ChanChunYew (TP057374) (CRI Assignment)
ChanChunYew (TP057374) (CRI Assignment)
ChanChunYew (TP057374) (CRI Assignment)
Executive Summary
The basic goal of the project is to provide information and importance of cultural heritage to
young people, so that they can keep abreast of the specificity of cultural heritage in the
Internet age. The idea of a mission statement is to create a suitable system or application. Idea
generation methods are used after problem identification to generate ideas to solve such
challenges. Since the concept has been described and characterized, it needs to be evaluated
to see if the proposed idea is accepted and agreed upon by the community. Therefore, each
design is checked using several idea evaluations before being evaluated. In addition to
inspections, a marketing plan must also be developed for the newly proposed concept.
Protect Cultural Heritage is the name of the company, which was founded by just one
member is Chan Chun Yew. Protect Cultural Heritage is an IT software company established
in October 2022, which provides Malaysian youth with pictures, audio and video of cultural
heritage to understand the history and specialist of cultural heritage. The goal of protect
cultural heritage is to inspire people to protect and inherit cultural heritage by generating
interest in it. There needs to be apps that characterize and teach cultural heritage so that it can
be easily learned and passed on to the next generation.
Problem Analysis
The gradual globalization of Malaysia and the disinterest in local heritage and arts among
Malaysian youth has led to a noticeable forgetting of intangible cultural heritage among
young people. As a result, the amount of intangible cultural heritage is decreasing.
Although traditional culture has greatly benefited young people in World Heritage sites,
traditional culture has unexpectedly disappeared among the younger generation, and many
young people do not realize that they have a responsibility to inherit local culture. Today,
more and more college students, masters, and doctors stand out from ethnic minorities. On
the other hand, more and more minority students lack basic understanding of local culture
and local culture.
Furthermore, according to the survey results, the number of intangible cultural heritage in
Malaysia will drop significantly by 2021. Many traditions are fading away as young people's
interest in traditional culture fades away.
Therefore, the app can help people to obtain the details, location and characteristics of
cultural heritage. Make sure people have easy access to the cultural heritage they are
interested in. People can also share videos or photos to the APP platform through the skills
they have learned, so that cultural heritage can be better spread and passed on.
Idea Generation
Companies use technology or the creative process known as idea generation to come up with
solutions to diverse problems. It entails coming up with various ideas during a group
discussion, selecting the best one or ideas, spending a lot of effort into developing
implementation techniques, and then putting the ideas into action. Concepts might be
concrete, like things you can touch or see, or they can be abstract, like cultural or symbolic
elements. Additionally, coming up with ideas enables you to broaden their application outside
the confines of your existing thinking, and before beginning the business process, our minds
will be filled with additional queries or issues.
Figure 1 Fishbone
Idea Generation Method 2 – Mind Mapping
Competitor Analysis
The first competitor is UNESCO, which is an officially certified application. The system
introduces users to information about the world's heritage, with a special emphasis on the
preservation of the world's cultural heritage for future generations. The application presents
information in a clear and concise manner to communicate the world's heritage to a wide
audience. The application can also display World Heritage destinations to attract visitors to
view and explain in detail the stories and experiences of World Heritage.
In addition, the second competitor is called CultureApp, a system that displays the history
and stories related to World Heritage through the camera of a mobile device. Through the 3D
technology they use, 360-degree panoramic photos, videos and text of World Heritage sites
can be viewed on cell phones to enhance the user experience. The system also has a platform
for users to analyze their photos and comments with friends. Finally, the program has a tour
guide service that can be used to view transportation around the World Heritage site and the
various routes that can be taken to it.
Although both competitors have similar features that allow users to learn more about the
history of World Heritage through their detailed information, the two applications use
different elements to present the achievements of World Heritage.
Company Name UNESCO CultureApp
Uniqueness Emphasis on World Heritage Using Technology to
Protection. Showcase World
Present information in a clear Heritage.
and concise manner. Have a platform for
A clear location for the customers to share and
world's heritage. discuss.
Have a tour guide service
to check the destination
Limitation User need to search manually Lack of reporting
for cultural heritage. customization.
No focus on Asian cultural The code provided by the
heritage. tour organizer or guide is
Does not support navigation required to display the
route to destination. designated cultural
AR technology is only
valid within
archaeological sites.
Technology Largest culture database Augmented Reality
HTML 5 technology
Digital Book (3D models,
360⁰ panoramic photos)
Online and offline access.
Grouping services on
Objective Statement
The main objective of the system is to provide Malaysian youths with easy-to-understand
history and stories about their cultural heritage. It provides interesting videos and photos for
their interest, and a guided tour service to help them organize their itinerary when they want
to visit.
First of all, there is a huge lack of cultural heritage preservation in Asia, and it is difficult to
find the names of large and small cultural heritage by using smartphones. Collecting data and
using identification technology is a challenge, and in the case of using cultural heritage
identification technology, it is possible to identify cultural heritage and display the history
and story of the building or craft to provide complete information for young people. In fact,
the machine learning techniques used in this proposed idea may not be an appropriate starting
point for identifying cultural heritage items, as the lack of sufficient data in the database
makes it difficult for the client to find the designated cultural heritage. Therefore, I believe
that by implementing the proposed idea of sharing crafts as well as heritage through the users
themselves, more and more complete information on cultural heritage will be collected,
making the database more efficient and effective.
Figure 3 CultureApp interface
As shown in the figure 3, an application called CultureApp has been implemented to identify
significant information about objects in cultural heritage images through deep learning
techniques, and it is also related to the performance of GPU processing calculations. Based
on CultureApp's deep learning technology, we came up with the idea of identifying cultural
heritage items exclusively in Asia and capturing the heritage history, features, and tour
services in this way.
Deep learning cultural heritage identification technology is useful for predicting results when
there is a large amount of data to be learned in the learning room. By using photos or videos
to identify cultural heritage, it brings great convenience to young people, especially if they do
not know the name of the cultural heritage. On the home page, users can see daily updates of
knowledge and news about the cultural heritage, so that they can be interested in anything
through the home page without realizing it. Users can also find the name of the cultural
heritage through the search engine, where all information including history, features and
stories are displayed. Users can also share the cultural crafts they have learned through the
platform for other users to visit and systematically learn. This feature will not only help the
system to improve the database but also add the cultural customs of different clans to the
Market Identification
Promote the idea of developing a cultural heritage identification application to make it easier
for young people to access knowledge and share their own experiences in order to raise
awareness and interest in the preservation of cultural heritage. For some uninterested youth,
the user interface must be brightly designed and have the ability to allow them to design their
favorite user interface with their favorite background. Similarly, both iOS and Android
operating systems have two types of user interfaces: default user interfaces and user-
generated interfaces.
1. Product packaging
One form of marketing is product packaging. Packaging, as it relates to goods, is the process
of creating paper that displays the product's first visual impression, such as icons for software
programmers. Before installing an application, users typically scan the icon to determine if
they want to install it. As a result, effective icon design might aid numerous marketing
strategies. An upgradeable software programmer, or one that can be maintained by
developers to add functionality or fix bugs, is a good product. Additionally, testing becomes
the key strategy for reducing the number of bugs discovered or maintaining the efficiency of
any activity prior to the official release.
2. Price range
The next marketing strategy is to set the price range of the application. According to online
research, most of the cultural heritage identification applications are priced using free or in-
app purchases. This is because free is more appealing to users and increases the number of
users, and you can try specific features for free for the first 3 months, and during the trial
period, you can cancel your subscription for a full refund. Basically, free apps are more
attractive to teens, but more features must be subscribed to in order to use them. Pricing will
be divided into 3 ways to become a subscriber, such as 1 month (RM10), 6 months (RM50)
and 1 year (RM100), to enjoy more feature promotions.
3. Promotion
Additionally, the most crucial component of any marketing strategy is advertising. This is
true for every product, but it is especially true for new products or applications where a good
advertising can stimulate consumers' attention. The new product may not have the full trust of
teens or other users as a result, despite the fact that it is not promoted. Hiring a celebrity to
create an internet campaign, such as some commercials, may improve popularity and trust as
a solution to this issue. Additionally, it can be advertised on social media sites like Instagram,
Facebook, and Twitter. Alternatively, you can spread the word by handing out brochures
along busy streets.
4. Location Specific
All in all, the marketing strategy made a good decision for Protect Cultural Heritage. It has
introduced new items to the market and increased the company's share of the market's
profitability. The main marketing approach is necessary to promote the concept and the
product. The company was able to achieve its goals more quickly.
Idea Evaluation
SWOT analysis
The four elements of a SWOT analysis are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
A SWOT analysis is a fundamental technique that can be used to evaluate the current
strengths of your company and create a winning future strategy. Additionally, it reveals
aspects of your business that are hindering you or that, if you don't defend yourself, your
rivals might take advantage of. A SWOT analysis of Protect Cultural Heritage's use of "deep
learning technology" for food identification to educate youth about cultural heritage
protection is provided below.
Respondent (stand for survey respondent)
Users can book air tickets through a guided tour service, making it easier to plan their
trip. (Respondent 1)
Innovative user interface with bright and impressive design. (Respondent 10)
The idea of this proposed system is too expensive. The reason for doing so is that it
proposes an application for cultural heritage identification and then displays the
heritage information through AI cultural heritage recognition function. Therefore, it
needs different parts to combine and display this application (Respondent 2)
This proposed application needs to maintain a connection to a database that allows
users to perform real-time searches of cultural heritage. Also, a stable Wi-Fi/data
hotspot is key to finding or identifying cultural heritage names. (Respondent 9)
The data is not included in the database, which makes the cultural heritage
identification less accurate. (Respondent 8)
Hire more experts to carry out deep learning AI techniques for cultural heritage
identification. (Respondent 4)
Encourage users to provide more information or data to make the cultural heritage
identification system smarter and more efficient. (Respondent 4)
Automatically displays the name of the cultural heritage and enables users to know
the cultural heritage faster and more accurately through AI auto-recognition
technology (Respondent 10)
Similarly, other cultural heritage applications may have lower pricing compared to
our proposed system.
Hiring experts to identify cultural heritage requires significant funding and more
active support from people.
Ordering airline tickets requires the cooperation of the airline and the region, so it is
important to get a profitable solution with them.
Decision Tree
Using a graphical or decision model and its potential outcomes, such as opportunity event
outcomes, resource prices, and utilities, a decision tree is a decision-making tool. Decision
trees are also helpful tools that let you select from a variety of possibilities.
Figure 4 Decision Tree
In conclusion, the curriculum teaches students how to frame an issue in order to develop
ideas and how to demonstrate that they can do so by using original tools and procedures.
They also learn how to evaluate their ideas and weigh them against potential alternatives. In
order to accurately provide insights on how to tackle the project's core difficulties and
subproblems before coming up with fresh ideas, the software development team must be able
to do research on those issues.
The team should create a marketing plan to introduce the technologies and concepts to the
community and society when the concept is put into practice because doing so will help
people's daily activities become more efficient and convenient. It can be challenging to
implement current product infrastructure technologies. There is a system in place in the actual
world that can do deep learning techniques, so existing product infrastructure technologies
can do so, but we wish to improve this suggested notion.
1. Francioni, F. (2008, January 1). 1 culture, Heritage and Human Rights: An
Introduction. Brill. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from
2. Petronela, T. (2016, July 16). The importance of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in
the economy. Procedia Economics and Finance. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from
3. Saccone, D., & Bertacchini, E. (2011, April 1). Culture, heritage and economic
development - empowering developing countries. EconPapers. Retrieved November 3,
2022, from
4. -, B. T., By, -, & BusinessToday. (2022, March 12). The importance in preserving our
cultural heritage. BusinessToday. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from
5. The importance of Cultural Heritage. Blue Shield International. (2021, December 7).
Retrieved November 3, 2022, from
Survey and questionnaire
Respondent Full Name TP Number APU Email
Are you clear with Is the description Has the student How innovative is
the idea proposed of the target explained the value the proposed idea?
by the student? market is specific that will be
or general? provided by his or
her idea to the
target customer(s)
or user(s) clearly?
Yes Get 5 Get 5 Get 5
Yes Get 5 Get 5 Get 4
Yes Get 4 Get 4 Get 5
Yes Get 5 Get 4 Get 5
Yes Get 5 Get 4 Get 4
Yes Get 2 Get 3 Get 3
Yes Get 4 Get 5 Get 4
Yes Get 4 Get 4 Get 5
Yes Get 5 Get 4 Get 4
Yes Get 4 Get 4 Get 4
How far do you How unique is the How unique is the How far is the
agree that the value proposed idea proposed idea when proposed idea
provided by the when compared to compared to the considered to offer
proposed idea is the identified identified superior value
relevant to the competing competing when compared to
market/user? alternatives? alternatives? the identified
Get 5 Get 5 Get 5 Get 4
Get 5 Get 4 Get 5 Get 5
Get 5 Get 5 Get 5 Get 5
Get 4 Get 4 Get 3 Get 4
Get 4 Get 3 Get 5 Get 5
Get 5 Get 4 Get 3 Get 3
Get 5 Get 4 Get 5 Get 4
Get 4 Get 5 Get 5 Get 5
Get 4 Get 3 Get 3 Get 3
Get 4 Get 5 Get 5 Get 5
What are the What are the non- Will there be any Do you agree that the
limitation of technical technical feedback proposed
proposed idea? feedbacks – either (negative or product/service/process
positive or positive) in innovation can be
negative feedbacks designing and introduced within
(which can include implementing the FIVE(5) years from
the political-legal, proposed product/ now?
social-cultural, service/process
economic and innovation?
environment) do
you think may
exist when the
proposed idea is to
be implemented?
It's not easy to go Poster Make sure the user Yes
to the country for interface is easier to
the user although use.
they got the info
from this system
Cost limit positive positive Yes
Need more details None None Yes
on the application
Might get replaced the application will simplicity Yes
easily by other affect the economy
application from tourism, more
tourist might come
Target user and the Not everyone may Yes, the technology Yes
technology used interested in this used for designing
particular proposed the proposed
idea product
none that can think none that can think none that can think Yes
off off off
Due to Malaysia Possibility of No Yes
vast heritage and getting certain
culture , certain heritage information
information might wrong without
be left out proper guidance
from experts
Database technique good for the social- good for people who Yes
cultural to help need the
people having information when
support on traveling
information of
Cultural Heritage.
image graphic Good for ecological impressive design Yes
environment can product innovation
help people learn
more about cultural
Some cultural tourists come to fantastic idea for the Yes
heritage is difficult visit bring more implementation
to collect in good economic. supporting user to
database understanding
cultural heritage
What suggestions What other I,_______________, Date & Signature of
can you provide to suggestion or hereby declare that respondent
overcome any comments can you the above
limitations, non- give in order to information is
technical problems improve the idea? provided by my
and technical good self in support
difficulties that you of the effort made
have identified by the student in
above? writing their
Creativity and
If the user book flight nope Tomoya Murakami 31/10/2022,
ticket through this TOMOYA
app, they may get
discount service.
No Design view! Lee Koon Seng 31/10/2022, LEE
None Nothing all very Aisya Dzulkifli 01/11/2022, AISYA
improve uniqueness Can additional Dexter Chong Jun 01/11/2022,
of the application feature to further Xiang DEXTER
improve uniqueness
Always research and Maybe could come Chong Vun Chung 01/11/2022, ALEX
make sure the user up an idea that able
target and technology to fascinate more
used is correct people
none that can think none that can think Stephen Heong 01/11/2022,
off off STEPHEN
Get experts on Make sure all culture Gerard Sanjeev Raj 01/11/2022,
culture and heritage and heritage GERARD
to consult on the app information is
Ask more people to more functionally Lee Shain Pin 02/11/2022, SHAIN
give feedback on the
Make sure provide a Make sure not to let Chu Kok King 02/11/2022, KOK
stable network that people destroy the KING
can make users keep culture
live connection
cultural and show Allow user to take Na Qian Xi 02/11/2022, QIAN
information photo from the XI
cultural heritage and
recognize by system