Datasheet Eprom ST 95080 95160 95320 95640
Datasheet Eprom ST 95080 95160 95320 95640
Datasheet Eprom ST 95080 95160 95320 95640
M95160, M95080
64/32/16/8 Kbit Serial SPI Bus EEPROM
With High Speed Clock
These electrically erasable programmable memo-
ry (EEPROM) devices are fabricated with STMi-
croelectronics’ High Endurance, Double
Polysilicon, CMOS technology. This guarantees Figure 1. Logic Diagram
an endurance typically well above one hundred
S Chip Select W
M95xxx S 1 14 VCC
Q 2 13 HOLD
S 1 8 VCC
NC 3 12 NC
Q 2 7 HOLD
NC 4 11 NC
W 3 6 C
NC 5 10 NC
VSS 4 5 D
W 6 9 C
VSS 7 8 D
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
(ST6, ST7, ST9, C Q D C Q D C Q D
ST10, Others)
M95xxx M95xxx M95xxx
SIGNAL DESCRIPTION (though not to the WIP and WEL bits, which are
Serial Output (Q) set or reset by the device internal logic).
The output pin is used to transfer data serially out Bit 7 of the status register (as shown in Table 5) is
of the Memory. Data is shifted out on the falling the Status Register Write Disable bit (SRWD).
edge of the serial clock. When this is set to 0 (its initial delivery state) it is
possible to write to the status register if the WEL
Serial Input (D) bit (Write Enable Latch) has been set by the
The input pin is used to transfer data serially into WREN instruction (irrespective of the level being
the device. Instructions, addresses, and the data applied to the W input).
to be written, are each received this way. Input is
When bit 7 (SRWD) of the status register is set to
latched on the rising edge of the serial clock. 1, the ability to write to the status register depends
Serial Clock (C) on the logic level being presented at pin W:
The serial clock provides the timing for the serial – If W pin is high, it is possible to write to the sta-
interface (as shown in Figure 4). Instructions, ad- tus register, after having set the WEL bit using
dresses, or data are latched, from the input pin, on the WREN instruction (Write Enable Latch).
the rising edge of the clock input. The output data – If W pin is low, any attempt to modify the status
on the Q pin changes state after the falling edge of
register is ignored by the device, even if the
the clock input.
WEL bit has been set. As a consequence, all the
Chip Select (S) data bytes in the EEPROM area, protected by
When S is high, the memory device is deselected, the BPn bits of the status register, are also hard-
and the Q output pin is held in its high impedance ware protected against data corruption, and ap-
state. Unless an internal write operation is under- pear as a Read Only EEPROM area for the
way, the memory device is placed in its stand-by microcontroller. This mode is called the Hard-
power mode. ware Protected Mode (HPM).
After power-on, a high-to-low transition on S is re- It is possible to enter the Hardware Protected
quired prior to the start of any operation. Mode (HPM) either by setting the SRWD bit after
Write Protect (W) pulling low the W pin, or by pulling low the W pin
after setting the SRWD bit.
The protection features of the memory device are
summarized in Table 3. The only way to abort the Hardware Protected
Mode, once entered, is to pull high the W pin.
The hardware write protection, controlled by the W
pin, restricts write access to the Status Register If W pin is permanently tied to the high level, the
Hardware Protected Mode is never activated, and
the memory device only allows the user to protect
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
0 0 C
1 1 C
a part of the memory, using the BPn bits of the sta- OPERATIONS
tus register, in the Software Protected Mode All instructions, addresses and data are shifted se-
(SPM). rially in and out of the chip. The most significant bit
Hold (HOLD) is presented first, with the data input (D) sampled
The HOLD pin is used to pause the serial commu- on the first rising edge of the clock (C) after the
nications between the SPI memory and controller, chip select (S) goes low.
without losing bits that have already been decoded Every instruction starts with a single-byte code, as
in the serial sequence. For a hold condition to oc- summarised in Table 4. This code is entered via
cur, the memory device must already have been the data input (D), and latched on the rising edge
selected (S = 0). The hold condition starts when of the clock input (C). To enter an instruction code,
the HOLD pin is held low while the clock pin (C) is the product must have been previously selected (S
also low (as shown in Figure 14). held low). If an invalid instruction is sent (one not
During the hold condition, the Q output pin is held contained in Table 4), the chip automatically dese-
in its high impedance state, and the levels on the lects itself.
input pins (D and C) are ignored by the memory Write Enable (WREN) and Write Disable (WRDI)
device. The write enable latch, inside the memory device,
It is possible to deselect the device when it is still must be set prior to each WRITE and WRSR oper-
in the hold state, thereby resetting whatever trans- ation. The WREN instruction (write enable) sets
fer had been in progress. The memory remains in this latch, and the WRDI instruction (write disable)
the hold state as long as the HOLD pin is low. To resets it.
restart communication with the device, it is neces- The latch becomes reset by any of the following
sary both to remove the hold condition (by taking events:
HOLD high) and to select the memory (by taking S
– Power on
– WRDI instruction completion
– WRSR instruction completion
– WRITE instruction completion.
0 or 1 0 Software Writeable (if the WREN Software write protected Writeable (if the WREN
Protected instruction has set the by the BPn of the status instruction has set the
1 1 (SPM) WEL bit) register WEL bit)
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
High Voltage
W Control Logic Generator
I/O Shift Register
An - 31 An Size of the
Read only
Y Decoder
32 Bytes
0000h 001Fh
X Decoder
Note: 1. The cell An represents the byte at the highest address in the memory
As soon as the WREN or WRDI instruction is re- ■ Repeated RDSR instructions (each one
ceived, the memory device first executes the in- consisting of S being taken low, C being clocked
struction, then enters a wait mode until the device 8 times for the instruction and 8 times for the
is deselected.
read operation, and S being taken high)
Read Status Register (RDSR)
■ A single, prolonged RDSR instruction
The RDSR instruction allows the status register to
be read, and can be sent at any time, even during (consisting of S being taken low, C being
a Write operation. Indeed, when a Write is in clocked 8 times for the instruction and kept
progress, it is recommended that the value of the running for repeated read operations), as
Write-In-Progress (WIP) bit be checked. The value shown in Figure 6.
in the WIP bit (whose position in the status register
is shown in Table 5) can be continuously polled, The Write-In-Process (WIP) bit is read-only, and
before sending a new WRITE instruction. This can indicates whether the memory is busy with a Write
be performed in one of two ways:
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
ray and to the SRWD, BP1 and BP0 bits of the sta- Typical Use of HPM and SPM
tus register, provided that the WEL bit is first set. The W pin can be dynamically driven by an output
Hardware Protected Mode (HPM) port of a microcontroller. It is also possible,
The Hardware Protected Mode (HPM) offers a though, to connect it permanently to V SS (by a sol-
higher level of protection, and can be selected by der connection, or through a pull-down resistor).
setting the SRWD bit after pulling down the W pin The manufacturer of such a printed circuit board
or by pulling down the W pin after setting the can take the memory device, still in its initial deliv-
SRWD bit. The SRWD is set by the WSR instruc- ery state, and can solder it directly on to the board.
tion, provided that the WEL bit is first set. The set- After power on, the microcontroller can be instruct-
ting of the SRWD bit can be made independently ed to write the protected data into the appropriate
of, or at the same time as, writing a new value to area of the memory. When it has finished, the ap-
the BP1 and BP0 bits. propriate values are written to the BP1, BP0 and
SRWD bits, thereby putting the device in the hard-
Once the device is in the Hardware Protected
ware protected mode.
Mode, the data bytes in the protected area of the
memory array, and the content of the status regis- An alternative method is to write the protected da-
ter, are write-protected. The only way to re-enable ta, and to set the BP1, BP0 and SRWD bits, before
writing new values to the status register is to pull soldering the memory device to the board. Again,
the W pin high. This cause the device to leave the this results in the memory device being placed in
Hardware Protected Mode, and to revert to being its hardware protected mode.
in the Software Protected Mode. (The value in the If the W pin has been connected to V SS by a pull-
BP1 and BP0 bits will not have been changed). down resistor, the memory device can be taken
Further details of the operation of the Write Protect out of the hardware protected mode by driving the
pin (W) are given earlier, on page 3. W pin high, to override the pull-down resistor.
If the W pin has been directly soldered to V SS,
there is only one way of taking the memory device
out of the hardware protected mode: the memory
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
D 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
D 15 14 13 3 2 1 0
Q 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: 1. Depending on the memory size, as shown in Table 7, the most significant address bits are Don’t Care.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
D 15 14 13 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: 1. Depending on the memory size, as shown in Table 7, the most significant address bits are Don’t Care.
data byte has been latched in, as shown in Figure during the self-timed write cycle, and a ‘0’ when
10, otherwise the write process is cancelled. As the cycle is complete, (at which point the write en-
soon as the memory device is deselected, the self- able latch is also reset).
timed internal write cycle is initiated. While the Page Write Operation
write is in progress, the status register may be
A maximum of 32 bytes of data can be written dur-
read to check the status of the SRWD, BP1, BP0,
WEL and WIP bits. In particular, WIP contains a ‘1’ ing one Write time, tW, provided that they are all to
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
D 15 14 13 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
D 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Note: 1. Depending on the memory size, as shown in Table 7, the most significant address bits are Don’t Care.
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
the same page (see Figure 5). The Page Write op- POWER ON STATE
eration is the same as the Byte Write operation, After power-on, the memory device is in the follow-
except that instead of deselecting the device after ing state:
the first byte of data, up to 31 additional bytes can
– low power stand-by state
be shifted in (and then the device is deselected af-
ter the last byte). – deselected (after power-on, a high-to-low transi-
Any address of the memory can be chosen as the tion is required on the S input before any opera-
first address to be written. If the address counter tions can be started).
reaches the end of the page (an address of the – not in the hold condition
form xxxx xxxx xxx1 1111) and the clock contin- – the WEL bit is reset
ues, the counter rolls over to the first address of – the SRWD, BP1 and BP0 bits of the status reg-
the same page (xxxx xxxx xxx0 0000) and over- ister are unchanged from the previous power-
writes any previously written data. down (they are non-volatile bits).
As before, the Write cycle only starts if the S tran-
sition occurs just after the eighth bit of the last data INITIAL DELIVERY STATE
byte has been received, as shown in Figure 11. The device is delivered with the memory array in a
fully erased state (all data set at all “1’s” or FFh).
DATA PROTECTION AND PROTOCOL SAFETY The status register bits are initialized to 00h, as
To protect the data in the memory from inadvertent shown in Table 8.
corruption, the memory device only responds to
correctly formulated commands. The main securi-
ty measures can be summarised as follows: Table 8. Initial Status Register Format
– The WEL bit is reset at power-up. b7 b0
– S must rise after the eighth clock count (or mul- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tiple thereof) in order to start a non-volatile write
cycle (in the memory array or in the status reg-
– Accesses to the memory array are ignored dur-
ing the non-volatile programming cycle, and the
programming cycle continues unaffected.
– After execution of a WREN, WRDI, or RDSR in-
struction, the chip enters a wait state, and waits
to be deselected.
– Invalid S and HOLD transitions are ignored.
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
tHHCH tCD Clock Low Hold Time after HOLD not Active 70 140 ns
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
Table 12. AC Measurement Conditions Figure 12. AC Testing Input Output Waveforms
Input Rise and Fall Times ≤ 50 ns
Input Pulse Voltages 0.2VCC to 0.8VCC 0.7VCC
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
The notation used for the device number is as shown in Table 13. For a list of available options (speed,
package, etc.) or for further information on any aspect of this device, please contact the ST Sales Office
nearest to you.
Example: M95640 – W MN 6 T
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
Table 14. PSDIP8 - 8 pin Plastic Skinny DIP, 0.25mm lead frame
mm inches
Typ. Min. Max. Typ. Min. Max.
A 3.90 5.90 0.154 0.232
A1 0.49 – 0.019 –
A2 3.30 5.30 0.130 0.209
B 0.36 0.56 0.014 0.022
B1 1.15 1.65 0.045 0.065
C 0.20 0.36 0.008 0.014
D 9.20 9.90 0.362 0.390
E 7.62 – – 0.300 – –
E1 6.00 6.70 0.236 0.264
e1 2.54 – – 0.100 – –
eA 7.80 – 0.307 –
eB 10.00 0.394
L 3.00 3.80 0.118 0.150
N 8 8
A2 A
A1 L
B e1 C
B1 eA
D eB
E1 E
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
Table 15. SO8 - 8 lead Plastic Small Outline, 150 mils body width
mm inches
Typ. Min. Max. Typ. Min. Max.
A 1.35 1.75 0.053 0.069
A1 0.10 0.25 0.004 0.010
B 0.33 0.51 0.013 0.020
C 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010
D 4.80 5.00 0.189 0.197
E 3.80 4.00 0.150 0.157
e 1.27 – – 0.050 – –
H 5.80 6.20 0.228 0.244
h 0.25 0.50 0.010 0.020
L 0.40 0.90 0.016 0.035
α 0° 8° 0° 8°
N 8 8
CP 0.10 0.004
h x 45˚
e CP
A1 α L
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
E1 E
1 N/2
A A2 L
CP B e
M95640, M95320, M95160, M95080
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