Physical Geography
Physical Geography
Physical Geography
The term 'Geography' drives from the Greek words 'ge' meaning 'the Earth'
and 'graphein' which means 'to write' or 'to describe'. So, the meaning of
'Geography' means to write or to describe about the the Earth and its
different phenomena. It is generally the study of natural and human
constructed phenomena relative to a spatial dimension. Geography consists
of at least two different sub-fields of knowledge with similar methodology :
Both of them discuss about the spatial distribution of natural and manmade
phenomena. Among them, physical geography deals with the natural
features of the Earth's surface.
Generally, the word 'Physical Geography' have ofen been widely used as
equivalent to physiography or the description of all nature.
So,we can say that, Physical geography studies the spatial patrerns of
weather and climate,soils,vegetation,animals, water in all its forms and
landforms. It deals with rocks and minerals, soils, landforms, animals,plants,
atmosphere, water, rivers snd other water bodies, environment, Climate and
weather etc.
Hydrology: It is interested in the study of water in all its forms and various
water bodies on the earth surface.