Interview Sample Questions
Interview Sample Questions
Interview Sample Questions
Can you explan Asset life cycle? An asset lifecycle is the series of stages involved in the
management of an asset. Stages of Asset are 1. Planning ,
2.Procure, 3.Commission, 4.Operate/Maintain, 5. Dispose
Application designer is used create new applications and
modify existing applications. There are 3 types, Single
What is application designer and Types of application? page, Power app, Self service
Power application means application with multiple tabs.
What is power application and give example? Example Asset, work order,jobplan etc.,
Signature option can be created using application
designer, and is used to make fields read only required
What is signature options and when we will use? and hide.
Ceate signature option and apply to field. Then it will hide
How to hide fields using signature options? the field for all users.
Database configuration application is used to create new
fields and objects and relationships and indexes and we
What is the purpose of Database configuration? can make changes.
Cross over is used to copy the fields values from one table
to another table. Example: in workorder if you provide a
value in asset field if you need asset other fields to work
order fields. Table domain provide dynamic list of values
Difference between Cross over domain and Table of table. Example: for a field if you want display list of
domain? table values.
ALN is Alpha Numeric domain and it used to show list
values for a field using look up. This domain will be
created using domains application (Go To-->System
configuration--> Platform configuration-->Domains) and
create new ALN domain and provide domain name and
description and provide the list of values one by one and
save the domain. Navigate the application designer and
open application where it required and open the field
What is ALN domain and steps to create the domain and properties and provide look up as 'VALUELIST' and save
when it will be used? the application.