Applsci 08 01833
Applsci 08 01833
Applsci 08 01833
Abstract: The concrete stress behavior and cause of cracking at the anchorage zones of top and
bottom slabs of a post-tensioned prestressed concrete box beam were studied. Based on the
complex stress distribution under local anchor problem for the Yichang Yangtze River Bridge,
which is the longest continuous rigid frame arch railway bridge in the world, model tests were
conducted. Two full-scale specimens of top and bottom slabs were fabricated and gradually loaded
based on principle of equivalent stress. The goal was to analyze the longitudinal and transverse
stress distributions of cross sections of specimens at various loading cases during the experiment.
From the experimental results, it can be concluded that the mechanical behavior of the concrete and
steel bars were in good agreement when prestressed tendons were loaded. Tensile stress of
concrete in prestressed anchorage zone gradually increased and surpassed the ultimate tensile
strength of concrete with the increasing load. Consequently, local longitudinal cracking was
formed at the anchorage block. Some recommendations to avoid the concrete at the anchorage zone
continuing to crack are summarized in this paper.
Keywords: local stress distribution; full-scale specimens; post-tensioned; anchorage zone; tensile
stress; cracking
1. Introduction
Post-tensioning techniques have been widely applied to design bridge piers and decks,
building slabs, and long-span girders [1]. However, high prestress and concrete creep can generate
several issues for designing prestress of concrete bridges. One important issue is cracking in
prestressed concrete member, for example, in the construction of continuous rigid frame bridge, the
bottom slab of box girder in the main span cracked due to excessive local stress [2,3]. Similarly, a
prestressed concrete beam with 40 m span of highway bridge also cracked during the construction
[4]. In addition, the vertical and lateral thermal movement of prestressed concrete bridge girders
may also cause concrete cracking [5]. Cracking provides a path for penetration of moisture and salts,
thus presents a potential corrosion and frost damage threat. Moreover, concrete at the anchorage
zone of the prestressed concrete member is easier to crack. Based on the above analysis, we can see
that several prestressed concrete bridges and buildings have experienced severe cracking along the
tendon path when prestress force has been transferred in the anchorage zone [6]. Consequently, one
of the most critical characteristics of post-tensioned prestressed members is stress distribution and
cracking in anchorage zone.
Numerous studies on the anchorage zones have been performed using the theory of elasticity,
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1833; doi:10.3390/app8101833
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1833 2 of 13
experiments, and finite element analyses. Manisekar and Gou et al. [7,8] studied stress at ultimate
in unbonded post tensioning tendons in simply supported concrete. Hassan et al. [9] reported a
simple function that can be used to assess post-tensioning cable forces in semi-cable stayed bridge
under the action of the dead load. Experimental and analytical studies were conducted by Kwon et
al. [10] to develop an efficient anchorage device and to design an equation of the bearing strength in
the posttensioning anchorage zone. Ellobody et al. [11] evaluated mechanical behavior of unbonded
post-tensioned one-way concrete slabs. They found that the ultimate loads obtained using current
codes are conservative for these concrete slabs. Yong et al. [12] carried out a specimen test and 3-D
finite-element analysis to study transverse shear force effects on the stress and strain distributions
of post-tensioned, rectangular, concrete anchorage blocks. They found that the transverse shear
forces on the beams cause a significant reduction in the values of the transverse tensile strains, but
have relatively little effect on the lateral tensile strains. Yun et al. [1] estimated the ultimate strength
of post-tensioned beams using AASHTO LRFD (American Association of State Highways and
Transportation Officials Load and Resistance Factor Design) approximate stress analysis/design
method, the critical section concept, and bearing strength equation. Marceau et al. [13] presented a
numerical study of a mono-strand anchorage device, and two different representations of the
jaw/tendon device, either as two distinct components or as a single equivalent, were examined. A
comprehensive experimental and analytical study was conducted by oh et al. [5] to explore
characteristics of the local stress distribution and to study the failure mechanism on the anchorage
zones of precast prestressed concrete structures. Combined with the measured stress of box girder
concrete near the anchor plate, a spatial finite element model was established by Zheng et al. [14] to
study the stress distribution in anchorage zone; moreover, the theoretical calculation and measured
data were analyzed and compared. Zhou et al. [15] proposed two possible models for longitudinal
anti-cracking analysis at the anchor end of post-tensioned concrete voided slab girders. The
practical analysis method for longitudinal anti-cracking is established by differential element
analysis. Tensile tests for the new strands were carried out with seven different types of
mono-strand anchorages by Kim et al. [16] to investigate the tensile behavior of a newly developed
uncoated strand according to various types of mono anchorages and appropriate anchorages for
both strands were proposed. Considering the deformations due to anchorage slip, Fallah et al. [17]
studied the influence of bond slip on the seismic behavior of RC structure using nonlinear dynamic
and static pushover analysis. Chen et al. [18] studied the stress distribution and stress transfer
mechanism of the cable-to-girder anchorage structure of tensile anchor plate type under the
designed load. The results of the test and analysis indicated that the cable-to-girder anchorage
structure could meet the requirements of the designed bearing capacity. For existing problems in
Near Surface Mounted (NSM) technique, a promising approach for flexural strengthening of RC
members, U-wrap end anchorage with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) fabrics, was
proposed by Hosen et al. [19] to eliminate the concrete cover separation failure. An experimental
investigation was presented by Ghasemi et al. [20] to show the flexural behavior of continuous
two-span unbonded post-tensioned high strength concrete (HSC) beams, strengthened by
end-anchored CFRP laminates of different configurations in the hogging region. Okumus et al. [21]
investigated reasons for crack growth in the anchorage zones after detension. In this study,
differential cooling, creep, and shrinkage of bulb-tee cross sections are studied as potential reasons
of crack growth. Kim and Gou et al. [22–30] conducted experiments and comparisons between
experimental results and design-equation predictions to determine the effects of steel–fiber and
rebar reinforcements on the ultimate bearing strength of the local anchorage zone. The test and the
comparisons between the design-equation predictions and the test results showed that the ultimate
bearing strength and the section efficiency were highly affected by the reinforcement details and the
concrete strength. Through theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experimental validation,
high order longitudinal guided waves (HOLGW) were studied by Pan et al. [31] for damage
detection in the anchorage zone of stayed cable.
Although much research has been conducted on anchorage zone, especially the new anchorage
devices, ultimate capacity, simulation analysis, etc., there are limited studies on stress transfer and
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1833 3 of 13
Yichang Wanzhou
A 7200 7200
4600 200
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Illustration of the Yichang Yangtze River Bridge (Unit: mm): (a) span layout; and (b)
Section A-A of girder.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
The concrete under anchor base plate is in a triaxial compression stress state due to influence of
local bearing pressure effect. For concentrically loaded compression members, the longitudinal
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1833 4 of 13
stress can exhibit pressure and tension stresses in the anchorage zone, as shown in Figure 2c. The
longitudinal compressive stress reaches a plateau in the middle of the stress distribution and
gradually decreases away from the center in transverse direction of the cross section at or near the
anchorage zone. The stress level gradually decreases, resulting in uniform compressive stress
distribution. Consequently, the effect of local bearing pressure progressively weakens, as illustrated
in Figure 2d. Tensile stress only appears at the anchorage zone. However, the stress level gradually
decreases as the vertical distance from the anchorage zone progressively increases until
Moreover, some factors influence the transfer of longitudinal stress such as the cross section of
the member, ratio of height to thickness of the member, eccentricity, etc. Thus, it is necessary to
study the stress transfer and distribution in the locally stressed areas.
3. Experimental Program
3.1. Specimens
In this research, full-scale top and bottom slabs of Section A-A, as shown Figure 1b, were
fabricated due to small height and thinner top and bottom slabs at this section. Figure 3 illustrates
specimens of the top and bottom slabs.
To fully simulate the stress distribution in the anchorage zone, reduce the influence of box
girder web and reduce the unreasonable local model size on the test, before the test, the overall box
girder model and the top and bottom model were established respectively, as shown in the Figure
To determine the reasonable widths of the specimens, a commercial FE package, ANSYS, was
used to analyze the stress distribution of the anchorage zones of the top and bottom slabs. Before the
test, as shown in Figure 4, compared with the integral box girder model, the stress of the top slab
model agreed well with the box girder when the transverse dimension was 1.4 m. The same is true
for the bottom slab when the width was 1.6 m, as shown in Table 1.
Therefore, the top slab was of 1.4 m × 0.4 m cross-section and 6 m in length. The bottom slab had
dimensions of 7 m 1.6 m with variable thickness from 0.35 m to 0.356 m. Figures 5 and 6 show the
detailed locations of sections and dimensions for the top and bottom slab specimens, respectively.
In the test, the specimens casted in lab were placed on the base in a simply supported way
through the plate rubber bearings, and heading anchor was applied in the dead end. Prestressing
force was transferred to concrete by Jack and anchor plate. In addition, to avoid the influence of the
weight of the specimen, dead load strains were felt by the concrete prior to strand stressing.
Both the strain of concrete and embedded mild steel reinforcement were measured. Electrical
resistive strain gauges were densely deployed on the surface of specimens and the steel bars inside
to measure the strain distributions of the girder-arch-pier connections. Figure 9 illustrates the
arrangement of the strain gauges in Sections A-A and I-I of the top slab specimen. Figure 10
illustrates the arrangement of the strain gauges in Sections B-B and D-D of the bottom slab specimen.
The strain gauges deployed on steel bars were installed before concrete casting. A thin layer of
two-part epoxy was applied on the surface of strain gauges for moisture isolation, and then covered
by a piece of 3 mm thin foam to isolate the epoxy from the concrete. The strain gauges attached on
concrete surface were installed before applying any loading with hydraulic jacks. There were 166
measurement points for concrete and 196 measurement points for steel bars in the top slab specimen.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Full-scale specimens: (a) top slab; and (b) bottom slab.
100 300 800 800 1000 1000 800 800 300 100
400 100
Anchorage block
Figure 5. The test section of the top slab specimen (unit: mm)
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1833 6 of 13
Anchorage block
230 23
Figure 6. The test section of the bottom slab specimen (unit: mm)
N1Φ16 N1 20
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of reinforcing steel bar under anchor: (a) top slab (A-A–B-B); and (b)
bottom slab (B-B–D-D).
Anchor ring
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Anchorage devices: (a) YM15-31; and (b) YM15-19 (unit: mm).
Steel bar
(a) (b)
Figure 9. The arrangement of the strain gauges on the top slab specimen (unit: mm): (a) Section A-A;
and (b) Section I-I.
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1833 7 of 13
350 350 200 350 350
Steel bar
300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300
(a) (b)
Figure 10. The arrangement of the strain gauges on the bottom slab specimen (unit: mm): (a) Section
B-B; and (b) Section D-D.
Loading Case 10% 20% 40% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Top slab specimen 605 1211 2422 3633 4238 4843 5449 6054
Bottom slab specimen 371 742 1484 2226 2597 2969 3340 3711
-50 -50
-100 -100
-150 MP 1 -150 MP 8
MP 2 MP 9
-200 -200 MP 10
MP 3
MP 4 -250 MP 11
-250 MP 12
MP 5
-300 -300
Section A Load(KN) Section A Load(KN)
(a) (b)
Figure 11. The relationship between load and stress of the steel bars on the top slab specimen: (a) the
upper layer steel of Section A-A; and (b) the bottom layer steel of Section A-A. MP, measuring point.
the slabs. No stress exceeded the yield strength of reinforcement. The steel bars showed good
mechanical performance.
5 -15
0 -20 MP 150
MP 152
MP 200 MP 202 -25
MP 154
-5 MP 204 MP 206 -30 MP 156
MP 208 MP 210 MP 158
-10 -35
Section B Load(KN) Section D Load(KN)
(a) (b)
Figure 12. The relationship between load and stress of the steel bars on the bottom slab specimen: (a)
the upper layer steel of Section B-B; and (b) the upper layer steel of Section D-D. MP, measuring
had a negative effect on concrete in anchorage zone. Moreover, cracking of concrete may be caused,
and even the normal service of the component might be affected.
-10 -1.5
MP 19 -2 MP 26
-15 MP 20 MP 27
MP 35 -2.5 MP 28
MP 36 MP 29
-20 -3
Section D Load(KN) Section D Load(KN)
(a) (b)
Figure 13. The relationship between load and stress of the concrete at Section D-D on the bottom slab
specimen: (a) the top surface of the concrete; and (b) the bottom surface of the concrete. MP,
measuring point.
Testing point 19
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Distribution of the cracking: (a) The top slab; (b) The bottom slab.
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1833 11 of 13
Through the analysis above, we can see that the concrete in the anchorage zone bear a great
compressive stress under the large prestressed force. Accordingly, the transverse deformation of
compressive concrete (extrusion and expansion) produced. However, influenced by the restraining
effect of surrounding concrete, which is similar to the effect of stirrup, free deformation of the
compressive concrete cannot be fully produced. Then, transverse tensile stress was formed in the
surrounding concrete. With the increase of the load, the deformation and stress gradually increased.
When the surrounding tensile stress exceeded the tensile ultimate strength, the local longitudinal
crack was formed. Thus, the formation of crack is due to the fact that the deformation of compressed
concrete in the anchorage zone is not fully restrained.
5. Conclusions
Based on the above investigations, conclusions can be drawn as follows:
In the test of the top slab, cracking was formed at Sections A-A and I-I, and the tooth plate. The
cracking was observed at the triangular anchorage block and Section C-C when testing the
bottom slab. The other sections of the top and bottom slabs showed good mechanical
performance and elastic condition during the eight loading cases. Higher local concrete stress
level of the anchorage zone was only formed at a small area. The specimens were not destroyed
under the equivalent force based on the design of the real bridge, which results in safety and
reliability of the two slabs.
For the eight loading cases, the linear relationship between the stress and load are observed at
concrete and steel bars, respectively. It can be concluded that there was a good bond between
the concrete and steel bars, which exhibits the entire structure is in a good condition.
Consequently, the specimens were safe and reliable.
The tensile stress of the concrete surrounding the post-tensioned prestressing anchorage zones
surpassed the tensile strength of concrete when the deformation of the concrete could not be
To avoid the concrete at the anchorage zone continuing to crack, some crack-control
recommendations are summarized as follows: Firstly, the connection between tensile
anchorage block and the bottom slab should arrange more reinforcing bars with hooks to
improve the tensile capacity of this part. Secondly, the stirrups should be designed with
closed-loop to increase the restraint of the stirrups. Therefore, they can effectively restrain the
central concrete of the anchorage zone.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.Z.M. and H.Y.G.; Methodology, H.Y.G; Software, W.Z.M. and
Y.N.H.; Validation, Y.N.H.; Formal Analysis, W.Z.M. and H.Y.G.; Investigation, W.Z.M. and Y.N.H. and
Q.H.P.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, W.Z.M. and H.Y.G. and Y.N.H.; Writing-Review & Editing, W.Z.M.
and Y.N.H.; Supervision, Q.H.P.
Funding: This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51108382
and 51508474), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 2682015CX07), and the
Science and Technology Research and Development Plan of China Railway Construction (Grant No. 2014-C34).
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge National Natural Science Foundation of China, for
Financial support.
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