ME401 Design of Machine Elements - I

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Course code Course Name L-T-P- Year of

Credits Introduction
ME401 2016
Prerequisite: ME201 Mechanics of Solids
Course Objectives:
 To review concepts of statics and strength of materials.
 To introduce fundamental approaches to failure prevention of components.
 To provide knowledge in the design of common machine elements such as fasteners, shafts,
springs cotter joints and couplings.
Introduction to Design, Materials and their properties, Theories of Failure, Shock and impact
loads,Threaded Joints, Bolted joints, Design of riveted joints, Cotter and Knuckle joints, Design of
welded joints, Helical springs, Leaf springs, Shafting, Design of Coupling.

Expected outcome:
The students will be able to
i. Find out various stresses induced in a machine element under different type of loading
ii. Devise machine components for its conceptual design.

Text Books:
1. Jalaludeen , Machine Design, Anuradha Publications, Chennai,2014
2. R. L. Norton, Machine Design – An Integrated Approach, Pearson Education, 2001
3. V.B.Bhandari, Design of Machine elements, McGraw Hill, 2010

1. Data books permitted for reference in the final examination:

1. K. Mahadevan, K.Balaveera Reddy, Design Data Hand Book, CBS Publishers &
Distributors, 2013
2. NarayanaIyengar B.R & Lingaiah K, Machine Design Data Handbook, Tata McGraw
Hill/Suma Publications, 1984
3. PSG Design Data, DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2012
References Books:
1. J. E. Shigley, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill,2003
2. Juvinall R.C & Marshek K.M., Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, John
3. M. F. Spotts, T. E. Shoup, Design of Machine Elements, Pearson Education, 2006
4. Rajendra Karwa, Machine Design, Laxmi Publications,2006

Credits :- APJ KTU | Fair Use Policy


Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.

Introduction to Design- Definition, steps in design process, preferred 4

numbers, standards and codes in design
I Materials and their properties- Elastic and plastic behaviour of metals, 15%
ductile and brittle behaviour, shear, bending and torsional stresses, 5
combined stresses, stress concentration factor.
Theories of Failure- Guest’s Theory, Rankine’s Theory, St. Venant’s
Theory, Haigh’s Theory, and Von Mises and Hencky Theory. 5
II 15%
Shock and impact loads, fatigue loading, endurance limit stress, factors
affecting endurance limit, factor of safety
im Impact loads, fatigue loading, endurance limit stress, factors
Threaded Joints- Terminology, thread standards, types of threads,
affecting endurance limit 3
stresses in screw threads
III 15%
Bolted joints- effect of initial tension, eccentric loading, design of bolts
for static and fatigue loading, gasketed joints, power screws 4
Design of riveted joints- Material for rivets, modes of failure,
efficiency of joint, design of boiler and tank joints, structural joints 4

Cotter and Knuckle joints- Gib and Cotter Joint, analysis of knuckle 4
IV joint. 15%
Design of welded joints- welding symbols, stresses in fillet and butt
welds, Butt joint in tension, fillet weld in tension, fillet joint under 4
torsion, fillet wed under bending, eccentrically loaded welds.
Springs- classification, spring materials, stresses and deflection of
helical springs, axial loading, curvature effect, resilience, static and
fatigue loading, surging, critical frequency, concentric springs, end
V construction. 20%
Leaf springs- Flat springs, semi elliptical laminated leaf springs,
design of leaf springs, nipping
Shafting- material, design considerations, causes of failure in shafts,
design based on strength, rigidity and critical speed, design for static 5
VI and fatigue loads, repeated loading, reversed bending 20%
Design of Coupling- selection, classification, rigid and flexible
coupling, design of keys and pins 3

Credits :- APJ KTU | Fair Use Policy


Question paper pattern

Use of approved data book permitted

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs

The question paper should consist of three parts

Part A
There should be 3 questions from module I and II and at least 1 question from each module
Each question carries 15 marks
Students will have to answer any 2 questions out of 3 (2X15 marks =30 marks)

Part B
There should be 3 questions from module III and IV and at least 1 question from each module
Each question carries 15 marks
Students will have to answer any 2 questions out of 3 (2X15 marks =30 marks)

Part C
There should be 3 questions from module V and VI and at least 1 question from each module
Each question carries 20 marks
Students will have to answer any 2 questions out of 3 (2X20 marks =40 marks)

Note: Each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.

Credits :- APJ KTU | Fair Use Policy

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