To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter 3 Answers
To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter 3 Answers
To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter 3 Answers
14. What is Walter Cunningham like? What does his behaviour during lunch suggest
about his home life?
Walter is comes from a low-income farming family. He is = shy, and extremely proud that he won’t
receive charity. His talk with Atticus indicates that he knows a lot about farming and takes
responsibilities of those far older than him. He doesn't have particularly refined manners, as he
demonstrates by spilling molasses all over his dinner.
16. Does Scout learn anything from Walter's visit? What do you think this is?
After criticizing Walter, Cal gave her a lecture in the kitchen about how she should never judge others,
since it only shows her lack of manners
17. Atticus says that you never really understand a person “until you climb into his skin
and walk around in it”. What does this mean? Is it an easy thing for Scout to learn?
Everyone is going through something of his own, so u should never judge someone without putting
yourself in their shoes to try and see their perspective to understand why they are the way they are.
18. What do you learn in this chapter about the Ewells?
We learn that the Ewells live in a small house out by the town dump and are very poor and uneducated
that the children only show-up to school for the first day every year.
19. Find and define the following words: (page numbers will vary)
b. Contentious- likely to cause disagreement and argument