Andanhm Golang

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GoLang Cheat Sheet

by Andan H M (andanhm) via

Go Companies Using Golang

Go (also referred to as GoLang) is an open source and lower level Google for “dozens of systems”
progra​mming language designed and created at Google in 2009 by Docker a set of tools for deploying linux containers
Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson, to enable users to
Openshift a cloud computing platform as a service by Red Hat
easily write simple, reliable, and highly efficient computer programs
Dropbox migrated few of their critical components from Python to Go
Besides its better​-known aspects such as built-in concur​rency and
garbage collection Netflix for two portions of their server archit​ecture

Go is a statically typed language, it is anti functional progra​mming and anti Soundcloud for “dozens of systems”
OOP, as far as the designers concerned. Though​tWorks some tools and applic​ations around continuous delivery

https:​//g​ola​ and instant messages (CoyIM)

Uber for handling high volumes of geofen​ce-​based queries.

Feature BookMyShow for handling high volume of traffic, rapidly growing

Language is very concise, simple and safe. customer, to adapt new business solution and (cloud solution)
distri​bution tools
Compil​ation time is very fast.
Patterns which adapt to the surrou​nding enviro​nment similar to dynamic
Inbuilt concur​rency such as lightw​eight processes channels and select
statem​ents. OSX brew install go

Supports the interfaces and the embedded types. Run the command below to view your Go version:
go version

Lack of essential features

No ternary operator ?: Directory layout

No generic types
No exceptions
No assertions
​ src/
No overlo​ading of methods and operators ​ ​ ​ ​hello/
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​main.go (package main)
GOPATH is a mess
​ bin/
Package dependence manage tool
​ ​ ​ hello (installed command)
https:​//g​ith​ub.c​om​/ks​imk​a/g​o-i​s-n​ot-good ​ pkg/
​ ​ ​ ​lin​ux_​amd64/ (installed package object)
​ ​ ​ ​git​ (3rd party depend​encies)

By Andan H M (andanhm) Published 21st October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 1 of 8.
GoLang Cheat Sheet
by Andan H M (andanhm) via

Hello Word Built-in Types (cont)

package main float32 float64

import "​fmt​" complex64 complex128
func main() {
​ ​ ​ ​fmt.Pr​int​ln(​"​Hello, World!​!") Packages and Modules

Create a file named main.go in the directory src/hello inside your Go packages are folders that contain one more go files.
worksp​ace/go path
go env Default go system enviro​nment
A modules (starting with vgo and go 1.11) is a versioned collection of
https:​//t​our.go​lan​ packages.

go get​m/a​nda​nhm​/go​-pr​ett​ytimee
go mod init​m/a​nda​nhm​/go​-pr​ett​ytime
$ cd $HOME/go/src/hello
$ go run main.go Variable & Function Declar​ations
Hello, World!!
const country = "india"
$ go build
// declar​ation without initia​liz​ation
$ ./hello
var age int
Hello, World!!
// declar​ation with initia​liz​ation
var age int = 23
// declare and init multiple at once
Package declar​ation at top of every source file var age, pincode int = 23, 577002
Execut​ables are should be in package main // type omitted, will be inferred

Upper case identi​fier: public (acces​sible from other packages) var age = 23
// simple function
Lower case identi​fier: private (not accessible from other packages)
func person() {

Built-in Types // shorthand, only within func bodies

// type is always implicit
age := 23
int int8 int16 int32 int64
// Can have function with params
uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
byte // alias for uint8
rune // alias for int32 ~= a character (Unicode code

By Andan H M (andanhm) Published 21st October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 2 of 8.
GoLang Cheat Sheet
by Andan H M (andanhm) via

Variable & Function Declar​ations (cont) If statement

func person​(fi​rstName string, lastName string) {} if age < 18 {

// Can have multiple params of the same type ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​return errors.Ne​w("not allowed to enter")
func person​(fi​rst​Name, lastName string) {} }
// Can return type declar​ation // Condit​ional statement
func person() int { if err := Reques​t("g​oog​le.c​om​"); err != nil {
​ ​ ​ ​return 23 ​ ​ ​ ​return err
} }
// Can return multiple values at once // Type assertion inside
func person() (int, string) { var age interf​ace{}
​ ​ ​ ​return 23, "​vin​ay" age = 23
} if val, ok := age.(int); ok {
var age, name = person() ​ ​ ​ ​fmt.Pr​int​ln(val)
// Can return multiple named results }
func person() (age int, name string) {
​ ​ ​ age = 23 Loop statement
​ ​ ​ name = "​vin​ay"
for i := 1; i < 3; i++ {
​ ​ ​ ​return
// while loop syntax
var age, name = person()
for i < 3 {
// Can return function
func person() func() (strin​g,s​tring) {
// Can omit semicolons if there is only a condition
​ ​ ​ ​ ​are​a:=​func() (strin​g,s​tring) {
for i < 10 {
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​return "​str​eet​", "​cit​y"
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ }
// while (true) like syntax
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​return area
for {

Go don't have while until

By Andan H M (andanhm) Published 21st October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 3 of 8.
GoLang Cheat Sheet
by Andan H M (andanhm) via

Switch statement Arrays, Slices

// switch statement var a [3]int // declare an int array with length 3.

switch runtim​e.GOOS { var a = [3]int {1, 2, 3} // declare and initialize a
​ case "​dar​win​": { slice
// cases break automa​tically a := [...]i​nt{1, 2} // elipsis -> Compiler figures out
​ ​ } array length
​ ​ case "​lin​ux": { a[0] = 1 // set elements
​ ​ } i := a[0] // read elements
​ ​ ​def​ault: var b = a[lo:hi] // creates a slice (view of the
} array) from index lo to hi-1
// can have an assignment statement before the switch var b = a[1:4] // slice from index 1 to 3
statement var b = a[:3] // missing low index implies 0
switch os := runtim​e.GOOS; os { var b = a[3:] // missing high index implies len(a)
case "​dar​win​": a = append​(a,​17,3) // append items to slice a
default: c := append​(a,​b...) // concat​enate slices a and b
// compar​isons in switch cases // create a slice with make
os := runtim​e.GOOS a = make([​]int, 5, 5) // first arg length, second
switch { capacity
case os == "​dar​win​": a = make([​]int, 5) // capacity is optional
default: // loop over an array/ slice / struct
} for index, element := range a {
// cases can be presented in comma-​sep​arated lists ​ ​ ​
switch os { }
case "​dar​win​", "​lin​ux":
} Maps & Struct


Maps are Go’s built-in associ​ative data type (hashes or dicts)


Structs are the way to create concrete user-d​efined types in Go. Struct
types are declared by composing a fixed set of unique fields.

By Andan H M (andanhm) Published 21st October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 4 of 8.
GoLang Cheat Sheet
by Andan H M (andanhm) via

Example Example (cont)

type Address struct { },

​ ​Street string },
​ City string // Determains the the length of the map
} _ = len(bo​okm​yshow)
type Employee struct { // read the item from the map
​ Name string employees := bookmy​sho​w["B​ang​alo​re"]
​ Age int // loop over an array, slice, struct array
​ ​Address Address for index, element := range employees {
} ​ // read the element from the struct
// Can declare methods on structs. ​ ​fmt.Pr​int​ln(​index, elemen​t.D​isp​lay())
func (emp Employee) Display() string { }
​ // accessing member // Delete the key from the map
​ ​nam​e:=​emp.Name delete​(bo​okm​yshow, "​Pun​e")
​ ​return fmt.Sp​rin​tf(​"Name %s",​name)
} Interfaces
// Initialize the map with the type
Interface type that specifies zero methods is known as
// map key is city value employees working
the empty interface
bookmyshow := make(m​ap[​str​ing​][]​Emp​loyee)
var i interf​ace{}
// Create new/up​dates the key value pair
i = 42
bookmy​sho​w["P​une​"] = []Empl​oyee{}
// Reflec​tion: type switch specify types
bookmy​sho​w["B​ang​alo​re"] = []Empl​oyee{
switch v := i.(type) {
​ ​ ​Emp​loyee{
case int:
​ ​ ​ ​Name: "​Andan H M",
​ ​ ​fmt.Pr​int​f("(%v, %T)\n", i, i)
​ ​ ​ Age: 23,
case string:
​ ​ ​ ​Add​ress: Address{
​ ​fmt.Pr​int​f("(%v, %T)\n", i, i)
​ ​ ​ ​ ​Street: "KB Extens​ion​",
​ ​ ​ ​ ​City: "​Dav​ana​ger​e",
​ ​fmt.Pr​int​f("U​nknow type %T!\n", v)
​ ​ },
Interfaces are named collec​tions of method
type error interface {

By Andan H M (andanhm) Published 21st October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 5 of 8.
GoLang Cheat Sheet
by Andan H M (andanhm) via

Interfaces (cont) Unit Test

​ ​ ​ ​Error() string Go has a built-in testing command called go test and a package testing
} which combine to give a minimal but complete testing experi​ence.

Standard tool-chain also includes benchm​arking and code coverage

Accept interf​aces, return structs

The error type is an interface type.
error variable represents descri​ption of the error string
Goroutines are lightw​eight threads managed by Go
error​s.N​ew(​'user not found')
fmt.E​rro​rf(​"%s user not found", "​foo​")
https:​//b​log.go​lan​g.o​rg/​err​or-​han​dli​ng-​and-go Channels are a typed conduit through which you can send and receive
values with the channel operator ( <- )
HTTP Handler

package main Example

import ( package main

​"​io" import "​fmt​"
​"​net​/ht​tp" func main() {
) n := 2
func health(w http.R​esp​ons​eWr​iter, r *http.R​eq​uest) {
​ ​w.W​rit​eHe​ade​r(h​ttp.St​atusOK) // "​mak​e" the channel, which can be used
​ ​io.W​ri​teS​tri​ng(w, "​Ok") // to move the int datatype
} out := make(chan int)
func main() { // run this function as a goroutine
​htt​p.H​and​leF​unc​("/h​eal​th", health) // the channel that we made is also provided
​htt​p.L​ist​enA​ndS​erv​e(":​808​0", nil) go Square(n, out)
} // Any output is received on this channel
// print it to the console and proceed
A mini-t​ool​kit​/mi​cro​-fr​amework to build web apps; with handler chaining,
middleware and context injection, with standard library compliant HTTP ​fmt.Pr​int​ln(​<-out)
handle​rs(i.e. http.H​and​ler​Func). }
func Square(n int, out chan<- int) {
https:​//g​ith​ub.c​om​/bn​kam​ale​sh/​webgo ​result := n * n

By Andan H M (andanhm) Published 21st October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 6 of 8.
GoLang Cheat Sheet
by Andan H M (andanhm) via

Example (cont) Example

​//pipes the result into it package main

out <- result import (
} ​"​enc​odi​ng/​jso​n"
select statement lets a goroutine wait on multiple commun​ication
operat​ions. ​"​fmt​"
sync go build-in package provides basic synchr​oni​zation primitives such type Employee struct {
as mutual exclusion locks. Name string `json​:"na​me" xml:"na​me"`
Age int `json​:"ag​e" xml:"ag​e"`
Defer, Panic, and Recover
func main() {
Defer emp := Employee{

A defer statement pushes a function call onto a Last In First Out order ​ ​Name: "​and​an.h​",
list. The list of saved calls is executed after the surrou​nding function ​ Age: 27,
returns }

Panic // Marshal: refers to the process of converting

// the data or the objects into a byte-s​tream
Panic is a built-in function that stops the ordinary flow of control and
begins panicking. ​jso​nData, _ := json.M​ars​hal​(emp)
​xml​Data, _ := xml.Ma​rsh​al(emp)
Recover is a built-in function that regains control of a panicking
// Unmarshal: refers to the reverse process of
func main() { // converting the byte-s​tream back to data or object
defer func() { ​jso​n.U​nma​rsh​al(​jso​nData, &emp)
if r := recover(); r != nil { ​fmt.Pr​int​ln(emp)
​ fmt.Pr​int​ln(​"​Rec​ove​red​", r) }
pa​nic​("make panic")


encoding is a built-in package defines interfaces shared by other

packages that convert data to and from byte-level and textual

Go offers built-in support for encodi​ng/gob, encodi​ng/​json, and



By Andan H M (andanhm) Published 21st October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 7 of 8.
GoLang Cheat Sheet
by Andan H M (andanhm) via





By Andan H M (andanhm) Published 21st October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 8 of 8.

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