Nisus DSV Label

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When you face serious pest control problems, there are often

additional dangers from bacteria and viruses. Protect yourself and

your customers by applying Nisus DSV™, a disinfectant, sanitizer
and virucide.

From Hantavirus to E. Coli, DSV kills harmful germs, bacteria, fungi,

viruses and small flies. Spray DSV on rodent, bat and bird droppings
prior to clean-up, then spray the area again afterwards. It’s also a great
tool in commercial kitchens when used in conjunction with Nibor-D® and
applied with TrueTech® equipment.

Remember, always read, understand and comply with the label. Nibor-D, Nisus DSV, TrueTech and Nisus Corporation are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Nisus Corporation. ©2017 Nisus Corporation #DSVFLY-0117


Mix 2 oz. per gallon and wet surface for 10 minutes. Foam into drains to kill
small flies and their larvae.
target pests:

100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853
creating a world 800.264.0870 •
BacteriA Viruses Small flies of sustainability.
Octyl Decyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride .... 1.650%
Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride .......... 0.825%
Dioctyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride ........... 0.825%
Alkyl (C14, 50%; C12, 40%; C16, 10%)
dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride .......... 2.200%
INERT INGREDIENTS ...................................... 94.500%
TOTAL.............................................................. 100.000%
EPA Reg. No. 10324-80-64405 EPA Est. 64405-TN-1


Have the product container or label with you when call- YOUR SUPERVISOR TO EXPLAIN THE APPROPRI-
ing a poison control center or doctor, or going for treat- ATE DIRECTIONS FOR USE BEFORE WORKING
clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for Hazards to Humans & Domestic Animals
15-20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for DANGER. Keep Out of Reach of Children. Corrosive.
treatment advice. Causes irreversible eye damage and skin burns. Harmful
IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently if swallowed, absorbed through the skin. Harmful if in-
with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if haled. Avoid breathing spray mist. Do not get into eyes,
present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing on skin or on clothing. Wear goggles or face shield and
eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment rubber gloves and protective clothing when handling.
advice. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and
IF SWALLOWED: Call a poison control center or doctor before eating, drinking, using tobacco or using the toilet.
immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a Remove contaminated clothing and wash clothing before
glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting reuse.
unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor. PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS
Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious Do not use or store near heat or open flame. Do not mix
person. with oxidizers, anionic soaps and detergents.
IF INHALED: Move person to fresh air. If person is not NISUS DSV
breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial Disinfectant, Cleaner, Mildewstat, Fungicide, Non-Food
respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth, if possible. Call a Contact Surface Sanitizer, Virucide*, Deodorizer for
poison control center or doctor for further treatment Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Whirlpools, Home, Hotels,
advice. Motels, Waterbed Conditioner, Institutional, Industrial,
NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may School, Dairy, Equine, Poultry/Turkey Farm, Veterinary,
contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Restaurant, Food Handling and Process Areas, Federal-
ly Inspected Meat and Poultry Plants, Bar and Institu-
tional Kitchen Use and for Harvesting & Handling
Equipment. Effective in hard water up to 400 ppm hard-

Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 1 of 18

ness (calculated as CaCO3) in the presence of 5% se- • Homes, condos, apartments, vacation cottages, sum-
rum contamination. mer homes.
Small Fly Ovicidal Treatment. • Institutions, schools and colleges, commercial and in-
Athletic Surface Disinfectant. dustrial institutions, churches, classrooms, community
Formulated for effective Poultry, Swine Premise and colleges, universities, athletic facilities and locker
Mushroom Farm Sanitation. rooms, exercise rooms, exercise facilities, gyms, gym-
nasiums, fieldhouses.
This formulation is for use on hard, non-porous surfaces
in: • Cosmetic manufacturing facilities, medical device
manufacturing facilities, biotechnology firms, pharma-
• Hospitals, medical and dental offices and clinics, ceutical manufacturing facilities, warehouses.
healthcare facilities, nursing homes, physician offices,
operating rooms/theaters, radiology rooms, isolation • Health clubs, spas, tanning salons, tanning spas/beds,
wards, quarantine areas, hospices, and medical re- footbath surfaces, massage/facial salons, hair/nail/
search facilities. pedicure salons, barber/beauty shops, salons, tattoo
parlors. Not for use on needles or other skin piercing
• Patient care rooms & facilities, recovery rooms, Emer- instruments.
gency Rooms, X-ray cat labs, exam rooms, newborn
nurseries, neonatal units, orthopedics, respiratory ther- • Museums, art galleries, post offices, performance /
apy, surgi-centers, labs, out-patient surgical centers, theater centers, banks, libraries, movie houses, bowl-
blood collection rooms, central supply, housekeeping & ing alleys.
janitorial rooms, ophthalmic/optometric facilities. • Recycling centers.
• EMS & fire facilities, emergency vehicles, ambulances, • Humidifier water tanks.
ambulance equipment/surfaces, police cars, fire trucks. • Campgrounds, playgrounds, recreational facilities, pic-
• Day care centers and nurseries, sick rooms, elder care nic facilities, sports arenas, sports complexes.
centers, kindergartens, and preschools. • Food processing plants, USDA inspected food-
• Acute care institutions, alternate care institutions, processing facilities, farms, dairy farms, hog farms,
home healthcare institutions. equine farms, poultry and turkey farms and egg pro-
• Life care retirement communities, elder care facilities. cessing plants, meat/poultry processing plants,
meat/poultry producing establishments, mushroom
• Restaurants, restaurants and bars, bars, kitchens, tav- farms, rendering plants, canneries, caterers, bakeries,
erns, cafeterias, institutional kitchens, fast food opera- meat packing plants, hide and leather processing
tions and food storage areas. plants.
• Supermarkets, convenience stores, retail and whole- • Processing facilities for Fish, Milk, Citrus, Wine, Fruit,
sale establishments, department stores, shopping Vegetable, Ice Cream, and Potatoes and beverage
malls, gift shops, video stores, bookstores, dressing plants.
rooms and laundries, photocopy centers, bicycle
shops, auto repair centers. • Tobacco plant premises and equipment.
• Computer manufacturing sites, toy factories. • Veterinary clinics, animal life science laboratories, an-
imal laboratories, animal research centers, animal
• Food establishments, coffee shops, donut shops, bagel quarantine areas, animal holding areas, animal breed-
stores, pizza parlors, liquor stores. ing facilities, kennels, dog/cat animal kennels, breeding
• Crime scenes and funeral homes, morgues, mortuar- and grooming establishments, pet animal quarters,
ies, burial vaults, mausoleums, autopsy rooms, cadav- zoos, equine farms, pet shops, tack shops, operating
er processing areas. rooms, washing areas, waiting rooms, examination
• Police stations, courthouses, correctional facilities, rooms and other animal care facilities.
jails, prisons, municipal government buildings, peniten- • Farmhouses, barns, sheds, tool sheds, barns, cattle
tiaries, correctional institutions, bus stations, train sta- barns, swine barns, sheep barns, horse barns, brooder
tions. houses, seed houses.
• Institutional facilities, laboratories, factories, business • Household and automotive garages, boats, ships,
and office buildings, restrooms, hotels and motels, and barges, watercraft, campers, RVs, trailers, mobile
transportation terminals, maintenance vehicles. homes, cars, automobiles, trucks, delivery trucks, box-
• Public restrooms, public facilities, waysides, travel rest cars, tankers, tank trucks, buses, trains, taxis, helicop-
areas, shower rooms, shower stalls, bathrooms, show- ters and airplanes.
er and bath areas. • Cruise lines, cruise ships, airline terminals, airports,
• Hotels, motels, dormitories. shipping terminals, public transportation, transportation
• Kitchens, bathrooms and other household areas.
• Commercial florist and flower shops.
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 2 of 18
• Basements, cellars, bedrooms, attics, living rooms and • Non-wooden picnic tables and outdoor furniture except
porches. cushions and wood frames.
This product can be used on washable hard, non-porous • Tattoo equipment. (Not for use on needles or other
surfaces such as: skin piercing instruments.)
• Food preparation and storage areas. • Playground equipment.
• Kitchen equipment such as trash compactors. • Automobile interiors.
• Countertops, countertop laminates, stovetops, sinks, • Maintenance equipment.
tub surfaces, non-food contact surfaces of Slurpee • Telephones and Telephone booths.
machines, and exterior surfaces of appliances,
refrigerators, microwave ovens and ice machines, • External Lenses Vision correction including eyeglasses
shelves, racks and carts. (not for use on contact lenses), protective eyewear,
goggles, light lens covers,
• Hospital beds, bed railings, bedpans, gurneys, traction
devices, MRI, CAT, examining tables, scales, paddles, • Optical instruments/implements.
wheelchairs, hard, non-porous surfaces of cervical • Hair clippers, cutting implements, plastic rollers,
collars and neck braces, spine backboards, stretchers, washable nail files.
unit stools, CPR training mannequins, curing lights, • Hard hats, headphones.
light lens covers, slit lamps, operating room lights,
operating tables, oxygen hoods, dental chairs/ • Kennel runs, cages, kennel/cages floors, conductive
countertops, examination tables, X-ray tables, washing flooring, examination tables, veterinary x-ray tables.
areas, anesthesia, carts, whirlpool surfaces, footbath • Hatchers, setters, trays, racks, egg flats, walls, floors,
surfaces. ceilings, chick boxes, egg cases, vans and trash
• Ultrasonic baths, whirlpools, whirlpool bathtubs. containers, seed houses.
• Highchairs, baby cribs, diaper changing stations, infant • Wrestling and gymnastic mats, athletic training tables,
bassinets / cribs / warmers / incubators / care physical therapy tables, exercise equipment.
equipment, folding tables, hampers, laundry pails. • Crypton barrier fabric.
• Shower stalls, shower doors and curtains, bathtubs • Drinking fountains.
and glazed tiles, chrome plated intakes, toilets, toilet • Windows and mirrors.
seats, toilet bowls, toilet bowl surfaces, urinals, empty
Contains no abrasives so it won’t scratch surfaces.
diaper pails, portable and chemical toilets and latrine
buckets, glazed porcelain, glazed tile and restroom This product is a phosphate-free formulation designed to
fixtures, bathroom fixtures. provide effective cleaning, deodorizing and disinfection
in areas where housekeeping is of prime importance in
• Glass, laminated surfaces, metal, stainless steel,
controlling the hazard of cross contamination on treated
glazed porcelain, glazed ceramic, sealed granite,
sealed marble, plastic, (such as polycarbonate,
polyvinylchloride, polystyrene or polypropylene), This product is an economical concentrate that can be
sealed limestone, sealed slate, sealed stone, sealed used with a mop and bucket, trigger sprayers, sponge or
terra cotta, sealed terrazzo, chrome and vinyl, by soaking.
Plexiglas , vanity tops. This product can be applied through foaming apparatus,
• Tables, chairs, desks, folding tables, workstations, bed low-pressure sprayers, and fogging (wet misting) sys-
frames, lifts, washable walls, cabinets, doorknobs and tems. Follow manufacturers’ instructions when using this
garbage cans/pails, trash barrels, trash cans, trash equipment.
containers, cuspidors and spittoons. This product is for use as a disinfectant on hard, non-
• Enameled surfaces, painted (finished) woodwork, porous surfaces. A potable water rinse is required after
Formica , vinyl and plastic upholstery, washable application on food contact surfaces.
wallpaper. This product delivers non-acid disinfection performance
• Sealed foundations, steps, plumbing fixtures, finished in an economical concentrate.
baseboards and windowsills. Effective sanitizer in the presence of soils.
• Exhaust fans, refrigerated storage and display This product is for use in kitchens, bathrooms and other
equipment, coils and drain pans of air conditioning and household areas.
refrigeration equipment and heat pumps. This product is a multi-surface cleaner, deodorizer and
• Large, inflatable, non-porous plastic and rubber disinfectant. Use on windows, mirrors, and other non-
structures such as animals, promotional items, food contact glass surfaces.
moonwalks, slides, obstacle course play and exercise

Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 3 of 18

This product can be used in work areas such as tool found in hospitals, in health care facilities, nursing
rooms and garages for odor control and light duty homes, schools and colleges, day care centers, medical
cleaning. offices, funeral homes, veterinary clinics, pet shops,
Great for use in the kitchen, bathroom and other house- equine farms, animal life science laboratories, hotels,
hold areas. Eliminates odors. Deodorizes. Will not harm motels, public areas and restrooms, foodservice estab-
most surfaces. lishments and food processing plants. It also eliminates
odors leaving surfaces smelling clean and fresh. Use
Disinfects kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Sanitizes non-
where odors are a problem.
food contact kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Kills germs.
Kills household bacteria. A potable water rinse is re- Use this product to clean, sanitize and disinfectant non-
quired after application on food contact surfaces. porous ambulance equipment and surfaces by rinsing all
equipment that comes in prolonged contact with skin
Kills common kitchen and bathroom bacteria and
before reuse with clean warm water (about 120°F), and
allow to air dry. Precaution: Cleaning at 120°F tempera-
For larger areas such as operating rooms and patient ture will avoid overheating and distortion of the ambu-
care facilities, this product is designed to provide both lance equipment and surfaces that would necessitate
general cleaning and disinfection. replacement.
Will not cause swelling of transducer membrane or harm When used as directed, this product will deodorize sur-
compressor plates. faces in restroom and toilet areas, behind and under
This product is a versatile sanitizer and broad-spectrum sinks and counters, garbage cans and garbage storage
disinfectant formulated for use in Ultrasonic Baths. areas, and other places where bacterial growth can
This product is a versatile cleaner, sanitizer and broad- cause malodors.
spectrum disinfectant formulated for use on bath and This product is specially formulated to effectively elimi-
therapy equipment. nate offensive odors caused by mold and mildew.
Kills Avian Influenza A Virus H5N1 on pre-cleaned envi- This product is effective against household bacteria and
ronmental surfaces. odors caused by animal waste, septic tank or sewage
This product is a one-step disinfectant that is effective backup, smoke and bathroom and kitchen odors.
against a broad-spectrum of bacteria, is virucidal*, in- This product inhibits bacterial growth on moist surfaces
cluding HIV-1, HCV & HBV, and inhibits the growth of and deodorizes by killing microorganisms that cause
mold and mildew and their odors when used as directed. offensive odors. Not for use in California.
This product meets AOAC Use – Dilution Test Standards This product is for use in household and commercial
for hospital disinfectants at 400 ppm water hardness. humidifiers. Use of this product will control unpleasant
This product has passed the Virucidal Efficacy of a Dis- (malodors) odors.
infectant for Use on Inanimate Environmental Surfaces This product cleans, disinfects and deodorizes surfaces
Utilizing (Duck) Hepatitis B Virus. by killing odor causing microorganisms and mold and
This product has passed the Virucidal Efficacy of a Dis- mildew. Its non-abrasive formula is designed for use on
infectant for Use on Inanimate Environmental Surfaces restroom surfaces: glazed ceramic restroom tile, glazed
Utilizing Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), a surrogate porcelain, chrome, stainless steel and plastic surfaces
for human Hepatitis C virus. associated with floors, walls, fixtures, toilets, urinals,
sinks, shower rooms, and locker rooms.
This product has passed the Virucidal Efficacy of a Dis-
infectant for Use on Inanimate Environmental Surfaces This product is effective at controlling mold and mildew
Utilizing Human and Canine Coronavirus. on shower curtains.
This product is a disinfectant and non-food contact sur- This product provides long lasting freshness against
face sanitizer for cleanroom, and laboratory areas to tough odors such as odors from litter boxes and pet
disinfect washable, hard, non-porous non-food contact accidents.
surfaces such as: Laminar-airflow equipment and Bio- This product cleans, shines, deodorizes and disinfects
Safety Cabinet work surfaces and exterior surfaces of all hard, non-porous household surfaces listed on the
the following: countertops, sinks, plumbing fixture sur- label. It inhibits the growth of mold and mildew, leaving
faces, incubators, refrigerators and centrifuge surfaces bathrooms and kitchens clean and fresh smelling.
of metal, stainless steel, glass, plastic such as polysty- Eliminates odors caused by bacteria, mildew and non-
rene or polypropylene, Formica and vinyl. fresh foods. Kills odor causing bacteria in the kitchen
This product is a one-step disinfectant cleaner and odor and bathroom.
neutralizer designed for general cleaning, disinfecting, This product is for non-scratch cleaning of showers and
deodorizing and controlling mold and mildew on hard, tubs, shower doors and shower curtains, fixtures and
non-porous environmental surfaces. This product cleans toilet bowls.
quickly by removing dirt, grime, mold, mildew, body oils,
This product will not leave a grit or soap scum.
dead skin, blood and other organic matter commonly
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 4 of 18
This product is a no-rinse disinfectant cleaner that disin- This product can be used as a general purpose antimi-
fects, cleans and deodorizes in one labor-saving step. crobial detergent in florist shops, wholesale florist, ship-
Kills Athlete’s Foot fungus on bathroom surfaces. pers, greenhouse packing areas and other commercial
floriculture places for efficient cleaning and antimicrobial
This product is a versatile Disinfectant/Sanitizer for
action against certain bacteria which cause. Not for use
Veterinarian, Veterinary Practice, Animal Care, Animal
in California:
Laboratory, and Agricultural and Farm Premise
applications. 1. Plugging of stems with slime, which reduces uptake
of water for various flowers including roses, chrysan-
This product cleans by removing dirt, grime, mold, mil-
themums, gladioli and tulips.
dew, blood, urine, fecal matter and other common soils
2. Production of ethylene gas, which can injure blooms
found in animal housing facilities, livestock, swine or
of the various sensitive flowers including carnations,
poultry facilities, grooming facilities, farms, kennels, pet
snapdragons, some orchids, baby’s breath, sweet
stores, veterinary clinics, laboratories or other small an-
peas, freesia and alstroemeria.
imal facilities. It eliminates odors leaving surfaces smell-
ing clean and fresh. Use this product to disinfect non-porous salon/barber
tools and instruments such as: combs, clippers, plastic
This product can be used to disinfect, clean and deodor-
rollers, brushes, trimmers, razors, scissors, blades,
ize terrarium and small animal cages, hot rock, substrate
tweezers, baths, manicure/pedicure instruments and
and cage furniture, plastic terrarium ornaments, drift-
footbath surfaces.
wood, heat caves and water dishes. Use on rocks and
driftwood not allowed in California. Use this product to clean, sanitize and disinfect hard,
non-porous surfaces of personal protective safety
This product cleans rodent soiled areas.
equipment, protective headgear, athletic helmets, wres-
This product is for use in Poultry Premise Sanitation/ tling/boxing headgear, athletic shoe soles, hard hats,
Hatcheries: headphones, half mask respirators, full face breathing
Egg Receiving Area apparatus, gas masks, goggles, spectacles, face
Egg Holding Area shields, hearing protectors and ear muffs. Rinse all
Setter Room equipment that comes in prolonged contact with skin
Tray Dumping Area before reuse with clean warm water (about 120°F), and
Chick Holding Area allow to air dry. Precaution: Cleaning at 120°F tempera-
Hatchery Room ture will avoid overheating and distortion of the personal
Chick Processing Area safety equipment that would necessitate replacement.
Chick Loading Area
This product is formulated to provide effective cleaning
Poultry Buildings
strength that will not dull high gloss floor finishes with
This product is for use in Swine Premise Sanitation: repeated use.
Farrowing Barns and Areas
This product provides effective cleaning strength that will
Waterers and Feeders
not dull most metal-interlock floor finishes, and does not
Hauling Equipment
require a rinse prior to recoat.
Dressing Plants
Loading Equipment Controls the growth of odor-causing bacteria used in
Nursery waterbed uses. Controls odors caused by bacteria. Pre-
Blocks vents bubbles, preserves plasticizers, conditions vinyl
Creep Area interior, sequesters minerals. (Not for use in CA.)
Chutes Cleans everyday kitchen messes like dirt, grease and
This product is an effective antimicrobial cleaner, de- food stains. Cuts through tough grease and grime.
signed for use by wholesale and retail florists, shippers For use in: Federally inspected meat and poultry plants
and greenhouses. on all hard, non-porous surfaces in inedible product
When used as directed, this product will disinfect hard, processing areas, non-processing areas and/or exterior
non-porous surfaces, such as flower buckets, floors and areas. All surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed with pot-
walls of coolers, design and packing benches, and able water.
countertops. Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, and Staphylococ-
This product can be relied on to deodorize coolers, cus aureus are common germs found where food is pre-
buckets, garbage pails and other areas where obnoxious pared and stored. This product kills these bacteria and
odors develop. helps prevent cross-contamination on treated
non-food contact kitchen surfaces listed on this label. A
Use this product to clean, disinfect and deodorize flower
potable water rinse is required after application on food
buckets, walls, floors of coolers, shippers, greenhouse
contact surfaces. This product is not for use on dishes,
packing areas, garbage pails and other areas where ob-
glassware or eating utensils.
noxious odors develop.

Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 5 of 18

This product is effective against the control of small flies Streptococcus pyogenes – ATCC 19615
on non-food contact surfaces such as floors, walls, Vibrio cholerae
drains, countertops, metal surfaces, painted surfaces, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Citri – Not for use in
glazed porcelain, glazed tile, glass, chrome, rubber and California
plastic in restaurants, kitchens, dishwashing areas and Xanthomonas campestris pv. Vesicatoria – Not for use
bar and wait station areas. in California
Will not harm sealed stone, sealed grout, or glazed tile. STITUTIONAL USES: At 1 1/4 ounces per gallon of wa-
ter (or equivalent use dilution), this product delivers
This product is a complete, chemically balanced disin-
cleaning and germicidal effectiveness. Treated surfaces
fectant and sanitizer that provides clear use solutions
must remain wet for 10 minutes, then allow to air dry or
even in the presence of hard water.
wipe. For heavily soiled areas, a preliminary cleaning is
This product is effective against Citrus Canker and required. Prepare a fresh solution at least daily or more
Bacterial Spot of Tomatoes through the treatment of the often if solution becomes diluted or soiled. It is effective
handling, harvesting, storage and transportation against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica,
equipment. Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens. The same
DIRECTIONS FOR USE AOAC tests used to confirm performance for hospitals
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a were used.
manner inconsistent with its labeling. VIRUCIDAL* PERFORMANCE: At 1 1/4 ounces per
DISINFECTION IN INSTITUTIONS (Hospitals, Dental gallon of water use level (or equivalent use dilution) and
Offices, Nursing Homes, and Other Health Care Insti- a 10-minute contact time, this product was evaluated
tutions): At 2 fluid ounces per gallon of water (or and found to be effective in the presence of 5% blood
equivalent use dilution) and a 10-minute contact time, serum against the following viruses on hard, non-porous
this product is effective against the following organisms surfaces:
on hard, non-porous inanimate surfaces: Avian influenza A/Turkey/Wisconsin virus –
Burkholderia cepecia ATCC VR-798
Campylobacter jejuni – ATCC 29428 Herpes Simplex Type1 virus – ATCC VR260
Corynebacterium ammoniagenes – ATCC 6871 Herpes Simplex Type2 virus – ATCC VR734
Enterobacter aerogenes – ATCC 13048 HIV-1 – AIDS virus
Enterobacteriaciae – with extended beta-lactamase Influenza A/Brazil Virus
resistance Vaccinia virus
Enterobacter cloacae At 2 ounces per gallon of water use level (or equivalent
Enterococcus faecalis – ATCC 19433 use dilution) and a 10-minute contact time, this product
Enterococcus faecium – Vancomycin resistant was evaluated and found to be effective against the fol-
Escherichia coli – ATCC 11229 lowing viruses on hard, non-porous surfaces:
Escherichia coli – Antibiotic resistant Avian influenza A/Turkey/Wisconsin virus –
Escherichia coli 0157:H7 ATCC VR-798
Klebsiella pneumoniae – ATCC 13883 Avian influenza A virus – H5N1
Klebsiella pneumoniae – Antibiotic resistant Hantavirus
Legionella pneumophila Hepatitis B Virus – HBV
Listeria monocytogenes – ATCC 984 Hepatitis C Virus – HCV
Proteus mirabilis Herpes Simplex Type1 virus – ATCC VR260
Proteus vulgaris Herpes Simplex Type2 virus – ATCC VR734
Pseudomonas aeruginosa – ATCC 15442 HIV-1 – AIDS virus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa – Antibiotic resistant Human Coronavirus
Salmonella enterica – ATCC 10708 Influenza A/Brazil virus
Salmonella schottmuelleri – ATCC 8759 Influenza A H1N1 virus (Strain A/PR/8/34)
Salmonella typhi – ATCC 6539 (ATCC VR-1469)
Serratia marcescens – ATCC 43861 Respiratory syncytial virus
Shigella dysenteriae – ATCC 9361 Vaccinia virus
Shigella sonnei At 1 ounce per 2 3/4 gallons of water use-level (or
Staphylococcus aureus – ATCC 6538 equivalent use dilution) and a 3-minute contact time, this
Community Acquired Methicillin Resistant product is an effective one-step sanitizer on hard, non-
Staphylococcus aureus – CA MRSA porous environmental surfaces against:
Staphylococcus aureus – Methicillin resistant – Enterobacter aerogenes (ATCC 13048)
ATCC 33591 Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 4352)
Staphylococcus epidermidis – Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538)
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 6 of 18
level (or equivalent use dilution) and a 10-minute contact USE DILUTION CHART
time, this product is effective against the following Ounces of Product Amount of Water
Candida albicans (ATCC 10231) 0.3125 ounces 1 quart
Trichophyton mentagrophytes (ATCC 9533) 0.625 ounces 1/2 gallon
(Athlete’s foot fungus) (a cause of Ringworm) 1 1/4 ounces 1 gallon
GENERAL DISINFECTION DIRECTIONS: For heavily 3.125 ounces 2 1/2 gallons
soiled areas, a preliminary cleaning is required. Apply
6 1/4 ounces 5 gallons
use solution of 1 1/4 ounce per gallon of water to hard,
inanimate, non-porous surfaces, thoroughly wetting sur- 12 1/2 ounces 10 gallons
faces as required, with a cloth, brush, mop, sponge or
mechanical spray device. For sprayer applications, use a HOSPITAL DISINFECTION/FUNGICIDAL/VIRUCIDAL*
coarse pump or trigger spray device. Spray 6-8 inches USE DILUTION CHART
from surface. Do not breathe spray. Rub with brush, Ounces of Product Amount of Water
sponge, mop or cloth. Allow surfaces to remain wet for 1/2 ounce 1 quart
10 minutes. Rinse or allow to air dry or wipe up -excess
liquid. Prepare a fresh solution at least daily or when 1 ounce 1/2 gallon
use solution becomes visibly dirty. 2 ounces 1 gallon
FOR USE AS A ONE-STEP 5 ounces 2 1/2 gallons
CLEANER/DISINFECTANT: 10 ounces 5 gallons
1. Pre-clean heavily soiled areas.
20 ounces 10 gallons
2. Apply use solution, 1 1/4 ounce per gallon (or
equivalent use dilution) to hard, non-porous DILUTION CHART:
environmental surfaces using a sponge, brush, For Hospital or Medical Environment claims 2 oz / 1 gal. water
cloth, mop or mechanical spray device. For General or Broad Spectrum claims 1¼ oz / 1 gal. water
3. To disinfect, all surfaces must remain wet for 10 For Virucidal* claims 1¼ - 2 oz / 1 gal. water
minutes. For Animal Virucidal* claims 1¼ - 2 oz / 1 gal. water
4. Wipe surfaces and let air dry. For Non-Food Contact Sanitizing claims 1 oz / 2¾ gal. water
5. Prepare a fresh solution at least daily or when use For Fungicidal claims 2 oz / 1 gal. water
solution becomes soiled. For Mold and Mildew claims 1¼ oz / 1 gal. water
Note: All food contact surfaces, such as appliances and
kitchen countertops, must be rinsed with potable water. HOSPITAL/HEALTH CARE
Do not use this product to clean or disinfect glassware, This product is not to be used as a terminal sterilant/high
utensils, dishes or interior surfaces of appliances. level disinfectant on any surface or instrument that (1) is
introduced directly into the human body, either into or in
contact with the bloodstream or normally sterile areas of
the body, or, (2) contacts intact mucous membranes but
For use in homes, hospitals, hotels, motels and schools,
which does not ordinarily penetrate the blood barrier or
the directions for use for hospital disinfection must be
otherwise enter normally sterile areas of the body. This
followed using the rate of 2 ounces per gallon of water
product can be used to pre-clean or decontaminate criti-
(or equivalent use dilution). For use in animal housing
cal or semi-critical medical devices prior to sterilization
facilities, follow the animal premise directions.
or high-level disinfection.
TO SANITIZE AND DEODORIZE: Apply use solution of
This product is a Hospital Use Disinfectant at 2 ounces
2 ounces per 5 1/2 gallons of water to hard, inanimate,
per gallon of water modified in the presence of 400 ppm
non-porous surfaces, thoroughly wetting surfaces as
hard water.
required, with a brush, cloth, mop, sponge or mechanical
spray device or by immersion. For heavily soiled areas, HOSPITALS, DENTAL OFFICES, NURSING HOMES
a preliminary cleaning is required. For sprayer applica- AND OTHER HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS: For dis-
tions, use a coarse spray device. Spray 6-8 inches from infecting floors, walls, countertops, bathing areas, lavato-
surface. Rub with brush, sponge, mop or cloth. Do not ries, bed frames, tables, chairs, garbage pails and other
breathe spray. Let stand 3 minutes. Then wipe. Allow to hard, non-porous surfaces.
air dry. Replace product if it becomes visibly dirty. INSTITUTIONAL DISINFECTANT DIRECTIONS (Hos-
Note: With spray applications, cover or remove all food pitals, Dental Offices, Nursing Homes, and Other
products. Health Care Institutions): For heavily soiled areas, a
preliminary cleaning is required. Add 2 ounces per gallon
of water (or equivalent use dilution) and apply to disin-
fect hard, non-porous surfaces. Apply use solution to

Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 7 of 18

hard, inanimate, non-porous surfaces, thoroughly wet- Cleaning Procedure: Blood and other body fluids con-
ting surfaces with a brush, cloth, mop, sponge or me- taining HIV-1, HBV & HCV must be thoroughly cleaned
chanical spray device. For sprayer applications, use a from surfaces and objects before application of this
coarse spray device. Spray 6-8 inches from surface. Rub product.
with brush, sponge, mop or cloth. Do not breathe spray. Disposal of Infectious Materials: Blood and other body
Treated surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes. Rinse fluids, cleaning materials and clothing must be auto-
or allow to air dry. Prepare a fresh solution at least daily claved and disposed of according to federal, state and
or when use solution becomes visibly dirty. local regulations for infectious waste disposal.
Note: With spray applications cover or remove all food Contact Time: Leave surface wet for 2 minutes and 10
products. minutes for HIV-1 and HBV, respectively. This 2-minute
*VIRUCIDAL PERFORMANCE: For heavily soiled are- contact time will not control other common type of virus-
as, a preliminary cleaning is required. Apply 2 ounces es and bacteria listed on this label. For HCV, leave sur-
per gallon of water use level (or equivalent use dilution) face wet for 10 minutes.
to treated surfaces, thoroughly wetting surfaces with a SURGICAL INSTRUMENT PRESOAK: Add 2 ounces of
brush, cloth, mop, sponge or mechanical spray device. this product to 1 gallon of water (or equivalent use dilu-
For sprayer applications, use a coarse spray device. tion). Place pre-cleaned instruments in solution to pre-
Spray 6-8 inches from surface. Rub with brush, sponge, soak surgical instruments for a minimum of 10 minutes,
mop or cloth. Do not breathe spray. Treated surfaces then proceed with normal sterilization procedure. Pre-
must remain wet for ten minutes. Prepare a fresh solu- pare a fresh solution at least daily or more often if solu-
tion at least daily or more often if solution becomes tion becomes visibly dirty.
Note: Plastic instruments can remain immersed until
At 1 1/4 ounce per gallon of water (or equivalent use sterilization. Metal instruments must be removed after 10
dilution) in the presence of 5% blood serum and 400 minutes, rinsed, dried, and kept in a clean non-
ppm of hardness for a 2-minute contact time, this prod- contaminated receptacle until sterilization. Prolonged
uct was found to be effective against HIV-1 (AIDS Virus). soaking will cause damage to metal instruments. Surgi-
At 2 ounces per gallon of water (or equivalent use cal instruments must be sterilized before use.
dilution) and in the presence of 400 ppm hard water ULTRASONIC BATH DISINFECTANT/FUNGICIDE DI-
(CaCO3) and 100% serum, this product was proven to RECTIONS: Use this product to disinfect hard, non-
be effective against (Duck) Hepatitis B Virus with a porous, non-critical objects compatible with Ultrasonic
contact time of 10 minutes. cleaning units. Pour a fresh solution of 2 ounces of this
At 2 ounces per gallon of water (or equivalent use product per gallon of water (or equivalent use dilution)
dilution) and in the presence of 400 ppm hard water directly into bath chamber. Pre-clean heavily soiled ob-
(CaCO3) and 5% organic load, this product was proven jects. Place objects into unit and operate for a minimum
to be effective against Bovine viral diarrhea virus of 10 minutes, according to the manufacturers’ use di-
(BVDV), a surrogate for human Hepatitis C virus with a rections. Remove objects and wash with sterile water or
contact time of 10 minutes. allow to air dry. Prepare fresh solution for each use.
SOILED WITH BLOOD/BODY FLUIDS in health care EQUIPMENT: To remove body oils, dead tissue, soil
setting or other settings in which there is an expected and all other buildups or organic matter on inanimate
likelihood of soiling of inanimate surfaces/objects with surfaces after using the unit, drain the water and refill
blood or body fluids and in which the surfaces/objects with fresh water to just cover the intake valve. Add 2
likely to be soiled with blood or body fluids can be asso- ounces of this product for each gallon of water (or equiv-
ciated with the potential for transmission of (Duck) Hepa- alent use dilution) in the unit at this point. Briefly start the
titis B Virus (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus Type pump to circulate the solution. Turn off pump. Wash
1 (HIV-1) which is associated with AIDS, and Hepatitis C down the unit sides, seat of the chair lift, and any/all re-
Virus (HCV). lated equipment with a clean swab, brush or sponge.
“SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLEANING AND Product to surface contact time must be at least 10
DECONTAMINATION AGAINST HBV, HCV AND HIV-1 minutes for proper disinfection. After the unit has been
ON SURFACES/OBJECTS SOILED WITH BLOOD/ thoroughly disinfected, drain solution from the unit and
BODY FLUIDS.” rinse any/all cleaned/disinfected surfaces with fresh wa-
ter. The unit is ready for reuse.
Personal Protection: Specific barrier protection items to
be used when handling items soiled with blood or body CLEANING AND DISINFECTING HARD, NON-
fluids are disposable latex gloves, gowns, masks, and POROUS SURFACES ON PERSONAL PROTECTIVE
eye protection. EQUIPMENT (RESPIRATORS): Pre-clean equipment if
heavily soiled to ensure proper surface contact. Apply a
2-ounce per gallon of water (or equivalent use dilution)
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 8 of 18
use solution to hard, non-porous surfaces of the respira- 6. After disinfecting food contact surfaces used for food
tor with a brush, coarse spray device, sponge or by im- preparation, rinse surfaces thoroughly with potable
mersion. Thoroughly wet all surfaces to be disinfected. water. This product must not be used to clean the
Treated surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes. Re- following surfaces: utensils, glassware, dishes or in-
move excess solution from equipment prior to storage. terior surfaces of processing equipment.
The user must comply with all OSHA regulations for TO DISINFECT FOOD-PROCESSING AND TOBACCO
cleaning respiratory protection equipment (29 CFR § PREMISES: Before using this product, food products
1910.134). and packaging materials must be removed from area or
SANITIZER DIRECTIONS FOR NON-FOOD CONTACT carefully protected. For floors, walls and storage areas,
SURFACES IN INSTITUTIONAL FACILITIES apply 2 oz. of this product per gallon of water. For heavi-
ULTRASONIC BATH SANITIZING DIRECTIONS: Use ly soiled areas, a pre-cleaning step is required. Apply
this product to sanitize hard, non-porous, non-critical solution with a brush, mop, cloth, sponge or hand pump
objects compatible with Ultrasonic cleaning units. Pour a trigger spray device so as to wet all surfaces thoroughly.
fresh solution of 1 ounce per 2 3/4 gallons of water (or For sprayer application, use a coarse spray device. Al-
equivalent use dilution) directly into bath chamber. Pre- low surface to remain wet for 10 minutes, then remove
clean soiled objects. Place objects into unit and operate excess liquid. After use, all surfaces in the area must be
for a minimum of 3 minutes, according to manufacturers’ thoroughly rinsed with potable water.
use directions. Remove objects and rinse with sterile TO DISINFECT FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT
water, or allow to air dry. Replace solution at least daily FOOD CONTACT SURFACES: For countertops, exteri-
or when solution becomes visibly dirty. or surfaces of appliances and tables: Before using this
Note: This product in its use solution is compatible with product, food products and packaging materials must be
stainless steel, aluminum and most other surfaces. Be- removed from area or carefully protected. Add 2 oz. per
fore product use, it is recommended that you apply gallon of water. For heavily soiled areas, a pre-cleaning
product to a smaller test area to determine compatibility step is required. Apply solution with a brush, mop, cloth,
before proceeding with its use. sponge or hand pump trigger spray device so as to wet
all surfaces thoroughly. For sprayer applications, use a
FOOD PROCESSING PREMISES coarse spray device. Allow surface to remain wet for 10
Before using this product, food products and packaging minutes. Then remove excess liquid and rinse the sur-
materials must be removed from the room or carefully face with potable water. Replace solution at least daily or
protected. After use, all surfaces in the area must be when solution becomes visibly dirty. This product is not
thoroughly rinsed with potable water. for use on dishes, glassware, eating utensils or interior
DIRECTIONS FOR FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS: For surfaces of processing equipment.
use on non-food contact surfaces such as floors, walls, FOR USE ON NON-FOOD CONTACT SURFACES AS
tables, garbage cans and disposal areas. Before using A GENERAL DISINFECTANT IN THE BREWERY IN-
this product, food products and packaging materials DUSTRY: Use 2 ounces of this product per gallon of
must be removed from the room or carefully protected. water (or equivalent use dilution). Follow the general
Follow Disinfection directions. disinfectant directions above.
on non-food contact surfaces such as shelves, floors, AGE AND FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS: Prior to fog-
walls and tables. Before using this product, food prod- ging, food products and packaging material must be
ucts and packaging materials must be removed from the removed from the room or carefully protected. After
room or carefully protected. Then follow Disinfection di- cleaning, fog desired areas using 1 quart per 1000 cubic
rections. feet of room area with a product solution containing 3
FOR USE AS A CLEANER / DISINFECTANT IN FOOD ounces of product to 1 gallon of water (or equivalent use
PROCESSING PLANTS: dilution). Wear a dust mist respirator when mixing the
1. Before using this product in food processing areas, use solution and pouring it into the fogging apparatus.
food products and packaging materials must be re- Vacate the area of all personnel during fogging and for a
moved from the room or carefully protected. minimum of 2 hours after fogging. All food contact sur-
2. Apply a 1 1/4 oz. per gallon of water use solution faces must be thoroughly rinsed prior to reuse with pota-
evenly over surface using a brush, cloth, mop, ble water. Allow food contact surfaces to drain
sponge or mechanical spray device. For sprayer ap- thoroughly before operations are resumed.
plications, use a coarse spray device. Be sure to wet Note: The fog generated is irritating to the eyes, skin
all surfaces thoroughly. Do not breathe spray. and mucous membranes. Under no circumstances must
3. Allow product to remain on surface for 10 minutes. a room or building be entered by anyone within two
4. Wipe with clean cloth, sponge or paper towel. hours of the actual fogging and a minimum of 4 air ex-
5. For heavily soiled areas, thoroughly clean surface changes (ACH) per hour in the facility. If the building
prior to disinfecting. must be entered, then the individuals entering the build-

Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 9 of 18

ing must wear a self-contained respirator approved by of the foam generator/aerator. Scrape waterproof shoes.
NIOSH/MSHA, goggles, long sleeves and long pants. Stand and/or walk through foamed area for 3 minutes
FOGGING IS TO BE USED AS AN ADJUNCT TO AC- prior to entering area. Foam area must be washed and
CEPTABLE MANUAL CLEANING AND DISINFECT- replaced at least daily or when it appears visibly dirty.
DISINFECTING POTATO STORAGE AREA AND contamination from area to area, set the system to deliv-
EQUIPMENT: Remove all potatoes prior to disinfection er 1 ounce per 2.75 gallons of water (or equivalent use
of potato storage area and equipment. Pre-clean hard dilution) of sanitizing solution. The spray or foam must
surfaces by removing heavy soils or gross filth. Follow cover the entire path of the doorway. Set the system so
general disinfecting directions as outlined in that section. that a continuous wet blanket of sanitizer solution is de-
All treated surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed with pota- livered to the floor.
ble water prior to reuse. Do not mix other foam additives to the sanitizing solu-
TACT SURFACES: To control flies on non-food contact At 2 ounces per gallon use-level, this product is effective
surfaces such as floors, walls, countertops, metal sur- against:
faces, painted surfaces, glazed porcelain, glazed tile, Dactylium dendroides – ATCC 6676
glass, chrome, rubber, and plastic in restaurants, kitch-
Site Preparation: The first step in any on-going sanita-
ens, dishwashing areas, and bar and wait station areas.
tion program should be the removal of gross contamina-
Remove food and food packaging prior to use. Cover
tion and debris. This can be accomplished by using a
exposed food-handling surfaces. After removing gross
shovel, broom, or vacuum, depending on the area to be
filth, apply a solution of 2 ounces of this product per gal-
lon of water (or equivalent use dilution) to surfaces and
locations where flies breed. Spray surfaces thoroughly or Disinfection: Use 2 ounces of this product per gallon of
apply by pouring, mopping or sponging onto the surface. water (or equivalent dilution). Wet all surfaces thorough-
Repeat application 1-2 times per week or as needed. Do ly. Treated surfaces must be allowed to remain wet for
not contaminate food and food packaging. 10 minutes. Let air dry. For heavily soiled areas, pre-
clean first. Prepare a fresh solution for each use.
control of small flies: Drosophila spp. and the Phoridae For Heavy Duty Cleaning: When greater cleaning is
family. Spray or pour solution of 2 ounces per gallon of desired, use 4 ounces of this product per gallon of water
water (or equivalent use dilution) into drain during time of (or equivalent dilution). Heavily soiled areas will require
lowest level of drain use. Add 14 ounces of solution daily repeated cleaning before treatment.
to each drain to maintain fly control. Apply around the DO NOT APPLY TO THE MUSHROOM CROP, COM-
edge of the drain and coat all sides of inside of drain. POST OR CASING. Rinse treated surfaces with potable
SANITIZER DIRECTIONS FOR NON-FOOD CONTACT water before they contact the crop, compost or casing.
prevent cross contamination from area to area in animal
1 1/4 oz. per gallon of water, treated surfaces must re-
areas, and the packaging and storage areas of food
main wet for ten minutes. For heavily soiled areas, a
plants, shoe baths containing one inch of freshly made
preliminary cleaning is required. Prepare a fresh solution
solution must be placed at all entrances to buildings,
at least daily or more often if solution becomes visibly
hatcheries and at all the entrances to the production and
packaging rooms. Scrape waterproof shoes and place in
a 1 ounce of this product per 2.75 gallons of water (or This product was evaluated and found to be effective in
equivalent use dilution) use solution for 3 minutes prior the presence of 5% blood serum at 1 1/4 oz. per gallon
to entering area. Change the sanitizing solution in the of water against the following viruses on hard, non-
bath at least daily or sooner if solution appears visibly porous surfaces:
dirty. Avian influenza A/Turkey/Wisconsin virus –
SHOE FOAM DIRECTIONS: To prevent cross contami-
Canine Distemper virus
nation from area to area in animal areas, and the pack-
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis virus – IBR –
aging and storage areas of food plants, apply a foam
layer approximately 0.5 to 2 inches thick made from a
Newcastle disease virus – ATCC VR109
solution of 1 ounce per 2.75 gallons of water (or equiva-
Porcine Respiratory & Reproductive virus –
lent use dilution) at all entrances to buildings, hatcheries,
production and packaging rooms by using a foam gen-
Porcine Rotavirus
erating machine or aerator to apply foam layer. Follow
Pseudorabies virus – ATCC VR135
the foaming directions as specified by the manufacturer
Transmissible Gastroenteritis virus – TGE
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 10 of 18
At 2 ounces per gallon of water use level, with treated sorbed, set or dried. Thoroughly scrub all treated feed
surfaces remaining wet for 10 minutes, this product was racks, automatic feeders, waterers, and other equipment
evaluated and found to be effective against the following which dispenses food or water with soap or detergent,
viruses on hard, non-porous surfaces: and rinse with potable water before reuse.
Avian influenza A virus – H5N1 At 2 ounces per gallon of water in the presence of 400
Canine Coronavirus ppm of hardness for a 10-minute contact time, this prod-
SITE PREPARATION: The first step in any on-going uct was found to be effective against Hantavirus.
sanitation program must be the removal of gross con- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLEANING AND DIS-
tamination and debris. This can be accomplished using a INFECTING AREAS WHICH MAY BE INFESTED WITH
shovel, broom, or vacuum depending on the area to be HANTAVIRUS
disinfected. The efficacy of even the most efficient ger- Infection with Hantavirus occurs by inhalation of infec-
micidal cleaner is reduced in the presence of heavy or- tious materials. CDC recommends that persons involved
ganic matter. Once the heavy debris is eliminated with cleanup wear coveralls, disposable, if possible, rub-
thoroughly, clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and ber boots or disposable shoe covers, rubber or plastic
rinse with water. gloves, protective goggles, and a half mask air purifying,
APPLICATION: Remove all animals and feeds from ar- negative pressure respirator with a high efficiency par-
eas to be treated, vehicles and enclosures. Remove all ticulate air (HEPA) filter or a powered air-purifying respi-
litter, droppings and manure from floors, walls and sur- rator (PAPR) with HEPA filter. Disinfect Personal
faces of barns, pens, stalls, chutes and other surfaces of Protective gear upon removal at the end of the day. If
facilities and fixtures occupied or traversed by poultry or the coveralls are not disposable, they must be laundered
other animals. Empty all troughs, racks and other feed- on site. If no laundry facilities are available, the coveralls
ing and watering appliances. Thoroughly clean all sur- must be immersed in liquid disinfectant until they can be
faces with soap or detergent and rinse with water. washed.
Saturate surfaces with disinfecting or Virucidal* solution All potential infective waste material, including respirator
at 1 1/4 oz per gallon of water for a period of 10 minutes. filter, from cleanup operations that cannot be burned or
Immerse all halters, ropes, and other types of equipment deep buried on site must be double bagged in appropri-
used in handling and restraining animals, as well as ate plastic bags. The bagged material must then be la-
forks, shovels, and scrapers used for removing litter and beled as infectious, if it is to be transported, and
-manure. Ventilate buildings, coops and other closed disposed of in accordance with local requirements for
spaces. Do not house animals or employ equipment until infectious waste.
treatment has been absorbed, set or dried. Thoroughly
Rodent droppings and visible dust can be reservoirs for
scrub all treated feed racks, troughs, automatic feeders,
Hantavirus. If you are cleaning out a building that has
fountains and waterers and other equipment which can
been closed up, such as a cabin, shed or garage:
contact food or water with soap or detergent, and rinse
a. Air out the building for at least 30 minutes by
with potable water before reuse.
opening windows and doors.
VETERINARY CLINICS / ANIMAL LIFE SCIENCE b. Leave the building while it is airing out.
LABORATORY / ANIMAL CARE FACILITIES / ANI- c. Do not vacuum, sweep or dust. This can spread the
ANIMAL QUARANTINE AREAS / ANIMAL BREEDING d. Thoroughly wet the contaminated areas with 2
FACILITIES / ZOOS / PET SHOP / ANIMAL HUS- ounces per gallon of water and allow solution to
BANDRY / KENNELS / BREEDING AND GROOMING stand undisturbed for 10 minutes.
ESTABLISHMENT / TACK SHOPS DISINFECTION e. Carefully remove contaminated material and
DIRECTIONS: For cleaning and disinfecting the follow- dispose by burial or burning. Contact your local and
ing hard, non-porous surfaces: equipment not used for state health department for additional disposal
animal food or water, utensils, instruments, cages, ken- methods.
nels, stables, stalls and catteries. Remove all animals f. Treat the surface again following the label
and feeds from areas to be treated, animal transporta- directions and allow solution to stand undisturbed
tion vehicles, crates, etc. Remove all litter, droppings for 10 minutes.
and manure from floors, walls and surfaces of facilities
occupied or traversed by animals. Thoroughly clean all
ANT DIRECTIONS: Cover or remove all food and pack-
surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water.
aging materials. Remove all gross soils. Disinfect
Saturate surfaces with a use solution of 2 oz. per gallon
equipment, walls and floors in poultry and animal dress-
of water for a period of 10 minutes. Immerse all halters,
ing plants. Disinfect offal rooms, exterior walls and load-
ropes, and other types of equipment used in handling
ing platforms of dressing plants. Saturate all surfaces
and restraining animals as well as forks, shovels, and
with the use solution of 1 1/4 oz. per gallon of water.
scrapers used in removing litter and manure. Ventilate
Scrub to loosen all soils. Allow to soak for 10 minutes
buildings and other closed spaces. Do not house ani-
and thoroughly rinse all wetted and cleaned surfaces
mals or employ equipment until treatment has been ab-
with potable water.
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 11 of 18
RENDERING PLANT / DRESSING PLANT DISIN- hicles and enclosures. Remove all litter and manure
FECTANT / FUNGICIDE / VIRUCIDE* DIRECTIONS: from floors, walls and surfaces of barns, pens, stalls,
Cover or remove all food packaging material before dis- stables, chutes and other facilities and fixtures occupied
infection. Remove gross soils. Apply to equipment, walls or traversed by animals. Empty all troughs, racks and
and floors in poultry and animal dressing plants with a other feeding and watering appliances. Thoroughly clean
solution of 2 oz. per gallon of water. Surfaces must re- all surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water.
main wet for 10 minutes then thoroughly rinsed with po- Apply a use solution of 2 oz. per gallon of water and al-
table water before operations are resumed. Disinfect all low surface to remain wet for a period of 10 minutes.
rooms, exterior walls and loading platforms of dressing Immerse all halters, ropes and other types of equipment
plants. Thoroughly rinse all wetted and cleaned surfaces used in handling and restraining animals as well as
which contact food with potable water before reuse. forks, shovels and scrapers used in removing litter and
TERRARIUM AND SMALL ANIMAL CAGE AND CAGE manure. Ventilate buildings, cars, trucks, boats and oth-
FURNITURE DISINFECTION use on rocks and drift- er closed spaces. Do not house livestock or employ
wood not allowed in California: Animals frequently defe- equipment until treatment has been absorbed, set or
cate on hot rocks and other hard, non-porous cage dried. Thoroughly scrub all treated feed racks, mangers,
furniture items inside your terrarium. This can result in troughs, automatic feeders, fountains and waterers with
high bacteria and ammonia levels that can lead to possi- soap or detergent and rinse with potable water before
ble infection/disease in your animals. When used regu- reuse.
larly this product can eliminate these high bacteria/ VEAL, CALVING, HOG, CATTLE AND HORSE OPER-
ammonia levels in your cage and on your cage furniture ATIONS: Between depopulations of facilities, cleaning
items. and disinfection of pens, hutches, aisles and other envi-
1. Remove all animals. ronmental surfaces can be required. Empty all troughs,
2. Thoroughly clean all surfaces and objects (hot racks, and other feeding and watering appliances. Flush
rocks, caves, cage furniture, feeding and watering soils from these areas. Thoroughly clean all surfaces
dishes, and appliances) including the substrate in with soap or detergent and rinse with water. Saturate all
the terrarium or cage with soap or detergent and surfaces with disinfecting or Virucidal* solution at 2 oz.
rinse with water. per gallon of water and allow to remain wet for a period
3. Saturate all surfaces (floors, walls, cages and other of 10 minutes. Immerse all halters, ropes and other
washable hard, non-porous environmental types of equipment used in handling and restraining an-
surfaces) with the disinfecting and virucidal* imals as well as forks, shovels and scrapers used in re-
solution of 1 1/4 oz. per gallon of water for a period moving litter and manure. Ventilate buildings, cars,
of 10 minutes. For smaller surfaces, use a trigger trucks, boats and other closed spaces. Do not house
spray bottle to spray all surfaces with solution until livestock or employ equipment until treatment has been
wet. Then wipe surfaces dry. absorbed, set or dried. Thoroughly scrub all treated feed
4. Saturate gravel as above and let stand for 10 racks, mangers, troughs, automatic feeders, fountains
minutes. Place in bucket of clean water and swirl and waterers with soap or detergent and rinse with pota-
for 15-30 seconds. Thoroughly air dry before ble water before reuse.
5. Do not return animals to the habitat until it is dry Site Preparation: The first step in any on-going sanita-
and ventilated. tion program should be the removal of gross contamina-
6. Thoroughly scrub all treated surfaces with soap or tion and debris. This can be accomplished using a
detergent and rinse with potable water before shovel, broom, or vacuum depending on the area to be
reuse. disinfected. The efficacy of even the most efficient ger-
7. Clean terrarium at least once weekly or more as micidal cleaner is reduced in the presence of heavy or-
needed. ganic matter. Once the heavy debris is eliminated,
Note: Do not apply this product directly onto the small thoroughly clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and
animal. If this product comes into contact with the small rinse with water.
animal’s skin, then immediately wash the material off of APPLICATION AND USE DILUTION ON POULTRY
the animal with lukewarm water. If the small animal in- AND SWINE PREMISES: Remove all animals and feeds
gests this product, contact your veterinarian immediate- from areas to be treated, trucks, cars, coops and crates.
ly. Substrates for desert terrariums, i.e., gravel, must be Remove all litter, droppings and manure from floors,
completely dry before returning to terrarium to avoid high walls and surfaces of facilities occupied or traversed by
humidity levels. Always replace substrate if a foul odor -animals. Empty all troughs, racks and other feeding and
persists. watering appliances. Thoroughly clean all surfaces with
FARM PREMISE DISINFECTION DIRECTIONS soap or detergent and rinse with water. Use 2 ounces of
FARM PREMISE DISINFECTION DIRECTIONS: Do not this product per gallon of water. Saturate surfaces with
use in milking stalls, milking parlors or milk houses. Re- the disinfecting solution for a period of 10 minutes. Im-
move all animals and feed from areas to be treated, ve- merse all halters, ropes, and other types of equipment
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 12 of 18
used in handling and restraining animals, as well as ropes and other types of equipment used in handling
forks, shovels, and scrapers used for removing litter and and restraining animals as well as forks, shovels, scrap-
manure. Ventilate buildings, coops and other closed ers used in removing litter and manure. Ventilate build-
spaces. Do not house animals or employ equipment until ings, coops, and other closed spaces. Do not house
treatment has been absorbed, set or dried. Thoroughly poultry or employ equipment until treatment has been
scrub all treated feed racks, troughs, automatic feeders, absorbed, set, or dried. Thoroughly scrub treated feed
fountains and waterers and other equipment which can racks, troughs, automatic feeders, fountains, and water-
contact food or water with soap or detergent, and rinse ers with soap or detergent, and rinse with potable water
with potable water before reuse. before reuse.
QUARTERS AND KENNELS DIRECTIONS: Prior to application, pre-clean hoof trimming equipment and
disinfection, remove all poultry, other animals and their utensils before and after use on each animal with deter-
feed from areas to be treated, vehicles and enclosures. gent and warm water or compatible cleaner to remove
Remove all litter, droppings and manure from floors, soil using a pre-scrape, pre-flush, or when necessary,
walls and surfaces of barns, pens, stalls, chutes and pre-soak followed by a potable water rinse. To sanitize,
other surfaces of facilities and fixtures occupied or trav- prepare a 1 oz. of this product per 2 3/4 gallons of water
ersed by poultry or other animals. Empty all troughs, (or equivalent use dilution) solution. Apply to pre-cleaned
racks and other feeding and watering appliances. Thor- hard surfaces using a brush, cloth, mop, sponge or me-
oughly clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and chanical spray device or by immersion to thoroughly wet
rinse with water. Use 2 ounces of this product per gallon surfaces. Allow surfaces to remain wet for at least 3
of water (or equivalent use dilution). Saturate surfaces minutes followed by adequate draining or air drying.
with the disinfecting solution for a period of 10 minutes. Prepare fresh solution at least daily or when solution
Immerse all halters, ropes and other types of equipment becomes visibly dirty.
used in handling and restraining animals, as well as SANITIZING HATCHERY ROOMS USING FOGGING
forks, shovels, and scrapers used for removing litter and DEVICES: Remove all animals and feed from areas to
manure. After application, ventilate buildings, coops and be treated, vehicles and enclosures. Remove all litter
other closed spaces. Do not house poultry or other ani- and manure from floors, walls and surfaces of the room
mals or employ equipment until treatment has been ab- to be treated. Empty all troughs, racks and other feeding
sorbed, set or dried. All treated equipment that will and watering appliances. Thoroughly clean all surfaces
contact feed or drinking water must be thoroughly with soap or detergent and rinse with water. Close room
scrubbed with soap or detergent, then rinsed with pota- off so fog is confined to room to be treated. Mix 2 gallons
ble water before reuse. of this product to 2 1/2 gallons water. Wear a dust mist
HATCHERIES: Use 2 oz. per gallon of water to treat the respirator when mixing the use solution and pouring it
following hard, non-porous surfaces: hatchers, setters, into the fogging apparatus. Insert the nozzle of the fog-
trays, racks, egg flats, walls, floors, ceilings, chickboxes, ger through a suitable opening into the room. With the
egg cases, trash containers, carts, sexing tables, deliv- setting in maximum output, fog for one minute for each
ery trucks, vans and other hard non-porous surfaces. 4000 cubic feet of space in the room. Vacate the room of
Leave all treated surfaces exposed to disinfectant solu- all personnel during fogging for a minimum of 2 hours of
tion for 10 minutes or more. Rinse surfaces with potable actual fogging and a minimum of 4 air exchanges per
water before reuse. Allow surfaces to air dry. hour in the room. When fogging is completed ventilate
VEHICLES: Clean all vehicles including mats, crates, buildings and other closed spaces. Do not house live-
cabs, and wheels with high-pressure water and this stock or employ equipment until treatment has been ab-
product. For sprayer applications, use a coarse spray sorbed or dried. Thoroughly clean all surfaces with soap
device. Use 2 oz. per gallon of water to treat all vehicles. or detergent and rinse with water.
Leave all treated surfaces wet for 10 minutes or more SANITIZING INCUBATORS AND HATCHERS USING
and allow to air dry. FOGGING DEVICES: Mix 24 ounces of this product to
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR INACTIVATING 122 ounces of water (or equivalent use dilution). Wear a
AVIAN INFLUENZA A H5N1 VIRUS: Remove all poultry dust mist respirator when mixing the use solution and
and feeds from areas to be treated, trucks, coops, and pouring it into the fogging apparatus. Fog 3-8 ounces of
crates. Remove all litter and droppings from floors, walls, this into setters and hatchers immediately after transfer.
and surfaces of facilities occupied or traversed by poul- Repeat daily in setters and every 12 hours in hatchers.
try. Empty all troughs, racks, and other feeding and wa- Discontinue hatcher treatments at least 24 hours prior to
tering appliances. Thoroughly clean all surfaces with pulling the hatchers. Do not allow people to contact or
soap or detergent and rinse with water. Saturate surfac- breathe this fog. It is acceptable to fog setters and
es with the disinfecting solution of 2 oz. per gallon of hatchers with 2 ounces per gallon of water solution of
water for a period of 10 minutes. Immerse all halters, this product (or equivalent use dilution) on an hourly or
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 13 of 18
every other hour basis. If this is done, fog for 30-90 se- minutes. Rinse surfaces thoroughly. Remove shear/ im-
conds once per hour or once every two hours. When plement and wipe dry. Use fresh solution at least daily
fogging is complete, ventilate buildings, and other closed or when immersion tank solution becomes visibly dirty.
spaces. Do not house livestock or employ equipment Note: Plastic instruments can remain immersed until
until treatment has been absorbed or dried. Thoroughly ready to use. Stainless steel shears and other metal
scrub all treated feed racks, mangers, troughs, automat- instruments must be removed after 10 minutes, rinsed,
ic feeders, fountains and waterers with soap or deter- dried, and kept in a clean non-contaminated receptacle.
gent, and rinse with potable water before reuse. Only for Prolonged soaking will cause damage to metal
treatment of setters and hatchers after poultry/ instruments.
chicks/eggs have been removed. Not for treatment of
hatchers which contain chicks/eggs.
Note: The fog generated is irritating to the eyes, skin move body oils, dead tissue, soil and all other buildups
and mucous membranes. Under no circumstances must or organic matter on inanimate surfaces after using the
a room or building be entered by anyone within two footbath, drain the water and thoroughly clean all hard,
hours of the actual fogging and a minimum of 4 air ex- non-porous surfaces with soap or detergent, then rinse
changes (ACH) per hour in the facility. If the building with water. Saturate surfaces with a use solution of 2 oz.
must be entered, then the individuals entering the build- per gallon of water to exposed surfaces with a brush,
ing must wear a self-contained respirator approved by cloth, mop, sponge or mechanical spray device. Brush or
NIOSH/MSHA, goggles, long sleeves and long pants. swab thoroughly and allow solution to stand for 10
FOGGING IS TO BE USED AS AN ADJUNCT TO AC- minutes. For spray applications, use a coarse pump or
CEPTABLE MANUAL CLEANING AND DISINFECT- trigger spray device. Do not breathe spray. After the unit
ING OF ROOM AND MACHINE SURFACES. has been thoroughly disinfected, rinse all cleaned sur-
faces with fresh water. Do not use equipment until
BARBER/SALON treatment has been absorbed, set or dried.
cleaned barber/salon tools such as combs, brushes, NON-ACID TOILET BOWL, URINAL & BATHROOM
plastic rollers, razors, clipper and trimmer blades, twee- DISINFECTANT / CLEANER DIRECTIONS
zers, manicure/pedicure tools, clippers, scissors and FROM CONCENTRATE: Remove gross filth prior to
other hard, non-porous salon instruments and tools in a disinfection. Add 1 1/4 oz. of this product directly into
2 oz. per gallon of water solution. Completely immerse the toilet bowl and mix. Brush thoroughly over exposed
instruments and tools for at least 10 minutes. Rinse surfaces and under the rim with a brush, cloth, mop,
thoroughly and dry before use. Prepare a fresh solution sponge or mechanical spray device. Repeat and allow
at least daily or more often if solution becomes visibly solution to stand for 10 minutes and flush.
FROM USE SOLUTION: Pre-clean surface. Empty wa-
DISINFECTING / FUNGICIDE / VIRUCIDE* GROOM- ter out of toilet bowl or urinal and apply a 2 oz. per gallon
ING CLIPPERS: Remove hair, dandruff and dust parti- use solution to exposed surfaces including under the rim
cles prior to disinfecting the blades. Turn the clipper off with a brush, cloth, mop, sponge or mechanical spray
occasionally during use and spray between the teeth of device. For sprayer application, use a coarse pump or
blades with a solution of 2 oz. per gallon of water. Allow trigger spray device. Brush or swab thoroughly and al-
surface to remain wet for at least 10 minutes. Rinse sur- low solution to stand for 10 minutes and flush. Refill toi-
faces thoroughly. Then wipe dry with a clean soft cloth. let bowl or urinal with water.
SHEARS: While clipper/shear is running, hold in the Empty toilet bowl or urinal of water and apply 8-12 ounc-
downward position and spray 1 1/4 oz. per gallon of wa- es of use solution to exposed surfaces including under
ter solution of this product directly onto the blades two or the rim with a brush, cloth, mop, sponge or mechanical
three times to thoroughly wet the blades. Do not spray spray device. Brush or swab thoroughly and allow solu-
on the clipper case or drip into clipper housing. Turn off tion to soak to aid in soil removal. For sprayer applica-
clipper/shear. Allow surface to remain wet for at least 10 tion, use a coarse spray device and swab all areas after
minutes. Rinse surfaces thoroughly. Then wipe dry with spraying. Refill toilet bowl or urinal with water.
a clean soft cloth. Lubricate as per clipper/shear manu-
facturer’s instructions.
IMPLEMENTS: Spray shear/implement until thoroughly 1. Pre-clean heavily soiled areas.
wet. Wipe away visible debris using a soft bristle brush 2. Apply use solution of 1 1/4 oz. of this product with
or cloth. Turn off clipper/shear. Immerse pre-cleaned one gallon of water to floors, walls and ceilings,
shear/implement into a container of a 1 1/4 oz. per gal- making sure not to over spray. To disinfect, all
lon of water solution of this product for at least 10 surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes. Special
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 14 of 18
instructions for foam guns: Pour concentrate into water. Saturate surfaces with a use solution of 1 1/4 oz.
foam gun bottle and attach bottle to spray nozzle of this product per one gallon of water for a period of 10
and ensure gun is attached to hose. Note: See foam minutes. Ventilate buildings and other closed spaces. Do
gun instructions for more information. Make sure the not use equipment until treatment has been absorbed,
setting is set for a 1:103 dilution. Once in place, set or dried.
squeeze the handle to disperse foam solution. To HUMIDIFIER DIRECTIONS: Formulated for use in
disinfect, all surfaces must remain wet for 10 portable humidifiers. Thoroughly clean the hard, non-
minutes. Foam guns not for use in California. porous surfaces of the water tank and filters, before
3. Scrub surface using deck brush or other coarse each heating season, or sooner if necessary. Add 2 oz.
material as necessary. of this product per gallon of refill water. When you refill
4. Rinse surfaces thoroughly and let air dry. the tank, add 2 ounces of this product for every gallon of
Note: Rinsing is not necessary unless floors are to be water added. Not for use in heat or atomizing type
coated with finish or restorer. All food contact surfaces, humidifiers.
such as appliances and kitchen countertops, must be
rinsed with potable water. Do not use this product to DEODORIZATION
clean or disinfect glassware, utensils, dishes or interior GENERAL DEODORIZATION: To deodorize, add 1 1/4
surfaces of appliances. ounce of this product to 1 gallon of water (or equivalent
use dilution). Excess liquid must be wiped up or allowed
level, (or equivalent use dilution) this product is effective ounce per gallon of water (or equivalent use dilution) to
against Trichophyton mentagrophytes – athlete’s foot clean and deodorize windows, mirrors and other surfac-
fungus, (a cause of Ringworm) and Candida albicans on es. Apply solution with a brush, mop, cloth, sponge or
inanimate, hard, non-porous surfaces in the presence of mechanical spray device so as to wet all surfaces thor-
5% blood serum and 400 ppm water hardness as Ca- oughly. For sprayer applications, use a coarse spray
CO3 in locker rooms, dressing rooms, shower and bath device. Spray 6-8 inches from surface. Rub with sponge
areas, and exercise facilities. Pre-clean all surfaces pri- or cloth. Do not breathe spray. Allow surface to air dry or
or to using this product. Treated surface must remain wipe up excess liquid.
wet for 10 minutes. Allow solution to air dry on surface
and repeat treatment every seven days or when new
growth appears.
MOLD AND MILDEW CONTROL DIRECTIONS: This important to preclean for the product to perform properly.
product controls the growth of mold and mildew, Asper- Use 1 1/4 ounce per gallon (or equivalent use dilution) of
gillus niger and their odors on hard, non-porous surfac- this product or other suitable detergent system for pre-
es. To control the growth of mold and mildew and their cleaning step. Then, apply a wetting concentration of 6
odors on hard, non-porous surfaces, apply use solution ounces of this product per gallon of water (or equivalent
of 1 1/4 oz. of this product per one gallon of water. use dilution).
Thoroughly wet all treated surfaces completely. Allow
surface to remain wet for 10 minutes. Let surface air
clean heavily soiled areas. When tanks are empty, pour
dry. Repeat application weekly or when growth or odor
1 1/4 oz. per gallon of water (or equivalent use dilution)
into septic storage tank on recreational vehicles,
TO CONTROL THE GROWTH OF MOLD AND campers and boats to control odors. As tank fills with
MILDEW ON LARGE INFLATABLE NON-POROUS sewage and the vehicle is moving, this solution will mix
PLASTIC AND RUBBER STRUCTURES (animals, and provide an adequate deodorizing solution for this
promotional items, moonwalks, slides, obstacle course use. This product is to be used on gray and black water
play and exercise equipment): Thoroughly clean all tanks only. Check with local, state, or federal authorities
surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water. before disposing of sewage in accordance to federal,
Saturate surfaces with a use solution of 1 1/4 oz. of this state and local regulations for waste disposal.
product per one gallon of water for a period of 10
minutes. Ventilate buildings and other closed spaces. Do
smoking and food odors (garlic, fish, onions, etc.), auto-
not use equipment until treatment has been absorbed,
mobile odors from tobacco, musty carpet smell, and
set or dried.
beverage smells will be eliminated. A solution of 1 1/4
TO CONTROL THE GROWTH OF MOLD AND MIL- oz. per gallon of water (or equivalent use dilution) will
DEW ON NON-POROUS ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT: For effectively neutralize odors. Spray or apply onto seats,
use on wrestling and gymnastic mats, athletic training carpets, headliner and ashtray or into trunk and all vents
tables, physical therapy tables, athletic helmets, wres- to eliminate odors from tobacco, food, beverage spills
tling/boxing headgear, athletic shoe soles. Thoroughly and musty carpet. For sprayer applications, use a coarse
clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with spray device. Allow to air dry.
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 15 of 18
RV HOLDING TANKS / RECREATIONAL VEHICLES: of water, allowing for the diluting effect of absorbed wa-
For toilet waste and holding tanks, cover bottom of hold- ter within saturated materials. Remove gross filth or
ing tank with water and 1 1/4 to 2 ounces per gallon of heavy soil. Apply directly with a sprayer using a coarse
water to deodorize. If odors return before time to empty, spray tip, to fully saturate affected materials. Roll, brush
add 1 1/4 to 2 ounces to the tank. For kitchen waste, add or agitate into materials and allow the materials to re-
1 1/4 to 2 ounces to gray water tank as needed to con- main damp for 10 minutes. Follow with a thorough ex-
trol malodors created by dirty dishwater. traction. Dry rapidly and thoroughly.
DOMESTIC ANIMALS: Use on rugs, floors, walls, tile, AGAINST ODORS CAUSED BY BACTERIA: This
cages, crates, mats, litter boxes, floor coverings, or any product can be used to deodorize carpets in industrial
surface soiled by a pet. Test a small inconspicuous area and institutional, commercial and residential areas such
first. Blot problem area. Then follow directions for “Gen- as homes, motel & hotel chains, nursing homes, schools
eral Deodorization”. and hospitals. For use on wet, cleanable synthetic fibers.
GLASS CLEANING/DEODORIZING DIRECTIONS: Use Do not use on wool. Vacuum carpet thoroughly prior to
1 1/4 ounce per gallon solution (or equivalent use dilu- cleaning. Test fabric for colorfastness.
tion) to clean and deodorize windows, mirrors, and glass For Portable Extraction Units: Mix 2 ounces of this
surfaces. Use a coarse spray device. Spray 6-8 inches product per gallon of water (or equivalent use dilution).
from surface. Rub with sponge or cloth. Do not breathe For Truck Mounted Extraction Machines: Mix
spray. 24 ounces of the product per gallon of water and meter
WATERBED CONDITIONER: When used as a water- at 4 gallons per hour.
bed conditioner, this product eliminates the odor caused For Rotary Floor Machines: Mix 4 ounces of this prod-
by bacteria. Prevents bubbles, preserves plasticizers, uct per gallon of water and apply at the rate of 300-500
conditions vinyl interior, sequesters minerals. sq. ft. per gallon.
If bed has not been treated properly, drain bed Do not mix this product with other cleaning products.
completely. Add 15 gallons of water, mix vigorously, Follow the cleaning procedures specified by the manu-
drain bed again. Fill bed with water and follow dosage facturer of the cleaning equipment. After using this prod-
directions. uct, set the carpet pile and protect the carpet from
Dosage: To eliminate the odor caused by bacteria, add furniture legs and bases while drying. Do not over wet. If
10 fluid ounces in a free flow waterbed of 90 to 180 gal- applied to stain resistant nylon carpet, apply a fabric pro-
lon capacity. Add 10 fluid ounces in a waveless/fiber tector according to the carpet manufacturer’s directions.
waterbed mattress of 90 to 180 gallon capacity. Repeat CARPET CLEANING / DEODORIZER AGAINST ODOR
application every 4 to 6 months. CAUSED BY BACTERIA, FOR HOME, INSTITUTION-
Effective against odor caused by water and/or smoke for cleans and deodorizes the carpet by eliminating odors
home, institutional, industrial and hospital use. This caused by bacteria. It can be used in industrial and
product is particularly suitable for use in water damage institutional, commercial and residential areas such
restoration situations against odor caused by water on as homes, motels, hotel chains, nursing homes and
the following porous and semi-porous materials: carpets, hospitals.
carpet cushion, sub floors, drywall, trim, frame lumber, Vacuum carpet thoroughly prior to application. Mix
tackless strip and paneling. Saturate affected materials 2 ounces of product per gallon of water (or equivalent
with enough product to remain wet for at least 10 use dilution). Follow the injection and/or extraction pro-
minutes. Use proper ventilation. cedures as specified for any conventional steam clean-
SEWER BACKUP & RIVER FLOODING: To rid affected ing equipment you are using. For rotary floor machines,
area of odors caused by sewer backup and river flood- mix 16 ounces per gallon of water and spray on carpet at
ing, dilute 2 to 4 ounces of this product per gallon of wa- a rate of 300-500 sq. ft. per gallon.
ter allowing for the diluting effect of absorbed water For use on washable synthetic fibers. Do not use on
within saturated materials. Remove gross filth or heavy wool. Test colorfastness of carpet before use. Apply di-
soil along with non-salvageable materials. Saturate all luted product to a small, concealed spot, then rub with a
affective areas with a sprayer using a coarse spray tip, clean white cloth. If color changes or transfers to the
before and after cleaning and extraction. cloth, a water-based product must not be used.
CARPETS, CARPET CUSHIONS AND OTHER PO- After using the product, set carpet pile in one direction
ROUS MATERIALS SUCH AS SUB FLOORS, DRY- with a stiff brush. Place aluminum foil under the legs of
WALL, TRIM AND FRAME LUMBER, TACKLESS furniture while carpet is drying. Over-wetting can cause
STRIP AND PANELING: Effective against odor caused carpet to shrink. Manufacturer assumes no responsibility
by water damage. For water damage from a clean water for over-wetting misuse.
source, extract excess water. Test hidden area for color-
fastness. Dilute 2 to 4 ounces of the product per gallon
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 16 of 18
Note: This product must not be mixed with other clean- tive quat. Treat all trucks, vehicles, and equipment thor-
ing products. oughly at a dilution ratio of 1:27. Treatment can be ap-
plied to trucks, attached trailers, field harvesting
OTHER USES equipment, including cargo area, wheels, tires, under
DISINFECTION / FUNGICIDE/VIRUCIDE* OF HARD, carriage, hood, roof, fenders and any other part of trans-
NON-POROUS SURFACES IN WHIRLPOOL UNITS: portation equipment that can be taken into infested
After using the whirlpool unit, drain and refill with fresh areas. To prevent the spread of Citrus Canker by this
water to just cover the intake valve. Add 2 oz. per gallon artificial means of transportation, treatments are made
of water. Briefly start the pump to circulate the solution. by trigger spraying, dipping or brushing, using maximum
Turn off the pump. Wash down the unit sides, seat of the rate 2060 ppm quat. For sprayer applications use a
chair lift and any/all related equipment with a clean coarse spray device. After use, all surfaces which come
swab, brush or sponge. Treated surfaces must remain in contact with food or crop must be rinsed with potable
wet for 10 minutes. After the unit has been thoroughly water. Clothing must be either thoroughly rinsed or laun-
disinfected, drain the solution from the unit and rinse dered before reuse. Footwear must be rinsed before
any/all cleaned surfaces with fresh water. Repeat for reuse.
heavy soiled units.
FICES OF HUMAN REMAINS: To cleanse away skin ply 2 oz. per gallon of water solution with a brush, cloth,
secretions and accompanying malodor, to insure the sponge, mop or directly on surface with a mechanical
removal of all soil and bloodstains, and to remove and spray device. If a mechanical spray is used spray must
reduce surface contamination, apply 2 ounces of this be coarse. Hold container 6 inches to 8 inches from sur-
product to 1 gallon of water to the surfaces and body face and spray until thoroughly wet. Wipe the soiled area
openings, natural or artificial. Bathe the entire body us- clean. This product is not to be used on dishware, glass-
ing sponge or washcloth. A soft brush may be employed es or eating utensils.
on surfaces other than the face. Allow a 10-minute con-
tact time for optimal results. Prepare a fresh solution for DISINFECT/DEODORIZE: To disinfect hard, non-porous
application of each remains. surfaces such as floors, walls, counters, sinks, tubs, toi-
lets, glazed tile, exterior surfaces of appliances, refriger-
FOR USE ON FINISHED FLOORS: To limit gloss reduc- ators or freezers, microwave exteriors, stove tops and
tion, use this product at 1 1/4 oz per gallon of water use hoods, tables, garbage pails, and faucets apply 2 oz. per
dilution (or equivalent use dilution). Apply with a damp gallon of water with cloth, sponge, mop or mechanical
mop or auto scrubber. Allow to air dry. spray device. If a mechanical spray is used, spray must
COMMERCIAL FLORIST USE DIRECTIONS: To clean, be coarse. Hold container 6 inches to 8 inches from sur-
disinfect and deodorize hard, non-porous surfaces in face and spray until thoroughly wet. Treated surface
one step, prepare use solution by mixing 2 oz. per gallon must remain wet for 10 minutes before wiping. For
of water. For heavy-duty use, mix 8 ounces per gallon of heavily soiled areas a pre-cleaning step is required. The
water. pre-cleaning step must be done according to the instruc-
Remove all leaves, petals, garbage and refuse. Pre- tions under Kitchen / Bathroom / Household Cleaning.
clean surfaces using pressurized water where possible. Rinse with potable water after use on surfaces that come
Apply use solution to hard, non-porous surfaces, thor- in contact with food.
oughly wetting surfaces as required, with a cloth, mop, SANITIZER DIRECTIONS FOR
brush, sponge or mechanical spray device. NON-FOOD CONTACT SURFACES
For heavily soiled areas, a preliminary cleaning is SANITIZATION OF HARD, NON-POROUS SURFACES
required. IN WHIRLPOOL UNITS: To remove body oils, dead tis-
sue, soil and all other buildups or organic matter on inan-
For sprayer applications, use a coarse pump or trigger
imate surfaces after using the whirlpool unit, drain the
spray device. Spray 6-8 inches from surface. Rub with
water and refill with fresh water to just cover the intake
brush, sponge, mop or cloth. Do not breathe spray.
valve. Add 1 oz per 2 3/4 gallons of water (or equivalent
Treated surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes. Allow use dilution) solution in the unit at this point. Briefly start
to air dry. the pump to circulate the solution. Turn off the pump.
Prepare a fresh solution at least daily or when use solu- Wash down the unit sides, seat of the chair lift and
tion becomes visibly dirty. any/all related equipment with a clean swab, brush or
CITRUS CANKER CONTROL AND CONTROL OF sponge. Treated surfaces must remain wet for
BACTERIA SPOT OF TOMATOES: Not applicable in 3 minutes. After the unit has been thoroughly sanitized,
California: For prevention of Citrus Canker and Bacterial drain the solution from the unit and rinse any/all cleaned
Spot of Tomatoes Diseases through treatment of equip- surfaces with fresh water. Repeat for heavy soiled units.
ment. Effective against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. The unit is ready for reuse.
citri (Citrus Canker) and Xanthomonas campestris pv. SANITIZATION OF EXTERIOR HOUSEHOLD
vesicatoria (bacteria spot of tomatoes) at 2060 ppm ac- SURFACES DIRECTIONS
Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 17 of 18
Preparation of Use Solution: Add 1 oz per 2 3/4 gal- Pesticide Disposal: Pesticide wastes are acutely haz-
lons of water (or equivalent use dilution) to sanitize hard, ardous. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray
non-porous exterior surfaces such as vinyl, plastic, mixture or rinsate is a violation of Federal law. If these
sealed concrete, painted or sealed woodwork, and wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label
sealed stucco. Surfaces to be treated include house sid- instructions, contact your State Pesticide or Environmen-
ing, decks, patios, walkways and driveways. tal Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste Repre-
Application: Preclean surfaces. Apply solution with a sentative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for
brush, mop, cloth, sponge, mechanical spray device, or guidance.
with a low-pressure (less than 60 psi) airless sprayer so Container Handling Disposal: Non-refillable container.
as to wet all surfaces thoroughly. Treated surfaces must Do not reuse this container to hold materials other than
remain wet for 3 minutes. For sprayer applications, use a pesticides or diluted pesticides. Triple rinse (or equiva-
coarse spray device. Wearing suitable respiratory pro- lent). After emptying and cleaning, it may be allowable
tective equipment and protective eyewear to control ex- to temporarily hold rinsate or other pesticide-related ma-
posure to spray, pressure wash surfaces to thoroughly terials in the container. Contact your state regulatory
clean all treated areas using a high-pressure spray. Do agency to determine allowable practices in your state.
not breathe spray. One-half gallon of diluted product will Offer for recycling if available or puncture and dispose in
treat 200-300 sq ft of surface. User must wear protective a sanitary landfill, or by other procedures approved by
eyewear as well as respiratory protective equipment. state and local authorities. If rinsate cannot be used,
follow pesticide disposal instructions. If not triple rinsed,
these containers are acute hazardous wastes and must
Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage and
be disposed in accordance with local, state and federal
Pesticide Storage: Open dumping is prohibited. Store
Residue Removal Instructions: Triple rinse (or equiva-
only in original container. Do not reuse empty container.
lent) container promptly after emptying. Triple rinse as
If a leaky container must be contained within another,
follows: Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap.
mark the outer container to identify the contents. Store
Shake for 10 seconds. Follow Pesticide Disposal instruc-
pesticides away from food, pet food, feed, seed, fertiliz-
tions for rinsate disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the
ers and veterinary supplies. Keep this product under
flow begins to drip. Repeat this procedure two more
locked storage sufficient to make it inaccessible to chil-
dren or persons unfamiliar with its proper use.

Nisus Corporation
100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853 USA
Nisus DSV and Nisus Corporation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nisus Corporation.
©2014 Nisus Corporation #DSV-SL-1014a-SAL102110

Nisus DSV Specimen Label • SAL102110 • page Page 18 of 18


Health Emergencies: INFOTRAC (800) 535-5053

™ Immediately call a poison center or doctor/physician.
Product Identity: Nisus DSV
Most important Symptoms: Causes severe skin burns and eye
Recommended use: Disinfectant, virucide, sanitizer. damage.
Manufacturer: Nisus Corporation Indication of immediate medical attention/special treatment: Note
100 Nisus Drive to Physician: Treat symptomatically
Rockford, TN 37853
Telephone: Phone: (800) 264-0870
Fax: (865) 577-5825 Suitable (and Unsuitable) Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical.
Emergency Phone: 800-535-5053 (INFOTRAC) Foam. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Water spray (fog). Do not use water jet.
Specific hazards arising from the chemical: Not determined.
SDS Date of Preparation: 01/12/16 Hazardous Combustion Products: Toxic gases may be formed by
Special Protective Equipment and Precautions for Fire-Fighting
GHS Classification: Instructions: As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus
Skin corrosion/irritation Category 1 pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full
protective gear
Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 1
GHS Label Elements: Personal Precautions and Protective Equipment: Isolate hazard
area and restrict access. Eliminate all ignition sources. Ventilate
affected area. Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers,
waterways and/or groundwater. See Section 12, Ecological
Methods and Materials for Containment and Cleaning Up: Prevent
further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. A vapor suppressing foam
may be used to reduce vapors. Spill area may be slippery. Absorb or
cover with dry earth, sand, or other non-combustible material and
Signal Word: Danger
transfer to containers. Use clean non-sparking tools to collect
Statements of Hazard absorbed material. Dispose of contents/container to an approved
Causes severe burns and eye damage. waste disposal plant.
Precautionary Statements 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE
Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.
Wash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handling. Precautions for Safe Handling: Handle in accordance with good
Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face industrial hygiene and safety practice. Do not breathe
protection. dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Wash face, hands, and any exposed
skin thoroughly after handling. Wear protective gloves/protective
3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS clothing and eye/face protection.
Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse containers. Product residues in
Component CAS No. Amount empty containers can be hazardous. Follow all SDS precautions when
Alkyl (C12-C16) dimethyl benzyl handling empty containers.
CAS 68424-85-1 2.200%
ammonium chloride Conditions for Safe Storage, Including Any Incompatibilities:
Octyl decyl dimethyl Keep container tightly closed and store in a cool, dry and well-
CAS 32426-11-2 1.650% ventilated place. Store locked up. Strong oxidizers. Reducing agents
ammonium chloride
CAS 5538-94-3 0.825%
chloride Exposure Guidelines:
Didecyl dimethyl ammonium Chemical ACGIH
CAS 7173-51-5 0.825% OSHA PEL NIOSH IDLH
chloride Name TLV
Ethanol CAS 64-17-5 <1% Proprietary STEL: TWA: 1000 ppm
4. FIRST AID MEASURES Alcohol 1000 ppm TWA: 1900 mg/m 3300 ppm
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove TWA:
TWA: 1000 ppm
contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. 1000 ppm (vacated)
Immediately call a poison center or doctor/physician. TWA:
IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated TWA: 1900 mg/m
clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. Immediately call a poison 1900 mg/m
center or doctor/physician. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Engineering Controls: Use explosion proof equipment. Mechanical
IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position Exhaust. Showers. Eyewash stations.
comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a poison center or
Eye/Face Protection: Splash proof chemical safety goggles. Face Legend:
shield. Refer to 29 CFR 1910.133 for eye and face protection ACGIH (American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists)
A3 - Animal Carcinogen
regulations. IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
Skin and Body Protection: Wear rubber or neoprene gloves. Group 1 – Carcinogenic to Humans
Impervious apron. Refer to 29 CFR 1910.138 for appropriate skin and NTP (National Toxicology Program)
Known – Known Carcinogen
body protection. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the US Department of Labor)
Respiratory Protection: No protective equipment is needed under X – Present
normal use conditions. Refer to 29 CFR 1910.134 for respiratory Numerical measures of toxicity: Not determined
protection requirements. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
General Hygiene Considerations: Handle in accordance with good
industrial hygiene and safety practice. Ecotoxicity: This product is not classified as environmentally
hazardous. However, this does not exclude the possibility that large or
9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES frequent spills can have a harmful or damaging effect on the
Physical State: Liquid environment.
Appearance: Colorless to light straw liquid Chemical Name: Proprietary Alcohol
Odor: Benzaldehyde Fish: 12.0 - 16.0: 96 h Oncorhynchus mykiss mL/L LC50 static 13400 -
Odor Threshold: Not determined
15100: 96 h Pimephales promelas mg/L LC50 flow-through 100: 96 h
pH: 12.4 Pimephales promelas mg/L LC50 static
Melting Point/Freezing Point: Not determined
Boiling Point/Boiling Range: Not determined Toxicity to microorganisms: EC50 = 34634 mg/L 30 min, EC50 =
Flash Point: >94°C / 201°F 35470 mg/L 5 min
Evaporation Rate: Not determined Crustacea: 9268 - 14221: 48 h Daphnia magna mg/L LC50 2: 48 h
Flammability (Solid, Gas): Not determined Daphnia magna mg/L EC50 Static 10800: 24 h Daphnia magna mg/L
Upper Flammability Limits: Not determined EC50
Lower Flammability Limit: Not determined Persistence and Degradability: Not determined.
Vapor Pressure: Not determined
Vapor Density: Not determined Bioaccumulative: Not determined.
Specific Gravity: Not determined Mobility: Not determined.
Water Solubility: Soluble in water
Chemical Name Partition Coefficient
Solubility in other solvents: Not determined
Proprietary Alcohol -0.32
Partition Coefficient: Not determined
Auto-ignition Temperature: Not determined Other Adverse Effects: Not determined.
Decomposition Temperature: Not determined 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS
Kinematic Viscosity: Not determined
Dynamic Viscosity: Not determined Waste Treatment Methods
Explosive Properties: Not determined Disposal of Wastes: Disposal should be in accordance with
Oxidizing Properties: Not determined applicable regional, national and local laws and regulations.
Density: 8.4 lbs/gal (Water=1)
Contaminated Packaging: Disposal should be in accordance with
10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY applicable regional, national and local laws and regulations.
Reactivity: Not reactive under normal conditions. Chemical Name California Hazardous Waste Status
Chemical Stability: Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: None under normal processing. Proprietary Alcohol Toxic, ignitable
Hazardous polymerization does not occur.
Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flames and sparks.
Incompatible Materials: Strong oxidizers. Reducing agents.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Hydrogen chloride. Carbon Note: Please see current shipping paper for most up-to-date shipping
oxides. Nitrogen oxides (NOx). information, including exemptions and special circumstances.
DOT: Not regulated.
IATA: Not regulated.
Information on likely routes of exposure IMOG: Not regulated.
Eye Contact: Causes severe eye damage. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION
Skin Contact: Causes severe skin burns.
Inhalation: Do not inhale. International Inventories:
Ingestion: Do not ingest. Chemical Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary
Component information: Name Chloride Chloride Alcohol Chloride
Chemical Dermal
Oral LD50 Inhalation LC50 TSCA Present Present Present Present
Name LD50
Proprietary DSL X X X X
= 426 mg/kg ( Rat ) - -
Proprietary = 7060 mg/kg ( Rat NDSL
- = 124.7 mg/L ( Rat ) 4h
Alcohol )
Proprietary EINECS Present Present Present Present
= 84 mg/kg ( Rat ) - -
Chloride ELINCS
Information on physical, chemical and toxicological effects
ENCS Present Present Present
Symptoms: Please see Section 4 of this SDS for symptoms.
Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from IECSC X X X X
short and long-term exposure
KECL Present Present Present Present
Carcinogenicity: Ethanol has been shown to be carcinogenic in long-
term studies only when consumed as an alcoholic beverage. PICCS X X X X
Proprietary Alcohol A3 Group 1 Known X
Legend: Difference between SDS and EPA pesticide label
TSCS – United States Toxic Substances Control Act Section 8(b) Inventory
DSL/NDSL – Canadian Domestic substances List/Non-Domestic Substances List EPA OSHA
EINECS/ELINCS – European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances/European List of
Notified Chemical Substances Signal Word Danger Danger
ENCS – Japan Existing and New Chemical Substances Causes severe skin
IECSC – China Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Skin corrosion/irritation N/A
KECL – Korean Existing and Evaluated Chemical Substances burns
PICCS – Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances
Serious eye damage/eye Causes serious eye
AICS – Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances N/A
irritation damage
US Federal Regulations
CERCLA: This material, as supplied, does not contain any substances 16. OTHER INFORMATION
regulated as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive NFPA Rating:
Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Health = 3 Flammability = 0 Instability = 0
(40 CFR 302) or the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act Special Hazards = Not determined
(SARA) (40 CFR 355).
HMIS Rating:
SARA 313: Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Health = 3 Flammability = 0 Physical Hazard = 0
Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product does not contain Personal Protection = B
any chemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the
Act and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 372 SDS Revision History: 11/01/14: New SDS
01/12/16: Revised
CWA (Clean Water Act): This product does not contain any
substances regulated as pollutants pursuant to the Clean Water Act WARRANTY DISCLAIMER
(40 CFR 122.21 and 40 CFR 122.42) The information, data and recommendations contained herein are
believed to be accurate but may not be all inclusive and should only be
US State Regulations used as a guide. The information is furnished upon the condition that
California Proposition 65: Ethyl alcohol is only considered a the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the
Proposition 65 developmental hazard when it is ingested as an suitability of the product for his particular use and on condition that
alcoholic beverage. they assume the risk of the use thereof. With respect to this
Chemical Name California Proposition 65 publication and the product related thereto, unless otherwise expressly
provided by Manufacturer in writing, MANUFACTURER MAKES NO
Proprietary Alcohol Carcinogen Developmental
Chemical Name New Jersey Massachusetts Pennsylvania EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY.
Proprietary Remedy/Liability Limits
Alcohol The exclusive remedy for losses or damages resulting from this
EPA Pesticide Registration Number: EPA Reg No 10324-80-64405 publication or the related product (including claims based on contract,
negligence, strict liability or other legal theories) shall be limited to, at
EPA Statement Manufacturer’s sole election, one of the following:
This chemical is a pesticide product registered by the Environmental 1. Refund of purchase price paid by buyer or user for product
Protection Agency and is subject to certain labeling requirements bought, or
under federal pesticide law. These requirements differ from the 2. Replacement of amount of product used.
classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data Manufacturer shall not be liable for losses or damages resulting from
sheets, and for workplace labels of non-pesticide chemicals. Following use of this publication or handling or use of this product, IN NO CASE
is the hazard information as required on the pesticide label: SHALL MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR
Hazardous to humans and domestic animals. Keep out of reach of The terms of this Warranty Disclaimer and Remedy/Liability Limits
children. cannot be varied by any written or verbal statements or agreements.
No employee or sales agent of Manufacturer or the seller is authorized
to vary or exceed the terms of this Warranty Disclaimer or Limitation
of Remedies in any manner.

100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853 USA • (800) 264-0870

Nisus DSV and Nisus Corporation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nisus Corporation. ©2016 Nisus Corporation• #DSV-SDS-011216a
100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853 USA • 800-264-0870

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