7
E7 B6 A6
E6 B5 A5
G6 F6 C5 Market Stalls
D5 A4
G5 E5 B4
D4 C4
E4 B3 A3
G4 C3
D3 A2
G3 F3 E3 B2
D2 C2
G2 F2 E2
B1 ISSUED BY Cambridge T: 01223 949 054
Cambridge Market Square
E1 Aug 2020 JH
Interior view of current stalls
G1 F1 The market and stalls circa 1900


Market Stalls
No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing.
All dimensions are to be checked on site.
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

5.2  Stall Design

Beyond a much needed renovation and de-cluttering, the The four main types of stalls available today are:
design options for the stalls were developed to address
specific requirements of the brief such as flexibility
in their deployment, an appearance appropriate for
the city centre of a city like Cambridge, modern space
standards and to work with a new and improved utility
1. The Traditional Frame 2. The Frame Kits
infrastructure. In achieving all of these, the proposed
This is a product that is a simple These kits are similar to the
stalls should not miss any of the practicality of their
upgrade to the existing frames and traditional frames but offer a more
wouldn’t offer more to the market flexible solution at the price of
beyond a refurbishment of the robustness and appearance.
Certain attributes and assumptions are shared among the
existing condition.
proposed options:
• The stalls are provided by the market, not the traders.
• The stall module size will be 3x3m across the market
• The stalls provide the roofing but the traders are
responsible for the side separation material (frames
are provided)
• The stalls are flexible in being joined up to form
trading stalls larger than 1 module.
• The stalls do not include any horizontal surfaces
such as benches and tables which will be provided by
the traders as required.

Following an iterative design process the design of the

stalls has concluded on 2 potential options that will
be carried on to the next stage for further appraisal
until one is chosen. These options represent the 2 broad
categories that were investigated at the beginning of this 3. The Gazebo 4. The Folding Stand
design stage: Modular and Framework. There are some exceptional gazebo Originating in medieval stall designs,
products in the market but despite this product is particularly simple,
The Modular option employs a single unit of a frame their high quality gazebos always flexible and elegant. Unfortunately
that repeats across the market to form rows and the convey a temporary character and it doesn’t meet the required space
Framework option comprises of larger groups of trading wouldn’t be a robust solution for a 7 standards and is not suited for all
areas within a larger frame. day/week market in the long run. trading types. It is also not designed
to perform well in rough weather

Prior to developing the design options a market research

was carried out to determine what existing solutions are
available to use off the shelf that could fulfil the brief’s
requirements. The result of the research is that existing
market stall products do not offer much versatility or
respond adequately to the brief.

3m 3m 3m
3m 3m 3m
1m 1
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

5.3  Option A: Module

The Module is a design of a repeating individual stall
unit measuring 3x3m in plan. The modules are then
clustered together in pairs and rows to form the market.
Vertical separators of transparent PVC tarpaulin can be
positioned at the traders’ discretion to define any size of
retail area in the same way it is currently done but in a
much clearer and defined grid of units. Each unit will be 3m 3m 3m
secured to the ground by inserting and fastening with a 3m 3m
3.5 m
bolt the front post in a ground socket. All units will also
be secured to each other by clamps attaching on every Frame Unit Folded
neighbouring post along the central spine of each cluster.

The main advantage of this design is the stacking

efficiency it can achieve when folded and moved out of
the way. The only rigid part of the frame are 3 posts that Fabric tarpaulin roof
Max height at heighest point
Placeholder shape indicating of eaves and ridge: 2.8m
form a corner and support a triangular roof. The corners Open gaps between stall and potential trader branding.
stack into each other like open books and the roofs have roof to allow for daylight and
a slight pitch so that they can stack under each other. ventilation into the depths of the
stalls that can be covered for
The rear frame of the module is equipped with 2 wheels with additional transparent PVC
at either end so that the structure can be lifted from pieces attached to the roof.
the front pole and manoeuvred around like a shopping
trolley. When deployed the Module depends on the front
post of its neighbour to complete the square arrangement
of a 3x3m stall. It is on that neighbouring post that the
triangle roof unfolds and secures on to with a rotating
post and a triangular piece of fabric stiffened at the edges
with batons. When it is needed to clear the square from
Min height clearance at
the market stalls, the roof is folded back onto itself, the lowest eaves point: 2.1m
front posts are unbolted out of their ground sockets and
the stall is wheeled over to a designated area to be stacked
with the others by one or two people.
Transparent PVC tarpaulin
fixed to frame with bangees

Note: the pink colour is only representing Galvanised steel tubes

a non-white colour and is acting in this
illustration as a placeholder, not a colour wheels
proposal for the stalls.
Post secured in
ground socket

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Birds eye view of all stalls deployed on a typical market day

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Unhooking and folding back of roof Stall fully folded into triangle shape

Stall lifted out of ground Stall wheeled into a stacked

socket and wheeled away row of stalls for storing

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

12 m


The Module achieves up to 86% stall footprint reduction

across the site when all stalls have been stacked.

12 m

10 m


12 m

6m 6m

12 m eye view square partly cleared from stalls Plan of partly cleared square

6m 6m


12 m

4.3 m


12 m

4.3 m


3.5 m

8 Stalls deployed and stacked Birds eye view square fully cleared from stalls Plan of fully cleared square

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

18 m


5.4  Option B: Frame

The Framework was developed in an attempt to resolve
the existing stall typology into its most efficient and
flexible structural expression. While the current stalls
require a minimum of 2 posts (sometimes 4) per stall plus
4 at the end of each row, the Framework combines the
posts at the spine of each row reducing the requirement
to 1.5 posts per stall maximum plus 3 at the end of each
row. The posts are also spaced further apart, and the roof 18 m

structure is reduced to an absolute minimum of a single 6m Bare Frame Removing/adding

layer of single horizontal elements joining the posts roof sails
together on a 3x3m grid. The roof is comprised of 2 simple
shapes (potentially only 1, a skewed parallelogram)
cut out of a fabric type of tarpaulin and stretched from
the horizontal beams to the peaks of the posts. In this way
the roof forms together with the posts and beams of the
Framework a spaceframe participating in the structural Fabric tarpaulin roof sails
performance of the Framework as an active structural Placeholder shape indicating Max height at heighest
potential trader branding. point of posts: 3m
member in tension thus reducing the structural
Transparent PVC tarpaulin
components that would be traditionally required. An fixed to frame with bangees
additional advantage of this roof geometry is that it
eliminates the need for guttering by utilising and thus
covering the edges of each grid square (1 stall) with the
roof sails. The water can only run to the edges of the stalls
or down the posts along the central spine of the rows
where it is picked up by the surface channels, drains and

Each post of the Framework is secured to the ground in

ground sockets and held in place with bolts. Similarly
to the Module, the Framework can be divided to retail
areas of any number of 3x3 units by positioning vertical
separators of transparent PVC tarpaulin as required.
When the Stalls need to be dismantled, the roof sails are
unhooked and folded, the vertical posts are unbolted from
the ground sockets and from the connections of every
other pair (a total of 6 bolts per 2 stalls) and carried away
by two people to a designated area.

Galvanised steel tubes

Note: the pink colour is only representing
a non-white colour and is acting in this Min height clearance at
illustration as a placeholder, not a colour lowest eaves point: 2.1m
proposal for the stalls.
Posts secured in
ground socket

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Birds eye view of all stalls deployed on a typical market day

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Sequence of roof sail weaving

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

The Framework is the most efficient design option since

it comprises of only simple steel posts and the beams
holding them together. It achieves 99.7% footprint
reduction across the site. In relation to the Module
its downside is that it requires slightly more effort to
disassemble and it would be expected to remain standing
overnight during weekdays if not through the week.

Birds eye view square partly cleared from stalls Plan of partly cleared square

18 m


Deployed Frame

Gathered Frame Birds eye view square fully cleared from stalls Plan of fully cleared square

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

5.5  Structure and

The proposal for the primary structure of the stalls is
to employ the Kee Klamp system. It should be noted
that this is not an exercise to develop a new product
for the industry with specially machined parts to be
mass produced in a factory but an architectural exercise
of building something from known components to
be mostly assembled on site. The Kee Klamp system
offers an incredible combination of structural integrity,
modularity, cost efficiency and compatibility. There is
clear evidence that traders already use Kee Klamps either
for their own structures or to attach extensions to the
existing stalls. Providing a frame from Kee Klamp tubes
and fittings means that any new extensions will happen
in harmony with the market’s own infrastructure. Kee
Klamp also offers a certain structural aesthetic that is
very apt to the condition of an open-air market frame and
would recede in the background allowing the focus to be
on the contents of each stall.

Kee Klamp fittings for the frame: Kee Klamp fittings for the frame. Kee Klamp fittings for fixing Kee Klamp clamp-on fixings for
T and elbow joins and ground Swivel pin system, hook and panels to the frame. attaching to stall frames without
socket for securing stalls to the security tap to protect certain having to disassemble them.
ground. screws from being tampered with.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Other parts of the frames are either borrowed from

existing market stall solutions, such as tarpaulin
rain gutters and post clamps (1) or from matching
components such as solid galvanised steel castors with
rubber rims (2).

The ideal material for the roof would be a waterproof

cotton-synthetic mix canvas tarpaulin. This is a mostly
natural and breathable fabric that would protect from the
elements and is particularly hardy and tear-proof. (3)

The proposal for the vertical separators between stalls

is to specify transparent tarpaulin (4) or wire rope
netting (5), depending on the required use, as a standard
across the piece in order to allow for as much light to be
introduced under the markets canopies. 1. Rain gutter and post clamp 3. Waterproof heavy duty cotton canvas tarp

Evidence of existing Kee Klamp 2. Galvanised steel castor 4. Transparent tarpaulin (PVC) 5. Steel wire netting
use by the traders

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

5.6  Canopies and

The existing stall canopies are made out of single sheet
of thick vinyl tarpaulin with a semi-gloss top side that
features a pattern of alternating coloured and white
stripes. Looking at historical photographs and prints
of the square, the stalls appear to have carried fabric
canopies of single colours. The stripe pattern begins to
appear in photographs later on also with thinner stripes.
It is unclear exactly when the current roof was installed
but it is equally vague whether and to what extent the
design and material was considered at the time of the
installation beyond addressing the covering of the stalls
as a practical exercise.

As a result, the current canopies sport a selection of the

3 primary colours and green of an unjustifiably bold,
primary hue. The strong tones create stark contrasts
with the white stripes and together with the selected 1841 1907 1915
material of the canopies produce an effect of crudeness
and artificiality that is it at odds with the architectural
fabric of the square. The stripes are grouped together
in batches of the same colours but they do not always
align with the structure or the modularity of the stalls
producing a visually inconsistent result across the
market. The broad width of the stripes is less forgiving
with this misalignment than a finer density pattern or
a solid colour would have been. The canopy is mostly
translucent with the darker stripes being more opaque
than the rest of the surface. The pattern is particularly
visible from under the stalls often clashing with the
traders’ own visual set up and branding resulting in
interiors with a cluttered appearance.

1960’s c. 1970 1982

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Regardless of the pattern or the material, the canopies

have always shared the common attribute of being
colourful and bestowing the market square a visual
vibrancy. The proposal aims to refine the existing
colours into hues that originate in the 4 colours in use
today. The primary colours are mixed with the white
to result in more softened hues achieving an improved
visual synergy with the more natural palettes of the
surrounding architecture but without depriving the
stalls of their colourfulness.

The option of sampling some stripe patterns in the

Building colour tones
swatch mix is not completely abandoned but it may
be more difficult to achieve technically with a cotton
canvas without incurring high costs. This option will be
explored further on the next design stage where technical
feasibility and cost implications will be explored further.

A potential mix and arrangement of the canopy colours

is shown in the next pages for both of the stall options.

Birds eye view of the canopies (2020)

View of the canopies from within the stalls (2020) Aerial view of the canopies today Existing colours Proposed colours

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Triangle pattern of alternating tones

for the roofs of the modular stalls

View from above

View of the colours from under and inside the stalls Plan: Distribution of colours across the site

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Triangle weaving pattern of alternating

tones for the roofs of the frame stalls

View from above

View of the colours from under and inside the stalls Plan: Distribution of colours across the site

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

6.0  Access
6.1  Road Layout

One of the overarching ambitions of the scheme is to Proposed Changes to Road Layout:
create a more pedestrian, cycle and disabled friendly Principally, the proposal is to reduce the width of
environment for Market Square. The vision is that the the road to 4.25m all the way around market square.
market square should be considered as a pedestrian- The route taken by the motor vehicles will need to
orientated civic space and people should be able to accommodate the correct size of motor vehicles and
move around the market stalls and shops with as little be suitably constructed for the weight of the trucks
interaction with motor vehicle traffic as possible. Over including the impact of power steering on the surfaces.
the years, however, the Market Square has been used by The kerb drops will be reduced from 100mm to 25mm
a combination of motor vehicles and pedestrians with with a 45 degree chamfer which will help avoid physical
limited success; there are issues including congestion, damage to the street when motor vehicles drive up them
safety, efficiency, security, air quality and noise pollution. to park, which can be potentially hazardous and incur
Therefore, the intention is to address the layout of the additional costs for repair of over time.
roads and their design in order to prioritise pedestrian
movement across and around Market Square. The The introduction of a number of specific inset parking
ambition is that people will visit the marketplace bays will create a safer pedestrian environment. The
because it has been designed in a way that makes it a location of the loading facilities and their availability
pleasant place to be. To encourage pedestrian footfall, are critical to the successful performance of the market Existing Vehicle Access routes into and surrounding the market with the
the proposal is to minimise the disruption caused by square. Facilitating inset parking bays at the right place direction of one way streets indicated by the arrows.
loading/unloading of motor vehicles through a number and at the right time can smooth traffic flow at key
of inset parking bays with restricted use at certain times times while still benefitting the local shops and market
of the day. traders. Inset bays allow motor vehicles to be loaded and
unloaded without effecting the flow of traffic around the
market square while also maintaining a minimum space
for pedestrians to pass.

The overall layout has been rationalised to provide

cleaner kerb lines to delineate between what is
considered a road surface and pedestrian only surfaces.

Existing Public Transport Access including the sightseeing tour bus,

flexible dial-a-ride service and taxis

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Existing Road Layout Proposed Changes to Road Layout

The existing road surrounding the market varies in width at different parts of the road. The kerbs are typically around The proposed road layout will consistently be 4.25m all the way around the square and thereby aid efficiency and
100mm in height and there is no designated parking around the square apart from a small taxi rank in front of Great St improve ease of accessibility for pedestrians, cyclist and motor vehicles within the Market Square.
Mary’s Church.
The proposal reduces the amount of road surface, thereby increasing the pedestrian area and it simplifies the road by
removing some of the existing lay-by’s and widening the footways around the square.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Shops 3.4m 4.25m 2.5m market The Guildhall 6.6m 4.25m 8.7m 6m 3m 6m

Section A-A Section D-D

Shops 3m 4.25m 2.5m market market 2.7m 4.1m 3.7m Great St Mary’s Church
Section E-E
Section B-B

Shops 3.4m 4.25m 2.5m market Market 2.5m 4.25m 4m Shops

Section C-C Section F-F

Proposed sections

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Motor Vehicle





6.6m 4.25m 8.75m



2.5m 2.5m

4.25m 4.25m

3.2m 3.2m

Proposed road layout and section location plan A
63 1:250 @ A3
0 5 10 15 20 25m
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

6.2  Inset Parking Bays

Part of the proposed highways strategy is to review
and improve the current road layout for motor vehicle
access around market square. Motor vehicles are vital
for delivering goods to the shops and in setting-up or
taking-down the market stalls. The current condition, On-footway loading involves a vehicles mounting
however, is such that motor vehicles stop to load or the kerb and parking across part of the sidewalk.
unload where and when they are not intended to, which Fundamental to this strategy is the need to ensure
has a detrimental effect on road reliability and the safety sufficient space remains for pedestrians to pass safely.
of other users. This strategy provides a design response The strategy we are proposing restricts this scenario to
and guidance on improving the loading/unloading two specific time periods in the day – 07:00-08:00am and
environment around market square by considering and 15:00-16:00pm - when the market traders are expected to
balancing the needs of a variety of stakeholders. The type set-up and take-down their stalls.
of vehicles delivering goods to market square ranges Articulated delivery truck clashing with Unregulated parking creates problematic highways
from a van or small truck while an articulated truck will Next Steps: trader’s van conditions and pinch points
deliver to M&S. On occasion a 26 tonne waste collection
truck will enter Market Square to collect the waste bins.
* Test motor vehicle tracking for the larger
The location of the loading facilities and their availability articulated truck and the waste collection
are critical to the successful performance of the market truck on the proposed 4.25m carriageway.
square. Facilitating inset parking bays at the right place * Review and engage stakeholders to consider how
and at the right time can smooth traffic flow at key times deliveries can be consolidated to reduce motor vehicle
while still benefitting the local shops and market traders. traffic. A number of issues including congestion,
Inset bays allow vehicles to be loaded and unloaded safety, efficiency, security and air quality and
without effecting the flow of traffic around the market noise pollution can be addressed by managing and
square while also maintaining a minimum space for coordinating the delivery and servicing trips of the
pedestrians to pass thereby improving overall safety for different stakeholders to market square. Frontages,
all market users. land-use and deliveries all change over time so
timings and strategies that were appropriate a
number of years ago may not be applicable today.

Trader’s van parking fully across footway Without designated spaces the traders park their
restricting pedestrian access vans at potentially dangerous locations

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Market during normal operating hours Proposed parking inset bays during loading/unloading hours

Outside of the designated loading and unloading hours for deliveries and market traders, the market square will have The inset parking bays are located around the Market Square to provide the market traders with as quick and easy
minimal vehicular traffic. The intention of having subtly demarcated parking bays is that the space and surfaces will access to their stall as possible, which will be particularly important if they have to carry heavy goods. It is expected
feel like they are intended for pedestrians, rather than the pedestrians are encroaching onto parking spaces. that the traders will drive their motor vehicles between the stalls to drop off their goods and equipment before driving
off and parking their motor vehicles elsewhere. Although they run the risk of becoming congested, it is intended that
these internal thoroughfares provide quick and easy access to the stalls allowing the traders to set up as efficiently as
The inset bays will be identifiable
through stainless steel anti-slip Inset bays are on-carriageway
demarcation studs which subtly facilities, fully recessed into
contrast with the paving. the footway, offering additional
protection for parked vehicles
by being positioned out of
the general flow of traffic.

Example demarcation studs for inset parking bays Example inset bay

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Market Setting Up 07:00-08:00

ba ces



k i in a
Market Packing Up 15:00-16:00





t p estr






In ped


















Shops 1.9m 2.5m 3.25m 2.5m market Guild hall 6.6m 4.25m 8m 0.75m 6m 3m 6m

3.5m 4.25m 2.5m 6.6m 4.25m 8.75m

Sidewalk Road Sidewalk Sidewalk Road Sidewalk

Right Of Way Right Of Way

Section A-A Section B-B

ba ess





es y


ed ba






r p ing































6m 3m 6m 2.5m 3.1m 1.9m 2m

market 1.5m 2.5m 3.25m 3.7m Great St Mary’s Church

2.5m 4.25m 3.7m 2.5m 3.1m 1.9m 2m

Sidewalk Road Sidewalk Sidewalk Road Inset Sidewalk
Right Of Way Right Of Way
Section C-C Section D-D

Loading and unloading sections

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report



Loading and unloading locations
67 1:250 @ A3
0 5 10 15 20 25m
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Market Trading Hours 08:00-15:00

Out of Hours 16:00-07:00















Shops 3.5m 4.25m 2.5m market Guild hall 6.6m 4.25m 8.75m 6m 3m 6m

3.5m 4.25m 2.5m 6.6m 4.25m 8.75m

Sidewalk Road Sidewalk Sidewalk Road Sidewalk

Right Of Way Right Of Way

Section A-A Section B-B

w ing























Market 6m 3m 6m 2.5m 3.1m 1.9m 2m

3m 4.25m 3.7m Great St Mary’s Church

2.5m 4.25m 3.7m 2.5m 3.1m 1.9m 2m

Sidewalk Road Sidewalk Sidewalk Road Inset Sidewalk
Right Of Way Right Of Way
Section C-C Section D-D

Proposed sections
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report



Loading and unloading locations when not in use
69 1:250 @ A3
0 5 10 15 20 25m
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

6.3  Cycle Access

Existing Cycle Access

Currently the market square is littered with bikes

parked in ad-hoc ways, attached to fences, lampposts,
market stalls etc. In order to rationalise what is currently
happening and de-clutter the market square it is
proposed to move a number of the cycle parking racks to
streets that run adjacent to market square.

Proposed Cycle Access

Part of the overarching strategy is to minimise the

potential accidents between pedestrians and other forms
of transport and that involves reducing the number
of bikes which cycle around Market Square. This is in
part achieved by repositioning a number of bike racks
away from the central market area so that those who are
visiting Market Square by bike don’t need to traverse the
square in order to find somewhere to park their bikes.
Existing Cyclist Access Existing Cycle Parking
Next Steps:
Cambridge City Centre is largely accessible by bike and cyclists have access to Existing provision of cycle parking includes a variety of hoop stands (pink),
* Further investigation of the proposal to move some of a number of city centre streets where motor vehicle access is restricted. As a cycle parking against railings (blue), and paid for cycle parking (orange).
the cycle racks to Peas Hill will require undertaking a result many people visit the city centre on bike.
detailed study looking at the exact proposed locations
and ascertain any possible conflict from a technical
perspective. For example, whether it will create a
problem with the light wells which run alongside
the Guildhall building on the Peas Hill side.
* Review existing bike racks and compare with other
options for a more space-efficient alternative

Existing cycle parking in front of Great St Mary’s Existing cycle parking provision on Peas Hill to be Problematic cycle parking on sidewalk
Church to be relocated off Market Square improved

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

stands 13 retained
+ 6 new

Retained 10 stands
stands removed

28 retained
+6 new

6 stands

18 stands

14 retained
+9 new
Key Key

3 stands Existing Existing

removed retained retained

Existing Existing
removed removed
stands New New

Existing cycle stands Retained cycle stands and proposed cycle stands

A number of the racks being removed include the ones that sit directly in front of the Guildhall, also a those which are The removed stand will be reprovided on the streets surrounding market square, including Peas Hill, St Mary’s Street
in front of Great St Mary’s Church and some which are near to the entrances for the toilets. and Guildhall Street.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

6.4  Pedestrian &

Disabled Access
The Market Square can be an inaccessible space for
people with disabilities. Despite being intended as a
pedestrian environment there are particular difficulties
in navigating the existing market, such as; uneven
surfaces, high kerbs, obstacles, large and disjointed setts,
slopes and slippery surfaces. As a result some users are
unable to access the square safely or lack the confidence
to use it.

Therefore, it is important to create an inclusive

pedestrian environment that facilitates dignified and
equal use by everyone in full compliance with the
Equalities Act of 2010.

Proposed Accessibility:

The project aims to create an inclusive environment

that recognises and accommodates the difference in
the way people will use the Market Square. This will be
done by creating a space that is simpler, with clear and
distinct features that aid navigation for all users without
discrimination in accordance with all aspects of the
Equalities Act.

In order to make the square as accessible as possible there

are a number of strategies proposed. As set out earlier in
the report these include; reviewing the surface treatment
of the existing granite setts with Historic England and
technical experts, dropping the kerbs heights to 25mm
with a 45 degree chamfer (without tactile paving) so they
can be mounted more easily and creating a tonal contrast Examples of people using the carriageway as a
between the surfaces thereby enabling users to transition pedestrian surface
between the carriageway and strictly pedestrian areas.
It must noted that it was a conscious design decision to
avoid the creation of a single shared space in the Market
Square by leveling all areas into one continuous surface as
there is enough evidence to suggest that such treatments
may create unequal conditions in navigating the public Next Steps:
realm. Instead, the intention is to preserve a distinction
between carriageway and sidewalks while making the * Further consultation with stakeholders who
former more inviting to walk on establishing across the represent disability groups within Cambridge
square the prioritisation of pedestrians over vehicles. to understand their views of the design.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Pedestrian prioritised
space with access for
loading/unloading only

Pedestrian prioritised
with vehicle access

Vehicle access road

73 1:250 @ A3
0 5 10 15 20 25m
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

7.0  Utilities
7.1  Electricity

Existing Electricity Supply

At present the market stalls are supplied with electricity

by underground cables, which come above ground
at untidy, inefficient sockets. Market traders have
commented that the electricity is often unreliable with

The existing fuse box adjacent to the stairs leading

to the underground toilets, is in need of updating
due to its undesirable and aged exterior cover and its
underperforming capacity to service the market stalls
power requirements resulting in frequent outages.

Power for events is currently only available from inside

the Guildhall. This involves lengths of cables running
from inside the Guildhall to where it is required.

Photos showing existing fuse box for market square.

Photos showing existing electricity supply to stalls.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Electric Junction
Electric box box

Electric cable
Electric locations
cable locations

Events connection
Events fromfrom
inside the Guildhall
inside the Guildhall

Existing electricity supply 0 10 20 m

N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report



Proposed Electricity Supply Events The Kent Paver In ground Power Unit, KIGU-500/500 is an ideal product for trading Features
areas, open air areas with events and exhibitions where temporary power is Gas Rams
Power supply for events or other uses is proposed required. The In Ground Power Unit is also ideal for traffic light control, CCTV control
q 4 IP67 rated sockets as standard
A reconfigured electricity supply is proposed to to be provided by 5no. additional new socket and telecoms. It comes complete with 4 No. sockets as standard, these are IP67 q Slam lock
distribute power to all market stalls and provide power in connection points inlaid in the paving. These would rated to ensure the highest level of safety. For added safety the lids are closed during q Excellent for market trading areas
suitable locations for future events. The proposals include allow events to happen without interference of the operation. The hinged recessed cover ensures the units are unobtrusive when not in q Drain point with anti-rodent mesh
use. Galvanised version available
underground cable routes with restricted access points market stall power supply points. For larger events q
q Chequerplate tops available
and a new fuse box located in a more functional and where market stalls are dismantled or relocated The In Ground Power Units are manufactured in accordance with FACTA and BS
appropriate location in the reconfigured underground the market stall power points could also be used. EN124 standards. The covers are suitable for all types of paving blocks and are
toilet space. This removes the need for above ground Additional points would be located outside the manufactured to meet required loadings. They are fabricated in 3mm, 4mm, 6mm 44 KENT STAINLESS MANHOLES
and 8mm stainless steel as standard but material can be changed to Mild Steel
solutions and maintains flexibility to the space. Guildhall on either side of the entrance, within the Galvanised when required KENT PAVER IN GROUND POWER UNIT KIGU-500/500
central axis on either side of the existing fountain
Market Stalls and one in the smaller space north of the fountain.
Electrical cables are proposed to be run to the end of The Kent Paver In ground Power Unit, KIGU-500/500 is an ideal p
each row of stalls. New in ground sockets inlaid in Toilet block areas, open air areas with events and exhibitions where tempora
the paving will provide connection points. Each line Power for lighting columns and underground required. The In Ground Power Unit is also ideal for traffic light c
and telecoms. It comes complete with 4 No. sockets as standard
of stalls will then have a cable running from these toilets will be coordinated with further work.
rated to ensure the highest level of safety. For added safety the li
sockets, along their roof lines to supply each stall. operation. The hinged recessed cover ensures the units are unob
Renewable and smart energy use.
Total power63 amps single or 3 phase incoming supply).
The market stalls are proposed to each have their The integration of renewable energy technology with Can be used to supply electricity, water, gas and telephone. The In Ground Power Units are manufactured in accordance with
own in built cable with two 13A sockets at its smart energy distribution is being considered. Raised SEMI-AUTOMATIC with gaspiston suitable for use in HGV areas).
EN124 standards. The covers are suitable for all types of paving b
ends. Each stalls cable can then be connected to manufactured to meet required loadings. They are fabricated in
it’s adjacent stalls cable, like a ‘daisy chain’. This In-Ground power points and 8mm stainless steel as standard but material can be changed
will allow for each stall to be easily disassembled The proposed in-ground power points can be Galvanised when required

when needed and cables protected and tidy. specified in a range of sizes and connections to
supply electricity, water, gas and telephone. This
allows for services to be coordinated and minimise
access points and the number of recessed covers. COVER TYPES ELECTICAL CONFIGURATIONS TYPE OF MOVEMENT
Semi-automatic with 2 gas piston
1. (For a stage or events)
The flip lid units provide round the clock power for 1 no. 63 amp 5P sockets with RCBO protection
days, weeks or even months on end. To minimise the 2. (For a stage or events)
1 no. 63 amp 2P sockets with RCBO protection
potential for damage owing to vandalism and harsh 3. (For a market)
weather because they operate unattended with the lid 2 no. 16 amp 2P sockets with RCBO protection STRUCTURE

locked down, with only the power cable protruding 1 no. 32 amp 2P sockets with RCBO protection Stainless steel, cast iron and concrete
A. Cast iron cover closed with reinforced 4. (For a market)
The lids are raised manually and are gas strut assisted to bronzehinges, exagonal lock,holes for output cable
3 no. 16 amp 2P sockets with RCBO protection
reduce the risk of them failing compared to motorised • Water system
pop up power points. The recessed covers allow them • Compressed air system
to integrate into the surrounding floorscape. • Gassystem

• Telephone system

• Jacks Rj-data

Proposed in-ground power supply points
• Audio-video connectors

Weatherproof double socket daisy chain connectors


PO Box 1447 PO Box 11355
76 Ilford, Essex IG2 6GT Paisley PA3 9DW

Tel: +44 (0)20 8227 0208 Tel: +44 (0)141 533 0554
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Next Steps New fuse
New box
fuse location
box location
* Explore the requirement and technical
feasibility of metering stall holders individually
* Consult with the sustainability team to New stall
New socket
stall locations
socket locations
establish the potential for integration
of renewable energy technology New event
New socket
event locations
socket locations
with smart energy distribution

Underground cables
Underground cables

Modular stall
Modular cables
stall above
cables above

Non modular
Non stall
modular cables
stall above
cables above

Proposed electricity supply 0 10 20 m

N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

7.2  Data
Existing Data
Provision of data in the market square is not adequate Existing
for one of the worlds most influential cities.
As part of CambWifi there is free public Wifi in the Free wifi extent
Guildhall public building and the Market Place via
The Cloud. The secure network is free and simple to
join, allowing people to work flexibly, access public Free public Wifi in the Guildha
services, shop and pay bills online, and keep in touch
with family and friends. The secure public access
Wifi network is provided as part of Cambridgeshire
County Council’s Connecting Cambridgeshire digital
connectivity programme, with Government funding,
to support local communities. The free Wifi is
understood to not be very usable and is not performing
very well. There is also limited opportunities to sit
down and use the Wifi due to limited seating.

Proposed Data
Integrating data into the Market Square will help
deliver a world class environment and solve some
of the areas challenges. The proposals have been
informed by conversations with Smart Cambridge
who’s aim is to ensure that Greater Cambridge is
a ‘smart city region’ and Collusion, a not-for-profit
company that’s aim is to build an international profile
for the wider Cambridge area as an R&D centre for
interdisciplinary arts and technology collaboration.
The proposals may be delivered in full as part of the
project and some may be designed to future proof the
scheme and initially provide only the connections or
basic infrastructure needed but that enables future
investment. This will create much more flexibility within
the space by considering all possibilities at this stage.

Better provision of wifi and 5G

Better access to 5G Data is inevitable for the future of
modern cities globally. Providing improved free Wifi to
its visitors in the centre of the city would enhance its
attraction and functionality.
* Upgraded Wifi connection to be installed to
create a faster and more reliable connection. 0 10 20 m
* New proposed posts for 5G or integration into Plan showing existing data
N 1:500 @ A3
new lighting columns or street furniture TBC.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Internet of Things
IoT (The Internet of Things) could be installed in the
market square. This is a smart network of physical
permanent objects (i.e. lampposts or market stalls) with
in-built sensors, software, and other technologies for
exchanging data with other devises and systems over the
internet. This infrastructure could be used to collect and Existing
analyse data and create a moving map of market traders
which could be used to communicate who trades where Improved
on each day, this data could be linked to a dynamic/
digital dashboard. Other uses include smart furniture
all that communicates environmental and social data or FreeFree
in the
in the
levels of congestion and pollution. Guildhall
The option to have a projector available within the space
5G 5G
PA system
PA system
would create a very flexible method to create a changing potentially
environment and could create an ongoing revenue for the lighting
council. Requirements:
* A fixed location on a structure within the Internet
of Things
of Things
square to fix a weatherproof box to house a
projector to project onto the Guildhall. This sensors
in market
in market
could be integrated into the fixed stall option.
* The windows in the Guildhall would require blinds Digital
to IoT
to IoT
* A media manager to look after it and a reliable and market
stable centralised management system that uses a
basic platform but that can have interactive elements
added. In other places engineers that maintain CCTV Projector
have been trained to maintain projection equipment. location
Further advice on projection equipment may be available
from The Cambridge Film Trust (CFT) a registered
charity that fosters film culture and education for the
benefit of the public in Cambridge.

Events data
PA system, this could be on new posts or integrated into
new lighting columns.

Externalising discussions from inside the Guildhall

There is the potential to bring discussions held within
the inside of the Guildhall outside by using audio/
projection, this would open up democracy and share the
knowledge from what happens inside the Guildhall.

Next Steps
* Phasing of proposals to be agreed
* Proposals to be developed with appropriate
consultants with coordination with 0 10 20 m
electricity and data existing services. Plan showing existing data
N 1:500 @ A3
0 0 20m 20m North North

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

7.3  Drainage

Existing Drainage Existing un

The existing underground drainage provision for Pub
surface water and foul sewer connects the Cambridge
City Council services into the public services.


Existing underground drainage
Existing ab
Public surface water sewer

Cambridge City Council surface water Fish

Public Foul Water Sewer Fat

Cambridge City Council foul water Gu

Existing above ground drainage Lin

Fish mongers stall drain Ma

Fat drain
Gulleys ma

Linear drainage features Dra

Manholes for access to drainage

Drainage channels (dished channels

made from setts)
0 10 20 m
Drainage channels (linear lines of Existing drainage plan N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Paving bondPaving
The central market area surfaced in historic setts
uses dished drainage channels constructed from
setts running north-south to drain into gulleys. The
northern gulleys connect into the underground
types bond types
pipes and flow under St Mary Street and the
southern gulleys flow towards the Guildhall.

There are two drains associated with the fishmongers

stall, these connect into the foul sewer.

A fat drain located by the waste compacter also

connects into the foul sewer. It is not clear if there
is a fat trap which gets emptied reguarly.

Both of these connect to the underground toilet

foul connection before flowing north towards
the public foul sewer under St Marys Street.
Stack bond Staggered bond Staggered bond
Road gullies and linear drainage features serve Stack bond Staggered bond Staggered bond
Market Hill and St Marys Street and connect (limited use) (square setts) (rectangualr setts)
into the public surface water pipes. (limited use)
Existing rain gulleys (square setts) (rectangualr setts)
Photo showing existing drain used by Photo showing existing fat drain
fish monger for their waste

Drainage gulley
Drainage gulley

Dished row of 5 setts Dished rowDished

of 5rowsetts
of 3 setts Dished row of 3 setts
Dished row of 5 setts Dished row of 3 setts

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

ACO Qmax

Proposed Drainage Adjustment Marshalls Drexus Slot Drain Duo

Surface run off Next Steps

The existing linear drains will be retained along St All connections and underground pipe work to
Mary’s Street as will the gullies in front of the Guildhall. existing drainage to be confirmed by drainage engineer
Some modifications are proposed to road gullies on in coordination with the CCTV assessment.
Market Hill to align with the new road alignment.

The drainage channel alignments within the historic

setts will be retained and restored where they have been
lost. Their drainage function will be maintained albeit
reduced as part of the proposed additional drainage to
ensure accessibility requirements at met. This would Slot channel maintenance access
involve the channel depth being modified to reduce
the depth. New linear slot drains would then run east-
west to connect into the existing drainage channels.


Toilet block
The existing toilet block will be configured whilst The Kent Dished Ladder Gratings are external heavy duty gully covers. They are Features
reusing the existing drainage connections. curved to suit a dished channel (any radius possible). They are manufactured from
6mm bars and come in Grade 304L or Grade 316L Stainless Steel as standard. They
q 60% Free Area
q Available with a dished profile or flat top
can be supplied with a hinge when required. profile

Event toilets q Heel safe (10mm spacing between bars)

Dipped Passivated finish

An events foul drainage connection is proposed.

This would allow extra toilets to be brought in Slot drains connected to drainage channels
for events that can be connected to the existing
drainage system. This would allow for a more
sustainable event infrastructure allowing non-
plastic and chemical temporary toilets to be used.

A relocated foul connection drain to service
the fish mongers stall is proposed.

Fat drain
The existing fat drain is proposed to be relocated
to the north of the underground toilet block
reusing an existing foul connection.

Coordinated proposed gullies Slot channel with perpendicular rather than linear Events toilet foul drain connection |

divides to avoid debris getting stuck

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report



Slot drains
Reinstated above ground drainage
channels (dished channels made Pu
from setts)
Paving fall
Public surface water sewer
Cambridge City Council surface water
Public Foul Water Sewer
Cambridge City Council foul water
Fish mongers stall drain
Fat drain
Event toilets connection point sy

Existing Gulleys retained/relocated Ab

Linear drainage features re

Manholes for access to drainage Ab

system (li

Above ground drainage channels

(dished channels made from setts)
relaid to shallower depth

Above ground drainage channels

(linear lines of setts) relaid
0 10 20 m
Proposed drainage plan N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

7.4  Water Provision

Existing Water Supply Proposed Water Availability

Access to water in the Market Square is from an New water sources are proposed for access
existing water tap with a dog bowl next to it. The tap to the general public, market stall traders
is located on a standalone housing which is in poor and for events. These would consist of:
condition, the water source is not controlled so can
be accessed by anyone and could be left running. Operational Fountain Taps
The existing fountain has an underground chamber Adapting the existing historical fountain, reconnecting it
that is connected to Hobsons conduit which the water mains and restoring/adding four working taps
historically supplied the fountain with water. for the use of market stall owners and the public. This KENT STAINLESS: IN GROUND UNITS 2

would require listed building consent as the fountain is KENT PAVER IN GROUND POTABLE WATER UNIT (KIGPWU-450/400)

The fish monger has an existing water supply listed.

and drain used for their waste (refer to drainage
section of this report for drain proposals). Water tap water supply 400

A new water tap providing a water supply to market

The underground toilets have an existing water supply. stall owners and the general public. The dual
function offers the possibility to fill a bottle but
also to drink water directly from the tap. The tap is

vandal-resistant and can be used 365 days a year.

Fishmongers Tap and Drain

Provide a tap adjacent to permanent fishmongers Proposed new water tap (join the pipe)
stall for predominantly their use only. KENT PAVER IN GROUND POTABLE WATER UNIT (KIGPWU-450/400)

Product Code Visible Frame Size Unit Depth Tray Depth

Events and Maintainance water supply KIGPWU-450/400 450mm x 400mm 450mm 80mm

Provide an in-ground water supply that can be accessed 400

for events such as events toilets and for general

Fountain water supply existing features upkeep and maintainance purposes of the square in Paviour directly adjacent to
frame to be embedded using
general such as wash downs after trading hours. an epoxy mortar or polymer
modified mortar

Underground toilets
Existing water supply to the toilets will be
retained and modified as required.
Minimum concrete surround
C 35/45
3/4” Potable water inlet

Product Code Visible Frame Size Unit Depth Tray Depth

In ground water supply for events KIGPWU-450/400 450mm x 400mm 450mm 80mm Made in Ireland

Paviour directly adjacent to

frame to be embedded using
an epoxy mortar or polymer
modified mortar

Existing water tap

Minimum concrete surround

C 35/45
3/4” Potable water inlet

84 Made in Ireland
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report


Water tap

Fountain taps

Fishmonger water supply

Event water supply
Water tap
Fountain taps
Water mains
Next Steps Fishmonger water
(Cambridge supply
water Company)
* Explore the technical feasibility with
an M&E engineer regarding making the
fountain taps operational again.
Event water
Fire supply
* Consult with Historic England regarding listed
building consent for any works to the fountain. Hobsons Conduit
* Involve an M&E engineer to understand the Existing
existing water supply within the square
Water mains
(Cambridge water Company)

Fire Hydrant

Hobsons Conduit

Proposed water provision 0 10 20 m

N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

7.5  Market Waste

Existing Waste Removal System the corner of the site near St Mary’s church. There
are two principal reasons behind this decision;
(See street furniture chapter for public waste removal one is to minimise costs by utilising the existing
proposals) structure as much as possible. The second is to avoid
excavating new areas of Market Square and potentially
For market waste, there are currently five general waste unearthing land with archaeological significance.
1100L waste bins. These are collected daily or every other
day. These bins alone currently provide an inadequate The sealed subterranean units have a number of
amount of waste disposal for the waste generated by the benefits over above ground waste storage.
market stall traders. The recycling waste is collected
twice a week. * There is a significantly higher Existing waste bins Cardboard waste compressor
capacity than regular bins.
Proposed Waste Removal System * It is expected that the increased waste
capacity combined with the smart collection
The proposal for the management strategy of the waste technology will reduce the number of times a waste
created by the market stall traders is to use an innovative truck will be required to enter market square,
underground storage and removal system. An example of increasing efficiency and reducing emissions.
a similar scheme is found at the Eddington site of West * They have been shown to minimise the bad
Cambridge. odours associated with traditional bin systems.
* Limited chance for vandalism
The system houses a number of underground bins with * They are more aesthetically pleasing than the
access to them via an above ground chute. The proposal cluttered on-street bins currently in operation
is for no. 2 of 5m3 capacity bins for general waste and a and can therefore play a real role in improving the
further no. 2 of 3m3 - one for recycling and one for food space facing St Mary’s church which is currently
waste. As part of the system the market traders will each littered with various bins and waste elements.
be given a smart card which allows them to ‘tap-in tap- * Smart access card provides a good level of
out’ of the waste bins whenever they deposit waste and security and minimises risks to general public.
will be charged proportionally to how much waste they
Current on-street 1100L waste bins Existing cardboard waste container
It is proposed to locate this waste system within the
existing underground toilet and storage facility in

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Proposed Waste Removal Locations Example of underground waste system at Eddington, West Cambridge

The proposal is to have no. 2 of the 5m3 capacity bins for general waste and a further no. 2 3m3 - one for recycling and Despite offering a significant amount of waste capacity, compared to on-street bins, the below-ground waste bins are
one for food waste. relatively unobtrusive at street level, with just a number of bin chutes visible.

Finish proposed to be matt black to integrate with other existing and proposed street furniture while the square plate
will be integrated with the same paving treatment as the surfaces around it.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Next Steps: Technical Details

* Receive and evaluate data on the

volume of market waste being produced by Typically the bin dimensions are around 1800 x When the bin is nearing full an alert will be sent to
the market traders and assess how this compares 1800mm and either 2000mm deep for the 3m3 council’s waste to collect the contents. The bin is then
with the current proposed provisions. version or 3200 mm deep for the 5m3 version. hoisted out of the ground and emptied using a crane
* Review existing manufactures and systems on the back of a regular size waste collection truck.
available for smart subterranean waste The installation requires a concrete ‘bunker’ to be sunk
management systems and understand how this into the ground which can be placed individually or The pedestrian platform at ground level is made
could integrate with existing systems already in a configuration with a number of other bunkers. of a laminated steel plate set within a fixed frame,
being operated by Cambridge City Council. which allows the cover to be customised and
* Ensure structural compatibility with the current integrated with the paved surface around it.
proposal to house the waste units within the
existing underground toilet and storage facilities. Smart Collection System
* Review opportunities to integrate system with
existing smart waste management strategies Part of the proposal is to integrate the collection of
and vehicle fleet in Cambridgeshire. bins on Market Square with an existing fleet of refuse
collection trucks in Cambridgeshire. The bins use sensors
to recognise when they are nearing full and notify the
council to collect the waste, rather than collecting every
day irrespective of how full the bins are, as is currently
the case. This is to improve overall efficiency and reduce
traffic of waste trucks around Market Square.

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT)

Using an intelligent waste system it is possible to

identify who is using the waste system, when and
how many times. Market traders will each be issued
with a key card that allows them access to the bins.

This system allows a fairer taxation system based on

a ‘pay-as-you-throw’ principle so that each market
traders is only charged for the waste they produce.

A secondary advantage of this system is safety.

It means the general public will not have access
to the bins and there is limited risk of somebody
misusing the bins and entering the chute.

An example of a below ground waste management system with PAYT chip readers and rear access hatches for bulkier waste

An example of a PAYT bin

Typical dimension of a below-ground waste system

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

7.6  Toilets & Storage

There are existing toilets provided to the market traders
through facilities which sit below ground close to Great
St Mary’s Church. Access is via secured stairs on the
Market Square. Alongside the toilets, the underground
amenities have provisions for a number of the market
traders to use storage cupboards. The facilities are on the
whole in a poor condition and need updating.

The proposal is to use the existing underground facility’s

structure but redesign the internal layout. This includes
creating a corridor that connect both staircases, facilities
for a small kitchenette and maintains storage facilities.
The design accommodates the excavated space required
for the no. 4 waste ‘bunkers’ which also sit below ground.

Next Steps:
1:75 Existing Plans
- undertake a full structural survey to understand the
extents of the services that can be retained or need to be
- understand the structural requirements of the waste
system ‘bunkers’ and how they are integrated into the
existing structure.

1:75 Proposed Plans

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Market Square

As part of the proposal to reconfigure the underground

amenities, it is proposed to introduce a new storage
entrance facility to be used by the market traders. Beneath the St.
Edwards King & Martyr C of E Church there is a historic
vaulted storage facility which could be re-purposed and
used as a place for the traders to store items they require
on market days but would be inconvenient to transport to
-and-from site everyday, such as tables, signs and boards.

The vaults are accessed from a staircase at the North-East

Proposed corner of St Edwards, leading down to them directly off
Peas Hill. While the stairs would benefit from renovation
underground and some improvement the access condition could be
described as better than that for the existing storage units.
St. Edwards King &
Marty C of E Church

Underground vaults proposed to be used for storage by market traders The current storage facilities for the market traders

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

8.0  Street Furniture

8.1  Existing street

The existing street furniture within the Market Square

is uncoordinated and lacking a considered and consistent
approach. The majority of the street furniture is located
around the square on the edges, with very little in the
central market area. The limited furniture that is present
in the market area appears to have been an after thought
or the result of inadequate provision such as the picnic
tables and that fact that people use the fountain to sit
on as there isn’t enough seating. There are some features
of interest such as the post boxes, telephone kiosks and
memorial artwork.

The market appearance and layout currently does not

lend itself as a space to stay, sit and spend time other than
to buy items and then leave. The amount and location of
street furniture contributes towards this. A considered
street furniture palette is required which is designed
appropriately to the character of the square, coordinates
locations with uses of the space, views and sunny aspects
and provides adequate provision. This would improve the
appearance of the space, enable people to enjoy the space
rather than just passing through it and reduce clutter.

Waste bins (general and

mixed recycling bins)

Memorial artwork

Post Boxes

Telephone Kiosks



Cycle stands
0 10 20 m
Bollards Plan of existing street furniture
N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Waste bins Memorial Artwork Post boxes Telephone Kiosks

Currently waste provision for the general public in the A memorial artwork is located outside the Guildhall, in A pair of post boxes are located by St Marys Passage. Four K6 Telephone Kiosks are located on St Mary Street
Market Square consists of general waste and mixed memory of Walter ‘Snowy’ Farr MBE (1919 to 2007). He Usually for a pair they are from different reigns G VI R adjacent to Church of St Mary. They are Grade II listed.
recycling bins in pairs or groups. The type and size of was a well-known presence in Cambridge Market Square, and E II R vintages. It is proposed to retain the postboxes The kiosks were moved to their current location in the
bins vary. A consistent and coordinated approach is where he would collect money for charity. It is proposed in their current location. mid 1990s from above the and were formerly listed as
needed. to retain the artwork in it’s current location. Three Telephone Kiosks, Market Hill. It is proposed to
retain the kiosks in their current location.

Waste bins that house wheelie bins in the market Snowy Farr memorial Pair of postboxes Image Richard Humphries Telephone kiosks now and previous location of
Image Geophones 3no. in the Market Square

Seating Signage and Wayfinding Cycle Stands Bollards

Currently there is very limited seating within the square, Currently there is one wayfinding totem sign with a map The current design of cycle stands used are not suitable There are several bollards within the Market Square,
a few benches positioned against the Guildhall facade by Peas Hill and one wayfinding post located by Rose for all types of bikes. A simplier cycle stand design would these will beremoved if not required (subject to highways
within a shaded location and a couple of picnic benches Crescent. These will both be retained. There is no signage be more inclusive. The location of cycle stands is covered works).
by the market toilets. People often use the fountain as an associated with the Market. All street names if named in the Access section of this report.
informal seat. There is a clear need for additonal seating are located on the buildings. Additional signage and
eespecially in locations associated with the market to wayfinding could help visitors to the market and provide
allow people to buy food and drink and enjoy it within the
Market Square.

Picnic benches and benches outside the Guildhall Signage totem and street signage Cycle stands Bollards

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

8.2  Proposed strategy

The street furniture proposals aim to create a coordinated
and cohesive design that is considered and appropriate to
the character of the square. Making the most of the space
available by reducing clutter of unecessary items and and
introducing more of what’s lacking such as seating.

The opportunity to incorporate smart street furniture

has been considered. This could provide a range of
benefits for the council and users of the space by using
smart technology and building in IoT infrastructure to
create sustainable solutions.

* Street furniture that allows for the creation

of dynamic and flexible spaces
* Supporting the move to zero carbon and
providing educational elements in terms of
renewable energy and environmental data
* Improved WiFi connectivity
* Communication of market information,
local information and services on
screens that can be updated easily
* Saving energy by more efficient waste collections
* Collecting big data to improve public services
(e.g. pedestrian traffic, use of public facilities,
comparison of different locations)

0 10 20 m
Plan showing proposed street furniture N 1:500 @ A3

94 0
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

8.3  Seating

Existing Retained
Proposed Seating
Memorial artwork

Post Boxes The seating proposals provide additional seating

opportunities within the square with a range of seating
types. The locations have been considered in relation
Telephone Kiosks
to uses, views and sunny aspects. The seating types
include fragmented seating, long tables, long benches
Cycle Stands and seating blocks. They will cater for different uses such
as for people that want a quick rest, somewhere to sit,
Sign relax and watch the world go by or to meet as a group and
eat at a table. Seating that is adaptable and flexible will Example of bespoke granite seats (Marshalls
allow the space to respond to events and future needs, bespoke prospero granite seating)
Litter bins this may involve some seating types that are moveable
by a forklift or similar. Some seating types could provide
Seating places to charge electronic devices for free so people can
browse the internet using the free WiFi, charge their
phone or check the environmental data for the area.

Litter Bins and mixed Fragmented Seating

recycling bins
Informal seating within the square is located within the
Long Benches central axis associated with the long tables.

Communal Table The seating is derived from the fountain geometry, Geometric form similar to Old Bailey street, London
taking the form of the fountain base and fragmenting
it into small seating fragments that are then scattered
Fragment Seating about to form seats. The fragments could be static or
potentially moveable (by forklift or similar) to allow
Market objects greater flexibility in some areas.

Fish Monger counter Design/Product criteria

* Bespoke product
* Granite to match the existing fountain
Relocated cycle stands
* Geometric fragments
* Approx 450mm height, with a range
Digital sign of approx 10 different sizes and shapes
450x450mm up to 750x750mm
* Approx.50no.
Fragmented seating concept Granite used to match the existing granite fountain
* Fixing TBC (Sat on top of granite
setts to retain flexibility)

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Seating blocks
Long Table Long Benches
Elegant blocks as informal seating elements within the
Two long timber communal tables are proposed aligned Elegant linear seating elements incorporating backrests
northern market space. Associated with long benches.
to the centre of the central axis. The tables will provide and arms are proposed located in front of the church,
space for people to eat and drink within the market alongside the long tables and in front of the Guildlhall.
and to sit and socialise around a table or bring political These will replace the existing benches outside the Design/Product criteria
discussions outside from the Guildhall. Fragmented Guildhall and provide additional seating. * Supplier Chris Nangle
seating and long benches will provide seating around the
table with spaces for buggies and wheelchairs. Design/Product criteria * Carved Oak Seating Blocks
* Supplier Chris Nangle * Carved from a single solid piece
Design/Product criteria * Carved oak benches * Charred finish makes a bold impact and
* Bespoke product similar to Eddington * Simple metal back rests incorporated along is colourfast and maintenance free
* Metal/timber material a proportion of the bench length * Approx. dimensions 0.5m width and 0.45m height.
* Linear form * Invisible metal feet so that benches * Approx. 10no
* Approx dimensions 12metres length appear to be floating
x 0.9m width x 0.72m height * Sculpted carved form to deter rough Long Benches illustrative view
* 2no. quantity sleeping and skateboarding
* Fixing TBC (Fixing points within granite setts) * Approx. dimensions 4.8metres long by
0.5m width and 0.45m height.
* 14no. long benches
* In ground fixings. Fixing points
within granite setts TBC

Long Table illustrative view CHRIS NANGLE

Charred Seating Blocks

Double bench and Green oak Wave bench The Coal Drops Yard, London Kings Cross
Eddington example Carved charred oak seating blocks
Description Standard Data
Carved charred oak bench The Carved Charred Oak Seating Blocks offer an eco friendly contemporary public Product Type Benches
seating solution for any space. Style Contemporary
Materials Charred Green Oak
Each block is carved from a single solid piece of locally sourced green oak making it extremely Finishes Charred or Natural
durable. The charred finish makes a bold impact and is colourfast and maintenance free. Height 450mm
Width 450mm
Each block has an individual seat hand carved into the top, which is free draining and shaped Length 600+mm
96 for comfort. The blocks work well as a group or as individually placed sculptural seating. The
units are also available in a natural oak finish and in any size.
Suitability Street/Landscape
Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

8.4  Objects
Display/seating Fish Mongers counter
Currently some market traders leave display equipment
or infrastructure in the market overnight. A black metal framed structure with timber boards that An open counter in the day that transforms into a closed
can transform from a display stand in the day to seating box at night.
The proposals look to reduce the amount of clutter and in the evening. * 6m x 6m footprint (equivelentto 4no. 3x3m stalls)
deter traders from leaving equipment out. The small * Small units 0.45m x0.45m
amount required to stay overnight will be designed into * Tall units 0.45m x 0.9m
the scheme so that they appear as beautiful objects or
transform into usable seating in the evening.

Objects as display stands Counter open

Objects as seating Counter closed

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

8.5  Waste Bins 8.6  Cycle stands 8.7  Wayfinding and 8.8  Lighting
The waste bin proposals would replace the existing Digital signs
bins in the central area, Peas Hill and Petty Curry and The proposals relocate several cycle stands outside of the
coordinate the locations with the street furniture main market area. Refer to access section for cycle stand Existing lighting
provision. The bins in the central market area would be strategy. New or relocated cycle stands would be Sheffield
Currently there is one signage totem with a map and one The square is currently illuminated by a series of 10m
relocated west of the railings with an additional pair of stands powder coated black that allow both front and
wayfinding sign within the square. These will both be double headed columns. These columns provide decent
bins proposed next to the proposed long seating benches back wheels to be locked securely.
retained. lighting for the vehicular activity for the square and
in front of the church.
suitable light for the current activities and standard.
An additional digital signage totem providing Market The visual appearance is dated and specification is a
The proposals are for Smart Wheelie bins housing bins.
Square news feed is proposed that connects the Market luminaire which would be suited to a highway, equally
Replacing the existing bins with new bins which house
Square users with a screen everyone can see and anyone the lamp type is outdated and should be, if not soon,
wheelie bins and include a smart sensors.
can use. Empowering market traders and community be upgraded to LED from Metal Halide. There is also
members to share relevant local content, businesses of concern that these lights may be create obtrusive light
Smart bins are connected to WiFi and equipped with
all sizes to engage with customers, artists to showcase for the residential buildings surrounding the square and
fill-level sensors that track the situation in real time
their work, and Cambridge to better communicate with the side roads which should be addressed by any future
and send data alerts to the collection team that the bin
its residents and visitors. The proposed location is next to schemes.
is 85 per cent full to ensure that they are not allowed to
the long benches outside the church near the telephone
overflow, but also are not emptied unnecessarily.
kiosks. The current locations give a good indication that the
column locations could be moved to more suitable spaces
The digital signage totem could run on solar power, to match the design and layout of the new square uses
which means no wires and no emissions. It could and orientation. A survey of services would be useful to
include environmental sensors and data to check pollen determine if there are any areas which are prohibitive
and noise levels. If linked to IoT sensors the sign could for use, but based on this layout we believe much of the
provide an constantly up to date map of market stall square could be used for future locations.
traders locations.
Information on the current agreements and standards
from the street lighting team for Cambridge council
would be useful to indicate what type of adoptability,
future functionality and uses, as well as other
Escola Smart sensor bins infrastructure presumed to be used on these columns
- CCTV, signage, 5G, would be beneficial for the next
stage of the project. Equally the lights are part of a bigger
scheme, especially the corner columns which link to Peas
Hill and Guildhall St.

Additional infrastructure on these columns is festive

lighting exterior rated 16amp plugs, signage for
numerous items around the square and hanging baskets.
One column has what appears to be mobile data or 5G.

Escola bin housing Sheffield stands coated black Double Sided outdoor screens installed at the Wales
Millennium Centre, Cardiff, Wales
Image Digital Media Systems

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report


Existing lighting columns


Double lighting column

Single lighting column

Wall mounted

Historical wall-mounted


Plan showing existing lighting locations 0 10 20 m

N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Proposed Lighting Concepts

The new proposals should work in tandem with

the option which is chosen, but some overarching
themes should be applied to the thought of future Existin
lighting design for the Square so the range of
proposed activities and potential uses can be
Existing Lighting
* Lighting to provide good lighting for the
pedestrian and market use experience first and Double lighting column
foremost. Single lighting column

* Lighting should work with the current town Wall mounted

control system, CMS or other method of lighting
control. Historical wall-mounted

* Lighting should be controlled in terms of CCTV

time, allowing for lights to be dimmed at low
used times of night, as well as having specific
Proposed Lighting Propo
lights for busy, or times of increased risk. Market Stall Lighting

Column Lighting

Existing Lighting Facade Lighting

Fountain Lighting
Double lighting column

Single lighting column

Wall mounted

Historical wall-mounted

Proposed Lighting

Market Stall Lighting

0 20m North

Column Lighting

Facade Lighting

Fountain Lighting Lighting proposals plan 0 10 20 m

N 1:500 @ A3

Cambridge Market Square - Concept Design Report

Events Market Stalls

Lighting Columns
The market layouts and design should integrate lighting
* Lighting for events should be considered and
for each individual market stall. This means that:
* The lighting columns should be arranged so they do infrastructure should be integrated within
not block the view of Great St Mary’s Church, the the columns to allow for this. This could be for * No market stall needs to provide their own
Guildhall or no. 5 the Grade 1 Listed building. They Christmas lighting, Cambridge Light Festival and lighting, this is usually a major visual downfall
should sit against buildings or view points which are other events during the year. Engagement of what of marketplaces as people bring bright,
not as critical. uses there could, should be considered. awkward, or no lights to their stall. With this
everyone has the same decent set of lights.
* The Columns should be arranged to fit the layouts * Additionally if required, rigging points could be * The views and vistas of the market from afar can
for the market stands, a series of tall columns on the considered on columns to allow for other events, be greatly enhanced during day and night with a
South side of the square with additional columns such as Opera and musical events to have speakers well designed and aesthetic response to brief.
either side and close to the fence of the Church and other components mounted to them, with cables * All cables and plugs can be integrated into
would give a good layout. These could be feature already considered within the design to allow for full the design so it is plug and play, making
columns and provide a high level viewing item. The flexibility and future use. something which has a long life and can be
columns would suit to be on the average datum of the maintained with easily replaceable items.
buildings on the South side, which they will be close Lighting Levels * Most importantly. The colour temperature can be
to, this is between 12-15m (tbc). controlled and be 2,700K very warm white with
* The classification of pedestrian and vehicular high colour rendition (CRI). This would mean that
* If other components such as signage, CCTV, 5G, Wi-Fi activities should be chosen to allow for the correct the market feels warm in the afternoon, evening
or more are required by any columns, this should be specification of lighting levels. and night. People will have light from a human level
set out prior to any development of column design illuminating them and equally all the products will
so that the lighting design can look to integrate and * The lighting standards rarely consider public squares, look great, all the food will look great, and the whole
minimise the visual appearance of their impact on or Piazzas, in great detail and we would advise that atmosphere of the market will vastly improved to
the columns. the light levels may be lower in the centre of the a very high level. (See images opposite of a recent
square. If the vertical surfaces around the square are example of this approach).
* The column materiality and finish should match illuminated and there is sufficient light around the
the finishes and types that are set out across perimeter of the square, there is no perceived risk to Most of all, the lighting should make the space attractive,
the rest of the public realm by the Landscape the human eye in having very low lux levels in the usable and safe everyday, for all people.
Architects. The design should sit in conjunction centre of squares. We have done this in numerous
to these decisions and not separate. town squares across the UK and is a given across Next Steps
Europe for this scale of space.
Architectural Lighting * A deep research of existing lighting throughout
Maintainace the city centre is to be undertaken in order
* Architectural lighting should be used on specifically * Ongoing maintaince and functionality in the long to create references and a shared aesthetic
buildings, such as the church, Guildhall and term should be discussed with the Council and with the lighting proposed within the square.
Grade 1 listed building to allow the scheme to incorporated into the lighting design early in design Matching tones, materials or colours should
have more depth than columns and downward process. We find bringing members along with be considered and brought forward to inspire
facing light. This will really build the space the journey of the design reaps dividends later in and influence this more modern approach
visuals for visitors and users at night and make delivering a project which they understand, feel part and design aesthetic within the Square.
a loci destination which feels safer and more of, and takes in their considerations for the future. * Research and testing with the incorporation of
inviting at night than many other items. Richardson Candles will be a starting point for
the evolution of the design within the Square.

Sayer Street - Lighting by Michael Grubb Studio

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