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Q1: Metastasis of a malignant cyst occurs by:

a) Lymph transmissions of cells to distant sites
b) Extension of tumor tissue into the surrounding tissues
c) Putrefaction of tissue deprived of nutrition
d) Blood and lymph transmission of cells to distant sites

Q2: Which of the following measures need to be taught to the people in order to reduce
incidence of breast cancer?
a) See to it that red meats eaten are inspected by the health and sanitary
b) Washing all fruits and vegetables that eaten raw
c) Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day
d) Practice personal hygiene-

Q3: Which of these breast symptoms may signify the presence of cancer of the breast?
A. Discharge form the nipple
B. Retraction of the nipple
C. Puckering of the skin
D. Alteration of contour
a) A and D
b) C and D
c) B and C
d) A and B

Q4: Which of these groups should a nurse target when planning a community education
presentation about breast cancer?
a) Senior citizens
b) High-school students
c) Day care providers
d) Middle-aged women

Q5: When performing breast examination, the client asks you, why you placed a pillow
under her scapula and head. Your client asks you the reason of placing pillow, you best
answer is:
a) To detect lump or mass-
b) This position allows uneven distribution of breast tissue on the chest to easily
detect significant lump
c) A small pillow or folded towel will help stretch tissue and thus flatten the breast
d) So the axillae can also be inspected

Q6: One of the risk factors in breast cancer development is stress and anxiety. Teaching
client about relaxation techniques would be helpful. Teaching relaxation technique begins
a) The need to relax
b) Physiological changes occurring
c) The value of relaxation
d) Explanation of the technique-

Q7: Which of the following statements made by a patient who is scheduled for a
mammogram indicates a need for further teaching?
a) I will not use underarm antiperspirant before the procedure-
b) A dye will be injected into my vein prior to the procedure
c) I may experience discomfort during the procedure
d) My breasts will be compressed when the x-rays are taken

Q8: The nurse is teaching a client who suspects that she has a lump in her breast. The
nurse instructs the client that a diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed by:
a) Mammography
b) Fine needle aspiration
c) Breast self-examination
d) Chest X-ray

Q9: After a modified radical mastectomy, the nurse recognizes that a 36-year-old female
client understands the schedule for self-examination of he remaining breast when she
states she will examine her breast
a) Seven days before an expected menstrual period
b) Seven days after each menstrual period
c) On the same date every month, regardless of when menstruation occurs
d) Halfway between menstrual periods, preferably after showering

Q10: A 30-year-old female client is admitted for a biopsy of a lump in her right breast.
The nurse recognizes that the finding that could indicate a malignancy would be:
a) A soft mass that is movable and non-tender
b) A lesion in the upper, outer quadrant poorly delineated and non-mobile
c) Multiple bilateral lesions, well delineated and movable
d) Hard, hot, reddened areas that is tender and painful

Q11: Positive diagnosis of malignant breast cysts can be made by which of the following
a) Anterior breast tumor
b) Tomography
c) Biopsy of breast tumor
d) Palpation of the breast

Q12: The following are guidelines for detecting cancer of the breast among asymptomatic
women, except:
a) Women 20 years of age or older should perform BSE every 6 months
b) Women should consult to a physician about the need for frequency examination
c) Women 40 years old and above should have a physical breast examination every
d) Women ages 40 and above should have mammography every year

Q13: Further assessment is necessary when or during a prenatal breast examination, the
nurse identifies that a client has:
a) Increased prominence of the superficial veins
b) Nodularity in an outer quadrant
c) Darkening of the nipple areola
d) Nodularity in an outer quadrant

Q14: Which of this interventions or approaches would make your client most likely
comfortable during clinical breast examination?
a) Attending to all her needs
b) Calling her by her first name
c) Demonstrating a relaxing attitude
d) Explaining the procedure and asking consent

Q15: This is the characteristic of the breast when aging:

a) Less denser
b) Softening of the surrounding skin
c) Darker areola
d) Darker subcutaneous fats

Q26. Mrs. calo told her nurse, "This mass is cancer, isn't it2 Which of the initial responses
would be best?
a) "I'm not sure but the doctor feels that you probably have cancer
b) "Wait for the result until surgery is done"
c) You're worried about the outcome of your surgery, aren't you?
d) Of course not! Who told you such ridiculous idea?

Q 27. The following are health measure/s is / are important to prevent or reduce risk of
breast cancer development:
a) Regularly exercise.
b) All of these measures
c) Eat fruits and vegetables, preferably organic
d) Learn to cope and value relaxation when under stressful situation

Q28. Family Dela Cruz visited the health center and asks about breast cancer and on how
to decrease their risk, knowing that they have family history. The sister of the Mother
Dela Cruz, 35 years old, has ongoing chemotherapy In this case, what is the risk factor?
Select all that apply.
a) Diet
b) Weight
c) Family history
d) Gender

Q29. What type of surgery is it when it involves breasts removal and preservation of the
pectoralis major muscle?
a) Extended radical mastectomy
b) Local excision
c) Modified radical mastectomy
d) Total mastectomy

Q30. All women who are not yet in their menopausal stage should perform BSE:
a) Last day of her menstruation
b) First day of her menstruation
c) One week before each menstruation
d) One week after each menstruation

Q31. A client asks you what IS a malignant cyst: Select the correct response:
a) Steadily increases in tissue mass
b) Begins slowly
c) Tends to decrease in tissue mass
d) Tends to exacerbate

Q32. Diagnostic examination for breast cancer before it IS clinically palpable is

a) Frozen section
b) Galactography
c) Mammography
d) X-ray of the breast

Q33. Family Dela Cruz visited the health center and asks about breast cancer and on how
to decrease their risk, knowing that they have family history. The sister of the Mother
Dela Cruz, 35 years old, has ongoing chemotherapy The mother asks you about
mammogram, when should the female members of the family start to undergo
a) 35 years old
b) At age 40
c) As soon as possible
d) 25 years old

Q34. The nurse identifies that a 25-year-old client needs further teaching regarding breast
self-examination when she states:
a) "My 65-year-old mother examines her breasts the first of each month.
b) "I examine my breasts about a week after my periods start.
c) " I have been looking for dimpling as well as checking for lumps.
d) "My breasts are so tender right before my period that I hate doing it!

Q35. Which of the following statement is true about BRCA 1 and 2?

a) Gene mutations that can be tested through a blood test that analysis DNA (BRCA
gene test)
b) Not all women are advised to undergo breast cancer gene test
c) Women who have a relative or family history of breast cancer or any form of
cancer can be tested
d) A positive test indicates that you have inherited mutations in the genes and have
higher risk of developing cancer or even ovarian

Q36. During a breast examination, which finding most strongly suggests that a female
client has breast cancer?
a) Multiple firm, round, freely movable masses that change with the menstrual cycle
b) Bloody discharge from the nipple
c) Slight asymmetry of the breasts
d) A fixed nodular mass with dimpling of the overlying skin

Q37. What is the purpose of using hormonal therapy for patients with breast cancer cells?
a) To block the supply of estrogen or progesterone to the cells
b) To produce hormones estrogen
c) To replace the hormones and add testosterone
d) To produce more hormones by adding testosterone along with estrogen and

Q38. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask in who is at risk of breast
a) Does your family have a history of multiple gestation?
b) Does your family have a history of late menarche?
c) Does your family have a history of early menopause?
d) Does your family have a history of ovarian cancer?

Q39. When reviewing the BSE procedure with a client, the comment by the client that
the nurse should consider significant is, “My
a) Right breast not only feels thicker but looks bigger than the left one
b) Bra feels tight when I am menstruating
c) Left breast was always slightly larger than my right
d) Breast feel lumpy just before menstruation

Q40. The clinic nurse taught a client how to do breast self-examination. The optimal time
to encourage regularity and routine BSE on her is
a) Each day of the menstrual cycle
b) Fifth day of the month
c) Fifth day of the menstrual cycle
d) First day of the month

Q41. What is the rationale behind lying and placing pillow under the shoulder when
performing BSE? Select all that apply
a) To help spread the breast
b) This position allows even distribution of breast tissue on the chest to easily detect
significant lump
c) A small pillow or folded towel will help stretch tissue and thus flatten the breast
d) To observe presence of retraction and dimpling

Q42. You are conducting program. As one of the resource person, you discussed the
contraceptive methods. Which of the following is most likely a risk factor for breast
cancer development?
a) LAM
b) IUD
c) Tubal ligation
d) Oral contraceptives

Q43. The breast lumps frequently observed Mrs. Ople prior to menstruation are:
a) Engorgement of the mammary ducts
b) Enlargement of lymph nodes
c) Lengthening of the lymph nodes
d) Emptiness of the mammary ducts

Q44. When performing a routine physical assessment on a client who is postmenopausal,

the nurse identifies that the client has enlarged breast with gelactorrhea. The nurse
expects that the client will have blood drawn for
a) Progesterone levels
b) Estrogen levels
c) Prolactin levels
d) Oxytocin levels

Q45. Which of the following statements when made by the premenopausal women
indicates that she understands the health teachings on breast self-examination?
a) I will perform BSE 2 to 3 days after the cycle
b) I will perform BSE 5 days after menstruation
c) I will perform BSE every first day of the month
d) I will perform BSE during menstrual period

Q46. A 35-year-old client is requesting information about mammogram and breast cancer.
She isn’t considered at high risk for breast cancer. What should the nurse tell this client?
a) She should perform breast self-examination during the first 5 days of each
menstrual cycle
b) When she begins having yearly mammograms, breast self-examination will no
longer be necessary.
c) She should have had a baseline mammogram before age 30
d) She should eat a low-fat diet to further decrease her risk of breast cancer
Q47. One of the risk factors of breast cancer is the exposure to radiation therapy especially
during puberty stage. This is because:
a) Breast ducts and milk glands are growing at this time
b) Breast responds to hormonal changes during this stage
c) Exposure to estrogen without breaks
d) Surrounding and supporting the breast are fatty tissue which is less dense
Q48. Which of the following clinical manifestation would be most significant when
assessing a patient who is suspected of having breast cancer
a) Breast engorgement
b) Nipple discoloration
c) Nipple retraction
d) Breast tenderness
Q49. To perform breast self-examination correctly, the nurse teachers a premenopausal
female that she should be examining her breasts.
a) The first of every month
b) About 1 week
c) When she ovulates
d) The day her menses begins
Q50. The client will undergo mammogram. Which of the following information should
be included by the nurse when preparing the client for the procedure?
a) The procedure is painless
b) You should not eat or drink 2 hours before the procedure
c) You should not apply cream, powder, or deodorant in the axillae before the
d) You will down on a special table during the procedure

1. The factor in a woman’s history that would have the nurse place her at
increased risk for breast cancer is:
A. Late beginning of childbearing
B. Early menopause
C. Delayed onset of menarche
D. Low-income background

2. A client asks you what is a malignant cyst:

A. Tends to decrease in tissue mass
B. Steadily increase in tissue mass
C. Begins slowly
D. Tends to exacerbate

3. A 38-year-old female client is admitted for a biopsy of a lump in her right

breast. The nurse recognizes that the findings that could indicate a malignancy
would be:
A. Multiple bilateral lesions, well delineated and movable
B. A lesion in the upper, outer quadrant poorly delineated and non-mobile
C. Hard, hot, reddened areas that is tender and painful
D. A soft mass that is movable and non-tender

4. In attempting to change undesirable health behavior or modifiable risk factors,

it is most important that the decision is:
A. Refers to the decision-makers of the family
B. Done by the nurse is an authority to health
C. Made by the nurse together with the client
D. Made by the nurse together with the client
5. Which of the following may not indicate the presence of carcinoma
A. Fix mass
B. Retraction of the nipple
C. Movable
D. Alteration of contour

6. Which of the following is secreted by the graafian follicle to help provide an

environment suitable for the development of the fetus and that of the ductal
system of the breast
A. Estrogen
B. Prolactin
C. Progesterone
D. Glycogen

7. The following are risk factors resulting in increase incidence of breast cancer,
A. Late menopause
B. First child born at age of 20
C. Early menarche
D. Excessive exposure to radiation under age 35
8. Family Dela Cruz visited the health center and ask about breast cancer on how
to decrease their risk, knowing that they have family history. The sister of the
Mother Dela Cruz, 35 years old, has ongoing chemotheraphy. An examination that
can be helpful and practical for them is:
B. Mammogram
D. Ultrasonography

9. The nurse teaches the client that when performing breast self-examination, she
should be:
A. Placing a pillow under the shoulder opposite the side being examined
B. Using the right hand to examine the right breast.
C. Pressing the palm of the hand against the breast to compress it to the chest wall
D. Squeezing the nipple to check for discharge

10. A physician found a palpable lymph node in her axilla which may evidence
A. Frequently occurs with other types of breast cancer
B. Cancer cells may have not spread beyond the point
C. Cancer cells have metastasized from the primary site.
D. Prognosis is better for many type of cancer.

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