14 Drug Study
14 Drug Study
14 Drug Study
Generic H2 Antagonist Inhibits the action Treatment and Hypersensitivity, - Constipation - Administer
Name: of histamine at the prevention of heartburn, cross-sensitivity - Diarrhea medication following
Ranitidine H2 receptor site acid, ingestion, and sour may occur; some - Fatigue the 14 rights of drug
located primarily in stomach. oral liquids contain - Headache administration
Brand Name: gastric parietal alcohol and should - Insomnia - Instruct patient to
Zantac cells, resulting in be avoided in - Muscle pain increase fluid intake
inhibition of gastric patients with known - Nausea once allowed by the
Route, Dose, acid secretion. It intolerance. - Vomiting physician
Frequency: has some - Agitation - Instruct family
IVVT, 5omg, antibacterial action - Anemia members to assist in
q8 against H. Pylon. - Confusion giving fiber once
- Depression allowed by the
- Easy bruising physician
or bleeding - Instruct patient to
move slowly and
have assistance in
rendering activities
- Prepare basin at
bedside of the patient
- Note for any side
effects like headache,
diarrhea, vomiting,
and abdominal pain
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing
Action Responsibilities
Generic Name: H2 Antagonist Competitively - Short-term - Contraindicated Diarrhea, • History: Allergy to
Cimetidine inhibits action of treatment of in patients dizziness, cimetidine, impaired
Brand Name: histamine on the duodenal ulcer; hypersensitive to tiredness, rash, renal or hepatic
Tagamet H2 receptor sites maintenance drug headache, CNS function, lactation
of parietal cells, therapy - Use cautiously in disturbances, • Physical: Skin lesions;
Route, Dose, decreasing gastric - Active Benign elderly or arthralgia, orientation, affect;
Frequency: acid secretions. Gastric debilitated myalgia, pulse, baseline ECG
Ulceration patients because gynecomastia, (continuous with IV
Injectable - Pathologic they may be alopecia, blood use); liver evaluation,
solution Hypersecretory more susceptible dyscrasias, abdominal examination,
- 150 mg/ml Conditions, such to drug-induced nephritis, normal output; CBC,
as Zollinger- confusion, hepatitis, LFTs, renal function tests
Oral solution Ellison - Use cautiously in pancreatitis, Interventions
-300 mg/5 ml Syndrome, patients with granulocytopeni • Give drug with meals
Systemic renal or hepatic a, commended times.
Benign Gastric Mastocytosis, impairment hypersensitivity • Inform your health
Ulcer And Multiple - Prolonged reactions. care provider about your
Endocrine treatment ( 2 cigarette
800 mg orally Adenomas years or more) smoking habits. Cigarette
each evening OR - GERD with increases risk of smoking
400 mg orally Erosive vitamin B12 decreases the drug's
every 12 hours Esophagitis malabsorption effectiveness.
OR - Heartburn and deficiency, • Have regular medical
300 mg orally especially in follow-up care to
every 6 hours women and evaluate your response to
Duodenal Ulcer patients younger drug.
than 30 • Tell your health care
800 mg orally - Drug may providers about all
each evening OR increase risk of medications, over-the-
400 mg orally acute counter drugs, or herbs
every 12 hours gastroenteritis you take; this drug may
OR and community- interact with many of
300 mg orally acquired these.
every 6 hours pneumonia in • Report sore throat,
children. fever, unusual bruising or
Erosive tarry stools,
Gastroesophageal confusion,
Reflux Disease hallucinations,
dizziness, muscle or
800 mg orally joint pain.
each evening OR
400 mg orally
every 12 hours
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Anti-flatulent Defoaming action -Relief of symptoms - Allergy to GI: Nausea, vomiting, - Give after each meal
Name: disperses and and pressure of excess components of Diarrhea constipation, and at hs.
Simethicone prevents the gas in the digestive the product. belching, passing of - Ensure chewable
formation of tract; post operative - Hypersensitivity flatus tablets are chewed
Brand Name: mucus surrounded gaseous distention and to thoroughly before
Phazyme gas pockets in the pain, use in endoscopic cephalosporin. swallowing
GI tract; changes examination; air - Hypersensitivity - Take this drug after
Route, Dose, the surface tension swallowing; functional to penicillin each meal and at hs.
Frequency: of gas bubbles in dyspepsia; spastic or - You may experience
40 mg PO qid the stomach and irritable colon; increased belching
after each small intestine, diverticulitis and passing of flatus
meal enabling the as gas disperses.
bubbles to - Report extreme
coalesce, freeing abdominal pain,
gas to be more worsening of
easily freed by condition being
belching or flatus treated, vomiting.
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Anti-flatulent Facilitates gastric -The relief of nausea Hypersensitivity - Loss of - Take this medication
Name: emptying and and vomiting, epigastric balance or by mouth as
Domperidone decreases small sense of fullness, upper muscle control prescribed usually
bowel transit time abdominal discomfort - Swelling of 30 mins before
Brand Name: by increasing and regurgitation of the mouth meals and at bedtime
Motilium esophageal and gastric contents. - Monitor for
gastric peristalsis persistence of
Route, Dose, and by lowering nausea and vomiting
Frequency: esophageal to evaluate
PO, 10 cc q sphincter pressure effectiveness of the
8h if with drug
epigastric pain - Monitor for signs of
discomfort such as
epigastric pain or
abdominal fullness
- Monitor vital signs
to determine sigsn of
- Perform oral care
- Do not increase your
dose or take this
- Tell patient that she
may get dizzy or
drowsy with this
drug, tell him not to
sit or stand quickly
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Antidiarrheal Acts by slowing A medicine to treat The patient who - Constipation - Instruct patient to
Name: intestinal motility diarrhea (runny poo) should not take - Dizziness report to the
Loperamide and by affecting loperamide is the - Drowsiness physician or nurses if
hcl water and ones with bloody - Nausea experiencing side
electrolyte diarrhea and - Stomach effects
Brand Name: movement through diarrhea with high Cramps - Store at room
Imodium the bowel fever. temperature away
from moisture and
Route, Dose, heat. Do not allow
Frequency: the liquid medicine to
2 mg freeze
- Instruct the patients
to increase intake of
food with fiber
- Advise patient to eat
mild foods, such as
rice, dry toast or
crackers and bananas
and to eat several
small meals instead
of two or three large
- Advise patient to
keep drinking the
prescribed water
- Keep rooms well-
ventilated if possible,
to promotes easier
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Antidiarrheal Like sucralfate, Used in combination No contraindicated - Abdominal - Monitor bowel
Name: bismuth coats with oral antibiotic pain function note that
Bismuth ulcers and erosions, therapy, in the treatment - Anal stools may darken
subsalicytate creating a of helicobacter pylori- discomfort and tongue may
protective layer associated gastritis and - Anxiety appear black.
Brand Name: against acid and duodenal ulcer. - Black stools - Assess the frequency
Pepto-Bismol, pepsin. It may also - Cold and consistency of
Kaopectate, stimulate symptoms stools, presence of
Stomach relief prostaglandin, - Constipation nausea and
mucus & - Dark urine indisgestion, and
Route, Dose, bicarbonate - Depression bowel sounds before
Frequency: secretion. - Diarrhea and during therapy.
PO 524 mg, - Dizziness - Assess fluid and
orally q 30 to - Sores in electrolyte balance
60 mins prn stomach lining and skin turgor for
not to exceed - indigestion dehydration if
8 doses in any diarrhea is prolonged
24-hour - Assess for epigastric
period. or abdominal pain
and frank or occur
blood in the stool,
emesus, or gastric
- Shake liquid before
using. Chewable
tablets may be
chewed or allowed to
dissolve before
- Advise patient to
consult health care
professional before
taking other OTC
ulcer remedies
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Laxatives Stimulates Treatment for Hypersensitivity, - Abdominal - Monitor patient
Name: peristalsis by constipation abdominal pain, cramping receiving
Bisacodyl directly irritating obstruction, N/V - Electrolyte and concomitant
the smooth muscle fluid anticoagulant.
Brand Name: of the intestine, imbalance Indiscriminate use of
Dulcolax possibly the colonic - Nausea laxatives results in
intramural plexus, - Rectal burning decreased absorption
Route, Dose, alters water and - Spinning of vitamin K
Frequency: electrolyte secretion sensation - Assess patient for
PO 5 to 15 mg producing net (vertigo) abdominal distention,
OD intestinal fluid - Stomach/ presence of bowel
accumulation and Abdominal sounds, and usual
laxation. pain pattern of bowel
- Vomiting function
- Weakness - Assess color
consistency, and
amount of stool
- May be administered
at bedtime for
morning results
- Taking on an empty
stomach will produce
more rapid results
- Do not crush or chew
enteric-coated tablets.
Take with a full glass
of water or juice
- Do not administered
oral doses within 1 hr
of milk or antacids;
this may lead to
premature dissolution
of tablet and gastric
or duodenal irritation.
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Laxatives Anthraglycosides Short term relief of Severe dehydration - Severe nausea - Monitor electrolyte
Name: produce an active constipation and in patients with - Loss of energy balance if significant
Cascara secretion of water known - Headaches diarrhea occurs,
and electrolytes hypersensitivity to - Muscle especially with frail
Brand Name: within lumen of the bisacodyl or any weakness, older adults
Caroid small intestine and other component of spasms or - Monitor restoration
Laxative inhibit their the product. cramps of normal bowel
absorption from the - Irregular function
Route, Dose, large intestine, heartbeat - Reduce dose in
Frequency: causing an increase - Skipped patients who
PO 20 to 30 in bowel content heartbeats experience
mg , taken in a volume and - Tachycardia considerable
dose of 2-5 ml strengthening of - Neuropathy abdominal cramping
TID intestinal dilatation - Reduced urine - Be aware that drug
pressure to output may alter urine and
stimulate - Confusion feces color, yellowish
peristalsis. - Depressuon brown (acid), reddish
- Return of brown (alkaline)
constipation - Continued use may
lead to dependence.
Consult physician if
constipation persists.
- A single dose taken
before retiring
usually results in
evacuation of soft
stool 6-12 h later.
- Advice patient to
increase fluid intake
to atleast 1500-2000
ml/day during
therapy to prevent
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing
Action Responsibilities
Generic Antacids Essential - Dietary supplement when - Allergy to - Increase the - Assess patient of
Name: elements of the calcium intake is calcium incidence of she has an
Calcium body; helps inadequate - Hypercalcemia constipation allergy to
Carbonate maintain the - Treatment of calcium - Patient with - Severe calcium
Brand functional defieciency in tetany of the risk digitalis diarrhea supplements
Name: integrity of the newborn, acute and chronic toxcity - Abdominal - Assess the
Caltrate plus nervous and hypoparathyroidism, pain patient’s
muscular pseudohypoparathyroidism, calcium intake
Route, Dose, system; helps postmenopausal and senile following its
Frequency: maintain osteoporosis, rickets and dosage and route
PO, 1,000 cardiac osteomalacia - Assess for
mg/day BID function, blood - Prevention of sigsns of
coagulation hypocalcemia during constipation
exchange transfusions - Monitor if
severe diarrhea,
calcium intake
should be
terminated and
report to the
- Assess if patient
abdominal pain
and check for
fetal heart rate if
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Antacids Sodium Hyper acidity, Metabolic or - Cerebral - Obtain patient history
Name: bicarbonate Severe respiratory Hemorrhage including drug
Sodium raises blood diarrhea alkalosis - CHF history and any
Bicarbonate and urinary (where there *Hypernatremia, (aggravated) hypersensitivity.
pH by is loss of *Severe Tetany - Assess respiratory
Brand Name: dissociation Sodium pulmonary edema Pulmonary and pulse
Rhea to provide Bicarbonate) *Hypocalcemia edema rate,rhythm, depth,
Sodium bicarbonate *Hypochlorhydria lung sounds and
Bicarbonate ions, which notify the physician
neutralizes - Assess for carbon
Route, Dose, the hydrogen dioxide in GI
Frequency: ion tract,may lead to
Oral 325 mg concentration perforation if ulcer is
tab It also severe.
3–6-tab qid neutralizes - Test and monitor
gastric acid urine pH, urinary
via output, during
production of beginning treatment.
carbon - f patient has
dioxide edematous
- If patient is vomiting
withhold medication
and immediately
inform the physician.
- If the patient exhibits
shortness of breath
and hyperpnea,
immediately inform
the physician.
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Proton pump Suppresses Risk reduction Contraindicated in - Headache - Monitor or S.S of
Name: inhibitor the final step of NSAID patients with known - Anorexia adverse CNS
Esomeprazole in gastric associated hypersensitivity to - Confusion effects(vertigo,
acid gastric ulcer substituted - Dizziness agitation,depres sion)
Brand Name: production by benzimidazoles or - Migraine especially in severely
Nexium inhibiting the to any component - Sleep ill patients
H+/K+- of the formulation. - Disorder - Monitor phenytoin
Route, Dose, ATPase in Hypersensitivity - Insomnia levels with
Frequency: the gastric reactions may - Hypertension concurrent use
IVTT, 40 mg parietal cells. include - Tachycardia
BID This anaphylaxis, - Diarrhea
decreases anaphylactic shock, - Nausea
gastric acid angioedema,
secretion bronchospasm,
acute interstitial
nephritis, and
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Proton pump Inhibits secretion of Indicated for gastric Patients with a - Headache - Assess vital signs
Name: inhibitor gastric acid by ulcers or peptic ulcer history of - Abdominal - Check the label and
Omeprazole irreversibly disease in adults hypersensitivity to pain dosage
blocking the the drug or any - Nausea - Perform skin test to
Brand Name: enzyme system of excipients from the - Diarrhea check for sensitivity
Prilosec, hydrogen/potassiu dosage form and has - Vomiting to omeprazole
Prilosec OTC, m adenosine live - Flatulence - Assess for any
Omesec and triphosphatase, the abdominal pain,
Zegerid "proton pump" of headache, nausea,
the gastric parietal diarrhea, vomiting.
Route, Dose, cell. - Patients should
Frequency: monitor for signs and
NGT, 40 mg symptoms of
OD gastroesophage al
reflux disease and
peptic ulcer disease
when using
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Antiemetic Suppression of Used systematically - Active untreated - Headache - Assess patient for
Name: and anti- inflammation of and locally in a variety infectious - Abdominal changes in level of
Dexamathasone nausea and modification of disorders including: (except for pain consciousness and
of normal immune Chronic Inflammatory certain forms of - Nausea headache
Brand Name: response Disorders, Allergies, meningitis. - Diarrhea throughout the
Dexon, Hematologic Diseases, - Avoid chronic - Vomiting therapy
Deacdrol, Neoplasm, use during - Flatulence - Monitor pain,
Deacdron, Autoimmune Disease lactation may edema, ROM of
Hexadrol Management of affect child’s affected joints
cerebral edema and growth - Assess affected skin
Route, Dose, septic shock, diagnostic - Bisulfie, prior to and daily
Frequency: agent in adrenal paraben or during therapy
IV, 1.8 mg, q6 disorders alcohol - Monitor serum
hypersensitivity- electrolytes
some products - Promptly report
contain bisulfie, presence of guaiac
paraben or positive stools
alcohol - If dose is ordered
daily, administer in
the morning to
coincide with the
body’s normal
secretion of cortisol.
- Administer with
meals to minimize
gastric irritations
- Instruct the patient
to take the
medication exactly
as indicated and not
to skip doses or
double up on missed
Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Antiemetic It works by To control severe - Blood dyscrasias - Akathsia - Check doctors order
Prochlorperazine and anti- centrally blocking nausea and vomiting - Bone marrow - Altered medication
Brand Name: nausea dopamine depression temperature administration
Compazine receptors in the - Cerebral - Regulation record
medullary arteriosclerosis - Dizziness - Do hand gloving
Route, Dose, chemoreceptor - Coma - Drowsiness - Positioned
Frequency: Trigger zone and - Coronary artery - Extrapyramidal nauseated patients
IV, 40 mg, peripherally disease reactions who have received
daily q3-4 hrs blocking the - Hepatic prochloroperazine
vagus nerve in the dysfunction carefully
GI tract to reduce - Hypersensitivity
nausea and to phenothiazines
vomiting. - Myeloproliferative
- Pediatric surgery
- Extreme CNS
- Severe
hypertension or
- Subcortical brain
- Usage of
significant amount
of CNS
depressants (20 lb)