Constructors Programs

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Prog1. Write a class Program with the following specifications:
Class Name: factorial
Data Members: int a;
Member Functions:
factorial( ): default constructor to initialize the data member
void input (int m) : to assign a with m
void display( ) : to print the factorial of the number.
Prog2. Write a class Program by using a class with the following specifications:
Class Name: prime
Data Members/ Instance variables: int n
Member Functions:
prime() : constructor to initialize n
void input(int x): to assign n with x
void display(): to check and print whether number n is prime or not.
Prog3. Write a class Program in Java with the following specifications:
Class name -- pay
Data members – String name, address, city
double salary
Member Functions –
pay ( ) – constructor to initialize the data members as given below
name: “Ashok Kumar”
address: “43, Ram Nagar”
city : “Jamshedpur”
salary : 6800.00
void outputdata( ) – to display initialized values
void calculate ( ) – to find and print the followings:
da = 15% of salary
hra = 10% of salary
pf = 12% of salary
gross = salary + da + hra
net = gross – pf
void display ( ) – to display the complete information
Prog4. Write a Program by using a class with the following specifications:
Class Name: latin
Data Members: String name – to contain a word
Member Functions:
latin( ) : default constructor to initialize the string
void input (String n) : to assign name with n
void display () : to display the piglatin form of the word.
Prog5. Write a class Program in Java with the following specifications:
Class Name: Stringop
Data Members: String str
Member Functions:
Stringop( ): to initialize str with NULL
void encode ( ): to replace and print each character of the string with second next character in ASCII table
example: A with C, B with D and so on………
void print ( ): to print each word of the string in a separate line

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Ph: 25297261/ 9433103218
Prog6. Define a class named Furniture with the following description:
Instance variables/ Data Members:

int item_code - stores the item code number

String item_name - stores the name of the item
double item_weight - stores the weight of the item (in kg)
int item_price - stores the cost of the item (in Rs.)

Member Methods:
i. Furniture ( ) - Default constructor to initialize data member to 0 / empty value
ii. void input ( ) - To input values for data member
iii. void calc ( ) - To modify item_price by reducing 10% of item_weight is more than 15 kg.
iv. void disp ( ) - Print all data members.

Prog7. Define a class Employee having the following description:

Data Members/ instance variables:
int pan- to store personal account number
String name- to store employee’s name
double taxincome- to store tax that is calculated
double tax- to store tax that is calculated
Member Functions:
Employee()- constructor to initialize pan to 0, name to “” and taxincome & tax to 0
void input ()- to store pan number, name and taxable income
void calculate()- to calculate tax of an employee
Total Annual Taxable Income Tax Rate
Upto Rs. 1,00,000 No Tax
From 1,00,001 to 1,50,000 10% of the income Exceeding Rs.1,00,000
From 1,50,001 to 2,50,000 Rs. 5000+20%of the income Exceeding
Above Rs.2,50,000 Rs. 25000+30%of the income Exceeding
void display()- to display the details in the following format
Pan No. Name Tax Income Tax
---------- -------- ---------------- ---------
Create an object in the main() method and call the above methods in it of ‘N’ number of
employees of an organization.

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