Table On Comparison of Theories
Table On Comparison of Theories
Table On Comparison of Theories
Human Classical realist theory Realists view Human nature is human nature is
nature support a pessimistic view human beings as good or even quite literally
on human nature and inherently egoistic selfish, but there is socially constructed:
argues that humans are and self-interested a hope to get more-or-less
inherently not kind but to the extent that better-optimistic universal and stable
instead they are selfish or self-interest view. features of human
self-interested and act overcomes moral phenotypes—the
out of fear and aggresion. principles very traits we are
tempted to think of
as elements of
human nature
state Classical realism theory Neorealist argue states are not Constructivists
argues that all states seek that states seek isolated actors in argue that states
power, which is driven by security and explain the political can have multiple
desire to achieve national the pursuit of system, that they identities that are
interests. power is a key power as a means are not necessarily socially constructed
point for realist and to of creating security homogenous through interaction
survive states must which contrasts with other actors.
increase their power. classical realist
States are the most theory.
significant actors in world States are as
politics, also states are rational actors.
rational. States as self-
Internatio states are the main actors Realists argue that Due to significant aspects
nal in the international the international globalozation the of international
relations system, there is system is anarchic rise of global relations are shaped
system no supranational in that there is no communication by ideational factors
international authority central government and an increase in (which are
to guide the international trade historically and
behavior of states meant that states socially
in the world could no longer constructed), not
system. rely on simple simply material
power politics to factors.
decide matters.
Regimes States are rational, realists regard international interaction among
unitary actors that act in regimes as tools institutions or States affects
pursuit of maximizing that enable states regimes affect the States' interests and
their individual national to coordinate behavior of states identities, which can
interests or other change as a result of
international communication and
actors learning that takes
place in the
NGOs they have almost no NGOs are NGOs have NGOs are the
concern with NGOs . They conceived by influence to strongest and most
have generally no realists as interest govrenment. They clearly defined
analytical space for, or groups whose represent and impact on global
devote very little success or failure in support the politics
attention to NGOs. affecting policy interests of the
change is simply a civil society and
reflection of make pluralistic
statebased power global governance
politics. possible
Intergove Realism theory Realists believe that A basic debate in international
rnmental emphasize the essential sovereign states are world politics organizations
irrelevance of IGOs in the principal actors involves the induce states to
organizati managing such in the international impact of cooperate
ons fundamental processes as system. intergovernmental internationally even
war and peace. International organizations though their power
institutions or (IGOs) on and utility-
intergovernental international maximizing interest
organizations, conflict. Liberals is not achieved.
viewed as having see IGOs as international
little independent capable of organizations are
influence. transforming vital to make the
global anarchy world peaceful and
Substate At the height of realism, Similarly to classical Role of substate non-state actors or
actors other non-state actors or realism, realist also actors and private substate actors are
substate actors were says that substate actors in the public capable to influence
perceived as lacking in actors and non- sphere is a to the stae and also
importance in the state actors, they necessary element to world politics.
international system. have less influence for progressive
to internationl political
system / development.