The Network Marketer S Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint

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How to Build Your

MLM Business
Bigger, Faster,
Smarter Online
Version 1.0

Why Promote Your MLM Business Online?!...........................3

Chapter 1: Seven Keys to Promoting Your MLM Business!...9

Chapter 2: Why You Should Launch a “You Centered” Online

Business Immediately!.........................................................23

Chapter 3: Planning Your “You” Centered Online Business

Strategy, The 30,000" Overview!...........................................37

Chapter 4: Your Online Command Center WordPress Blog!42

Chapter 5: Your Number One Most Important Core Skill--List


Chapter 6: Core Skill--Mastering Online Advertising!...........69

Chapter 7: Core Skill--Goal Setting and Time

Management .!.................................................................91

Chapter 8: Your Online Sales Funnel—Autopilot Income!..103

Author"s Note!.....................................................................109

Consumer Notice -- Affiliate Ad Policy!...............................111

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Why Promote Your MLM Business Online?
I wrote this course to help network marketers like yourself learn to use the power of the
Internet to grow your MLM business faster and easier than you ever could offline.

If you"ve been afraid to get started marketing your MLM business online because you

! It!s too complicated

! It won!t work for your network marketing business
! It!s way too hard to duplicate in your downline
It"s time to change your thinking, and fast.

Here"s why...

Internet marketing is no longer optional if you seriously intend to grow your MLM
business in a big way. The simple fact is if you"re not marketing online you"re leaving a
ton of money on the table. That"s because nowhere but online can you:

! Generate an endless supply of hungry prospects for your business at little or

no cost

! Brand yourself as an expert and leader who attracts prospects to your


! Reach a much larger audience than you ever could offline

! Leverage automatic online “funnels” that once set up, turn prospects into
distributors for you without you lifting a finger

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! Create entirely new streams of income in addition to your primary MLM
business opportunity

If online marketing is new to you, this course will give you the overview you need to
understand the right way to get started accomplishing these goals.

And if you"ve already begun marketing online this will give you some additional ideas for
how to leverage what you"re already doing and possibly avoid some strategic mistakes.

Why “Old School” Methods of

Promoting Your Business Don’t Work

Network marketing has been around a long time, much longer than the Internet has
been in existence. Consequently certain “We"ve always done it this way!” mindsets
have evolved that didn"t depend upon or even contemplate the power of the Internet.

One in particular unfortunately continues to this day, and for every success story it
creates (and it has created many success stories) I"m pretty sure it ruins the chances for
a hundred others who are just starting out in this industry.

And that is the old school “we"ve always done it this way approach” to promoting your
MLM business.

Distributors continue to be told by their uplines that the smart way to promote their
business opportunity is to create a master list of everyone they even remotely know,
then approach them about their opportunity.

Family, friends, distant relatives five times removed, it doesn"t matter. According to this
approach, any warm body will do.

Never mind that “everyone you remotely know” doesn"t qualify as a targeted market.

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If you"re not sure what a targeted market is, accept for the moment that it makes more
sense to market to people who already want what you offer or might reasonably be
induced to want it.

So for example if you sold men"s suits to a targeted market you wouldn"t call everyone
you know to tell them about your great suits. Instead you"d focus on advertising to men
who might actually want or need a suit.

The idea behind this old school MLM prospect list “brain dump” approach is that
everyone should know one (or two or three or ten) people that might be interested in
their business, and by churning through your entire list of prospects, you"re bound to
eventually sign up some new distributors in your downline.

Does it work?

Yes, amazingly sometimes it does work for some distributors (although it doesn"t for

Is it the best use of your time?

Definitely not.

This approach reminds me of some of the street merchants I"ve seen selling random
items in places like Mexico City and some Central American cities. They"ll stand on a
street corner all day long selling pink pot holders or Crest toothpaste or flip flop sandals
as traffic crawls by.

Once in a while they make a sale. But they could sell a whole bunch more if they only
had a way to put their offers in front of a concentrated group of people who were
actually looking for pink pot holders, Crest toothpaste or flip flops.

It"s like digging for gold nuggets using a tablespoon. Of course you can find one now
and then the hard way. But wouldn"t it be better if those nuggets could somehow come
to you without all that hard sweaty work?

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But that"s how it is for most network marketers.

They"re stuck with this old school “we"ve always done it this way” mentality even while
much better ways have sprung up all around them.

After all that"s just the way it is, right?

It doesn"t seem to matter that this approach probably makes you really uncomfortable.
or that you already know that most of your friends and family will not be even slightly
interested in your business.

Or that it puts you at a classic disadvantage from a negotiating perspective with those
prospects whose attention you do manage to grab somehow.

Or that it is extremely limiting in terms of finding new prospects once your original
prospect list begins to peter out and run dry. (You better hope you"ve signed up
someone, since you"re going to need their prospect list if you hope to grow your

So despite all these misgivings you dutifully start calling the prospects on your master
list and suggest mysteriously that you have something they really need to know about.

You meet them at Starbucks or invite them to a home meeting and cleverly reveal your
golden opportunity, only to be met in most cases with restrained, polite interest (if you"re
lucky) and a promise to get back to you that never quite seems to materialize.

But that"s OK, it"s a numbers game after all, (isn"t that what your upline said?) And
anyway, you have another 47 names on your prospect list, and that"s not even counting
your cousin Bo"s third ex-wife in Arkansas.

Well yes, in the “good old days” that was certainly OK because most people didn"t have
a better way to find prospects.

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But now you do, and it"s called the Internet.

The MLM Game Changer

Once you understand how to tap into its power you can have all the fresh prospects
you"ll ever need to build a great MLM business coming to you every day, willingly
seeking out you and your advice.

And that will completely change the dynamics of your business.

Note that this doesn"t replace the need for you to create relationships with your team.
After all this is still “network” marketing.

What it does is give you a whole lot more choice about who you ultimately create those
relationships with.

Using Internet marketing techniques you can actually attract streams of interested
prospects who come to you already wanting to learn about your business.

This is MUCH better than constantly trying to break down walls of resistance between
you and the people you “happen to know” who have NO interest in your business

Think about it...why try to force demand where it doesn"t exist, when it"s much easier to
simply satisfy a pre-existing demand?

Plus using online “funnels” (a VERY big deal for your business, more on this later) you
can automatically weed out a lot of the tire kickers and deadbeats with a “lottery
mentality” who would otherwise be wasting your time and energy.

The good news is once you master some basics you"ll never need to call your cousin
Bo"s third ex-wife in Arkansas to tell her about your business unless you really, really
want to. (But since it"s been 15 years since you last spoke I"m guessing you probably

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That and much more is what I want to show you how to do in this course. This isn"t a
“get rich quick” method because it will take you some time and energy to get all the
moving parts working for you.

But considering the payoff waiting for you, I think you"ll soon see it will be entirely worth
it to you. Especially when you realize there are some great tools and shortcuts available
to speed you along that I"ll be telling you about.

And imagine how good it will feel to look back in a month, 6 months or a year and see
the tremendous progress you made just because you decided to get started today.

All it takes is regular action and a plan to follow. I promise you that if you take the time
to understand these simple concepts and put them to work, your business will start to
grow in a way you never imagined possible.

So if you haven"t yet been getting the results you want in your MLM business, let"s
change that, starting right now.

To Your Success,
Vincent Czaplyski

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Chapter 1:
Seven Keys to Promoting
Your MLM Business
Let!s start by looking at some “big picture” concepts that I believe are fundamental to
whether or not you succeed in this industry.

1: First Be a Leader and O"er Tremendous Value

Think about the person who attracted you to your network marketing business. Or if you
haven"t yet joined one, think of someone whose persona and advice you respect and
admire in any field.

That person is a leader, and that"s what you want to be in your marketplace.

Now imagine many people looking to you for guidance and ultimately for the solution to
the problem they have, i.e. poor health, poor finances, want a better relationship etc. In
other words imagine many people looking to you as their leader.

Imagine them seeking you out because they believe you hold the key to taking them
from where they are now to where they want to go in some area or areas of their lives.

Do you see how this has completely shifted the dynamic from you “selling” them
something to you helping them and “solving” something for them?

If you are the leader who can help them solve their biggest problem, you will have no
end to the business you can develop.

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By its nature “leadership” attracts followers, and followers are what you need to build a
network marketing business.

Followers are much more valuable to you than “leads” or “hot prospects” because
followers have already decided that you are worth investing some of their extremely
valuable time with. You"ve managed somehow to break through all the competing
distractions of modern life and begin a relationship with them.

As long as you continue to deliver value and are viewed as being able to help them
achieve their goals, you will continue to be looked upon as a leader and someone of
value to them.

Followers need leaders, not because followers are weak or unable to become leaders
themselves, but because they happen to need the guidance you can offer them at that
point in time and at that place in their lives.

We"ve all been followers and leaders at different times in our lives. In fact one of your
most important jobs as a leader in your business is to help your followers transform into
leaders themselves, so that in the future they can help others do the same.

1: How do you become a leader?

First, understand that you don"t need to wait until you"ve signed up “X” number of
distributers or become the top performer in your company before you can legitimately
be viewed as a leader.

Instead embrace this simple truth: People will believe about you what you believe about

So you start by first believing you"re a leader, even if you"ve only been in your company
for a week and have yet to sign a single distributor below you.

Then you proceed to act like one.

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In the context of your MLM business you do this by helping your followers understand
the transformation they can achieve in their lives should they join your business

Then you “turn on the light” in their minds by showing them how this transformation is
completely possible and achievable.

(It"s important for you to understand that people join a network marketing company not
just to make money, but because ultimately they want to transform their lives in some
major way.)

You become a leader by putting the interests of your followers first. If your business
opportunity really isn"t right for a follower you should help them understand this. If it is
right for them you should help them understand that too since that is your biggest
opportunity to help them.

In other words you aren"t married to the outcome (join or not join your opportunity), but
you are married to the notion that what is right for your followers will always be right for
you and your business too.

You become a leader by making available to your followers other products and services
(both free and paid) that might help them in their journey of transformation even if your
main MLM business isn"t the right vehicle for them.

And you become a leader by mastering the details of your business and by helping
other people who decide to join your business master them too.

All of this applies whether you build your relationships with your followers online or

2: Create a “You Centered” Online Business

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How you position yourself is key to your success online.

To be seen as a leader, your followers must first decide they know, like and trust you,
and that you offer them something of value.

Once you"ve established this relationship with your followers they will naturally want
more of YOU, since they will continue to view you as being able to help them.

This is what attracted them to you in the first place.

And this is not the same as them wanting to join your network marketing company.

Therefore your online business should be based upon YOU as the main “product
offering” and your network marketing business then actually becomes just a subset of
products and services YOU offer.

Primarily your followers will want to “consume” you, or more correctly the advice and
guidance you give them that can help them solve their biggest problems.

Again your followers will initially be attracted to you because they believe consciously or
subconsciously that you can help them accomplish that transformation.

Without this belief they will not follow you or later seriously consider joining your

It"s important to understand too that in most cases they WILL NOT immediately want to
join your MLM business opportunity. That is completely secondary and merely a
waypoint in their transformation that they may or may not decide is the right fit for them
at some point.

Before they get to that decision point they first need and want to believe that you are the
real deal. They want to feel you are authentic, someone whose expertise and
judgement they trust before they will be open to hearing about your MLM company.

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In fact chances are very good that even after getting to know you, they will still decide
your opportunity is not the best opportunity for them.

That"s just a fact of life. Only a relatively small percentage of your interested prospects
will ever join your opportunity.

That"s completely OK, for as you"ll see shortly there are many other ways that both you
and your followers will profit from the relationship you"re building.

From your prospect"s perspective it"s kind of like choosing to marry someone. If you"re
married you probably dated a number of different people over the years then hopefully
got to know someone you believed to be a great fit before finally taking the step of tying
the knot.

It took some time and effort and along the way you likely considered then rejected some
pretty good candidates after realizing they just weren"t right for you.

But finally you found the perfect mate and went for it. If your prospect views your MLM
business as their “perfect mate” they"ll join, and if not they"ll keep looking.

(I guess to carry this analogy to it"s logical conclusion in the MLM world, their downline
would be like a polygamist"s multiple spouses. But I digress...)

However whether they join your primary business opportunity or not, it really doesn"t
matter. That"s because you"ll have much more to offer your followers than just your
network marketing company once you create a “You” centered online business.

! More ways to profit

! More ways to deepen your relationship with your prospects
! More ways to control your ultimate financial destiny

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I"ll get into the HOW of this concept in more depth in the next chapter. But it"s critical
that you understand the WHY behind it as we start out. This will distinguish you from a
thousand other distributors at your network marketing company who focus on “selling”
without establishing a relationship first. It will allow you to stand out and be noticed by
more and more followers.

It comes down to this...your true value stems from you being a leader and a trusted
guide in your followers" journey of advancement. If you are perceived as being able to
help them reach their goals, they"ll be much more likely do business with you.

And if you can offer your followers more than just a single solution (i.e. your network
marketing company) to their biggest problems, you"ll enjoy many more ways to profit.

There is some basic human psychology that will work in your favor and in your
followers" favor once you “get it” and begin to build your value equation around it.

3: Promote Yourself Widely Online to Attract More Prospects to You

The beauty of the Internet is that for the first time in human history, an average person
now has a medium in which it"s possible to reach out to a particular subsegment of
people from around the world and connect easily and inexpensively with them.

Up until just a few years ago, this power resided in the hands of major corporations or
media conglomerates only. Now you or I or anyone with a computer can do the same,
and profit in ways that were once unthinkable.

If you consider that up until recently it would have been prohibitively expensive or even
impossible for someone to try and reach individuals from all over the world in particular
niche markets (i.e. real estate professionals looking to buy commercial real estate
software or moms wanting to work from home), the change is nothing short of amazing.

There now exist some well defined and effective ways in which you can promote
yourself and your expertise online. Some are free and some cost money to exploit. Here
are just a few:

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! Facebook and other social media sites
! Blogging
! YouTube and other online video sharing and distribution sites
! Twitter
! Google pay per click advertising
! Many other online ad networks that in total reach billions of online visitors
! Ezine advertising
! Article marketing
! “Natural” search engine traffic
! Your own website traffic
Each has its place and each can be used by the savvy online network marketer.
However you only have so many hours in a day and it"s really easy to squander those
hours getting nowhere fast if you “go down too many rabbit holes” trying too many
things at once.

So a key to your online marketing success will be to prioritize and set goals, deciding
which areas hold the most promise for what you want to accomplish, and focus on
taking action. And since you probably weren"t born knowing this stuff you"ll need to find
quality resources that offer “take it to the bank” advice you can learn from and put to use

It"s worth repeating...don"t try to do and be everything at once. The most likely outcome
will be “analysis paralysis” and you will fail to act at all. Get good at one technique or
strategy then learn another once you"re getting some results.

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Or as one marketer said to me recently, “It"s better to half-ass it than no ass-it.” Meaning
start from where you are, take imperfect action, correct and improve as you move

At the end of the day you"ll be a lot further down the road than if you wait until you
master everything before getting started. (The truth is none of us will ever know it all, so
setting such an impossibly high standard as a prerequisite to taking action will almost
guarantee your failure.)

This is important! You can be very successful by applying just some Internet marketing
strategies. You don"t need to be good in every area to get started.

In this course I"ll recommend some strategies I think you should use, and I"ll suggest
ways in which you can automate and systemize your efforts so you accomplish more in
less time.

The key is to begin where you are now, with what you"ve got, and learn as you go

4: Invest the Time and (Gasp!) Money Required to Succeed

Do you have a ”Whatever it takes!” attitude towards creating your business, or a lottery

I hope it"s the former.

Internet marketing and network marketing can transform your life in many ways, but
they will take time and effort to start producing results for you.

Yes there are shortcuts, and yes there are some amazing tools and techniques that can
help you leverage your time and effort once you figure out what you need.

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But all the tools in the world won"t build a great business for you if you aren"t willing to
actually learn to use them and take action.

And (sorry), but there really is no simple push button “shiny new thing” that will make
you a million dollars overnight with no “sweat equity” investment from you.

You get out what you put in, I firmly believe that.

Sometimes that means investing your hard earned money in something that will help
you build your business faster.

And sometimes it means you"ll need to invest your even more precious time to learn
how to use a new tool or master a new process.

Having a “Whatever it takes!” mindset, taking action and investing in yourself will always
take you a lot further than waiting for your lottery ticket to hit. (Yes, someone hits
Powerball every week or two, but it probably won"t be you or me!)

I personally spend thousands of dollars in a typical year on seminars, products and

services that I think will give me some advantage in my business. This is almost always
money well spent although the payback isn"t always immediately obvious.

Compared to the costs of starting and operating a brick and mortar business for
example, or the cost of a specialized degree program, these expenditures in myself are
small but their return on investment can be large.

I like to think of it as my own “hit the lottery slowly” plan.

I recommend you invest in your own ongoing education too, whether that"s making a
point to regularly read good books and articles in subject areas that can help you,
attending high priced seminars, or something in between.

Whatever it is, just do it.

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The actual price of getting better (in time and in money) isn"t what"s important. It"s your
commitment to the process of improvement and taking regular, consistent action that

5: Stop Begging Your Leads to Join--Adopt a Winning Attitude

In his landmark course for network marketers Magnetic Sponsoring, Mike Dillard makes
a compelling case for “becoming the hunted rather than the hunter.” What he means in
a nutshell is that the most successful network marketers know their worth, they know
what they and their business bring to the table, and they project this from a position of

They do not beg or plead prospects to join. They present the opportunity, explain the
benefits and lead the prospect to the point of decision, yes or no.

Then they ask for that decision.

They give off an energy that says “I am someone who can help you, someone who is
successful and someone who can lead you to reach your goals.”

They make no apologies for what they offer a prospect--they know without a doubt that
if a person truly follows their system that person will succeed.

Their self worth is not tied up in whether or not a prospect joins their team. They know
that some will and some won"t and they don"t take it personally when someone declines
to join.

In fact they understand that as good as their opportunity is, it isn"t right for everyone, nor
is everyone right for their opportunity at any given moment.

They press forward every day and advance their business one relationship at a time,
methodically and purposefully.

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And you should too.

So rather than coming from a position of weakness where you must “sell” everyone and
everyone you know to join your business, commit to becoming an attraction marketer
and a leader.

Your ultimate goal is not to “sell” a product or service but rather to build a network of like
minded people who you help to create wealth for themselves as they simultaneously
create wealth for you.

Give people a reason to come to you and you will become a winner in this industry.

6: Market Other Products to Your Leads to Pay the Bills

The fact is that no matter how good you become at presenting your opportunity to
interested prospects, most will not join your primary business.

There are many reasons for this...

! The business may not resonate with them.

! They might not like the products.
! The time may not be right for them to commit the time, money and energy it
may take them to get started and succeed.

! They may have a “lottery mentality” and once they understand your
opportunity isn!t a get rich quick with little or no work proposition, they may
lose interest (good for you to know this early!)

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! They may favor a different business altogether and are just mildly curious
about yours

! Their spouse or other person in their life might be shooting down the idea
! They might not connect with you personally and just feel uncomfortable about
teaming up with you

In fact there are as many reasons not to join your opportunity as there are people.

But whatever the reason, these are still people who were initially attracted to you and
your business proposition because they feel an aching need to change something in
their lives.

That aching need often revolves around them perceiving some lack in an important,
primary area of their life (finances, relationships, health, sense of purpose etc.).

And that void still exists once they decide your business is not right for them.

So if your primary business isn"t what they need at this point in their journey of
transformation, it"s very likely that something else you can offer them may help them

The more of “something else” you can offer them, the more successful you will become.

For example, no matter what your network marketing opportunity niche happens to be,
many of your prospects will be drawn to you initially because they"re looking to start a
business in order to improve their financial lives.

So you could offer them products that teach internet marketing skills, or otherwise will
help them succeed later in whatever business they ultimately decide to enter into.
Perhaps you could market a product about how to be a more successful network
marketer, or one that teaches them how to reach more people more efficiently through
social media.

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You"re still helping them in their journey, and you open yourself up to additional income
streams separate from your primary network marketing business.

Or maybe a prospect was initially drawn to your network marketing company"s unique
health supplements. If they decide not to join they still have a need to fill. So they may
instead be open to other products and services related to improving their health.

Chances are good that you could offer them something that will advance them, and
reward you as a marketer at the same time.

Best of all you needn"t create any of these products yourself. There are hundreds of
great products and services available which you can represent on behalf of other
companies. This is called affiliate marketing and it can become a big part of your

We"ll explore affiliate marketing in more depth later in this course, but for now
understand that just because someone says “No” to your primary opportunity does not
mean that your relationship with that person is over.

Focusing on building this kind of a diversified business will give you many more
opportunities to mine gold from your prospect list than will depending solely upon
funneling them to your MLM business.

You can put these additional income streams to work promoting your primary business,
in effect getting “free” advertising. Or you can simply use the profits for whatever reason
makes sense to you.

7: Focus on List Building and “List Loving”

If you accept that you have something great to offer the world through your business,
you owe it to yourself to reach out and cast your net as far and wide as possible.

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One of the best ways to expand your sphere of influence is to cultivate a list of followers
whom you can easily keep in touch with and who appreciate hearing from you.

This list can be an email list, a group of Twitter followers or thousands of Facebook
fans. In fact nowadays your list can take many forms.

But regardless of what kind of list we"re talking about, the one constant is that you need
to give them good reasons for following you. You must provide quality content that
keeps them coming back again and again for more.

Ideally you should build a relationship with them whereby they feel they are getting to
know you as a person and not just someone who is in business for the fast buck.

And you must never, ever abuse the trust that they place in you in return for following

In Chapter 5 we"ll cover many ways you can grow your lists. But for now understand
that list building holds the key to your own business success.

And you need to make it the primary building block of your business from which
everything else flows naturally.

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Chapter 2:
Why You Should Launch a “You Centered” Online
Business Immediately
A business built around you is what will transform you from an ordinary network
marketer to someone who succeeds at a high level.

Here is how you do it.

The Essence of a “You” Centered Business

A “You” centered business in its simplest form comes down to the following five

! Offer Value
! Build Trust
! Build Your List
! Treat Your List With Respect
! Market to Your List
Do this well and consistently and you will be successful. It"s really that simple.

Let"s take a closer look at these main components.

O"er Value

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First you must have something to offer others, and while you might not realize what that
is as you read these words, I believe it"s in you already.

Your job is to discover what it is and bring it to the world.

I believe that you and I, no matter where we are in our personal journeys, have only
scratched the surface of our vast potentials.

There is something in you and I that is trying to bubble to the surface if it hasn"t already.

There is something we want and need to express and share with others.

Your value proposition to others most likely lies in the ever greater and fuller expression
of that urge.

If you can discover what it is and help others by sharing it in the context of your
business, you will be very successful.

I happen to really enjoy coaching and team building. My professional background is in

the field of aviation, and I"ve been a captain for a major airline for many years. For much
of that time I"ve been involved in the training end of things. I"ve worked one on one with
hundreds of airline pilots as they"ve trained to fly jets for my airline.

When I operate a flight across the Atlantic, excellent team work in the cockpit as well as
with the 10 flight attendants in back is what can turn an ordinary flight into a great one.

I realized many years ago that working with and helping others in this way gave me a lot
of personal satisfaction. I can honestly say that in all the years I"ve flown, there has not
been a single day when I regretted coming to “work”.

Combine my enjoyment of coaching and team building with a passion for Internet
marketing and network marketing, and it was an obvious choice for me to create It"s entire purpose is to help others find success in these
areas at the highest possible level.

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It"s a great feeling to discover your passions and purpose in life, and it just makes
everything better.

So as soon as possible (if you don"t know it already) figure out what your value
proposition is and take it to the world.

Build Trust

Be real. Show people that you are human just like them, and someone they would like
to know better.

Be reliable. Show your followers that you care about their needs, and demonstrate that
by delivering valuable help consistently.

Understand that your greatest success will come when you provide the very best you
can to those who are looking to you for help.

You can"t be all things to all people so don"t even try. But in being yourself you"ll attract
the people who most identify with you and want to get to know you better.

Build trust, and you will exponentially build the value of your business.

Build Your List

Take the time to learn the mechanics of list building, then put them into practice.

It"s one of the most valuable business building skill sets you will ever learn, and the
Internet makes it incredibly easy for you to build targeted lists of followers.

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And the good news is that you absolutely can learn how to do this. There are many
different ways to grow your list and you merely need to do a few of them on a consistent
basis and your list will grow. Do many of them and your list will grow quickly.

Your list can literally be worth a fortune to you. It can represent a lifetime asset that pays
you back many times over for the effort you put into its creation.

Most network marketers will only pay lip service to this idea, if at all. They"ll be content
to purchase “hot” leads that convert badly if at all, and figure they"ll build their business
through brute force.

But taking the time to learn how to build your list is the best way possible for you to free
yourself from ever wondering again where to find highly qualified leads, in most cases at
little or no cost.

If you choose to do nothing else but get good at list building you"ll be far, far ahead of
the 98% of other network marketers out there who don"t bother to act on this advice.

Treat Your List With Respect

A list of 50,000 names will do you little good if the people on it feel you don"t respect

If you only write to ask for money and never take the time to understand the needs and
concerns of your followers, you will eventually wear them down and they will forget why
they ever joined your list in the first place. Then they will leave and never come back.

On the other hand a much smaller list can make you rich if you treat it respectfully.
Provide your followers over and over again with reasons for sticking with you, in the
form of helpful advice and valuable content that helps them advance.

Never lose sight of the fact that only by helping them succeed will you succeed in a big

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Market to Your List

If you"re handling the first four items above correctly, your list will be happy to receive
your marketing messages. And that"s where you can capitalize on all that good Karma
you"ve been developing with your followers.

Different marketers approach the question of “How much marketing is too much?”
differently, and you"ll need to be your own best judge.

For example, I"ve subscribed to the Early to Rise daily ezine for years. (Check it out at Nearly every single issue contains great self help and business
building content, and in return for this free content I"m happy to receive the
accompanying marketing messages.

Some days I receive two or three promotional emails from Early to Rise and Agora
publishing. I don"t necessarily read them all, but it doesn"t bother me at all to receive
them. Over the years I"ve bought helpful products and services through this ezine that
have enhanced my life. I"ll probably remain a subscriber for years to come because
ETR consistently provides great value to me.

Other companies I follow market to me far less frequently. There"s a real estate writer I
hear from only sporadically and who sends a marketing message to his list just a few
times a year.

So what should you do?

As a rule of thumb a good starting point for you may be 3 to 5 pure content messages
for every marketing piece you send out.

Some people will stop following you as a result of you sending what to them are too
many marketing messages. But if you"re gaining followers faster than you"re losing them
you"re probably in the ballpark. A certain amount of list attrition is natural and with
experience you"ll find your “sweet spot”.

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It"s important for you to understand that you will be marketing a number of different
products and services, including:

! Your main MLM opportunity

! Affiliate products of interest to your market
! Your own products and services (if you have any)

A#liate Product Sales Can Skyrocket Your MLM Business Growth

The affiliate products you market can generate significant amounts of income all by

I"m jumping ahead here but I want to give you a HUGE tip to remember if you want to
really supercharge your network marketing business...

And that is, you can use some or all of the income you generate through affiliate product
sales to drive paid traffic to an irresistible “funnel” that automatically promotes your main
MLM business online.

And that"s how to literally explode your network marketing business.

This is a key point and worth remembering. Your affiliate sales can actually completely
pay for the cost of driving a continuous and virtually unlimited numbers of prospects to
your automatic MLM opportunity funnel. Once you “prime the pump” this limitless supply
of leads will just keep arriving, at no real cost to you.

(I promise that shortly I"ll tell you where you can find these magical funnels and how you
can put one to work for you. But first we have a few more “big picture” concepts to

Why You Should Build a Business Centered Around You

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Here are some great reasons why taking the time to develop this kind of business
makes powerful sense...

1. You Can’t Be Fired by Your MLM Company

Why put all your eggs in one basket when you can just as easily diversify your

The fact is that sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Your MLM company can go out of business with little notice. (This happened to me

Or you might inadvertently violate a policy or procedure of your company and be asked
to leave. Suddenly the valuable downline you spent months or years developing
vanishes and your income is reduced to zero.

When your business is built around YOU however, that can"t happen. Yes your network
marketing company can disappear or fire you, but if you"ve built a list of followers you
can be back in business in no time.

With the push of a button you can notify your followers of a new opportunity they should
consider and you can be building a new downline quickly.

2. You Aren’t Married to A Single Company

Even if your primary network marketing company doesn"t go out of business or fire you
it still makes sense to diversify.

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As I mentioned earlier, most of your prospects will not join your primary business. If only
a handful out of a hundred do so, doesn"t it make sense to market other products or
services that you believe might still be highly useful to them?

Of course it does.

As your list of followers grows, you will begin to realize more and more income from
such diversification.

To not do this means you are

a) leaving a lot of money on the table, and

b) not helping your followers as much as you could

And you don"t want to do that do you?

3. You Enjoy Unlimited Upside

As you build your business around “you,” you will begin to see more and more
opportunities to grow your business.

More affiliate products to promote...

More joint ventures to take part in...

More of your own products or services to create in order to fill the needs of your

In fact you will probably wonder why you ever thought to limit yourself to promoting just
a single network marketing opportunity.

The upside is limited only by your imagination and ability to take action when
opportunity presents itself.

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4. You Can Sell Other People’s Products

As I mentioned earlier, the affiliate marketing model works perfectly hand in hand with a
“You” centered business. You are limited only by your ability to locate quality products
and services that you believe will be highly valuable to your followers.

Nowadays thousands of companies and individuals have well established affiliate

programs that for the most part you can join with little or no trouble. And large markets
such as health, wealth and self improvement are literally overflowing with great product

For network marketers, this means you should have no trouble locating a great lineup of
affiliate products to promote to your followers.

One of the best resources I know for learning the nuts and bolts of affiliate marketing is
Rosalind Gartners" Super Affiliate Handbook, which I keep on my computer desktop. I
strongly recommend it, especially if affiliate marketing is a new concept to you. She
covers in detail all the important areas you"ll need to know about to get started as an
affiliate marketer.

(Check out Rosalind"s “Affiliate Marketing Simplified” video to learn more.)

5. You Can (If You Want) Create Your Own Products and Services

If you decide to produce your own products or services, your “house list” of followers
represents a great place to begin your marketing.

These are already people with whom you have a relationship and chances are they will
be interested in what you have to sell.

Your profit margins will be greater on your own products too.

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Another benefit is that the perfect marketing intelligence is just a click away. It"s a simple
matter to survey your followers to determine what it is they really want. Then you create
a product or products to fill that need.

What Else Should You Keep in Mind?

People like to work with other people. So let them know you are a real breathing human
being who puts his or her pants on one leg at a time. (Unless of course you leap out of
bed and put both legs in your pants mid-air, in which case tell them that instead!)

Tell your story. Over time reveal more about yourself that lets your followers know you"re
interested in building the relationship.

And be authentic. No one likes a stuffed shirt, pompous know it all. It"s OK not to be the
guru, in fact often that"s better.

Ask yourself would you hang out with you? Hopefully the answer is a resounding yes,
so just be that person. There"s only one of you, and no one else can fill your shoes.

The people who need you most will find you if you let them see who you really are.

Where Does Your MLM Company Fit In?

Network marketing success is built upon creating relationships, teamwork and

replication. One problem most new distributors face is a lack of sufficient new interested
prospects to which they can promote their business.

Creating an online presence that consistently and reliably attracts a steady stream of
prospects to you solves this part of the puzzle.

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Done correctly, your “You” centered business puts you in a position of authority whereby
prospects come to you wanting to learn about your business as opposed to you chasing
them down.

It"s the perfect “pre-sell” environment in which to position you and your business.

Notice I said “pre-sell”. Your command center blog is not the place to promote your
MLM business directly, it"s the place to promote you and what you offer to your visitors
in the way of help and guidance.

Once you"ve demonstrated to your followers that you offer them genuine help and
guidance, they will be much more receptive to learning about your MLM opportunity and
possibly joining as your downline distributor.

And the place to do exactly that is your “funnel,” which is a completely different animal
from your network marketing company"s replicated distributor website.

Your funnel is where the real selling takes place, 24/7 without you holding home
meetings or cold calling total strangers.

There"s a good chance you don"t yet have a funnel in your current MLM business, but
it"s essential that you get one if you hope to grow your business online. (I"ll be talking
more about what makes up a good funnel and how you can get one shortly, I promise!)

Stop Buying Leads and Otherwise Wasting Money

on Advertising That Doesn’t Work

I"m not a big fan of buying leads.

There are different vendors out there, some better than others, but the problem I see is
that too many times the leads you purchase really aren"t that “hot”.

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Yes they may be people who have responded to some business opportunity
inducement. But they are expecting to be “sold” and in many cases are receiving similar
business opportunity offers from other network marketers.

They have no reason to be especially “open” to your opportunity and in fact may be
spring loaded to resist it.

You"ll be in a far better position if you create an online presence that attracts prospects
to you. You then begin the relationship from a position of power as opposed to a
position of need.

In the same vein it"s usually a bad idea to advertise your business opportunity directly,
by placing ads that send prospects straight to your MLM company"s opportunity site.

The problem is that many network marketing company replicated distributor sites do an
extremely poor job of selling. Yes they educate the prospect on the compensation plan,
company products and background, management team etc. But they are lousy at
closing the sale and usually are not great examples of direct marketing techniques.

They"re often ineffective even at getting prospects to contact you to request more
information let alone make the sale.

It really doesn"t matter how much traffic you send to this site, because traffic is only half
the equation. You also need to convert that traffic to sales, and replicated wesbsites are
generally NOT the place to convert your prospects into customers.

So seldom do the economics of advertising work well for you to send traffic directly to
this kind of site.

But that"s OK because your “You” centered business built online will give you other
ways to cost effectively promote your opportunity.

But first you need to understand...

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The Number One Reason Why
Your Prospects Don’t Want Your Opportunity

The truth is that most of us have a built in resistance to being sold. So anytime you are
perceived as pursuing your prospect to “make a sale” your prospect"s B.S. detector will
suddenly peg out and his or her sales defense shield slam shut.

If you"ve been approaching your MLM business from this kind of selling perspective you
already know what I mean. It"s probably the number one reason why so many people
fail to build a real MLM business.

When you"re chasing someone down to “sell them” you"re seen as just looking to make
a fast buck. You might even be seen as a scam artist and your MLM opportunity “some
kind of pyramid scheme” or worse.

Once you cross that line your opportunity, no matter how good it really is, will just seem
unappealing to your prospect.

And it all comes down to how you position yourself.

If you put yourself in the inferior position of being seen as simply looking to make a sale,
your prospects will sniff this out immediately and most likely will not want to do business
with you. By association they"ll presume your business opportunity is no good for them.

If however you position yourself as a leader who they need to succeed, who offers
something they want, they are far more likely to come to you and want what you offer.

So you need to understand the right ways to promote yourself and your opportunity
online. There are times when you absolutely should not be pitching to your followers
and times when it"s OK to do so.

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As an example of what I mean, it is a bad idea to constantly Twitter about how great
your opportunity is and send out links to your distributor site. Likewise doing this same
kind of thing on Facebook or YouTube will not get you very far either.

Do you like these kinds of messages? I"m guessing no. They"re spammy and don"t offer
much value. A thousand other distributors could have sent the exact same kind of
messages and they don"t differentiate you in any way.

However if you come from a position of helpfulness and strength, the tables are turned
and you"ll stand out to your prospects like a lighthouse on a stormy night, leading the
way to the safe harbor they"re searching for.

So you need to offer value first and take the time to develop an online relationship with
your followers. Then some of them will eventually want to know all about the business
opportunity you"re involved with.

If you provide an open door to these people, or more specifically an online funnel that
takes them by the hand and explains everything they need to know about your
opportunity, then leads them to make a decision about your business, some will join

And the great news is you can automate this whole process online.

So again it"s all about positioning first and foremost. At the risk of repeating myself your
job is to build trust and offer value. Your prospects must first get to know, like and trust
you and see you as an authority before most will ever want to do business with you.

Once your prospects decide you are the real deal, your opportunity will suddenly morph
in their minds from “This sucks!” to “This is for me!”

That"s the position you want to be in, and it"s the position that will completely change the
game for you.

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Chapter 3:
Planning Your “You” Centered Online
Business Strategy, The 30,000’ Overview
The Most Important Trait You Must Possess

Building your business online isn"t “hard” and it isn"t “easy” either. It just takes regular
and sustained effort.

In other words it takes persistence.

This is the one trait that will get you through those times when you lose sight of what ist
was you were trying to accomplish in the first place.

It is the trait that will separate you from most others who give up at the first rough spot in
the road.

You would be wise to remember Napoleon Bonaparte"s words:

! ! “I see only the objective, the obstacles must give way.”

Treat It Like A Real Business, and Do Whatever It Takes

Earlier in this course I talked about people who have a “lottery mentality”.

That is an attitude of entitlement and fantasy, where great success comes with little or
no effort. In real life it takes effort to achieve your goals. After all, if it was easy everyone
would be doing it, right?

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So treat your business like a real business and not as a passing hobby. If you “try”
network marketing for a month or two you are doomed to failure.

If you “do whatever it takes” for as long as it takes you will succeed.

Setting Goals, Avoiding Pitfalls

It"s easy to get lost in a sea of details when planning your “You” centered business.

That"s why it"s important for you to set some goals and a realistic way to keep yourself
on course.

You need clarity. You need to understand what it is you"re trying to accomplish and
where you should be spending your time and effort for the quickest results.

You don"t need to create a full fledged business plan, but I would argue you need
something more than just a note or two scribbled on a napkin.

One tool I recommend for this purpose is mind mapping software.

If you aren"t already familiar with what it does, mind mapping software lets you quickly
organize a mass of disparate data in a graphical format that helps you conceptualize
and keep track of complex projects.

Instead of being forced to follow a linear plan, mind mapping lets you work with many
different ideas and portions of a project at one time, which is great as new ideas pop
into your head that you don"t want to lose.

I think mind mapping is far superior to creating a series of “To Do” lists or depending
solely on your memory. It"s extremely easy to modify an existing mind map as your
project evolves.

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I"ve worked with several free mind mapping programs and I suggest you look for one
you like and experience for yourself how it can help you. One very good free program I
can recommend is Freemind.

Don’t Do It All Yourself

As fast as possible decide what you are best at, what you like to do the most, and what
is most productive for you to do from a business viewpoint. Then focus most of your
energies on those things and outsource the rest.

You may not be able to outsource immediately depending on your budget and how
much income your business is generating. But your goal should be to set up your
business to operate as efficiently from a time and money viewpoint as is possible.

Commit to Learning Core Skills and Get Started Right Now

Everyone comes to Internet marketing and network marketing with different

backgrounds and skill sets. But no matter what they are you will pretty certainly need to
learn new ones.

You may need to learn how to create an autoresponder series, or how to make social
networking work efficiently for you. Or maybe you need to learn how to build a
Wordpress blog.

So part of creating your “You” centered business will be to identify those areas you need
to understand and get started learning about them.

The good news is there are a great many sources of quality help available. Find some
that appeal to you and take action.

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Some Things NOT to Do When Creating Your Online Business

1: Don’t Get Free Blog Hosting To Save A Few Bucks

I recommend you get a self hosted blog through (not the free service
provided by DO NOT try to build your business around a free hosted
blog service like, or

Here"s why...

When you own your own domain name and host your blog yourself, it belongs to you
and cannot be taken away from you. When you host your blog through a free service
like Blogger or others it can be shut down for violation of the host company"s terms of
service. And if you just spent six months of effort building it that would not be good.

Since you can register a domain name for less than $10 a year and get hosting services
for just a few dollars a month there is no reason to opt for the free services.

2: Don’t Get A Free Website Hosting Account

To Save A Few More Bucks

The same advice applies if you are thinking about getting free hosting for a website as
opposed to a blog. Don"t do it. You get what you pay for and free hosting accounts come
with things you don"t want on your site, such as the host company"s advertisements.

3: Don’t Create Stupid Online Profiles

That Will Come Back To Haunt You

Google never forgets.

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If you want to look professional as your business grows, you probably don"t want totally
weird stuff in your online profiles. Yes you want to be yourself. But think about who it is
you"re trying to attract to you and your business, and remember that it is a business
you"re building after all.

4: Don’t Look Cheesy When You Can Look Professional

Sometimes a little detail can make a big difference to people who are meeting you
online for the first time. As the old saying goes, you only have one time to make a good
first impression.

A good example of what I"m talking about are the photos of yourself that you place in
online profiles. So often I see blurry images, or images where the subject is so tiny you
can"t even tell if it"s a man or woman. Take the time to get a few nice looking photos of
yourself. Most often a head shot or head and torso shot is what works best for an online

There is plenty of advice available online about what goes into making a good photo.
Go get some if you need it and update your profiles.

Likewise get yourself a professional sounding email if the one you use now is something
like “[email protected]” or “[email protected]”.

I personally like Gmail a lot. You can sign up for as many free accounts as you need
and its delivery rate is better than some other free email services such as Hotmail.

In general it"s just as easy to look good as to look cheesy, so look good whenever you

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Chapter 4:
Your Online Command Center WordPress Blog
A major part of your online success blueprint will center around your blog, which I
recommend be a Wordpress blog. Your blog is the central clearing house for your online
activities and serves a number of specific purposes.

Here are the major ones:

1. Your Blog Helps You Build Your List Quickly and E#ciently

Your blog"s primary purpose is to help you efficiently build your list of followers.

Over time you will create many different online pathways that people will use to find
your blog. Once they arrive you need to give them a good reason to join your mailing list
and become part of your community.

If you continue to provide your followers with helpful advice that they can use to
advance towards their own goals, they will remain your loyal followers for a long time.

For example this course serves as the initial incentive for someone to subscribe to my
mailing list on my blog. I make the signup form where visitors request their copy a
prominent part of the site. It"s “above the fold” where every visitor can see it. I asked my
blog designers to give the signup form a lot of “eye gravity” (as online marketer Alex
Mandossian likes to say) for this reason.

I typically will include the signup form in my blog posts as well. I do everything I can to
make sure that anyone who wants to join can do so easily.

I also provide an obvious link to my RSS feed for anyone who prefers to get updates
from me that way instead of through email.

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2. Your Blog Helps You Leverage Everything

Since my blog is the clearinghouse for all my online activity, it gives me a lot of
leverage. It"s a single address where visitors can gain access to everything I offer. Over
time there will be more and more connections to my blog from around the Web. This will
create even more critical mass and more traffic for me.

I make it easy for visitors to find me on YouTube or Twitter, or to locate product reviews
I"ve written. I make it easy for them to plug me into their social networks if they choose.

The result is that my business will grow faster than if I did not have such a centralized
location in which to leverage my efforts.

3. Transform Social Media From A Time Waster to a List Builder

You need to make social media networks an important part of your online efforts.
However, done incorrectly it represents one of the biggest time sucking black holes
you"ll ever come across.

You DO NOT want to be spending many hours every day engaged in indiscriminate
Tweeting, chatting and long online conversations. That will be the kiss of death to your
business since you"ll run out of time for the other more important things you need to do.

And that"s where your blog will come to the rescue, if you set it up properly. By this I
mean you need to make it easy for your visitors to connect you to their social networks
when they want.

You focus on providing good content and give your fans and followers reasons to do
your social networking work for you (i.e. spread your content around the Web).

I do this primarily through the use of prominent icons that visitors can click on should
they wish to find my Facebook page for example. And I do it through the use of several

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specific Wordpress plugins that makes it easy for visitors to share my content on various
social media sites.

In effect my visitors do the lion"s share of my social networking for me.

I still Tweet (using inexpensive software that automates my Tweeting as much as

possible) and I still visit my Facebook pages and YouTube channel (check me out on
YouTube at SurefireTactics) to add content now and then.

But I don"t spend hours and hours every day doing this. My blog takes care of a lot of it
for me.

4. Build Natural SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tra#c

Over time your blog will contain more and more content. If you plan your content in such
a way that the search engines can easily identify what your blog is all about and are
providing quality content, you will begin to receive more and more natural search engine
traffic. Doing this correctly is called search engine optimization (SEO).

Your SEO goal should be to get Google and other search engines to index as many of
your pages and posts as possible. As you do so your traffic will continue to grow, along
with your business.

5. Bypass the Google Slap

If you decide to join Google"s AdWords pay per click advertising program to drive traffic
to an offer, you face the possibility of eventually being “slapped” by Google.

Essentially what this means is that Google may decide you aren"t doing a good job of
providing value to their customers (online searchers) because the page you are sending

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traffic to is not a high quality page. In other words it doesn"t offer content of value
relative to the search terms the user entered to find the page.

When this happens Google will raise the cost per click you have been paying and may
ban your ad altogether.

There is even some suspicion in the world of SEO that Google itself puts out deceptive
information about what you need to do to score highly in their rankings for a particular
keyword term. The thinking is that Google promotes this “disinformation” in an attempt
to prevent people from “tricking the system” by using SEO techniques to drive up a
page"s rank in Google, when the content itself might not otherwise justify that position.

Whether this is true or not I can"t say.

But I do know that Google does not like simple landing pages with little content and will
penalize you (by raising your cost to advertise or banning your ad altogether) if it thinks
your page offers little value.

You can work around this to some degree by creating a blog with high value content that
Google likes. By driving your Google pay per click (PPC) traffic to a page located on
your high value blog you can insulate yourself somewhat from the Google slap.

While this doesn"t guarantee you won"t get slapped anyway, it goes a long way towards
making Google happy about your site"s overall content and value to its search

6. Build an Ongoing Relationship with Your Followers

Your blog is the perfect vehicle with which to carry on an ongoing conversation with your
followers. Because it"s a blog and not a static website it"s that much easier for your
visitors to jump into the conversation through blog comments. This interactivity is what
makes blogging such an interesting opportunity for bloggers and readers alike.

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You can share photos and videos that reveal you as a real person, and you can build an
ongoing sense of community with your followers.

7. Positions You as a Credible Authority

Since the invention of the written word, putting thoughts on paper has often helped
solidify a person"s reputation as an expert and authority. Blogging merely carries that
concept over to the Internet.

By providing helpful information and building a following through your blog, you will gain
an ever greater reputation as an authority in your marketplace.

Getting Started: Basics of Choosing Your Domain Name

Your self hosted blog will need it"s own domain name and here are some basic
considerations when choosing one.

1. Keep it as short as possible.

2. Put your main keyword in the title if you can.

3. Make the name as memorable as possible, and suggestive of what your site is all

4. Check it for “readability” or what it actually looks like. When someone sees it can they
read the title easily or do the words mix together in an odd way?
( F o r e x a m p l e w w w. d i r t c h e a p m l m . c o m i s e a s y t o a b s o r b , w h e r e a s is not.)

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5. Go for the “.com” version and find another domain name if that isn"t available.

6. Consider buying up some of the related domain names such as the “.net” and “.biz”
versions or hyphenated versions and redirect these to point at your primary site. This
prevents someone from registering these names and getting your spillover traffic
when your site becomes well known. (But don"t go crazy buying up 50 close variants
as that will get expensive.)

7. Spend whatever time you need brainstorming and really think through what you hope
to accomplish with your blog"s name. A good free brainstorming site I use for this
purpose is It lets you search for many related domain names at
once, using selects such as hyphens or no hyphens and synonyms.

8. Consider buying an existing name if the one you really want is taken but isn"t being
used or is being used badly (that is, not developed). You can make an offer through
online services such as and you may be surprised at
how inexpensively you can purchase a good name.

This is especially true if the person who owns it is not savvy about its value or isn"t
using it in any serious way. So make an offer and see what happens.

(The best situation is a site that has been online a long time, since Google rewards
sites from an SEO perspective for the amount of time they have been in existence.)

Registering Your Domain Name

There are many places to register your domain name. You can register it at the same
place you expect to host your site, or you can register it elsewhere and merely point the
“nameservers” towards your host account.

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Changing the nameservers is something you can easily do through the control panel of
any website registrar. In effect it changes the address of the server where your site
actually resides.

You might choose to do this if you register many names as I do and can get a better
price somewhere in particular. For example I"ve registered many of my sites with which I"ve found through experience is substantially
less expensive than some other registrars I"ve used.

Hosting Your Domain

There are quite a few quality companies with which to host your blog. I can recommend
several that I"ve used for a number of years and continue to use. Each makes it very
easy to host your Wordpress blog, offer reliable hosting and provide excellent customer

Here they are:




Why Use WordPress?

As I mentioned earlier I recommend you build your blog using Wordpress. This is used
by millions of bloggers and a robust community of users and developers has grown up
around it.

It certainly isn"t the only blog platform out there, but I can"t think of a single reason why I
would choose to go elsewhere.

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Compared to learning how to create a website, a Wordpress blog is fairly easy to install
and build. Wordpress was developed with SEO in mind, and there are some great
plugins that will help you make your Wordpress blog even more search engine friendly.

Why I Use Thesis is a Wordpress blog built using Thesis, a commercially

available Wordpress theme. (A theme is basically a framework that gives your blog a
certain look, feel and functionality. Do a search on “Wordpress themes” and you"ll find
many sites offering themes, both free and commercial versions.)

I chose Thesis for several reasons:

1. It enjoys ongoing support and is constantly being improved. (Unlike some themes
which don"t function well anymore because they haven"t been upgraded to work with
the latest Wordpress versions, Thesis is upgraded regularly as Wordpress itself

2. It"s highly customizable and you can learn to customize much of it yourself with a bit
of effort if you choose.

3. It contains built in search engine optimization features that help me promote my site

4. It integrates easily with Scribe, a commercial SEO plugin designed especially with
Thesis in mind. Scribe helps me optimize my content to maximize the natural search
engine traffic I receive.

It certainly isn"t necessary that you create your blog with Thesis. There are thousands of
other Wordpress themes available, many for free. But it is a great choice if you decide
to go with it.

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How to Use Tags to Help Your Readers

Tags are basically a way to organize the content on your blog and make it more search
engine friendly. For example, a post tagged with the term “mlm” lets the search engine
spider who comes to index your site know that the particular post is relevant to multi
level marketing.

Since deals with network marketing and Internet

marketing a lot, I break my tags down into sub-categories of mlm related terms as
opposed to simply tagging everything “mlm” or “network marketing”.

For example I tag my posts with terms such as “network marketing company”, “mlm
product”, “mlm news” etc. By organizing tags in this manner the search engines
recognize what the site"s subject matter is all about.

SInce I often write product reviews, I can make it easy for my readers to locate all
product reviews by applying the “product review” tag to such posts. They can then be
presented under a single “Product Review” tab on my site.

As a blogger you should become familiar with the concept of tags and use them in ways
that will enhance your visitor"s experience while at the same time helping the search
engines understand what your site is all about.

A Few Words About Plugins$

Plugins are enhancements to Wordpress that independent programmers develop to

extend the existing capabilities of Wordpress.

As I write these words today a quick check shows there are more than 10,000 of them,
which you can browse at

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Want to place advertisements on your blog that rotate through your affiliate promotions
automatically? There"s a plugin for that.

Want to add social bookmarking icons to all your blog posts? Ditto.

Want to be able to post to your blog using email instead of logging into your blog control
panel. Yup, you can do that too.

A Few Key Points You Should Know About Plugins

! Among the thousands of plugins, many are free and others available for

! The greater Wordpress community rates plugins, so you can often find
valuable feedback from users who have gone before you and who describe
their experiences. You can search for plugins and reviews at

! Many plugins are no longer supported by the developers who created them,
and so won!t necessarily work well or at all with newer versions of Wordpress.
You can discover this by reading the reviews of any plugin you are considering

! It!s usually best to install one plugin at a time and make sure it!s working bug
free before adding another. Sometimes a plugin may be incompatible with a
new version of Wordpress and may create problems of one kind or another.

! Too many plugins can cause a site to start running more slowly. So avoid the
temptation to go overboard with too many of them.

With that in mind, here are a few plugins I recommend you take a look at for your own

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Scribe – Easy SEO That Works Hand in Hand With Thesis

Scribe is a commercial plugin that I use to perform additional search engine optimization
of content. Since I plan over time to amass a sizable amount of content on my blog, the
extra step of running my posts through Scribe before I publish them is another way that
I can give the search engines the kind of focused content they like.

If you expect to produce regular content for your command center blog you may want to
consider using Scribe as well, particularly if you will be using Thesis.

Scribe is a commercial plugin that you pay for on a subscription basis. If it"s within your
budget I recommend you take a close look at it.

Smart Update Pinger

Whenever you create a blog post you will want to “ping” major blog networks to let them
know that your post is available. You will largely automate this process using plugins.

However when you go back and make a change to a post, for example adding a graphic
or correcting a typo, you don"t really want to ping the same post again. And if you"re like
me and sometimes go back multiple times to make such corrections, that"s especially

Smart Update Pinger will prevent you from re-pinging in those situations.

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Autotagger will help you create relevant tags for each post you make, and will create an
inbound link from to your blog. This is good from an SEO perspective.

This popular free plugin adds social networking icon links to your posts,which makes it
easy for your readers to share your posts across major social networking sites. Stats
This is a must have free plugin that gives you valuable information about the traffic your
blog receives.
This is a commercially available plugin that lets you display video in various ways on
your blog. It is especially useful if you plan to show long videos on your site.

Askimet (Spam)
This is another “must have” free plugin that identifies and intercepts spam comments on
your blog. Without it you"ll be constantly cleaning up unwanted spam.

All in One SEO Plugin

This is another very popular free plugin designed to help you optimize your blog from an
SEO perspective.

As I mentioned, there are thousands of other plugins. Choose some that sound
interesting to you and remember not to go overboard installing too many at once.

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Chapter 5:
Your Number One Most Important
Core Skill--List Building
The Importance of An Ongoing List Building Strategy

The primary purpose of your blog is to build your list. You can do this in many different
ways, but key to it all is that you need to take regular action.

If you do, your rewards can be massive. Your list gives you “insider access” to your
followers and lets you:

1. Continue your long term relationship with your list

2. Market to your list over and over again

3. Do this at practically zero cost

It is totally possible for you to grow your list to a size that will rival the circulation of
some newspaper or radio stations. And without investing millions of dollars in facilities,
employees and the like.

In fact if you begin to think about your list as your own media empire you"ll start to see
just what this can be worth to you.

Imagine being able to push a button and within a few minutes place an offer for a $100
product in front of 20,000 people. If just 1% take you up on it you just grossed $20,000.

Then imagine doing that over and over again in the course of a year or many years.

That is how you can create real wealth, wealth built upon you and your ability to offer
value to your followers.

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Your “List” is Not Just Your Email List

In the early days of online marketing your list was primarily your list of email
subscribers. However it"s now possible to reach out and communicate with your
followers in different ways online. !

Some of your followers will prefer to hear from you via your newsletter, while others will
prefer being notified of new blog posts via your RSS feed. Think of each of these
different methods as all part of your master list building efforts.

The more different ways you offer for your followers to hear from you, the larger your
sphere of influence will grow among your followers

Your Online Newsletter

It"s a simple matter nowadays to include an email capture form on your blog or website
and you should do so. Offer your visitors an incentive to give you their email address
and you will begin to grow your list.

This is all easily done through an autoresponder system of some kind. A couple of
excellent autoresponders are Aweber (which is what I use on my blog) and
GetResponse. Either allows you to easily send out your newsletter to thousands of

I consider an autoresponder to be a really essential part of any serious effort to build an

online presence and recommend you choose one and learn to use it. They aren"t
expensive and they will pay you back many times over.

" "
Your RSS Feed Subscribers

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RSS (which stands for “Really Simple Syndication”) is a way for your followers to
receive instant notification every time you publish new content on your blog.

Through the use of a feed reader such as Google Reader (

your followers can choose to add your blog as a subscription. Then whenever you make
a new post on your blog it will automatically show up in their reader without them
needing to remember to visit your blog to check.

You don"t really need to know too much about the technical behind the scenes
operation. It"s an easy matter to set up your outgoing feed in your Wordpress blog,
which you only need to do one time. Then visitors who wish can then add your RSS
feed to their feed readers subscription list.

Your Twitter Followers

If you plan to invest time developing a Twitter following I strongly recommend that you
automate as much of the process as possible. Various software is available to help you
do exactly that.

One program I recommend you check out is MarketMeTweet, an inexpensive yet

extremely powerful program filled with great features to help you leverage the time you
spend with Twitter.

It allows you to conduct keyword targeted Twitter campaigns, program your Tweets up
to a year in advance, and is filled with many other really cool features that really will
save you a boatload of time.

Your Facebook Fans & Friends

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Facebook increasingly is becoming a more and more powerful force in the social media
world. The following you develop here can help you expand your brand. This is not a
place to make sales offers directly (as you can on your email list), but it is a place where
you can provide pathways for your followers to find their way back to your offers.

In Chapter 6 I"ll cover some basics of how to advertise effectively on Facebook.

Your YouTube Channel Subscribers

Like Facebook, YouTube is a place where you can build a list of followers who are
interested in your content. You shouldn"t sell directly on YouTube as your visitors are
there to be entertained, to learn and to enjoy themselves. So you should focus on
providing useful video content that satisfies these objectives.

But you can offer your viewers pathways back to your offers, in the form of a link to your
blog or other URL.

In addition to distributing your video content via your YouTube Channel, a good strategy
to expand your subscriber list is to make comments about videos that relate to yours.
This exposes your own videos to more viewers, who in turn may become subscribers to
your channel.

Your Other Social Media Followers

There are countless other social media sites besides those I"ve mentioned here. But
don"t feel that you need to be everywhere at once. Some have not developed to the
point where they"re worth the trouble. And for the rest it"s simply too much to expect to
be able to keep up with them all.

I recommend that you start with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, StumbleUpon and Digg,
which as I write these words are among the most influential. The social media

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landscape is in constant flux and it"s likely that some new contenders could pop up at
any time.

But one big caution...

It"s easy to get caught up trying to be everywhere at once, and that can be a huge time
waster and definitely not the most effective use of your time.

And so with that in mind a few more thoughts on social networking are in order...

Intelligent Social Networking:

How Not to Squander Vast Amounts of Your Precious Time

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Digg and others now make it possible for people
to share and interact with others in ways that were truly unimaginable just a few short
years ago.

One major side effect of all this interconnectivity is that your online persona can be
everywhere if you want it to be. And because you can be everywhere, the temptation is
to invest large amounts of your time in social networking activities to get as much
exposure as possible.

The fact is you could participate in social networks 24/7 and never be finished. There
will always be another new social network to join, another follower to respond to and
another video to watch.

On the other hand the rewards of putting in place a good social media strategy is more
followers, more traffic and more sales. And you need that to grow your business.

So how do you handle this dilemma? How do you strike a balance?

It’s All About Your Blog

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The first place to capitalize on your social networking efforts as an online marketer is
your command center blog, your centralized clearing house and “permanent address”
where people can come to learn more about you and what you offer.

In simple terms, all of your social media efforts should loop back somehow to your blog.
By doing this you provide a way to capture some of that stream of activity you"ve stirred
up through social networking.

If you make a blog post, you can notify the social networks about it and drive visitors
back to your blog.

You can place your blog address in each social network profile you create, and you can
include it in some of your online interactions within these networks.

Remember that social networks by and large are not the place to undertake selling.
People are there to enjoy a social experience, to meet like minded individuals and build

If you provide this kind of experience in your social networking interactions, people will
be attracted to you and will join your list. And that is where your marketing can
acceptably take place.

Automating Your Social Networking Workload

As Much As Possible

Once they reach your blog, your visitors should have easy pathways to loop right back
to the major social networks when they"re ready to leave your blog again. You can make
it easy for them to do so by providing prominent links to the most important social

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Be sure to include a call to action such as “Please comment” or “Share this post”
followed by clickable icons to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other important networks.

Basically if you make it easy for visitors to share your content with their friends, they will
perform some of the heavy social network lifting for you.

If you"re interested in learning more about how to market using social networks, I
recommend Katie Frieling"s materials. She"s an expert on this subject and you can visit
her blog at to learn more.

(Also be sure to check out my video interview with Katie at SurefireTactics.)

Assume Full Responsibility for Building Your List

I can"t think of a successful online marketer who does not focus on list building. If you"re
not focused on list building you are literally tapping into only a tiny fraction of the
potential business you could otherwise be enjoying.

Let me emphasize this point. You will be tempted to spend your time online in many
different ways. Building your list is one of the quickest ways to capitalize on all your
efforts, and so you need to be spending time here.

Consider that a first time visitor to your site is highly unlikely to ever return unless you
assertively work to add them to your list. There are just too many other places for that
perosn to go online.

If you"re successful in driving a lot of traffic to your blog but aren"t capturing that traffic in
some way, you"re just wasting a lot of effort for nothing.

Think of how often you may have bookmarked a really interesting site that you fully
intended to revisit. Then you promptly forget about it. Six months or a year later you

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come across your bookmark in your browser and wonder what that site was all about,
and why you bookmarked it in the first place.

It should be obvious that simply waiting for a visitor to return on their own is not a good
strategy. The chances of that happening are slim because there is so much competition
for your visitor"s attention online.

If on the other hand you capture that visitor as a subscriber it is a completely different
situation. You can continue to communicate with that visitor at will, for as long as he or
she is willing to remain a subscriber. You will then have turned that visitor into a
potentially valuable asset rather than just a flash in the pan one time visit.

Back in the pre-Internet days when a list meant a physical mailing list, it was expensive
to remain in contact with your customers and prospects. To send a mailing to 10,000
names meant spending many thousands of dollars, and that was just for a ONE time
contact. Now you can email an unlimited number of people as often as you wish for
practically nothing.

How amazing is that?

Do Something Everyday to Build Your List

The key to list building is to choose several different methods and do something
everyday to put those methods into action. As you get comfortable with different
methods you can go on to add others to the mix.

But again, the key is to take regular action. Here are just some of the ways you can
build your list online and off.

Business Cards

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If you offer a free incentive on your blog for visitors to join your mailing list, you can
promote the same offer off line as well by including a description of the offer and your
blog URL on your business cards.

If you"re giving away a lot of business cards anyway they might as well be helping you
build your list. Depending upon your business you may also choose to include this offer
on other marketing materials you distribute offline.

This is an especially powerful technique to practice at marketing events, opportunity

meetings or other gatherings where your target market is hanging out and people are
happy to get your business card.

24/7 Recorded Telephone Messages

If you"re a network marketer you"ll almost certainly want to add the capability of 24/7
recorded telephone messaging to your marketing arsenal. A service I use myself is You can use it to pre-record opportunity calls, customer
testimonials etc. and send your prospects there to listen at their leisure in a no-pressure

It also lets you distribute stored documents via fax, which is a tremendous way to offer
program applications, product descriptions and many other documents you"ll think of
once you start using this amazing system.

It"s also a perfect place to tell people about your blog"s special opt-in offer. You can
include this telephone number on your business card for example, turning it into an
“audio business card” and another pathway for people to get to your opt-in form. offers a great referral program that lets you use the service
completely free of charge for referring just three other users. If you"re involved in
network marketing that should be easy to attain simply by recommending the service to
your downline.

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I"m obviously a big proponent of creating a blog that serves as your online command
center. Over time your blog will receive more and more visitors and many of those will
want to join your list, whether that is an actual email list, an RSS feed, or one or more of
your social networks.

The important thing to remember is to give them access to all of these methods through
your blog.

Of course you need to install an email capture form that is eye catching on your blog
using an autoresponder service like Aweber or GetResponse. And you should include
an offer for some valuable free content (such as an ebook or a free video series) to
incentivize your readers to provide their email address.

Article Writing Strategy

Article marketing involves distributing your own articles via online article directories such
as, or You usually provide the articles to
the directories for free, and anyone who wishes to re-use your content elsewhere is free
to do so, with attribution to you.

You"re allowed to include a short amount of biographical information about yourself,

including a link to your website. If you provide good quality content and publish to the
directories on a regular basis, many readers will click on your link to find out more about

If that click takes them to your blog for example, they may decide to opt in to your email

Article marketing is a great long term strategy to drive free traffic to your blog. It takes
persistence since you need to publish regularly though. Over time you will build critical

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mass and the traffic you get from articles can represent a significant portion of your

Video Distribution Strategy

Watching videos is now the number one online activity, with (as I write this) one
estimate placing the number of monthly online video views at over 30 billion.

Because there is such a growing fascination with online video, it represents an

extremely powerful way to drive traffic to your blog, and many of your video viewers will
join your list once they get to your blog.

You can also create video “squeeze pages” that provide interesting information with a
promise of more once the viewer submits his or her email address directly from the
video page.

Nowadays you have many choices for how to distribute your video content. As of today, remains the largest video sharing site but there are others such as and that can help you distribute your video content widely
across the net.

A excellent paid service that I use myself and recommend if you plan on practicing video
marketing in any significant way is TrafficGeyser. Among other things it enables you to
distribute your video content to a huge number of sites with the click of a mouse. But it
does much more than that, and for my money falls under the category of ultimate
leverage of your time and money.

(Check out my video interview with TrafficGeyser founder Mike Koenigs at


There is a learning curve required to get up to speed with TrafficGeyser as it is a very

powerful program. But the payoff in terms of being able to massively distribute videos
across the Web (and benefit from the resulting traffic to your site) is enormous.

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Giving Testimonials as a List Building Technique

Once you have your blog in place you can drive additional traffic to it (and get additional
sign ups to your list) by giving your sincere testimonials for products and services that
you use and are happy with.

This technique works like this:

You provide a testimonial that is highly specific and benefit driven that another marketer
might place on his or her website or blog. In your testimonial talk about what you
specifically like about the product and service and in what specific way it benefited you.

If you include your photo or video, name and your blog URL, the recipient of the
testimonial may post it on a highly trafficked sales page.

If so you"ll get a link back to your site, and the chance to receive regular traffic from
people who follow the link back.


You can also participate on forums that are related to your area of expertise. Your forum
comments may include your signature file containing a link back to your blog.

One word of caution. A forum post is usually not the place to do any selling. Your
comments should offer useful advice and relate to an ongoing conversation or start a
new one. This “no selling” approach is a good rule of thumb to observe in the social
networks that you participate in as well.

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You"re far more likely to get as a subscriber someone who legitimately liked what you
wrote and followed your link back because they want to hear more from you.


You"re probably already sending out a lot of email every day. Why not include a
signature file that includes a link to your blog?

There are quite a few other list building techniques you can employ. I"ll be writing about
some of these at over time so stay tuned.

But the bottom line for list building is simple: Choose a few strategies to start and do
something everyday to implement them.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO refers to how well a particular website page or blog post satisfies what someone is
looking for when they enter a keyword search phrase in a search engine.

I"m not an SEO expert and I bet you"re not either. The good news is we don"t need to
be. You can do a credible job of optimizing your content by understanding a few key
concepts and by using tools that automate some of the process.

The payoff for doing so is an increased amount of free natural search traffic to your
blog. And a certain number of the visitors you generate this way will opt in to your list.

Understanding SEO Basics

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The search engines want to give their users the best experience possible, which
essentially means they prefer their users find quality, relevant content when they
undertake a search.

So the first step in attaining natural search engine traffic is to provide good content.

The second step is to present the information in a way that is search engine friendly.
Search engines like Google employ “spiders” to locate and identify website content.
These are essentially software routines that continuously crawl through many of the
billions of pages on the Internet to determine what they are all about.

It"s important to understand that websites aren"t indexed, but individual pages are. So
when you"re thinking about SEO, you need to be thinking on a page level first, then on
an overall site structure.

The spiders look for certain identifying characteristics that signal what a page is about,
and how well it satisfies what the searcher was looking to find.

Some of the SEO factors which determine content quality and relevance include:

! The particular keyword or keyword phrase for which the page has been
optimized, including its frequency and placement within the page

! Your site!s history, meaning how long it has been in existence (registered) and
the age of indexed pages.

! The number and quality of inbound links that lead to your page. Links are
essentially “votes” for your content that come from other websites and blogs.
If a well respected site links to your site for example, that vote is counted very
highly by the search engines and your page ranking rises accordingly.

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! Title tags and meta descriptions (these should relate well to your main keyword

! The overall organization of the pages on your site. Essentially this means there
should be a logical order to your pages, where for example pages related to a
similar topic are grouped together in some logical fashion.

I prefaced this discussion by saying it isn"t necessary to be an SEO expert to get decent
SEO results if you keep some basic points in mind and use tools that automate the
process as much as possible.

Using Wordpress to build your blog will help, as Wordpress was designed with SEO
concepts in mind. You can also choose to use a tool such as Scribe, a Wordpress plugin
designed to optimize your written content for SEO purposes.

Other plugins such as the All in One SEO Plugin can help you optimize your content for
the search engines.

If you have an interest in taking SEO to the next level and leveraging it in a big way to
drive traffic though, I suggest you take a look at SEO Networker, a program created by
top SEO marketers Fernando Ceballos and Raymond Fong. I just recently had the
privilege to sit in on a live presentation the pair gave about this product in Las Vegas,
and based on what I saw I can tell you it is a very powerful SEO tool.

However I have yet to actually use this product myself and so can"t personally
recommend it based on my experience. I do however respect the work of this well
known marketing duo and recommend you at least take a look at it for yourself.

As is true for any product you may be considering, exercise your own due diligence and
really consider whether or not it is something that is right for you at this stage in your
development as a marketer.

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Chapter 6:
Core Skill--Mastering Online Advertising
Online advertising can play a big role in your network marketing business. You have a
huge number of options in terms of the kinds of ads you can place and where you can
place them.

The great thing about paid advertising unlike most of the other traffic sources I"ve
mentioned so far is that you enjoy much more control over the amount of traffic you
receive. Once you see what results a specific ad is generating, you can turn the traffic
faucet on higher and higher by spending more money to distribute that ad more widely.

As long as the ad is converting enough of this paid traffic to leads or sales (depending
upon your specific goals for the ad campaign) to be cost effective, you can just keep
increasing your spending to get more and more leads or sales.

That"s why big companies like American Express or BMW aren"t focused on article
writing, blogging or handing out business cards to drive free traffic to their offers. They
need massive amounts of predictable traffic and they know the only way they can get it
is through online advertising.

But “the little guy” can do the same thing. Your ad budget will be a tiny fraction of theirs,
but on a relative scale you too can get the same predictable levels of traffic this way.

A couple of caveats are in order though

before you jump into ad placement...

The first one is that by and large, your MLM company"s replicated distributor website is
almost certainly not the place you should be sending your paid traffic to directly.

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Sorry, I know you probably pay $100 a year for it, and it has all kinds of helpful
information about your company and products and probably looks pretty good too.

But the economics of advertising this site online do not work in your favor.

Why not?

For starters some search engines, notably Google, will not allow you to send pay per
click traffic directly to a replicated site that looks just like 5,000 others. This restriction is
put in place in order to maintain a good experience for Google"s own customers. Who
wants to look through a hundred pages of search results that all turn up an identical
looking website?

(For the same reason Google is certainly not going to send any natural search traffic to
your replicated site either.)

But the primary reason you shouldn"t send paid traffic to this site is that it"s probably not
very good at getting your visitors to take action. Often the “call to action” to join your
opportunity, a critical part of any sales process online or off, is weak or simply non-

In short this traffic will not convert and you will sign up few if any prospects.

So any traffic you send directly to your replicated distributor website will almost certainly
be a waste of your time and money. These one time visitors will be seeing you for the
first time in a vacuum, with no reference point telling them who you are and with nothing
on which to base a relationship with you.

In effect you"ll be “cold calling” these visitors, and just like you when you receive a sales
call from someone you never heard of, they"ll be resistant to hearing the message.

Your visitors will have no reason to know and trust you or believe that you"re an
authority they should listen to.

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And you will go broke quickly.

Your replicated distributor website is probably not especially good at making lead
capture a primary focus either. So if you do send a visitor to your site, it"s hit or miss
whether or not they will sign up for further information let alone make a purchase. And
that means it"s highly unlikely that visitor will ever come back to your site.

If you just spent a dollar or two for that visitor, that"s a real waste of your money. You"d
be better off taking the cash out of your wallet and lighting it on fire. (At least you"d save
yourself the time and trouble of placing the ads.)

Why MLM Replicated Distributor Sites Don’t Convert Very Well

So why do these replicated sites make such poor virtual salespersons?

To some degree this lack of a sales focus is intentional on the part of network marketing
companies. They must always be keenly aware of operating well within the lines of the
various laws pertaining to the operation of their business in different states and

So they avoid using some direct sales techniques that are much more common in pure
Internet marketing but might be perceived by a government regulator as stepping over
the bounds of what is allowed by law.

Instead these replicated sites tend to be “corporate” in nature and are really designed to
be informational, to reassure your visitors that there is in fact a solid, professional
company behind your opportunity.

Since this is “network marketing” and not pure “Internet marketing” your MLM company
intends for you to make the actual sale through your later personal contact with
prospects who request more information.

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On the positive side these replicated MLM distributor sites are usually much better at
providing information that your prospects will want to see at some point for themselves--
explanations of the compensation plan, the story behind the “secret sauce” in the
company"s products, the management team"s qualifications and the like.

So while you will want your prospects to visit your site eventually, it probably isn"t the
first thing you want them to see.

So Where Should You Send Your Tra#c?

(Hint: It Begins with “F” and Rhymes with “Tunnel”)

It"s usually a much better idea to send your traffic to a site that"s specifically designed to
capture leads, and in some cases actually close the sale for you.

In order to do this, such a site must employ great copywriting and other online direct
marketing techniques that your replicated site almost certainly lacks.

The general term for this kind of automated sales close process is a “funnel”. Basically
your leads are taken through a qualifying process that provides you with information
about their level of interest in your opportunity, and may even step them through the
sign up process of joining your opportunity, often with no personal involvement on your

In my business opportunity, I"m fortunate to have several excellent funnels I can send
visitors to that do a good job of capturing leads and even making the sale.

One of these sites was developed by leaders in our specific network marketing
company. They created a high converting online based multi-step screening, interview
and sales process that can and does produce “hands off” distributor sign ups.

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(Having said that though this is still network marketing, and close rates are higher when
we follow up with prospects by telephone as opposed to depending on the automatic
process alone to work its magic.)

Another funnel I use was created by a company that sets up systems for multiple
network marketing companies. It isn"t specific to a single MLM opportunity and is
designed so that you can plug in information about your own network marketing

It also does a great job of promoting a number of affiliate offers I believe will help my
followers succeed. It even comes complete with 20 or so affiliate programs already
programmed into the follow up email messages that it sends out on my behalf. So it is
exactly what I need to grow my business according to the blueprint I"m describing to you
in this course.

(In Chapter 8 I"ll cover the concept of funnels in more detail and show you examples.
Paired with your Wordpress command center blog, your funnel is what will allow you to
capitalize on all your online traffic building and conversion efforts and build your MLM
business quickly.)

The Basic Success Formula: Tra#c + Conversion = Your Success

Think of your Wordpress blog, your social media strategy and some of the other
elements I"ve talked about so far as the traffic building part of the equation.

Your funnel is the traffic conversion part of the equation. In other words it"s the part that
turns all that traffic into actual customers.

You need both elements to be successful online.

If you"re investigating which MLM business opportunity to join now, it will be worth your
time and effort to find out who the top leaders are within any company you"re seriously

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considering. Then ask them if any such funnel system is available. Often these are the
same people who actually created these online lead capture and sales mechanisms.

Also be sure to perform your due diligence and make certain that any such automated
or semi-automated sales systems adhere to your company"s policy and procedures
guideline. Otherwise you could be evicted from your company for violating these

Your Own “Squeeze Page”

Another good place to send your traffic is to a “squeeze page” of your own design. A
squeeze page is designed to “squeeze” a prospect"s contact information in return for a
free offer of some kind.

A squeeze page is usually a simple one page site containing an email capture form and
some compelling written copy that entices visitors to send for additional information.

It"s a simple matter nowadays to include in a squeeze page a short video of yourself
that builds interest and excitement about your opportunity. This shows you are a real
person and starts a relationship with your visitors and will likely give you a higher sign
up rate.

The advantage of marketing such a squeeze page is you create a constant stream of
warm leads you can contact directly, since anyone who wants to learn more must
provide their contact information. You can then follow up with a series of autoresponders
explaining your opportunity in detail.

You can also require that they provide their telephone number, allowing you to make
that all important personal contact. However this will greatly reduce the number of leads
you receive.

I generally do not require a telephone number and ask for just a first name and email
address. I would rather have more prospects entering my funnels at any given time and

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am less concerned about getting a prospect"s phone number. (You can always ask for it
but not require it as a mandatory field to see how this affects your response.)

Another good place to drive paid traffic may be your personal “command center” blog
discussed in Chapter 4.

Recall that the primary focus of your command center blog should be to capture your
visitor"s contact information through an incentive of some kind. This might be a special
report you create, a series of videos all about your opportunity or something else that
appeals specifically to the kind of prospects you want to reach.

But if you do send paid traffic to your blog, first be sure that you have strong follow up
emails in place that market additional affiliate products and services to your prospect.
And these follow up emails should eventually lead your followers to your funnel
promoting your MLM business.

Done correctly this can be a cost effective use of your advertising dollars.

So now that you have a better idea of where to send paid traffic and where not to send
it, let"s look at online advertising more closely.

Why Use Paid Media?

There is a vast universe of online advertising choices available to marketers today. It is

now easier than ever before to reach out to the exact audience you wish to reach,
almost anywhere in the world.

Depending upon your budget, your degree of savviness and your ability to create
compelling ads (or have them created for you), you can truly reach as many prospects
as you wish through online advertising.

And that is the real reason why paid advertising is key to your business success. There
simply is no other way to drive as much traffic as you need, on demand whenever you
want it.

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In fact the amount of traffic you can pull in using paid media is realistically limited only
by your budget. Want three thousand visitors a day? You can do it with paid media. Of
course that would be way more prospects than you could actually follow up with in
terms of your MLM business, but you get the idea.

(But it would be a great problem to have, wouldn"t it? The solution would be to hire
assistants to make the follow up telephone contacts in a timely manner. And you would
be making a lot of affiliate product sales to pay for all the that advertising if you"re
following this blueprint.)

Most free methods of driving traffic do not give you such precise control over the
amount of traffic you receive. For example, you will get a steady flow of traffic from
article marketing or social media marketing. But you have no way of knowing with
certainty just how much traffic those methods will generate each day.

Not so with paid media. Once you test and figure out the metrics, you can predict fairly
well how much traffic will come in for a given expenditure.

Done Correctly, You Get It All for Free

Here"s the one secret you need to understand about paid advertising. If you set up your
business correctly your advertising will more than pay for itself. In other words for every
dollar you spend on advertising you will bring in more than a dollar. In some cases much

Again it all goes back to the concept of offering your followers many things besides your
primary MLM business opportunity.

Stated simply, if you merely try to advertise your MLM business (i.e. your replicated
distributor site), your ads will almost certainly lose money.

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If however your ads lead to a well thought out funnel that promotes numerous products
and services over time, in addition to your MLM opportunity, you will be much more
likely to make money from the start.

Then as a certain percentage of those leads eventually want to learn more about your
network marketing business, you reveal it to them.

Again this puts you in the position of power, of being the leader and not the follower.

But Tra#c Doesn’t Matter Unless It Converts

And remember, traffic is only half of the equation. You need enough of that traffic to
convert to sales to make your advertising cost effective. So you want to be sure your
entire sales funnel process is converting prospects into customers before you invest
much in paid advertising to send more traffic to the funnel.

Start Small

This is very important... Always “test small and roll out big”. This means that you should
always test your ads on a small scale first. Only after you"ve demonstrated that an ad is
cost effective should you “roll it out” in a bigger way by increasing your ad spend.

Without testing and tracking of your results, it"s easy to squander a lot of money quickly.
So you need to be aware of how much you"re spending and what is the result of that

This isn"t always as obvious as you might think, especially once you begin to run
multiple ads in different locations online. If you"re not sure which sources are providing
you with your traffic, or not sure which traffic sources are converting better than others,
you will waste money.

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You don"t want to be that guy or girl who says “Half my advertising does great but I lose
a fortune on the other half. The problem is, I don"t know which half!”

Manage Your Advertising Campaigns With Tracking

Nearly all ad networks allow you to track your ad performance. This can be something
as simple as how many clicks your ad receives to how many sales or other actions
occur as a result.

I recommend that you take the time to learn the tracking methodology used by each ad
network and be sure to check up on how well your ad is performing on a regular basis.

Each ad network handles things a little differently but it shouldn"t take you long to
understand the basics of each. The most important take away for you here is that you
need to be tracking results and constantly testing ways to improve.

The more you test and improve, the better your results and the lower your costs.

Media Placement – Industry Terms

Here are a few industry terms you"ll need to understand once you begin online

CTR (Click Through Rate) - The percentage of visitors who see your ad that actually
click on the link.

CPM (Cost Per Thousand) - The cost of displaying your ad a thousand times.

CPC (Cost Per Click) - The amount you pay for every click received.

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There are others you will come across, but these will help give you a good handle on
your ad spending.

Now let"s take a look at some specific ad networks and advertising mediums you can
use to build your business. There are many others in addition to those listed below, but
these will provide you with some good starting points. I"ve chosen networks that have
comparatively small minimum initial order levels.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords remains the 10,000 pound gorilla of pay per click (PPC) advertising,
despite a lot of bad press from marketers who received the “Google slap” (i.e. their ads
were rejected or the costs greatly increased due to violation of some Google policy or
another, real or perceived).

It"s claim to fame is incredible reach, since Google is such a widely used search engine.
Entire businesses have been built solely around Google PPC advertising.

PPC advertising is built around the concept of identifying keywords and keyword
phrases that online searchers would use to locate your ad online. Then you create a
series of ads built around the keywords your research turned up.

One of the best free sources for keyword research is Google"s own Keyword Tool.

Two high quality commercial keyword research tools I use and can recommend (once
you feel you"ve outgrown the free tools) are Wordtracker and Affportal.

But if you"re just learning about PPC advertising for the first time I would recommend
you stick with the free tools for now. You can perform some very effective keyword
research with Google"s Keyword Tool. Later if you feel you need the additional power of
these paid services you can always upgrade.

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Google’s Own Learning Center

Google itself provides content rich Adwords training in its Learning Center. If you"re new
to PPC advertising I would recommend you start here to get a handle on how it all
works. It offers a huge array of Adwords help resources.

Simply search on Google Adwords to get started.

In addition to the online help you"ll find through Google, the search giant also sponsors
live one day seminars which you can currently attend in major cities in the U.S., the
U.K. and Australia. More worldwide locations will be added in the future.

For more information visit

But as I mentioned earlier in this course, some SEO experts suspect Google of putting
out disinformation about how Google Adwords actually works, in order to keep users
from “tricking” the search results through the use of clever SEO strategies.

Whether or not you buy into this conspiracy theory there is plenty of good advice
available from expert marketers who everyday put their dollars, euros and pounds into
finding out what really works on Adwords through trial and error.

Here are some top sources of “take it to the bank” Adwords training to check out...

Recommended Google AdWords Resources

Because of its dominance in the PPC arena, Adwords has spawned an entire industry of
info products and consultants who teach every Adwords nuance and angle you can
imagine. Some are excellent and some in my opinion are not worth your time and

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One resource that I own and strongly recommend without reservation is Perry
Marshall"s industry bible, The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords. It"s recognized
around the Internet marketing space as the very best Adwords training available

It will give you an in-depth understanding of Google Adwords, more than sufficient for
you to feel confident when you place your first ads. Better yet, if you intend to use PPC
advertising you"ll almost certainly save far more than the cost of this guide by putting
into practice the great advice you"ll find inside.

Beginner or experienced expert, this is the one reference you should keep close at hand
if you are placing Adwords ads.

A second high quality source for PPC training and tactics is Mike Dillard"s
PPC Domination. Mike is perhaps the most successful network marketer/online
marketer in history, and his course is filled with excellent advice for network marketers
taking their businesses inline.

(Be sure to checkout my video interview with Mike Dillard at SurefireTactics.)

Ezine Advertising

Ezine advertising in online newsletters is an interesting proposition because you have

the possibility of presenting your ads to extremely targeted groups of ezine readers,
often with little or no competition from other advertisers within an issue.

You can pay a little or a lot, depending upon the size of the list the ezine is sent to, the
quality of the publication, the placement of your ad within the issue and other factors.

This is one area where it pays to shop around to make sure you"re reaching the
audience you want to reach, at a price that makes sense for your objectives.

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Depending on the publication, the readers may range from almost psychopathically
loyal to the publication to only casually invested, so it really pays to understand the
publication and the kind of relationship it has with its readers.

You have many choices of ad types to consider, including text ads, banner ads and solo
ads (where the publisher mails your solo ad alone to its list, in effect giving your ad an
implied endorsement which can be very powerful).

Ezine publishers range from tiny one person operations with 500 subscribers to large
newsletter publishers with millions of subscribers spread across multiple newsletter

An example of one such large ezine publisher I have advertised with with good results is
Arcamax ( Currently their subscriber list exceeds 2.2 million across
many different newsletters. As of this writing their minimum order is $500.

The Directory of Ezines

The premier online resource for learning about ezine advertising is Charlie Page"s
Directory of Ezines. This is a paid service that lists the best quality ezines that accept
paid advertising, in many different niche categories.

The DOE is a huge time saver, since its focus is on quality ezines which accept
advertising. Yes, you could search for these yourself but you"ll quickly discover that
many ezines do not accept advertising, and many that do are poor quality and not worth
your time and money.

There are so many thousands of them in fact that it would probably take you weeks or
months of research to separate the wheat from the chaff in your particular market. So
why bother when the DOE delivers it to you ready to go? This is a perfect example of
outsourcing something that would take you months of effort to figure out on your own.

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In addition to the comprehensive directory itself, which you can search in various ways,
Charlie Page provides many other resources to help you get started the right way with
ezine advertising.

The cost is very reasonable. I became a lifetime member about 7 years back for around
$100 and although the price has increased since then it remains a great value. It truly is
a masters level course in how to effectively advertise in ezines.

If you intend to pursue ezine advertising, you"ll save yourself a lot of time and money,
and shorten your learning curve considerably by becoming a member of the DOE. It
remains one of the best bargains in online advertising.

Blog Advertising

Blogs represent an interesting way to advertise. Many of the traditional ad formats (text
ads, banner ads etc.) are available in blogs.

Cost is usually but not always commensurate with the size and quality of the blog"s
readership list. So again it"s worth shopping around.

One metric commonly used to compare apples and oranges when evaluating online
paid advertising is CPM (or Cost per Thousand views). Knowing the CPM allows you to
compare the relative “bang for your buck” you receive from a $75 ad for 15,000 views
versus a $250 ad for 45,000 views.

Successful blogs usually have a loyal following and this loyalty factor can reward the
marketer who takes the time to find blogs well matched to their advertising message.

But what makes blogs extra interesting from an advertising viewpoint is the possibility
that a particular post creates widespread buzz and gets mention from other bloggers
and social media sites. If your ad happens to get caught up in that storm of publicity you
can possibly get a lot more play from the ad than the straight numbers would have

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Search on “blog ads” and you"ll turn up many companies that specialize in matching you
with the right blogs in which to advertise.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is rapidly becoming a huge resource for online advertisers.

To advertise effectively though, you must first of all understand a big difference between
Facebook advertising and other paid advertising such as Google AdWords:

And that is people use Facebook for the social experience, not generally to buy things.
They spend many minutes per day on Facebook, far more than the average time per
visitor for most sites. (The average time spent on websites is somewhere around 10

Oftentimes therefore you"ll find you cannot sell directly with any success.

But there are some ways to work around this. One strategy you can try is to ask a
leading question in your ad and then take the visitor to a page that provides an
immediate answer. Then provide them with the chance to click another link that can take
them to a sales page or squeeze page where you capture their contact information and
do some follow up selling.

For example, let"s say you"re promoting a vitamin supplement that supports prostate
health through your network marketing opportunity. And your blog features various
affiliate product offers in the the health and well being marketplace.

Your Facebook ad might ask a provocative leading question about prostate health, such
as “Men: Will you develop prostate cancer this year?” When someone clicks on your ad
you take them to a page that immediately answers this question, perhaps by supplying

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relevant statistics about the chances of a man developing prostate cancer at a certain

Then you provide a call to action and a link to your blog, a sales page for a product
related to this question or some other offer. So rather than blatantly sending the visitor
directly to an offer, you answer the question that intrigued them in the first place, then
provide them with a solution should they wish to learn more.

Your Facebook ads should be relevant to your target audience, attention getting and
must not be too slick (“salesy”).

Facebook visitors get to vote on ad quality. Anything perceived to be “salesy” or

“spammy” will get negative feedback and will not be shown. In the worst case scenario
your account will be banned.

BIG No No’s on Facebook

! Improper punctuation or use of abbreviations and symbols

! Incomplete thoughts in ads
! Incorrect grammar, spelling, use of slang words or wrong spacing
! Irrelevant images
! Anything deemed to be even a little offensive to the community (Facebook is
very politically correct)

Facebook still has only a fraction of the number of advertisers that Google has but that
relative number is increasing rapidly.

Facebook Ad Design Factors

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Headline: Asking a question is best, gets a much higher response than a statement.
Your headline is limited to just 25 characters.

Image: 110px wide by 80px high. Should be relevant and attention getting. The image is
actually more important than the headline in Facebook. According to some marketers, a
smiling face (female is best) should bump CTR. You can also overlay words on an

The image needs to tell the story and grab attention.

Body copy: Here you"re allowed 135 characters to describe your offer. Your copy
should make a big promise about a significant benefit, and conclude with a strong call to

Your ad must really engage viewers, since unlike Google Facebook users are generally
not searching for something, or looking to buy. They"re usually on the site for a social


Facebook provides the most detailed demographic/psychographic data of any

advertising platform. That"s because its users are more than happy to talk about
themselves, their hobbies, interests, passions and pretty much anything you can

And Facebook makes it all searchable for advertisers.

This of course is a marketer"s dream, and you can leverage this information goldmine in
your ad campaigns.

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A key secret is to multi-layer your targeting selections so that your traffic is laser
focused on your ideal market. Target deep at first, then go broader (to get more traffic)
as long as the campaign continues to be profitable.

Facebook allows you to target your campaigns in various ways:

Keyword targeting: Facebook will suggest related terms much like Google"s Keyword
Tool does (except it"s not as sophisticated as Google in this respect).

Geo-Targeting: This is based on user"s registered location or their I.P. location if they
happen to be traveling with their laptop.

Radius Targeting: Perfect for local advertisements. Allows you for example to specify
only Facebook users within 1 mile of you, or Facebook users in Boston.

Multi-layering is key to success on Facebook. This refers to your choosing multiple

demographic or psychographic factors, i.e. fans of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, live in
Seattle, male, plays computer games.

Multi-layering lowers your ad costs and attracts more targeted traffic, increasing your

Drill down as specifically as you can, but not so far down that your target audience is
too small. Try to keep a target audience size of about 40,000 to 50,000 minimum so
your ad has enough reach to test its effectiveness.

If the ad is successful you can ease up on your targeting factors in order to bring in
more traffic, although your traffic becomes less targeted as you do this.

Example of Multi-Layering: Male, age 24 – 46, graduate of Boston University, Degree

in Economics, show ad only on birthday. (Of course this would be extremely limiting and
the total market would be tiny. But you can creatively choose selects that precisely
target your market…movie preferences, books they"ve read, hobbies and much more.)

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Once your ad is running, Facebook will provide you with detailed statistics showing who
is actually clicking on your ad. You can then use this information to further refine your
targeting to lower your costs, because you will receive more highly targeted traffic this

In the Facbook ad creation control panel you must create your ad first before you can
target the audience.

Facebook Budgeting

Start low, perhaps $10 to $20 per day. Facebook does not penalize you for starting with
low amounts. The minimum is $1 per day. Facebook will show your ads even with low
daily budgets, unlike Google.

As a rule of thumb, start the first few days bidding well below Facebook"s recommended
highest CPC (giving just enough traffic to test the effectiveness of the ad while keeping
your cost down). After that bid the highest recommended CPC for a few more days
(giving the most traffic for your money). Then run the numbers to find where your
bidding “sweet spot” happens to lie.

You can run multiple ads in the same campaign, and they will share the same daily
budget and schedule.

As you might expect, the best place to begin to learn about Facebook advertising is on
Facebook itself. Simply log in to your Facebook account, scroll to the bottom of the
page and click on the “Advertising” link to start learning all about Facebook"s
recommended practices.

Various Other Ad Networks

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Here are some other ad networks worth considering for your ad placements. As a
general recommendation I suggest you open an account with just two or three to start
with and become familiar with the process of placing ads using their systems.

Once you"ve gotten some experience working with the first few you can branch out and
see what kinds of results are possible elsewhere.
$100 minimum
Ad Types: Text, Display Ads
Phone: 415-975-0916
Ad Types: Text and Banner Ads

Adbrite allows you to place both text and banner ads. One nice feature is the ability to
create an almost unlimited number of text ad variations that you can upload through
your user control panel. The system will determine which ads are working better and
prioritize the showing of these ads.

You also have the ability to determine the specific sites within the Adbrite network that
are driving traffic to your ads, and the cost of those clicks. So once your ads have run
for a short while you can eliminate the underperforming sites or sites whose clicks are
too expensive.! !
Phone: 646-289-6000
Minimum: $100
Ad Types: Text, Display is operated by AOL and offers many high quality online publishers who
will display your ads. You can chose to run your ads by general categories (with many
possible variable selects to fine tune the categories) or by placement on specific sites.

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AdSonar will not accept advertising for network marketing opportunities so you should
use it to promote affiliate offers, to drive traffic to a blog offer or something that doesn"t
directly promote your MLM business.

Once your prospects become customers or followers on your list you can later present
them with your MLM opportunity.

AdSonar publishers include such well known websites as Time, the Wall Street Journal,, the Washington Post and others.
Phone: 646-723-4081
Minimum: $300
Ad Types: Text, Display
Phone: 905-763-9735
Minimum: $0
Ad Types: Text, Display, Pop-Ups

These are just some of the quality ad networks available for you to investigate.

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Chapter 7:
Core Skill--Goal Setting and Time Management .

A big factor in the success of your online business will be how well you leverage your
time. In fact the success of your entire business will depend upon how well you can
leverage every process in your business.

The more efficiently you can manage your time and systems the more successful you
will be.

So first you need to understand that...

There’s Only One of You

Yes, it"s true.

So what are you going to do about it?

I"d like to suggest that you overcome this simple fact of life limitation by taking the
following approach.

Leverage Yourself

! Partner with someone who has different strengths than you.

! Figure out a way to automate all the systems in your business.
! Resist the temptation to think you!ve got to “do it all”. You don!t.

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! Get very good at things you like to do and that can benefit your business.
! Delegate or hire temporary outside help at sites like or
for things you!re not good at and that are not good uses of your time.

! Utilize “multiplying tools” like autoresponders, 24 hour telephone voicemail

systems, RSS feeds and blogs/websites to keep your messages out there.

Organize Yourself

! Find a time management program that resonates with you and learn how to use
it. Or if a formal program isn!t for you, at least come up with your own system
and stick to it.

! Prioritize what needs to get done each day, week and month and make sure
you do them.

! Limit the amount of time you spend on email each day. Perhaps check it just a
couple of times a day. Trim down the amount of non-essential online
newsletters you receive by asking yourself if they are truly valuable and if you
actually read most issues.

Most Important of All, Spend Time Doing What You Love

I love planning and strategizing. I love writing a really good piece of copy. And I love
instructing. I get a warm fuzzy feeling when the “Ahahhh” moment comes for someone
I"ve been helping.

Fortunately I learned fairly young that doing what I really want to do makes a whole lot
more sense than doing what I “have” to do. And once I came to this realization I knew I

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could never be happy again doing anything other than what deep down inside was my

Here"s the short version of how I figured this out...

When I graduated college I taught grade school for a few years before deciding I
wanted to go to law school. I was drawn to the idea of making some big bucks and
enjoying the prestige of being an attorney. So I left my third grade classroom and spent
a year discovering that law school, while certainly fascinating, really wasn"t for me.

Once I realized what I could look forward to as an attorney I decided I just couldn"t see
myself working 12 - 18 hour days for some law firm, putting myself in an early grave and
not really enjoying myself along the way.

I realized it didn"t matter how big the bucks might be or how good I might look in a three
piece suit (ha!). I knew I needed to be out experiencing the great big wide world and not
slaving away in the dusty bowels of some law firm, kissing corporate butt while working
my way up to junior partner.

Fortunately by about the same time that I first began applying to law schools I had
already begun to learn how to fly airplanes. This was a direct result of growing up with a
father who had always loved anything that flew.

After returning from a stint as a B-29 gunner during WWII he married my mother and
they began making babies at a ferocious rate (eventually there were 9 of us). Before
long he got his private pilot"s license and soon began to take his kids for airplane rides
now and then.

Growing up I must have heard him speak in detail for hundreds of hours (maybe
thousands) about the airplanes, people and stories that made aviation come alive for

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All of this instilled in me a similar lifelong love for aviation, so learning to fly was a
natural thing for me to do at that point in my life. But for whatever reason it hadn"t yet
occurred to me that I could make a career out of flying, i.e get paid to do what I loved.

But that was about to change in a big way.

Once I started flight lessons and got behind the controls of a tiny two seat Cessna 152
for the first time, flying airplanes really grabbed me and wouldn"t let go. The more I
learned the more obvious it became to me that aviation was the career I should be
pursuing, not law.

So after struggling for about 3 nanoseconds on my decision, I decided to leave law

school at the end of my first year to pursue a professional flying career.

Never mind that the country was in a recession and the airlines had gone through huge
furloughs of pilots, meaning it was highly unlikely I would get hired by an airline anytime
soon. Or get any flying job for that matter.

But I didn"t care, because I knew it was exactly what I wanted to do for a career.

Turns out it was the best decision I ever made and I"ve never looked back since.

Immediately upon leaving law school I focused a thousand percent on flying. Over the
next couple of years I became a flight instructor, then a charter pilot flying twin engine
airplanes around the Northeast, and then a pilot for a small commuter airline.

I read every book I could about flying, worked on building my flight hours and continued
to immerse myself in the world of aviation.

Meanwhile the economy started to turn around and a huge wave of airline pilot hiring
suddenly began to build. And because I had focused exclusively on what I wanted
rather than what logic suggested was likely to happen, I was in the perfect position to
ride that wave of opportunity when it began to surge.

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I went on to become a captain for a major airline and have since traveled all over the
world. Nowadays I divide my free time between the U.S. and Europe. I"ve met hundreds
of tremendous people, many of whom have become lifelong friends. And I found yet
another outlet for the teacher in me, as I"ve been an instructor at my airline for many
years since.

Yes technically it"s a J.O.B. but one I love and don"t plan to hang up anytime soon. And
it fits in perfectly with my network marketing/online infropreneur business, as I have the
time and freedom to devote to building my business.

And looking back I realize I"ve made a heck of a lot better airline captain than I would
have made an attorney. That"s because aviation is a passion and the law, as much as it
would have been intellectually stimulating and probably very rewarding, was almost
certainly never going to rise to that level for me.

I know without a doubt that I made the right decision to leave law school.

Live Your Passion

Why am I telling you all this?

Because if you"re not living your passion yet, you need to get started.

Maybe you"ve got something inside you haven"t let blossom yet because life has so far
gotten in the way. You"ll never know which “interest” could really be a lifelong passion
waiting to come out of you unless you give it a chance to express itself.

Or maybe you feel like you already know your passion but you"re stuck in a job that is
stifling you, holding you back from living the life you want to live.

You need to change that, and a “You” centered online business is one of the very best
ways for you to do this in a big way.

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The vast majority of the people on this planet will not take this step, and they"re really
missing out.

But you can, and it can give you the life you"ve been dreaming about.

The Internet and this opportunity will only continue to grow by leaps and bounds every
day. Your chances of succeeding will only get better every day.

All it takes is your decision to act and a roadmap like this course to get you started.

Since becoming an airline pilot I"ve gone on to operate several different businesses.
(That"s one of the great things about an airline career--once you get senior enough to
hold a good flight schedule you have plenty of time to do other things.)

Each time I"ve gotten involved in a new area it was because something was calling to
me that just seemed to make sense from an interest perspective.

They didn"t all turn into similar passions, or even necessarily work out as well as I
planned. But I enjoyed them all and learned something from each.

I now know that network marketing and online marketing are much more than just
“interests”--they are real passions for me. The chance to design my life beyond my
wildest dreams and help others do the same thing to me borders on the miraculous.

My point is, if you instinctively feel an affinity towards something, do yourself a favor,
follow your gut instinct and check it out.

But don"t delay.

You might just discover a simmering passion that changes your life. And if that happens
do your best to structure your life so you can spend as much time as you"d like actually
following that passion.

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It"s your life...why do anything less?

Outsource As Much As Possible As Soon As Possible

The corollary to following your passions is do whatever it takes to spend the least
amount of time possible doing that which you either don"t like, can"t do very well or
simply don"t need to be doing.

For example I absolutely hate keeping track of bookkeeping matters and I really don"t
like cold calling.

I"d be a fish out of water as an accountant or telemarketer but I"m happy as a pig in mud
(they ARE happy aren"t they?) as an entrepreneur.

So I recommend that as soon as possible you outsource as much of the personally

distasteful or at least personally uninteresting aspects of your business as you can.

Life is too short to do otherwise. And you"ll have that much more time for the important
things in life.

Setting Goals: Having An Overall Strategy

A lot has been written about goal setting and I won"t belabor the discussion here.
Instead I"ll just cut to the chase and give you my distilled version of goal setting.

! You need to set goals. They should be lofty but not so “out there” that in a
million years you wouldn!t reach them. If you think you!ve set a good financial
goal for example it!s probably too comfortable. As one of my mentors Bob
Proctor likes to say, once you!ve set your financial goal add another zero to it
and you!re probably closer to where you need to be aiming.

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! You need to assess your progress or lack thereof towards those goals and
correct if necessary. In the flying business a tiny course correction of a single
degree can have a huge effect on the aircraft!s position hundreds or thousands
of miles along the flight path. Your business isn!t much different.

! You need to take definite and regular action towards achieving your goals.
! You need to share your goals with one or more people whom you can trust to
both respect your vision AND hold your feet to the fire...your business partner,
your spouse or best friend. You know who that person should be.

! Just be sure to choose someone who will support your overall dream and not
feed your head negative trash talk when things aren!t going so smoothly.

Do you need a formal business plan?

I don"t think so. Fast and lean is the way of the entrepreneur.

So ixnay on the thick leather bound copy of the 5 year business plan.

But I would argue you DO need a roadmap of sorts to let you know how your real world
efforts are stacking up against your larger dreams and aspirations.

So find something that works for you and put it to use. Somewhere between the back of
a napkin and the deluxe business plan software is probably something just right for you.

Some people I know swear by mind mapping software. As I mentioned earlier I use it
from time to time and I think it"s a great tool for strategizing and organizing projects.

But deep down I"m an old fashioned yellow legal pad kind of guy (maybe that"s the one
thing I retained from law school). So that"s where I tend to begin kanoodling most of my

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So whatever it is that works for you, put it to use. Write down your goals, tell someone
you trust about them, take action towards them and keep correcting your course to keep
you moving ever closer to them.

I offer you my unconditional 100% money back guarantee that if you take these simple
steps you will see far more results than if you simply “wag it” without a clear idea of
what you"re trying to achieve.

No More TV – “The Electronic Income Reducer”

The truth is, each of us gets the same 24 hours to spend as we wish. If you"re building a
business, time will quickly become your most precious commodity.

How you spend it will make a huge difference in your results.

That"s why I"d like to offer a suggestion that I myself adopted several years ago and
have never looked back on since...

And that is to ditch your TV.

At one time I owned six, and you could find one in most rooms in my house. Now I don"t
own any.

When I travel (which I do frequently) I seldom touch the remote control in my hotel room
except once in a rare while to watch a pay-per-view movie that I"ve been meaning to
catch, or perhaps something special like the World Cup final.

Otherwise the reality is I no longer watch TV at all. No more CSI, no more Comedy
Channel, no more Completely Negative more Celebrity Chef Cook Offs...and
no more caring one tiny iota whether ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC comes up the ratings
winner with the latest and greatest reality show.

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And that says a lot, because at one time I was the ultimate news talk show junkie and
hardcore CSI fan.

But now, short of a nuclear war (in which case TV probably won"t be available anyway)
I"m good with tuning out. If it"s really that important I can find out about it online, read a
newspaper or call a friend and get the bullet points.

I know to some of you that will sound radical and even disturbing. But the truth is TV
can be like a cigarette addiction, where in the smoker"s mind the cigarette feels at times
almost like a close friend they can"t imagine life without. Only on TV there are actors
who actually seem to be your real friends, so the effect is even stronger.

But I"m here to tell you, you can do it. And if you do you"ll free up an absolutely amazing
amount of time you never knew you had before.

If you can"t go cold turkey I suggest you begin by first cutting out the news. You"ll
immediately amputate one huge source of complete negativity that up and until now has
been feeding your brain endless oozing crap, like some top secret government funded
brain washing experiment gone awry.

If it"s really that important you"ll hear about it anyway, I promise.

So let"s see...lots more free time in your life...lots less garbage going into your brain.
What"s not to like?

I recommend from this point forward you simply never turn it on again except for rare
special occasions. But if you can"t seem to find the courage and strength to do that, at
least cut it down by an hour or two starting today.

Then work towards largely eliminating it from your life as soon as you can do so.

OK, I know that little voice in your head is just screaming for attention right now, telling
you that this is the most preposterous and impossible suggestion you ever heard.

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So before you start believing that you absolutely can"t live without TV, push him or her
away and ask yourself this question:

“Who exactly do I want to make rich?”

If your answer is your cable supplier, the major network advertisers, or the producers of
the latest tasteless reality show...well just keep watching and let the Idiot Box remain in
firm control of your destiny.

If you answer “Me!” then act like you mean it and give yourself a whole new way of
living by largely eliminating TV from your every day life.

You"ll thank me later.

Spend Time Everyday on Reading/Learning Something Good

Spend at least part of all those extra hours you"ve recouped by eliminating TV from your
life by feeding your brain something good everyday.

There are plenty of motivational and inspirational books out there. If you haven"t read
one lately here"s a suggestion--go ahead and party like a rock star, figuratively
speaking. Give yourself a budget--$20, $50, $100. The actual amount doesn"t matter so
much as setting some number.

Then treat yourself to an early birthday self help present from or, both great sources of used books. For a small amount of money you"ll soon
see a treasure trove of great information showing up on your doorstep.

If you haven"t read (or re-read) Napoleon Hill"s classic Think and Grow Rich recently,
there is no better time to do so than now. Then figure out what subject area you could
really benefit from studying and go ahead and start boning up on it.

Want to learn copywriting?

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Looking to understand the psychology of selling?

Want to figure out pay per click advertising once and for all?

There"s an app for that...uh I mean a book or course for that. (And probably an app too
for that matter.)

So go ahead and get started. Imagine how different your life could be in a few months
or a few years from now.

I like to read and usually have a good book close at hand, but I really like to listen to
audio programs. They let me leverage otherwise unproductive time like driving in my
car. So I make sure my MP3 player and car CD changer are always loaded with “brain
food” that I can tap into for ten minutes or two hours, depending on my schedule.

The key is to keep all of these resources--books, CDs, online programs etc. close at
hand so that when you have the time to spend absorbing them, you don"t need to go
searching under your bed to find them and actually use them.

Whatever way you like to consume knowledge make it part of your everyday life and
you"ll start seeing results as your subconscious mind absorbs these messages and
begins transforming them into reality.

Self help guru Bob Proctor mastered this concept many years ago. I had the pleasure of
touring his book lined study at his home in Toronto not long ago and the man is
amazing. With a collection of several thousand self-help books he still considers himself
a student, and makes sure he sets aside time everyday to read and contemplate
something from his collection.

Bob is an extremely successful person. If he has found this to be a helpful habit over the
course of many decades, don"t you think the rest of us might benefit from forming some
similar habit?

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Chapter 8:
Your Online Sales Funnel—Autopilot Income
I began this course by talking about how you can use the power of the Internet to grow
you MLM business bigger and faster than you ever possibly could offline.

You do so by first building an online presence, offering value, building trust and
attracting to you people who believe you can help them succeed.

You magnify and leverage your efforts by creating an online command center
Wordpress blog that demonstrates your leadership and builds your list of followers in a
focused manner.

Then you market various products and services to your list of followers, most of which
are separate from your primary network marketing business. These can be affiliate
products or your own products and services that match the needs of your particular

You create cash flow in this manner which you can use to pay for your additional online
advertising, helping you expand your online presence more quickly and ultimately
helping you build your MLM business faster.

Now it"s time to tie it all together and see exactly how you turn an interested online
follower into a member of your network marketing company downline through the use of
your funnel.

The Purpose of A Funnel

Remember that the vast majority of your online followers will not have a serious interest
in your MLM business. That"s one big reason why you don"t want to be pitching your
opportunity out front to everyone on your blog and in other online “hangouts.”

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But a certain percentage of your followers will naturally want to learn about your
business opportunity as they get to know you better and experience the value you

Those are the people who want and need to learn about your MLM opportunity.

So you need to provide these warm prospects with a clearly marked pathway that leads
them through every necessary step needed for them to decide if your opportunity is right
for them.

You need to lay out all the benefits they"ll receive by joining your business and you need
to ask for their decision to join, in a definite call to action.

And that is the main purpose of your funnel.

Think of your funnel as a greased slide that once entered will irresistibly take your warm
prospects through an entire sales process. It will demonstrate all the benefits of joining
your organization, and will answer nearly every burning question they want answered.

When they get to the bottom of the slide there is a very good chance they will decide
then and there to join your company.

(Remember, your company"s replicated distributor website is not what I"m talking about.
That almost certainly will not provide your prospects with the compelling reasons to join
that a well designed funnel will.)

A Funnel is Selective

Recall that you should seldom if ever promote your MLM business directly to all of your
online visitors. This is the mistake that so many network marketers make when using
Internet marketing for the first time.

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They blunder their way through social networks blatantly selling their company,
Tweeting incessantly about what a great opportunity they represent. They get their
YouTube channels shut down for making continuous sales pitches and they generally
ruin their online reputations.

But that won"t be you if you follow my advice. And the simplest way to market your MLM
opportunity correctly is to put an effective funnel in place.

A good funnel will be enticing to “the right” prospects, that is people who actually want to
learn about your business. Everyone else (the majority of your visitors) will simply
ignore it or maybe check it out on their own with zero sense of being “sold” by you.

This is the total opposite approach from the old school network marketing promotion
idea of approaching everyone you know and hitting them over the head with your MLM

With the right online funnel in place you won"t need to make sales pitches en masse to
all your visitors. You"ll just need to focus instead on providing helpful content to your
followers, which will have the effect of attracting more and more followers to you.

Then you merely leave the door to your funnel open to the much smaller number of
followers who decide they really want to learn about your network marketing business

The ones who want it will find it, and because it"s their idea to learn more they"ll see it as
an opportunity for them and not as a sales pitch from you.

So don"t worry about how you"ll promote your MLM business online. With the right
funnel in place it just becomes a continuation of the conversation you"ve been carrying
on with your followers all along.

With the right funnel in place you simply hold open the online door to anyone who wants
to turn the conversation towards your network marketing opportunity and let the funnel
handle the rest.

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The Essential Parts of a Great Funnel

A truly great funnel should:

! Build excitement about your opportunity through superb copywriting and the
use of other direct selling techniques such as compelling videos and follow up
autoresponder series.

! Clearly describe to your prospects the many benefits of joining.

! Provide proof of these benefits in the form of testimonials, case studies and
the like.

! Provide strong follow up with your prospects, including automatic promotion

of affiliate products in addition to your MLM opportunity.

! Clearly show prospects exactly how to join your organization and automate
this signup process to a large degree.

! Simplify your online marketing by handling behind the scenes most of the
technical details of delivering results online, including many of the things I
write about in this course such as list building, ad tracking, affiliate marketing,
ad testing, traffic generation and traffic conversion.

! Be highly customizable so that you can easily plug your particular MLM
business opportunity into the funnel.

! Include back office training and help in important areas of marketing so you
build your business using the latest “best practice” concepts that actually

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! Makes you look and act like a master marketer even if you!re brand new to
funnels and online marketing.

! Most important of all, it should be very good at converting prospects to

customers and distributors, so you can leverage your time while building your
business online.

Where to Find A Funnel for Your Business

If this is a new concept to you, this may seem daunting. You may be wondering “How
can I put something like that together?”

There are several ways to do so, including actually building your own. But for most
people (including myself) that is just too complicated and time consuming to attempt.

The easiest and best method I most recommend is to use a comprehensive system

! Is already up and running and gets proven results.

! Is completely adaptable to whatever network marketing company you currently
represent or may be thinking of representing.

! Lets you start promoting your MLM business and affiliate offers immediately,
even if you don!t have a blog, mailing list or well established online presence.
(If you already have those things in place, this system is even more powerful.)

! Includes built in affiliate product offers and follow up marketing that lets you
receive affiliate commissions for a whole slew of excellent products your
followers will be happy to learn about.

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! Includes excellent support and training so you!ll learn all the important parts
quickly and start generating income fast.

! Is a complete turnkey system that you can introduce to your downline

members so that they can easily replicate your success.

If that sounds like something you could use to build your business, I"d like to invite you
to check out the actual system that I use to promote my own online business.

It"s the exact same system I depend on to receive a reliable stream of fresh new leads
into my business every day.

I happen to believe it is the finest system of its kind available today, which is why I use it
myself and strongly recommend it to anyone who is serious about building their network
marketing business online.

In fact it was designed specifically with network marketers in mind, and fits perfectly into
the blueprint for growing your own MLM business via the Internet that I describe in this

(It"s also a great example of smart outsourcing, since it handles every one of the critical
online marketing and cash flow generating details you need to put in place to build the
kind to business I"ve described here. )

You can see this funnel in action by visiting and requesting
additional information. You"ll receive everything you need to decide for yourself if this
powerful system is the answer to your online marketing needs.

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Author’s Note
Author’s Note
Never before has such opportunity been extended to so many people.

The beauty of the business model I"ve written about here is that it leverages two of the
most powerful economic forces on the planet, network marketing and the Internet.

Putting the two together will propel you to a place you probably never imagined was
possible. And you just need to take the first few steps to start to make it happen.

When you build your “You” centered business online as I"ve described you"ll get to write
your own check.

When you no longer must depend on your job or company to take care of you, your
world will take on an entirely new feel. You will feel powerful and alive, and you will
wonder why it took you so long to get started.

When you launch your online business you will quickly realize there is no recession or
economic downturn on line. There are no “slowdowns” or market crashes.

There is only unlimited potential, and it"s waiting just for you.

So get started today.

If you enjoyed this information I would be grateful if you would recommend it to others
you know who might benefit from it. Let them know via Twitter, Facebook or your
favorite online gathering place that they can get their own free copy by visiting

Or they can receive a copy just by sending a blank email to: [email protected]

Also, as long as you remain a member of my subscriber list you"ll automatically receive
a free copy of the latest version of this course whenever I update it. And you"ll receive
additional free content that I plan to release periodically.

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Author’s Note
Of course I would enjoy hearing about the results you get as you put this information to
work for you.

You can contact me through my blog at the address above. If you drop by be sure to
leave a comment.

All the best in your online marketing and network marketing efforts.

Vincent Czaplyski
Twitter: @VinceCzaplyski
Facebook: Vince Czaplyski

110 Copyright © 2010 Surefire Tactics Marketing, LLC

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A#liate Ad Policy

Consumer Notice -- A#liate Ad Policy is an affiliate ad supported site. This means that if you
buy something from a link or advertisement on my blog or through a link contained in
The Network Marketer!s Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint I may or may not receive
an affiliate commission as a result.

However your purchase will never cost you any more than if you go directly to the
merchant"s site (which you are free to do in any case). In some instances it may cost
you less to purchase through a link you find in this course or on my blog, if for example I
have negotiated discount pricing from a particular merchant.

I will only recommend products and services I have used myself in my own business
and found to be helpful, and which I believe will help you too. In some rare cases I may
recommend a new product or service based upon a previous excellent experience with
the individual or company behind it, or which a highly trusted source recommends to

In any case I will never recommend a product I don"t really believe in simply for the sake
of earning a commission.

In a nutshell this is the basis of an affiliate marketing model. This affiliate policy is what I
teach in The Network Marketer!s Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint, and it"s what I
recommend you adopt for yourself should you wish to develop your own online

Vincent Czaplyski
Surefire Tactics Marketing, LLC

111 Copyright © 2010 Surefire Tactics Marketing, LLC

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