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Magnification and Cells Unit 1

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State the maximum magnification that can be achieved by a light microscope and a
transmission electron microscope.

Select your answers from the list below.

10x 40x 100x 400x 1500x 25 000x 50 000x 500 000x

light microscope ................................... x

transmission electron microscope ................................... x [Total 2 marks]

2. Describe what is meant by the term resolution.




.................................................................................................................................. [Total 2 marks]

14. The figure below is a diagram of an animal cell as seen using a transmission electron

20 µ m
(i) Name the structures of the cell labelled A, B, C and D.

A ....................................................................

B ....................................................................

C ....................................................................

D .................................................................... [4]

(ii) Structures C and E are examples of the same organelle.

Suggest why E looks so different to C.




......................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) Calculate the actual length of structure C.

Show your working and give your answer in micrometres (µm).

Answer = .................................................. µm [2] [Total 8 marks]

42. The table below compares features of typical eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.

(i) Complete the table by placing one of the following, as appropriate, in each empty box of
the table.

• a tick ( )

• a cross ( )

• the words ‘sometimes present’

Some of the boxes have been completed for you.

eukaryotic cell prokaryotic cell

cell wall sometimes present

nuclear envelope

Golgi apparatus


flagellum sometimes present

(ii) Outline the roles of the Golgi apparatus and the ribosomes.

Golgi apparatus ..............................................................................................


......................................................................................................................... [4]

Ribosomes ......................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total 6 marks]

57. The diagram below is an electron micrograph of part of a cell from a human liver.

This cell is responsible for converting glucose in the body into glycogen for storage. The
glycogen can be seen as granules in the cytoplasm.

nucleus X


(i) Identify the organelle labelled X in the diagram above.

......................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest why liver cells of the type shown in the diagram contain many of these

......................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total 2 marks]
79. The diagram below is a drawing of an organelle from a ciliated cell as seen with an electron


× 20 000

(i) Name the organelle shown in the diagram.


(ii) State the function of this organelle.



(iii) State why ciliated cells contain relatively large numbers of these organelles.



(iv) Calculate the actual length of the organelle as shown by the line AB in the diagram.
Express your answer to the nearest micrometer (m).

Show your working.

Answer = ........................................... m
[Total 6 marks]
80. The diagram below is a drawing of an organelle from a ciliated cell as seen with an electron


× 20 000

An image drawn to the same magnification as in the diagram could be produced using a light

Explain why such an image would be of little use when studying cells.




.................................................................................................................................. [Total 2 marks]

110. Below is a drawing of an animal cell as seen under an electron microscope.


Complete the following table by:

• identifying the parts of the cell A to E

• naming the part of the cell responsible for the function stated.

The first one has been done for you.

function part of cell label

controls activities of the

nucleus A

carries out aerobic


attaches to mRNA in
protein synthesis

produces secretory

contains digestive

[Total 8 marks]
1. 1500;

500 000; ACCEPT 1400 and 300,000 for 1 max only [2]

2. ability to see (two) objects (that are close together) as separate objects / AW;
ACCEPT ability to distinguish two objects

see detail;
IGNORE clarity / clear [2]

14. (i) A smooth endoplasmic reticulum / SER

B nuclear, membrane / envelope;
C mitochondrion;
D nucleolus;
mark first response on each line only
ACCEPT nucleus, membrane / envelope
ACCEPT mitochondria
DO NOT ACCEPT nucleous 4

(ii) (mitochondria) vary in shape;

longer than wide;
ACCEPT sausage shaped/long and thin
ACCEPT if shown by drawing

cut in different planes / angles / AW;

just divided / growing;

artefact / deformed during preparation of section;
need comparative statement
ACCEPT C has been cut in longitudinal plane, E has
been cut in transverse, section / plane
ACCEPT one cut horizontally, other cut vertically
ACCEPT in different positions / one viewed from
above the other from the side 2 max

(ii) correct answer = two marks

3.75 / 3.8;;

if answer incorrect ALLOW one mark for correct working

ACCEPT if 3.75 or 3.8 is seen anywhere in response
(even if later rounded to 4)
Max 1 if response is 4 with no working
how to award one mark for working e.g.
candidate shows correct calculation but wrong answer
20  15
actual length = 80
candidate uses magnification (× 4000) in calculation:
actual length = 15000 / 4000;
length of C should be 15mm / 15000μm
ACCEPT ecf for working mark if length of C is not
measured correctly but incorrect figure is used in
calculation correctly

42. (i) 4
eukaryotic cell prokaryotic cell

cell wall

nuclear ;

Golgi apparatus ;

ribosomes ;

flagellum sometimes

(ii) Golgi apparatus

repackage / transport, proteins;
add carbohydrate group to protein; max 1

site of protein synthesis; 2

57. (i) mitochondrion; A mitochondria 1

(ii) (liver requires) a lot of, energy/ATP;

R statements including ‘produce/create/make, energy’ 1 [2]

79. (i) mitochondrion; A mitochondria 1

(ii) aerobic respiration;

ATP production; A provides ATP
energy release; A provides energy R produce / create / make / etc
AVP; e.g. Krebs cycle / regenerate NAD
oxidative phosphorylation
protein synthesis
lipid synthesis
oxidation of fats
ornithine / urea, cycle 2 max
(iii) (energy / ATP needed) for, movement / wafting (of cilia);
R flagellum / molecules 1

(iv) award two marks if correct answer (5) is given

award one mark for calculation

if answer incorrect, allow 1 mark for
100 +/– 2 (mm) or 10 +/– 0.2 (cm) ÷ 20000 2

80. low resolution; ora

(close) points not easily distinguished;
wavelength (of visible light) is too long;
max resolution of light microscope =, 200 nm / 0.2 µm; A anything close
no more detail visible than seen at, ×1500 / ×1000;

A comparative statements
R reverse arguments for points 2 – 5 2 max

110. mark two columns separately first. If letter and part of cell both incorrect,
look to see if the part of the cell corresponds to this letter. If so, allow 1 mark ecf

function part of cell label

controls activities of
nucleus A
the cell

carries out aerobic mitochondrion /

respiration mitochondria;

attaches to mRNA in ribosome(s) / rough ER

protein synthesis / RER;

produces secretory
Golgi; B;

contains digestive
lysosome(s); E;


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