10.1136@bjsports 2019 101926
10.1136@bjsports 2019 101926
10.1136@bjsports 2019 101926
com/ on January 12, 2020 at Barts and The London - Queen Mary's
Sport): time for a revolution in sports intake. One of these system opportuni-
ties to address RED- S was spearheaded
in Canadian elite sport when B2ten—a
culture and systems to improve athlete philanthropic group—sponsored a
3-day meeting of 30 key stakeholders in
health and performance November 2019. At the table were inter-
nationally renowned topic experts, Cana-
dian coaches from at- risk sports, and
Kathryn E Ackerman ,1,2 Trent Stellingwerff,3,4 Kirsty J Elliott-Sale,5 athlete support staff representing both
Amy Baltzell,6 Mary Cain,7 Kara Goucher,8 Lauren Fleshman,9 sport science and medicine, all of whom
Margo L Mountjoy10,11 work in Canadian, American or British
sport. This group examined the science,
sport cultures, gaps and opportunities
associated with RED-S. Some of the key
Changing a sport system requires the can make wise choices for their own
themes developed included:
appointment of new leaders or a grass long-term health.
roots cultural revolution. ‘I got caught in a 2. Updating and developing best-practice
►► We need to implement awareness
system designed by and for men, which protocols and safe standards for moni-
education adapted to female and male
destroys the bodies of young girls,’ said toring body composition/weight.
athletes of all ages and sport levels,
Mary Cain as she cast light on her toxic 3. Eliminating toxic training environ-