Children S Services Referral Form
Children S Services Referral Form
Children S Services Referral Form
Address Eircode
Address (If different from the child’s) Address (If different from the child’s)
Number of siblings, their ages and details of any services they are attending
GP Address
OTHER COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE SERVICES List all other services currently involved or waitlisted
Children’s Disability Network Team Primary Care: Speech and language therapy
Occupational therapy Physiotherapy Psychology
Other (please give details)
Address Address
Any diagnosis e.g. medical condition, learning disability, developmental disorder, hearing impairment.
There may be more than one. Who made the diagnosis and date?
Current medications
Please indicate whether referrer should be contacted prior to the initial appointment YES NO
A father who is not married to the mother of his child does not have automatic guardianship rights in relation to that
child. If the mother agrees for him to be legally appointed guardian, they must sign a joint statutory declaration.
However an unmarried father is automatically a guardian if he has lived with the child's mother for 12 consecutive
months after 18/1/2016, including at least 3 months with the mother and child following the child's birth.
Children in Care
For children in voluntary care or on an interim order, the parents must sign the consent. For children on a care order the
consent is signed by a Tusla Child and Family Agency social worker.
I give permission for my child to be referred to Primary Care Services /Children’s Disability Services.
I give permission for information about my child to be held by Primary Care Services/Children’s
Disability Services in accordance with obligations under the Data Protection Acts 1988, 2003 and
2018 YES NO
I give permission that in the event that this referral is not appropriate it may be shared with other
relevant services to facilitate an onward referral. I will be contacted in advance of this information
being forwarded on to another service. YES NO
I give permission to Primary Care Services/ Children’s Disability Services to contact and obtain
relevant information in order to understand and address my child’s needs from the professionals and
services listed below, such as a hospital consultant, psychologist, speech & language therapist,
teacher etc. Only those listed below will be contacted. YES NO
Name of Parent 2/Guardian
Name: Date:
Role (Parent/ Legal guardian, professional):