Touchstone 1 - Unit 6

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Unit 6

Quiz Name:
Teacher Scoring

A Listen to th e tw o conversations. C heck ( / ) th e correct answ ers. A 8 points

(2 points each)
C onversation 1 C onversation 2
1. It’s a v e ry n eig h borhood. 3. It’s . 1 . ____ 3 . ____

□ big □ noon
□ co n v en ien t D 1:00
D expensive G 1:30
2. T here’s n o in th e n eig h borhood. 4. They go t o _____ 2 . ____ 4 . ____

□ su p erm ark et □ a bookstore

□ m all □ a fast-food resta u ra n t
□ p ark □ an o u td o o r cafe

B 4 points
B C om plete th e sentences. W rite There's or There are. (1 point each)
1. ___________________ n o fast-food resta u ra n ts in m y neig h b o rh o o d . 1.___
2. ___________________ a big p ark n e a r m y house. 2.___
3. ___________________ no sw im m ing pool in th e park. 3 . ____

4. ___________________ a couple of In te rn e t cafes a ro u n d here. 4 . ____

C P ut th e w ords in th e correct order to m ake questions. T hen w rite th e tim e in words. C 16 points
(2 points each)
E x a m p le : A (the local su p erm ark et / w h at tim e / does / close)
A WUmf Hvne A c e s H \e locml st\pevw<?\ c lo se __________
B 4:15. B A qiA w fev ^-Pfev -Potw or Fot\r~Pi-Pfeev\_________________

1. A (you / w h at tim e I do I leave h o m e / in th e m orning)

^ _______________________________________________________________ 1.A _ _ _

B 7:45. B _______________________________________________________________ B ___

2. A (w hat tim e / start / does / your favorite TV show)

A _______________________________________________________________ 2. A _ _ _

B 9:30. B _______________________________________________________________ B ___

3. A (m useum s I do I w h at tim e / o p e n / o n th e w eekends)

A _______________________________________________________________ 3 . A ____

B 10:00. B _____________________________________________________________ B

4. A (on Fridays / w h at tim e / get h o m e / your b est friend / does)

A ____________________________________________ 4 .A ___

B 6:50. B _____________________________ ________________ B ___

■164 • Unit 6 Quiz Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press

D 4 points
D Read each sen ten ce. Circle the correct adjective. (1 point each)

1. T here are a lot of p eo p le in th e pool! It’s a big / a q u iet / an expensive pool. 1.___

2. A lot of stu d e n ts live in o u r a p a rtm e n t building. They listen to loud m usic all the 2___
tim e. It’s an expensive / a b o rin g / a noisy building.
3. T here’s a m all n e a r h ere a n d som e great stores. This is a really 3 . ___
new / b o rin g / convenient neighborhood.
4. I b e t this is an expensive / a q u iet / a b o rin g restau ran t. There are a lot of rich p eo p le 4 . ___
a ro u n d here!

E C om plete th e conversation. W rite M e too or M e neither. E 8 points

(2 points each)
Je ssica I ju st love New York.

M a risa . It’s so exciting. 1..

Jessica Right! T here’s a lot to do.

M a risa Yeah. T here are great th ea ters a n d restau ran ts. A nd I like th e neighborhoods.

Jessica . T hey’re so interesting. But it’s a n expensive city. 2 ..

M a risa I know. Cities are alw ays expensive.

Jessica Yeah, a n d th ey ’re noisy, too. I d o n ’t usually like big cities.

M a risa . A nd I d o n ’t usually like noisy places. 3..

Jessica . But New York is a fun city for a vacation! 4..

F Read th e frien d s’ e-m ails. T hen check ( / ) five tru e statem en ts. F 10 points
(2 points each)
'5 q e © 9 8 0 1 1 9 3
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Dear Amanda, Dear Tina,

How are you? I really miss you and my It sounds like fun in Miami! You love
friends in New York! But I love Miami, and shopping and you eat out a lot, so your new
I really like my new neighborhood. There neighborhood sounds great for you. So, tell
are a lot of stores, cheap restaurants, and me more about Rick! How often do you go
great cafes around here. It’s perfect. out? Let’s talk! Call me!

I’m really busy in my new job. My My job here is OK. But the store opens at
co-workers are very friendly. One guy is 8:00 now, so I start work at 7:30 and finish
really nice. His name is Rick. He’s very at 3:30. It’s too early for me!
good-looking. We sometimes have coffee
together or go out for lunch.
We miss you!
I think about you every day. Write back!

[ _ Tina h ates h e r new n eighborhood. □ Tina lives in M iam i.
□ T here are resta u ra n ts a n d cafes in □ A m anda lives w ith Tina.
3 . __
Tina’s n eig h borhood. □ Tina likes sh o p p in g a n d restaurants.
4 . __
Tina has a n ew job. □ A m anda’s store o p en s at 6:30. 5. __
IT! Tina’s co-w orkers are shy. □ A m anda is at w ork early. Total:
f 1 Rick is Tina’s brother. _out of 50

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press Unit 6 Quiz T-

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