His 007 - P2 Reivewer

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The reasons why Jose Rizal left Paris for Brussels
- The cost of living in Paris was very high because of the Universal Exposition
- The gay social life of the city hampered his literary works, especially the writing of his
second novel, El Filibusterismo.
When Jose Rizal was in Brussels, he received letters containing a news about the situation in
his family’s place because Calamba agrarian trouble was getting worse, and Dominican
Order filed a suit in court to dispossess the Rizal family of their lands in Calamba.
El resumen refers to a Madrid newspaper which sympathized with the Filipino.
La Epoca refers to anti Filipino newspaper in Madrid.
Wenceslao E. Retana wrote an article in La Epoca, asserting that the family and friends of
Rizal had not paid their rents so they were ejected from their lands in Calamba by the
Kidlat Club is a social society of a temporary nature founded by Rizal simply to bring
together young Filipinos in the French capital so that they could enjoy their sojourn in the
city during the duration of the Universal Exposition.
International Association of Filipinologists - Association proposed by Rizal to establish
taking advantage of world attention which was then focused at the Universal Exposition in
1889 in Paris and have its inaugural convention in the French capital.
Project for Filipino College in Hong Kong- is another magnificent project of Rizal in Paris
which also fizzled out was his plan to establish a modern college in Hong Kong.
After visiting the United States, Rizal lived in London from May, 1888 to March, 1889 for
the reasons of to improve his knowledge of the English language

To study and annotate Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, a rare copy of which he heard
to be available in the British Museum
London was a safe place for him to carry on his fight against Spanish tyranny
After visiting the United States, Rizal lived in London from May, 1888 to March, 1889 for
the following reasons; to improve his knowledge of the English language, to study and
annotate Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, a rare copy of which he heard to be available
in the British Museum, London was a safe place for him to carry on his fight against Spanish

Dr. Reinhold Rozt librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an authority on Malayan
languages and customs, called Rizal as A PEARL OF A MAN for the reason of he was
impressed by Rizal’s learning and character.
Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce were the two (2) titans of the Propaganda
Another magnificent project of Rizal in Paris which also fizzled out was his plan to establish
a modern college in HONGKONG.
To work peacefully for political and social reforms, to portray the deplorable conditions of
the Philippines so that Spain may remedy them, to champion the legitimate aspirations of the
Filipino people to life, democracy and happiness are the aims of La Solidadridad.
Letter to the Young Women of Malolos a famous letter wrote by Rizal on February 22, 1889
in Tagalog -this letter is to praise the young ladies of Malolos for their courage to establish a
school where they could learn Spanish, despite the opposition of Fr. Felipe Garcia, a Spanish
parish priest of Malolos.
Rizal, who came to be called DOCTOR ULIMAN, because he came from Germany, treated
their ailments and soon he acquired a lucrative medical practice.
The main points of the Letter to the Young Women of Malolos were a Filipino mother should
teach her children love of God, fatherland, and mankind, Filipino mother should be glad, like
the Spartan mother, to offer her sons in the defense of the fatherland, and a Filipino woman
should know how to preserve her dignity and honor
Geneva, Switzerland is a place where people are linguist, Rizal celebrated his 26 th birthday
with sumptuous meal with viola.
Paciano, Silvestre Ubaldo, Jose Cecilio warned Rizal to return home in Calamba after the trip
in Europe.
June 29, 1887 was the date where Rizal wrote a letter to his father about his homecoming.
To operate his mother's eyes, to serve his people who had long been oppressed by Spanish
tyrants, to find out how the Noli Me Tangere and his other writings were affecting the
Filipinos and Spaniards in the Philippines, to inquire why Leonor Rivera remained silent are
thr reasons Rizal was determined to return to the Philippines
Noli me Tangere is dedicated “to my fatherland”
Jose Rizal describes Macao as beautiful and very active place.

Capitan Tiyago is the real life Captain Hilario Sonico in San

Nicolas Damaso is a typical Anti Filipino friar.


The things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan: the beauty of the country—its flowers,
mountains, streams and scenic panoramas, The cleanliness, politeness, and industry of the
Japanese people, there were very few thieves in Japan so that the houses remained open day
and night, and in hotel room one could safely leave money on the table.
O-Sei-San is a lovely young woman who is fluent in Japanese, English and French. And a
girlfriend of rizal
Subversive ideas mean trying to destroy or overthrow something like a government or an

Rizal’s first article Los Agricultores Filipinos which appeared in La Solidaridad which is
published on March 25, 1889, six days after he left London for Paris.
Tasio the philosopher was Rizal’s Elder Brother “Paciano”
Maria Clara is Leonor Rivera, which end up getting married to an English guy.
The bible verse which he took the title of his book was the Gospel of St. John Chapter 20 v.

New York is a city which Rizal referred as “Big town” in United States.
America was the lack of racial equality
Fr. Salvador Font who masterminded the banning of Noli me Tangere.
Saturnina gave Jose a diamond ring to support his writing.
Noli Me Tangere was the first Novel that Rizal wrote.
El filibusterismo is the second novel that Rizal wrote, which is a continuation of Noli Me
The manifesto demanding the ouster of the Spanish friars was the implications of the Noli Me
Rizal was excile in Dapitan and won a lottery.
Dr. Maximo Viola is the savior of Noli me Tangere, But to avoid excess cost for printing,
Rizal Deleted some chapters including the whole chapter of Elias and Salome.
February 21,1887; date which Noli Me Tangere was finally finished and ready for printing at
Berliner Buchdruckie-Action-Gesselschaft which charged the lowest rate of 300 pesos for
2000 copies of the novel
After reading the novel Uncle’s Tom Cabin, Rizal was eager to write a novel.
Noli me Tangere- Touch me Not

Jose Rizal is the Crisostomo Ibarra in real life

The Noli Me tangere according to the report of the committee appointed by the governor-
general to review the contents of novel was describe as Anti-Spain, Anti- Revolution, and
Anti- Government

Vienna is a place was truly the “Queen of Danube” because of its beautiful buildings,
religious images, haunting waltez and majestic charm.
Noli me Tangere came to the press in March 1887
The place where Rizal made the final revisions of his Novel Noli Me Tangere is in Berlin
Italy, Japan, Germany, Austria, Hong kong, Spain, Hungary, France, and Macao were the
place that Jose Rizal Visited.
Manuel T. Hidalgo a brother –in law , he had been informed of the deportation of twenty-five
persons in Calamba, including the Rizal family.

Rizal went to Sandakan onboard the ship MENON to negotiate with the British authorities
for the establishment of a Filipino colony.
Macau is small, low, and gloomy. There are many junks, sampans, but few steamers. It looks sad
and is almost dead.

Francisco Mercado, Paciano and his brother-in-law, Silvestre Ubaldo, escaped from the
Philippines to avoid persecution, and arrived at Hong Kong to join him.

Indios Bravos is the title given by Rizal during Paris Exposition 1889 to their association of
Filipino writers in European countries for them to have a sense of nationality touch me there.

Crisostomo Ibarra a main character in the novelof noli me tangere ; represented the affluent and
liberal European-educated Filipino.

Dona Victorina a social climber married to Don Tiburcio de Espadaña to support her claim of
being a Spaniard. Symbolizes colonial mentality among some Filipinos during his time

Vienna is known for Queen of Danube because of its beautiful buildings, religious images,
haunting waltez and majestic charm.

Geneva, Switzerland is a place where people are linguist, and Rizal celebrated his 26th birthday
with sumptuous meal with viola.

Ferdinand Blumentrit, Fr. Vicente Garcia, Fr. Francisco Sanchez is a defender of Noli.

 Rizal first travel to Europe is considered as Secret Departure and there are NOT only 10
people who knows that Rizal will go to Europe.

 Rizal wanted to have a second travel abroad to discover different places. And Rizal
arrived in JAPAN and decided to stay there forever because of a girl name O-Sei-San.

 Wilhelmsfeld Rizal wrote the last chapter of Noli Me Tangere. And in Berlin he

published the Noli Me Tangere by installment basis.
 Graciano lopez Jaena is the chief writer of La Solidaridad. And in Ghent when rizal
continued writing El Filibusterismo.
 Rizal study in Universidad Centra de in Japan. And Rizal got the degree Doctor of
Medicine, philosophies and letters.
 Rizal when he was in Madrid he joined rallies. And toward the end of 1884, Rizal began
writing the novel in Madrid and finished about one-half of it.
 On June 29, 1887 Rizal wrote to his father, announcing his homecoming. And On
August 8, 1887 Rizal returned to Calamba.
 Viola, commented that the paper napkins were “more hygienic and economical than cloth
napkins”. And Rizal and Viola spent thirty delightful days in Geneva.
 Maria Clara was Leonor Rivera, in real life who became unfaithful and married an
Englishman. And Padre Damaso is a typical of a domineering friar during the days of
Rizal, who was arrogant, immoral and anti-Filipino.

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