DV - Lesson Project - Dorina Vacari

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Lesson Project

School: PI Gymnasium nr. 2, Drochia

Teacher: Dorina Vacari, first didactic degree
Subject: English
Grade: the IIIrd
Date: 09.11.2022
Topic: I live in Moldova
Type of lesson: Developing Knowledge Acquisition Abilities Lesson
Specific Competences: SC1, SC2, SC3
Competence Units:
▪ 1.3 Identifying the message in simple sentences, recorded, or read aloud.
▪ 1.5 Reproduction of a group of sounds specific to the foreign language uttered in separate words and in simple sentences;
▪ 1.7 The use of pronunciation patterns and intonation specific to the foreign language in simple and familiar communicative situations.
▪ 1.11 Deduction through reading of the message in simple sentences and short texts which describe people, objects, and familiar places.
▪ 2.2 Recognition of the meaning of some short, simple instructions in oral and written form in simple and familiar communicative situations.
▪ 3.4 Organization of the linguistic resources to achieve simple communicative functions.
▪ 3.6 Participation in short, simple dialogues.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
● O1. demonstrate knowledge of the vocabulary on the topic ;
● O2. speak about Moldova and the fortress of Soroca;
● O3. read a text and do tasks based on it;
● O4. use correctly There is/There are in sentences.
Methods and Techniques: whole class activity, guided conversation, drilling, chain reading, Q-A, gap-filling, role-playing.
Resources: English Pupil's Book, level A1.2, English workbook, blackboard, laptop, PPT, internet, web-tools, pictures, worksheets, realia.

Lesson Development

Competence T Strategies
Units (Sub- Learning Content Assessment
O i
Competences) Stage Resources Methods and Interaction (Performance
(Teacher`s and Students` Activity) m
techniques Form Indicator)

3.6 Participation in EVOCATION 1. WARM-UP: Introductory activity: T greets the 2 Whole class
short, simple Ss and Ss greet the teacher with a short poem. Ss m activity
dialogues. are introduced in the atmosphere of the lesson. Discussion


for the new

2. Checking Homework: T initiates a conversation
based on the pictures and revises the vocabulary
and expressions learned at the previous lesson.
Revising the T possible questions and Ss possible answers Whole class students
vocabulary of Computer Guided activity vocabulary on
- What season is? (autumn) discussion
the previous the topic
- What are the autumn months? Video
lesson ”Autumn”
- What colour are the leaves in September, October
. Projector
and November? (green / orange /brown)
- How is the weather in autumn? (sunny / rainy / 4
m Pictures
- What should I wear on a sunny /rainy/ cloudy Presentation
day? (a cap / an umbrella / an anorak)
3. Picture description Activity: T initiates a
conversation based on the two pictures on the Flag of
presentation and the map of Moldova. Ss elicit the Moldova
O1 topic of the lesson. Ss put down the date and the
topic of the lesson.

T shows Ss some pictures and asks them to decode the

objectives of the lesson.

3.4 Organization of Deducing the Picture Whole class
the linguistic
resources to achieve topic of the activity
simple lesson Presentation Description
functions. Pictures Evaluating
speaking skills.

Decoding the
objectives of
the lesson. Whole class
Pictures Decoding

1.5 Reproduction of a O1 REALIZATION 4. Teaching the vocabulary: T uses the presentation 5 Interactive Drilling Whole class Students are
group of sounds OF MEANING
specific to the foreign O2 to help Ss learn the new vocabulary. m flashcards activity engaged in
language uttered in
Didactic game active learning.
separate words and in Pictures
simple sentences. 5. Play "Guess the word": T shows the picture and
Ss identify the word and place it under the right Associations
picture naming it.

6. Listen to - complete & role-play the dialogue:

2.2 Recognition of the
meaning of some
Ss listen to the dialogue and complete it with the
short, simple missing words.They listen the second time and
instructions in oral check. Then Ss role-playe the dialogue in pairs.
and written form in
simple and familiar
communicative 7. Pre-Reading Task: Describe the picture. T
5 Worksheet Pair-work
situations. shows Ss the picture of Soroca fortress. Ss make m Gap filling
predictions on the text. T reads the text, Ss listen,
follow and underline the unknown words if any. Role-play
3.6 Participation in T/Ss explain the new words. T reads and Ss
short, simple
repeat. practice reading the text aloud.

8. While-Reading Task: Ss read individually the

text and make a list of number expressions:
3.4 Organization of
the linguistic ● four round towers
O3 Pictures
resources to achieve ● three doors
● three metres thick English Picture Whole class Evaluating
functions. 9. Post-Reading Task 1: T asks questions based on Description activity students reading
the text and the dialogue Pupil`s skills.
● Is Moldova a big country? book Making
● What is beautiful in Moldova? Predictions
● Does Soroca Fortress stand on the bank of the
Chain reading activity
River Răut?
● How many towers does the fortress have?
● Are the walls thick?
1.3 Identifying the 10. Grammar Activity: There is / There are Individual Evaluating
message in simple Revision of There is/are. T proposes an exercise on English work students
sentences read aloud. flipchart. Ss fill in the gaps with the right form: There 7 Pupil`s Making lists understanding of
is / There are. m Books the text.
11. Individual Grammar Activity: Ss work
individually in their workbooks. Ex. 4, page 20, Exercise
w/b books
1.11 Deduction
through reading of the
message in short texts.


English students
Pupil`s Whole class
understanding of
Book activity
5 the text.

m Questioning


Evaluating the
correct use of
Flipchart There is &
There are.
O1 Whole class
activity Evaluating the
correct use of
Gap filling There is &
There are.
Workbook Individual
Gap filling




3.4 Organization of O1 REFLECTION 12. Interactive worksheet: T proposes an interactive 3 Gap filling Whole class Evaluating
the linguistic
resources to achieve O2 worksheet based on the studied material during m activity students
simple the lesson. understanding of
the lesson
Self-Evaluation activity. Ss self-evaluate their
activity during the lesson by choosing apples of
different colours. (The apples are of three colours:
Basket Self-evaluation
green yellow & red, according to the Methodology of
criterion evaluation through descriptors in primary 1 Apples Individual
education) m Self-reflection work

O1 EXTENSION Assigning HOMEWORK : 1 English Self-practice Individual Evaluating Ss

O2 m Pupil's work knowledge of
● reading ex. 4, page 24. Book the vocabulary
O3 ● ex. 2,3 page 20 w/b
and content of
● learning the vocabulary of the lesson through English
O4 didactic online games: the lesson.


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