Interview Sample Questions

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Entry Level Level Questions Answer

Maximo is a Asset management tool. It is used to

maintain and track the assets. This will useful for across all
domains includes transportaion, health care,
What is Maximo? Why we need to use Maximo? Infrastructure, Rails, Oil and Gas and etc.
Maximo Storage levels? System ==>Set==>Orgization ==>Site level
Asset gives a value to the company, Example: Pump,
what is an Asset? monitor

Job plan is a application that is used to mention

predefined task that need be performed and it will have
planned labors and materials and Tools. Its like template
What is jobplan? for job work
Work order tracing is an application used to maintain or
What is work order? repair the asset.

Can you explan Asset life cycle? An asset lifecycle is the series of stages involved in the
management of an asset. Stages of Asset are  1. Planning ,
2.Procure, 3.Commission, 4.Operate/Maintain, 5. Dispose
Application designer is used create new applications and
modify existing applications. There are 3 types, Single
What is application designer and Types of application? page, Power app, Self service
Power application means application with multiple tabs.
What is power application and give example? Example Asset, work order,jobplan etc.,
Signature option can be created using application
designer, and is used to make fields read only required
What is signature options and when we will use? and hide.
Ceate signature option and apply to field. Then it will hide
How to hide fields using signature options? the field for all users.
Database configuration application is used to create new
fields and objects and relationships and indexes and we
What is the purpose of Database configuration? can make changes.

In Database configuration-->select the object-->attribute

tab-->click on new and add details --->save the object--
>navigate to list tab-->Select Action menu -->Manage
admin mode -->Turn on admin mode -->once it is on --
>apply configuration changes from select action menu-->
once it is done --> Manage admin mode and turn off
How can we create field in object in maximo? admin mode. Verify the changes in object.

Structral Changes: Adding new field and changes to the

length, search type,same as object and same as attribute,
audit enabled and adding default value and checking
other check boxes and adding auto number and adding
What are structural changes and non structural changes? index. Non Structral :Adding domain and relationship
Persistent means data will be stroed in database. Non
what is ment by persistent and non persistent? perssitent means data will not be stored in database.
what is admin mode and when it is required? For structral changes we can use admin mode.
Security groups are used to create/restrict application
What is the purpose of security groups? access to the groups based on requirements.
GDR is used to restrict the access. Can be used to make
field required/read only/Hide. Also can be used restrict
What is Global data restrictions? the objects (Qualified/Required)

Domains make it easier to validate ,provide and

consistent input and enable us to lookups. There are 6
types of domains. 1.ALN, 2, Numeric, 3. Numeric Range,
what is domain? What are different types of domains? 4.Table, 5. Crossover, 6. Synonym domain

Cross over is used to copy the fields values from one table
to another table. Example: in workorder if you provide a
value in asset  field if you need asset other fields to work
order fields. Table domain provide dynamic list of values
Difference between Cross over domain and Table of table. Example: for a field if you want display list of
domain? table values.
ALN is Alpha Numeric domain and it used to show list
values for a field using look up. This domain will be
created using domains application (Go To-->System
configuration--> Platform configuration-->Domains) and
create new ALN domain and provide domain name and
description and provide the list of values one by one and
save the domain. Navigate the application designer and
open application where it required and open the field
What is ALN domain and steps to create the domain and properties and provide look up as 'VALUELIST' and save
when it will be used? the application.

Go to Domains application  and create new table domain

and provide object, list where and validation where
clauses and save record and and navigate to database
configuration  and open the object and navigate to
attributes  tab and open the field and assign domain and
save te record and select action menu and select apply
configuration changes and click on ok.  create lookup
table in lookup.xml and import in Maximo using
application designer and create maxlookup map in
database configuration for that field and restart the
server. And assign the tableid in lookup for that field in
what are steps to create Table domain? application designer and save the record.

Go to Domains application and create new cross over

domain and provide object, list where and validation
where clauses and provide source and destination
columns and save record and navigate to database
configuration  and open the object and navigate to
attributes  tab and open the field and assign domain and
save te record and select action menu and select apply
what are steps to create crossover domain? configuration changes and click on ok.
Relationship is used to create the relation between two
what is relationships in Maximo? objects like parent and child

Using sig option. Steps: Navigate to the application

designer and  Open the application and where it should
hidden. Select action menu -->click on Add/Modify
Signaure option and click on new and provide name and
description then click on ok. Open that field, click on
properties and open advanced properties and in signature
option property mention created signature option and
click on ok and save application. dont grant the access in
How to hide the field in Maximo? security group.
1.Using sig option and condition, 2.Using GDR, 3. Using
How to make field read only in Maximo? What are Application designer (input mode read only), 4. Using
different ways? Database configuration
Maxlookup map is used to map the source and
what is max lookup map? destination fields for table domain.
To create the Conditions. Conditions will be used in
Making field s hide and required and used in secutity
what is condition expression and when we will use it? groups and GDR.

Escalation is time based event, sql expression/escalation

point condition expression can be used to filter the
records, Email can be send using escalation by adding
communication template.Action can ne associated to
What is escalation? escalation trigger the action.

Go To-->System configuration--> Platform configuration--

>Escalations --> Click on new  and provide object name,
condition and click on new row in escalation points  then
based on the requirement if we required email then add
communication template, if any action is required then
add the action in action tab and save the record and
How to create escation in Maximo? activate the escalation from select action menu.
Cron task is a scheduled job task performing a specific
What is Cron task? number of times based on the schedule.
Action specify the type of action (application action,
what is action ? changestatus,setvalue,custom,group, execuatble)
Role is used represent a specific person or person group.
Type can be Custom, Dataset,emailaddress, persongroup
What is Role? or person or userdata
Workflow is a process. That contains different nodes and
What is workflow in Maximo? each node will perform a specific job.
Start, stop,condition,manual input, interaction, wait
What are different nodes in Work flow? node,sub process,task node
approve purchase record if  (cost <5000) and reject if
cost>5000. (in this example we can use start , stop, task
Example of work flow process? and condition nodes
Go To-->System configuration--> Platform configuration--
>Work flow designer -->click on new --> create the
what are the Steps to create workflow? process.
What is automation script? Automation script is used create and manipulate data.
What are different types of Launch points in Automation Script, object, attribute, action,custom
scripting? condition,integration

Object Launch point: if any changes to the object when it

is created or updated or deleted  and  before Save or
After Save or After Commit. Attribute Launch Point: On
tab out of field if any validation required or action need to
be performed or any table domain is associated with
custom where clause. Action Launch point: if we want to
perform any action in escalation or button or cron Custom
condition:If we need custom logic in condition and that
need to checked to evaluate then we can use Custom
condition Script: vanila script will be used in cron and if
you want call one automation from another automation.
if we have reusable logic then you can use this vanila
script. Integration Script: This will be used in integration
level for object structure, Publish channel, Enterprise
Describe launch points and Scenario's for types of launch service and event filter. this will used to write logic in
points? reqeuest and response of xmls/webservices.
What is Mbo and Mbo Set? Mbo is a record, Mboset is a Table

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