Physical Geography

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Physical Geography

The term 'Geography' drives from the Greek words 'ge' meaning 'the Earth'
and 'graphein' which means 'to write' or 'to describe'. So, the meaning of
'Geography' means to write or to describe about the the Earth and its
different phenomena. It is generally the study of natural and human
constructed phenomena relative to a spatial dimension. Geography consists
of at least two different sub-fields of knowledge with similar methodology :

(I) Physical Geography

(ii) Human Geography

Both of them discuss about the spatial distribution of natural and manmade
phenomena. Among them, physical geography deals with the natural
features of the Earth's surface.

Generally, the word 'Physical Geography' have ofen been widely used as
equivalent to physiography or the description of all nature.

In anothet way, Physical geography is that branch of natural science which

deals with the stydy of processes and pattern in the natural environment
like the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere as opposed to
the cultural or built environment, the domain of human geography.

So,we can say that, Physical geography studies the spatial patrerns of
weather and climate,soils,vegetation,animals, water in all its forms and
landforms. It deals with rocks and minerals, soils, landforms, animals,plants,
atmosphere, water, rivers snd other water bodies, environment, Climate and
weather etc.

The nature is so important to all of us and Physical Geography is the study

how the Earth's natural features like climate, soil, biodiversity etc. change
over space and time.

Alan H. Strhaler, “Physical geography examines the natural processes

occuring at the earth’s surface that provide the physical setting for human

Scope of Physical Geography:

Physical Geography deals with the natural phenomena that is occurring on

the surface of the Earth or in the lithosphere. The scope of physical
geography is much broader than the simple study of nature.It discuss the
natural phenomena much widely from those that study with natural
features.It also involves the investigation of how human are influencing
nature.Scope of physical geography are discussed elaborately :
Geomorphology: It is one of the basic scope if Physical Geography. It
studies the various landforms on the Earth's surface.

Pedology: Pedology is concerned with the study of soils.

Biogeography: It is the science that investigates the spatial relationships of

plants and animals.

Hydrology: It is interested in the study of water in all its forms and various
water bodies on the earth surface.

Meteorology: It studies the calculation of the atmosphere over short time


Climatology: It studies the effects of weather on life and examines the

calculation of the atmosphere over longer time spans.

The above fields of knowledge generally have a primary role in physical

geography. In addition to these, the following fields may be of use.

1. Geology: Geology studiform the form of the earth surface and

subsurface and the process that create and modify it.

2. Ecology: It is the scientific study of the interactions between organisms

and their environment.

3. Oceanography: It is the sciences that examines the biology, chemistry,

physics and geology of oceans.
4. Cartography: It is the technique of making maps.

5. Astronomy: It is the science that examines celestial bodies and the


Subject Matter of Physical Geography:

Physical geography is also a discipline, that integrates a wide variety of

subject matter. Physical geography's primary sub-disciplines are the study
of the Earth's:

 Atmosphere---->Meteorology and Climatology

 Animal and plant life----> biogeography
 Physical labdscape----> geomorphology
 Soils----> Pedology
 Waters----> Hydrology

The main subject matter of physical geography are:

Geomorphology: The word 'geomorphology' consists of three greek

words 'ge' meaning 'earth', 'morfe' meaning 'form' and 'logos' meaning
'study'.So, geomorphology is the study of Eartn formation. In broad, it is the
scientific study of the origin and evolution of topographic and bathymatric
features created by physical or chemical processes operating at or near the
earth's surface. The origins and development of earth's topographical
features etcare discussed here. Those who study with this subject is called
'Geomorphologists'. It is decided as one of the subject matters of Physical

Oceanography: It is the scientific study of the conditions of the hydrosphere

depending in a special manner on chemistry and physics. It examines the
biology, chemistry, physicsand geology of oceans. It is decided as another
subject matter of physical geography.

Climatology: Climatology is often known as Meterology.It is the study of

the condition of the atmosphere with respect to the earth's surface. It
studies the effects of weather on life and examines the circulation of the
atmosphere over longer time spans.

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