Publications To Be Carried On Board

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REPUBLIC OF Marine Notice


No. 1-000-3
Rev. Nov/2020



SUBJECT: Requirements on Carriage of Publications On Board Ships

References: (a) IMO Circular MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2, IMO requirements on carriage of

publications on board ships, issued 01 June 2006
(b) RMI Marine Notice 7-041-6, Nautical Chart and Publication Carriage and
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) Requirements
(c) RMI Marine Notice 4-033-2, Required Documents and Publications for Ship
Radio Stations


This Marine Notice establishes the requirements for carriage of publications on board RMI flagged
vessels. Publications which are explicitly required to be carried are listed in the Appendix of this

This Notice supersedes Rev. Jan/2019 and reflects an updated section 1.3 and Appendix to current
IMO Publications for Carriage On Board Ships. It provides new sections 4.1 and 4.2, hyperlinking
to official publication distributors.


The Notice applies to all commercial vessels and yachts registered in the Republic of the Marshall
Islands (RMI).


IMO instruments deal with many operational aspects, navigational responsibilities, safety related
training/drills on board, safe cargo handling, oil spill prevention, collision avoidance activities,
and watchkeeping standards. Examples of these include:

a. International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS)

b. International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code
c. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (MARPOL)
d. International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (LL)

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e. Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
f. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW)

Although not expressly required under the relevant instrument to be carried on board, the RMI
Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”) mandates carriage to enhance their implementation
and improve the crew’s knowledge of them.


1.0 Minimum Requirements for Publications to be Carried On Board Ships

1.1 The publications, as applicable to the ship, listed in Appendix must be carried on board.
This includes publications expressly required to be carried on board ship per MSC-
MEPC.2/Circ.2 and other international instruments, as well as those required to be carried
on board by the Administrator pursuant to RMI requirements.

1.2 Electronic publications may be carried in lieu of hard copies with the exception of those
for emergency use as provided in §3.0, below. They must be issued by the IMO, the
Administrator, or a body authorized by the Administrator to ensure correctness of their
contents and to safeguard against illegal copying.

1.3 All publications on board ships, regardless of format, must be the latest editions or duly
corrected and up to date. In cases where copies of RMI regulations incorporating the
provisions of the required instruments are provided on board, publications of such
instruments need not be carried on board. A list of current IMO publications is available
on their website.

1.4 A nonconformity must be filed by ISM auditors against ships not carrying the publications
in accordance with National requirements and the ship’s Safety Management System
(SMS). No deficiency should be filed by Port State Control Officers against ships not
carrying the additional Nationally required publications.

2.0 Electronic Nautical Publications

Electronic nautical publications, in accordance with RMI Marine Notice 7-041-6, must be
issued officially by or on the authority of a Government-authorized Hydrographic Office
or other relevant government institutions.

3.0 Publications Required as Hard Copy

3.1 Publications needed for emergency use, such as the International Code of Signals and the
International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual must
always be available in hard copy.

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3.2 When electronic publications with backups are carried, those portions needed for
navigation while underway (tides and current tables, light list, etc.) must be printed and
included with the voyage plan, unless the backup is an independent computer system with
its own emergency power source. See RMI Marine Notice 7-041-6 for ECDIS and nautical
publications backup requirements.

4.0 Publications Distributors

4.1 An official global list of Distributors of IMO Publications is available on the IMO website.
Distributors maintain a permanent stock of all IMO publications.

4.2 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) publications not contained in this Marine
Notice, must be carried aboard RMI-flagged vessels to comply with the carriage
requirements addressed in Marine Notice 4-033-2, Required Documents and Publications
for Ship Radio Stations. The International Telecommunication Union publications
bookshop and a list of official ITU Resellers are available on the ITU website.

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Minimum Requirements for Publications to be Carried On Board Ships
(as Applicable to the Ship)
(All publications and nautical charts must be kept up-to-date in accordance with §1.3 of this Marine Notice)

Publication Required by Applies to: Remarks

SOLAS (Consolidated Edition,
RMI Administrator All Ships
RMI Administrator All Ships
(Consolidated Edition, 2017)
LL (2005 Edition) RMI Administrator All Ships
RMI Administrator All Ships
(Consolidated Edition 2003)
STCW (2011 Edition) RMI Administrator All Ships
MLC, Standard
MLC 2006 All Ships
IBC Code (2020 Edition) IBC, paragraph 16.2.1 Built after 1 July 1986
BCH Code (2008 Edition) BCH, paragraph 5.2.1 Built before 1 July 1986
Built 1 July 1986 through 30 June
IGC Code (1993 Edition) IGC, paragraph 18.1.3 Gas Carriers
IGC Code (2016 Edition) IGC, paragraph 18.1.2 Gas Carriers Built on or after 1 July 2016
IGF Code IGF, paragraph 18.2.1 Gas-fueled ships Built on or after 1 January 2017
IMDG Code (2018 Edition) and
Carrying Dangerous Goods in Package
IMDG Code Supplement SOLAS VII All Ships
Form or Bulk
(2018 Edition)
IMSBC Code (2020 Edition) SOLAS VI/1.1 All Ships Carrying Solid Bulk Cargoes
Code of Safe Practices for Timber Cargo Ships
RMI Administrator
Deck Cargoes, 2011 (2012 Edition) (as applicable)
International Code of Signals See §3.0 (above)
SOLAS V/21.1 All Ships
(2005 Edition) “Publications for Emergency Use”
IAMSAR Manual Volume III – See §3.0 (above)
SOLAS V/21.2 All Ships
Mobile Facilities (2019 Edition) “Publications for Emergency Use”
ICS International Safety Guide for
Oil Tankers and Terminals RMI Administrator Oil Tankers
(5th Edition)
ICS Tanker Safety Guide Chemical
RMI Administrator
(Chemicals) (3rd Edition) Tankers
ICS Tanker Safety Guide
RMI Administrator LNGs
(Liquefied Gas) (2nd Edition)
SOLAS V/19.2.1 &
Nautical Charts & Publications All Ships
Required publications to be carried are
Publications required by ISM ISM Code, paragraphs
All Ships those specifically mentioned by the
Code 1.2.3 and 11.3
ship’s SMS manual and RMI MI-108

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