Touchstone 1 - Unit 6
Touchstone 1 - Unit 6
Touchstone 1 - Unit 6
Quiz Name:
Teacher Scoring
□ big □ noon
□ co n v en ien t D 1:00
D expensive G 1:30
2. T here’s n o in th e n eig h borhood. 4. They go t o _____ 2 . ____ 4 . ____
B 4 points
B C om plete th e sentences. W rite There's or There are. (1 point each)
1. ___________________ n o fast-food resta u ra n ts in m y neig h b o rh o o d . 1.___
2. ___________________ a big p ark n e a r m y house. 2.___
3. ___________________ no sw im m ing pool in th e park. 3 . ____
C P ut th e w ords in th e correct order to m ake questions. T hen w rite th e tim e in words. C 16 points
(2 points each)
E x a m p le : A (the local su p erm ark et / w h at tim e / does / close)
A WUmf Hvne A c e s H \e locml st\pevw<?\ c lo se __________
B 4:15. B A qiA w fev ^-Pfev -Potw or Fot\r~Pi-Pfeev\_________________
^ _______________________________________________________________ 1.A _ _ _
A _______________________________________________________________ 3 . A ____
B 10:00. B _____________________________________________________________ B
1. T here are a lot of p eo p le in th e pool! It’s a big / a q u iet / an expensive pool. 1.___
2. A lot of stu d e n ts live in o u r a p a rtm e n t building. They listen to loud m usic all the 2___
tim e. It’s an expensive / a b o rin g / a noisy building.
3. T here’s a m all n e a r h ere a n d som e great stores. This is a really 3 . ___
new / b o rin g / convenient neighborhood.
4. I b e t this is an expensive / a q u iet / a b o rin g restau ran t. There are a lot of rich p eo p le 4 . ___
a ro u n d here!
M a risa Yeah. T here are great th ea ters a n d restau ran ts. A nd I like th e neighborhoods.
F Read th e frien d s’ e-m ails. T hen check ( / ) five tru e statem en ts. F 10 points
(2 points each)
'5 q e © 9 8 0 1 1 9 3
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I’m really busy in my new job. My My job here is OK. But the store opens at
co-workers are very friendly. One guy is 8:00 now, so I start work at 7:30 and finish
really nice. His name is Rick. He’s very at 3:30. It’s too early for me!
good-looking. We sometimes have coffee
together or go out for lunch.
We miss you!
I think about you every day. Write back!
[ _ Tina h ates h e r new n eighborhood. □ Tina lives in M iam i.
□ T here are resta u ra n ts a n d cafes in □ A m anda lives w ith Tina.
3 . __
Tina’s n eig h borhood. □ Tina likes sh o p p in g a n d restaurants.
4 . __
Tina has a n ew job. □ A m anda’s store o p en s at 6:30. 5. __
IT! Tina’s co-w orkers are shy. □ A m anda is at w ork early. Total:
f 1 Rick is Tina’s brother. _out of 50