Unit 8
Unit 8
Unit 8
Semester – V (CHEM)
Chapter Name: Leaching
The process of removing a solute (or solutes) from a solid by treating it with a liquid solvent
is called leaching.
This operation is also called as solid-liquid extraction or simply solid extraction.
In leaching, a solid phase contacts a liquid phase, and mass is transferred from the solid
phase to the liquid phase.
(i) Particle size (ii) solvent (iii) temperature and (iv) agitation.
Smaller size particles provide a greater interfacial area between the solid and liquid which
in turn results in a higher rate of transfer of material.
The liquid used should be a good selective solvent and should have a low viscosity in order
to circulate it freely.
Generally, the solubility of the soluble solute material to be leached increases with
temperature, so high temperatures favour the leaching operation (results in a higher rate of
Agitation increases the eddy diffusion and thus increases the rate of transfer of material from
the solid surface to the bulk of the solution, i.e., agitation favours the leaching process.
The separation of a soluble constituent from a solid by means of a solvent, i.e., leaching
consists of two steps :
(i) Contacting the solid with the selective solvent-the liquid in order to dissolve the soluble
solute in the solvent.
(ii) Separation of the insoluble phases, i.e., separation of the liquid phase from the solid
physically by settling, filtration, etc. (mechanical separation).
(i) Liquid phase - a clear solution of solute in solvent (called as the overflow/(strong) leach
(ii) Slurry or a wet solid consisting of solid and adhering solution (called as the underflow/leached
Heap leaching –
It is an industrial mining process used to extract precious metals, copper, uranium, and other
compounds from ore using a series of chemical reactions that absorb specific minerals.
Pure solvent (component A), insoluble solid/inert solid (B) and consists of soluble solute (C).
In case of leaching operation, when the equilibrium data are plotted on rectangular coordinates
with N as ordinate and x, y as abscissas, we may get one of the types of the equilibrium curves as
shown in Fig. (a) and (b) depending upon a given situation.
N: kg insoluble/kg solution
Fig: (a)
In this case, therefore, x and y will have values over the entire range from 0 to 1.0.
The curve JKL represents the separated solid (underflow/wet solid) as expected in actual practice.
The curve MNP represents the clear solution withdrawn (overflow) and thus it is a locus of
overflow compositions.
Here the curve MNP lies above the N = 0 axis (x-axis here) which indicates that the overflow
contains some amount of insoluble solid B.
In this case, the presence of insoluble solid in the overflow indicates that either an insoluble solid
is slightly soluble in the solvent or a partially settled solution is withdrawn so that some amount
of insoluble solid is also carried away.
Here, the tie lines (e.g., line KN) are not vertical and this will happen
(i) If enough time of contact with leaching solvent to dissolve all solute is not provided,
Fig. (b)
Here the overflow contains no insoluble solid B either dissolved or suspended so that the locus of
overflow compositions is represented by the x-axis.
Line JK representing the locus of underflow compositions is horizontal which indicates that the
amount of solution retained by the insoluble solid B in the underflow is constant.
Prepared By: Mr. Dhiraj Tatar
Semester – V (CHEM)
Chapter Name: Leaching
Here, the tie lines (e.g., line MN) are vertical and this will happen
(i) If enough time of contact with leaching solvent to dissolve all solute is provided,
The amount of solution retained by the insoluble solids in the underflow determines the locus of
underflow compositions.
We have to consider two cases - (i) constant underflow and (ii) variable underflow.
Variable underflow: When the amount of solution retained by the insoluble solid in the underflow
varies and is a function of solute concentration, then we have variable underflow (i.e., the
conditions are known as variable underflow).
Constant underflow: When the amount of solution retained by the insoluble solid in the
underflow is constant and independent of the solute concentration then we have constant
Symbols Used:
mass of insolubles (B) in leached solid = mass of insolubles in the solid to be leached.
Material balance of B:
Overall material balance:
final equation.
This is simply an extension of single-stage leaching in which the leached solids are
successively contacted with fresh leaching solvent.
This may be performed in a batch or a continuous fashion.
Here the leached solids from any stage act as the feed solids to the next, so more and more
amount of the solute is removed from the solids as we move along the cascade.
The material balance calculations that are done for a single-stage are now applicable here to
the first stage.
The calculations for the subsequent stages are to be performed in the same manner, except
that the leach solids from any stage acting as the feed solids to the next stage.
Fig. shows a three-stage crosscurrent leaching operation in which unequal amounts of the
leaching solvent of the same composition are used in all the three stages.
For B,
Stage 1
F. NF = E1N1
Stage 2
Stage n,
En-1. Nn-1 =En. Nn
For C,
Stage 1
F. yF +Ro1. xo = E1y1 + R1. x1
Stage 2
E1y1 + Ro2. x0 = E2y2 + R2. x2
Stage n,
E n-1 y n-1 + Ron. x0 = Enyn + Rn. xn
For A,
Stage 1
F. (1-yF) + Ro1.(1-xo) = E1 (1-y1) + R1. (1-x1)
Stage 2
E1 (1-y1) + Ro2 (1-x0) = E2 (1-y2) + R2. (1-x2)
Stage n,
E n-1 (1- y n-1) + Ron.(1- x0) = En (1-yn) + Rn.(1- xn)
Overall balance,
For stage 1,
F + Ro1 = E1 + R1
Stage 2,
E1 + Ro2 = E2 + R2
Stage n,
En-1 +Ron= En + Rn
For B,
Stage 1
F. NF = E1N1
Stage 2
Stage n,
En-1. Nn-1 =En. Nn
For C,
Stage 1
F. yF +R2. x2 = E1y1 + R1. x1
Stage 2
E1y1 + R3. x3 = E2y2 + R2. x2
Stage n,
E n-1 y n-1 + Rn+1. xn+1 = Enyn + Rn. xn
For A,
Stage 1
F. (1-yF) + R2.(1-x2) = E1 (1-y1) + R1. (1-x1)
Stage 2
E1 (1-y1) + R3 (1-x3) = E2 (1-y2) + R2. (1-x2)
Stage n,
E n-1 (1- y n-1) + Rn+1.(1- xn+1) = En (1-yn) + Rn.(1- xn)
Overall balance,
For stage 1,
F + R2 = E1 + R1
Stage 2,
E1 + R3 = E2 + R2
Stage n,
En-1 +Rn+1= En + Rn
1) Tank 6 is empty, tanks 1 to 5 are filled with solid, tank 5 most recently solid and
tank 1 with least fresh solid. Tanks 1 to 5 are also filled with leach liquid, and the
most concentrated is in tank 5 since it is in contact with the freshest solid, fresh
solvent has just been added to tank 1.
2) Withdraw the concentrated solution from tank 5, transfer the liquid from tank 4 to
tank 5, from 3 to 4, from 2 to 3, and from 1 to 2. Add fresh solid to tank 6.
3) Discard the spent solid from tank 1. Transfer the liquid from tank 5 to tank 6,
from 4 to 5, from 3 to 4, and from 2 to 3. Add fresh solvent to tank 2. The
circumstances are now the same as they were at the start in Fig.a, except that the tank
numbers are each advanced by one.
Half miscella – Dilute oil solution
Full miscella – Strong oil solution
When the baskets are at top of their travel, they are inverted and fully exhausted
solid (meal) is discharged into the hopper from which it is removed by screw
conveyor. Usually conveyor speed is one revolution per hour and solvent to
fresh meal (seeds) ratio is one.
Rotocel Extractor:
The thickener is the equipment used for carrying out sedimentation operation
(settling operation) in a batch or a continuous fashion.
It consists of a relatively shallow tank from the top of which the clear liquid is
taken off and the thickened liquid is withdrawn from the bottom.
Further, the thickener is frequently provided with a slow stirrer which helps in
the consolidation of the sediment.
The Dorr thickener is simply a device for separating solids from liquids, but it is
extremely useful in the washing of fine solids (e.g., leaching of gold from ores,
causticizing of soda ash.)
This system comprises of one or more agitators arranged in series (for leaching
of finely divided solids or carrying out some chemical reactions that produce
precipitates, e.g., causticizing of soda ash) followed by a series of thickeners
(for washing, i.e., for the removal of solution associated with leached solids or
The solids to be leached (or the reactants in the case of a chemical reaction)
together with solution from the second thickener are introduced into the
leaching agitators arranged in series as shown in Fig.
The mixture of solid and solution (in liquid form) from the last agitator is
introduced into the first thickener through the feed well.
The agitators together with the first thickener thus form a single stage.
The sludge (the underflow) from the first thickener then fed to a series of
thickeners for washing it by the solvent in a countercurrent fashion and the
washed solids are discharged as a sludge from the bottom of the last thickener.
The sludge from the first thickener is sent to a second thickener where it meets
with the solution (the overflow) from the third thickener (acting as solvent).
These two streams mix in the feed well of the second thickener, the solution
decanted from the solids (the overflow) from the second thickener goes to the
agitators and serves as solvent in them.
The sludge (the underflow) from the second thickener goes to the third
thickener where it meets the fresh wash and leaching solvent.
Steps for Graphical Method-
Graph on next page-