LDS Program List

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Linear Data Structures

B.Tech. CSE Sem-II

1. Write a C program to create, insert and delete a node in Singly Linked List.

2. Write a C program to insert and delete a node in Doubly Linked List.

3. Write a C program to implement stack using array.

4. Write a C program to implement stack using linked list.

5. Write a C program to insert an element into queue and to delete an element from queue.

6. Write a C program to implement Priority Queue and perform different operations on it.

7. Write a C program to implement linear search algorithm and find the position of given element.

8. Write a C program to implement binary search algorithm and find the position of given

element. Accept sorted array from user and search the element.

9. Write a C program to sort the given numbers using bubble sort.

10. Write a C program to sort the given numbers using selection sort.

11. Write a C program to sort the given numbers using insertion sort.

12. Write a C program to sort the given numbers using merge sort.

13. Write a C program to copy contents of one file to another file.

14. Write a C program to write student data into a file using structure.

15. Write a C program for addition of polynomials using linked list.

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