ME401 Design of Machine Elements - I
ME401 Design of Machine Elements - I
ME401 Design of Machine Elements - I
Expected outcome:
The students will be able to
i. Find out various stresses induced in a machine element under different type of loading
ii. Devise machine components for its conceptual design.
Text Books:
1. Jalaludeen , Machine Design, Anuradha Publications, Chennai,2014
2. R. L. Norton, Machine Design – An Integrated Approach, Pearson Education, 2001
3. V.B.Bhandari, Design of Machine elements, McGraw Hill, 2010
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.
Cotter and Knuckle joints- Gib and Cotter Joint, analysis of knuckle 4
IV joint. 15%
Design of welded joints- welding symbols, stresses in fillet and butt
welds, Butt joint in tension, fillet weld in tension, fillet joint under 4
torsion, fillet wed under bending, eccentrically loaded welds.
Springs- classification, spring materials, stresses and deflection of
helical springs, axial loading, curvature effect, resilience, static and
fatigue loading, surging, critical frequency, concentric springs, end
V construction. 20%
Leaf springs- Flat springs, semi elliptical laminated leaf springs,
design of leaf springs, nipping
Shafting- material, design considerations, causes of failure in shafts,
design based on strength, rigidity and critical speed, design for static 5
VI and fatigue loads, repeated loading, reversed bending 20%
Design of Coupling- selection, classification, rigid and flexible
coupling, design of keys and pins 3
Part A
There should be 3 questions from module I and II and at least 1 question from each module
Each question carries 15 marks
Students will have to answer any 2 questions out of 3 (2X15 marks =30 marks)
Part B
There should be 3 questions from module III and IV and at least 1 question from each module
Each question carries 15 marks
Students will have to answer any 2 questions out of 3 (2X15 marks =30 marks)
Part C
There should be 3 questions from module V and VI and at least 1 question from each module
Each question carries 20 marks
Students will have to answer any 2 questions out of 3 (2X20 marks =40 marks)
Note: Each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.