Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150312
Semester – V
Python Programming for Biomedical Engineers
Rationale: Python is a modern language useful for writing compact codes specifically for programming in
the area of Data Analytics, AI and scientific computing as well as processing tool for Signal and Image
Processing. This course covers the basics and modular Python programming to harness its potential for
development of modern Biomedical Equipment.
w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150312
Tuples and Sets: Creating Tuples, Basic Tuple Operations, Indexing and Slicing in
Tuples, Built-In Functions Used on Tuples, Relation between Tuples and Lists, Relation
between Tuples and Dictionaries, Tuple Methods, Using zip () Function, Sets, Set
Methods, Traversing of Sets, Frozenset
4 Files: Types of Files, Creating and Reading Text Data, File Methods to Read and Write
Data, Reading and Writing Binary Files, The Pickle Module, Reading and Writing CSV 04 15
Files, Python os and os.path Modules
5 Introduction to Data science: NumPy and Pandas with Python, Graphing with
Matplotlib pyplot: Line Graphs, Scatter Graph, Pie Charts, Bar Charts,Figures and 06 20
Subplot, 3D Graphs
Case Study: Bio-Signal Plotting using Matplotlib/Pandas Library.
Total 28 100 %
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from the above table.
Reference Books:
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150312
Course Outcomes:
CO-1 Understand the fundamental of Python syntax and be fluent in the use of Python 15%
control flow statements.
CO-2 Express proficiency in the handling of strings, functions and lists. 15%
CO-3 Learn methods to create and manipulate Python programs by utilizing the data 20%
structures like dictionaries, tuples and sets.
CO-4 Recognize the commonly used operations involving file systems. 25%
CO-5 Understand the Pandas and Numpy library for data science operation and plotting 25%
various Biosignal using Matplotlib.
List of Experiments:
Major Equipment: Computer with Software (Python IDE, Jupyter Notebook IDE)
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19