1.Did Pigafetta accurately recorded the voyage free from the biases? why or
why not?
-Pigafetta did not really accurately recorded the voyage free from biases, I
found some Pigafetta ‘s comments to be biased to Magellan and to
Christianity in general, I believe that Pigafetta may have exaggerated the
accounts regarding the kindness and courage of the Europeans, on the other
hand, Piggafetta may have downplayed a bit the positive traits of the natives
but instead, dwelled on the peculiarities on the natives in comparison with
the crew of Magellan.
2. How did Pigafetta describe the inhabitants of the places they have been
through? Did he look at them as an inferior race? What are the factors that
affect his view about these people?
-We need to study his account because it is the best description we have of
the Philippines in the early 16th century,and of just how Magellan's
expedition encountered the islands and the people,so it's very valuable.
Pigafetta's work is important not only as a source of information about the
voyage itself, but also includes an early Western description of the people
and languages of the Philippines. Of the approximately 240 men who set out
with Magellan, Pigafetta was one of only 18 who returned to Spain.
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