Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Promotions Transfers and Separation

Definition of Terms
 Promotions: means an improvement in pay, prestige, position and responsibilities of an employee
within his or her organization.
 Transfer: Transfer involves a change in the job (accompanied by a change in the place of the job) of
an employee without a change in the responsibilities or remuneration.
 Demotion: The permanent movement of a staff member from one position in one job class to a
position in another job class of decreased responsibility or complexity of duties and in a lower salary
 Separations: Lay-offs, resignations and dismissals separate employees from the employers.

9.1. Types of promotion

A. Promotion by seniority
In a straight seniority system—where the only factor in allocating jobs is length of service—a
worker would enter the organization at the lowest possible level and advance to higher positions
as vacancies occur
 Employees get to experience many jobs on the way up the promotional ladder, provided that
they stay long enough and openings develop. Jobs can be grouped into different ladders such
that experience on one job constitutes good training for the next.
 Cooperation between workers is generally not hindered by competition for subjectively
determined promotions.
 Workers need not seek to gain favor with supervisors (through non-productive means) to
obtain advancement. If, for example, a supervisor’s direction violates the interests or policy
of the ranch, employees would have less fear of reprisal for not following it.
 Some employees may not be able or want to do certain jobs into which a strict seniority
system would propel them. Employees should be able to opt not to accept an opportunity for
 Ambitious workers may not be willing to "wait their turn" for higher-level jobs that they
 Employee motivation to work as well as possible is not reinforced.
 New employees would be underrepresented in higher levels for a long time (since they are
the last hired and have least seniority).
 Employers would tend to hire over skilled people at entry level, so they have the capacity for

B. Promotion by Merit
Promotions based on merit advance workers who are best qualified for the position, rather than
those with the greatest seniority. When present employees are applying for a position, a worker’s
past performance is also considered. Effective performance appraisal helps build trust in the
Merit is not easy to define and measure, it often requires difficult subjective evaluations. At
some point, someone has to make a judgment about an employee’s relative merit. Employees
may find it difficult to make a distinction between merit, because it is so hard to measure in an
objective way, and favoritism.
 Employee job-related abilities can be better matched with jobs to be filled.
 Motivated and ambitious employees can be rewarded for outstanding performance.
 Performance is fostered.
 Merit and ability are difficult to measure in an objective, impartial way.
 Supervisors may reward their favorites, rather than the best employees, with high merit
 Disruptive conflict may result from worker competition for merit ratings.
 Unlawful discrimination may enter into merit evaluations.

9.2. Reason for Transfer

Transfer of employees is must and essential in an organization for the purpose of minimizing politics
between employees, to ensure cordial relationship between employees, to increase transparency in work,
to obviate syndicate of employees for unethical purpose and to obviate nepotism in organization.

Employee transfers is considerable, as most essential when a position of employee is a top-level in

hierarchy. Especially in the governmental organizations employees holding top-level positions are
affected with frequent transfers for the reason, to obviate nepotism into increase transparency in the
work. Organizations having no transfers for their employees may create their own informal groups for
their common interest and their own benefit. Subsequently, this may leads to secrecy in the flow of work,
eventually, no transparency in work. Employee transfers less organization may definitely see
organizational politics among employees, that which leads to fall in coordination in between employees,
eventually may lead to drop in overall organizational performance.

The followings are reasons for transfer

1. To avoid favoritism and nepotism. 
2. To avoid gaining capacity of influencing and egocentrism. 
3. To avoid monotony in the work of an employee. 
4. Makes an employee accountable to his seat, so as not to find mistake by his successor. 
5. So as to avoid excess dependency on particular employee, otherwise may affect the purpose of
hierarchy and lose control over subordinates. 
6. To create transparency among the employees and their work. 
7. It limits taking advantage and sole control over the seat or section. 
8. To avoid unnecessary influence on others for their own advantage. 
9. To make conversant of different seats work. 
10. To maintain healthy relationship in between all the staff members to retain harmonious environment
to avoid unnecessary disputes.

9.3. Types of Transfer

Employee transfers may be classified as below.
A. Production transfers: Such transfers are made to meet the company requirements. The surplus
employees in one department/section who are efficient might be absorbed in other place where there
is a requirement. Such transfers help to stabilize employment.
B. Replacement transfers: This takes place to replace a new employee who has been in the
organization for a long time and thereby giving some relief to an old employee from the heavy
pressure of work.
C. Versality transfers: It is also known as rotation. It is made to develop all round employees by
moving them from one job to another. It also helps to reduce boredom and monotony.
D. Personnel or remedial transfers: Such a transfer is made to rectify mistakes in selection and
placement. As a follow up, the wrongly placed employee is transferred to a more suitable job.
E. Shift transfers: This is pretty common where there is more than one shift and when there is
regularized rotation.

9.4. Types of Separation

A. Resignation
In most cases, employees voluntarily resign organization employment. Employees voluntary resigning
should provide you with a written letter of resignation. While resignation is voluntary, you should
remember to acknowledge receipt of a letter of resignation right away. Accept the resignation by writing
“Accepted” with an effective date and signing your name and date on the original (copy to employee).
Once accepted, an employee may not rescind the resignation without management’s agreement.

B. Retirement
An employee’s decision to retire is entirely voluntary. However, an employee’s retirement decision does
not automatically terminate organization employment. Retiring employees must also submit a letter of
resignation to the home department.

C. Probationary Releases and Extensions

Probationary employees are at-will and may be released during probation. You are encouraged to
contact Employee Relations as soon as you begin having concerns about a probationary
employee. The decision to release an employee should be reviewed prior to the end of the
probationary period with Employee & Labor Relations.

In some circumstances, the probationary period may be extended an additional three months.
Probationary employees must be advised, in writing, of the reasons for the extension no later
than seven calendar days before the six month probationary period ends. A decision to extend
probation requires review and coordination with employee & labor relations. You are
encouraged to contact Employee and Labor Relations as soon as you begin thinking about
extending an employee’s probationary period but no later than two weeks before the end of
probationary period. More information about managing the probationary employees, see the
'Performance Management' section on the left.

D. Termination for Cause

Career employees may be terminated at the conclusion of the progressive discipline process for failure to
improve attendance, conduct and/or performance. Career employees may be terminated without previous
disciplinary action due to serious misconduct. In any circumstance, termination of a career employee
must be reviewed and approved in advance by Employee and Labor Relations.
E. Resignation in Lieu of Termination

Employees subject to an involuntary separation action, e.g., probationary release, termination, may
voluntarily request to resign in lieu of rumination. Management is encouraged to accept offers to resign in
lieu of termination. However, management may not coerce or otherwise pressure an employee to agree to
resign in lieu of termination. You should be in contact Employee and Labor Relations prior to accepting
resignations in lieu of termination.

F. Termination of Employment Contracts

Contract employees are at-will and the terms for termination should be provided in the employment
contract. A decision to release a contract employee prior to the normal termination date of a contract, or
non-renewal of a long-term contract employee, should be reviewed in advance with Employee and Labor

G. Termination of Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP)

Managers and senior professionals (MSP) may be terminated when, in management's judgment, the needs
or resources of a department or the performance or conduct of an employee do not justify the continuation
of an employee's appointment. There are no layoff policy provisions for MSP’s. Then contact Employee
& Labor Relations for assistance in terminating or releasing a manager or senior professional.

H. Job Abandonment
Employees absent from work, without authorization, for more than a certain number of days (consult the
applicable organization policy or collective bargaining agreement), may trigger the job abandonment
process. Employees may be terminated for job abandonment following the appropriate notification
process. You must work closely with Employee and Labor Relations to evaluate the need for and decision
to proceed with a job abandonment action.

I. Layoff
Employees may be laid off from career positions based on a lack of work and/or lack of funds. Layoff
may be permanent or temporary. Layoffs are generally determined by seniority (total years at UC) order
and should not, in most cases, be based on performance. Generally, employees need 60 days written
notice before permanent layoff. Therefore, departments are encouraged to begin layoff planning at least
90 days in advance of the effective date. Department considering layoffs should review the applicable
policies or collective bargaining agreements and consult with Employee & Labor Relations early in the
planning process. More detailed information regarding layoff actions is available in the LAYOFF
RESOURCES FOR MANAGERS section to the left.

J. Medical Separation
A regular status employee who becomes unable to perform essential functions of his or her position with
or without reasonable accommodation, due to a disability, may be separated from employment. Prior to
medical separation, the organization will engage in the interactive process in accordance with the
applicable provisions of organization policy or collective bargaining agreements.

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