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Acids and Bases

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SYNOPSIS NH 3  H 2 O  NH 4  OH 
Introduction:  NH3 and OH  are Bronsted - Lowry Bases.
 Chemical substances are classified by Robert Boyle  The removal of a proton from a Bronsted-Lowry
into three types namely acids, bases and salts. acid gives its conjugate base
 Vineger contains Acetic acid, lemon and orange eg. The conjugate base of HCl is Cl–
juices contain citric and ascorbic acids and tartaric The conjugate base of H2SO4 is HSO 4
acid is found in tamarind paste.
The conjugate base of H3O+ is H2O
 The word “acid” has been derived from a latin word
“acidus” meaning sour. The conjugate base of H 2 PO4 is HPO 4 2
 H+ ion is called proton ( H3O+ is hydronium ion or  The addition of proton to a Bronsted-Lowry base
hydrated proton ). gives its conjugate acid.
Arrhenius concept: eg. The conjugate acid of NH3 is NH 4
 An acid is a substance that gives hydrogen ions
when dissolved in water The conjugate acid of PO34 is HPO4-2
eg. HCl, CH3COOH, H3PO4 The conjugate acid of OH  is H2O
 A base is a substance that gives hydroxyl ions when The conjugate acid of H2O is H3O+
dissolved in water  The conjugate base of strong acid is weak
eg. NaOH, Ca(OH)2 eg. HCl is a strong acid so Cl is a weak base.
 Neutralization: An acid reacts with a base to form
 The conjugate base of a weak acid is strong base
salt & water is called Arrhenius neutralization
eg. CH3COOH is a weak acid so CH 3COO  is
HCl aq  NaOH  aq   NaCl aq  H 2Ol 
strong base.
 Arrhenius theory could not explain the acidic nature
 The conjugate acid of strong base is weak
of CO2, SO3, Cl2O, N2O5 etc and basic nature of
eg. OH- is a strong base so H2O is a weak acid
NH 3 , CaO, Na 2O, MgO etc  The conjugate acid of weak base is strong
 In aqueous solution the hydronium ion (H3O+) is eg. C2H5OH is a weak base so C2H5OH2+ is a
further hydrated to give species like H5O2+, H7O3+ strong acid.
and H9O4+. Similarly the hydroxyl ion (OH-) is  An acid which shows a greater tendency to donate
hydrated to give several ionic species like H3O2–, protons is a strong acid
H5O3– and H7O4– etc eg. HClO4, H2SO4, HNO3 etc
Bronsted - Lowry Theory of Acids &  An acid which shows a less tendency to donate
Bases: protons is a weak acid
 A substance which can donate proton is known eg. CH 3COOH , HCN etc
as an acid.ie. a proton donor is an acid.  A base which shows greater tendency to accept
 A substance which can accept proton is known as protons is a strong base
a base. ie. a proton acceptor is a base.
eg. CH 3COO  , CN  etc
 The transfer of proton from an acid to the base is
known as neutralization (or) protolysis in the reaction  A base which shows less tendency to accept
 Acid - base reactions are reversible in the reaction. protons is a weak base
eg. Cl  , NO3 etc
HCl  H 2 O  H 3 O   Cl 
HCl and H3O+ are Bronsted - Lowry acids. Levelling effect of water:
H2O and Cl– are Bronsted - Lowry bases.  Water levels all strong acids to the strength of H3O+
 A pair of acid-base which differ by a single proton ion and all strong bases to the strength of OH– ions.
is known as a conjugate acid-base pair.  Water is not a suitable solvent to determine the
relative strengths of acids and bases.
 H2O and NH + are Bronsted - Lowry acids.
 A solvent having low levelling effect must be used Drawbacks :
to determine the relative strengths of acids and  Proton donation (or) acceptance happens only in
bases. the presence of other substances.
 The relative strengths of different acids can be  Bronsted-Lowry theory could not explain the acidic
determined in glacial acetic acid or anhydrous HF nature of electron deficient compounds like AlCl3,
BCl3, etc.,
HClO4  HI  H 2 SO4  HBr  HCl 
 Types of solvents:

H 3O  HNO3  H 3 PO4  HF  HNO2 On the basis of proton interaction solvents are of
four types
 CH 3COOH  H 2CO3  H 2 S  NH 4 
1) Protophilic solvents : Solvents which have
C6 H 5OH  HCN  H 2O  C2 H 5OH  greater tendency to accept protons
eg. Water, alcohol, liquid Ammonia etc.
CH  CH  NH 3  C2 H 4  C2 H 6
2) Protogenic solvents: Solvents which have the
 The relative strengths of different bases can be tendency to produce protons
determined in ammonia. eg. Water, liquid hydrogen chloride; glacial acetic
 Therefore the order of strength of their conjugate acid. etc
bases is 3) Amphiprotic or Amphoteric solvents:
  
F  NO  CH 3COO  HCO  HS

 Solvents which act both as protophilic (or)
 CN   NH 3  OH   NH 2 eg. Water, Ammonia, ethyl alcohol etc
 A weak acid will have more levelling effect than 4) Aprotic solvents: Solvents which neither donate
water towards different bases. nor accept protons
 A weak base will have more levelling effect than eg. Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, carbon
water towards different acids. disulphide etc.
 Basicity (or) protocity of Bronsted acid is the number Lewis theory of Acids and Bases:
of H+ ions given by a molecule /ion  Electron pair acceptor is Lewis acid
eg : Basicity of H3 PO3  2  Electron pair donor is Lewis base
 Lewis acid contains a vacant orbital.
Basicity of H3 PO4  3
 Lewis base contains a lone pair of electrons (or
 Acidity (or) hydroxicity of Bronsted base is the non-bonded pair of electrons)
number of OH  ions given by a molecule / ion  Lewis acids are called electro philes
 Lewis bases are nucleophiles
eg : Acidity of Ca  OH 2  2
Types of Lewis acids:
Acidity of Al  OH 3  3  All simple cations
 
 Bronsted acid functions as an acid only in presence eg. H+, Ag+, Co 3 , C H 3 , CH3 C H 2 , Fe3+, Cu2+,
of proton acceptor (base) Ni2+, Fe2+, Al3+, Na+
eg : HCl functions as an acid in water but not in  Atoms which contain electron sextet (i.e. 6
benzene as it can not accept protons. electrons) in their valency shell.
 Bronsted base functions as a base only in the eg. O, S, Se, Te etc.
presence of proton donor (acid)  Electron deficient molecules
 The compound which acts as a proton donor as eg. BCl3, AlCl3, BF3, BeF2, FeCl3 etc.
well as proton acceptor is called amphoteric (or)  Molecules in which central atom can expand its
amphiprotic substance octet using vacant d-orbitals present in its valency
eg. H 2 O, NH 3 ,.... shell.
 Bronsted - Lowry theory explains the behaviour of eg. SiF4, SnCl4, SF4, TeF4, FeCl3, ........
acids and bases in both aqueous and non aqueous  Molecules having multiple bonds other than carbon-
solutions. carbon multiple bonds.
eg. CO2, SO2, SO3, NO2,Cl2O7, P4O10
Types of Lewis bases  Equilibrium constant of water (K) = 10-14 /55.55
 All Anions: = 1.8 x 10-16
eg : Cl-, F-, OH-, CN-, SCN-, NH2-  At 298 K, in pure water or in neutral aqueous
 Molecules having one or more lone pairs of electrons solutions.
on the central atom, available for the donation to [H+]= OH   = 1 x 10-7 moles/lit
form a dative bond.
WE1.The OH– ion concentration of a solution is
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
eg. H2 O, NH3 ,ROH,R2 O,R2 S,R NH2 ,ROR. 3´ 10–4M. Find out the H+ ion concentration
.. .. .. .. .. of the same solution ?
 Molecules having carbon-carbon multiple bonds or
molecules with multiple bonds Sol: K w   H   OH  
eg. C2H4,C2H2, CO, NO ……etc
 OH    3  10  4 M
 In complex compounds all ligands are Lewis bases.
Neutralization :  1  10 14
 The formation of co-ordinate covalent bond is 
 H  
 3  10 4
known as Neutralization process.
 0.3333  10 10  3.333  1011 M.
H   NH 3  [ H 3 N  H  ] pH Scale :
Acid Base
 The PH scale was introduced by S.P.L Sorenson.
 P H of a solution is defined as the negative logarithm
BF  NH  [ H N  BF ]
3 3 3 3
Acid sp2 Base sp3 sp3 sp3 to base 10 of the activity  aH   of hydrogen ion.
Drawbacks :
aH   [ H  ] / mol.Lit 1.
 Acid Base neutralization reactions occur quickly.But
according to Lewis Theory, neutralization reaction P H   log aH    log[ H  ]
occurs slowly. But it is a well known fact that the
 Lewis theory could not explain the strength of acids   H   10 P
and bases.
 For any aqueous solution, the sum of P H and
 Lewis theory could not explain the catalytic activity
of H+ ion. P OH depends on the ionic product of water..
 All Lewis Bases are Bronsted-Lowry bases and
P H + P OH = P KW at any temperature
similarly all Bronsted-Lowry bases are Lewis Bases.
 At 25o C, for any aqueous solution. PH+POH=14
 All Lewis acids are not Bronsted-Lowry acids and
 At 250C,the pH scale lies between 0 to14
similarly all Bronsted-Lowry acids are not Lewis
acids.  At 250 C for pure water or neutral solution
Ionic Product of Water (KW) PH= POH =7.
 The product of the concentration of hydrogen ion pH of some common substances
and hydroxide ion at any temperature in pure water
or in any aqueous solution is known as the ionic
product of water. It is represented by Kw.
Kw =[H+][OH–]
Kw = [H3O+][OH–]
 At 298 K, the value of Blood plasma 7.4
1) Kw is 1.0 ´ 10-14 moles2/lit2
2) Pkw   log K W  14 Egg 7.8
 The value of Kw depends only on temperature.  If the aqueous solution of an acid is diluted with
 As the temperature increases the ionization of water water its pH value increases. After dillution,
increases and hence Kw value increases.
V2  If two strong bases are mixed
pH= Initial pH + log V1 N1V1  N 2 V2
OH   =
Where V 1 = initial volume of t he V1  V2
solution.  If excess of strong acid is added to limited quantity
V2 = volume of solution after dilution. of strong base.
 If the aqueous solution of a base is diluted, with N a Va  N b Vb
water its pH value decreases. After dilution. [H + ] = Va  Vb
PH = initial PH - log V2 / V1
 If a excess of strong base is added to limited
V1 = initial volume of the solution. quantity of strong acid
V2 = volume of solution after dilution.
N b Vb  N a Va
 Whatever the volume of water added, the pH of OH   =
Va  Vb
acid is always less than 7 and base is always more
than 7 at 250 C Solution  H    0H   pH
 If a very dilute acid is added to a concentrated acid PoH
the very dilute acid is treated as water for the purpose
Acidic  107  107 7
of calculating the pH value of the mixture.
 If a very dilute base is added to a concentrated 7
base, the very dilute base is treated as water for Neutral 107 107 7
the purpose of calculating the pH value of the 7
Basic  107  107 >7 <7
 If the aqueous solution of an acid is diluted by
 Measurement of P H of a solution is very essential
1. Ten times, the pH of the solution increases by
as its value should be known when dealing with
one unit.
biological and cosmetic applications.
2. Hundred times, the pH of the solution increases
by two units.  P H of a solution can be found roughly with the
3. Thousand times, the pH of the solution increases help of P H paper that has different colour in
by three units. solutions of different P H .
If the aqueous solution of a base is diluted by WE-2. 100ml of 0.15M HCl is mixed with 100 ml
of 0.05M HCl, what is the pH of the resulting
1. Ten times, the pH of the solution decreases by
solution .?
one unit.
2. Hundred times, the pH of the solution decreases V1 N1  V2 N2
by two units. Sol: [H+] = (V1  V2 )
3. Thousand times, the pH of the solution decreases
by three units. 100  0.15  100 0.05
 10 1 N
 For any strong acid. 100  100
[H+] = normality of the solution H
P   log  H     log 101   1
 For any strong base.
WE-3 50 litres of 0.1M HCl is thoroughly mixed

OH  = normality of the solution. with 50 litres of 0.2M NaOH. What is the pOH
of the resulting solution?
 If two strong acids are mixed
V1 N1  V2 N2
N1V1  N 2 V2 Sol. [OH-] = (V1  V2 )
[H+] = V  V
1 2
50  0.2  50  0.1 C 2 2
K =
[OH-] = a C (1   )
(50  50)
1. K =C
10  5 5 a
   0.05
100 100 2.   Ka / C
 5  10 2 3.  H    C
P OH   log10 OH    H    Ka  C
4.  
  log10 5  102 H Ka 1 1
5. P  P  log C
 2  log10 5 2 2
 = degree of ionization of acid
 2  0.6990  1.3 C = molar concentration of acid
Ionisation of Acids and Bases and
K = ionisation constant of acid
Degree of ionisation: a
 For any weak base:
 Acids which donate protons are generally known
as protonic acids. These are represented as HX 1.
K b  C 2
 When acids are dissolved in water, they ionise into   Kb / C
H+ and X- 2.

+ - 3.  O H   C 
HX  H 2O
 H +X
 The compound which contains OH- ions are OH    K b  C
generally known as base and represented by BOH. 1 K 1
 When bases are dissolved in water they ionise into 5. P  P b  log C
2 2
B+ and OH  6. P H  14  P OH
BOH  H 2O
 B O H
 
 = degree of ionisation of base
C = molar concentration of base
 The extent of ionisation is more for strong acids Kb = ionisation constant of base
and strong bases ( 100% ionisation).  Relation between Ka and Kb
 The extent of ionisation is less for weak acids and
K a  K b  K w  1.0  10 14 M
weak bases.
pKa+pKb = pKw = 14 ( at 298K)
 The process of ionisation is an equilibrium process
H 2O
Factors affecting ionisation or
HX   H ++ X- ---------(1) d i ssoci at i on :
  H 2O    Nature of electrolyte: Stronger the electrolyte,
BOH   B  O H -------(2) more is the ionisation and vice versa.
 The dissociation constant of acid  Nature of Solvent: Greater the dielectric constant
of solvent, more is the ionisation
[ H  ][ X  ]  Concentration: Lesser the concentration, greater
K = (based on the equation(1))
a [ HX ] is the ionisation
 The dissociation constant of base or base ionisation  Temperature: The higher the temperature, the
constant more is the ionisation
 Solvation: Greater the solvation, more is the
 
[ B ][OH ] ionisation
Kb = (based on the equation(2)) Presence of the ions in the solution:
[ BOH ]
 Ionisation decreases in presence of common ions.
 For any weak acid: Strength of acids:
HX    H+ + X-  Acadic nature of hydrides increase with decrease
 Cα Cα in bond strength.
size increases 
M+ + H2O  H+ + MOH
eg. (1): HF 
 HCl  HBr  HI A– + H2O  OH– + HA

Acid strength increases M+ + A– + H2O  MOH + HA
eg. (2): H 2O  H 2 S  H 2 Se  H 2Te  They are clasified as
Simple Salts:
 As the electronegativity of central atom
 Formed by neutralisation of an acid and a base.
increases the strength of acid also increases They may be further classified as
electronegetivityof central atom increases

a)Normal Salts:
CH 4  NH 3  H 2O  HF Salts not containing replaceable hydrogen (or)

Acid strengthincreases hydroxyl group
eg. Na2SO4,KNO3,AlPO4, CaCl2
 In oxy acids of same element, as oxidation state
b) Acidic Salts:
increases acidic nature increases.
Salts containing replaceable hydrogen atoms
eg. HClO  HClO2  HClO3  HClO4 eg. NaHSO4,Na2HPO4,NaHCO3 etc
c)Basic Salts:
Ionisation Constant of Some Common
Salts containing replaceable hydroxyl groups
Polyprotic Acids: eg. Zn(OH)Cl,Mg(OH)Cl,Fe(OH)2Cl.
 Poly basic acids like ortho phosphoric acid ionises d)Double Salts:
in three steps and each step has its own ionisation Formed by the combination of two simple salts
constant eg1. FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O (mohr salt)
H PO k1

 H++H PO – I step eg2. K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O (potash alum)
3 4 2 4
e)Complex Salts:

H2PO4- 
 H++HPO42– II step Salts containing complex ion
HPO42  k3
 H++PO43– III step eg. K4[Fe(CN)6],[Cu(NH3)4]SO4
f) Mixed Salts:
 The overal dissociation constant (k) of ortho Salts containing more than one type of cation (or)
phosphoric acid is given by the relation anion
k=k1 ´ k2 ´ k3 eg. CaOCl2,NaKSO4
Relative Strengths of acids: Hydrolysis of Salts:
 For weak acid K a  C . 2  The hydrolysis reaction is a reversible reaction. The
equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis reaction is
 For two acids with dissociation constants Ka1 and known as hydrolysis constant. It is represented
Ka2 at the same concentration C by Kh.
 The hydrolysis process is a reverse reaction of
1 Ka1 Strength of acid HA1 neutralization.

2 Ka2 = Strength of acid HA2  The fraction of the total salt which is hydrolysed at
equilibrium is called degree of hydrolysis
Relative Strengths of bases:
no of moles of salt hydrolysed
 For weak base K b  C 2 . h
total no of moles of salt taken
 For two bases with dissociation constants
a)Hydrolysis of salts of strong bases and
K b1 and K b2 at the same concentration C. strong acids
eg. NaCl, KNO3, Na2SO4, Kl, CsCl, KCl
1 K b1 Strength of base BOH1
   This type of salts do not undergo hydrolysis.
2 K b2 Strength of base BOH 2  The aqueous solution of the salt is neutral i.e pH=7.
Salt Hydrolysis: Hence they have no action on litmus.
 The reaction between the cation or anion or both b) Hydrolysis of Salts of Strong acids and
of a salt with water giving either acidic solution or weak bases:
basic solution or even neutral solution is known as eg. NH4Cl, ZnSO4, Al(NO3)3, FeSO4, MgCl2,
salt hydrolysis. AgNO3, Zn (NO3)2
 The aqueous solution of the salt is basic in nature.
 The cation of the salt undergoes hydrolysis because
i.e pH>7
conjugate acid of weak base is strong
 The aqueous solution of the salt turns red litmus to
M+ + H2O  MOH + H+ blue.
MOH   H   The hydrolysis constant for the salt is given by
Kh = M   KW
Kh = K
 The aqueous solution of the salt is acidic in nature. a

i.e pH<7 d) Hydrolysis of Salts of weak acids and

 The aqueous solution of the salt turns blue litmus to weak bases
red. eg. CH3COONH4 ,(NH4)2CO3
 The hydrolysis constant for the salt is given by  Both the cation and anion of the salt undergo
KW hydrolysis, because conjugate base and conjugate
Kh = K acid of weak acid and weak base are strong.
B+ + A- + H2O  BOH + HA
c) Hydrolysis of Salts of weak acids and
strong bases Kh 
 BOH  HA 
eg. CH3COONa, KCN, NaClO, K2CO3, Na2S,  B   A  
 The aqueous solution of the salt is
 The anion of the salt undergoes hydrolysis, because
i. Neutral, if Ka of acid is equal to Kb of base.
conjugate base of weak acid is strong
ii. Acidic, if Ka of acid is greater than Kb of the
A- + H2O  HA + OH base .
iii. Basic, if Ka of acid is less than Kb of base
 HA OH    The hydrolysis constant for the salt is given by
Kh =  A 
Kh 
K a .K b

Kw 1 ka 1
Kh = 7 P  log c
Ka 2 2
Acidic Cationic Kw 1 k 1
hydrolysis Kh = 7  P b  log c
Ka 2 2
1 ka 1 k b
7 P  P
2 2
h  Kh H

May be acidic, basic or neutral Both Anionic hydrolysis, Cationic hydrolysis

Buffer Solutions:
 A solution which resists the change in its p value on long standing (or) on dilution (or) on addition of a small
quantity of acid or base is known as a Buffer solution.
A solution which reserves its acidity or alkalinity is known as a Buffer Solution.
 The resistance offered by a solution to any change in its pH value is known as its Buffer action.
Types of Buffer Solutions:
 No.of moles of acid or base 
 Buffer solutions of desired pH are of two types, added to a litre of solution 
namely i) Acid buffer ii) Basic buffer. Buffer Capacity      
Change in P H value
1) Acidic buffer solutions : A mixture of weak
acid and its salt of strong base is known as Acidic  The Buffer capacity of an acid buffer is maximum if
its pH value is equal to pKa .i.e  S    A
CH3COOH+CH3COONa  The Buffer capacity of a basic buffer is maximum if
NaH2PO4+H3PO4 its pOH value is equal to the PKb i.e  S    B 
borax + Tetraboric acid
NaHCO3 + Na2CO3 Applications:
Phthalic acid+ potassium hydrogen phthalate  Buffer solutions are used in chemical analysis,
Citric acid+ sodium citrate industrial synthetic processes and enzyme catalyzed
H2CO3 + NaHCO3 (Sodiumhydrogen carbonate) reactions.
NaH2PO4 + Na3PO4  Buffer solutions play an important role in
NaH2PO4 + Na2HPO4 Biochemical reactions.
Glycerine + HCl  Buffer solutions are used in water softening process.
The pH value of gastric juice is maintained between  The pH of the blood is maintained at 7.4 mainly by
1.6 to 1.7 due to buffer system the HCO3– / H2CO3 buffer system.
 The pH of acidic buffer can be calculated by using  In industries, buffer solutions are used in the
Henderson equation. alcoholic fermentation (pH 5 to 6.5), tanning of
leather, electroplating ,manufacture of sugar, paper
P H  P K a  log
Salt  manufacturing etc
 Acid   CH3COOH + CH3COONa is used in the removel
 The pH range in which an acid Buffer works of phosphate radical during qualitative analysis of
effectively is PKa + 1. the mixture
2)Basic buffer solutions : A mixture of weak base  NH4Cl + NH4OH is used for theprecipitation of
and its salt of strong acid is known as Basic buffer. hydroxides of third group of qualitative analysis
eg. WE4. A solution is 1 M in CH3COONa. and 0.1M
0.01M NH4OH + 0.01M NH4Cl in CH3COOH. If pKa of CH3COOH is 4.8,
0.01M NH4OH + 0.01M NH4NO3 what is the pH of the solution?
 The pOH of basic buffer can be calculated by using
Henderson equation. salt 
Sol: pH  pK a  log acid
 salt   
P  P  log
 Base  1 
 4.8  log  
 The pOH range in which a basic buffer works  0.1 
effectively is p b+ 1  4.8  1  5.8
 pH of buffer solution is not effected by dilution. WE5.What is the pH of solution obtained by
S  S  mixing 100 mL of each 0.2M NH4Cl and 0.2M
  or   NH4OH, if pKb of NH4OH is 4.2?
 ratio of  A   B  remains unchanged on
    salt 
Sol: pOH  pK b  log base
dilution  
 Buffer capacity:The number of moles of acid or =4.2 + log 1 (because [salt] =[base])
base that must be added to one litre of a buffer = 4.2
solution to change its pH value by one unit is known pH = 14-pOH=14-4.2 = 9.8
as the Buffer capacity of the buffer solution
WE6.When 0.2 mole of an acid is added to 4 lit of Sparingly Soluble Salts:
a buffer solution, the P H of the buffer  Which contain less than 1g of solute in 100ml
decreases by 0.5. What is the buffer capacity solution.
of the solution.? eg. AgCl , AgI , BaSO4 , PbSO4 etc.
Sol: Buffer capacity Insoluble Salts:
no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution
  Which contain 103 g of solute in 100ml solution.
P H change
Based on amount of dissolved solute in solution,
0.2 mole of an acid is added to 4.lit of a buffer.
solutions are three types
1. lit of a buffer contains how many moles?
Saturated Solution:
1 0.2  The solution which contain exactly the required
  0.05
4 amount of solute for saturation.
P H change=0.5  In this solution equilibrium state is established
between undissolved solute and dissolved solute.
Buffer capacity=  0.1 AB 

 AB 
 A  B 

 0.5  undissolved   Dissolved   Ions 
Common Ion Effect: Unsaturated Solution:
 The decrease in dissociation of an weak electrolyte
 The solution which contains lesser amount of solute
by the addtion of strong electrolyte having ion in
that required for saturation.
common to that of weak electrolyte
Supersaturated Solution:
eg. CH 3COOH  CH 3COO   H   The solution which contains more amount of solute
 The dissociation of CH 3COOH is supressed by that required for saturation.
Solubility Product (KSP):
adding CH 3COONa
 It is the product of the molar concentration of its

is common ion  due to the shift of ions in a saturated solution of electrolyte.
 KSP for a salt changes with temperature
equillibrium to left side.
 Solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt AxBy
Solubility (S): is given by
 The no.of grams of solute is dissolved in 100gm of
solvent is known as solubility. 
Ax By 
 xA y  yB x
Weight of solute
Solubility=  100
Weight of solvent  y  x  x  y
K  A . B
 Solubility depends on the following factors. SP    
a) Nature of the solute b) Nature of the solvent x y
c) temperature d) pressure (for gaseous solute) Ksp   xs   ys 
 Based on Solubility, types of Salts: K sp  x x y y S x  y

Category-I Soluble Solubility 0.1M K sp

S x y 
xx y y
Category-II Slightly Soluble

Category-III Sparingly Solubility K sp

Soluble < 0.01M
S  x y
xx y y
Soluble Salts:  If solubility (S) of different types of salts is given,
 Which contain more than 1g of solute in 100ml KSP can be calculated as
solution.  For AB salt KSP = S2 and S = K SP
eg. NaCl , KCl , BaCl 2 etc.
eg. AgCl, AgBr  % precipitation of ion =
 initial conc  Re maining conc 
K SP   100
AB2 salt KSP = 4S and S =  initial conc 
Common Ion Effect on Solubility of
eg. PbCl2 , Mg  OH 2 , Ag 2CrO4 : Salts
From Lechatliers principle, if the concentration of
AB3 salt K SP = 27S4
any one of the ions is increased it should combine
A3 B2 salt K SP  108S 5 ; with the ion of its opposite charge and some of the
Where S=Solubility salt will be precipitated till K sp  Qsp .
WE-7 The solubility of Ag2CrO4 is 1´10–2 mol/  If the concentration of one of the ions is decreased,
lit.what is its solubility product.? more salt will dissolve to increase the concentration
Sol: Ag2CrO4  2Ag++CrO42- of both the ions till once again K sp  Qsp (Ionic
Ksp = (2S)2S = 4S3 product is equal to solubility product).
= 4( 1 x 10-2)3  This is applicable even to highly soluble salts like
= 4 ´ 10-6M3 NaCl , K 2 SO4 etc.,
WE-8 The solubility of PbSO4 in 0.1M Na2SO4 Applications:
 In predicting the solubility of a sparingly soluble salt.
solution is (K sp of PbSO4 is 1.25 × 10 -9 )
 In purification of common salt
Sol: PbSO4  Pb  SO42 2  In salting out of soap.
S 0.01  In Qualitative Analysis
The separation and identification of various basic
because [SO4-2] = [Na2SO4]
radicals into different groups is based upon
KSP solubility product principle and common ion effect
S   1.25x108 M
0.1 1) Precipitation of first group radicals:
Ionic product (Qsp) : (Pb+2,Ag+,Hg+2) The group reagent is dilute
 The product of molar concentrations of all the ions HCl, [Ag+][Cl-] > Ksp for AgCl
present in the solution at any instant is known as 2) Precipitation of second group radicals:
ionic product (Hg+2,Pb+2,Bi+3,Cu+2,Cd+2,As+3,Sb+3 and Sn+2)
Applications : The group reagent is H2S in presence of dilute HCl,
 The concept of solubility product helps the formation [Pb+2][S-2]> Ksp for PbS
of a precipitate. 3) Precipitation of third group radicals:(Fe+3,Al+3
a) Ionic product  K SP , no ppt is formed and Cr+3)
(unsaturated solution) The group reagent is NH4OH in presence
of NH4Cl,[Fe+3][OH-]3 >Ksp
b) Ionic product  K SP , a ppt is formed (super
saturated solution) 4) Precipitation of IV-group radicals:
[Co+2,Ni+2,Mn+2 and Zn2+]
c) Ionic product  K SP , solution is saturated
The group reagent is H 2 S in presence of
Calculation of remaining concentration NH4OH,[Co+2][S-2]>Ksp
after precipitation:
5) Precipit ation of V-group radicals:
Some times the ion remains after precipitation if it
is in excess remaining concen tration can be
determined The group reagent is Ammonium carbonate
in presence of NH4Cl and NH4OH
K sp [ AB]
Ex:- [A+]left = [Ba+2][CO32-]>Ksp
[ B ]
 It is used in the controlling the H+ ion concentration
Ksp [Ca(OH )2 ] in Buffer solution.
[Ca+2]left =
[OH  ]2
14. The conjugate base of hydrazoic acid is
Conceptual 1) N2H4 2) N2H5+ 3)N3– 4) NH2OH
15. Which of the following is an amphiprotic ion
Arrhenius & Bronsted Theory 1) Chlorate ion 2) Acetate ion
1. NH3 is not a base according to 3) Sulphate ion 4) Bicarbonate ion
1) Bronsted theory 2) Lewis theory 16. The strongest base among the following is
3) Arrhenius theory 4) Lowry theory 1) Chloride ion 2) Cyanide ion
2. HCl gas cannot act as an acid in 3) Formate ion 4) Acetate ion.
1) Polar solvents 2)Highly polar solvents17. Weakest base is
3) NH3 liquid 4)Non-polar solvents. 1) C2H5O– 2) NO3– 3) F– 4) CH3COO–
3. Which of the following is an Arrhenius acid? 18. Strongest Bronsted base is
1) CO2 2) SO2 3) FeCl3 4) HNO3
1) ClO  2) ClO2 3) ClO3 4) ClO4
4. Arrhenius theory is failed to explain the acidic
nature of 19. The following has no conjugate base
1) HCl 2) HCOOH 3) H2SO4 4) CO2 1) H 2 PO4 2) H 2 PO2

5. The conjugate acid of OH is

3) H 2 PO3 4) CH3COOH

1) H3 O 2) H 2 3) OH 4) H 2O
20. The weakest base among the following
6. The strongest base among the following is 1) I– 2) Cl– 3) F– 4) Br–
– –
1) Cl 2) CH3COO 21. The strongest conjugate base results from
3) HSO4– 4) NO3– 1) Formic acid 2) Benzoic acid
7. Which of the following is not a Bronsted acid 3) Acetic Acid 4) Acetylene
1) Bisulphate ion 2) Nitride ion 22. The conjugate acid of O-2 ion is
3) Nitric acid 4) Hydroxide ion
8. Which of the following is used as a 1) OH– 2) OH+ 3) H2O 4) HO 2
differentiating solvent for acids, 23. Identify Bronsted - Lowry acids in the reaction
1) CH3COOH 2) NH3 given.
3) H2O 4) HClO4
9 CH 3 COOH does not act as an acid in 3
 Al ( H 2O)6   HCO3 
presence of
A) HCl B) Na2CO3 C) H2O D) C6H6 A B
1) All are wrong 2) A and D are correct 2
 Al ( H 2O )5 (OH  )   H 2 CO3
3) A and B are correct 4) C and D are correct
10. Which of the following can act as both Bronsted C D
acid and a Bronsted base?
i) HCOO– ii) NH3 iii) O–2 iv) HSO–4 The correct answers
1) i & ii 2) ii & iii 3) ii & iv 4) i & iv 1) A,C 2) B,D 3) A,D 4) B,C
11. Protolysis is transfer of 24. Which anion is weakest base?
1) Hydroxide ions 2) Water molecules 
1) C2H5O– 2) NO3– 3) F 4) CH3COO–
3) Anions 4) Protons
25. The strongest base of the following species is
12. In the reaction NH3  H2O  NH4  OH, the
1) NH2– 2) OH– 3) O–2 4) S2–
conjugate acid-base pair is
26. Which of the following is the conjugate base
1) NH3 and H2O 2) NH3 and OH–
3) H2O and NH4+ 4) NH4+ and NH3 of [C2H5NH3]+ ?
13. H3O+ +OH-  2 H2O is 1) [C2H5NH]– 2) [C6H5NH3]OH
1) Arrhenius neutralisation 3) C2H5NH2 4) C2H5NH2+
2) Bronsted neutralisation
27. HCl does not behave as acid in
3) Lewis neutralisation
4) Both Lewis neutralization and Bronsted 1) Water 2) Ammonia
neutralisation. 3) Benzene 4) Aq NaOH
28. Among the following is only Bronsted Lowry 3)Lewis theory could explain relative strength of
acid but not an Arrhenius acid? acids and bases
1) AlCl3 
2) NH 4 3) BF3 4) CH 3COOH 4) Lewis theory cannot explain relative strength of
acids and bases.
29. Which of the following species acts as
40. Which of the following is not a Lewis base
Bronsted base but not as acid 1) C6H5NH2 2) C2H5OH
1) HSO4– 2) H2CO3– 3) H2PO2– 4)H2PO3– 3) NH3 4) SnCl4
30. The Species which one neither Bronsted acid 41. Which of the following is neither a Lewis acid
nor Bronsted base? nor a Lewis base.
1) HI 2) HSO-4 3) Cl- 4) BF3
31. The substance which is a Bronsted acid but 1) HSO 4 2) ZnCl2 3) NH 4 4) CH3
not Bronsted base? 42. H+ is an acid , according to
1) H 2 O 2) NH 3 3) H 2 S 4) HCO3 1) Arrhenius theory 2) Bronsted theory
32. Which of the following is not a conjugate 3) Lewis theory 4) All theories
acidbase pair 43. The gaseous phase neutralisation reaction can
be explained only on the basis of
1) HSO4 , SO42  2) H 2 PO4 , HPO42  1) Arrhenius theory 2) Lowry -Bronsted theory
3) H 2 PO4 , H 3 PO4 4) H 2 PO4  , PO4 3 3) Lewis theory 4) Bohrs theory
33. In aqueous solution, H2SO4 and HClO4 are 44. The following is a Lewis acid
Equally strong. This is because 1) O2 2) N2 3) F 4) O
1) Their basicities are same 45. The following is neither a Lewis acid nor a
2) Both are oxy acids of non-metals Lewis base.
3) Both have lower molecular weights 1) H2O 2) O 3) H2SO4 4) H3O+
4) Levelling effect of water 46. In complex compounds the central metal atom
34. Glycine exists as the zwitter ion, can act as
 1) A Lewis acid 2) A Lewis base
N H 3CH 2COO  . Its conjugate base is 3) A Bronsted acid 4) AArrhenius acid
1) NH2CH2COOH2+ 2) NH2CH2COO– 47. Which of the following is not Lewis acid
  1) AlCl3 2) BaCl2 3) BCl3 4) SnCl4
3) N H 3CH 2COOH 4) NH 3CH 2 COO H
48. Which of the following is Lewis base
35. Acetic acid in benzene can exist as 1) BCl3 2) CH4 3) NH3 4) HNO3
1) CH3COO– 2) H+ 49. The following statement is not true as far as
3) H3O+ 4) (CH3COOH)2 BF3 is concerned
Lewis theory 1) Electron deficient 2) Lewis acid
36. Which of the following is a Lewis acid but not 3) Ionic compound 4) Covalent compound
a Bronsted acid 50. In the reaction SnCl2 + 2Cl-  SnCl4 +2e- the
1) HSO 4 2) BCl3 3) NH3 4) HNO3 Lewis acid is
37. Formation of dative bond is neutralization 1) SnCl 2) SnCl3 3) SnCl2 4) SnCl4
according to the following acid base theory
1) Arrhenius 2) Lewis 51. Which of the following is not Lewis base?
3) Bronsted - Lowry 4) Lowry theory 1) CH4 2) C2H5OH
 3) Acetone 4) Sec. Amine

38. In the reaction AlCl3  Cl  AlCl4 , AlCl3 is 52. Among the following is strong Lewis base?
1) Lewis acid2) Lewis base 1) NF3 2) NCl3 3) NBr3 4) NI 3
3) Lewis salt 4) Arrhenius acid 53. Which of the following is strong Lewis acid?
39. Which of the following is wrong?
1) Arrhenius theory could explain relative strength 1) K  2) Ca 2  3) Al 3 4) All
of acids and bases. 54. The Lewis acidic strength of SO 3 when
2) Bronsted theory could explain relative strength compared to SO2 is
of acids and bases. 1) Equal 2) Less 3) More
4) Can not be predicted
55. Which of the following acts as Lewis acid?
1) Cu 2 2) AlCl3 3) CO2 4) All
C) PH of water decreases with the addition of
56. Among the following which one acts as Lewis acid
base? D)Degree of dissociation of water is
1) C2 H 2 2) C2 H 4 3) Pyridine 4) All independent of temperature
57. The no. of conjugate acid-base pairs present 1) All are correct 2) A & C are correct
3) B,C & D are correct 4) D is correct
in the aqueous solution of H 3 PO3 is
68. At any temperature for a neutral solution
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 1) pH > POH 2) pH = POH = 7
Ionisation & Ionic Product 3) pH = POH 4) pH < POH
58. Which of the following is not true for acidic 69. At 500C, pH + pOH is
solutions at room temperature. 1) Less than 14 2) More than 14
1) [H+] > [OH  ] 2) [H+] > 10-7 M 3) Equal to 14 4) Equal to 4
3) [H+] < 10-7 M 4) [OH–] < 10 -7M 70. pH of rain water is approximately
59. If HCl is added to pure water at 25o C the ionic 1) 4 2) 7 3) 10 4) 0
product of water will be 71. The pH of 0.1M ammonium hydroxide is
1) > 10–14 2) < 10–14 3) 10–14 4) >10–10 1) 14 2) <13 3) >13 4) <7
60. The ionic product of water changes when 72. The pH value of pure water at 300K is
1) An acid is added to it 2) A base is added to it 1) exactly 7 2) Slightly > 7
3) Either a base or acid is added to it 3) zero 4) Slightly < 7
4) Temperature is changed. 73. The aqueous solution has PH is zero. What is
61. If NaOH is added to a solution of acetic acid the nature of the solution.
1) H+ ions increases 2) pH decreases 1) Slightly acidic 2) Strongly acidic

3) [CH3COO ] increases 3) Neutral 4) Basic
4) [CH3COOH] increases. 74. If pKa is more than pKb, the pH of the aqueous
62. Which of the following is a strong electrolyte? solution of the salt formed by the above acid
and base is
1) NH 3 2) Ca (OH )2 3) BaCl2 4) H 3 PO4 1) 7 2) >7 3) <7 4) 0
63. Ostwald dilution law is applicable to 75. Which of the following is an acidic salt?
1) Weak electrolytes 2) Non- electrolytes 1) Na2SO4 2) NaHSO3
3) Strong electrolytes 4)All types of electrolytes 3) Na2SO3 4) K2SO4
64. Among the following which one is wrong? 76. The following has lowest pH
1) Degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte 1) MgSO4 2) MgCO3
increases with dilution. 3) NaCl 4) Sodium oxalate
2) Increase in temperature increases the ionisation 77. Aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate
3) Strong electrolytes are ionised completely even 1) Turns blue litmus to red
at moderate concentrations. 2) Turns red litmus to blue
4) Addition of NH 4Cl to NH 4OH increases the 3) Bleaches litmus
ionisation of the latter. 4) Has no action on litmus
65. The degree of ionisation does not depends on? 78. Salt hydrolysis in water is due to following
1) Temperature 2) Current nature of water
3) Nature of solvent 4) Concentration 1) Neutral nature 2) Acidic nature
66. The highest acidic solution has a pH of 3) Basic nature 4) Amphiprotic nature
1) 14 2) 7 3) 1 4) 0 79. Which of the following is not a salt?
67. The correct statements 1) NaCl 2) Ca (OH )2
A) P of water decreases with increase in
3) PbS 4) Zn( NO3 ) 2
1) KNO3 2) KCN Level- I (C.W)
3)Pot. Succinate 4) pot. Carbonate
81. Aqueous solution of which of the following
Ionic Product and Degree of
shows lower pH? Dissosiation
1) KNO3 2) ZnCl2 1. At 250C, the [H+] of a solution is 2  109 M .
The nature of the solution is
3) CH 3COONa 4) CH 3COONH 4
1) Neutral 2) Acidic 3) Basic
82. Which of the following salts undergo anionic 4) Can not be predicted
hydrolysis? 2. At any temperature, the proton concentration
1) ZnSO4 2) NH 4Cl 3) AlCl3 4) NaHCO3 of water is
83. Which can act as buffer
1) 1014 M 2) Kw 3) > 107 M 4) K w
1) NH4Cl + HCl 2) CH3COOH+H2CO3
3) 40mLof 0.1M NaCN + 20mLof 0.1M HCN 3. The ionic product of water is 10–14. The H+ ion
4) NaCl+NaOH concentration in 0.01M NaOH solution is
84. When CH3COONa is added to an aqueous 1) 10–11M 2) 10–12M 3) 10–1M 4)10–4M
solution of CH3COOH 4. For a strong acid
1) The pH of the solution decreases 1) a is very high 2) Ka is very high
2) The pH of the solution increases 3) P is very low
K a 4) All are correct
3) The pH of the solution remains unaltered 5. For a conjugate acid-base pair the relation
4) An acid salt is produced
85. The mixed solution of pthalic acid potassium b/w K a and K b
hydrogen pthalate is 1) K a .K b  1 2) K a / K b  K w
1) Basic buffer 2) Acid buffer
3) Not buffer 4) An acid 3) Ka  Kb  Kw 4) K a .K b  14
86. When the ionic product of a solution exceeds
6. For a dibasic acid, H 2 A  HA  H  ( K1 )
the solubility product, the solution becomes
1) Saturated 2) Unsaturated HA  A2   H  ( K 2 )
3) A colloid
4) Super saturated and precipitation of salts occurs. H 2 A  2 H   A2 ( K ) then
87. Which pair will show common ion effect? 1) K  K1  K 2 2) K  K1  K 2
1) AgNO3  KNO3 2) NaCl  HCl
3) K  K1 / K 2 4) K  K1 .K 2
3) NH 4OH  NH 4Cl 4) BaCl2  Ba  NO3  2
7. For H3PO4, H 3 PO4  H 2 PO4  H  ( K1 )
Key Conceptual
01) 3 02) 4 03) 4 04) 4 05) 4 06) 2 H2 PO4  HPO42  H  ( K2 )
07) 2 08) 1 09) 2 10) 3 11) 4 12) 4 HPO42   PO43  H  ( K 3 ) then
13) 2 14) 3 15) 4 16) 2 17) 2 18) 1
19) 2 20) 1 21) 4 22) 1 23) 3 24) 2 1) K1  K 2  K 3 2) K1  K 2  K 3
25) 1 26) 3 27) 3 28) 2 29) 3 30) 4 3) K1  K 2  K 3 4) K1.K 2 .K3  K w
31) 3 32) 4 33) 4 34) 2 35) 4 36) 2 8. 0.4g of NaOH is present in one litre of the
37) 2 38) 1 39) 3 40) 4 41) 3 42) 3 solution shows that H+ concentration of the
43) 3 44) 4 45) 4 46) 1 47) 2 48) 3 solution is
49) 3 50) 3 51) 1 52) 4 53) 3 54) 3 1) 10–2 2) 10–4 3) 10–10 4)10–12
55) 4 56) 4 57) 2 58) 3 59) 3 60) 4 9. The strength of acid is highest in
61) 3 62) 3 63) 1 64) 4 65) 2 66) 4 1) pKa = 6 2) pka = 5
67) 2 68) 3 69) 1 70) 2 71) 2 72) 4 3) pka=10 4) Ka = 10–11
73) 2 74) 2 75) 2 76) 1 77) 1 78) 1 10. The Ka of a weak acid is 10-5, pKb value of its
79) 2 80) 1 81) 2 82) 4 83) 3 84) 2 conjugate base is
85) 2 86) 4 87) 3 1) 7 2) 5 3) 9 4) 6
Concept of pH
11. The pH of 0.005 M H2 SO4 is are 10 and 12 respectively. Their normalities
1) 2.5 2) 4.5 3) 2.0 4) 1.0 are related as N NaOH  xN KOH . What is the
12. The pH of a 0.001M aqueous solution of sodium
value of x?
hydroxide will be (1993).
1) 5.0 2) 7.5 3) 9.0 4) 11.0 1) 5/6 2) 6/5 3) 102 4) 102
13. The pH of 0.001 M HCN is 25. 10ml of 0.1 N HCl is added to 990ml solution
1) 3 2) 11 of NaCl the P H of resulting solution
3) Between 3 & 7 4) 7 1) Zero 2) 2 3) 3 4) 7
14. The pH of a solution is 4.0 what should be the 26. At 90 C, pure water has [H3O] = 10-6 mole
0 +
change in the hydrogen ion concentration of the lts-1. Value of Kw at 900 C
solution if its pH is to be increased to 5.0
1) Halved 2) Doubled 1) 10 14 2) 10-8 3) 10-6 4) 10-12
3) Decreases to ½of its original concentration. Salt Hydrolysis
4) Decreased by 10 times. 27. MX is the salt of a weak base and strong acid
15. The P H of HCl is 5. It is diluted by 1000 times then which of the following is correct at 250 C ?
Its P H will be 1) K h .K a  1014 2) K h .K b  1014
1) 5 2) 8 3) 2 4) 6-7
16. The pH of gastric juice is normally 3) K a .K b  10 14 4) All the above
1) Greater than 1.5 and less than 2 28. pH of aqueous K2S solution is
2) Less than 1.5 1) >7 2) 7 3) <7 4) 14
3) Greater than 2 and less than 3 29. The aqueous solution of sodium cyanide is basic
4) Less than 1 and grater than 0 in nature. This is due to the hydrolysis of
17. A solution of pH= 9 is one thousand times as 1) Sodium ion 2) Cyanide ion
basic as a solution of pH. 3) Cyanide ion and sodium ion
1) 4 2)7 3)10 4)6 4) Iso cyanide ion
18. pH of one litre solution containing 40gm of 30. Which of the following has a higher value for
NaOH Kh at 270c
1)2 2)10 3)8 4)14 1) NaF 2) NaCl 3) NaBr 4) NaI
19. The P H of a 1 lit solution is 2. It is diluted with 31. Aqueous solution of the detergents are
1) Neutral 2) Acidic
water till it becomes 4. How many liters of water
3) Basic 4) Amphoteric
is added?
32. Aqueous solution of salt of strong base and
1) 99 2) 9 3) 999 4) 9.9
weak acid
20. If pH of solution of NaOH is 12.0 the pH of
1) Undergoes anionic hydrolysis
H2SO4 solution of same molarity will be
2) Is basic in nature
1) 2.0 2) 12.0
3)1.7 4) 10.0387. 3) Has P H greater than 7
21. pH of 10 M HCl (aq) on Sorenson’s scale is: 4) All the above
1) -1 2) 0 3) 10 4) 5 33. A salt of weak acid and weak base undergoes
22. 100 mL of 0.2 N NaOH is mixed with 100 mL 1) Only cationic hydrolysis
0.1 NHCl and the solution is made 1L. The 2) Only anionic hydrolysis
pH of the solution is: 3) Both cationic and anionic hydrolysis
1) 4 2) 8 3) 10 4) 12 4) Neither cationic nor anionic hydrolysis
23. How many H ions are present in 10 mL of a
 34. 1M NaCl and 1M HCl are present in an
aqueous solution . The solution is
solution having pH = 10?
1) Not a buffer solution with pH <7
1) 1010 2) 10 10 2) Not a buffer solution with pH >7
3) 6.02  10 23 4) 6.02  1011 3) A buffer solution with pH <7
4) A buffer solution with pH >7
35. The hydrolysis constant of CH 3COONa is The solubility of calcium fluoride in saturated
solution, if its solubility product is 3.210–11, is:
given by
1) 2.0  104 M 2) 12.0  103 M
Kw Kw
1) K h  K 2) K h  K 3) 0.2  104 M 4) 2.0  103 M
a b
43. K sp of salt A3 B2 , for solubility x mol L1 , is
3) K h  K .K 4) K h  K a  K b 1) 36x 2) 72x 6 3) 108x 5 4) 108x 6
a b 44. In the third group of qualitative analysis, the
Buffer Solution pr ecipit at ing r eagent is NH4Cl+NH4OH. The
36. One litre of a buffer solution contains 0.01M function of NH4Cl is to
NH4Cl and 0.1M NH4OH. The p of base is 1) Increase the ionization of NH4OH
5. pH value of the solution is 2) Supress the ionization of NH4OH
1) 9 2) 10 3) 4 4) 6 3) Stabilise the hydroxides of group cations
37. The pH of buffer solution prepared by mixing 4) Convert the ions of group third into their
respective chlorides.
50mL of 0.2M CH 3 COOH and 25mL of
CH3COONa is 4.8 what is the concentration 45. Dissociation of CH 3COOH is supressed by
of CH3COONa? PKa of CH3 COOH = 4.8 adding
1) 0.2M 2)0.4M 3) 0.5M 4) 0.8M 1) HNO3 2) HClO4
38. Which of the following mixture in aqueous
solution of equimolar concentration acts as a 3) CH 3COONa 4) Any of the above
buffer solution. 46. For the electrolyte of type, A B, K is given 2 sp
1) HNO3  NaOH 2) H 2 SO4  KOH then its solubility is calculated by
3) NH 4OH (excess)+ HCl K sp K sp
4) CH 3COOH  NaOH (large excess) 1) K sp / 4 2) 3 3) 3 K sp 4)
4 4
39. For an acid buffer solution the P H is 3. the 47. The solubility of the salt M A in water is ‘s’
m n
H can be increased by
P moles per litre.The solubility product of the salt
1) Increasing the concentration of salt is (at constant temperature)
2) Increasing the concentration of acid
3) Decreasing the concentration of salt 1) M m An 2) (m  n) S m n
4) Independent of concentration of acid& salt 3) mm n n s m  n 4) M m An s
40. For the buffer solution containing NH 4OH and 48. The addition of KCl to AgCl decreases the
NH 4Cl , P H of the buffer solution can be solubility of AgCl, because
increased by 1) K sp of AgCl decreases
1) Adding some more H 2 O 2) K of AgCl increases
2) Adding some more NH 4OH 3) Solution becomes unsaturated
3) Removing NH 4Cl 4) Both 2 and 3 4) Ionic product exceeds the K sp value
Solubility Product and Common Ion
49. Out of Ca 2  , Al 3 , Fe3 , Mg 2  and Zn 2 the
41. Solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt reagents NH 4Cl and aqueous NH 3 will
AX 2 is 3.2 1011 . Its solubility in mol/litre is: precipitate
1) 5.6  106 2) 3.1 104 1) Ca 2  , Al 3 2) Al 3 , Fe3

3) 2  104 4) 4  104 3) Fe3 , Mg 2 4) Mg 2  , Zn 2 

Key Level - I (C.W) P H   log(101 )  1
01) 3 02) 4 03) 2 04) 4 05) 3 06) 4
07) 1 08) 4 09) 2 10) 3 11) 3 12) 4 25. P H final  P H initial  log v2
13) 3 14) 4 15) 4 16) 1 17) 4 18) 4 v1
19) 1 20) 3 21) 2 22) 4 23) 4 24) 3 26. P H depends on concentration but not volume
25) 3 26) 4 27) 2 28) 1 29) 2 30) 1
28. S 2  2 H 2 O  H 2 S  2OH  so that p H of aq
31) 3 32) 4 33) 3 34) 1 35) 1 36) 2
37) 2 38) 3 39) 1 40) 4 41) 3 42) 1 H 2 S is greater than 7
43) 3 44) 3 45) 4 46) 2 47) 3 48) 1 29. CN   H 2O  HCN  OH 
49) 2 30. Extent of hydrolysis decreases with increase of size
Hints Level - I (C.W) of anion
1. [ H  ]  107 therefore basic 31. Detergent is a salt of weak acid and strong base
34. It is a neutral solution and its pH  7
2. K w  [ H  ][OH  ] in water [ H  ]  [OH  ]
V  C  salt 
[ H  ]  K w ka
37. pH  P  log V  C acid
20. pH = 12 then pOH = 2
 
[OH–] = 10-2 38. NH 4OH  HCl  NH 4Cl  H 2O .
Molarity of NaOH = 10-2 (excess).So the mixture contains
For H2SO4, molarity = 10-2
[H+] = 2 ´ 10-2 NH 4OH  NH 4Cl
pH = 2-log2 = 1.7  Salt 
H ka

21.  H  of 10 MHCl  10 M 39. p  p  log Acid
 
pH   log101  1  salt 
H kb
On Sorenson’s scale it is taken as zero. 40. P  14  P  log  
 base 
 100  0.2  100  0.01
22. OH   41. AX 2  A  2 X
2 
 102  pOH  2  pH  12 1/ 3 1/ 3
 K sp   3.2  1011 
23. pH  10   H    1010 molL1
K sp  4 s  S        2  104
 4   4 
No. of H  in 10 mL
42. CaF2  Ca 2   2 F 
  6.02  1023  1010  6.02  1011 For solubility ‘S’, K sp   S  2 S   4 S 3
24. pH of KOH = 10; pH of NaOH = 12 4S 3  3.2  1011
So, pOH of NaOH = 14-10 = 4;
pOH of NaOH = 14-12 = 2. S 3  8  10 12
S  2  104 M
N KOH  OH    104 ;
+2 -3

43. A3 B2  3A  2Bfor solubility of 

2 
N NaOH  10 (Because, for strong base, OH 
3x 2x
= normality = pOH) A3 B2 as xM 

As per the question, 3 2 3 2

K sp   A   B    3x    2 x   108x 5
102  x  104
44,45. Common ion effect
102 48. Common ion effect
 x  102
104 49. Low solubility product
Concept of pH
Level - I (H.W)
10. The pH of a mono - acidic base 12.6990. The
molarity of the base is
Ionic Product & Degree of Ionisation 1) 0.02 moles/litre 2) 0.05 moles/litre
1. Which of the following is relatively stronger 3) 0.5 moles/litre 4) 0.2 moles/litre
acid? K a values are given in brackets 11. 0.1 N solution of the following has the
highest pH
1) HA (1.8  103 ) 2) HB (3  105 ) 1) Na2CO3 2) NaHCO3
3) NaOH 4) CH3COOH
3) HC (1 102 ) 4) HD (9.6  1010 ) 12. pH of 0.1M Acetic acid is
2. For a weak acid ( is very small ) 1) Less than 1 2) Greater than 1
3) 1 4) 7
Ka 13. PH and POH of 0.1M aqueous solution of HNO3
1) K a  C. 2 2)   1) 0,14 2) 14,0 3) 1, 13 4) 13, 1
14. Which of the following would not change the
3) [ H  ]  C . 4) All the above pH of 10 c.c. of dil HCI when added?
3. A weak acid is 0.01% ionised in 0.1 M solution. 1) 5 c.c. of pure water 2) 20 c.c. of pure water
Its ionisation constant is: 3) 10 c.c of pure water
4) 20 c.c. of dil HCl of same concentration
1) 105 2) 106 3) 108 4) 109 15. pH of a solution at 25oC is 2. If the pH is to be
4. The dissociation constant of a weak monobasic doubled, then the hydronium ion concentration
acid in 0.01 M solution is 10–8. What is its [OH–] of the solution should be(PMT, Banglore,
concentration? 1992)
1) Halved 2) Increased to 100 times
1) 106 2) 108 3) 109 4) 10 10
3) Doubled 4) Decreased to 100 times
5. Which of the following is the best conductor of 16. When ammonium chloride is added to ammonia
electricity? solution the pH of the resulting solution will be
1) 1M HNO3 2) 1M CH 3COOH 1) Increased 2) Seven
3) Decreased 4) Not changed
3) 1M NH 4OH 4) 1M H 2 SO4 17. The dissociation constant of a weak acid, HA
6. At infinite dilution, the percentage ionisation is 4.9´10–8. Then pH of its decinormal solution
of both strong and weak electrolytes is will be near to (NSTS, 1994)
1) 3.5 2) 4.2 3) 5.3 4) 2.5
1) 25% 2)10% 3) 75% 4) 100%
+ 18. When 50mL of 0.1 M- NaOH and 50mL of 0.1
7. Calculate The[H ] ion of 0.008 M Ca(OH)2 is M- H2SO4 solutions are mixed, the nature of
1) 2  107 M 2) 6.25  1013 M resulting solution is
1) Neutral 2) Acidic
3) 1.4  10 12 M 4) 1.25  10 11 M 3) Basic 4) Amphoteric
8. At some high temperature the value of Kw 19. What will be the pH of a solution formed by
is equal to 10 –12 M 2. Calculate the H + ion mixing 40cm3 of 0.1M HCl with 10cm3 of 0.45
co n c en t rat i o n of w at er a t sa me M NaOH
temperature is 1) 10 2) 8 3) 5 4) 12
20. Among the following
1) 1012 M 2) 10 8 M a) On dilution, the P H of an acid increases
3) 10 7 M 4) 10 6 M b) A solution with P H =6 1000 times more basic
9. At certain temperature, the H  ion than a solution with P H =3
concentration of water is 4  10 7 M then the c) A solution with P H =9 is 1000 times moree
acidic than a solution with P H =12
value of K w at the same temperature is
d) The PH of109 M NaOH is slightly greater
1) 1014 M 2 2) 2.5  1013 M 2 than 7
3) 1.6  1013 M 2 4) 4  107 M 2 1) a,b are correct only 2) a,d are only correct
3) a,b,c are only correct 4) All are correct
Salt Hydrolysis Buffer Solution
21. The hydrolysis constant of 31. A buffer solution is prepared by mixing 10ml
NaX ( K a of HX is 2  10 ) is of 1.0 M acetic acid & 20ml of 0.5 M sodium
acetate and then diluted to 100ml with distilled
1) 5  10 9 2) 2  108 3) 5  10 6 4) 10 7
water. If the pKa of CH3 COOH is 4.76. What
22. Calculate the hydrolysis constant of a salt of is the pH of the buffer solution prepared?
weak acid (Ka = 2 x 10 -6) and of a weak base
1) 3.84 2) 4.76 3) 4.34 4) 5.21
(Kb = 5 x 10-7)
1) 10-4 2) 10-2 3) 10-6 4) 10-8 32. The P Ka weak acid is 4.8 what is the ratio of
23. MX is the salt of weak base, MOH and weak salt to acid , if P H of buffer is 5.8 is to be
acid, HX . Aqueous solution of MX is prepared
1) Acidic, if K a  K b 2) Basic, if K a  K b 1) 1:1 2) 1:10 3) 10:1 4) 2:1
33. In acid buffer solution (pH=4.4), the ratio of
3) Neutral, if K a  K b 4) All the above
concentrations of acid to salt is
24. The P H of an aqueous solution of a salt is 10. 2 : 1. The value of dissociation constant of
the salt is weak acid may be
1) KCl 2) NH 4 NO3 1) 1.8 104 2) 2 107
3) NaCN 4) ( NH 4 ) 2 SO4 3) 4 105 4) 2 105
25. Aqueous solution of potash alum is acidic due 34. A solution contains equimolar concentration
to the hydrolysis of
of a weak acid HA and its conjugate base
1) K  2) Al 3 3) SO42  4) Na  kb 
26. The hydrolysis constant of ammonium acetate A . P of A is 9 . the P H of the solution is
is given by 1) 9 2) 5 3) 7 4) 5.301
35. A solution is 10 M in CH 3 COONa
Kw Kw
1) K 2) K and 1M in CH3COOH. If pK a of CH3COOH
a b
is 4.8, what is the pH of the solution?
Kw K a .K b
3) K .K 4) K 1) 0.48 2) 5.8 3) 4.9 4) 6.8
a b w 36. What is the pH of solution obtained by mixing
27. Aqueous solution of NaCl is neutral because 100 mL of each 5M NH 4Cl and 5M NH4OH,
1) Na  undergoes hydrolysis
if pK b of NH4OH is 4.2?
2) Cl  undergoes hydrolysis
1) 9.8 2) 4.2 3) 7.0 4) 8.4
3) Both Na  and Cl  undergo hydrolysis
37. Choose the correct combination among the
4) Does not undergo hydrolysis
28. The pH of 0.1M solution of the following
compounds increase in the order A) A mixture of weak acid and its salt of strong
base acts as acidic buffer
1) NaCl  NH 4Cl  NaCN  HCl B) As number of moles of acid or base required
2) HCl  NH 4Cl  NaCl  NaCN to change the PH of the buffer by one unit
increases, the quality of buffer increases.
3) NaCN  NaCl  NH 4 Cl  NaCN C) Buffer action is maximum at PH=PKa in case
4) NaCN  NH 4Cl  NaCl  HCl of acidic buffer
1) All are correct 2) A only correct
29. Nature of 0.1M solution of potassium
3) B only correct 4) A only false
bisulphate is
38. Buffer capacity of acid buffer solution is more
1) Acidic 2) Alkaline
3) Neutral 4) Amphoteric A) PKa=PH B) [Salt] = [Acid]
30. The no.of hydroxyl ions produced by one Ka
C) P =7 D) [H+] = PKa
molecule of NaCO3 on hydrolysis is
1) All are correct 2) B, C and D are correct
1) 4 2) 2 3) 3 4) 0
3) A and B are correct 4) C and B are correct
39. Which of the following solution cannot act as
1) Both AgCl and AgI are sparingly soluble
1) NaH2PO4 + H3PO4 2)The K sp of AgI is lower than K sp of AgCl
2) CH3COOH+CH3COONa 3)The K sp of AgI is higher than K sp of AgCl
3) HCl  NH 4Cl 4) Both AgCl and AgI have same solubility
4) H3 PO4  Na 2 HPO 4 product
40. Which of the following salts when added to pure 47. At 25o C , the K sp value of Fe(OH )3 in
water will not alter its PH
aqueous solution is 3.8  1038 . The solubility
1) Ammonium cyanide 2) Ferric chloride
3) Potassium cyanide 4) Borax of Fe3 ions will increase when
41. Which of the following solutions can act as 1) P H is increased 2) P H is 7
buffer ?
3) P H is decreased 4) P H = 14
1) 0.1 molar aq.NaCl
2) 0.1 molar aq.CH3COOH+0.1 molar NaOH 48. In which of the following, the solubility of AgCl
3) 0.1 molar aq. Ammonium acetate will be maximum ?
4) 0.1 molar H3PO4 1) 0.1 M AgNO3 2) Water
Solubility Product and Common Ion
3) 0.1 M NaCl 4) 0.1 M NaBr
42. Among the following has the lowest value of 49. Among the following statements
a) if two salts have equal solubility then their
K sp at 250 C ?
solubility products are equal
1) Mg (OH ) 2 2) Ca (OH ) 2 b) BaSO in more soluble in water than in dil
3) Ba (OH ) 2 4) Be (OH ) 2 H2SO4
43. The molar solubility of PbI 2 in 0.2 M c) When KI is added to PbI 2 , then the [ Pb 2  ]
Pb ( NO3 ) 2 solution in terms of solubility decreases
product, K sp d) In any solution containing AgCl , the value

1) ( K sp / 0.2)1/ 2 2) ( K sp / 0.8)1/ 3 of [ Ag  ] [Cl  ] is constant at constant

3) ( K sp / 0.4)1/ 2 4) ( K sp / 0.8)1/ 2 1) All are correct 2) a,b and d are correct
44. The Ksp of a salt, having the general formula 3) a,c and d are correct 4) b,c and d are correct
MX2, in water is 4´10–12. The concentration of
Key Level - I (H.W)
M2+ ions in the aqueous solution of the salt is
01) 3 02) 4 03) 4 04) 3 05) 4 06) 4
1) 4  1010 M 2) 1.6  104 M
07) 2 08) 4 09) 3 10) 2 11) 3 12) 2
3) 1  104 M 4) 2  106 M
45. One of the following is most soluble? 13) 3 14) 4 15) 4 16) 3 17) 2 18) 2
1) Bi2 S3 ( K sp  11017 ) 19) 4 20) 4 21) 1 22) 2 23) 4 24) 3
2) MnS ( K sp  7  1016 ) 25) 2 26) 3 27) 4 28) 2 29) 1 30) 2
3) CuS ( K sp  8 1037 ) 31) 2 32) 3 33) 4 34) 2 35) 2 36) 1
4) Ag 2 S ( K sp  6 10 51 ) 37) 1 38) 3 39) 3 40) 1 41) 3 42) 4
46. In the following reaction, 43) 4 44) 3 45) 2 46) 2 47) 3 48) 2
AgCl  NaI  NaCl  Ag I . As NaI is added, 49) 4
the equilibrium is shifted towards right giving
more Ag I precipitate , because
base and ka = kb
Hints Level - I (H.W)
41. Salt of weak acid and weak base acts as buffer
1. ka strength of acids
42. from Be(OH ) 2 to Ba (OH )2 solubility product
 0.01 
3. K a  C 2  0.1   increases
 100 
45. higher the KSP value higher will be the solubility
 1 109 48. Water is the weak electrolyte and it has no common
4.  H    KC ions

 10 8 102  105

OH   
 H  

 5  109 M
11. NaOH is a strong base
12. CH 3COOH is weak acid and its pH>1
13. [H+] = 10-1 PH=1 and POH=13
14. Addition of water causes change in p H due to
change in concentration
24. NaCN under go anionic hydrolysis
25. Al 3 is a Cation of weak base
27. NaCl does not under go Hydrolysis
28. Basic nature increases
29. KHSO4 as one replaceable hydrogen atom

30. Na2 CO3  2 H 2 O  H 2CO3  2 NaOH

salt 
35. pH  pK a  log acid
 
salt 
36. pOH  pK b  log base
 
=4.2 + log 1 (because [salt] =[base])
= 4.2
pH = 14-pOH=14-4.2 = 9.8
38. If P H  P ka buffer capacity is maximum
39. Mixture of 1. W.A and its salt of SB & 2. W.B and
its salt of strong acid acts as a buffer
40. CH3COONH4 is a salt of weak acid and weak

Level - II (C.W)
Ionisation of Acids & Bases,
Degree of Ionisation & Kw
1. At 700C the concentration of H+ ion in
aqueous solution of NaCl is 10-6 mole/lit. The
OH- ion concentration is
1) 10-8 moles/lit. 2) 10-6moles/lit.
3) 10 moles/lit. 4) 10-9moles/lit.
2. A weak mono acidic base is 5% ionized in
0.01 M solution. The Hydroxide ion
concentration in the solution is
1) 5 ´ 10–2 2) 5 ´ 10–4
3) 5 ´ 10 4) 2 ´ 10–11
3. A monobasic acid solution has pH value of 5.
Its molarity is 0.005M. The degree of
ionisation of the acid is
1) 5  10–3 2) 2  10–3 3) 5  10–2 4) 210–

4. One litre of water contains 107 moles of H+

ions .Degree of ionisation of water ( in
percentage) is
1) 1.8  107 2) 1.8  109
3) 3.6  107 4) 3.6  109
5. Determine the degree of ionisation of 0.05M
NH3 at 250C in a solution of pH=11
(Kb=1.76  10–5)
1) 0.0173 2) 0.173 3) 1.73 4) 17.3
6. The dissociation constants of two acids HA1
and HA2 are 4.5  10-4 and 1.8  10-
respectively. If both are having equal
concentrations the relative strength of acids
1) 5:2 2) 2:5 3) 5:1 4) 1:5
7. The no. of H 3O  ions present in 10 mL of
water at 250 C is
1) 6.023  1014 2) 6.023  1014
3) 6.023  1019 4) 6.023  1019
PH Problems 20 A 0.01 M ammonia solution is 5 % ionized,
8. Calculate the pH value in 108 M NaOH the concentration of OH– ions is (KCET,93)
solution 1) 0.005 M 2) 0.0001 M
1)7.04 2) 8 3) 6 4) 6.96 3) 0.0005 M 4) 0.05 M
9. The pH of a solution at 250 C is 2. If its pH is 21. +
The number of H ions in 1cc of a solution of
to be changed to 4, then conc.of H+ of the pH=13 is
original has to be 1) 6.023 ´ 107 2) 1 ´ 10-13
1) Doubled 2) Halved
3) Increased by 100 times. 3) 6.023 ´ 1013 4) 1 ´1016
4) Decreased by 100 times. 22. 50mL of H2O is added to 50mL of 110–3M
10. 75mL of 0.2M HCl is mixed with 25mL of 1M barium hydroxide solution. what is the pH of
HCl. To this solution 300mL of distilled water the resulting solution?
is added. What is the pH of the resultant 1) 3 2) 3.3 3) 11 4) 11.7
23. pH of a solution produced when aqueous
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 0.2
solution of pH 6 is mixed with an equal volume
11. Equal volumes of two solutions with P H =3 and
of an aqueous solution of pH 3 is about
P H =11 are mixed. Then the P H of resulting 1) 4.3 2) 3.3 3) 4.0 4) 4.5
solution is
24. The hydrogen ion concentration in pure water
1) 8 2) 7 3) 6 4) 0
is 10–7g. ions/lit. An aqueous solution will be
12. The P H of a solution is 6. Its H  concentration acidic, if its hydrogen ion concentration in g.
is decreased by 1000 times. Its P H will be ions/ lit. is
1) 9 2) 6.96 3) 7.04 4) 8 1) 10–6 2) 10–7 3) 10–8 4) 10–9
13. At certain temperature the K D2O is 10–16M. Then 25. A solution has 10-2 M hydrogen ions in it. The
the pD of pure D2O at that temperature is solution is diluted by 100 times. The pH of the
1) 7 2) 16 3) 8 4) 6 solution is
14. The ionisation constant of a mono basic acid 1) 2 2) 4 3) 7 4) 3
is 5  10-2. The pH of 0.01 M acid solution is Salt Hydrolysis & Buffers
1) 1.30 2) 3.30 3) 5.0 4) 1.65
26. The Hydrolysis constant of MX is (Given, Kb
15. The pH of a solution obtained by mixing 50mL
of MOH is 210–6 and Ka of HX is 510–7)
of 0.4N HCl and 50mL of 0.2 N NaOH is
1) - log2 2) -log 0.2 3) 1.0 4) 2.0 1) 102 2) 102 3) 103 4) 103
16. pH of a centimolar solution of a mono basic 27. T he hydr olysis const ant K h of a salt of NaOH
acid is 6. The dissociation constant is and a weak acid (HX) if the Ka of the acid is
approximately equal to 210–6 is
1) 10–12 2) 10–8 3) 10–10 4) 10–6
1) 510–8 2) 510–6 3) 510–9 4) 2.510–7
17. Degree of dissociation of CH 3COOH and
NH4OH are the same. If 0.01 M solution of 28. K a for HCN is 510 –10 at 250 0 C. For
CH3COOH has pH=4.0; then pH of 0.01 M maintaining a constant pH of 9, the volume of
NH4OH will be 5 M KCN solution required to be added to 10
1) 4 2) 7 3) 10 4)14 mL of 2M HCN solution is
18. Equal volumes of two solutions containing 3.65g 1) 5 ml 2) 2 ml 3) 6.95 ml 4) 10.2 ml
of HCl and 4.0 g of NaOH respectively are mixed. 29. 100 mL of 0.3 N-Acetic acid solution is mixed
The pH of the mixture is with same volume of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide
1) 7 2) <7 3) >7 4) 0 solution. Ionisation constant of acetic acid is
19. When 1ml of 0.1 N HCI is added to 1 litre of a 210–5 The pH of the mixture is
solution of pH value 4, the pH will be nearly 1) 10 2) 7 3) 5 4) 9.
1) 5 2) 4.477 3) 3 4) 3.699
30. When the following is added to 20ml of 0.1M
1) 0.1MHCl 2) 0.1MNH 4Cl
CH3COOH+20 ml 0.1M of CH3COONa. The
pH of the solution does not change 3) 0.1MH 2 SO4 4) 0.1MCH 3COOH
1) 10mL of 0.1M CH3COOH
40. Solubility product of Ba  OH  2 and Al  OH 3
2) 10mL of 0.1M CH3COONa
3) 10mL of water are 1.8 1010 and 2.4 10 20 respectively. If
4) 20mL of 0.2 M CH3COOH both Al 3 and Ba 2 ions are present in a
31. An acidic buffer contains equal concentrations
of acid and salt. The dissociation constant of solution, which one will be ppt on addition of
acid is 105 . The P H of the buffer solution is Ammonium hydroxide solution
1) 5 2) 9 3) 4.49 4) 5.5 1) Ba  OH  2 2) Al  OH 3
32. 50mL of 0.1M solution of sodium acetate and
3) Both are precipitated at same time
50 mL of 0.01M acetic acid mixed. The pKa of
4) Both are not precipitated
acetic acid is 4.76. The P H of the buffer
solution is 41. The solubility of CaF2 is 2  10 4 mole / litre . Its
1) 3.76 2) 4.76 3) 5.76 4) 9.24 solubility product is
33. The K b of weak base is 10 . the  4
1) 2  8  1012 2) 4.0 108
[ salt ] to [base] ratio to be maintained to keep 3) 4  8.0  1012 4) 3.2  104
the P H of buffer solution as 9 is.
42. The solubility of AgCl in 0.1 M NaCl is
1) 1 : 4 2) 4 : 2 3) 1 : 10 4) 10 : 1
34. The ionisation constant of acetic acid is ( K sp of AgCl  1.2  1010 )
2  10 5 The pH of buffer containing acetic
acid and sodium acetate is 4.7. The ratio of 1) 0.05 M 2) 1.2  10 6
[acid] and [salt] 3) 2  105 4) 1.2  109
1) 1 : 1 2) 10 : 1 3) 1 : 10 4) 2 : 1
35. When 0.1 mole of an acid is added to 2 L of a 43. If the solubility product of MOH is 11010M2
buffer solution, the P H of the buffer decreases
Then the P H of its aqueous solution will be
by 0.5. the buffer capacity of the solution is
1) 0.6 2) 0.4 3) 0.2 4) 0.1 1) 11 2) 9 3) 13 4) 5
36. 5 moles of acid is required to change the pH of 44. What is the minimum concentration of SO42 
1 litre of buffer by 2 units. Find buffer capacity.
1) 5 2) 3.5 3) 2.5 4) 15 required to precipitate BaSO4 in a solution
37. A certain buffer solution contains equal
containing 1  104 mole of Ba 2  ? ( K sp of
concentrations of B+ & BOH. If the Kb of BOH
is 10–10. The pH of buffer is BaSO4 = 4  1010 )
1) 14 2) 4 3) 10 4) 7
1) 2  103 M 2) 2  105 M
38. P H of CH 3COOH and CH 3COONa buffer is
4.8. In which of the following conc.conditions, 3) 4  1010 M 4) 4  106
the buffer capacity will be maximum 45. The P H of saturated aqueous solution of
 CH3COOH & CH3COONa  Ba (OH )2 is 10. If the K sp of Ba (OH )2 is
1) 0.1 M, 02 M 2) 0.2 M, 0.1 M
3) 0.34 M, 0.34 M 4) 0.34 M, 03 M 5  1013 , then the concentration of Ba 2  ions
Solubility Product in the solution is
39. NH 4OH is weak base but it becomes still 1) 1  105 2) 1  103 3) 5  10 5 4) 1  102
weaker in the aqueous solution of
46. Find the change in pH when 0.01 mole 5. Let us consider the ionisation of
CH 3COONa is added to one litre of 0.01 M NH 4OH
CH 3COOH soluton ( pK a  4.74) NH 4 OH NH 4  OH 
1) 3.27 2) 4.74 3) 1.37 4) 2.74 At time t  0 C O O
47. 2 g of NaOH per 250 mL of solution is added
to a buffer solution of buffer capacity 0.2. Then At equilibrium C 1    C C
the change in pH is
C C if   1
1) 0.5 2) 1 3) 1.5 4) 2.0 Kb   C 2 
C 1    1     1
48. The precipitate of CaF2 ( K sp  1.7 1010 ) is
obtained when equal volumes of the following  1.76 105 
Kb  
are mixed?    0.01876
C  0.05 
1) 104 M Ca 2   104 M F 
Under normal condition degree of dissociation will
2) 102 M Ca 2   103 M F 
3) 105 M Ca 2   103 M F  =0.01876
4) 103 M Ca 2  10 5 M F  when pH is i.e ., pOH =14-11=3
Key Level - II (C.W) Then, OH    103
01) 2 02) 2 03) 2 04) 1 05) 1 06) 3
07) 2 08) 1 09) 4 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1 C OH   0.05   10 3 
 Kb  
13) 3 14) 4 15) 3 16) 3 17) 3 18) 1 C 1    0.05 1   
19) 4 20) 3 21) 1 22) 3 23) 2 24) 1
 103
25) 2 26) 2 27) 3 28) 2 29) 3 30) 3 1.76  10 5 
31) 1 32) 3 33) 4 34) 1 35) 4 36) 3 1   
37) 2 38) 3 39) 2 40) 2 41) 3 42) 4 1.76 10 2 1     
43) 2 44) 4 45) 3 46) 3 47) 2 48) 2
1.76  10 2  1.0176
Hints Level - II (C.W)
1. Aqueous NaCl is neutral solution   0.01729
 [H+] = [OH-]
 0.0173
  H    10 6 mole / lit
 OH    106 mole / lit
[OH  ]  K b  C
% 5 K b  C 2
2. [OH-] = c =  0.01 = 5 x 10-4
100 100
[OH  ]  C

H  105
3.   1 K1
C 5  103 
 2  103 2 K2
No.Of ionised ions 100
4. %  4.5 10 4
Total no.of molecules   5 :1
1.8 10 5
18 107  6.023  1023  100 7. In water

1000  6.023  1023 [ H  ]  107  6.023 1023 ions per liter
 1.8  107 in 10ml solution no.of. [ H  ] ions
 H    106
107  6.02310 23 10 /1000

 6.023 1014  H   Ka  C
8. [OH-] from NaOH = 10-8M K a  1010
[OH-] from water = 10-7 17. pH = 4; [H+] = 10-4
Total [OH-] = 10-7 +10-7
[H+ ] = kac
OH    1.1 10 7
10-4 = ka 10 2
OH 
P   log10 OH  ka = 10-6
ka = kb = 10-6
  log10 1.1 10 7  6.96
[OH-] = kb  c = 106 102 = 10-4
P  P  14
pOH = 4
P H  14  6.96  7.04 pH = 14-4= 10
18. No of equavalents of acid and base are same.
9. pH = 2;  [H+] = 10-2 Therefore result and solution is neutral and
pH = 4;  [H+ ] = 10-4 PH =7
Decreased by 100 times
 N1V1  N 2 V2
V1 N1  V2 N 2 19.  H   V1  V2
10. N = Total volume
0.1 1  1000  104

0.2  75  1 25
 0.1
 H   
75  25  300 1000
 0.0002  2 104
P H   log10  H     log10 101
P H   log10 2  10 4
P 1
11. An acid and base having equal volumes and equal  4  0.3010  3.699
strength when mixed to give neutral solution. %
20. [OH-] = C  = C ´
solution  1(acid ) solution  2(base) 100
, H
P 3 P  11(or ) P OH  3 5
= 0.01 ´ = 0.0005
12. If the H ion concentration decreases by 1000
 100
times then P H increses by three units 21. [H+] = 10-13
13. K
P D  POD  P D2O 1000
10-13 = n´
14. [H+] = ka.c  5 102 102
 5 10 4 = 2.2  10 2
Number of moles = = 10-16
P H   log  H   = P H  1.65 Number of H+ = 10–16 ´ 6.023 ´ 1023
= 6.023 ´ 107
Va N a  Vb N b
15. [H+] = V  V 22. V1N1= V2N2
a b 100 ´ N = 50 ´ 10–3 ´ 2
50  0.4  50  0.2 N = 10–3
[H+] = pOH=3;pH = 11
20  10 106 103 103
[H+] = =10-1 23. = [10-3+1]
100 2 2
pH = -log 10-1 ; pH = 1 [H+ ] = 0.5 ´ 10–3 = 5 ´ 10-4
16. P H  6 C=0.01 pH = -log 5 ´ 10–4 = 4-0.6990 = 3.3010
24. If the solution is acidic [H+ ] > 10-7

 S   1:1
25.  H    102
 A
It is diluted by 100 times
35. buffer capacity
  H    104
no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution

P H   log10  H     log10 104 P H change
0.1 mole of an acid is added to 2.lit of a buffer.
 PH  4
1. lit of a buffer contains how many moles?
kw Kw
26. K h  27. Kh  1 0.1
K a  Kb Ka   0.05
H ka N SVS
28. P  P  log P H change=0.5
N aVa
5  VS  Buffer capacity=  0.1
9  9.3  log 0.5
2  10 36. Buffer capacity
 VS  2m l no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution
29. CH3COOH + NaOH  CH3COONa +H2O 
P H change
100 ´ 0.3 100 ´ 0.2
(CH3COOH) = ( 100 ´ 0.3) - ( 100 ´ 0.2) [B  ]
[CH3COONa]=100 ´ 0.2 37. P OH = 10+ log
[ BOH ]
pKa = - log ka
If [B+] = [BOH]
[S ] then P OH = 10 ; P H = 4
30. pH = pka + log
[ A]
[ s]
pH of buffer depends upon the ka ,[Salt] and [Acid] 38. pH = pka + log
[ A]
H [S ]
31. P  Pka  log Buffer capacity is maximum
[ A]
when P H = P ka ;  [s] = [A]
If [salt] = [acid] 39. Due to common ion effect
Then P H  P ka 40. Compound having low ksp precipitated first
 P ka   log ka   log105 =5 ;  P H  5 41. CaF2 is a AB2 t ypes of salt
H [S ] CaF2  Ca 2  2 F 
32. P  Pka  log
[ A] S 2S

[ Salt ] 2
33. P  14  Pkb  log K SP  Ca 2   F  
[ Base]
S  2 S 2
 S   10 :1
K SP  4S 3 ; S  2  104
 B
 s K SP  ? ; K SP  4  2  104   4  8  1012
34. pH = pKa + log A
  42. AgCl  Ag   Cl 
S  S 0.1
4.7  4.7  log10
 A
= 1/2 x 4.74 - 1/2 log 10-2 2.37 + 1 = 3.37
K sp  [ S ][0.1]
 0.011
K SP of AgCl  1.2  1010 pH of buffer = 4.74 + log = 4.74
0.01 1
 K SP  S .S change in pH = 4.74 - 3.37 = 1.37
1.2  10 10  S  0.1 47. n = 0.05 eq

1.2 1010 0.2

S  12  1010 =  S  1.2  109 per liter solution 0.05x4 = 0.2eq;   1
0.1 0.2

43. K SP of MOH  1 1010 M 2 48.  Ksp  IP 

PH  ?
Level - II (H.W)
MOH is AB type of salt Ionisation of Acids & Bases, Degree
 K SP  S 2
of Ionisation & Ionic Product
1. Find out the OH  ion concentration in 100 mL
OH    S
of 0.015 M HCl is
S  K SP  110 1) 2.0  109 M 2) 6.7  1013 M

S  10 5 3) 3  1010 M 4) 5  1012 M

OH    105 2. The [OH  ] of 0.005 M is H 2 SO4

1) 2  1012 M 2) 5  103 M
P OH   log10 OH     log10 105  5
3) 1012 M 4) 1014 M
P P  14
3. The OH  ion concentration of a solution is
 P  14  5  9
44. to get precpitate Ionic product is >Ksp 3.2  104 M . find out the H+ ion concentration
The minimum Conc.of.SO4-2 to get of the same solution is
1) 3  106 M 2) 6  1013 M
K sp
precipitate = 3) 3.125  1011 M 4) 2  104 M
[ Ba 2 ]
4. In 0.1 M- solution, a mono basic acid is 1%
4 1010 ionized. The ionisation constant of the acid is
 4
 4 106
110 1) 1  10–3 2) 1 10–7
3) 1  10–5 4) 1  10–14
45. 5. At 250 C , the hydroxyl ion of a basic solution
Ba(OH ) 2  Ba 2  2OH 
given P H  10 then is 6.75  103 M . then the value of K w is
POH  4 1) 13.5  1012 M 2 2) 1.35  1012 M 2
2S  [OH  ]  104 3) 13.5  108 M 2 4) 1014 M 2
2 2 sp
[ Ba ][2S ]  K
6. At some high temperature , K w of water is
2 5  1013
[ Ba ]  8
 5  105 1013 . Then the P H of the water at the same
temperature is
46. pH = 1/2 pKa - 1/2 logC 1) 8.3 2) 6.5 3) 7.42 4) 6
pH Problems 19. The dissociation constant of a weak acid HA
7. The pH of a solution is 3.7. The concentration is 110-5. Its concentration is 0.1 M. pH of that
of proton is in the order of solution is (1994)
1)10 M –4 –6
2)10 M 3)10 M 4) 10 M –8 1) 1.0 2) 2.0 3) 3.0 4) 5.0
8. The pH of 10 normal NaOH solutions is 20. The P H of 0.01 M solution of acetic acid is
nearest to
1) 10 2) 7 3) 4 4) -10 5.0 What are the values of  H   and Ka
9. 50 litres of 0.1M HCl is thoroughly mixed with respectively?
50 litres of 0.2M NaOH The pOH of the 1) 2 X 104 M , 2 X 108
resulting solution is
1) 1.0 2) 0.0 3) 7.0 4) 1.30 2) 1X 10 5 M ,1X 10 9
10. 1 c.c of 0.1 M HCl is added to 1 litre of 0.1M 3)1X 105 M ,1X 108
NaCl solution.The pH of the resulting solution
will be 4) 1X 10 4 M ,1X 106
1) 7 2) 1 3) 3 4) 4 21. Degree of dissociation of 0.1 N CH 3COOH is
11. 100mL of 0.15M HCl is mixed with 100 mL of
0.005M HCl, what is the pH of the resulting ( K a  1.0  10 5 )
solution approximately 1) 106 2) 107 3) 103 4) 102
1) 2.5 2) 1.5 3) 2 4) 4 22. The pH of 10-3M NH4 OH(Kb=10-5) is
12. The pH of NaOH solution is 12. What is the 1) 3 2) 11 3) 10 4) 4
amount in grams of NaOH present in one litre 23. An aqueous solution twice alkaline as water.
of a solution? The pH of the solution is near to
1) 40 2) 4 3) 0.4 4) 20 1) 7.3 2) 12 3) 10 4) 13
13. The pH of a solution is 5. Its H + ion 24. The pH of an aqueous solution of H O is 6.0.
2 2
concentration is decreased by 100 times, then Some chlorine is bubbled through this solution.
the nature of the solution formed is The pH of the resulting solution will be
1) Acidic 2) Basic 1)6 2)7
3) Neutral 4) Amphoteric 3) Less than 6 4) More than 7
14. The pH of a solution is increased from 3 to 6. 25. The pH of NaOH solution is 13. What is the
Its H+ ion concentration will be amount in grams of NaOH present in one litre
1) Reduced to half 2)Doubled of a solution?
3) Reduced by 1000 times 1) 40 2) 4 3) 0.4 4) 20
4) Increased by 1000 times 26. Equal volumes of solutions pH values 1,3,5,6
15. 0.1M HCl solution is diluted by 100 times The
are mixed with each other , the pH of resultant
pH of the solution formed is
solution is nearly
1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) 6
1) 1.3 2) 2.7 3) 1.6 4)3.6
16. The pH of solution is 9. It is......... times more
27. The P of HCl is 3. Then the P H of
basic than a solution with pH= 6
1) 3 2) 100 3) 1000 4) 15 NaOH solution having same molar
17. The concentration of oxalic acid is ‘X’ mol lit –1 concentration is
40ml of this solution reacts with 16 ml of 0.05M 1) 3 2) 6 3) 9 4) 11
acidified KMnO4. What is the pH of ‘X’ M oxalic 28. If pH of A, B, C and D are 9.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 5.5
acid solution? (Assume that oxalic acid respectively, the strongest acid is
dissociates completely) 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
29. Equal volumes of 0.1 M potassium hydroxide
1) 1.3 2) 1.699 3) 1 4) 2
18. The pH of 0.1M solution of CH3 COOH if it and 0.1 M sulphuric acid are mixed. The P H
ionizes to an extent of 1% is. of resulting solution is
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 1) 7 2) 0 3) >7 4) <7
30. The pH of solution is 5.0 to a 10 mL of solution 2) 100mL of 0.6 N HCN+100mL of 0.4N NaOH
990 mL of water is add then pH of the resulting 3) 100mL of 0.5N NH4OH + 10 mL of 0.2 N
solution is CH3COOH
1) 7 2) 3 3) 9 4)6.96 4) 100 mL of 0.4 N HCL+100 mL of 0.4N NaOH
31. The correct order of increasing [ H 3O  ] in the 36. The pka of HCN is 9.3.The pH of a solution
aqueous solution is prepared by mixing 2.5 moles of HCN and 0.25
moles of KCN in water and making of the total
1) 0.01 M H 2 S  0.01 M H 2 SO4
volume to 500 ml is
 0.01 M NaCl  0.01 M NaNO2 1) 9.3 2) 7.3 3) 10.3 4) 8.3
2) 0.01 M NaCl  0.01 M NaNO2 37. An acidic buffer contains 0.06 M salt and 0.02
M acid. The dissociation constant of acid is
 0.01 M H 2 S  0.01 M H 2 SO4
104 . The P H of the buffer solution is
3) 0.01 M NaNO2  0.01 M NaCl 1) 4 2) 10 3) 4.48 4) 9.52
 0.01 M H 2 S  0.01 M H 2 SO4 38. 25 mL of 0.4M of a weak base and 75 mL of
4) 0.01 M H S  0.01 M NaNO 0.2M of its salt forms a buffer solution. The
2 2
dissociation constant of base is 2  105 the
 0.01 M NaCl  0.01 M H 2 SO4
Salt Hydrolysis P H of buffer is
32. HA is a weak acid [Ka=10–4] and BOH is a (log 1.5= 0.176)
weak base [Kb=10–5].BA is the salt formed 1) 4.876 2) 9.476
3) 4.524 4) 9.124
from them, In the aqueous solution of BA 39. A solution consists of 0.2 M NH 4OH and 0.2
1) [ H  ]  10 7 2) P H  7 3) K h  105 4) All M NH 4Cl . If K b of NH 4OH is 1.8  105 ,the
33. Kh of salt obtained from strong acid and weak [OH  ] of the resulting solution is
base is 2  105 . The Kb of weak base is
1) 0.9  105 M 2) 1.8  105 M
1) 2  1019 2) 5  1010
3) 3.2  105 M 4) 3.6  105 M
3) 2  1010 4) 5  10 9 40. Concentration of NH4Cl and NH4OH in a
34. Which of the following solution will have P H buffer solution are in the ratio of 1:10, Kb for
closer to 1.0? NH4OH is 10–10. The pH of the buffer is
1) 100 ml of M /10 HCl + (BHU, 1994)
1) 4 2) 5 3) 9 4) 11
45 ml of M /10 NaOH 41. A basic buffer contains equal concentration of
2) 55 ml of M /10 HCl + base and its salt. The dissociation constant of
base is 10–6. Then the PH of the buffer solution is
45 ml of M /10 NaOH
1) 9 2) 8 3) 5 4) 6
3) 10 ml of M /10 HCl  42. When 0.48 moles of base is added to 1L buffer
90 ml of M /10 NaOH solution its P H changed from 4.01 to 4.03.
4) 75 ml of M / 5 HCl  Calculate buffer capacity.
1) 104 2) 0.0096 3) 0.042 4) 24
25 ml of M / 5 NaOH 43. 0.002 mole of an acid is added to a litre of buffer
Buffer Solution solution, decreases the pH of the buffer by 0.02.
35. Which of the following mixture is not a buffer Then the buffer capacity is
solution 1) 0.2 2) 0.1 3) 0.6 4) 0.4
1) 100mL of 0.5 N CH3COOH + 100 mL of
0.05 N NaOH
44. 12 g of CH 3 COOH and 4 g of NaOH are solution is ( K sp of PbSO4 is 1.25  109 )

mixed and diluted to 1 litre solution. If P Ka of 1) 0.1 M 2) 1.25  1010 M

CH 3COOH is 4.8 the P H of the solution is 3) 1.25  107 M 4) 1.25  109 M .
1) 4.8 2) 5
51. The molar solubility of M (OH )3 in 0.4 M
3) 5.6990 4) 5.3010
45. 1 lit of a buffer solution contains 0.1 mole each M  NO3 3 solution interms of solubility
of NH 4 OH and NH 4 Cl . What will be the P H product of M (OH )3
of the solution when 0.01 mole of HCl is added
to it 1) ( K sp /10.8)1/3 2) ( K sp / 3.6)1/ 3
1/ 4
 P Kb of NH 4 OH  4.74 3) ( K sp /10.8) 4) ( K sp / 0.4)1/3

1) 9.26 2) 9.17 3) 4.74 4) 4.65 Key Level - II (H.W)

46. A solution contains 60 mL of 0.1M NH 4OH 01) 2 02) 3 03) 3 04) 3 05) 4 06) 2

and 30 mL of 0.1 M HCl . The P H of the 07) 2 08) 2 09) 4 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3
resulting mixture is 13) 3 14) 3 15) 1 16) 3 17) 3 18) 3
(Given K b of NH 4 OH  1.8  105 , 19) 3 20) 3 21) 4 22) 3 23) 1 24) 3
log 1.8= 0.2553) 25) 2 26) 3 27) 4 28) 2 29) 4 30) 4
1) 4.7447 2) 3.7447 3) 9.2553 4) 12.523
31) 3 32) 4 33) 2 34) 4 35) 4 36) 4
Solubility Product
37) 3 38) 4 39) 2 40) 2 41) 2 42) 4
47. Solubility of AgCl will be minimum in
43) 2 44) 1 45) 2 46) 3 47) 2 48) 1
1) 0.01M Na2 SO4 2) 0.01M CaCl2
49) 3 50) 3 51) 1
3) Pure water 4) 0.001M AgNO3 Hints Level - II (H.W)
48. The solubility of Ag 2 CrO4 is 2  102 mol/lit Kw
1. [OH  ] 
its solubility product is [H  ]
1) 3.2 10 5 2) 32 108
110 14

3) 16 108 4) 3.32 x 10-10 0.015
49. The solubility product of a rare earth metal
 6.7  1013
hydroxide M (OH )3 at room temperature is 2. 2
H 2 SO4  2 H   SO4
4.32  1014 . Its solubility is
2  0.005
10 6
1) 1.25  10 M 2) 2.0  10 M K w   H   OH  
3) 2.0  104 M 4) 1.25  10 7 M
110 14
OH   
50. The solubility of PbSO4 in 0.01 M Na2 SO4 2  0.005
11014 1014 
10  5

 0.05
  2
0.01 10 100 100

 OH    1012  5  10 2

 
P OH   log10 OH  
3. K w   H  OH 
  log10 5  102
 4
OH   3.2  10 M
 2  log10 5
110  2  0.6990  1.3
 H   
3.2 104 10. NaCl is a neutral salt
 0.3125  1010  3.125  1011 V1 N1 = V2N2
4. Ka = C 2 0.1 1
 1 
K a  0.1   V1 N1  V2 N2
 100  11. [H+] = (V1  V2 )
 0.1  0.01
 H    0.0775
 0.00001  1 105
P H  1.5
5. K w is independent on nature of solution
12. P H = 12, P H = 2
H P kw [OH-] = 10-2
6. in water P 
2 w 1000
N 
Gmw v
P H  6.5  K w  1013

 H    106.5 w 1000
102  
40 1000
 P H  6.5
w  40  102  0.4
7. P H   log10  H   13. What ever the volume of water added, the PH of
acid is always <7 at 25o C
log10  H     P H  3.7
14. If pH is increased by 3 units then strength of the
3.7  1  1  4.3 acids decreased by 1000 times

 H    antilog 4.3  1
15.  H   0.1

8. Total [OH-] = 10-10 + 10-7  103

= 10-7 [ 10-3+1]  PH  3
P OH = 7 log 10- log 1.001 16. Conceptual
= 7 ( nearly) 17. for any redox reaction
50  0.2  50  0.1 M 1V1 M 2V2
9. [OH-] = 
(50  50) n1 n2
2 moles KMnO4 completely oxidised by
25. POH  14  P H  14  12  2
0.05  16 x  40

2 5 [OH  ]  N  10  POH  102 N
x=0.05M W 1
‘Normality’ of Oxalic acid = 0.05x2=0.1 N 
EW V (lit )
PH=1 w 1
102  

18.  H   C eq.w v

1 w  102  40  1  0.4
 0.1  10 3
100  101 v  103 v  105 v  10 6 v 101 v
26.  H   =
 PH  3 4v 4v

19. [H+] = ka.c  0 .2 5  1 0  1

5 1
 2.5  10 2
 110 10
P H   log 2.5  102
 1106  103  2  log 2.5
  PH 5
20. [ H ]  10  10 P H  1.6
 Ka  c
27. P H  14  P OH
( C  0 .0 1 M ) 28. Lower the PH greater the acidic strength
[ H  ] 2 1 0  10 29. noramlity of acid > normality of base. so resultant
 Ka    1 0 8
C 1 0 2 solution is acidic in nature

N 2V2  N1V1 V  0.2  0.1

Ka 
21.   V1  V2 2V
1 105   0.05 N
 2
0.1 acid<7
30. on dilution , PH will be increases but never
 104  10 2
exceed ‘7’
22. [OH-] = kb.c 31. Conceptual
P OH =-log [OH ]
- 32. Ka>Kb

P H + P OH = 14 Kw
33. K h  K
P H  14  4  10 b

23. [OH-] = 2 ´ 10-7

NaVa  NbVb
pOH = 7 - log2 34. [ H  ]  (if NaVa  NbVb)
= 7 - 0.3010 Va  Vb
= 6.7 P H   log[ H  ]
pH = 14-6.7
 H    101
= 7.3
24. H2O2+Cl2  2HCl+O2  PH  1
W.A S.A 35. A mixture of strong acid and strong base does not
acts as buffer
P H = 4.8
H ka no.of moles of salt 45. Due to additon of 0.01 mole of HCl
36. P  P  log no of moles of acid NH4OH +HCl  NH4Cl+H2O
[ NH4OH] = 0.1-0.01
 s [NH4Cl] = 0.1+ 0.01
37. pH = pKa + log A
 
46. NH 4OH  HCl  NH 4Cl  H 2O
H [ N S  VS ] [ NH 4OH ]  60  0.1  30  0.1
38. P  14  Pkb  log [ N  V ]
B B [ NH 4Cl ]  30  0.1
75  0.2  P H  14  P kb
 14  4.6  log
25  0.4 47. CaCl2 is strong electrolyte and common ion effect
 14  4.6  log  9.12 48. Ag2CrO4  2Ag++CrO42-
Ksp = (2S)2S = 4S3
 K b [ Base] = 4( 2 x 10-2)3 = 4 x 8 x 10-6
39. [OH ] 
[ Salt ] = 3.2 x 10-5
0.2 49. For AB3 type salt
 1.8  105 
K sp  27 S 4
 1.8 10 5
K sp
1 S 4
40. P OH = 10+ log 27
P OH = 9 (16  1016 )1/ 4
PH = 5  2 x104

H Kb [Salt ] 50. PbSO4  Pb 2  SO4 2

41. P  14  P  log
[ Base] S 0.01
42. Buffer capacity because [SO4 ] = [Na2SO4]
no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution K SP
 S   1.25 x107
P H change 0.01
43. Buffer capacity 51. M (OH ) 3  M 3  3OH 
no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution 0.4 3S

P H change because [ M 3 ]  [ MX 3 ]
44. CH3COOH+ NaOH  CH3COONa + H2O
 0.4 x(3S )3  K sp
[CH3COOH] = ( 0.2-0.1) - 0.1 = 0.1
[CH3COONa] = 0.1 1/ 3
 K sp 
S  
0.1  10.8 
P H = 4.8 + log 0.1
Level-III 9. The mass of acetic acid present in 500 ml of
solution in which it is 1% ionised(Ka of
1 . The specific gravity of H 2 SO4 is 1.8 g / cc and
CH 3COOH = 1.8  105 )
this solution is found to contain 98% H 2 SO4
1) 5.4 2) 12.6 3) 6.4 4) 10.8
by weight. 10 cc of this solution is mixed with
10. Boric acid B(OH )3 is monobasic Lewis acid.
350 cc of pure water. 25 mL of this dil. H 2 SO4
If gives H  ion in aqueous solution as follows
solution neutralises 500 mL of NaOH solution.
Then the P H of NaOH solution is B(OH )3  H 2O  [ B(OH )4 ] + H 
1) 12.398 2) 1.602 3) 12.699 4) 12.301 K a  5.9  10 10 The P H of 0.025M aqueous
2. The first and second dissociation constants of
solution is [log 5.9 =0.771]
an acid H 2 A are 1  10 5 and 5  10 10 1) 5.42 2) 4.52 3) 2.45 4) 4.675
respectively. The overall dissociation constant 11. Find the amount of ( NH ) SO in grams which
4 2 4
of the acid will be
1) 4  1015 2) 5  10 15 must added to 500 ml of 0.2M of NH 4OH to
yield a solution of
3) 0.2  10 5 4) 5  10 5
P H  4.74 ?  P  9.26 
3. K1 & K 2 for oxalic acid are 6.5x10-2 and
1) 5.35 2) 6.6 3) 1.67 4) 10.2
6.1 x 10-5 respectively. What will be the [OH  ]
12. 2 g of NaOH per 250 ml solution is added to
in a 0.01M solution of sodium oxalate
a buffer solution of buffer capacity 0.2 then
1) 9.6 106 2) 1.4 101
the change in P H is
3) 1.2 106 4) 1.3108 . 1) 0.5 2) 1 3) 1.5 4) 2.0
4. The P H of a sample of H 2 SO4 is 1.3979. The 13. A one litre solution contains 0.08 mole of acetic
percentage of the solution is 73.5% acid  K a  1.75105  . To this solution,
( w/w) , the density of the solution is
0.02 mole of NaOH is added. Then the P H
1) 2.66  103 g / cc 2) 5.32  103 g / cc
of resulting solution is [log 1.75  0.243]
3) 1.33  103 g / cc 4) 0.01 g / cc 1) 5.234 2)5.058 3) 4.28 4) 4.456
5. The P H of a sample of KOH solution is 14. The volume of water that must be added to
12.3979. The weight of solid KOH of 70% 100ml of NaOH solution to change its pH value
pure required to prepare 2.5 lit of this solution from 12.6990 to 12 is
is 1) 500mL 2) 400mL 3) 100mL 4) 200mL
1) 3.5 g 2) 5 g 3) 8 g 4) 6 g 15. A certain volume of 0.001 N NaOH solution is
6. 100 ml of a solution of HCl with pH value 3 is diluted with 900mL of water. The decrease in
diluted with 400 ml of water. The new P of H pH of the solution is one unit. The original
the solution is volume of the solution is
1) 3.7 2) 5.3 3) 4.2 4) 5.6 1) 1mL 2) 10mL.
7 Equal volumes of solutions pH values 8,10,12 3) 100mL 4) 1000mL
are mixed with each other , the pH of resultant 16. A basic buffer contains 0.8 mole of NH 4Cl and
solution is nearly 0.2 mole of NH 4OH for litre of a solution the
1) 11.52 2)2.48 3) 11.7 4)12.3
K b of base is 1.8  105 . then the PH of the
8. Urine normally has a pH of 6. If a patient
eliminates 1.3 litres of urine per day how many buffer solution is ( log 1.8 = 0.2553)
moles of H+ ions does he urinate? 1) 8.6532 2) 6.345 3) 2.301 4) 7.635
1) 1.3 ´ 10–3 2) 1.3 ´ 10–6
3) 1.3 ´ 10 4) 1.3 ´ 106
17. From the following table 24. Let the solubilities of AgCl in H 2 O . 0.01M
Buffer Vol.of 0.1M Vol.of 0.1M
CaCl2 , 0.01M NaCl and 0.05M AgNO3 be
solution weak acid sodium salt
(in mL) of weak acid (in mL) S1 , S2 , S3 and S 4 respectively. What is the
I. 4.0 4.0 correct relationship between these quantities?
II. 4.0 40.0 1) S1  S 2  S3  S4 2) S1  S 2  S3  S4
III. 40.0 4.0
IV 0.1 10 3) S1  S3  S2  S4 4) S 4  S2  S3  S1
Which of the two sets of buffer solutions have 25. At 298 K the Ksp of M2SO4 is 3.2´10–5. The
least PH? max.concentration of SO4–2 ion that could be
1) I & II 2) I & III 3) II & III 4) II & IV attain in saturated solution of this solid at
298K is?
18. The P H of a buffer solution is 5. It consists of
1) 2  103 M 2) 7  104 M
a weak acid HA and its conjugate base A–. P Ka
of HA is 4.699. Which of the following is correct 3) 3  10 5 M 4) 2  102 M
combination of solutions present in the buffer 26. When equal volumes of the following solutions
solution? are mixed,precipitation of AgCl (Ksp=1.8´10–10)

1) 100 mL of 0.1M HA and 200 mL of 0.1 MA will only with
2) 200 mL of 0.1M HA and 100 mL of 0.1 MA– 1) 104 M Ag  and104 M Cl 
3) 100 mL of 0.1M HA and 200 mL of 0.2 MA–
4) 100 mL of 0.2M HA and 200 mL of 0.1 MA– 2) 106 M Ag  and106 M Cl 
19. When CO2 is bubbled in excess of water, the 3) 107 M Ag  and107 M Cl 
following equilibrium is established. 4) 105 M Ag  and105 M Cl 
CO2  2 H 2O  H 3O   HCO3 27. A solution contain 0.1 M Zn+2 and 0.01M Cu+2
ions. This solution is saturated by passing H2S
K c  3.8  10 7 , p H  6
gas in the solution. The sulphide ion

What would be the [ HCO3 ] /[CO2 ] concentration is 8.1´10–21M. Ksp for ZnS and
1) 6 2) 0.0038 3) 0.038 4) 0.38 CuS are 3´10–22 and 8´10–36 respectively. Which
20. A solution which is 10–3M each in Mn2+, Fe2+, of the following will occur in solution.
Zn2+ and Hg2+ is treated with 10–6M sulphide 1) CuS gets precipitated.
ion. If Ksp of MnS, FeS, ZnS and HgS are 10–15, 2) Both CuS and ZnS get precipitated.
–23 –20 –54
10 ,10 and 10 respectively. Which of the 3) neither CuS nor ZnS precipitated.
following will be precipitated first? 4) ZnS get precipitated.
1) Zns 2) FeS 3) MnS 4) HgS 28. The dissociation of water at 25oC is 1.910–7%
21. The correct order of increasing solubility of and the density of water is 1g/cm3the ionisation
AgCl in (a) water (b) 0.1 M NaCl (c) 0.1 constant of water is
BaCl2 (d) 0.1M NH3 is 1) 3.42  10–6 2) 3.42 10–8
1) d > a > b > c 2) d > c > b > a 3) 1.00  10 4) 2.00  10–16
3) b > a > d > c 4) a > d > b > c 29. If pKb for fluoride at 250C is 11, the ionisation
22. The pH of a buffer solution is 4.745. When constant of hydrofluoric acid in water at this
0.044 mole of Ba (OH )2 is added to 1 lit. of temperature is
1) 10–3 2) 10–4 3) 10–2 4) 10–5
the buffer, the pH changes to 4.756. Then the
buffer capacity is 30. The solubility of C 6H 5NH 3+Cl – would be
1) 4 2) 0.25 3) 0.5 4) 8 highest among the following solvents in:
1) Acidic buffer of pH = 3
23. The pH of 0.1 M K 2 SO4 is 7. This solution is
2) Basic buffer of pH = 10
diluted by 10 times. Then the pH of resulting
3) Neutral buffer of pH = 7
solution is
4) Pure water
1) 7 2) 6 3) 8 4) 14
31. The ionization constant of aniline and acetic 40. In a saturated solution of the sparingly
acid and water at 25 0C are respectively soluble strong electrolyte AgIO3 (Molecular
3.83´10–10, 1.75´10–5 and 1´10–14. Calculate mass = 283) the equilibrium which sets in is
percentage hydrolysis of aniline acetate in a
decinormal solution AgIO3(s) Ag+(aq)+IO3–(aq)
1) 54.95 2) 9.54 3) 4.6 4) 42.3454 If the solubility product Ksp of AgIO3 at a
32. A weak acid HX has the dissociation constant given temperature is 1.0  10-8, what is the
1´10–5M. It forms a salt NaX on reaction with mass of AgIO3 contained in 100ml of its
alkali. The degree of hydrolysis of 0.1M saturated solution
solution of NaX is 1) 28.3  10–2g 2) 2.83  10–3g
1) 0.0001% 2) 0.01% 3) 0.1% 4) 0.15% 3) 1.0  10–7g 4) 1.0  10–4g

HA+OH– 41. P of Ba  OH  2 solution is 12. Its solubility

33. In the equilibrium A–+H O 2
(Ka= 1.0 ´ 10–5). The degree of hydrolysis of product.
0.001M solution of the salt is 1) 5.0  10 7 M 3 2) 0.6 1012 M 3
1) 10–3 2) 10–4 3) 10–5 4) 10–6
3) 4.0 10 8 M 3 4) 5.0 109 M 3
34. The precipitate of CaF2(K sp=1.7´10–10) is
42. The weight of HCl present in one litre of
obtained when equal volumes of the following
solution if pH of the solution is one
are mixed
1) 3.65g 2) 36.5g
1) 10–4M Ca2++10–4M F–
3) 0.365g 4) 0.0365g
2) 10–2M Ca2++10–3M F–
43. A sample of AgCl was treated with 5.00ml of
3) 10–5M Ca+2+10–3M F–
1.5M Na2CO3 solution to give Ag2CO3. The
4) 10–3M Ca+2+10–5M F–
remaining solution contained 0.0026g of Cl–
35. The pKa of HCN is 9.30. The pH of a solution
per litre. Calculate the solubility product of
prepared by mixing 2.5 moles of KCN and 2.5
moles of HCN in water and making up the total
1) 1.1´10–2 2) 1.71 ´ 10-11
volume to 500mL is
3) 1.71´10–10 4) 1.32 ´ 10-9
1) 9.30 2) 7.30 3) 10.30 4) 8.30
44. The sulphide ion cencentration [S -2] in
36. The K sp for AgCl is 2.810 –10 at a given
saturated H2S solution is 1  10-22. Which of
temparature. The solubility of AgCl in 0.01
the following sulphides should be
molar HCl solution at this temparature will be:
quantitatively precipitated by H2S in the
1) 2.8 10–8molL–1 2) 2.8 10–12molL–1
–8 –1 presence of dil. HCl
3) 5.6  10 molL 4) 2.8 10–4molL–1
Sulphide Solubility Product
37. The molar solubility of AgCl in 1.8M AgNO3
I 1.4 10-16
solution is (Ksp of AgCl =1.8 ´ 10–10)
II 1.2  10-22
1) 105 2) 1010 III 8.2  10-46
3)1.8´10–5 4)1.8´10–10 IV 5.0  10-34
38. 0.1mole of CH3NH2 (Kb = 5 ´ 10–4 ) is mixed 1) I,II 2) III,IV 3) II,III,IV 4) Only I
with 0.08 mole of HCl and diluted to one litre. 45. What is the pH of 0.01M glycinesolution ?
What will be the H+ concentration in the For glycine, Ka1 = 4.5  10-3 and
solution Ka2 = 1.72  10-10 at 298K
1) 8 ´ 10–2M 2) 8 ´ 10–11M 1) 3.0 2) 10.0 3) 6.1 4) 7.1
3) 1.6 ´ 10 M 4) 8 ´ 10–5M 46. The solubility of Mg(OH)2 in pure water is
39. K SP of a salt ZnCl2 is 3.2 10 its P is
8 H 9.5710–3g/L. Its solubility in g/L in 0.02M
1) 2.3980 2) 11.6020 3) 2.6990 Mg( NO3)2 solution is
1) 1.5  10–4 2) 8.69  10-4
4) Do not calculated exactly
3) 0.5  10–3 4) 0.5  10-5
47. The ionisation constant of an acid - base on dilution with water, resultant
indicator ( a weak acid ) is 1.0´10-6. The ionised 10 x36
form of the indicator is red whereas the Normality.of. H 2 SO4   1N
unionised form is blue. The pH change
H 2 SO4  NaOH  Na2 SO4  2 H 2O
required to alter the colour of the indicator
from 80% blue to 80% red is for neutralisation no.of mili equivalents of acid and
1) 1.40 2) 1.20 3) 0.80 4) 2.00 base msut be equal then
48. An aqueous solution of a metal bromide N H 2 SO4 VN 2 SO4  N NaOH VNaOH
MBr2 (0.05M ) is saturated with H2S. What is 1 25  N NaOH  500
the minimum pH at which MS will precipitate. 1
K sp for MS=6.0´10 –21 , concentration of N NaOH   0.05  5 102
saturated H2S=0.1M:K1=10–7 and K2=1.3´10–
for H2S POH  2  log 5  2  0.6990
1) pH=1.6 2) pH=0.67 P H of NaOH 12.6990
3) pH=0.98 4) pH= 0.771
2. K  K1  K 2
49. A solution is saturated with respect to SrCO3
k  1 105  5  1010  5  10 15
and SrF2 . The [CO32  ] was found to be
3. The hydrolysis of C2O4 2  is as follows
1.2 x10 M . The cocentration of F  in the
13 2

solution would be C2O4 2   H 2O  HC2O4   OH 

[ K sp of SrCO3  7.0 1010 M 2 , Kw.C 1014  102

[OH  ]  
K2 6.5  102  6.1 10 5
K sp of SrF2  7.9 1010 M 3 ]
1) 1.3´10–3M2) 3.7´10–2M  1.2  106
3) 5.8´10–7M4) 2.6´10–2M 4. [ H  ]  Normality of H 2 SO4
50. The maximum pH of a solution which is 0.10M
 102  anti log of 0.6021  4  102
is Mg 2+ from which Mg(OH) 2 is not
precipitated is [Kspof Mg(OH)2=1.2´10–11M3] %  d  10
But Normality 
1) 4.96 2) 6.96 3) 7.04 4) 9.04 Eq.Wt
Key Level-III 73.5  d 10
 4 102 
01) 3 02) 2 03) 3 04) 1 05) 2 06) 1 49
07) 1 08) 2 09) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 2  d  2.66 x103 gm / cc
13) 3 14) 2 15) 3 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1
5. P OH  14  12.3979  1.6021
19) 4 20) 4 21) 1 22) 4 23) 1 24) 3
25) 4 26) 1 27) 1 28) 4 29) 2 30) 2 N of OH    2.5102 N
31) 1 32) 2 33) 1 34) 2 35) 1 36) 1 w 1000
37) 2 38) 2 39) 1 40) 2 41) 1 42) 1  N  eq.wt  V  ml 
43) 3 44) 2 45) 4 46) 2 47) 2 48) 3
49) 2 50) 2 w 1
2.5 102  
Hints Level–III 56 2.5 l 

Sp.gr  % 10 w  56  2.5  2.5 102  3.5gr

1. Noramility.of H 2 SO4  70% pure KOH means,
Eq.wt 100g impure sub.  70 g KOH
1.8  98  10 ?  3.5g KOH
=  36 5g
Ka 1.8 105 [CH 3COOH ]  0.08  0.02  0.06
Normality    1.8 101 N
9. 2 (102 )2 [CH 3COONa ]  0.02
1.8  101  60  500 [salt ]
W  5.4 gm P H  P ka  log
1000 [acid ]
H 1 0.02
10. P   [log K a  log C ]   5  0.243  log
2 0.06
  log  5.9  1010   log  0.025    5  0.243   log1  log 3
 5  0.243  0  0.4771
   10  log 5.9    2  log 2.5    5  0.7201
2 = 4.28
1 14. (i) pH = 12.699 ; [OH-] = 5 x 10-2
   10  0.771   2  0.3979  
2 pOH = 1.3010
(ii) pH = 12, pOH = 2, [OH-] = 10-2
   9.229    1.6021  100 x 5 x 10-2 = 10-2 x V
2 V = 500
1 Volume of water added
  9.229  1.6021 = 500-100
= 400 ml
  10.8311  5.4255 V2
2 H H
15. PFinal  PIntial  log V
H kb N SVS
11. P  14  P  log N V V2
b b 1   log
4.74  14  9.26  log
0.2  0.5 1000
  log
4.74  9.26  14  log NsVs  log101 V1
13  14  log NsVs  1 V1  100ml
13  15  log NsVs
18. for an acidic buffer
log NsVs  15  13  2
[salt ]
NsVs  100  P H  P ka  log
[acid ]
wt 1000
  Vs  100
66 Vs 5  4.699  log
salt 
wt  6.6 gr acid 
12. Buffer capacity
0.3010  log
salt 
No.of moles of base added per litre
  acid 
P H change
salt   2
0.2  acid 
P H change= 40  1
0.2 0.2 200  0.1
13. CH 3COOH  NaOH  CH 3COONa  H 2O 100  0.1
19. [weak acid]=[CO2] following formula

w K 
[ HCO 3 ]  = ( K h )   K  K  .......(i)
 P H  P ka  log10  a b 
[CO2 ]
Where Kw = 10-14
 HCO3   Ka = 1.75 x 10-5 ; Kb = 3.83 x 10-10
6   7  log 3.8   log  
Hence from equation (i) we have
CO2 

 1014 
 HCO3  =  5 10  =1.22
6  3.2  log    1.75 10  3.83 10 
 2
Which iso not possible because, degree of
hydrolysis may not be greater than 1.
 HCO3  
log    0.38 Thus, we have to avoid the approximation
CO2   1.22
 ( K h ) =1.22 ;   = 0.5495
24. higher the concentration of common ion lesser will 1 2.22
be the solubility % hydrolysis =  ´ 100
25. at the saturation state = 0.5495 x 100 = 54.95 %
2 2
K SP   M    SO4    2S 2   S  32. X   H 2O  HX  OH 

3.2  105  4S 3 10 14 109

Kh  5 so h  1
 104
3 3.2 105 10 10
S   8  106  2  102 M
4 100  104  102
26. K SP   Ag   Cl   so % of hydrolysis =0.01%
33. K a  1.0  10 5
to get PPt Ionic product > K SP
K h  hydrolysis constant
1.8  1010  104  10 4  108
108  1.8  1010 K w 10 14
Kh   5  109
27. Ksp of CuS <Ksp of ZnS K a 10
so CuS get precipitated first degree of hydrolysis
7 1.9 107 1000 Kh 109
28.   1.9 10 %  ,C   h  
100 18 C 0.001
[ H  ][OH  ]  106  103 ; h  103
Ka   C 2
[ H 2O] 34. When ionc product is greater than
1000 K sp then precipitation occur .
 1.9  10 9  1.9  109   2.0  10 16
K sp  102 M Ca 2  103 M F 
Kw 35. In the Henderson’s equation,
29. Kw=KaxKb ; Ka 
Kb  salt 
 pH  pK a  log
30. The solubility of C6 H 5 N H 3Cl  highest in basic  acid 
buffer with more P H .
 9.3  log
 2.5
31. Aniline acetate is salt of weak acid and weak base;  2.5
its degree of hydrolysis may be calculated using
P H  9.3
 
36. K sp   Ag  Cl 
104  283
 100  283  105
2.8 X 1010   Ag   X 0.01 1000

2.8 10 10  2.83  103 g / 100ml

 Ag    2.8  108 mol L1 41. Solubility expressed in terms of molarity
37. 1.8 M AgNO3 -------- 1.8 ´ 10–10 [OH–] = 10-2
1M AgNO3 ---------- ? [Ba+2] = 0.5 ´ 10-2
1.8  1010 K SP = (0.5 ´ 10–2) (10–2)2
Molar solubility = = 10-10
1.8 K SP = 5 ´ 10-7
38. CH 3 NH 2  HCl  CH 3 NH 3Cl  42.
PH  1
0.1 0.08 0
[ H  ]  10  PH  101 M
0.02 0 0.08
W  N  EW  V (lit )
 Basic buffer solution 
 0.1 36.5 1
Base  3.65
OH    K b 
K sp
0.02 .

43. [ Ag ]   2.34 106 m
 5  104   1.25 104 [CO32 ]

 10 1014 K spAgCl  [ Ag  ][Cl  ]  1.71 1010

  H   
OH   1.25  104 44. Basis radicals of group II & IV are precipi
 8  10 11 M tated by H 2 S in the form of their sulphies.IInd
ZnCl2  Zn 2  2Cl  group in acidic medium & IV
39. group in alkaline medium. They precipitate when
S 2S
ionic poduct increases than solubility product.
K SP  4 S 3
45. K  K a1  K a2  4.5  103  1.7  1010
4S 3  3.2  108
3 8
 7.65  1013
S  0.8  10
3 9  76.5  1014
S  8  10
S  2  103  H    KC  76.5  1014  102

P H  3  2 log 2
 76.5 1016
 3  03010  2
 H    8.7  108
 3  0.602
 2.398 P H   log10 8.7  10 8 
40. AgIO3  s   Ag   aq   IO3  aq 
 8  log 8.7
Let the solubility of AgIO3 be s  8  0.9395

K sp   Ag   IO  
3 P H  7.1

1.0  108  S 2
S  104 mol / lit
46. Solubiliry of Mg(OH)2
9.57  103
= =1.65 ´ 10–4 mol lits-1 1. The ionic product of water at 60 oC is
9.55  1014 mole2 lit 2 . The dissociation
Ksp = 4s3
= 4 ´ (1.65 ´ 10-4)3 constant of water at the same temperature is
=17.96 ´ 10–12 1) 1.09  1015 2) 5.2  1016
But in presence of Mg(NO3)2 3) 1.8  1016 4) 1.72  1015
Ks= (x+c)(2s)2
2. If the ionic product of water is 1.96  1014 at
Ks= 17.96 ´ 10-12=(s+0.02)(2s)2
s= 14.98 ´ 10–6 mollts-1 350 C , What is its value at 100 C
s= 14.98 ´ 10–6 ´ 58 gr lt-1 1) 2.95  10 14 2) 1.96  107
8.69 ´ 10-4 gr lits-1
47. Hln  H++ln– 3) 2.95  10 15 4) 3.9  1012
3. Conjugate base of [Al(H2O)6]3+ is
1) [Al(H2O)5OH]3+ 2) [Al(H2O)6]2+
[ In  ]
pH  pK ln  log 3) [Al(H2O)5OH]2+ 4) [Al(H2O)5OH]+
[ HIn ]
4. Match the following
pH1  pK In  log  pK In  2 log 2 List-I
80 A) Protophilic solvents
pH 2  pK In  2 log 2 B) Aprotic solvents
pH 2  pH 1  pK In  2 log 2  ( pK In  2 log 2) C) Protogenic Solvents
 4 log 2  1.20 D) Amphiprotic Solvents
1) Neither donate nor accept protons
[H  ]2[S 2 ]
48. K  K1K2   107 x1.3x1013 2) Generates protons
[H2S] 3) Either donate (or) accept protons
4) High tendency to accept protons
[H  ]2[S 2 ] [H  ]2 x1.2x1019 5) Do not have solvent properties
  1.3x1020
[H2S 0.1 The correct match:
[H  ]  1.083x102  0.104M pH  0.98
1) 1 3 2 5
Ksp(SrCO3) 7.0x1010M2 2) 4 1 2 3
49. [Sr ]    5.8x107M 3) 4 1 3 2
[CO32] 1.2x103M
4) 2 3 1 5

 K (SrF ) 
 7.9 x1010 M 3  5. SET -1 (Conc) SET-2 (PH)
[ F ]   sp 2 2 

 7  –1
I)10 M HCl A) 0.6990
 [ Sr ]   5.8 x10 M  –1
II) 10 M H2SO4 B) Between 1&2
3.7 x102 M –1
III) 10 M CH3COOH C) Between 6&7
50. For Mg (OH )2 not to be precipitated IV) 10 M HCl solution D)1
The correct match is
1/2 A B C D
 K (Mg(OH)2)
[OH ]   sp

2  1) III II I IV
 [Mg ]  2) II III IV I
1.2x1011M3  3) IV I III II
 5
[OH ]    1.035x10 M 4) I IV II III
 0.10M 
pOH  4.36, pH 14  4.36  9.04
6. SET -1 (Solution) Comprehension-1
I) Aqueous solution of AlCl3 Higher the amount of acid or base used to
II) Aqueous solution of (NH4)2CO3 product a definite change of pH in a buffer
III) Aqueous solutioncationic of NaCl solution, higher will be its buffer capacity.
IV) Aqueous solution of CH3COONa Buffer capacity of solution is maximum under
SET-2 (Hydrolysis type) the following conditions
A) only anionic hydrolysis [Salt] = [Acid] ( in acid buffer)
[Salt] = [Base] ( in base buffer)
B) only cationic hydrolysis
pH of a buffer solution lies in the range given
C) Neither nor anionic hydrolysis below pH = pKa  1
D) both cationic and anionic hydrolysis In other words, any buffer solution can be
Correct the matching is used as buffer up to two pH units only,
I II II II depending upon the value of pKa or pKb. A
1) D C B A buffer is said to be efficient when pH =pKa
2) B D C A or pOH = pKb
3) A B C D 11. Any buffer can be used as a buffer up to:
4) C A B C 1) 10pH units2) 5pH units
3) 2pH units 4) 1pH units
7. The correct order of increasing basicity of the 12. Which among the following solutions will be
given conjugate bases (R=CH3) is [AIEEE-10] the most efficient buffer
1) RCOO  HC  C  R  NH 2 1) 0.1M CH3COONa+0.01M CH3COOH
2) 0.1M NH4Cl+0.1MNH4OH
2) R  HC  C  RCOO  NH 2 3) 0.001M HCOOH + 0.002M HCOONa
3) RCOO  N H 2  HC  C  R 4) All the above
13. The buffer capacity is equal to
4) RCOO  HC  C  N H 2  R
8. Solubility product of silver bromide is n pH
1) 2)
5.0  1013 . The quantity of potassium
pH n
bromide (molar mass taken as 120g of 3)  1pKa 4) None of these
mol-1) to be added to 1 litre of 0.05 M solution 14. A buffer of acetic acid (pKa=4.8) with sodium
of silver nitrate to start the precipitattion of acetate will be, when CH 3COOH and
CH 3 COONa are present in equivalent
AgBr is [AIEEE 2010]
amounts has pH limits equal to
1) 1.2  1010 g 2) 1.2  109 g 1) 0 to 4.8 2) 3.8 to 5.8
3) 6.2 105 g 4) 5.0  10 8 g 3) 4.3 to 5.3 4) 4.8
15. Buffer capacity is maximun when
9. At 250 C the solubility product of Mg  OH  2 1) One mole of NH4Cl is added to two moles of
is 1.0  1011 . At which pH, will Mg 2  ions NH4OH
2) One mole of NH4Cl is added to one mole of
start precipitating in the form of Mg  OH  2 NH4OH
3) One mole of NH4Cl is added to one mole of
from a solution of 0.001 M Mg 2  ions ? NaOH
[AIEEE 2011] 4) One mole of NaCl is added to one mole of
1) 9 2) 10 3) 11 4) 8 NaOH
10. Solid Ba  NO3 2 is gradually dissolved in a Assertion & Reason Questions
1.0  104 M Na2 CO3 solution At what In the questions that follows two statements
concentration of Ba 2  will a precipitate begin are given. Reason is supported to be the ex-
to form? ( K SP for BaCO3  5.1 109 ) planation for Assertion. Study both the state-
[AIEEE 2011] ments and then mark your answers. accord-
1) 4.1 10 M5 2) 5.1 105 M ing to the codes given below. Mark your an-
swer as
3) 8.1 108 M 4) 8.1 107 M
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the cor- R: Degree of dissociation of water increases with
rect explanation of (A) increase in temperature
30. A: PH of a solution of CH3COOH decreases on
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the dilution.
correct explanation of (A) R: On dilution, degree of ionization of CH3COOH
3) (A) is true but (R) is false increases.
4) (A) is false but (R) is true 31. A: Aqueous solution of CH3COONH4 is exactly
16. Assertion (A): According to Bronsted concept neutral.( ka =kb)
H2O is an amphoteric substance. R: CH3COONH4is a salt of weak acid and
Reason (R): H2O molecule can accept as well strong base
as donate a proton. 32. A: PH of a buffer solution does not change on
17. A: HCO3- is a conjugate acid of H2CO3. dilution.
R: HCO3- changes to H2CO3 by accepting a R: On dilution the ratio of concentration of salt
Proton. and acid (or base) remains unchanged.
18. A: ClO4– is the weakest base 32. A: The aqueous solution of CuSO4 is neutral
R: In ClO4- ion chlorine is sp3 hybridized. R: Salt of strong acid and strong base does not
19. A: HNO3 is not a Bronsted acid in CHCl3. undergo hydrolysis
R: CHCl3 is not an example for protophilic
34. A: Blood is an example of basic buffer.
20. A: Ethyl chloride reacts with sodium ethoxide to R: PH of blood is 7.4
from diethyl ether. Here ethoxide ion behaves as 35. A: The P H of a solution changes from 5 to 8
strong base. when the solution is diluted by 1000 times.
R: C2H5OH is weak acid. R: When the conc.of H  ion decreases by 10
21. A: In water, HCl and HI have same strength, times, the P H of the solution increases by one
But their Strengths in acetic acid are different. unit.
R: Acetic acid is stronger acid than water. 36. A: The P H of a buffer solution containing equal
22. A: In the reaction, moles of acetic acid and sodium acetate is 4.8
I2+I-  I3-, I2 acts as Lewis base. ( P ka of acetic acid is 4.8)
R: In this reaction I- donates an electron pair for R: The ionic product of water at 250 c is
sharing with iodine
1014 mol 2 lit 2
23. A: According to Lewis concept, NaCl is a salt.
R: Salt is compound formed by the addition of 37. A: The aqueous solution of CF3COO-Na+ is more
acid to base basic than the aqueous solution of CH3COO-Na+
24. A: SF4 can act as Lewis acid. for same concentration of salt because
R: The compound which contains vacant d- R: The salt derived from weak acid and strong
orbitals can act as Lewis acid. base hydrolyses to generate basic solution
25. A: All Brosted bases are Lewis bases 38. A: Addition of NH4OH to an aqueous solution of
R: A species that accepts a proton necessarily BaCl2 in the presence of excess NH 4 Cl
should donate a lone pair of electrons. precipitates Ba(OH)2 because
26. A: Acids and bases are conductors of electricity R: Ba(OH)2 is soluble in water
in aqueous solutions Key Level–IV
R: Acids and bases ionise in water 01) 4 02) 3 03) 3 04) 2 05) 2 06) 2
27. A: PH of 10-8 HCl is not equal to 8.
R: HCl does not ionize completely in very dilute 07) 4 08) 2 09) 2 10) 2 11) 3 12) 2
aqueous solution 13) 1 14) 2 15) 2 16) 1 17) 4 18) 2
28. A: PH of a solution changes from 6 to 7 when
diluted by 10 times 19) 1 20) 1 21) 1 22) 4 23) 4 24) 1
R: If [H +] decreases 10 times, PH increases by 25) 1 26) 1 27) 3 28) 4 29) 4 30) 1
one unit .
29. A: PH of pure water increases with increase in 31) 3 32) 1 33) 4 34) 4 35) 4 36) 2
temperature. 37) 4 38) 4

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