Generator Na Vetar Deo 7
Generator Na Vetar Deo 7
Generator Na Vetar Deo 7
Carving the Blades
The simplest material to build your blades from is common pine, or fir 2 x
8 lumber. Typically a planed 2 x 8 is 7.5 inches wide and 1.5” thick, so the
plan is based upon that. Pine and fir have good strength to weight
characteristics. Very hard, or very soft woods should be avoided. The very
best choice is probably clear (knot free) Sitka Spruce, but it’s expensive
and hard to find. Most lumber yards have perfectly acceptable material.
Generally you should use conifers although the very lightest ones might be
too weak. I would avoid Redwood. The wood should be dry and as knot
free as possible. Often times we build ours from laminated Red Western
Cedar 2 x4’s, but that adds an extra step and it’s not necessary - but it does
make for a strong, lightweight blade. Whatever you find, you need 3
boards about 7.5 inches wide, 1.5 inches thick and 60 inches (5 feet) long.
There are a variety of tools you could use. A draw knife is almost a must
have. Chisels, hammers, sand paper, planes and other wood
working/carving tools are handy. Some of the work at the beginning of the
project involves removing large pieces of the board and a band saw is very
useful - but not necessary. A hand held power planer is nice but hand
planes work almost as well and they’re much quieter and more peaceful to
work with. This whole project can be done fairly easily with hand tools
The instructions will describe how to carve a single blade. You need to
make three of them. We suggest you make all three at one time rather than
making one at a time. There are several operations involved, it’s better to
do one operation to each blade and work them all along together, they’ll
come out more alike that way. If you perform an operation on one blade…
do it to the other two before you move along to the next step.
Start with three 2 x 8 boards, 7.5 inches wide, 1.5 inches thick and 60
inches (5 feet) long. Hopefully its free (or mostly free of knots). Try to
pick lumber with nice straight grain, the more vertical the better.
A band saw is probably the best tool for cutting the board thickness. Give
yourself room for slop - don’t crowd the line. When cutting this with a
band saw its possible the board will not be perfectly square with the table
and it’s easy to get different thickness on one side than the other so give
yourself room! The band saw is useful for removing most of the scrap.
After that it’s best to finish the job with a hand plane or a power planer.
Calipers work well for making sure you’ve got the thickness right
throughout the length and width of the blade. If you don’t have a band saw
the whole job can be done with a plane or planer (or even a draw knife) - it
just takes longer and makes more mess. When finished the back of the
blade should be smooth, and square with the sides.
Things get a little different as you approach the root. If you look at the
image the carving stops near the root of the blade, you need to draw a line
here as shown in the image past which you’ll not be carving anymore. The
exact shape and location of this is not critical, but it’s nice to make all
three blades the same. Best is to make a template for this and trace it onto
all three blades. As the carved surface approaches this line (near the root)
it will taper up to full board thickness.
roughing out the front of the blade with a drawknife
Once you get started it should all seem fairly easy. A draw knife is a great
tool for removing lots of wood fast. A hand plane, or a power planer also
make pretty quick work of things. Near the root, where the carving is deep
and it tapers out into the thickness of the board it’s sometimes best to cut
lots of slots between the lines with a hand saw (one every inch or so) and
then remove the wood between the slots with a chisel and mallet. One
you‘ve carved down right to the line, smooth and flatten the surface with a
plane and/or sand paper. Use a straight edge between the leading and
trailing edges - the blade should be flat.
A drawknife is a good tool for roughing out the back side of the blade. It
also moves along very quickly with a hand plane or a power planer.
So turn the blade over so you’re looking at the back. At R=12 inches
measure back 1/3 of the way from the leading edge to the trailing edge (the
blade is 7.5 inches wide at this point so measure back 2.5 inches from the
leading edge) and mark it. Do the same thing at the tip (it’s 3 inches wide
so measure back 1 inch). Draw a straight line between the marks. This line
marks the thickest part of the airfoil and it should never be disturbed, it’s
the one place on the back of the blade where you’ll do no carving.
Between this line and the leading edge you need to carve a nice rounded
surface as shown in the ‘end views’ in the image. Between the line and the
trailing edge it could be slightly rounded but almost a flat surface. As with
all other steps, it’s best to do one operation to each blade so they come out
the same. I find that even a change in mood can affect your final work, so
it’s good work along all three blades at the same time. Once you have this
roughed out then finish it with sand paper. The leading edge of the blade
should be rounded . There should be no sharp surface between the front of
the blade and the back of the airfoil. As the airfoil approaches the root of
the blade (around R=12 inches) is should just taper out to the original
profile of the board. This area involves some concave surfaces which are
impossible to do with a plane. Best is to use a draw knife or a spoke shave.
The trailing edge should be brought down fairly thin (about 1/16 inch) and
fairly sharp. Ideally it should be very sharp, but you don’t want to make it
so thin that it’s very fragile. Now all you have left is to assemble the
blades. We’ll discuss that in the next section.