Labour Law Lecture Notes. 3 Year Semester Unit 1
Labour Law Lecture Notes. 3 Year Semester Unit 1
Labour Law Lecture Notes. 3 Year Semester Unit 1
UNIT : 1
1. The growth of industrial jurisprudence in india is a call of hour not only for
the expansion of industrialization on but also strengthening the national
economy. 2018
2. Industrial relation in India ? 2018
1. The term industrial relations comprises two words, i.e. ‘industry’ and ‘relations’.
2. The term ‘industry’ refers to any productive activity in the organization in which the
employees are engaged.
3. The term ‘relations’ refers to the relationship, which exists within the industry between the
management and the employees.
4. The relationship between management and employees within the organization within the
organisational settings is defined by industrial relations.
5. This idea developed in the late nineteenth century due to the Industrial Revolution.
6. The industry can be seen as economic activity i.e manufacturing, creating or processing of
goods or service or administrations which is performed by a group of people.
7. Two goals of Industrial relations are to safeguard industrial peace and harmony between the
management and the workforce and to secure the cooperation of all departments in industry.
2. Group Relations
3. Labor Relations
4. Public Relations
UNIT : 1
• After independence, the cost of living has increased considerably. The increase in the cost
of living and countrywide political upsurge found its way in economic discontent among
the masses, particularly in the industries.
• The industrial unrest and economic discontent led to a number of strikes and labor trouble.
Workers were generally illiterate and poor and unaware about their rights. Workers are weak
in negotiating with the employer for employment and wages.
• The employer dictated their own terms and conditions regarding wages and employment.
The workers being in weaker position have no choice but to accept such terms for
employment because employment was the only means to earn their livelihood and feed their
• The Indian parliament passed four labour codes in 2019 and 2020 sessions. These four
codes will consolidate 44 existing labour laws. They are: The Industrial Relations Code
2020, The Code on Social Security 2020, The Occupational Safety, Health and Working
Conditions Code, 2020 and The Code on Wages 2019.
Why there is a need for labor legislation :
• The relationship between the workers and employers, is one of
partnerships in the maintenance of the production and building up of the
national economy, and therefore of utmost importance.
• The individual workers are economically weak. They cannot bargain
with the employers for the protection of their rights and even for
subsistence wages.
• Such legislation for the protection of labour against long hours of work,
unhygienic working conditions, low wages and exploitation is required.
4. The relationship between the ________ and _________, is one of partnerships in the
maintenance of the production.
1. In India trade unions have developed into an important platform for putting up the demands of
the workers.
2. They have also turned into one of the most influential pressure groups, which is an aggregate
seeking to influence the government in framing legislation in favour of workers without
aspiring to become part of the government.
3. The need for an organized trade union was first realized in 1875 by various philanthropists and
social workers like Shri SorabjiShapaji Bengali and Shri
4. N.M. Lokhandey whose constant efforts resulted in the formation of trade unions like The
Printers Union of Calcutta (1905), the Bombay Postal Union (1907).
1. Labour legislation in India has a key impact on the development of industrial relations.
2. The establishment of social justice has been the principle of all the labour legislation in India.
3. The establishment of the International Labour Organization to uplift the condition of labour all
over the world gave further impetus to the need for well-framed labour legislation in the
4. Under the constitution, labour is the subject of the concurrent list and both centre and state
can make laws related to the subject.
1. The need for an organized trade union was first realized in the
year_________ ?
5. Labour law, is the subject of the concurrent list and both __________ &
__________________ can make laws related to the subject.
1. Define trade union. Discuss the procedure of registration of trade union. When can registrar
refuse to register trade union. 2013
3. Discuss the appointment of registrar and describe the circumstances under certificate of
registration of a trade union maybe withdrawn or cancelled by the registrar. Can an appeal
against to order of registrar? 2014
The Registration of trade union has been mentioned under the following sections :
Appointment of Registrars. Section 3
The appropriate government shall appoint a person to be the registrar of the trade union for each state. The
appropriate government is also authorized to appoint additional or deputy registrar.
A trade union shall not be entitled to registration under this Act, unless the executive thereof is constituted
in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Power to call for further particulars and to require alteration of name. Section 7
The registrar may call for further information for the purpose of satisfying himself that any application
complies with the provisions of Section 5, or that the trade union is entitled to registration under Section 6,
and may refuse to register the trade union until such information is
Registration : Section 8
The registrar, on being satisfied that the trade union has complied with all the requirements of the Act in
regard to the registration shall register the trade union by entering in a register, to be maintained in such
form as may be prescribed, the particulars relating to the trade union contained in the statement
accompanying the application for registration.
Certificate of registration : Section 9
The registrar, on registering a trade union under section, shall issue a certificate of registration in the
prescribed form, which shall be conclusive evidence that the trade union has been duly registered under
this Act.
1. Discuss the objects on which general funds of a trade union maybe spent. Whether a separate
fund for political purposes maybe constituted? If yes, then what are the objects for which it
may be spent? 2013
4. Define trade union and explain the rights and liabilities of registered trade union under the
trade union act, 1926. 2019
The trade union are granted rights so that they may be able to take appropriate actions for the
attainment of objectives for which they have been formed. Under section 15-28 rights,
liabilities and immunities which granted to registered trade union is given.
6. Dissolution ( section 27 )
When a registered trade union is dissolved notice of dissolution signed by 7 members, within 14
days of the dissolution be sent to the registrar.
UNIT : 1
Section 31 to Section 33 of the Trade Union Act lays down the penalties and the procedure
of its application upon a trade union which is subject to such penalty.
Section 31 provides that: when a trade union has been required to give any note,
announcement or paper to the Registrar under the Act and where the law does not compel
a single individual in the trade union.
Anybody who, in try to deceive a member of a trade union or some other one who purports
to be a member of a trade union, submits a copy of the contract under the presumption
that it includes the rules of the trade union. Who knows or has cause to suspect that it is not
a correct copy of those rules and changes, and any person with the same intent shall, with a
fine which may extend to two hundred rupees, include a copy of any document purporting
to be a copy of the rules of a registered trade union which in fact is a non-registered trade
When an organized body negotiates with the employer and fixes the terms of
employment by means of bargaining is known as Collective Bargaining. The
essential element of Collective Bargaining is that it is between interested parties
and not from outside parties.
Collective bargaining is a procedure by which employment related disputes are
resolved cordially, peacefully and voluntarily by settlement between labour
unions and managements.