Crook 1987
Crook 1987
Crook 1987
Part 2-Solutions
R.J. Crook. SPE, Halliburton Services
S.R. Kener. SPE, Exxon Production Research Co.
M.A. Wilson. Halliburton Services Center
Summary. Field experience suggests and full-scale laboratory test results confirm that mud displacement in
high-angle wellbores can be complicated by a channel of hard-to-displace mud forming on the low side of the
wellbore. This channel is caused by solids settling while the drilling fluid is circulating. Experimental test
results obtained with full-scale, permeable and impermeable deviated wellbores indicate that this channel of
solids can be prevented with proper rheological control of the drilling fluid. Results reported also demonstrate
the effect of casing centralizers, pipe movement, and preflushes on ~he removal of this low-side channel of
solids. Based on the laboratory results, displacement guidelines to improve deviated-wellbore cementing by
eliminating the low-side solids-settling channel are presented.
As part of a continuing investigation of factors affecting to improve drilling-mud-displacement efficiency in ver-
drilling-fluid displacement during primary cementing, a tical wellbores and to examine their effectiveness for
study has been carried out to identify factors to improve deviated-well conditions.
deviated-wellbore cementing. A previous study identified Factors known to influence displacement in vertical
several potential problems associated with cementing high- well bores have previously been identified and studied in
angle wells, including the occurrence of mud channels on a simulated vertical well bore on a large-scale testing ap-
the low side of the annulus and water channels on the high paratus. 5 These factors were examined on a large-scale
side of the annulus. 1 The most serious potential problem deviated-wellbore model at various deviatipn angles. Fac-
affecting deviated-well cementing appeared to be the depo- tors studied included use of pre flushes , pipe centralizers,
sition of solids caused by settling of weighting agents or and pipe movement. Findings reported here suggest
drilled cuttings from the drilling mud. The test data from methods of preventing the formation of mud channels by
the previous study suggested that the rheology of the mud, solids settling from drilling mud, and if mud channeling
specifically the yield point, determined whether solids does occur, methods of displacing the channel of settled
would settle. Settling from the drilling mud creates a con- mud solids from the low side of the wellbore.
tinuous uncemented channel along the low side of the
wellbore. Experimental Apparatus and Procedure
Occurrences of continuous mud channels in the annu- The apparatus used in conducting this research was de-
lus can prevent mud displacement and defeat the purpose signed and operated to simulate as closely as possible the
of cementing-i.e., to surround the casing with a complete actual conditions experienced during the cementing of an
sheath of cement that prevents fluid flow in the annulus. oil well. Fig. I shows the wellhead assembly used to cir-
Failure to surround and to protect the casing through in- culate the various fluids under deviated conditions.
complete mud displacement from the downhole environ- A schematic of the simulated well is shown in Fig. 2.
ment can lead to such problems as annular migration of Each test section consists of manmade, permeable, con-
well fluids, casing corrosion or collapse, loss of well con- solidated sands enclosed in a perforated pipe 15 ft [4.6
trol, and high remedial cementing costs. 2 m] long with a 6V2-in. [16.5-cm] ID. During this investi-
Previous studies in vertical wellbores have found that gation, two downhole conditions were simulated: (I)
the highest mud-displacement efficiency could be attained permeable formation, thus allowing for filter-cake build-
by lowering the yield point of the mud and maximizing up, and (2) completely impermeable formation. For the
pumping rates. 3-5 The initial study of deviated-well impermeable tests, a 6V2-in. [16.5-cm] -ID steel casing
cementing 1 suggested, however, that high-yield-point was used as the test section. A 5-in. [12.7-cm] -OD casing
muds were required to prevent solids settling and that low- was installed inside the test section. The casing was cen-
yield-point muds deposited solids to such an extent that tralized at the top and bottom of the test section.
complete mud displacement could not be achieved. The test section was lowered into the filtrate jacket and
The purposes of this study were to investigate further allowed to become saturated with water. Fluid loss to the
(1) the relationship of drilling-mud yield point and the permeable formation was monitored through an outlet
deposition of drilling mud solids and (2) methods known fixed on the filtrate jacket.
The filtrate jacket was enclosed in a hot-water heating
jacket. The temperature for the circulating period was held
Copyright 1987 Society of Petroleum Engineers at 180°F [82°C], and for the mud static and cement curing
Journal of Petroleum Technology. August 1987 961
Apparatus j
Returns Filtrate
tinuous bottom-side channel occurred. Again, however, caused by a mud designed so that settling would occur
as the yield point increased sufficiently (Tests 13 through during periods of circulation. These tests were performed
15), this channel no longer appeared. The minimum yield- under impermeable conditions. Tests 16,23, and 24 used
point value to prevent this channel at 60° [1-rad] deviation no preflush; Tests 17 through 19 used water; Tests 20
was about 20 Ibf/lOO ft2 at nOF [9.6 Pa at 22°C]. and 21 used a viscous chemical preflush (A); and Test
Results of these tests have led to two major conclusions: 22 used a nonviscous chemical preflush (B). Tests 16,23,
(l) there appears to be a threshold value of the mud yield and 24 were run as control tests because of a slight varia-
point below which a continuous solids channel will occur; tion in the mud formulation used for the preflush series.
and (2) the yield-point value required to prevent this chan- These tests confirmed the occurrence of the low-side mud
nel from forming decreases with a decrease in deviation channel for low mud yield point that was observed in the
angle. yield-point series. Results obtained for the tests using a
preflush, listed in Table 2, indicate that neither the thick
Effect of Preflushes preflush (A) nor the thin preflushes (water and B) were
A series of preflush-fluid tests was performed to determine able to remove the solids channel completely. However,
the effect that preflushes, either thin or viscous, have on the results of Test 19 suggest that when a settling mud
the displacement efficiency of the drilling fluid in a well- is used, pumping large amounts of thin preflushes will
bore deviated 80° [1.4 rad] from vertical. preflush volume increase the percentage of mud removed.
was also investigated with this testing. Tests were per- The second area of investigation involved determining
formed under both impermeable and permeable con- whether preflushes would improve the displacement ef-
ditions. ficiency of a nonsettling drilling mud under permeable
The first area of investigation involved determining conditions. Five tests were performed: Test 25 used no
whether the preflushes would remove the solids channel preflush; Tests 26 and 27 used water; and Tests 28 and
29 used a viscous preflush (A). Observations (Table 3) attained. This effect, however, appeared to be localized
indicate results similar to those achieved when a settling to within a few feet of the centralizer under the conditions
mud was pumped. Neither the thin (water) nor thick (A) studied.
preflush was able to increase the displacement efficiency
significantly above that reached with no preflush. In this Effect of Pipe Movement and
case, however, the problems encountered were caused by Wall Cleaners
filter-cake buildup instead of solids settling. Pipe movement and wall cleaner tests were all conducted
at an 80° [1.4-rad] deviation from vertical. Tests were
Effect of Centralizers carried out with both impermeable and permeable forma-
A series of tests was conducted at an 80° [l.4-rad] devi- tions. The goals of the tests were (1) to determine whether
ation from vertical under impermeable conditions to study pipe reciprocation and/or rotation under impermeable con-
the effect that conventional centralizers have on mud dis- ditions would increase the removal of the solids channel
placement efficiency. For these tests, the mud rheology formed when a settling drilling mud was circulated and
was again designed so that a bottom-side solids channel (2) to determine (under permeable conditions) the effec-
would be expected. Also, the cement in these tests was tiveness of pipe movement, with and without casing wall
preceded by a 'preflush. In Test 30, a centralizer was scratchers, in removing filter-cake buildup encountered
placed in the central section of the pipe. In Test 31, cen- when a nonsettiing mud was used. In all cases, pipe move-
tralizers were placed one-third and two-thirds the way up ment began at the start of the second mud circulation peri-
from the end of the casing. In Tests 32 through 34, a cen- od and continued until the cement had displaced the
tralizer was placed one-third the way up from the end of drilling fluid.
the casing. Four tests were run to determine the effectiveness of
Results of these tests are listed in Table 4. It can be pipe movement on the removal of the channel of solids
seen that bottom-side displacement efficiencies were great- from a settling-type mud on the bottom side of the im-
er in these tests than in previous tests in which similar permeable annulus. In Test 35, no pipe movement was
mud conditions existed and no centralizers were used. used. In Test 36, the pipe was rotated at 40 rev/min. Dur-
Upon examination of the individual segments from each ing Test 37, the pipe was reciprocated at 10 cycles/min
test, it was determined that the centralizers had indeed with a 20-in. [51-cm] stroke (which created linear pipe
helped somewhat in the mud removal process. In all cases, velocities typical of pipe reciprocation during cementing
mud removal was improved in the regions of both ends operations). The pipe was both rotated and reciprocated
of the centralizer. Figs. 4A and 4B show this trend graphi- in Test 38. A preflush of 10 bbl [1.6 m 3 ] of water was
cally. The bows of the centralizers apparently disturbed used in each of these tests. Results (Table 5) indicated
the flow pattern to the point that better mud removal was that pipe movement helped improve mud removal in these
FLOW- --sz 30 FLOW- s;:;;;t 33
- 31
FLOW- 18 FLOW- 18
i I ! ! I iii I ! i ! I I ! i i I [ j j ! i j 1 t iii t t ! I I
o S' 10' IS' o S' 10' IS'
Fig. 4A-Effect of centralizers in deviated-well bore tests. Fig. 4B-Effect of centralizers In devlated·wellbore tests.
tests; however, no significant difference was seen between drilling muds with comparable yield points. With the pos-
rotation and reciprocation, either individually or in com- sible effect of the slight difference in deviation angle and
bination. yield point taken into consideration, there is still evidence
A comparison of Tests 1 through 3 in Table 1 vs. Tests that pipe movement was a factor in the difference in dis-
36 through 38 in Table 5 demonstrates the effects of pipe placement efficiency seen in these tests.
movement. In Table 1, bottom displacement efficiencies Seven tests were run to determine whether pipe move-
of23, 14, and 50% were seen on an 85° [1.5-rad] devia- ment, alone or in conjunction with cable wall cleaners,
tion angle when pipe movement was not used. These would enhance the removal of filter-cake buildup when
values can be compared to those in Table 5, where dis- a non settling mud was circulated under permeable con-
placement efficiencies of 100, 99, and 100% (Tests 36 ditions. No pipe movement was used in Test 39. In Test
through 38) at 80° [l.4-rad] deviation were attained for 40, the pipe was rotated at 20 rev/min. The pipe in Test
Journal of Petroleum Technology, August 1987 965
41 was reciprocated at 10 cycles/min [60 Hz]. In Test 42, incomplete cement sheath, leaving a potential conduit for
the pipe was both rotated and reciprocated. Conditions the migration of well fluids.
in Tests 43 through 45 matched those in Tests 40 through 2. A threshold value of mud yield point exists above
42 except that cable wall cleaners were used on the casing which mud solids settling is not a significant problem. This
across from the bottom 5 ft [1. 5 m] of permeable forma- yield point varies according to the deviation angle of the
tion. A 20-bbl [3.2-m 3 ] water preflush was used in each well: the lower the deviation angle, the lower the yield
of these tests. Results of these tests are listed in Table 6. point required to prevent settling.
From the results of Tests 39 through 42, it has been 3. Very-low-viscosity pre flushes can improve the dis-
determined that pipe movement alone does not signifi- placement of settling-type muds to some degree.
cantly increase mud removal during cementing across 4. Casing centralizers improve mud-displacement ef-
permeable zones; however, a dramatic improvement was ficiency, particularly in the regions of both ends of the
noticed in results obtained with cable wall cleaners. The centralizers.
most dramatic evidence was provided by Test 44. In this 5. Pipe rotation and pipe reciprocation can significantly
test, the mud removal in the area of the cable wall cleaners improve the displacement of a settling mud in a high-angle
was almost complete (98 %), whereas in the se<;tion with wellbore.
no mechanical cleaners, only 67% mud removal was 6. Wall cleaners, in this case cable wall cleaners, sig-
achieved. nificantly improved the percentage of mud removed in
the permeable zones contacted by the cleaners during pipe
Discussion movement.
The most significant finding of this study was establish-
ment of the ability to reduce or to control solids settling Acknowledgments
from drilling fluids by maintaining at least a minimum We express our appreciation to the management of Exxon
threshold yield-point value. Controlling the mud yield Production Research Co. and Halliburton Services for per-
point, and thus controlling settling, will help eliminate mission to publish this work. Appreciation is also extended
mud channeling along the low side of the annulus. to those Halliburton personnel who helped perform the
Previous vertical-well displacement studies concluded experiments and to those who contributed valuable sug-
that a high-yield-point mud would reduce mud- gestions.
displacement efficiency by reducing fluid mobility and that
mud-displacement efficiency is greatest when pumping References
rates are maximized, regardless of the rheological prop- 1. Keller, S.R. et al.: "Deviated Wellbore Cementing: Part
erties of the cement. 5 Judging from the results of this I-Problems," JPT (Aug. 1987) 955-60.
study, it would appear that in deviated wells, pumping 2. Brice, J.W. Jr. and Holmes, B.c.: "Engineering Casing Cementing
rates are a secondary consideration to the condition of the Programs Using Turbulent Flow Techniques," JPT (May 1964)
drilling mud. Turbulent flow rates might help remove a 3. McLean, R.H., Manry, C.W., and Whitaker, W.W.: "Displace-
channel of settled solids; however, the tests that used thin ment Mechanics in Primary Cementing," JPT (Feb. 1967) 251-60;
preflushes, which were pumped in turbulent flow, indi- Trans., AIME, 240.
cated only a marginal improvement. 4. Clark, C.R. and Carter, L.G.: "Mud Displacement with Cement
Slurries," JPT (July 1973) 775-83.
Other factors examined in this study were less important 5. Haut, R.C. and Crook, R.J.: "Primary Cementing: Optimizing for
than yield point in achieving a high mud-displacement ef- Maximum Displacement," World Oil (Nov. 1980) 105-16.
ficiency, but in tests with a nonsettling mud, wall cleaners 6. Howard, G.C. and Clark, J.B.: "Factors to be Considered in
used with pipe movement gave the highest displacement Obtaining Proper Cementing of Casing, " Drill. and Prod. Prac.,
efficiency. This finding is potentially significant because API (1948) 257.
in an actual well, settling of larger-sized drilled cuttings
on the low side of the annulus is likely to occur even if 51 Metric Conversion Factors
other mud solids do not settle out. bbl x 1.589 873 E-Ol = m3
Casing centralization, which has previously been iden- cp x 1.0* E-03 = Pa's
tified as a major factor in vertical displacement studies, 5,6 degree x 1.745329 E-02 = rad
is even more important in deviated holes because the loads ft x 3.048* E-Ol m
acting on the casing tend to force it to the low side of the OF (OP-32)/1.8 °C
wellbore. This work suggests that the centralizers them- in. x 2.54* E+OO cm
selves may create local flow disturbances that are also Ibf/ft 2 x 4.788026 E-02 kPa
beneficial. Ibm/gal x 1.198264 E+02 kg/m3