Fritz Rubric
Fritz Rubric
Fritz Rubric
Contact Information:
Contact Details
Zoom Office Mondays from 11-1 PM; Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-10:00 AM. Enter the waiting
Hours: room at the scheduled time using this link: .
fritzmichele at (Please note that Michele has one "L".) You can expect a
response within 24 hours, except over the weekend, when I do not check email. On the
weekend you can expect a response on the next business day.
(408) 864-8615 (Please use Canvas Email for urgent messages as I rarely check
Instructor My web site contains many tools and
Web Site: resources for students.
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the roles and responsibilities of managers in
organizations. The class emphasizes experiential learning and self-inquiry to explore the job of a
manager, including the managerial environment, the five functions of management (planning, organizing,
leading, staffing, and controlling), decision-making, effective communications, and management ethics.
• Toolwire Simulation Bundle: We will be using 5 special simulations in this class. They will give
you the opportunity to simulate a management situation and are required assignments in this
class. You will need to purchase an access code for BUS 96-Management online from
Toolwire (Recommended. Price <$15) or the College Bookstore (Order weeks early if you use
the bookstore, because the staff has to email you the access code). We will use the first
simulation in Week 2 of the quarter so you will need to have the code by the end of Week 1, and
no extensions will be granted for failure to obtain materials.
• Required Text: You absolutely need a textbook for this course. We will be applying
concepts from the textbook in discussions and written reports. The required text is: Mosely,
Mosely, & Pietri, Supervisory Management: The Art of Inspiring, Empowering, and
Developing People, 10th ed., Cengage, 2019. I have negotiated the cheapest e-book 4-month
rental option, which you can get directly from Cengage for $33. You can also order via
the Bookstore Home Page. Do not use a prior version of the text.
• Accommodations: Please see Support section at the end of this document if you need special
accommodations for this multi-media course.
• Technology: The following technology is required in order to access the course in Canvas.
o You will need a computer, with webcam and microphone, and high speed access to
the Internet to take exams and use the simulation games. A mobile phone or tablet
(with the exception of a Chromebook) will not work for the whole course. The
bookstore is stocking USB webcams for purchase. Technology purchase assistance is
also available for students.
o You must have a current version of the free Chrome browser to use the Toolwire
simulations and take exams.
o You will need to install the Proctorio Chrome Extension to take tests. Step by step
instructions are posted in our Canvas course. Exams will also require a photo ID.
o You will need Flash 12 or higher to use the simulations. Most people already have this
o You will need the Acrobat Reader or some other PDF viewing application.
o You will also need a personal email address in order to receive important course
announcements. As soon as the course starts, you should receive an email welcome
message from the instructor. If that does not occur, you may need to decrease the
security on your email or empty your email account (if it is full). These proactive
measures will ensure that you receive all important reminders from your instructor.
Course Requirements:
• Reading and Review: Each week you will have one or two chapters to master. You should read
the assigned text chapter, and then review the associated articles and videos. The videos were
selected to further explain complex concepts or provide real world examples of the theory. It is
strongly recommended that you use the slide presentations posted in each module to take notes
on the reading and videos.
• Discussions: Some weeks you will be expected to contribute to your choice of class
discussions. The discussion assignments choices allow you to demonstrate your understanding
of course concepts and learn from the experiences of your classmates. Managers are often called
upon to provide their analysis and insights in meetings, so this is one way you will practice career
skills in this course. The assignments are varied, they involve tasks such as web research, video
case studies, or role play exercises. Your grades in the discussion forum will be evaluated
according to the Discussion Rubric provided in the table below. The instructor will ask you
follow-up questions that allow you to improve upon your initial answer and earn additional
Discussion Rubric - All Criteria Listed Have Equal Importance
Criteria Superior work Satisfactory Work
All questions posed in Some of the
the assignment are fully All questions posed in assigned questions
answered and justified. the assignment are fully are skipped or
All directions have been answered but some ignored. Course
followed. Course explanations may be concepts are
concepts are used brief. Course concepts applied incorrectly,
correctly and in relevant may mentioned. or without attention
situations. to the context.
Adds significant, new*, Adds a new* idea to
and substantiated ideas the chosen discussion
to the discussion and topic and demonstrates
demonstrates that posts that posts from others
from others have been have been reviewed.
reviewed prior to *An original idea can Enhances or
posting. include any of the paraphrases an
*Original ideas can following: new idea that has
include new managerial managerial tactics, new already been
tactics, new examples, examples, alternative mentioned in the
alternative viewpoints viewpoints (from others discussion forum.
(from others involved in characters involved in
the scenario), research the scenario), research
of cited expert opinion, of cited expert opinion,
and connections to and connections to
personal experience. personal experience.
Posts more than a
Posts up to a week
week late. Note
after the deadline.
Posts fully in the that students
Note that students
Timeliness discussion by the posting late will
posting late will not
deadline. not be given a
be given a choice of
choice of
Writing is professional, Posts are generally Posts are difficult
clear and easy to read, clear but may contain to understand due
with proper grammar and occasional grammatical to grammatical &
punctuation. errors or typos. stylistic problems.
• Toolwire Simulations: Some weeks we will use an interactive simulation instead of a discussion
assignment. The five simulations will require you to apply concepts from that week’s reading.
Several of them require you to interact with video characters in a simulated management
situation. The simulation will grade your responses but you can retry it as many times as you
want before the deadline, to maximize your score. Your percentage in the simulation will be
converted into 10 points for each simulation in Canvas.
• Examinations: There will be three exams which test your ability to apply the material you have
learned. The exams cover material from the textbook, supplemental materials (videos, articles,
simulations, etc.), and discussions.
The exams in this class are monitored by Proctorio to make sure our class is in compliance with
distance learning standards. Proctorio is an application integrated in Canvas to remotely proctor
exams in online classes. Proctorio (or similar software) is used by most California community
colleges, including Foothill, West Valley, Mission, and many CSUs and UCs. It preserves the
academic integrity of our exams and reduces the gap between on campus and online class
These tests will be timed, so you will need to know course concepts. You may use your notes, but
you will not have the time to look up many things. The schedule is:
• Reflection Reports: Although we use the term "management" to denote a wide range of
positions within a company, each manager is an individual with his or her own unique strengths
and weaknesses, behavior patterns, and personality. There will be four reflection reports this
quarter. Often, this will involve completing some self-assessment questionnaires, which
are scored to help you reflect on your thought patterns or behaviors. One week you will also be
asked to interview a manager to learn more about his or her job. The intent of these reflection
exercises is to allow you an opportunity for introspection, so that you can begin to predict how
you might behave as a manager. This can be very helpful for career planning, in order to select
the position, company, and industry that takes advantage of your individual talents. These
written reports may not be improved once graded. They will be graded as follows:
• Obtain the textbook and read it. Watch videos posted in the module to understand complex
concepts. Most students benefit from taking handwritten notes on the text and videos. (Typing
notes does not help as much to process and remember information.)
• Schedule your work to complete tasks on time or early. All late assignments are penalized,
and the penalties grow the longer you wait. Students who post late be directed to a specific
discussion topic, rather than having a choice.
• Avoid answering a discussion topic just before the deadline, so that you don't have the pressure
of reading a long discussion and coming up with something original.
• Discussion group postings may be improved one time to gain additional points (although
any late penalties will remain). In general, I will accept improvements until the Sunday prior to the
exam which covers that material.
• Keep retrying the Toolwire Simulations until you earn a high percentage score.
• Use the Stop and Think features in the textbook to digest and apply information as you read.
• Use the flashcards of key terms in Canvas to help you study for exams by testing yourself.
• Email the instructor when you don't understand something, or post a question in the Student
Café discussion and ask another student to help.
Grading Policy:
Exam grades will be available in Canvas within 3 business days of the due date for the exam.
Grading of the weekly discussion assignments will be done within 3 business days after the due
date for the discussion. Simulation grades are sent to Canvas automatically, but late penalties will
be deducted after each simulation closes.
Academic Integrity:
Students who plagiarize, submit the work of others as their own, or cheat on exams will (at a minimum)
receive a failing grade on that assignment and be reported to college authorities. Serious cases will
receive a failing grade in the class and be reported to college authorities. Ignorance is not an acceptable
excuse in a college classroom. If you are uncertain what behavior is acceptable, refer to the De Anza web
site on Academic Integrity.
Canvas Technical Click the ? icon in the left hand column of your screen in Canvas. There is also
Support technical support available from 5:00 PM to 8:00 AM PST, seven days per
week. Call 1-844-592-2207.
(For technical simulation problems) Email [email protected] . To turn on
Toolwire Technical
closed captions in the simulations, click on the small “settings” wheel in the top
right hand corner and select closed captions in the box that appears.
(For exam problems) Proctorio offers 24/7 live support via phone, email and chat.
Chat (recommended) can be accessed on the support page of the
Proctorio Technical website. In an exam click the gray shield icon in the top right
Support corner of the browser, then click Live Chat. Support is available by phone at
480.428.4089 and 866.948.9248, and by email at [email protected].
If you have, or think you have, a disability in any area such as, mental health,
Students who need attention, learning, chronic health, sensory, or physical, please contact DSS to
Accommodations arrange a confidential discussion regarding equitable access and reasonable
If you are registered with DSS and have accommodations set by a DSS
counselor, please be sure that your instructor has received your accommodation
letter from Clockwork early in the quarter to review how the accommodations will
be applied in the course. Contact DSS if you cannot find or utilize
your MyPortal Clockwork Portal.