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Parametric Study of Horizontally Curved Pre-Stressed Concrete Continuous Box Girder Bridges

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Parametric Study of Horizontally Curved Pre-Stressed Concrete Continuous

Box Girder Bridges

Article · April 2017


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3 authors, including:

V. R. Panchal
Charotar University of Science and Technology


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International Journal of Advance
Engineering and Research Development
Scientific Journal of Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.72
Special Issue SIEICON-2017,April -2017
e-ISSN : 2348-4470 p-ISSN : 2348-6406

Parametric Study of Horizontally Curved Pre-Stressed Concrete Continuous Box

Girder Bridges
Satish Gajera1, Dr. V. R. Panchal2, Ms. M. J. Desai3
P. G. Student, M. S. Patel Department of Civil Engineering, CSPIT, CHARUSAT, Changa, Gujarat, (India)
Professor and Head of Department, M. S. Patel department of Civil Engineering, CSPIT, CHARUSAT, Changa,
Gujarat, (India)
Assistant Professor, M. S. Patel Department of Civil Engineering, CSPIT, CHARUSAT, Changa, Gujarat, (India)

Abstract — bridges are the key elements in any road network system as they facilitate free and uninterrupted movement
of traffic. The main objective of this study is to compare the analytical results of horizontally curved box girder bridges
having different parameters. This paper comprises of analytical results of nine curved bridges having different
parameters in terms of span length and deviation angle. The results obtained are in terms of shear force, bending
moment and torsional moment. It is observed from the results that with increasing deviation angle there is an
appreciable increase in the value of torsional moment.

Keywords- Grillage Analogy, STAAD BEAVA, Continuous span, Pre-stressed Box Girder


Grillage Analysis is a widely used computer aided technique for bridge deck analysis. In this method, the actual decking
system is represented by an identical grillage of beams. This method is applicable to bridge decks with simple as well as
complex configurations with almost the same ease. The longitudinal members should be parallel to the edges while the
transverse members can be orthogonal to the longitudinal members or parallel to the supports. The software used for the
analysis is “STAAD PRO v8i” while the geometry of the bridge is prepared in AUTOCAD 2016.


Vesmavala and Sarode (2014) did a parametric study on horizontally curved box girder bridges for torsional behavior and
stability. The purpose of their study was to show that, due to the effect of horizontal curvature of the box girders,
torsional moments are predominant. Numerous models for curved box girders were analysed using LUSAS FEA
software for different parameters such as span lengths, radii and loadings. The flexural and torsional behavior, stability
and mid-span deflections of the curved box girders were discussed. They concluded that there is no significant variation
in the bending moments and the shear forces for Dead Load, Super Imposed Dead Load and Live Load for the specific
span length with different radii. The torsional moments increase greatly with the decrease of the span radius of the box
girder. There is more variation in torsion with span radius below 200m, while there is less variation for span radius above
300m. Jaggerwal and Bajpai (2016) did a parametric study of skew bridges using Grillage Analogy method. The purpose
of their study was to analyse the skew bridges using Grillage Analogy and to compare the results based on various
parameters. The varied parameters were span and skew angle of the bridges. The effect of these parameters was observed
on maximum live load bending moment, maximum live load shear force and maximum live load reaction. Live Load
“Class A Vehicle” were applied as per IRC 6 guidelines. The spans used were 10 m, 15 m, 20 m and 25 m. They
concluded that Grillage analogy is an accurate and versatile method for a wide range of bridge decks. The increase in
bending moment up to 40 degree angle is less. Sharp increase is observed at higher skew angle. With increase of skew
angle, appreciable increase in torsion is seen.


When a bridge deck is analyzed by the method of Grillage Analogy, there are essentially five steps to be followed:
(a) Idealization of physical deck into identical grillage
(b) Evaluation of elastic inertia of members of grillage
(c) Application and transfer of loads to nodes of grillage
(d) Determination of force responses and design envelopes
(e) Interpretation of the results

@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 1

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Special Issue SIEICON-2017, April -2017,e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

In present study, three models of continuous span each for span length of 40m, 45m, and 50m are considered. For a
particular span length, the considered deviation angles are 15º, 30º, and 45º. Live load application is done using STAAD
BEAVA. The Bridge Engineering Automated Vehicle Application (B.E.A.V.A) is an additional module to STAAD.Pro
and it works with structural models that are generated using STAAD.Pro. All the relevant code instructions for loading
definitions and traffic lane calculations are incorporated in BEAVA. Live load generation for curved bridges cannot be
done using STAAD.Pro due to the curved geometry. Hence use of STAAD BEAVA is necessary. As per the study on
grillage method by Shreedhar and Kharde (2014), following points are considered while converting a bridge deck into
identical grillage:
(a) Grid lines are placed along the centre line of beams.
(b) Longitudinal grid lines are placed at 0.3D from the edges for Slab Bridge, where D is the depth of the deck.
(c) Grid lines are placed at lines joining bearings.
(d) A minimum of five grid lines are adopted in longitudinal direction.
(e) Grid lines are ordinarily taken at right angles.
(f) Grid lines are placed such that they coincide with CG of the section.


Two span continuous curved bridges having a carriageway width of 7.5m are considered for analysis purpose. The single
cell box girder shown in the Figure 1 is considered.

Figure 1. Box Section


Total load acting on bridge comprises of Dead Load, Super Imposed Dead Load, and Live Load. Dead Load acting on the
bridge comprises of the load due to self-weight of the bridge. The load due to crash barrier, wearing coat, and railing are
considered under the calculation of Super Imposed Dead Load. Live Load comprises of the load due to moving vehicles.
For calculation of Live Load, two load combinations are considered and the worst of these combinations is to be
considered as per IRC-6 2014. In the first combination, two lanes of Class-A vehicle are considered and in the second
combination one lane of Class-70R vehicle are considered.

@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 2

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Special Issue SIEICON-2017, April -2017,e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406


A. Geometrical details
Geometry of the curved bridges are prepared using AUTOCAD 2016. Roller supports are provided as the end supports
while pinned supports are provided as intermediate supports and are restrained against rotation at x-axis. Roller supports
are provided so as to avoid the differential temperature stresses. The grillage model of a 45º curved bridge is shown in the
Figure 2. Loading is applied on the two longitudinally highlighted grid lines shown in the Figure 2.

Figure 2. Grillage Geometry

B. Deck Definition and Influence Surface Generation:

In order to apply live load, deck definition is done. Figure 3 shows creating and editing of a deck in BEAVA.

Figure 3. Deck Definition

While designing any part of the bridge the live loads are to be placed such that it causes the maximum effect for the part
under consideration. The relationships between load position and critical effects have led to the construction of influence
lines and surfaces. BEAVA generates all the influence surfaces required during analysis.
@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 3
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Special Issue SIEICON-2017, April -2017,e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

C. Carriageway Definition

Once the Deck area has been defined the boundary of live load movements is provided so that code requirements
pertaining to load application may be imposed. Hence, carriageways are to be defined. The carriageway is assigned to the
deck based on the radius and deviation angles of both the kerbs as shown in the Figure 4 for a 30º curved bridge.
Carriageway for the curved grillage model is shown in the Figure 5.

Figure 4. Roadway Definition

Figure 5. Carriageway
D. Load Application:

Moving load generation is automatically done in STAAD BEAVA after the design code and the type of vehicle are
chosen. BEAVA’s loading patterns are converted to STAAD.Pro load cases for the computation of live load. The Dead
Load is calculated with respect to each grid line and applied directly to the respective grid lines. Load due to wearing

@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 4

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Special Issue SIEICON-2017, April -2017,e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

coat is calculated and divided among the main grid lines while the load due to kerb is calculated and assigned to the grid
lines passing through centre of gravity of the kerb.


The consideration of results in grillage analysis is different from other analysis techniques. The total value of a particular
effect at a particular span length is found by adding the individual values obtained for both the grillage lines at that
particular span. The calculation of torsional moment for a 45º curved bridge having a span length of 40 m is shown in
Tables below. Torsional moment due to Dead Load and Live Load are shown in the Tables 1 and 2 respectively. Table 3
shows the total torsional moment. The two span bridges are divided in 9 equal parts to study the behavior of bridge at
various span lengths.
Table 1. Torsional Moment due to Dead Load

Sr. No. Line 1 Line 2 Total

1 1345.883 2167.087 3512.97
2 321.255 490.216 811.471
3 197.807 220.089 417.896
4 169.891 182.791 352.682
5 49.653 49.947 99.6
6 172.739 184.168 356.907
7 137.178 149.94 287.118
8 400.987 497.648 898.635
9 1326.956 2121.153 3448.109

Table 2. Torsional Moment due to Live Load

Sr. No. Line 1 Line 2 Total

1 826.65 883.438 1710.088
2 553.402 642.249 1195.651
3 271.112 306.997 578.109
4 495.141 484.792 979.933
5 457.84 458.325 916.165
6 449.18 253.63 702.81
7 328.519 376.181 704.7
8 576.415 611.183 1187.598
9 818.641 869.032 1687.673

Table 3. Total Torsional Moment

Sr. No. DL 70R Total

1 3512.97 1710.088 5223.058
2 811.471 1195.651 2007.122
3 417.896 578.109 996.005
4 352.682 979.933 1332.615
5 99.6 916.165 1015.765
6 356.682 702.81 1059.492
7 287.118 704.7 991.818
8 898.635 1187.598 2086.233
9 3448.109 1687.673 5135.782
@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 5
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Special Issue SIEICON-2017, April -2017,e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Similarly, the calculations for shear force and bending moment for all the models are carried out. The values of obtained
results are compared based on their deviation angle and span length.

Figure 6 (a). Max. BM (kN.m) vs. Deviation angle for 40 m span

Figure 6 (b). Max. SF (kN) vs. Deviation angle for 40 m span

Figure 6 (c). Max. TM (kN.m) vs. Deviation angle for 40 m span

The comparison of maximum bending moment values for different deviation angles for 40 m span bridges is shown in
the Figure 6(a). Figure 6(b) represents the comparison of maximum shear force values for different deviation angles for
40 m span bridges. Figure 6(c) shows the comparison of maximum torsional moment values for different deviation
angles for 40 m span bridges. From the Figures 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), it can be seen that shear force and bending moment
undergoes minor changes compared to torsional moment with increase in deviation angle. The value of torsional moment
for 45º deviation angle is almost two times the value of torsional moment for 15º deviation angle.

@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 6

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Special Issue SIEICON-2017, April -2017,e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Figure 7 (a). Max. BM (kN.m) vs. Deviation angle for 45 m span

Figure 7 (b). Max. SF (kN) vs. Deviation angle for 45 m span

Figure 7 (c). Max. TM (kN.m) vs. Deviation angle for 45 m span

The comparison of maximum bending moment values for different deviation angles for 45 m span bridges is shown in
the Figure 7(a). Figure 7(b) represents the comparison of maximum shear force values for different deviation angles for
45 m span bridges. Figure 7(c) shows the comparison of maximum torsional moment values for different deviation
angles for 45 m span bridges. From the Figures 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), it can be seen that shear force and bending moment
undergoes minor changes compared to torsional moment with increase in deviation angle. The value of torsional moment
for 45º deviation angle is more than two times the value of torsional moment for 15º deviation angle.

@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 7

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Special Issue SIEICON-2017, April -2017,e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Figure 8 (a). Max. BM (kN.m) vs. Deviation angle for 50 m span

Figure 8 (b). Max. SF (kN) vs. Deviation angle for 50 m span

Figure 8 (c). Max. TM (kN.m) vs. Deviation angle for 50 m span

The comparison of maximum bending moment values for different deviation angles for 50 m span bridges is shown in
the Figure 8(a). Figure 8(b) represents the comparison of maximum shear force values for different deviation angles for
50 m span bridges. Figure 8(c) shows the comparison of maximum torsional moment values for different deviation
angles for 50 m span bridges. From the Figures 8(a), 8(b), 8(c), it can be seen that shear force and bending moment
undergoes minor changes compared to torsional moment with increase in deviation angle. The value of torsional moment
for 45 º deviation angles is more than two times the value of torsional moment for 15º deviation angle.

 It can be seen that, there is a slight increase in bending moment with increase in deviation angle.
 It is observed from the results that the value of torsion depends on both span-length and deviation angle.
 It can be concluded that shear force and bending moment undergoes minor changes compared to torsional
moment, with increase in deviation angle.

@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 8

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Special Issue SIEICON-2017, April -2017,e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

 The value of torsional moment for 45º deviation angle is almost 200% the value of torsional moment for 15º
deviation angle for a particular span.


[1] Ashish B Sarode, G R Vesmawala, “Parametric Study of Horizontally Curved Box Girders for Torsional Behavior and Stability”,
International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES), issue-2, vol. 3, pp.50-55, January 2014.
[2] Himanshu Jaggerwal, Yogesh Bajpai, “Analysis of Skew Bridges using Grillage Analogy Method”, international journal of engineering &
science research, issue-8, vol. 4, pp.463-473, August 2014.
[3] R. Shreedhar, Rashmi Kharde, “Comparative study of Grillage method and Finite Element Method of RCC Bridge Deck”, International
Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, issue-2, vol. 4, February 2013.
[4] C. S. Surana & R. Agrawal: Grillage Analogy in Bridge Deck Analysis, Narosa Publising House, December 1998.
[5] IRC 6: 2014 Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road Bridges.

@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 9

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