STS GW2 5 630 Pre
STS GW2 5 630 Pre
STS GW2 5 630 Pre
1.) Information Revolution has affected society. One impact is the increasing
acceptance of telecommuting where people work from home with the aid of internet,
email or telephone. Can you cite positive and/or negative impact of telecommuting to
the society?
There’s both positive and negative side or impact of information revolution in our
society especially in telecommunication towards work from home workers. For us the
positive impact of telecommunicating base on our perspective now a days, it is very helpful
when it comes on telecommunicating with your co-workers or employees because it lessen
the time and hassle on going to your work place or meeting place by making it online
meeting or using telecommunicating. Second is when you are submitting a file or
information through your boss, co-workers or employees, you don’t need to give it
physically and send it through telecommunicating or should I say, through Gmail or
internet and also it lessened the physical interaction to other people that may cause
accidents and hassle and make yourself safe by doing your works in job at home. If there
is positive impact of telecommunication, there’s also a negative impact of
telecommunication towards work from home workers. The bad cause of telecommunication
on work from home workers is having a bad physical and mental health, because working at
home can lessen your physical movement which can cause a bad physical health by just
sitting and facing your monitors or computers and having a lack of physical exercises, also
it leads to a shortage of human jobs as it replaces the tasks of a humans. The second is
having a lack of social life, because doing your works or jobs at home it also lessen the
opportunity on having a social interaction with your workmates and also it decrease
communication and relation between people.
2.) Technological advancements can cause positive as well as negative impact to
society. In the age of information revolution, spreading of fake news in social media
became rampant. Can you suggest ideas how to avert this problem?
We can avoid or being baited by fake news by looking or checking it’s reliable
sources, supporting details and proofs that can prove that their news is real or not fake
and also you can seek for proofs and details from other sources, medias, or news that has
the same concern or news.
3.) Scientific revolutions can change the thoughts, beliefs and social institutions
through new ways of thinking, examples of which are the Copernican, Darwinian,
Freudian and information revolution.
If there will be another revolution in the future, what do you think it will be? How
will it change the society? What will be its positive and/or negative impact?
Base on our prediction, imagination and saw on the televisions, The next revolution
in the future we can have, High Technologies and Innovations which include Flying Vehicles,
Underwater transportations, Artificial Intelligence or migrating in other planets that can
change our society in a better place to live and to have a convenient life or in other words,
it can help us to live easily.