Revision 2 Sem 2 2019

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Revision 2

1) For each of the following scenarios, indicate whether qualitative or quantitative research is more
appropriate. Also recommend a specific technique for each one and justify your answer.
a) A manufacturer of herbal teas wants to know how often and for what purpose
consumers use herbal tea products.
Quantitative will be better. Quantitative is to quantify the data of for what purpose
consumers use herbal tea products and generalize the results from the sample to the
population of interest. Personal interview will be more suitable for the research. Personal
interview administered questionnaire. Interviewed upon purchase of the herbal tea. This
way can be justify fast, can reach a wider group of respondents and have higher response
b) A company that manufactures potato chips has two alternative package designs for the
product and wants to determine which design will yield higher sales.
Qualitative will be better. Qualitative is unstructured, primarily exploratory design based
on small samples, intended to provide insight and understanding. It can use observation
to determine which design will yield higher sales.
2) What kind of data collection procedure would you recommend to research the question of why
female shoppers choose a particular retail store at which to buy clothing?

 Mention data collection procedure

 More intercept interview

 Purchase intercept interview at particular outlet

Purchase intercept of female shoppers at particular retailer store. Respondents can express
better in actual shopping environment. For example, the design of clothes, ambience and so

3) If you were a marketing research manager, would you permit the following if they were
important to the usefulness of a study?

a) Telling the respondent the interview would take only two or three minutes when it
usually took four minutes and a follow-up 10-minute interview was employed.
No ethical- the following is unethical. It did not mention have another 10 minute
Misrepresentation-did not inform the respondent about the follow up interview.
b) Telling the respondent the questionnaire would be anonymous but coding it so that the
respondent could be identified (so that additional available information about the
respondent’s neighbourhood could be used).
Unethical because it is anonymous. They did not tell clearly about the neighbourhood.
The researcher should explain to the respondent why they need to do the research.
c) Secretly recording (or videotaping) a focus group interview.
Unethical because the researcher should get the respondent permission first
d) Saying the research was being conducted by a research firm instead of your own
Unethical because it is a form of deception

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4) Briefly describe and provide an example of a construct, dimension, and an item.
Construct is the theoretical representation of the research being investigated. For example,
perception of mobile payment system.
Dimension is layer that explain the construct. For example ease of use of mobile payments
Item is a question in the questionnaire that attempts to measure the construct. For example,
I find it easy to use mobile payments.
5) Explain one technique for the treatment of missing values in a data file and the conditions under
which this technique would be used.

A few technique

Treatment of missing responses

 Substitute a neutral value- a neutral value, typically the mean response to the variable
is substituted the missing responses. Thus, the mean of the variable remains
unchanged and other statics, such as correlation, are not affected much. Although this
approach has some merit, the logic of substituting mean value (say 4) for respondents
who, if they had answered, might have used either high ratings (6 or7) or low ratings (1
or2) is questionable.

 Substitute an imputed 把…推给 response- the respondents’ pattern of respondent to

other questions to use impute to calculate a suitable response to the missing
questions. The researcher attempts to infer from the available data the responses the
individual would have given if they have answered the questions. This can be done
statistically by determining the relationship of the variable in question to other
variables, based on the available data. For example, product usage could be related to
household size for respondents who have provided data on both variables. The missing
product usage response for a respondents could then be calculated given that
respondent’s household size. However, this approach requires considerable effort and
can introduce serious bias. Sophisticated statistical procedures have been developed to
calculate imputed values for missing responses.

Imputation Increases Integrity

 Casewise deletion-cases or respondents, with any missing respondents are discarded

from the analysis. Because many respondents may have some missing responses,
this approach could result in small sample. Throwing away large amounts of data is
undesirable, because it costly and time consuming to collect data. Furthermore,
responses with missing responses could differ from respondents with complete
responses in systematic ways. If so, casewise deletion could seriously bias the

 Pairwise deletion-instead of discarding all cases with any missing values, the
researcher uses only the cases or respondents with compete responses for the
variable(s) involved in each calculation. As a result, different calculation in an analysis
may be based on different sample sizes. This procedure may be appropriate when (1)
the sample size is large, (2) there are few missing responses, and (3) the variables are

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not high related. Yet this procedure can produce results that unappealing or even

Long scenario

6) Coffee Connection Case study

Coffee Connection is an upmarket alternative to vending machines and snack bars on an inner-city
university campus in Tokyo, Japan. The campus has a full-time staff of approximately 600, with an
additional 200 part – time staff working through the day and in the evening. The campus has almost
8000 full-time students studying in six different faculties and additional 4000 part-time students who
mainly attend evening classes after finishing work in the city. Coffee Connection has been operating
profitably since its opening a year ago, and management is in the process of reviewing the past year
and considering future opportunities. To help with planning, management has commissioned a
group of marketing students to undertake a research project to identify opportunities to increase the
profitability of operations.

a) Determine the problem definition and research objectives of the Coffee Connection project.

Management decision problem (MDP) - What should be done increase the probability of Coffee

Marketing Research problem (MRP) – What is the target market and the marketing mix?

Research objective

 To determine the demographic and psychographic profile of the target market of Coffee

 To determine the demographic and psychographic profile of the current customers of

Coffee Connection
 To determine the satisfaction level of current customers of Coffee Connection

b) What type of research approaches and techniques would you recommend for the problem in part

Research design

 Option 1- descriptive only

 Option 2- exploratory followed by descriptive


 Option 1-quota sampling-1st stage-set quotas, example:Full time and part time. 2 nd stage
convenience sampling, sample size-staff-50people, 100 people, students- 200

Data collection method

 Option1 –quantitative -questionnaire- to both full-time and part time staff and students

 Option2 – exploratory - qualitative- focus groups for students, in-depth interviews for full-
time and part time staff

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Causal research design-conduct experiment

Exploratory design- Qualitative research

c) Coffee Connection has a branch in a university campus in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and would like
to conduct a similar research in Kuala Lumpur. What differences in marketing research do you
think would occur between market research in Japan and Malaysia?

Language-translate the research instrument

 Parallel translate
 Back translate
 Check the equivalents-e.g. construct and linguistic

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