Installation Guidelines EN

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 Sizing of load cells capacity  Welding

For safety reasons, in case of static weighing, it is advisable to Avoid welding with the load cells already installed. If this cannot
use the load cells at a maximum of 70-80% of its nominal capacity be avoided, place the welder ground clamp close to the required
(assuming that the load is uniformly distributed over the entire welding point to prevent sending current through the load cell body.
weighed structure); depending on the handling mode of the load
to weigh, consider to further reduce the % of load with respect to  Windy conditions - knocks – vibrations
the nominal capacity (ex.: forklifts handling, bridge cranes, etc.). The use of mouting kits is strongly recommended for all load
cells, in order to compensate for any misalignments of the
In case of weighing with dynamic loads, the installer has to support plates. The system designer must ensure that the
estimate the thrust speed, the acceleration, the frequency, etc. plant is protected against lateral shifting and tipping relating to:
shocks and vibration; windy conditions; seismic conditions in the
 Installing load cells installation setting; stability of the support structure.
The load cells must be placed on rigid, stable in-line structures;
it is important to use the mounting kits for load cells, in order to
compensate for any misalignments of the support plates.
 Earthing the weighed structure
By means of a copper wire with suitable cross-section, connect the
cell upper support plate with the lower support plate, then connect
 Connecting several cells in parallel all the lower plates to a single earthing system. Electrostatic charges
Connect several cells in parallel by using - if necessary - a watertight
junction box with terminal box. The cell connection extension accumulated because of the product rubbing against the pipes and
cables must be shielded, led individually into their piping or conduit the weighed container walls are discharged to the ground without
and laid as far as possible from the power cables (in case of 4-wire going through or damaging the load cells. Failure to implement
connections, use cables with 4x1 mm2 minimum cross-section). a proper earthing system might not affect the operation of the
weighing system; this, however, does not rule out the possibility
 Protection of the cell cable that the cells and connected instrument may become damaged in
Use water-proof sheaths and joints in order to protect the cables the future. It is forbidden to ensure earthing system continuity by
of the cells. using metal parts contained in the weighed structure.

 Mechanical restraints (pipes, etc.)

When pipes are present, we recommend the use of hoses and
flexible couplings with open mouthpieces with rubber protection;
in case of hard pipes, place the pipe support or anchor bracket as
far as possible from the weighed structure (at a distance at least
40 times the diameter of the pipe).


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LAUMAS Elettronica srl • Phone: (+39) 0521 683124 • Fax (+39) 0521 681091 ISO 9001
UFFICIO VENDITE ITALIA: [email protected] • EXPORT SALES DEPARTMENT: [email protected] ISO 14001


 The cell cable must be individually led to its panel input and not share  The panel installer must provide electric protections for the
a conduit with other cables; connect it directly to the instrument instruments (fuses, door lock switch etc.).
terminal strip without breaking its route with support terminal strips.
 It is advisable to leave the equipment always switched on to
 Avoid inverters in the instrument panel; if inevitable, use special prevent the formation of condensation.
filters for the inverters and separate them with sheet metal partitions.

 Incase of 230 VAC supply, use a 380 / 230 VAC transformer

avoiding to use the 380 VAC phase and the neutral.


Load cell resistance measurement (use a digital multimeter): Load cell voltage measurement (use a digital multimeter):

 Disconnect the load cells from the instrument and check that there  Take out the load cell to be tested from underneath the container,
is no moisture in the cell junction box caused by condensation or or alternatively, lift the container support.
water infiltration. If so, drain the system or replace it if necessary.
 Make sure that the excitation of two wires of the load cell connected
 The value between the positive signal wire and the negative signal to the instrument (or amplifier) is 5 VDC ±3%.
wire must be equal or similar to the one indicated in the load cell
data sheet (output resistance).  Measure the response signal between the positive and the
negative signal wires by directly connecting them to the tester,
 The value between the positive excitation wire and the negative and make sure that it is comprised between 0 and ±0.5 mV.
excitation wire must be equal or similar to the one indicated in the
load cell data sheet (input resistance).  Apply load to the cell and make sure that there is a signal increment.
 The insulation value between the shield and any other cell wire
and between any other cell wire and the body of the load cell must
be higher than 20 MΩ.

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The Company reser ves the right to make changes to the technical data, drawings and images without notice.

LAUMAS Elettronica srl • Phone: (+39) 0521 683124 • Fax (+39) 0521 681091 ISO 9001
UFFICIO VENDITE ITALIA: [email protected] • EXPORT SALES DEPARTMENT: [email protected] ISO 14001

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