Asme B16.5-2009
Asme B16.5-2009
Asme B16.5-2009
the responsibility of the user, taking into account the be furnished by agreement between the end user and
requirements of the applicable code or regulation. manufacturer. In no case shall the bore diameter exceed
the bore of the same size and class lapped flange.
2.7 Welding Neck Flanges
Ratings for welding neck flanges covered by this Stan- 2.8.4 Hub End. The standard flange shall be pro-
dard are based upon their hubs at the welding end vided with square cut end. The end user may specify
having thickness at least equal to that calculated for pipe welding end preparation in accordance with para. 6.7.
having 276 MPa (40,000 psi) specified minimum yield
strength.1 In order to ensure adequate flange hub thick- 2.9 Multiple Material Grades
ness for flange sizes NPS 2 and larger, the bore of a
Material for flanges and flanged fittings may meet
welding neck flange, dimension B in the various dimen-
the requirements of more than one specification or the
sional tables, shall not exceed B max determined as
requirements of more than one grade of a specification
listed in Table 1A. In either case, the pressure–tempera-
ture ratings for any of these specifications or grades may
冢 冣
Bmax p Ah 1 − be used provided the material is marked in accordance
with para. 4.2.8.
Ah p tabulated hub diameter, beginning of cham-
fer as listed in the dimensional tables 3 COMPONENT SIZE
Bmax p maximum permissible diameter for the bore
of a welding neck flange 3.1 Nominal Pipe Size
Co p 14.5 when pc is expressed in bar units or 1.0
when pc is expressed in psi units As applied in this Standard, the use of the phrase
pc p ceiling pressure value at 38°C (100°F), Tables “nominal pipe size” or the designation NPS followed
A-1 and A-2 of Nonmandatory Appendix A by a dimensionless number is for the purpose of pipe,
flange, or flanged fitting end connection size identifica-
The resultant units for diameter Bmax are the same as tion. The number is not necessarily the same as the
those entered for diameter A. flange or flanged fitting inside diameter.
The tabulated ratings for welding neck flanges are
independent of components to which they may be 3.2 Reducing Fittings
attached, and the pressure rating of the flange shall
not be exceeded. Attachment welds should be made in Reducing fittings shall be designated by the NPS for
accordance with the applicable code or regulation. See the openings in the sequence indicated in the sketches
para. 6.7 and Figs. 12 through 14 for weld end dimen- of Fig. 2.
sional requirements.
3.3 Reducing Flanges
2.8 Straight Hub Welding Flanges
Reducing flanges shall be designated by the NPS for
2.8.1 Hub Dimensions. Straight hub welding each opening. See examples in Note (4) of Table 6 (Table
flanges are an extension of welding neck flanges and II-6 of Mandatory Appendix II).
have straight hubs of uniform thickness. With the excep-
tion of the following, the straight hub welding flanges
shall have dimensions of the welding neck flanges of
the size and class set forth in Tables 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 4 MARKING
and 22 (Tables II-8, II-11, II-14, II-16, II-20, and II-22 of
Mandatory Appendix II) (see Fig. 15). 4.1 General
2.8.2 Length Through Hub. The length through hub Except as modified herein, flanges and flanged fittings
shall be 229 mm (9 in.) for NPS 4 and smaller and 305 shall be marked as required in MSS SP-25, except as
mm (12 in.) for larger than NPS 4. Other lengths may noted in para. 4.2.
be furnished by agreement between the end user and
manufacturer. 4.2 Identification Markings
2.8.3 Bore. The bore diameter shall be equal to B 4.2.1 Name. The manufacturer’s name or trade-
dimension of the welding neck flange. Other bores may mark shall be applied.
For flanges to be attached to high strength pipe with large 4.2.2 Material. Material shall be identified in the
inside diameters resulting from thin wall sections, see MSS SP-44. following way:
ASME B16.5-2009
1.10 21⁄4Cr–1Mo 2-1.10 A 182 Gr. F22 Cl. 3 A 217 Gr. WC9 A 387 Gr. 22 Cl. 2
1.11 C– ⁄2Mo 2-1.11 ... ... A 204 Gr. C
1.13 5Cr– ⁄2Mo 2-1.13 A 182 Gr. F5a A 217 Gr. C5 ...
2.1 18Cr–8Ni 2-2.1 A 182 Gr. F304 A 351 Gr. CF3 A 240 Gr. 304
18Cr–8Ni 2-2.1 A 182 Gr. F304H A 351 Gr. CF8 A 240 Gr. 304H
2.2 16Cr–12Ni–2Mo 2-2.2 A 182 Gr. F316 A 351 Gr. CF3M A 240 Gr. 316
16Cr–12Ni–2Mo 2-2.2 A 182 Gr. F316H A 351 Gr. CF8M A 240 Gr. 316H
18Cr–13Ni–3Mo 2-2.2 A 182 Gr. F317 ... A 240 Gr. 317
19Cr–10Ni–3Mo 2-2.2 ... A 351 Gr. CG8M ...
2.3 18Cr–8Ni 2-2.3 A 182 Gr. F304L ... A 240 Gr. 304L
16Cr–12Ni–2Mo 2-2.3 A 182 Gr. F316L ... A 240 Gr. 316L
18Cr–13Ni–3Mo 2-2.3 A 182 Gr. F317L ... ...
ASME B16.5-2009
2.4 18Cr–10Ni–Ti 2-2.4 A 182 Gr. F321 ... A 240 Gr. 321
18Cr–10Ni–Ti 2-2.4 A 182 Gr. F321H ... A 240 Gr. 321H
2.5 18Cr–10Ni–Cb 2-2.5 A 182 Gr. F347 ... A 240 Gr. 347
18Cr–10Ni–Cb 2-2.5 A 182 Gr. F347H ... A 240 Gr. 347H
18Cr–10Ni–Cb 2-2.5 A 182 Gr. F348 ... A 240 Gr. 348
18Cr–10Ni–Cb 2-2.5 A 182 Gr. F348H ... A 240 Gr. 348H
3.1 35Ni–35Fe–20Cr–Cb 2-3.1 B 462 Gr. N08020 ... B 463 Gr. N08020
3.2 99.0Ni 2-3.2 B 564 Gr. N02200 ... B 162 Gr. N02200
3.3 99.0Ni–Low C 2-3.3 ... ... B 162 Gr. N02201
3.4 67Ni–30Cu 2-3.4 B 564 Gr. N04400 ... B 127 Gr. N04400
3.5 72Ni–15Cr–8Fe 2-3.5 B 564 Gr. N06600 ... B 168 Gr. N06600
3.6 33Ni–42Fe–21Cr 2-3.6 B 564 Gr. N08800 ... B 409 Gr. N08800
3.7 65Ni–28Mo–2Fe 2-3.7 B 462 Gr. N10665 ... B 333 Gr. N10665
64Ni–29.5Mo–2Cr–2Fe–Mn–W 2-3.7 B 462 Gr. N10675 ... B 333 Gr. N10675
3.8 54Ni–16Mo–15Cr 2-3.8 B 462 Gr. N10276 ... B 575 Gr. N10276
60Ni–22Cr–9Mo–3.5Cb 2-3.8 B 564 Gr. N06625 ... B 443 Gr. N06625
62Ni–28Mo–5Fe 2-3.8 ... ... B 333 Gr. N10001
70Ni–16Mo–7Cr–5Fe 2-3.8 ... ... B 434 Gr. N10003
61Ni–16Mo–16Cr 2-3.8 ... ... B 575 Gr. N06455
42Ni–21.5Cr–3Mo–2.3Cu 2-3.8 B 564 Gr. N08825 ... B 424 Gr. N08825
55Ni–21Cr–13.5Mo 2-3.8 B 462 Gr. N06022 ... B 575 Gr. N06022
55Ni–23Cr–16Mo–1.6Cu 2-3.8 B 462 Gr. N06200 ... B 575 Gr. N06200
ASME B16.5-2009
3.11 44Fe–25Ni–21Cr–Mo 2-3.11 A 479 Gr. N08904 ... A 240 Gr. N08904
3.12 26Ni–43Fe–22Cr–5Mo 2-3.12 ... ... B 620 Gr. N08320
47Ni–22Cr–20Fe–7Mo 2-3.12 ... ... B 582 Gr. N06985
46Fe–24Ni–21Cr–6Mo–Cu–N 2-3.12 B 462 Gr. N08367 A 351 Gr. CN3MN B 688 Gr. N08367
3.13 49Ni–25Cr–18Fe–6Mo 2-3.13 ... ... B 582 Gr. N06975
Ni–Fe–Cr–Mo–Cu–Low C 2-3.13 B 564 Gr. N08031 ... B 625 Gr. N08031
3.14 47Ni–22Cr–19Fe–6Mo 2-3.14 ... ... B 582 Gr. N06007
40Ni–29Cr–15Fe–5Mo 2-3.14 B 462 Gr. N06030 ... B 582 Gr. N06030
58Ni–33Cr–8Mo 2-3.14 B 462 Gr. N06035 ... B 575 Gr. N06035
3.15 42Ni–42Fe–21Cr 2-3.15 B 564 Gr. N08810 ... B 409 Gr. N08810
3.16 35Ni–19Cr–1 ⁄4Si 2-3.16 B 511 Gr. N08330 ... B 536 Gr. N08330
(a) For temperature limitations, see notes in Tables II-2-1.1 through II-2-3.17 of Mandatory Appendix II.
(b) Plate materials are listed only for use as blind flanges and reducing flanges without hubs (see para. 5.1). Additional plate materials
listed in ASME B16.34 may also be used with corresponding B16.34, Standard Class ratings.
(1) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II materials may also be used, provided the requirements of the ASME specification are
identical to or more stringent than the corresponding ASTM specification for the Grade, Class, or Type listed.
(a) Cast flanges and flanged fittings shall be marked conformance to this Standard. The use of the prefix
with the ASTM specification,2 grade identification sym- ASME is optional.
bol (letters and numbers), and the melt number or melt
identification. 4.2.5 Temperature. Temperature markings are not
(b) Plate flanges, forged flanges, and flanged fittings required on flanges or flanged fittings; however, if
shall be marked with the ASTM specification number marked, the temperature shall be shown with its corres-
and grade identification symbol.2 ponding tabulated pressure rating for the material.
(c) A manufacturer may supplement these mandatory
material indications with his trade designation for the
4.2.6 Size. The NPS designation shall be marked
material grade, but confusion of symbols shall be
on flanges and flanged fittings. Reducing flanges and
reducing flanged fittings shall be marked with the appli-
(d) For flanges and flanged fittings manufactured
cable NPS designations as required by paras. 3.2 and 3.3.
from material that meets the requirements of more than
one specification or grade of a specification listed in
Table 1A, see para. 4.2.8. 4.2.7 Ring Joint Flanges. The edge (periphery) of
each ring joint flange shall be marked with the letter R
4.2.3 Rating Designation. The flange or flanged fit- and the corresponding ring groove number.
ting shall be marked with the number that corresponds
to its pressure rating class designation (i.e., 150, 300,
4.2.8 Multiple Material Marking. Material for com-
400, 600, 900, 1500, or 2500).
ponents that meet the requirements for more than one
4.2.4 Conformance. The designation B16 or B16.5 specification or grade of a specification listed in Table
shall be applied to the flange or flanged fitting, prefera- 1A may, at the manufacturer’s option, be marked with
bly located adjacent to the class designation, to indicate more than one of the applicable specification or grade
symbols. These identification markings shall be placed
An ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II specifica- so as to avoid confusion in identification. The multiple
tion number may be substituted for an ASTM specification number marking shall be in accordance with the guidelines set
provided the requirements of the ASME specification are identical
to or more stringent than the ASTM specification for the Grade, out in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
Class, or Type of material. II, Part D, Appendix 7.