Analysis of Torsional Vibration
Analysis of Torsional Vibration
Analysis of Torsional Vibration
Article in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics · June 2008
DOI: 10.1243/14644193JMBD126
37 9,613
3 authors:
D. E. Zampieri
University of Campinas
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All content following this page was uploaded by P. Siqueira Meirelles on 12 August 2015.
The manuscript was received on 5 September 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 5 February 2008.
DOI: 10.1243/14644193JMBD126
Abstract: This paper reports on a study of the crankshaft torsional vibration phenomenon in
internal combustion engines. The steady state of the state equation is solved by the transition
state matrix and the convolution integral. This formulation is applied to the model of a six-
cylinder diesel engine manufactured by MWM International Motores®. The analyses consider a
rubber and viscous damper assembled to the crankshaft front-end. An analysis of the torsional
vibrations indicates the dynamic loading on each crankshaft section, and these loads can be
applied as boundary conditions in a finite element model to predict the safety factor of the
component and to compare the system’s behaviour with rubber and viscous damper options. This
study highlights the importance of torsional vibration analyses in the structural dimensioning of
crankshafts. The results of the torsional vibration amplitude are compared with measured values
to experimentally validate the proposed mathematical model.
Keywords: torsional vibrations, internal combustion engines, viscous dampers, rubber dampers
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mb L 2
mab = (1)
mb L 1
mrb = (2)
Fig. 4 Equivalent model considering a double mass Fig. 6 Dimensions considered for the division of con rod
rubber TVD masses
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158 A S Mendes, P S Meirelles, and D E Zampieri
Ired = I2 (3)
The dynamic stiffness of the rubber TVD shown in The torsional stiffness of the viscous damper was
Fig. 9 was also determined based on a finite element determined according to the following methodol-
model. For this calculation, the authors adopted a ogy (see reference [14]) as a function of the silicone
dynamic shear modulus of rubber in the range of kinematic viscosity. The dynamic stiffness is
1.5 MPa G 3.0 MPa, according to references [13]
and [14]. Poisson’s ratio is 0.49. kt = Gs S (4)
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Torsional vibration in ICEs 161
radius, ω the angular velocity of the engine, L the con Finally, the excitation torque can be determined
rod length, and α the crank angle. simply by multiplying the resulting tangential force by
Thus, the resulting tangential force is the crankshaft radius
To exemplify, Fig. 14 shows the variation of tangential 3.5 Dynamic characteristics of the system
forces as a function of the crank angle at engine speeds
of 2000 and 2550 r/min. Note the influence of inertial The differential equation of the system, representing
forces on higher engine speeds. the dynamic characteristics of mechanical vibrations,
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162 A S Mendes, P S Meirelles, and D E Zampieri
can be determined according to the procedures out- The absolute damping matrix, whose coefficients
lined below. More detailed information on this subject were determined as explained in the previous section,
is given in references [18] to [20] is diagonal and has non-zero values only in posi-
tions of the crank throws, i.e. from positions 5 to 10.
[M] {θ̈ (t)} + [C] {θ̇ (t)} + [Kt] {θ (t)} = T (t) (14) Thus, the total damping matrix can be obtained by
the sum of previous matrices
The number of degrees of freedom of the system is
equal to the number of inertias. Considering the equiv-
alent system in Fig. 4, the matrices of equation (14) [C] = [Ca] + [Cr] (16)
have the following expressions and, due to the lumped
model considered here, they are band matrices
Due to the rigidity between inertias, the torsional
Inertia matrix : [M] = diag [I (j)]; j = 1(1)11 stiffness matrix is similar to the relative damping
The oscillating masses are replaced by equivalent As mentioned before, the excitation torque actuating
inertias, which must have the same kinetic energy as the crankshaft varies according to the crank angle,
the piston motion. An average inertia is used for the engine speed, and engine load
calculations, during one revolution of the crankshaft.
Equation (15) quantifies this inertia, which is intro-
duced only in the crank throw matrix positions {0 0 0 0 ...
{T (t)} = Mt 1 (t) Mt 2 (t) Mt 3 (t) Mt 4 (t) . . .
1 λ2 Mt 5 (t) Mt 6 (t) 0}T
Ialt = ma r 2
+ (15)
2 8
The relative damping matrix depicts the coupling The torque, Mt (t), which actuates each crank throw
between the rubber TVD in the first rows and columns is a periodic excitation function displaced in time
of the matrix and the crankshaft, represented by the by an amount that depends on the engine ignition
terms from indexes 4 to 10. The double mass rub- sequence. The solution for this kind of system is found
ber TVD configuration modifies the first terms of the through a finite Fourier series, see reference [21]. In
matrix, as follows this study, the authors considered 24 terms for the
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Torsional vibration in ICEs 163
. A01 A02
bo = {0}n×1 .. 0 0 0 0
I (5) I (6)
A03 A04 A05 A06
I (7) I (8) I (9) I (10)
. Cn1 Cn2
bn = {0}n×1 .. 0 0 0 0
I (5) I (6)
Cn3 Cn4 Cn5 Cn6
I (7) I (8) I (9) I (10)
1 2
. Cn Cn
bn = {0}n×1 .. 0 0 0 0
I (5) I (6)
3 4 5 6 T
Cn Cn Cn Cn
I (7) I (8) I (9) I (10)
Fig. 15 Instantaneous torque on the crankshaft at
2200 r/min 3.7 Calculation of the system’s steady-state
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164 A S Mendes, P S Meirelles, and D E Zampieri
torque, taking into account the number of cylinders The permissible dissipated power for a rubber
ahead of the considered inertia. For example, the con- damper can be calculated according to the following
stant Fourier term must be added six times to the methodology.
calculated torque between the flywheel and the sixth The mean convection coefficient at the damper’s
cylinder. external faces can be computed according to reference
From the TVA, one can calculate the dissipated [14], as follows
energy at the TVD. The damper thermal load is given by
π D ne 0.8
t hc = 7.56 (W/m2 K) (26)
2 60
Qj = crj θ̇j − θ̇3 dt;
0 where D is the diameter for convection coefficient
j = 1, 2(double mass rubber TVD) (24) evaluation (m) and ne the engine speed (r/min).
t Applying this thermal load to a finite element
2 model and considering the thermal conductivity of
Q1 = cr1 θ̇1 − θ̇2 dt(single mass viscous TVD)
0 0.26 W/m K for the rubber, one can determine the max-
(25) imum power that the damper can dissipate, taking
Fig. 16 FEM with axisymmetric solid elements, and results of thermal analyses
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Fig. 21 Measured torsional vibration amplitudes in the crankshaft pulley without TVD
(courtesy: Onça S.A.)
amplitudes have almost the same values and shapes. orders at almost the same engine speed, produces a
This comparison can be done for the other sys- very high TVD load.
tems (w/o TVD and viscous TVD), indicating that the The shear stress and maximum rubber deforma-
assumptions adopted for the methodology developed tion calculated for both damper rings are shown
here are valid. in Figs 28 and 29. Comparing the maximum val-
Figures 26 and 27 show the power generated in the ues to the permissible ones, one can conclude that
rubber for the first and second damper rings. The influ- this type of absorber is not suitable for the analysed
ence of two modes of vibration, excited by 3rd and 6th engine.
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168 A S Mendes, P S Meirelles, and D E Zampieri
Fig. 22 Calculated amplitudes of torsional vibration in the crankshaft pulley with viscous TVD
Fig. 23 Measured amplitudes of torsional vibration in the crankshaft pulley with viscous TVD
(courtesy: Onça S.A.)
According to noise level and structural integrity cylinders engines. Considering the results presented
design criteria, the maximum recommended vibra- here for a double mass rubber damper, one can see
tion amplitudes, per order, in the crankshaft front-end that the 3rd order/1st mode (3/I) and 6th order/2nd
should be in the range of 0.20◦ to 0.25◦ for in-line six mode (6/II) have amplitudes exceeding 0.30◦ . The
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Torsional vibration in ICEs 169
Fig. 24 Calculated amplitudes of torsional vibration in the crankshaft pulley with rubber TVD
Fig. 25 Measured amplitudes of torsional vibration in the crankshaft pulley with rubber TVD
(courtesy: Onça S.A.)
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16 Brunetti, F. and Garcia, O. Motores de Combustão Interna Wakabayashi, K., Honda, Y., and Kodama, T. Dynamic char-
(in Portuguese), 1992 (FEI, Brazil). acteristics of torsional viscous-friction dampers on recip-
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practice, vol. 2, 1985, ch. 8 (MIT Press, Massachusetts) 1992, pp. 1–21.
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19 Meirovitch, L. Principles and techniques of vibration,
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Cr relative damping matrix (Nm s/rad)
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JMBD126 © IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part K: J. Multi-body Dynamics
174 A S Mendes, P S Meirelles, and D E Zampieri
Fig. 31 Torque between the flywheel and the 6th cylinder without TVD
Fig. 32 Torque between the crankshaft pulley and the gear train without TVD
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Torsional vibration in ICEs 175
Fig. 33 Torque between the flywheel and the 6th cylinder with viscous TVD
Fig. 34 Torque between the crankshaft pulley and the gear train with viscous TVD
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Fig. 36 Torque between the flywheel and the 6th cylinder with rubber TVD
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Torsional vibration in ICEs 177
Fig. 37 Torque between the crankshaft pulley and the gear train with rubber TVD
λ relation between crank radius The actuating torque at the rear end of the
and con rod length (–) crankshaft, considering a viscous TVD, was reduced
ν kinematic viscosity (m2 /s) more than twofold, thus rendering this engine suitable
τ rubber shear stress (MPa) for heavy-duty applications (Fig. 33).
φ phase angle (rad) Figure 34 shows the dynamic torque at the front end
transition state matrix (–) of the crankshaft. Compared to the system without
χ loss number (–) TVD, this torque increased considerably in response
ω crankshaft angular velocity (rad/s) to the influence of the absorber.
ωn system natural frequency (rad/s) Figure 35 illustrates the dissipated power at the vis-
cous TVD considering all the orders of Fourier series
and the permissible damper load. The maximum
APPENDIX 2 value occurs close to 2200 r/min and, considering the
absorber heat dissipation capability, one can conclude
Torsional vibrations results that no overloading will occur.
The graph in Fig. 31 depicts the dynamic torque Figures 36 and 37 show the dynamic torque for the
between the flywheel and crankshaft connection system with the rubber TVD at the rear and front ends,
versus the engine speed for the system without TVD. respectively. As can be seen, both regions present some
As can be observed, there is a maximum torque of overloading close to 2000 r/min.
9500 Nm around 2200 r/min. If no dynamic response
is considered, this value would be close to 3500 Nm, as APPENDIX 3
indicated in Fig. 15. This is one of the aspects which
indicate the importance of the TVA in the crankshaft’s Summary of results
structural dimensioning.
The dynamic torque at the crankshaft pulley con- (1) Maximum amplitudes:
nection can be evaluated likewise. Figure 32 shows Without TVD – main orders 6/I 7.5/I 9/I
these results. In this case, the dynamic torque is much
lower than the permissible one since there is no TVD Amplitude (degrees)
assembled at this position. Calculated 1.12 0.17 0.09
The permissible torque was calculated considering Measured 1.17 0.17 0.08
the geometric dimensions of the crankshaft ends and Viscous TVD – main orders 3/I 4.5/I 6/I
the minimum bolt tightening forces.
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