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Difficulties Encountered of Grade 12 FCU TVL Students and its

Effect on their Academic Performance

Chapter 1

Introduction of the Study

Chapter 1 includes: (1) Background and Theoretical Framework

of the Study, (2) Statement of The Problem, (3) Significance of

the Study, (4) Definition of Terms, and (5) Delimitation of


Part one, Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study,

presents the rationale for selecting the present problem and the

study’s frame of the reference that strengthens the cause for


Part Two, Statement of the Problem, states that the general

and specific problems addressed.

Part Three, Significance of the Study, discusses the

benefits each end-user may derive from and on how each can profit

from the results.


Part Four, Definitions of Terms, defines both theoretically

and operationally the key terms and variables used in the study.

Part Five, Scope and Delimitation of the Study, specifies

the limits as well as boundaries of the research in terms of the

variables, research design, participant, sampling, and

statistical tools used in the analysis of the data.

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

As mentioned by Raine Moises Balisan, (2021) Based on his

own experiences as a grade 12 student at Filamer Christian

University, one factor that may cause difficulty for a student's

learning is a poor internet connection, limited data connection,

or lack of financial funds to support modules or tuition, so it's

hard for other students to catch up with their academic

performance and it's very hard for other parents to support their

children's online learning because finding a job in this time of

pandemic is very tough.

Due to the current situation, where the pandemic threatens

thousands of lives, schools conducted different learning

modalities for students where face-to-face classes are replaced

by online learning and modules. As a student myself, the sudden


changes in learning made me cope up with another level of

difficulty. My biggest and main struggle is having poor internet

connection, where it limits me from attending my online classes,

which would often lead to an unintentional ‘absent’ mark on the

attendance; and not being able to catch up with the new lessons.

Also, slow internet interrupts submissions: one example is

passing an assignment on its last minute deadline, then poor

connection would result to a late submission. Another struggle of

mine is the pressure of short deadlines and a pile of

assignments, where I think it isn’t an effective way of learning

for students at all. Rushed works would only come from something

copy pasted from the internet, and sadly, I can say that this is

based from own experience. I believe that assignments with not

too long (but enough to give time for students to analyse their

works) deadlines are more effective and are healthier for

students and their learning. (Kurt, 2021)

Number 1 problem we're facing right now is financial

problem. We can’t perform when there is not enough budget to buy

the ingredients when it comes to our cooking project. Having

financial difficulties may have an impact on our performance and

grades while working on our cookery assignment. Preparing meals

without the proper cooking utensils can be both frustrating and

exhausting. One of the main reasons cooking appears to be a


difficult task right now is that we lack the necessary utensils

for the various dishes. We save a lot of time when we cook with

the right utensils. Using the proper cooking utensils ensures

that we get the right flavour for the dishes we're making. We

will also find it easier to prepare the ingredients with the

proper utensils. It is also much easier to cut ingredients when

we have the proper utensils. We can get the ingredients done

perfectly with the right utensils, which means we can make

delicious meals. (Kertneh, Jamaica & Van, 2021)

Students from disadvantaged backgrounds experience

difficulties when making a transition from their backgrounds into

a challenging and diverse multi-cultural education institutions

environment. Due to their disadvantaged backgrounds these

students are faced with enormous financial challenges that have

adverse impacts on their academic performance. They therefore

need solid support structures to help them make adjustments to

meet the demands of higher education. This study investigated

financial problems faced by students. Due to financial problems,

the students encounter problems such as inability to cope with

the high standards of studying as well as difficulty in paying

fees and accessing basic needs. (Mofoka, Khabane Grace. 2016)


Gadgets offer many advantages to the student: Independent on

learning things, more learning opportunities, Self-motivation,

Communication, etc. However, it has not only positive effects on

students but also the negative effects of gadgets on students.

Negative effects come all from the excessive use or misuse of

gadgets or technology. The overuse of devices or children

addicted to technology/gadgets like tablets, laptops, computers,

smartphones, video games, etc. may reduce student’s self-

motivation, ability, and interest in learning. It’s unsafe for a

student who uses gadgets more than limits. Gadgets effect on

behavior and mental changes especially children/students spend

more time on games. Playing video games can also slow down the

brain growth. Students who spend a lot of time on gadgets may

become more violent, lose interest in other things of the

environment surrounding them, laziness, less interest in other

hobbies, and lacking interest in academics. This problem leads

children/students to bad personalities. Here are some of the

effects of misused or overused of gadget children/Students who

are gadget addicts and use The artificial blue light that comes

through electronic gadgets may reduce the sleep-inducing hormone

melatonin, making students difficult to sleep.(Golden Peak High

School (GPHS),2020)

Thus, the researchers being Filamer Christian University Senior

High School students themselves and were under the discipline of

its teachers, were interested in learning what are the

Difficulties Encountered of Grade 12 FCU TVL Students and its

Effect on their Academic performance. This research is to be

conducted to discover the Difficulties Encountered of Grade 12

FCU TVL Students and its Effect on their Academic performance.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Difficulties Encountered Academic Performance

Figure 1. The difficulties encountered of Grade 12 FCU TVL

Students and its Effect on their Academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The main focus of this study is to know the difficulties

encountered of Grade 12 FCU TVL Students and its effect on their

Academic performance.

Specifically, this study will seek answer to the following


1. What are the effects in the Academic Performance of the

Grade 12 TVL students?

2. What are the difficulties you had already encountered?

3. What are the impact of having a lack of financially and

cooking equipment?

Based on the aforementioned problems, the following

hypothesis will be tested:

1. Is there a significant difference in the difficulties

encountered and the Academic Performance of the Grade 12 TVL


2. Is there a significant relationship in the difficulties

encountered and the Academic Performance of the Grade 12 TVL


Significance of the Study

The results of the study were beneficial to the following:

Students. This study can help the student to be mindful of

those difficulties that how can affect their academic

performance, and for them to know or understand it and suggest on

what way they can overcome it.

Teachers. The results of this study can make the teachers

become aware of the impact of difficulties that the students

encountered, and for them to be mindful on how they can help

their students.

Parents. This study will remind parents to be mindful of

their children's educational issues so that they can guide or

support them.

School Administrators. This study can help the school to be

aware of those difficulties. In addition, school administrators

can make suggestions in order for students to perform better.


Definitions of Terms

Difficulties – Refers to the difficulties encountered during

process that are accompanied by a subjective feeling of confusion

can lead in to some extent fact that personal problems like time

and stressed management disturbed their concentration. (Jason M.

Lodge, 2018)

In this study, “difficulties” is referred to a 15-item

difficulties encountered questionnaire adopted from Arguel, A.

(2013); Pachman, M. (2012); Chauncey, H. (2013); Howe, S. (2011).

This was responded as; (SA) Strongly Agree, (A) Agree, (N)

Nuetral, (D) Disagree and (SD) Strongly Disagree and was

interpreted as Very High (4.21- 5.00), High (3.41-4.20), Moderate

(2.61-3.40), Low (1.81-2.60), Very Low (1.00-1.80).

Academic Performances - Academic performance is the

measurement of student achievement across various academic

subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure

achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and

results from standardized tests. (Horace Mann, 2001)


In this study, “academic performance” is referred to a 15-items

academic performance questionnaire adopted from Reigns, R.

(2017); Doesn’t, W. ( 2015); Kennedy, G. (2014).This was

responded as; (SA) Strongly Agree, (A) Agree, (N) Nuetral, (D)

Disagree and (SD) Strongly Disagree and was interpreted as Very

High ( 4.21- 5.00), High (3.41-4.20), Moderate (2.61-3.40), Low

(1.81-2.60), Very Low (1.00-1.80).

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main objective of this study is to determine the

possible problem that can be encouraged by the grade 12 FCU TVL

students and its effect on their academic performance.

A researcher-made questionnaire will be used in this study.

The questionnaire is composed of two parts. The first part is

about socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

name, age, year level and the second part, will deal with

questions of the possible problem that the grade 12 FCU TVL

students may encounter and how will it affect their academic


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Chapter 2, Review of Related Literature and Studies, reviews

articles which provide further information significant to support

the facts of this study. This chapter is divided into three (3)


Part One (1), defines Difficulties Encountered of students


Part Two (2), explains what are the effect on their Academic


Part Three (3), gives a summary of the literature and

studies examined.

Difficulties Encountered

Recently, there has been an explosion of studies relating to

the new normal in education. While many focused on national


policies, professional development, and curriculum, others zeroed

in on the specific learning experience of students during the

pandemic. (2021) reported that the pandemic adversely affected

students’ behavioral and emotional functioning, particularly

attention and externalizing problems (i.e., mood and wellness

behavior), which were caused by isolation, economic/health

effects, and uncertainties. In Fawaz et al.’s (2021) study,

students raised their concerns on learning and evaluation

methods, overwhelming task load, technical difficulties, and

confinement. Their findings showed that students faced many

obstacles in a home learning environment, such as lack of mastery

of technology, high Internet cost, and limited

interaction/socialization between and among students. The

students also reported some challenges that they faced during

their online classes. These include anxiety, depression, poor

Internet service, and unfavorable home learning environment,

which were aggravated when students are marginalized and from

remote areas. Finally, there are those that focused on students’

overall online learning experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Their findings indicated that students appreciated the use of

online learning during the pandemic. However, half of them

believed that the traditional classroom setting was more

effective than the online learning platform. (Jessie S. Barrot,

Ian I. Llenares & Leo S. Del Rosario, 2021)


Technical Issues Unfortunately, experts say, technical

issues are bound to happen in an online-only environment. Ashford

says that while attending one of her classes live through

videoconferencing, her computer suddenly shut down and she needed

to restart the device. There are also moments when her Wi-Fi is

spotty. Distractions and Time Management While studying from home

or wherever students may be, there can be more distractions than

usual, especially with family and possibly younger siblings

around, says Reggie Smith III, CEO and executive director of the

non-profit United States Distance Learning Association. As a

result of these distractions – and possibly having additional

responsibilities – time management becomes more challenging.

(Jordan Friedman, 2020)

Senior High School learners are the ones heavily affected by

school closures amid COVID-19. Learning has been done remotely,

through modules, internet, television or radio, for example.

However, the degree to which learning can still take place

outside the classroom, particularly in Technical-Vocational-

Livelihood (TVL) Track, is often limited by lack of access to

electricity, internet connectivity, devices or media, learning

platforms, or the inadequate preparation of teachers and students

for distance learning. Some students face additional constraints

in terms of time availability due to competing household


responsibilities, such as caring for children and elderly family

members and other household duties to help the family

economically survive. The hallmark of TVL – its focus on

practical skills and work-readiness – makes distance learning

particularly challenging. Practical skills are often acquired

through learning-by-doing, which occurs in school-based workshops

and laboratories or through hands-on experience through work

immersion. The implementation of Work Immersion (WI) for TVL

track. This is severely affected during this COVID-19 crisis

scenario. Work Immersion is expected to provide SHS TVL learners

with opportunities to become familiar with the workplace,

simulate employment, and to apply their competence in Computer

Systems Servicing in the actual work environment during the

pandemic and for the possible future disruptions in education.

This work-based learning is a requirement for TVL track while it

is optional for other tracks. (Jesus Felix T. Galias, 2019)

Academic Performance

It is quite common for students to experience academic

concerns at some point during their senior high school. Here are

some of it. Poor study habits, test anxiety that leads to poor

performance on exams, Procrastination on assignments Difficulty

planning and organizing to complete assignments or study tasks

Inconsistent class attendance. These types of concerns may be due

to various factors, including, Increased rigor or workload of

senior high school classes, poor concentration which can

interfere with learning and studying as well as with

organizational tasks. Having a mental illness, such as depression

or anxiety, that reduces motivation and concentration. Stress is

one of the most common concerns of all students. Stress is the

body’s response to the demands of life, both negative AND

positive. These demands can take up time, physical and

mental/emotional energy, and/or finances. Some sources of stress

in K-12 include adjusting to a new routine, increased

responsibility, facing new social and relationship experiences,

financial constraints, and striving to meet expectations related

to academics. Stress is a normal part of life and important for

success. A moderate amount of stress can be a positive influence

when it motivates you to be active and productive, such as when

you are working to meet academic deadlines. Too much stress can

interfere with the ability to accomplish day-to-day

responsibilities. Excessive stress that is not addressed can

contribute to mental and physical health problems, such as high

blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, and

anxiety. Some symptoms common in individuals who experience


excessive stress levels are shown below. (University of Maryland,


The high use of web systems in learning implies that e-

learning is becoming a common successful learning method in wider

academic contexts. In order to enhance and support schooling and

literacy, e-learning includes leveraging information and

communication technology (ICT). The purpose of the analysis was

to determine the correlation between e-learning and the academic

achievement of students in higher learning. A set of 150 author’s

observational studies, carried in Russian educational

institutions (both in the period before and during the COVID-19

pandemic), was used to measure findings using Cohen's formula

focused on a rigorous sampling method. The findings of the

equation 0.712) reveal that ICT has a major statistically

favorable effect on the academic success of students in e

learning. The results suggest that ICT has a substantial positive

effect on the total success of students in universities. (Elena

Yu. Zolochevskaya1, Svetlana G. Zubanova2, Natalia V.

Fedorova3,*, and Yana E. Sivakova1, 2021)

Gadgets effect on eyesight. Nowadays I see many children are

wearing glasses even I also wear glasses from 6th grade. Gadgets

effect on health not all students got weak eyesight, but more

time spent from a close distance in front of a screen may feel


blurriness on the vision because of the excessive use of

electronic gadgets. Gadgets effect on health the negative effects

that children addicted to technology/gadgets may lead you to an

unhealthy lifestyle. To much on-screen may lead you to the poor

posture or overweight of the body. The children who are addicted

to gadgets/video games may forget to drink water, eat food on

time, and spend more time at the same place. In most of the

world’s cases, many children/students are having back pain, neck

pain, hand pain, headache, eye problem, and more risk of macular

degeneration, which may lead you to blindness. Diabetes, obesity,

gas trouble, etc. are also the leading causes of addiction to

gadgets. (Golden Peak High School (GPHS), 2020)


Difficulties encountered of students faced many obstacles in

a home learning environment, such as lack of mastery of

technology and high internet cost, and limited

interaction/socialization between and among students. Fowa et al.

(2021) reported that the pandemic adversely affected students

behavioural and emotional functioning, particularly attention and

externalizing problems, moods, and wellness behaviour. These were


caused by isolation, economic health effects, and uncertainties

and half of student's believed that the traditional classroom

setting was more effective that the online learning platform.

Technical issues are bound to happen in an online - only

environment. Experts say. U.S. Distance Learning Association CEO

Reggie Smith III says there can be more distractions with family

and younger siblings around. Ashford says that while attending

one of her classes live through videoconferencing, her computer

suddenly shut down.

Academic Performance Stress is one of the most common

concerns of all students. Stress is the body's response to

demands of life, both negative and positive some sources of

stress in K-12 include adjusting to a new social and relationship

experiences, financial contranits, and striving to meet

expectations related to academics. A moderate amount of stress

can be positive influence when it motivates you to be active and

productive. Excessive stress that is not addressed can contribute

to mental and physical health problems, such as high blood

pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, and

anxiety some symptoms common in individuals who experience

excessive stress levels are shown below.

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter is divided into (3) parts: (1) Purpose of the

Study and Research Design, (2) Methods and (3) Data Analysis


Part One (1), Purpose of the Study and Research Design,

restates the main problem and discusses the research design.

Part Two (2), Methods, describes the participants, the

research instruments, and the procedure employed in the conduct

of the study.

Part Three (3), Data Analysis Procedure, discusses the

descriptive and differential procedures used in the analysis of

the data.

Purpose of the Study and Research

The main purpose of this study is to determine the possible

problem that can be encouraged by the grade 12 TVL students and

its effect on their academic performance of Filamer Christian

University for school year 2021-2022.


This study will conduct a Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

research to gather the needed information. According to Gleane

and Pashkin (1992), the interviewing more than one person at a

time sometimes proves very useful, some young people need company

to be emboldened to talk and some topics are better discusses by

a small group of people who know each other it will ask the

participants for open-ended responses conveying their thoughts or




The participants of the study are the senior high school

students of Filamer Christian University, who are officially

enrolled in the academic year 2021-2022.

In this study the researcher will use purposive sampling in

the determination and selection of senior high school students

that serves as participants of the study.

In this study, purposive sampling will be used in choosing the

participants. According to Ashley Crossman (March 2020) A

purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is selected


based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the

study. Purposive sampling is different from convenience sampling

and is also known as judgemental, selective, or subjective


Data-Gathering Instrument

This study will use a survey questionnaire. The survey

questionnaire is consist of some personal information about the

respondents and questions about the Difficulties Encountered of

Grade 12 FCU TVL Students and its Effect on their Academic


Data Gathering Procedure

Before the gathering of the needed data, the researchers

secured a permission to conduct this study. The researcher

conducted a questionnaire validated by the professor of the

subject then the questionnaire will be distributed. After the

approval of conducting the study. The researcher will personally

administer the instruments to the respondents to assure 100%


retrieval. The instruments will be retrieved after the

respondents completed the data. The researcher will also explain

to the respondents the importance of their response to the study.

The researchers clarifies some terms to the respondents so that

the respondents can answer the questionnaire with full knowledge

of their responsibility as the subject of the study. The

researcher will request the respondents to answer with all

honesty. After the respondents answer the questionnaire, the

researchers will collect the questionnaire and the researchers

will make the conclusions and recommendations about the study,

based on the collected data.

Data Analysis Procedure

Data analysis is consist of the examining, sorting, and

organizing the gathered data to address the main objectives of

the study. The data that will be gathered from the questionnaires

will be analyse using a method called "open coding". This method

involves a process of breaking down, examining, comparing,

conceptualizing and categorizing data. The researchers will

prepare the gathered information from the questionnaire, the will

describe and analyse the data carefully. Lastly, the researcher


will finalize and summarize the responses to create reliable and

correct conclusions.


(Mofoka, Khabane Grace. 2016)


(Golden Peak High School (GPHS), 2020)

(Jessie S. Barrot, Ian I. Llenares & Leo S. Del Rosario, 2021)

(Jordan Friedman, 2020)

(Jesus Felix T. Galias, 2019)

University of Maryland, 2021)


(Elena Yu. Zolochevskaya1, Svetlana G. Zubanova2 , Natalia V.

Fedorova3,* , and Yana E. Sivakova1, 2021)

(Golden Peak High School (GPHS), 2020)

Difficulties Encountered and Academic Performances Questionnaire


Directions: You will see the 30 questions, please put a check in

appropriate column where your statement about your experience
Your Responses:
Strongly Agree (SA) Disagree (D)
Agree (A) Strongly Agree (SD)
Neutral (N)

ITEMS Responses


1. I can encounter some problem during my


2. I can easily access LMS anytime?

3. Do you encounter problem such as 'slow

internet during class hour?

4. Do we need to prepare before


5. Do you encountered problems in online


6. Is it okay to perform in face to face

during this pandemic?

7. Do you have a hard time on answering

all the activities?

8. I don't have stable connection?

9. I've never Struggle in doing the


research task?

10. Do you overcome poor academic


11. Is it important to manage our time

Management in academic performance?

12. I've never had a problem in financial

to support my needs?

13. I cope-up all the hindrances on

Academic performance?

14. I choose face to face performance than

virtual performance?

15. Is online performance easy?

16. I don't have enough gadget to fulfil

my needs in online classes?

17. I can’t catch up some of task or

lesson, so that my academic performances

18. I find it hard to cope-up all

hindrances in academic performances?

19. I give my best to pass all my

activities on time?

20. I can't focus in online class because

of some difficulties that l struggle?

21. My internet connection doesn't any

problem during online class?

22. I have a hard time to access all the

lesson because of the low internet

23. I have encountered problems during

taking exam because of poor connection?

24. I prefer face to face learning than

online learning?

25. I can easily access Google classroom


26. I make sure all of my activities pass

on time, so that l will not cramming?

27. I encourage myself to do all of my

performance task?

28. I find it difficult to not attending

online class because you have no idea what
to do after the discussion?

29. I follow the teacher instruction

during Online classes, so l will not
wasting time?

30. I can't heard sometimes the teacher

during online class because of Noisy

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