Ejhg 201324
Ejhg 201324
Ejhg 201324
The intellectual disability of trisomy 21: differences in
gene expression in a case series of patients with lower
and higher IQ
André Mégarbané*,1,2, Florian Noguier3, Samantha Stora1, Laurent Manchon3, Clotilde Mircher1,
Roman Bruno3, Nathalie Dorison1, Fabien Pierrat3, Marie-Odile Rethoré1, Bernadette Trentin3, Aimé Ravel1,
Marine Morent3, Gerard Lefranc4 and David Piquemal3
Trisomy 21 (T21), or Down syndrome (DS), is the most frequent and recognizable cause of intellectual disabilities. The level of
disability, as evaluated by the intelligence quotient (IQ) test, varies considerably between patients independent of other factors.
To determine the genetic or molecular basis of this difference, a high throughput transcriptomic analysis was performed on
twenty T21 patients with high and low IQ, and 10 healthy controls using Digital Gene Expression. More than 90 millions of
tags were sequenced in the three libraries. A total of 80 genes of potential interest were selected for the qPCR experiment
validation, and three housekeeping genes were used for normalizing purposes. HLA DQA1 and HLA DRB1 were significantly
downregulated among the patients with a low IQ, the values found in the healthy controls being intermediate between those
noted in the IQ þ and IQ T21 patients. Interestingly, the intergenic region between these genes contains a binding sequence
for the CCCTC-binding factor, or CTCF, and cohesin (a multisubunit complex), both of which are essential for expression of HLA
DQA1 and HLA DRB1 and numerous other genes. Our results might lead to the discovery of genes, or genetic markers, that are
directly involved in several phenotypes of DS and, eventually, to the identification of potential targets for therapeutic
European Journal of Human Genetics (2013) 21, 1253–1259; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2013.24; published online 20 February 2013
Keywords: Down syndrome; Trisomy 21; intellectual disability; gene expression; HLA
1InstitutJérôme Lejeune, Paris, France; 2Unité de Génétique Médicale et Laboratoire Associé INSERM UMR_S910, Beirut, Lebanon; 3Skuldtech, Montpellier, France;
4Université Montpellier 2 et CNRS UPR 1142, Institut de Génétique Humaine, Montpellier, France
*Correspondence: Professor A Mégarbané, Institut Jérôme Lejeune. 37, rue des Volontaires, Paris 75015, France. Tel: +33 1 56 58 63 00; Fax: +9611421632;
E-mail: [email protected]
Received 21 August 2012; revised 27 December 2012; accepted 22 January 2013; published online 20 February 2013
Gene expression and IQ in trisomy 21
A Mégarbané et al
This study was granted approval from the Institute Jérôme Lejeune (Roche Applied Science, Meylan, France) and 4 ml of Forward and Reverse
Committee on Clinical Investigation and conformed to the tenets of the primers mix (final concentration in PCR reaction of 0.5 mM each).
Declaration of Helsinki. To discriminate specific from non-specific products and primer dimers, a
melting curve was obtained by gradual increase in temperature from 65 to
RNA samples 95 1C. PCR efficiency was measured on standard curves performed for each
Blood samples were collected for genetic studies after informed written consent primer pairs using a pool of all cDNA diluted as following: 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000,
was obtained from all parents or guardians on behalf of the participants 1/10000 dilution factor. Primer pairs with PCR efficiency o1.8 were excluded
because of their inability to provide consent, and from the healthy controls. of the analysis. The qPCR data were analyzed using the 2 (DDCT) method.6
RNA samples were extracted from lymphoblastoid cell lines. RNA samples Data were normalized using three housekeeping genes: LIMK1 (NM_002314),
were obtained from 4 106 cells pellet with RNeasy Plus Mini kit (Qiagen APEH (BC000362) and TUFM (NM_003321) (Table 1). The Partial Least
Courtaboeuf, France) and QIAshredder (Qiagen). Control of RNA integrity Squares Discriminant Analysis regression (PLSDA) analysis was performed
was performed with the 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Lesulis, with the R package mixOmics.7 The PLSDA was used to select the most
France) using Eukaryotic Total RNA 6000 Nano Chip (Agilent Technologies). discriminant genes. According to the mixOmics vignette and from the variance
RNA quantity was controlled using NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer importance plot, a score 41 represent a strong weight in the patient
(LABTECH, Palaiseau, France). discrimination.7
Table 1 PCR primers list for the two targeted genes and the three housekeeping genes (*)
0 0
DGE-tag IQ þ IQ P-value Sequence i.d. Cyt loc Hugo name Description GO annotation
0 0
5 -CAAATGAGGAGTGCCAG-3 0 541 1E 160 NM_001130523 1p13.2 CSDE1 Neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene P:regulation of transcription,
homolog DNA-dependent
0 0
5 -TCCAAAGTAATGGAGAT-3 0 247 1E 72 BC000301 1p34 HDAC1 Histone deacetylase 1 F:histone deacetylase activity
50 -ATCAGTGGCTTTGAATG-30 0 239 3E 70 BC000331 1q21 PSMB4 Proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, P:small molecule metabolic process
b-type 4
50 -GAAGCCCCAGCTCAGCT-30 842 3 1E 124 BC066343 2p12 IGKC Immunoglobulin k-constant P:regulation of immune response
50 -ATATTTTAAATGTTAAG-30 0 183 2E 53 BC047933 2p15 B3GNT2 UDP-GlcNAc: b-Gal-b-1,3-N-acetylglucosa- F:transferase activity, transferring
minyltransferase 2 glycosyl groups
50 -TTCATACACCTATCCCC-30 432 27556 3E 118 BC001797 2p16.1 CCDC104 Coiled-coil domain-containing 104
50 -TTAACAACATTAAAAAC-30 22 64 2E 06 NM_001139488 2p25.1- RASGRP3 RAS guanyl releasing protein 3 (calcium and F:Ras GTPase binding
p24.1 DAG-regulated)
50 -TCATTGTAATGATTTCA-30 0 237 1.46E 69 BC014274 2q11.2 STARD7 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain
containing 7
50 -GAAAAATGGTTGATGGA-30 0 4692 3E 174 BC010054 3p22.2 RPSA Ribosomal protein SA P:mRNA metabolic process
50 -CGTGTTAATGGCTGTTC-30 0 171 7E 50 BC000288 3q21 CNBP CCHC-type zinc finger, nucleic acid-binding P:positive regulation of transcription from
protein RNA polymerase II promoter
50 -TCTTAATGAAGTTTGAA-30 0 286 3E 84 CR612348 3q28 EIF4A2 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A2 F:helicase activity
50 -ATGTCATCAAATGGGTG-30 0 217 1E 63 NM_004068 3q28 AP2M1 Adaptor-related protein complex 2, P:intracellular protein transport
mu 1 subunit
50 -TGTGCTAAATGTGTTCG-30 0 673 2E 200 BC070208 4q25 RPL34 Ribosomal protein L34 F:structural constituent of ribosome
50 -ATACTTTAATCAGAAGC-30 0 186 2E 54 NM_001154 4q26- ANXA5 Annexin A5 F:receptor tyrosine kinase binding
50 -TCTGCAATGAAGAGATT-30 0 372 1E 109 BC005288 5q13.3 NSA2 NSA2 ribosome biogenesis homolog P:rRNA processing
(S. cerevisiae)
0 0
5 -TTACTAAATGGTGTTAC-3 0 428 8E 127 NM_001746 5q35 CANX Calnexin P:protein secretion
50 -ACACTAAAATGGCAGAG-30 0 191 8E 56 BC011676 6p21.1 NFKBIE Nuclear factor of k-light polypeptide gene P:D-serine transport
enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, epsilon
50 -TTGATTTCTTAGCTGAC-30 425 1 6E 126 AF533900 6p21.3 HLA-DQA1 Major histocompatibility complex, class II, P:T-cell receptor-signaling pathway
DQ-a 1
0 0
5 -GCAGTTCTGACAGTGAC-3 1616 1 1E 119 AK290388 6p21.3 HLA-DRB1 Major histocompatibility complex, class II, F:peptide antigen binding
DR-b 1
0 0
5 -TAGATAATGGCCATCAT-3 0 372 5E 110 AK098772 6p21.33 TUBB Tubulin-b F:structural constituent of cytoskeleton
50 -GTCTTAAAGTGAGATTT-30 4 16 4E 03 NM_000636 6q25.3 SOD2 Superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial P:negative regulation of fat cell
50 -TACATCCGAATGCTAAA-30 0 212 4E 62 NM_001128619 7q33 LUZP6 Myotrophin P:positive regulation of macromolecule
biosynthetic process
A Mégarbané et al
50 -AACAGAAGCAAATGATG-30 0 396 3E 117 BG480804 8q13|8q13 SNHG6 Small nucleolar RNA host gene 6 (non-
protein coding)
0 0
5 -ATCAAATGCAACCTCAC-3 0 364 1E 107 NM_002467 8q24.21 MYC V-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene F:sequence-specific DNA-binding transcrip-
homolog (avian) tion factor activity
0 0
5 -GACAATGCCAGCAAGAA-3 0 165 4E 48 NM_001001973 10p15.1 ATP5C1 ATP synthase, H þ transporting, mitochon- P:small molecule metabolic process
drial F1 complex, gamma polypeptide 1
50 -GCCATAAAATGGCTTTA-30 0 745 5E 222 NM_002727 10q22.1 SRGN Serglycin P:mast cell secretory granule organization
Gene expression and IQ in trisomy 21
50 -CTAAATATTCTTTCCTA-30 22 55 6E 05 NM_005445 10q25 SMC3 Structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 P:chromosome organization
50 -GGGACGGCGCGGAGGAG-30 29 51 4E 03 NM_030930 11q13 UNC93B1 Unc-93 homolog B1 (C. elegans) P:toll-like receptor-3 signaling pathway
50 -GTACAGGCTTGGAGCTT-30 85 32 3E 07 NM_012296 11q14.1 GAB2 GRB2-associated binding protein 2 P:phosphatidylinositol-mediated signaling
50 -GACTTTTCTGGGAAATG-30 0 179 3E 52 Z49194 11q23.1 POU2AF1 POU class 2 associating factor 1 P:regulation of transcription, DNA-
50 -AATAGGTCCAACCAGCT-30 9081 577 5E 123 NM_001028 11q23.3 RPS25 Ribosomal protein S25 P:mRNA metabolic process
50 -CCAGGAGGAATGCCTGG-30 0 243 2E 71 BC042163 11q24.1 HSPA8 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 8 F:ATPase activity, coupled
50 -TTTCTGTATGTTAATGA-30 0 415 6E 123 NM_001013699 12p11.21 H3F3C H3 histone, family 3C F:DNA binding
50 -GAAATGATGAGTCAGAA-30 0 250 3E 73 BM562920 12q12 PFDN5 Prefoldin subunit 5 P:cellular protein metabolic process
50 -GAAATGTAAGAGTGGAA-30 0 357 1E 105 AK123458 12q13.12- PCBP2 Poly(rC)-binding protein 2 F:RNA binding
50 -GTGCTGAATGGCTGAGG-30 0 1162 9E 173 BC017455 12q13.2 MYL6 Myosin, light chain 6, alkali, smooth muscle P:skeletal muscle tissue development
and non-muscle
0 0
5 -TCACAAGCAAATGTGTC-3 0 5532 9E 206 NM_001113203 12q23-q24.1 NACA Nascent polypeptide-associated complex-a P:translation
50 -TTTCTGTGAAAATGTAT-30 0 232 4E 68 NM_004592 12q24.33 SFSWAP Splicing factor, suppressor of white-apricot P:regulation of transcription, DNA-
homolog (Drosophila) dependent
50 -CTGTTGATTGCTAAATG-30 0 334 1E 98 AK126454 13q14.3 HNRNPA1L2 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F:RNA binding
A1-like 2
DGE-tag IQ þ IQ P-value Sequence i.d. Cyt loc Hugo name Description GO annotation
50 -TCAAATGCATCCTCTAG-30 0 702 4E 209 AK126950 14q11.2 HNRNPC Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C F:nucleic acid binding
0 0
5 -GAGATCCGCAATGCTTA-3 0 745 5E 222 NM_006263 14q11.2 PSME1 Proteasome (prosome, macropain) activator P:small molecule metabolic process
subunit 1 (PA28-a)
0 0
5 -GAGATGCCTTTGGTGCT-3 17 3 1E 03 NM_005132 14q11.2-q12 REC8 REC8 homolog (yeast) P:meiosis
50 -GAAATAAAGCACCCACC-30 8003 739 1E 96 BC016381 14q32.33 IGHM Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 F:antigen binding
50 -ACAAATCCTTGAATGTT-30 0 290 1E 85 NM_000801 20p13 FKBP1A FK506-binding protein 1A, 12 kDa F:transforming growth factor-b-activated
receptor activity
50 -AAGGAAGCAATGGTTCA-30 0 163 3E 47 NM_006392 20p13 NOP56 NOP56 ribonucleoprotein homolog (yeast) F:RNA binding
50 -TAAATAAATACATTCTT-30 0 6 5E 03 NM_000484 21q21.2 APP Amyloid-b (A4) precursor protein P:axon cargo transport
50 -GACTTGGCCCAAAAGAA-30 64 5 1E 14 NM_000819 21q22.11 GART Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransfer- P:small molecule metabolic process
ase, phosphoribosylglycinamide synthetase,
phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase
50 -GCTTCCTAAATGGCCCT-30 0 6 500E 03 NM_000071 21q22.3 CBS Cystathionine-b-synthase P:cartilage development involved in endo-
chondral bone morphogenesis
0 0
5 -CTCAGGAAATAAATGTG-3 0 192 4E 56 BC005402 22cen-q12.3 UQCR10 Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, complex P:small molecule metabolic process
III subunit X
50 -AACGCGGCCAATGTGGG-30 0 623 4E 185 BC036909 22q11.23 LOC284889 Hypothetical LOC284889 F:phenylpyruvate tautomerase activity
50 -AAACTAGAAATGTCATC-30 0 433 2E 128 AF230904 Xp22.1- SH3KBP1 SH3-domain kinase-binding protein 1 P:regulation of cell shape
50 -CAATGTGTTATGTAGTG-30 0 197 1E 57 NM_004541 Xq24 NDUFA1 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1-a F:NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone)
subcomplex, 1, 7.5 kDa activity
0 0
5 -GTTAATAACAAATGAAT-3 0 35 2E 11 NM_006603 Xq25 STAG2 Stromal antigen 2 P:negative regulation of DNA
50 -TGAAGGATGCCAATGGC-30 0 220 1E 64 NM_001008 Yp11.3 RPS4Y1 Ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 1 P:mRNA metabolic process
50 -GAATCCAACTGCTTCGA-30 3597 176 5E 105 AJ712551 — — Transcribed locus, moderately similar to P:small molecule metabolic process
NP_061929.2 NADH dehydrogenase
(ubiquinone) 1-b subcomplex subunit 11,
mitochondrial isoform 1 (Homo sapiens)
50 -CTGCTATACGAGAGAAT-30 22 2699 2E 192 AV755966 — — Transcribed locus, strongly similar to P:mRNA metabolic process
XP_003086526.1 PREDICTED: 60S ribo-
somal protein L5-like isoform 3 (Mus
50 -AGGGCAGGGAATGTGTC-30 0 175 4E 51 AW967735 — — Transcribed locus
50 -ACTTTTTCAAAAAAAAA-30 5286 213 3E 159 BE877281 — — Transcribed locus, strongly similar to F:helicase activity
NP_001460.1 X-ray repair cross-
complementing protein 6 (Homo sapiens)
50 -GGGACGGCGCGGAGGAG-30 29 51 4E 03 BG469659 — — Transcribed locus, moderately similar to P:toll-like receptor 3-signaling pathway
XP_001721426.3 PREDICTED: protein
unc-93 homolog B1-like (Homo sapiens)
Gene expression and IQ in trisomy 21
A Mégarbané et al
1.0 IQ –
0.8 IQ +
The 17 bp DGE-tags are indicated in the first column. The 2nd and 3rd columns indicate the exact occurrences of the DGE-tags sequenced. The ‘0’ value indicate that a DGE-tag was not identified in one of the 2 groups. Some GO (http://
P:lamellipodium assembly
P:apoptotic process
GO annotation
3.70 E-3 ± 4.4 E-3 0.384 ± 0.09
domain-containing E1, RNA binding (Rattus
XP_002729159.1 PREDICTED: cold shock
IQ –
tein RAD23 homolog A (Rattus norvegicus)
NP_001013208.1 UV excision repair pro-
Transcribed locus, moderately similar to
IQ + 1 1
NP_004885.1 6.8 kDa mitochondrial
proteolipid isoform 1 (Homo sapiens)
Transcribed locus, strongly similar to
HPV16 (INT290)
6E 223
8E 230
4E 118
1E 65
3E 70
2E 68
2E 10
IQ þ
Table 2 (Continued )
never for ID. Nevertheless, HLA has been associated with cognitive
ability. For example, Cohen et al.15 showed that a proportion of
patients with primary neuronal degeneration of the Alzheimer type
have the HLA-B7 antigen, and that patients with HLA-B7 antigens
had selective attention span significantly lower than Alzheimer
demented individuals,16 and a positive association of HLA-DR4 with overexpressed in the IQ group v/s IQ þ group. The glycinamide
attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and the role of the HLA- phosphoribosyltransferase (GART) gene, located on 21q22.11 was
DRB1 in the etiology of some types of childhood neuropsychiatric found overexpressed in the IQ þ group. GART is an essential
illnesses were reported.17 Future qualitative and quantitative studies at enzyme in de novo purine biosynthesis (OMIM 138440). In 1993,
the level of the HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DRB1 proteins on the PBLs of Peeters et al.34 studied the variations in mitotic index of lymphocyte
more IQ þ and IQ DS patients might further validate our results cultures to which various metabolites of purine synthesis (inosine,
found at the transcriptional level. Likewise, the comparison between adenosine and guanosine) were added. They unexpectedly found a
the SNPs located within the DS critical region on chromosome 21 in significant decrease in mitotic index in DS patients without psychiatric
the two groups of DS patients might be informative. complications when compared with normal controls, and opposite
Interestingly, the intergenic region between HLA-DQA1 and HLA- reactions in DS patients presenting psychotic features. They concluded
DRB1, is characterized by the presence of a CTCF-binding CCCTC that T21 patients may have different purine metabolism depending on
sequence, XL9, of high histone acetylation and of particular impor- whether or not they have associated psychiatric complications. Purine-
tance for the control of the expression of both HLA genes and for the rich diet or the prescription of exogenous inosine, and serotonine-rich
chromatin architecture of the MHC class II locus.18–21 The fact that diet were used to treat psychotic T21 patients and some results in
CTCF expression is increased and transcription of HLA DQA1 and reduction of self-injurious behavior were reported.34,35 Our results
HLA DRB1 is decreased in the IQ group could be in favor to a tend to give a beginning of explanation to the latter observations. The
repressor role for CTCF. On the other hand, the RFX1 gene, coding overexpression of GART in IQ þ patients might prevent the
for a protein that binds to the X-boxes of MHC class II genes and apparition of any abnormal behavior in T21 patients leading to a
which is essential in their expression, shows a three-fold decreased better IQ. Supplementing such patients with a purine-rich diet might
level of expression in the IQ group in comparison to the IQ þ not be beneficial (as seen by the decrease mitotic index) on the
group. In contrast, in the IQ þ group, the downregulated CTCF gene contrary of patients with a lower expression of GART.
expression and the increased RFX1 gene expression could explain the Interestingly, DYRK1A (Dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphoryla-
upregulation of the HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DRB1 genes. Furthermore, tion-regulated kinase 1A), located on chromosome 21q22.2 and
it was found recently that cohesin and CTCF-binding sites have a high known to have a significant role in developmental brain defects and
degree of overlap, and interacts with each other.20,22–24 Moreover, in early onset neurodegeneration, neuronal loss and dementia in DS36
often cohesin and CTCF have been found to colocalize at several did not show a significantly different expression between the IQ
thousand sites in non-repetitive sequences in the human and IQ þ groups.
genome.22,24,25 In addition to the regulation of gene expression, In conclusion, we established a transcriptome of DS patients with
cohesin has also other important functions: it forms a huge tripartite IQ and IQ þ and found that HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DRB1 may
ring, mediates the sister chromatid cohesion, and facilitates the repair discriminate between the two populations. However, the pools of
of damaged DNA.26,27 From our analysis, we can postulate that HLA- eligible patients available for such studies in particular centers are
DQA1 and HLA-DRB1 may represent a genetic biomarker for usually small, and therefore findings remain limited in their power to
predicting differences in ID conditions, but also that significantly rule in or out a marker that discriminates early between
polymorphisms or mutations of the cohesin subunits might have DS who will be IQ and who will be IQ þ . Larger multicenter series
an important role for the non-disjunction of the chromosomes 21 will allow to determine in a valid way the presence of such markers
and/or for the dysregulation of the expression of many genes. and whether they are sex-specific. Beyond providing evidence to
Other genes present a different transcriptional pattern between the support the hypothesis that has directed much of the work discussed,
IQ and IQ þ groups. Although this difference is not as obvious as the importance of determining valid markers would have major
with HLA, it might be interesting to be carefully looked at (Table 2). consequences for informing pathogenesis and for providing defined
For instance, APP (Amyloid-b (A4) precursor protein), located on targets to combat pathogenesis. This may lead to the discovery of
chromosome 21q21.3, was overexpressed in the IQ group. Duplica- genes that are ‘directly’ involved in several phenotypes of DS and
tion of the APP gene was found to lead to early-onset Alzheimer eventually to the identification of potential targets for therapeutic
disease (AD) and prominent cerebral amyloid angiopathy.28 interventions. For example, the genetic association with HLA
Triplication of the APP gene accelerates the APP expression, leading supports the involvement of the immune system in ID and offers
to cerebral accumulation of APP-derived amyloid-b peptides, early- new targets for drug development.
onset AD neuropathology, and age-dependent cognitive sequelae.29 At Continued and increasing investments in research on the genetic
relatively early ages, DS patients develop progressive formation and and molecular basis of T21 promise to transform the lives of these
extracellular aggregation of amyloid-b peptide, considered as one of individuals and the communities in which they live.
the causal factors in the pathogenesis of AD.30 The cystathionine
b-synthase (CBS) gene, located on human chromosome 21q22.3 CONFLICT OF INTEREST
encodes a key enzyme of sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism, a The authors declare no conflict of interest.
pathway involved in several brain physiological processes. It is
overexpressed in the brain of individuals with DS,31 and thus was
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