Acids and Bases
Acids and Bases
Acids and Bases
Introduction: NH3 and OH are Bronsted - Lowry Bases.
Chemical substances are classified by Robert Boyle The removal of a proton from a Bronsted-Lowry
into three types namely acids, bases and salts. acid gives its conjugate base
Vineger contains Acetic acid, lemon and orange eg. The conjugate base of HCl is Cl–
juices contain citric and ascorbic acids and tartaric The conjugate base of H2SO4 is HSO 4
acid is found in tamarind paste.
The conjugate base of H3O+ is H2O
The word “acid” has been derived from a latin word
“acidus” meaning sour. The conjugate base of H 2 PO4 is HPO 4 2
H+ ion is called proton ( H3O+ is hydronium ion or The addition of proton to a Bronsted-Lowry base
hydrated proton ). gives its conjugate acid.
Arrhenius concept: eg. The conjugate acid of NH3 is NH 4
An acid is a substance that gives hydrogen ions
when dissolved in water The conjugate acid of PO34 is HPO4-2
eg. HCl, CH3COOH, H3PO4 The conjugate acid of OH is H2O
A base is a substance that gives hydroxyl ions when The conjugate acid of H2O is H3O+
dissolved in water The conjugate base of strong acid is weak
eg. NaOH, Ca(OH)2 eg. HCl is a strong acid so Cl is a weak base.
Neutralization: An acid reacts with a base to form
The conjugate base of a weak acid is strong base
salt & water is called Arrhenius neutralization
eg. CH3COOH is a weak acid so CH 3COO is
HCl aq NaOH aq NaCl aq H 2Ol
strong base.
Arrhenius theory could not explain the acidic nature
The conjugate acid of strong base is weak
of CO2, SO3, Cl2O, N2O5 etc and basic nature of
eg. OH- is a strong base so H2O is a weak acid
NH 3 , CaO, Na 2O, MgO etc The conjugate acid of weak base is strong
In aqueous solution the hydronium ion (H3O+) is eg. C2H5OH is a weak base so C2H5OH2+ is a
further hydrated to give species like H5O2+, H7O3+ strong acid.
and H9O4+. Similarly the hydroxyl ion (OH-) is An acid which shows a greater tendency to donate
hydrated to give several ionic species like H3O2–, protons is a strong acid
H5O3– and H7O4– etc eg. HClO4, H2SO4, HNO3 etc
Bronsted - Lowry Theory of Acids & An acid which shows a less tendency to donate
Bases: protons is a weak acid
A substance which can donate proton is known eg. CH 3COOH , HCN etc
as an a proton donor is an acid. A base which shows greater tendency to accept
A substance which can accept proton is known as protons is a strong base
a base. ie. a proton acceptor is a base.
eg. CH 3COO , CN etc
The transfer of proton from an acid to the base is
known as neutralization (or) protolysis in the reaction A base which shows less tendency to accept
Acid - base reactions are reversible in the reaction. protons is a weak base
eg. Cl , NO3 etc
HCl H 2 O H 3 O Cl
HCl and H3O+ are Bronsted - Lowry acids. Levelling effect of water:
H2O and Cl– are Bronsted - Lowry bases. Water levels all strong acids to the strength of H3O+
A pair of acid-base which differ by a single proton ion and all strong bases to the strength of OH– ions.
is known as a conjugate acid-base pair. Water is not a suitable solvent to determine the
relative strengths of acids and bases.
H2O and NH + are Bronsted - Lowry acids.
A solvent having low levelling effect must be used Drawbacks :
to determine the relative strengths of acids and Proton donation (or) acceptance happens only in
bases. the presence of other substances.
The relative strengths of different acids can be Bronsted-Lowry theory could not explain the acidic
determined in glacial acetic acid or anhydrous HF nature of electron deficient compounds like AlCl3,
BCl3, etc.,
HClO4 HI H 2 SO4 HBr HCl
Types of solvents:
H 3O HNO3 H 3 PO4 HF HNO2 On the basis of proton interaction solvents are of
four types
CH 3COOH H 2CO3 H 2 S NH 4
1) Protophilic solvents : Solvents which have
C6 H 5OH HCN H 2O C2 H 5OH greater tendency to accept protons
eg. Water, alcohol, liquid Ammonia etc.
CH CH NH 3 C2 H 4 C2 H 6
2) Protogenic solvents: Solvents which have the
The relative strengths of different bases can be tendency to produce protons
determined in ammonia. eg. Water, liquid hydrogen chloride; glacial acetic
Therefore the order of strength of their conjugate acid. etc
bases is 3) Amphiprotic or Amphoteric solvents:
Solvents which act both as protophilic (or)
CN NH 3 OH NH 2 eg. Water, Ammonia, ethyl alcohol etc
A weak acid will have more levelling effect than 4) Aprotic solvents: Solvents which neither donate
water towards different bases. nor accept protons
A weak base will have more levelling effect than eg. Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, carbon
water towards different acids. disulphide etc.
Basicity (or) protocity of Bronsted acid is the number Lewis theory of Acids and Bases:
of H+ ions given by a molecule /ion Electron pair acceptor is Lewis acid
eg : Basicity of H3 PO3 2 Electron pair donor is Lewis base
Lewis acid contains a vacant orbital.
Basicity of H3 PO4 3
Lewis base contains a lone pair of electrons (or
Acidity (or) hydroxicity of Bronsted base is the non-bonded pair of electrons)
number of OH ions given by a molecule / ion Lewis acids are called electro philes
Lewis bases are nucleophiles
eg : Acidity of Ca OH 2 2
Types of Lewis acids:
Acidity of Al OH 3 3 All simple cations
Bronsted acid functions as an acid only in presence eg. H+, Ag+, Co 3 , C H 3 , CH3 C H 2 , Fe3+, Cu2+,
of proton acceptor (base) Ni2+, Fe2+, Al3+, Na+
eg : HCl functions as an acid in water but not in Atoms which contain electron sextet (i.e. 6
benzene as it can not accept protons. electrons) in their valency shell.
Bronsted base functions as a base only in the eg. O, S, Se, Te etc.
presence of proton donor (acid) Electron deficient molecules
The compound which acts as a proton donor as eg. BCl3, AlCl3, BF3, BeF2, FeCl3 etc.
well as proton acceptor is called amphoteric (or) Molecules in which central atom can expand its
amphiprotic substance octet using vacant d-orbitals present in its valency
eg. H 2 O, NH 3 ,.... shell.
Bronsted - Lowry theory explains the behaviour of eg. SiF4, SnCl4, SF4, TeF4, FeCl3, ........
acids and bases in both aqueous and non aqueous Molecules having multiple bonds other than carbon-
solutions. carbon multiple bonds.
eg. CO2, SO2, SO3, NO2,Cl2O7, P4O10
Types of Lewis bases Equilibrium constant of water (K) = 10-14 /55.55
All Anions: = 1.8 x 10-16
eg : Cl-, F-, OH-, CN-, SCN-, NH2- At 298 K, in pure water or in neutral aqueous
Molecules having one or more lone pairs of electrons solutions.
on the central atom, available for the donation to [H+]= OH = 1 x 10-7 moles/lit
form a dative bond.
WE1.The OH– ion concentration of a solution is
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
eg. H2 O, NH3 ,ROH,R2 O,R2 S,R NH2 ,ROR. 3´ 10–4M. Find out the H+ ion concentration
.. .. .. .. .. of the same solution ?
Molecules having carbon-carbon multiple bonds or
molecules with multiple bonds Sol: K w H OH
eg. C2H4,C2H2, CO, NO ……etc
OH 3 10 4 M
In complex compounds all ligands are Lewis bases.
Neutralization : 1 10 14
The formation of co-ordinate covalent bond is
3 10 4
known as Neutralization process.
0.3333 10 10 3.333 1011 M.
H NH 3 [ H 3 N H ] pH Scale :
Acid Base
The PH scale was introduced by S.P.L Sorenson.
P H of a solution is defined as the negative logarithm
BF NH [ H N BF ]
3 3 3 3
Acid sp2 Base sp3 sp3 sp3 to base 10 of the activity aH of hydrogen ion.
Drawbacks :
aH [ H ] / mol.Lit 1.
Acid Base neutralization reactions occur quickly.But
according to Lewis Theory, neutralization reaction P H log aH log[ H ]
occurs slowly. But it is a well known fact that the
Lewis theory could not explain the strength of acids H 10 P
and bases.
For any aqueous solution, the sum of P H and
Lewis theory could not explain the catalytic activity
of H+ ion. P OH depends on the ionic product of water..
All Lewis Bases are Bronsted-Lowry bases and
P H + P OH = P KW at any temperature
similarly all Bronsted-Lowry bases are Lewis Bases.
At 25o C, for any aqueous solution. PH+POH=14
All Lewis acids are not Bronsted-Lowry acids and
At 250C,the pH scale lies between 0 to14
similarly all Bronsted-Lowry acids are not Lewis
acids. At 250 C for pure water or neutral solution
Ionic Product of Water (KW) PH= POH =7.
The product of the concentration of hydrogen ion pH of some common substances
and hydroxide ion at any temperature in pure water
or in any aqueous solution is known as the ionic
product of water. It is represented by Kw.
Kw =[H+][OH–]
Kw = [H3O+][OH–]
At 298 K, the value of Blood plasma 7.4
1) Kw is 1.0 ´ 10-14 moles2/lit2
2) Pkw log K W 14 Egg 7.8
The value of Kw depends only on temperature. If the aqueous solution of an acid is diluted with
As the temperature increases the ionization of water water its pH value increases. After dillution,
increases and hence Kw value increases.
V2 If two strong bases are mixed
pH= Initial pH + log V1 N1V1 N 2 V2
OH =
Where V 1 = initial volume of t he V1 V2
solution. If excess of strong acid is added to limited quantity
V2 = volume of solution after dilution. of strong base.
If the aqueous solution of a base is diluted, with N a Va N b Vb
water its pH value decreases. After dilution. [H + ] = Va Vb
PH = initial PH - log V2 / V1
If a excess of strong base is added to limited
V1 = initial volume of the solution. quantity of strong acid
V2 = volume of solution after dilution.
N b Vb N a Va
Whatever the volume of water added, the pH of OH =
Va Vb
acid is always less than 7 and base is always more
than 7 at 250 C Solution H 0H pH
If a very dilute acid is added to a concentrated acid PoH
the very dilute acid is treated as water for the purpose
Acidic 107 107 7
of calculating the pH value of the mixture.
If a very dilute base is added to a concentrated 7
base, the very dilute base is treated as water for Neutral 107 107 7
the purpose of calculating the pH value of the 7
Basic 107 107 >7 <7
If the aqueous solution of an acid is diluted by
Measurement of P H of a solution is very essential
1. Ten times, the pH of the solution increases by
as its value should be known when dealing with
one unit.
biological and cosmetic applications.
2. Hundred times, the pH of the solution increases
by two units. P H of a solution can be found roughly with the
3. Thousand times, the pH of the solution increases help of P H paper that has different colour in
by three units. solutions of different P H .
If the aqueous solution of a base is diluted by WE-2. 100ml of 0.15M HCl is mixed with 100 ml
of 0.05M HCl, what is the pH of the resulting
1. Ten times, the pH of the solution decreases by
solution .?
one unit.
2. Hundred times, the pH of the solution decreases V1 N1 V2 N2
by two units. Sol: [H+] = (V1 V2 )
3. Thousand times, the pH of the solution decreases
by three units. 100 0.15 100 0.05
10 1 N
For any strong acid. 100 100
[H+] = normality of the solution H
P log H log 101 1
For any strong base.
WE-3 50 litres of 0.1M HCl is thoroughly mixed
OH = normality of the solution. with 50 litres of 0.2M NaOH. What is the pOH
of the resulting solution?
If two strong acids are mixed
V1 N1 V2 N2
N1V1 N 2 V2 Sol. [OH-] = (V1 V2 )
[H+] = V V
1 2
50 0.2 50 0.1 C 2 2
K =
[OH-] = a C (1 )
(50 50)
1. K =C
10 5 5 a
100 100 2. Ka / C
5 10 2 3. H C
P OH log10 OH H Ka C
log10 5 102 H Ka 1 1
5. P P log C
2 log10 5 2 2
= degree of ionization of acid
2 0.6990 1.3 C = molar concentration of acid
Ionisation of Acids and Bases and
K = ionisation constant of acid
Degree of ionisation: a
For any weak base:
Acids which donate protons are generally known
as protonic acids. These are represented as HX 1.
K b C 2
When acids are dissolved in water, they ionise into Kb / C
H+ and X- 2.
+ - 3. O H C
H +X
The compound which contains OH- ions are OH K b C
generally known as base and represented by BOH. 1 K 1
When bases are dissolved in water they ionise into 5. P P b log C
2 2
B+ and OH 6. P H 14 P OH
= degree of ionisation of base
C = molar concentration of base
The extent of ionisation is more for strong acids Kb = ionisation constant of base
and strong bases ( 100% ionisation). Relation between Ka and Kb
The extent of ionisation is less for weak acids and
K a K b K w 1.0 10 14 M
weak bases.
pKa+pKb = pKw = 14 ( at 298K)
The process of ionisation is an equilibrium process
H 2O
Factors affecting ionisation or
HX H ++ X- ---------(1) d i ssoci at i on :
H 2O Nature of electrolyte: Stronger the electrolyte,
BOH B O H -------(2) more is the ionisation and vice versa.
The dissociation constant of acid Nature of Solvent: Greater the dielectric constant
of solvent, more is the ionisation
[ H ][ X ] Concentration: Lesser the concentration, greater
K = (based on the equation(1))
a [ HX ] is the ionisation
The dissociation constant of base or base ionisation Temperature: The higher the temperature, the
constant more is the ionisation
Solvation: Greater the solvation, more is the
[ B ][OH ] ionisation
Kb = (based on the equation(2)) Presence of the ions in the solution:
[ BOH ]
Ionisation decreases in presence of common ions.
For any weak acid: Strength of acids:
HX H+ + X- Acadic nature of hydrides increase with decrease
Cα Cα in bond strength.
size increases
M+ + H2O H+ + MOH
eg. (1): HF
HCl HBr HI A– + H2O OH– + HA
Acid strength increases M+ + A– + H2O MOH + HA
eg. (2): H 2O H 2 S H 2 Se H 2Te They are clasified as
Simple Salts:
As the electronegativity of central atom
Formed by neutralisation of an acid and a base.
increases the strength of acid also increases They may be further classified as
electronegetivityof central atom increases
a)Normal Salts:
CH 4 NH 3 H 2O HF Salts not containing replaceable hydrogen (or)
Acid strengthincreases hydroxyl group
eg. Na2SO4,KNO3,AlPO4, CaCl2
In oxy acids of same element, as oxidation state
b) Acidic Salts:
increases acidic nature increases.
Salts containing replaceable hydrogen atoms
eg. HClO HClO2 HClO3 HClO4 eg. NaHSO4,Na2HPO4,NaHCO3 etc
c)Basic Salts:
Ionisation Constant of Some Common
Salts containing replaceable hydroxyl groups
Polyprotic Acids: eg. Zn(OH)Cl,Mg(OH)Cl,Fe(OH)2Cl.
Poly basic acids like ortho phosphoric acid ionises d)Double Salts:
in three steps and each step has its own ionisation Formed by the combination of two simple salts
constant eg1. FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O (mohr salt)
H PO k1
H++H PO – I step eg2. K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O (potash alum)
3 4 2 4
e)Complex Salts:
H++HPO42– II step Salts containing complex ion
HPO42 k3
H++PO43– III step eg. K4[Fe(CN)6],[Cu(NH3)4]SO4
f) Mixed Salts:
The overal dissociation constant (k) of ortho Salts containing more than one type of cation (or)
phosphoric acid is given by the relation anion
k=k1 ´ k2 ´ k3 eg. CaOCl2,NaKSO4
Relative Strengths of acids: Hydrolysis of Salts:
For weak acid K a C . 2 The hydrolysis reaction is a reversible reaction. The
equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis reaction is
For two acids with dissociation constants Ka1 and known as hydrolysis constant. It is represented
Ka2 at the same concentration C by Kh.
The hydrolysis process is a reverse reaction of
1 Ka1 Strength of acid HA1 neutralization.
2 Ka2 = Strength of acid HA2 The fraction of the total salt which is hydrolysed at
equilibrium is called degree of hydrolysis
Relative Strengths of bases:
no of moles of salt hydrolysed
For weak base K b C 2 . h
total no of moles of salt taken
For two bases with dissociation constants
a)Hydrolysis of salts of strong bases and
K b1 and K b2 at the same concentration C. strong acids
eg. NaCl, KNO3, Na2SO4, Kl, CsCl, KCl
1 K b1 Strength of base BOH1
This type of salts do not undergo hydrolysis.
2 K b2 Strength of base BOH 2 The aqueous solution of the salt is neutral i.e pH=7.
Salt Hydrolysis: Hence they have no action on litmus.
The reaction between the cation or anion or both b) Hydrolysis of Salts of Strong acids and
of a salt with water giving either acidic solution or weak bases:
basic solution or even neutral solution is known as eg. NH4Cl, ZnSO4, Al(NO3)3, FeSO4, MgCl2,
salt hydrolysis. AgNO3, Zn (NO3)2
The aqueous solution of the salt is basic in nature.
The cation of the salt undergoes hydrolysis because
i.e pH>7
conjugate acid of weak base is strong
The aqueous solution of the salt turns red litmus to
M+ + H2O MOH + H+ blue.
MOH H The hydrolysis constant for the salt is given by
Kh = M KW
Kh = K
The aqueous solution of the salt is acidic in nature. a
Kw 1 ka 1
Kh = 7 P log c
Ka 2 2
Acidic Cationic Kw 1 k 1
hydrolysis Kh = 7 P b log c
Ka 2 2
1 ka 1 k b
7 P P
2 2
h Kh H
10 8 102 105
5 109 M
11. NaOH is a strong base
12. CH 3COOH is weak acid and its pH>1
13. [H+] = 10-1 PH=1 and POH=13
14. Addition of water causes change in p H due to
change in concentration
24. NaCN under go anionic hydrolysis
25. Al 3 is a Cation of weak base
27. NaCl does not under go Hydrolysis
28. Basic nature increases
29. KHSO4 as one replaceable hydrogen atom
35. pH pK a log acid
36. pOH pK b log base
=4.2 + log 1 (because [salt] =[base])
= 4.2
pH = 14-pOH=14-4.2 = 9.8
38. If P H P ka buffer capacity is maximum
39. Mixture of 1. W.A and its salt of SB & 2. W.B and
its salt of strong acid acts as a buffer
40. CH3COONH4 is a salt of weak acid and weak
Level - II (C.W)
Ionisation of Acids & Bases,
Degree of Ionisation & Kw
1. At 700C the concentration of H+ ion in
aqueous solution of NaCl is 10-6 mole/lit. The
OH- ion concentration is
1) 10-8 moles/lit. 2) 10-6moles/lit.
3) 10 moles/lit. 4) 10-9moles/lit.
2. A weak mono acidic base is 5% ionized in
0.01 M solution. The Hydroxide ion
concentration in the solution is
1) 5 ´ 10–2 2) 5 ´ 10–4
3) 5 ´ 10 4) 2 ´ 10–11
3. A monobasic acid solution has pH value of 5.
Its molarity is 0.005M. The degree of
ionisation of the acid is
1) 5 10–3 2) 2 10–3 3) 5 10–2 4) 210–
[ Salt ] 2
33. P 14 Pkb log K SP Ca 2 F
[ Base]
S 2 S 2
S 10 :1
K SP 4S 3 ; S 2 104
s K SP ? ; K SP 4 2 104 4 8 1012
34. pH = pKa + log A
42. AgCl Ag Cl
S S 0.1
4.7 4.7 log10
= 1/2 x 4.74 - 1/2 log 10-2 2.37 + 1 = 3.37
K sp [ S ][0.1]
K SP of AgCl 1.2 1010 pH of buffer = 4.74 + log = 4.74
0.01 1
K SP S .S change in pH = 4.74 - 3.37 = 1.37
1.2 10 10 S 0.1 47. n = 0.05 eq
S 10 5 3) 3 1010 M 4) 5 1012 M
and 30 mL of 0.1 M HCl . The P H of the 07) 2 08) 2 09) 4 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3
resulting mixture is 13) 3 14) 3 15) 1 16) 3 17) 3 18) 3
(Given K b of NH 4 OH 1.8 105 , 19) 3 20) 3 21) 4 22) 3 23) 1 24) 3
log 1.8= 0.2553) 25) 2 26) 3 27) 4 28) 2 29) 4 30) 4
1) 4.7447 2) 3.7447 3) 9.2553 4) 12.523
31) 3 32) 4 33) 2 34) 4 35) 4 36) 4
Solubility Product
37) 3 38) 4 39) 2 40) 2 41) 2 42) 4
47. Solubility of AgCl will be minimum in
43) 2 44) 1 45) 2 46) 3 47) 2 48) 1
1) 0.01M Na2 SO4 2) 0.01M CaCl2
49) 3 50) 3 51) 1
3) Pure water 4) 0.001M AgNO3 Hints Level - II (H.W)
48. The solubility of Ag 2 CrO4 is 2 102 mol/lit Kw
1. [OH ]
its solubility product is [H ]
1) 3.2 10 5 2) 32 108
110 14
3) 16 108 4) 3.32 x 10-10 0.015
49. The solubility product of a rare earth metal
6.7 1013
hydroxide M (OH )3 at room temperature is 2. 2
H 2 SO4 2 H SO4
4.32 1014 . Its solubility is
2 0.005
10 6
1) 1.25 10 M 2) 2.0 10 M K w H OH
3) 2.0 104 M 4) 1.25 10 7 M
110 14
50. The solubility of PbSO4 in 0.01 M Na2 SO4 2 0.005
11014 1014
10 5
0.01 10 100 100
OH 1012 5 10 2
P OH log10 OH
3. K w H OH
log10 5 102
OH 3.2 10 M
2 log10 5
110 2 0.6990 1.3
3.2 104 10. NaCl is a neutral salt
0.3125 1010 3.125 1011 V1 N1 = V2N2
4. Ka = C 2 0.1 1
K a 0.1 V1 N1 V2 N2
100 11. [H+] = (V1 V2 )
0.1 0.01
H 0.0775
0.00001 1 105
P H 1.5
5. K w is independent on nature of solution
12. P H = 12, P H = 2
H P kw [OH-] = 10-2
6. in water P
2 w 1000
Gmw v
P H 6.5 K w 1013
H 106.5 w 1000
40 1000
P H 6.5
w 40 102 0.4
7. P H log10 H 13. What ever the volume of water added, the PH of
acid is always <7 at 25o C
log10 H P H 3.7
14. If pH is increased by 3 units then strength of the
3.7 1 1 4.3 acids decreased by 1000 times
H antilog 4.3 1
15. H 0.1
1 w 102 40 1 0.4
0.1 10 3
100 101 v 103 v 105 v 10 6 v 101 v
26. H =
PH 3 4v 4v
5 1
2.5 10 2
110 10
P H log 2.5 102
1106 103 2 log 2.5
PH 5
20. [ H ] 10 10 P H 1.6
Ka c
27. P H 14 P OH
( C 0 .0 1 M ) 28. Lower the PH greater the acidic strength
[ H ] 2 1 0 10 29. noramlity of acid > normality of base. so resultant
Ka 1 0 8
C 1 0 2 solution is acidic in nature
P H + P OH = 14 Kw
33. K h K
P H 14 4 10 b
P H 3 2 log 2
76.5 1016
3 03010 2
H 8.7 108
3 0.602
2.398 P H log10 8.7 10 8
40. AgIO3 s Ag aq IO3 aq
8 log 8.7
Let the solubility of AgIO3 be s 8 0.9395
K sp Ag IO
3 P H 7.1
1.0 108 S 2
S 104 mol / lit
46. Solubiliry of Mg(OH)2
9.57 103
= =1.65 ´ 10–4 mol lits-1 1. The ionic product of water at 60 oC is
9.55 1014 mole2 lit 2 . The dissociation
Ksp = 4s3
= 4 ´ (1.65 ´ 10-4)3 constant of water at the same temperature is
=17.96 ´ 10–12 1) 1.09 1015 2) 5.2 1016
But in presence of Mg(NO3)2 3) 1.8 1016 4) 1.72 1015
Ks= (x+c)(2s)2
2. If the ionic product of water is 1.96 1014 at
Ks= 17.96 ´ 10-12=(s+0.02)(2s)2
s= 14.98 ´ 10–6 mollts-1 350 C , What is its value at 100 C
s= 14.98 ´ 10–6 ´ 58 gr lt-1 1) 2.95 10 14 2) 1.96 107
8.69 ´ 10-4 gr lits-1
47. Hln H++ln– 3) 2.95 10 15 4) 3.9 1012
3. Conjugate base of [Al(H2O)6]3+ is
1) [Al(H2O)5OH]3+ 2) [Al(H2O)6]2+
[ In ]
pH pK ln log 3) [Al(H2O)5OH]2+ 4) [Al(H2O)5OH]+
[ HIn ]
4. Match the following
pH1 pK In log pK In 2 log 2 List-I
80 A) Protophilic solvents
pH 2 pK In 2 log 2 B) Aprotic solvents
pH 2 pH 1 pK In 2 log 2 ( pK In 2 log 2) C) Protogenic Solvents
4 log 2 1.20 D) Amphiprotic Solvents
1) Neither donate nor accept protons
[H ]2[S 2 ]
48. K K1K2 107 x1.3x1013 2) Generates protons
[H2S] 3) Either donate (or) accept protons
4) High tendency to accept protons
[H ]2[S 2 ] [H ]2 x1.2x1019 5) Do not have solvent properties
[H2S 0.1 The correct match:
[H ] 1.083x102 0.104M pH 0.98
1) 1 3 2 5
Ksp(SrCO3) 7.0x1010M2 2) 4 1 2 3
49. [Sr ] 5.8x107M 3) 4 1 3 2
[CO32] 1.2x103M
4) 2 3 1 5
K (SrF )
7.9 x1010 M 3 5. SET -1 (Conc) SET-2 (PH)
[ F ] sp 2 2
7 –1
I)10 M HCl A) 0.6990
[ Sr ] 5.8 x10 M –1
II) 10 M H2SO4 B) Between 1&2
3.7 x102 M –1
III) 10 M CH3COOH C) Between 6&7
50. For Mg (OH )2 not to be precipitated IV) 10 M HCl solution D)1
The correct match is
1/2 A B C D
K (Mg(OH)2)
[OH ] sp
2 1) III II I IV
[Mg ] 2) II III IV I
1.2x1011M3 3) IV I III II
[OH ] 1.035x10 M 4) I IV II III
pOH 4.36, pH 14 4.36 9.04
6. SET -1 (Solution) Comprehension-1
I) Aqueous solution of AlCl3 Higher the amount of acid or base used to
II) Aqueous solution of (NH4)2CO3 product a definite change of pH in a buffer
III) Aqueous solutioncationic of NaCl solution, higher will be its buffer capacity.
IV) Aqueous solution of CH3COONa Buffer capacity of solution is maximum under
SET-2 (Hydrolysis type) the following conditions
A) only anionic hydrolysis [Salt] = [Acid] ( in acid buffer)
[Salt] = [Base] ( in base buffer)
B) only cationic hydrolysis
pH of a buffer solution lies in the range given
C) Neither nor anionic hydrolysis below pH = pKa 1
D) both cationic and anionic hydrolysis In other words, any buffer solution can be
Correct the matching is used as buffer up to two pH units only,
I II II II depending upon the value of pKa or pKb. A
1) D C B A buffer is said to be efficient when pH =pKa
2) B D C A or pOH = pKb
3) A B C D 11. Any buffer can be used as a buffer up to:
4) C A B C 1) 10pH units2) 5pH units
3) 2pH units 4) 1pH units
7. The correct order of increasing basicity of the 12. Which among the following solutions will be
given conjugate bases (R=CH3) is [AIEEE-10] the most efficient buffer
1) RCOO HC C R NH 2 1) 0.1M CH3COONa+0.01M CH3COOH
2) 0.1M NH4Cl+0.1MNH4OH
2) R HC C RCOO NH 2 3) 0.001M HCOOH + 0.002M HCOONa
3) RCOO N H 2 HC C R 4) All the above
13. The buffer capacity is equal to
4) RCOO HC C N H 2 R
8. Solubility product of silver bromide is n pH
1) 2)
5.0 1013 . The quantity of potassium
pH n
bromide (molar mass taken as 120g of 3) 1pKa 4) None of these
mol-1) to be added to 1 litre of 0.05 M solution 14. A buffer of acetic acid (pKa=4.8) with sodium
of silver nitrate to start the precipitattion of acetate will be, when CH 3COOH and
CH 3 COONa are present in equivalent
AgBr is [AIEEE 2010]
amounts has pH limits equal to
1) 1.2 1010 g 2) 1.2 109 g 1) 0 to 4.8 2) 3.8 to 5.8
3) 6.2 105 g 4) 5.0 10 8 g 3) 4.3 to 5.3 4) 4.8
15. Buffer capacity is maximun when
9. At 250 C the solubility product of Mg OH 2 1) One mole of NH4Cl is added to two moles of
is 1.0 1011 . At which pH, will Mg 2 ions NH4OH
2) One mole of NH4Cl is added to one mole of
start precipitating in the form of Mg OH 2 NH4OH
3) One mole of NH4Cl is added to one mole of
from a solution of 0.001 M Mg 2 ions ? NaOH
[AIEEE 2011] 4) One mole of NaCl is added to one mole of
1) 9 2) 10 3) 11 4) 8 NaOH
10. Solid Ba NO3 2 is gradually dissolved in a Assertion & Reason Questions
1.0 104 M Na2 CO3 solution At what In the questions that follows two statements
concentration of Ba 2 will a precipitate begin are given. Reason is supported to be the ex-
to form? ( K SP for BaCO3 5.1 109 ) planation for Assertion. Study both the state-
[AIEEE 2011] ments and then mark your answers. accord-
1) 4.1 10 M5 2) 5.1 105 M ing to the codes given below. Mark your an-
swer as
3) 8.1 108 M 4) 8.1 107 M
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the cor- R: Degree of dissociation of water increases with
rect explanation of (A) increase in temperature
30. A: PH of a solution of CH3COOH decreases on
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the dilution.
correct explanation of (A) R: On dilution, degree of ionization of CH3COOH
3) (A) is true but (R) is false increases.
4) (A) is false but (R) is true 31. A: Aqueous solution of CH3COONH4 is exactly
16. Assertion (A): According to Bronsted concept neutral.( ka =kb)
H2O is an amphoteric substance. R: CH3COONH4is a salt of weak acid and
Reason (R): H2O molecule can accept as well strong base
as donate a proton. 32. A: PH of a buffer solution does not change on
17. A: HCO3- is a conjugate acid of H2CO3. dilution.
R: HCO3- changes to H2CO3 by accepting a R: On dilution the ratio of concentration of salt
Proton. and acid (or base) remains unchanged.
18. A: ClO4– is the weakest base 32. A: The aqueous solution of CuSO4 is neutral
R: In ClO4- ion chlorine is sp3 hybridized. R: Salt of strong acid and strong base does not
19. A: HNO3 is not a Bronsted acid in CHCl3. undergo hydrolysis
R: CHCl3 is not an example for protophilic
34. A: Blood is an example of basic buffer.
20. A: Ethyl chloride reacts with sodium ethoxide to R: PH of blood is 7.4
from diethyl ether. Here ethoxide ion behaves as 35. A: The P H of a solution changes from 5 to 8
strong base. when the solution is diluted by 1000 times.
R: C2H5OH is weak acid. R: When the conc.of H ion decreases by 10
21. A: In water, HCl and HI have same strength, times, the P H of the solution increases by one
But their Strengths in acetic acid are different. unit.
R: Acetic acid is stronger acid than water. 36. A: The P H of a buffer solution containing equal
22. A: In the reaction, moles of acetic acid and sodium acetate is 4.8
I2+I- I3-, I2 acts as Lewis base. ( P ka of acetic acid is 4.8)
R: In this reaction I- donates an electron pair for R: The ionic product of water at 250 c is
sharing with iodine
1014 mol 2 lit 2
23. A: According to Lewis concept, NaCl is a salt.
R: Salt is compound formed by the addition of 37. A: The aqueous solution of CF3COO-Na+ is more
acid to base basic than the aqueous solution of CH3COO-Na+
24. A: SF4 can act as Lewis acid. for same concentration of salt because
R: The compound which contains vacant d- R: The salt derived from weak acid and strong
orbitals can act as Lewis acid. base hydrolyses to generate basic solution
25. A: All Brosted bases are Lewis bases 38. A: Addition of NH4OH to an aqueous solution of
R: A species that accepts a proton necessarily BaCl2 in the presence of excess NH 4 Cl
should donate a lone pair of electrons. precipitates Ba(OH)2 because
26. A: Acids and bases are conductors of electricity R: Ba(OH)2 is soluble in water
in aqueous solutions Key Level–IV
R: Acids and bases ionise in water 01) 4 02) 3 03) 3 04) 2 05) 2 06) 2
27. A: PH of 10-8 HCl is not equal to 8.
R: HCl does not ionize completely in very dilute 07) 4 08) 2 09) 2 10) 2 11) 3 12) 2
aqueous solution 13) 1 14) 2 15) 2 16) 1 17) 4 18) 2
28. A: PH of a solution changes from 6 to 7 when
diluted by 10 times 19) 1 20) 1 21) 1 22) 4 23) 4 24) 1
R: If [H +] decreases 10 times, PH increases by 25) 1 26) 1 27) 3 28) 4 29) 4 30) 1
one unit .
29. A: PH of pure water increases with increase in 31) 3 32) 1 33) 4 34) 4 35) 4 36) 2
temperature. 37) 4 38) 4