Abrasion of Aggregates Muhammad Arvarefo Aulia Rahman

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Arijuddin Adi Prayoga 2106658383

Mahathir Faishal Arief Hasibuan 2106658004
Muhammad Arvarefo Aulia 2106658490
Adly Naufal 2106658244
Abiyyu Sanggabuana Putra 2106658231

Experiment Date : Friday, 5th November 2021

Lab Assistant : Farhan Hafizh
Approved Date :
Grade :
Assistant’s Signature :


A. Objective
The objective of the experiment is to find out the durability of coarse aggregates by
using the Los Angeles machine. The aggregates are inserted into the Los Angeles machine,
where it would face wear and have its durability tested. The final mass of the aggregate
would be used to determine the percentage of abrasion.
B. Experimental Data
Based on the experiment of previously conducted by the Lab Assistants on the year
2020, these are the experimental data found for the abrasion of coarse aggregates:

Table 1. Abrasion of Coarse Aggregates Data

Sample Weight Retained Weight in Sieve No. 12

(gr) (gr)
1 5000 4420
2 5000 4330
3 5000 4360
Average 5000 4370
Source: Structure and Material Laboratory Data, 2020

C. Data Processing
From the results gathered, we can find the percentage of abrasion that occurs to the
Table 2. Mass of Coarse Aggregates and Abrasion Percentage
Retained Weight in Sieve No.
Trial Sample Weight (gr) 12 Abrasion
1 5000 4420 11.60%
2 5000 4330 13.40%
3 5000 4360 12.80%
Average 5000 4370 12.60%
Source: Abrasion Data Processing
Sample weight−Retained weight
Percentage of Abrasion = × 100%
Sample weight
ΣAbrasion Percentage
Average =
Number of Trials
1. First Trial
Abrasion = ×100 % = 11.60%
2. Second Trial
Abrasion = ×100 % = 13.40%
3. Third Trial
Abrasion = ×100 % = 12.80%
4. Average
37.80 %
Abrasion = = 12.60%

D. Analysis
The purpose of this procedure is to find out the durability of coarse aggregates
by finding out how it can withstand abrasion by using the Los Angeles Machine. The
result of the procedure is to find the percentage of abrasion, which would be
compared with the standard set by ASTM C33 - 1966.
According to the guidebook given by the Structure and Material Lab and also
the video on their youtube channel, the experiment was done by using several
materials. The Los Angeles machine itself is made up of a closed cylinder, with a
diameter of 71 cm and a length of 50 cm. The cylinder is centered on two short shafts
that rotate on a horizontal shaft. The test objects are inserted through a cylinder. The
procedure also needs, sieve number 12, scales with a precision of 5 gr, steel balls with
an average diameter of 4.68cm and a weight of 390gr – 445gr, an oven with a
temperature regulator to heat up to [110±5]°C, and safety equipment consisting of
gloves, safety shoes, and mask.
The procedure starts by drying the aggregates in the oven until their weight is
constant. Then the aggregate and the steel balls are inserted to the Los Angeles
machine and the engine will be rotated at a speed of 30 to 33 rpm, for an amount of
rotation depending on the total mass of the sample. In the case of this trial, with a
sample of 5000 grams, the samples are rotated for 500 rotations. Afterwards, the
sample is taken out of the machine and is strained in sieve no 12. The retained mass of
the sample is then measured. The retained mass and the initial mass would be used to
calculate the abrasion percentage of the aggregate.
E. Data Analysis
The result of the trials and its calculations show that the percentage of
abrasion from trial 1 through 3 are 11.60%, 13.40%, and 12.80%. The average
percentage of abrasion of the three trials is 12.60%. This shows that the aggregate is
durable as the percentage of abrasion of all three trials and their average falls within
the acceptable range set by ASTM C33 - 1966, which states that the standard
percentage of abrasion is >50%. Therefore, the aggregate is fit for concrete use.

F. Mistake Analysis
● Setting the machine to a different speed or amount of rotation could
affect the amount of wear done to the sample aggregates, this would
cause the percentage of abrasion to be either less or more than its
actual condition. This could be prevented by making sure that the
machine is set based on the standards set for the sample’s mass.
● Using the wrong sieve could cause the retained mass of the sample to
differ from the amount that should be retained, which would affect the
final percentage of abrasion. This could be prevented by ensuring that
the sieve is the right size as the size stated in the standard.
● Human error such as making mistakes when writing down the data
found during the experiment could also cause failure due to the data
not being taken correctly. This could be prevented by preparing the
note taking materials nearby and organizing them so that it is
comfortable to write down data.

G. Conclusion
By performing the Los Angeles Abrasion Test, we can conclude that:
● The average percentage of the aggregates’ abrasion is 12.60%.
● Based on ASTM C 33-1996, the aggregates are of good quality
because the percentage of the aggregates’ abrasion is less than 50%
● The coarse aggregate is suitable for concrete use as it passes the
standard’s requirement.
Structural and Mterial Laboratory. 2009. Modul Praktikum Aspal. Depok: Civil
Badan Standarisasi Nasional. “Metode pengujian keausan agregat dengan mesin
abrasi Los Angeles”, SNI 03-2417-199.
American Society for Testing and Materials. “Standards Test Method for Resistance
to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the
Los Angeles Machine”, No. ASTM C 131 – 03. Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, Vol 04.02.

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