Hazard Classification of Household Chemical Products in Korea According To The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals

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Kim et al.

Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11



Hazard Classification of Household Chemical

Products in Korea according to the Globally
Harmonized System of Classification and labeling
of Chemicals
Kyung-Hee Kim1, Dae-Jong Song1, Myeong-Hyun Yu1, Yuon-Shin Park4, Hye-Ran Noh4, Hae-Joon Kim2,3
and Jae-Wook Choi1,2,3*

Objectives: This study was conducted to review the validity of the need for the application of the Globally
Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) to household chemical products in Korea.
The study also aimed to assess the severity of health and environmental hazards of household chemical products
using the GHS.
Methods: 135 products were classified as ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ and 98 products were classified as
‘bleaches, disinfectants, and germicides.’ The current status of carcinogenic classification of GHS and carcinogenicity
was examined for 272 chemical substances contained in household chemical products by selecting the top 11
products for each of the product categories. In addition, the degree of toxicity was assessed through analysis of
whether the standard of the Republic of Korea’s regulations on household chemical products had been exceeded
or not.
Results: According to GHS health and environmental hazards, “acute toxicity (oral)” was found to be the highest for
two product groups, ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’, and ‘bleaches, disinfectants, and germicides’ (result of
classification of 233 household chemical products) at 37.8% and 52.0% respectively. In an analysis of carcinogenicity
assuming a threshold of IARC 2B for the substances in household chemical products, we found ‘cleaning agents
and polishing agents’ to contain 12 chemical substances and ‘bleaches, disinfectants, and germicides’ 11 chemical
Conclusion: Some of the household chemical products were found to have a high hazard level including acute
toxicity and germ cell mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and reproductive toxicity. Establishing a hazard information
delivery system including the application of GHS to household chemical products in Korea is urgent as well.
Keywords: GHS, Consumer products, Household chemical products, Hazard communication

* Correspondence: [email protected]
Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health, Korea University, Seoul,
Graduate School of Public Health, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2013 Kim et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 2 of 11

Introduction including symbols, signal words, hazard statements,

In the Republic of Korea, the hazards of household precautionary statements, and so on [6].
chemical products and providing information on these It is impossible to regulate every chemical by corre-
hazards has recently become an important issue, due sponding regulations; therefore, stipulating the form of
to high profile cases of the death of a mother and in- notification will be effective to identify chemicals and to
fants using humidifier cleaner, wet tissues for baby use render information about hazards. Furthermore, the GHS
containing methylchloroisothiazolinone (2-methyl-4- applies to all hazardous chemicals. In the Republic of
isothiazolin-3-one, MIT), and the detection of carcino- Korea, the GHS is applied to chemicals, regulated by the
gens in outdoor clothing. Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Employment
The Quality Control and Safety Management of In- and Labor [7]. It is difficult to regulate mixture substances
dustrial Products Act regulates household chemical according to each regulation. On the other hand, the GHS
products. The act describes household chemical pro- is applicable to mixture substances.
ducts most used by consumers that contain chemical Providing hazard identification to the end users for
hazards or may have hazards. The act regulates the fol- household chemical products is the most reasonable and
lowing items only: cleaning agents, air fresheners, glues, realistic alternative with respect to ensuring their right
polishing agents, deodorants, synthetic detergents, bleaches, to know.
and fabric softeners [1]. The studies on the GHS that have been performed and
Korea’s policy on chemicals and chemical products man- reported have mainly addressed the understanding level of
agement is addressed by the Toxic Chemicals Control Act workers and consumers concerning hazard communica-
of the Ministry of the Environment, the Quality Control tion about chemicals and the evaluation of effective na-
and Safety Management of Industrial Products Act of the tional implementation of the GHS for each country [8-10].
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and Material However, a study examining the severity of hazards of
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regulations of the Ministry of chemical products by GHS classification has not been
Employment and Labor. However, the lack definitions for carried out. Therefore, in this study, the GHS classifica-
household chemical products and of a systematic policy tion for household chemical products was applied to in-
for such products leaves consumers vulnerable. In short, spect the severity of hazards. Moreover, to analyze the
regulations on hazards information and notice labeling for severity of chemical substances contained in household
household chemical products is insufficient. chemical products, we selected the substances most
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy partially commonly contained in household chemical products
revised section 41 of the Quality Control and Safety and conducted a GHS classification.
Management of Industrial Products Act in January 2012 Furthermore, we assessed the safety of whether the
[2]. The revision compels producers to submit data that household chemical products are safer than the chemicals
include the ingredients, compounding ratio, and security- regulated by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and
related information to the ministry. However, only a small Ministry of Environment.
proportion of the hazards information and caution labels We also examined the severity of hazards, whether the
are being provided to the public since companies are self- limit, regulated by the Toxic Chemicals Control Act, was
regulative and not compulsory. exceeded in order to establish policy support for building
The MSDS system is a way of providing safety infor- a system for providing hazards information for household
mation on chemicals. In Korea, importers and manufac- chemical products.
turers of chemicals have been required to draft an
MSDS for each chemical since 1996. It is composed of
16 sections (e.g. toxicological information, physical and Materials and methods
chemical properties, etc.). Since the MSDS system is not Subjects
applicable to general consumer merchandise, the safety We chose products according to the 2003 technical
control of household chemical products is not guaran- guidance document on risk assessment of the European
teed by this approach. Union (EU) for selecting and classifying the chemicals in
The United Nations Conference on Environment and use. The technical guidance document on risk assess-
Development (UNCED) adopted the Globally Harmo- ment of the EU has 15 classes (cleaning agents, polishing
nized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals agents, bleaches, germicides, disinfectants, adhesives and
(GHS) in June 1992, with the objective of putting the removers, etc.) and 96 sub-classes [11].
GHS into use globally by 2008 [3-5]. We selected household chemical products by visiting 4
GHS encompasses information on physical hazards major discount stores and studying the household che-
(16 classes) and health and environmental hazards mical products for sale for 1 month in March 2009,
(11 classes) and systematizes hazard communication, April 2010, and May 2011. Since distribution through the
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 3 of 11

internet is popular, we also selected 8 internet shopping Second, the GHS is categorized by using 13 databases,
malls and performed market research. which include the European Chemical Substances Infor-
Among 15 classes of household chemical products, the mation System (IUCLID) and IARC, and 4 reference
product name, manufacturer, and distributor were iden- works such as the Emergency Management Guides (ERG).
tified for two classes: ‘cleaning agents and polishing Third, the GHS classification of household chemical
agents’ and ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’, products proceeds after the classification of each chemical
which are chemicals commonly used in the home,. We substance by applying the methods described in the mix-
requested the MSDS from each manufacturer and dis- ture substance classification by the GHS, 3rd edition [6].
tributor and secured 155 products from ‘cleaning agents The GHS classification was conducted by using the
and polishing agents’ and 112 products from ‘bleaches, Automatic GHS Classification Program for Mixture Sub-
disinfectants and germicides’. stances, developed by researchers at Korea University.
20 products from ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ The credibility of the program was confirmed by 10 pro-
and 14 from ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’ were fessionals. By classifying 300 chemical products manu-
excluded because the MSDS information was not suffi- ally, those who participated in the GHS classification
cient and the content of the ingredients was not printed. project found there had been no classification errors.
The scope of this study is the following.
First, we selected 135 products from among the GHS classification results for major chemical substances in
‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ and 98 products household chemical products
from the ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’, and We attempted to confirm the severity of hazards through
performed a GHS classification. the GHS classification on chemical substances contained
Second, to analyze the severity of hazards in the 272 in household chemical products. 135 products from the
chemical substances contained in the 233 household ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ were composed of
chemical products, a GHS classification was conducted 148 chemical substances and 98 products from the
for 22 chemical substances by selecting the top 11 ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’ were composed of
chemical ingredients in each product. 119 chemical substances.
Third, the carcinogenic classifications of the Inter- We extracted the top 11 chemical substances, mostly
national Arctic Research Center (IARC) and American contained from each product group, and conducted the
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists GHS classification. Then the current carcinogen status,
(ACGIH) were investigated and analyzed for 272 che- ruled by IARC, ACGIH, EU, and the National Toxicology
mical substances. Program (NTP), was investigated.
Fourth, to analyze the severity of hazards for the 233
household chemical products), we examined whether Hazardous severity assessment results on household
the limit of control standard was exceeded. chemical products (Related regulation applied)
To assess the hazards of 233 household chemical pro-
Methods ducts, we examined whether the chemical substances
Identification of ingredients of household chemical products regulated by Toxic Chemicals Control Act of the Minis-
We requested the MSDS from the manufacturer and try of Environment in Korea were used. When they were
distributor and confirmed the Chemical Abstract Service used, the severity of hazards was examined by checking
(CAS) number included in the text of the MSDS, com- whether it exceeded the limit of the standard restricted
position on ingredients, to identify chemical substances by the act.
contained in household chemical products.
GHS classification principles GHS classification result for each household chemical
The GHS classification system, developed by the UN, product
categorizes hazards into physical hazards and health and We classified the GHS health and environmental hazards
environmental hazards [12]. The grade of hazards are for ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ and acute to-
classified with the numerical character of its category xicity (oral) was the most common (37.8%, 51 products).
and the lower the grade, the greater the hazard. For in- This was followed by serious eye damage and irritation
stance, a ‘category 1’ acute toxicity is more hazardous (31.8%, 43 products), and acute toxicity (inhalation;
than ‘category 5’. vapour) and being hazardous to the aquatic environment
The GHS classification methods are described as follows. (chronic) (31.8%, 41 products,). In products that were car-
First, the ingredients are identified through the MSDS, cinogenic, mutagenic, or had reproductive toxicity (CMR),
written by the manufacturers of each household che- the proportion of carcinogenicity was 6.7% (9 products),
mical product. that of germ cell mutagenicity was 10.4% (14 products),
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 4 of 11

and that of reproductive toxicity was 0.7% (1 product) GHS classification for the main ingredients in ‘cleaning
(Table 1). agents and polishing agents’
From the results of the GHS health and environmental The most commonly used chemical substances in the
hazards toxicity analysis of the ‘bleaches, disinfectants ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ were sodium
and germicides’, the acute toxicity (oral) was the most carbonate (CAS No. 497-19-8) and sodium laureth sul-
common (52.0%, 51 products). This was followed by ser- fate (CAS No. 9004-82-4). They were used in 16 out
ious eye damage and irritation (50.0%, 49 products), and of 135 products. This was followed by sodium alpha-
then by acute toxicity (inhalation; vapour) (33.7%, 33 olefin (c14-c16. sulfonate, CAS No. 68439-57-6) in 14
products). In the CMR products, the proportion that products, isoparaffinic hydrocarbon (CAS No. 64742-
were carcinogenic was 15.3% (15 products), of germ cell 48-9) in 12 products, and ethoxylated alcohols (c12-
mutagenicity was 3.1% (3 products), and that of repro- c15) (CAS No. 68551-12-2) and poyloxyethylene (CAS
ductive toxicity was not categorized (Table 2). No. 9002-92-0) each used in 11 products. Sodium car-
bonate, the most frequently used ingredient, was clas-
GHS classification results on the main chemical sified as acute toxicity (dermal) ‘Category 2’, acute
substances in household chemical products toxicity inhalation (vapour) ‘Category 3’, serious eye
The top 11 chemical substances were selected from 135 damage and irritation ‘Category 2’. Isoparaffinic hydro-
products in the ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ carbon was classified in acute toxicity inhalation
class and 98 products from the ‘bleaches, disinfectants (vapour), germ cell mutagenicity, and hazardous to the
and germicides’. For 22 chemical substances, the GHS aquatic environment (chronic) by the GHS classifica-
classification results were the following. tion (Table 3).

Table 1 GHS hazard classification of ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ (n = 135)
Hazard category*1 Hazard category 2 Hazard category 3 Hazard category 4 Not classified

Acute toxicity
Oral 1(0.7) 0(0.0) 6(4.5) 44(32.6) 84(62.2)
Dermal 0(0.0) 15(11.1) 9(6.7) 7(5.2) 104(77.0)
Inhalation (gases) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 1(0.7) 2(1.5) 132(97.8)
cInhalqation (vapours) 1(0.7) 16(11.9) 23(17.1) 1(0.7) 94(69.6)
Inhalation (dust/mist) 0(0.0) 1(0.7) 6(4.5) 1(0.7) 127(94.1)
Skin corrosion/irritation‡ 17(12.6) 13(9.6) - - 105(77.8)

Serious eye damage/irritation 23(17.0) 20(14.8) - - 92(68.2)
Respiratory sensitization‡ 6(4.4) - - - 129(95.6)
Skin sensitization‡ 6(4.4) - - - 129(95.6)
Germ cell mutagenicity‡ 14(10.4) 0(0.0) - - 121(89.6)
Carcinogenicity‡ 9(6.7) 0(0.0) - - 126(93.3)
Reproductive toxicity‡ 1(0.7) 0(0.0) - - 134(99.3)

Specific target organ toxicity
Single exposure 0(0.0) 1(0.7) 2(1.5) - 132(97.8)
Repeated exposure 0(0.0) 1(0.7) - - 134(99.3)
Aspiration hazard‡ 18(13.3) 0(0.0) - - 117(86.7)
Hazardous to the aquatic environment (acute)‡ 7(5.2) - - - 128 (94.8)
Hazardous to the aquatic environment (chronic)‡ 1(0.7) 18(13.3) 11(8.2) 11(8.2) 94(69.6)
N (%).
*It is labeled as “Danger” or “Warning” in accordance with the division of each of the hazard classification degrees of toxicity, and it is labeled as “Danger” if the
degree of toxicity of the hazard is high.

Regarding the acute toxicity, if the classification is hazard category 1, hazard category 2, and hazard category 3, then the warning statement indicates “Danger”.
7 products with acute toxicity (oral), 24 products with acute toxicity (dermal), and 48 products with acute toxicity (inhalation) were categorized as requiring
“Danger” warning statements.

17 products causing skin corrosion/irritation, 23 products causing serious eye damage/irritation, 6 products causing respiratory sensitization, 6 causing skin
sensitization, 14 causing germ cell mutagenicity, 9 products causing carcinogenicity, 1 product causing reproductive toxicity, 18 products causing an aspiration
hazard, and 7 products hazardous to the aquatic environment (acute) were all classified as GHS hazard classification result hazard category and the ‘warning
statement’ of “Danger” was stipulated.
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 5 of 11

Table 2 GHS hazard classification of ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’ (n = 98)

Hazard category* 1 Hazard category 2 Hazard category 3 Hazard category 4 Not classified

Acute toxicity
Oral 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 3(3.0) 48(49.0) 47(48.0)
Dermal 0(0.0) 4(4.1) 9(9.2) 11(11.2) 74(75.5)
Inhalation (gases) 4(4.1) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 1(1.0) 93(94.9)
Inhalation (vapours) 3(3.1) 9(9.2) 11(11.2) 10(10.2) 65(66.3)
Inhalation (dust/mist) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 1(1.0) 5(5.1) 92(93.9)
Skin corrosion/irritation‡ 15(15.3) 11(11.2) - - 72(73.5)

Serious eye damage/irritation 20(20.4) 29(29.6) - - 49(50.0)
Respiratory sensitization‡ 2(2.0) - - - 96(98.0)

Skin sensitization 6(6.12) - - - 92(93.9)
Germ cell mutagenicity‡ 3(3.1) 0(0.0) - - 95(96.9)
Carcinogenicity‡ 15(15.3) 0(0.0) - - 83(84.7)
Reproductive toxicity‡ 0(0.0) 0(0.0) - - 98(1.00)
Specific target organ toxicity‡
Single exposure 0(0.0) 0(0.00) 4(4.1) - 94(95.9)
Repeated exposure 0(0.0) 4(4.1) - - 94(95.9)
Aspiration hazard‡ 6(6.1) 0(0.0) - - 92(93.9)

Hazardous to the aquatic environment (acute) 23(23.5) - - - 75(76.5)
Hazardous to the aquatic environment (chronic)‡ 5(5.1) 11(11.2) 3(3.1) 0(0.0) 79(80.6)
N (%).
It is labeled as “Danger” or “Warning” in accordance with the division of each of the hazard classification degrees of toxicity, and it is labeled as “Danger” if the
degree of toxicity of hazard is high.
†Regarding acute toxicity, if the classification is hazard category 1, hazard category 2 and hazard category 3, then the warning statement is “Danger”. 3 products
having acute toxicity (oral), 13 products with acute toxicity (dermal), and 28 products with acute toxicity (inhalation) were categorized to be indicated with
“Danger” warning statements.

15 products causing skin corrosion/irritation, 20 products causing serious eye damage/irritation, 2 products causing respiratory sensitization, 6 products causing
skin sensitization, 3 products causing germ cell mutagenicity, 15 products with carcinogenicity, 6 products causing aspiration hazard, and 23 products hazardous
to the aquatic environment (acute) were classified by the GHS hazard classification in the hazard category and the ‘warning statements’ was indicated to
be “Danger”.

GHS classification for the main ingredients in ‘bleaches, Carcinogenicity classification results on the ingredients in
disinfectants and germicides’ household chemical products and the results of applying
The most commonly used chemical in the ‘bleaches, dis- the Toxic Chemicals Control Act (TCCA)
infectants and germicides’ was ethyl alcohol (CAS No. A carcinogenicity classification was conducted for 121
64-17-5), which was in 29 out of 98 products. This was chemical substances in the ‘cleaning agents and polishing
followed by sodium hydroxide (CAS No. 1310-73-2) was agents’, and 151 chemical substances in ‘bleaches, disinfec-
in 13 products, sodium hypochlorite (CAS No. 7681-52-9) tants and germicides’. The product group of ‘cleaning
in 12 products, isopropyl alcohol (CAS No. 67-63-0) in 9 agents and polishing agents’ contained 4 chemical sub-
products, and 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (CAS stances classified higher than 2B from the IARC carcinogen
No. 26172-55-4) in 8 products. categories and that of ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germi-
Ethyl alcohol, the most commonly used chemical in the cides’ contained 6 such chemical substances. 1 product for
‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’, was classified as ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ and 5 products for
‘category 4: acute toxicity (oral)’ and ‘category 1A: carcino- ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’ contained chemical
genicity’. Sodium hydroxide was classified as ‘category 4: substances classified as A1 (confirmed human carcinogen)
acute toxicity (oral)’ and ‘category 1 (danger): skin corro- and A2 (suspected human carcinogen) (Table 5).
sion and irritation’, and sodium hydroxide contained lead
and arsenic, classified as having CMR toxicity. The group The result of toxic severity of household chemical
of bleaches was confirmed to contain lead and arsenic and products: application of regulations for chemicals
the MSDS for each product reported that the two metals Products exceeding the limits for each category (poiso-
had a concentration of less than 1 ppm (Table 4). nous substances, substances requiring preparation for
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 6 of 11

Table 3 GHS hazard classification results on ingredients contained in multiple products from the household ‘cleaning
agents and polishing agents’ product group
Order Products CAS no. Chemical name Hazard class and category Signal Hazard statement
using the word
1 16 497-19-8 Sodium carbonate Acute toxicity (dermal)-cat. 2 Danger Fatal in contact with skin
Acute toxicity (vapours)-cat. 3 Warning Toxic if inhaled
Eye damage /Irritation-cat. 2 Causes serious eye irritation
1 16 9004-82-4 Sodium laureth sulfate Acute toxicity (oral) -cat. 4 Warning Harmful if swallowed
3 14 68439-57-6 Sodium alpha-olefin ·Not classified - -
(c14-c16) sulfonate
4 12 64742-48-9 Isoparaffinic hydrocarbon Acute toxicity (vapours)-cat. 4 Danger Harmful if inhaled
environment (chronic)-cat. 4 Warning May cause genetic defects
Germ cell mutagenicity-cat. 1B May cause cancer
Aspiration hazard-cat. 1 May be fatal if swallowed and enters
Hazardous to the aquatic May cause long lasting harmful effects to
aquatic life
4 11 68551-12-2 C12-c15)/(ethoxylated Not classified - -
alcohols (c12-c15)
6 11 9002-92-0 Poyloxyethylene Acute toxicity (oral)-cat. 4 Danger Harmful if swallowed
7 10 56-81-5 Glycerine Acute toxicity (vapours)-cat. 2 Danger Fatal if inhaled
7 10 9014-01-1 Subtilisins Skin corrosion/irritation-cat. 2 Danger Causes skin irritation·
Eye damage /Irritation-cat. 1 Warning Causes serious eye damage
Respiratory sensitization-cat. 1 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or
breathing difficulties if inhaled
Specific target organ toxicity May cause respiratory irritation
(single exposure)-cat. 3
9 9 61789-40-0 Coconut oil amidopropyl Hazardous to the aquatic Warning Very toxic to aquatic life
betaine environment (acute)-cat. 1
9 9 1643-20-5 N,n-dimethyldodecylamine Hazardous to the aquatic - May cause long lasting harmful effects to
n-oxide environment (chronic)-cat. 2 aquatic life
9 9 27176-87-0 Dodecylbenzenesulfonic Acute toxicity (oral) -cat. 4 Warning Harmful if swallowed

accidents, restricted or prohibited substances; regarding Discussion and conclusions

the chemical substances in chemical products), regulated This study was conducted to confirm the hazards of
by the Toxic Chemicals Control Act, was investigated to mixture substances (unregulated, since regulations cen-
assess the severity of health and environmental hazards. ter on chemical substances) and to provide the basis for
Since the threshold for toxicity of cleaning agents and establishing a regulatory policy for mixture substances.
synthetic detergents differs between the standard of the The objects of this study were 233 products, after 34
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Toxic products (13.0%) were excluded from 267 products in
Chemicals Control Act, which this study adopted, the the two classes of ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’
standard of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’. The reason
was excluded. 13 chemical substances, restricted by the for their exclusion was that the composition and infor-
Toxic Chemicals Control Act, were used in 23 chemical mation on ingredients were not written in the MSDS
products in the ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ and the CAS number was not accurate. The hazards can
and 8 products exceeded the limit. 16 chemical sub- be confirmed only if the ingredients are identified, so it
stances restricted by the Toxic Chemicals Control Act is dependent on the MSDS provided from the manu-
were used in 29 household chemical products in the facturing company. However, corporations have not
‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’ and 4 products disclosed the information, using the excuse of confi-
exceeded the limit (Table 6). dentiality, and the composition and information on
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 7 of 11

Table 4 GHS hazard classification result on ingredients contained in multiple products of the household ‘bleaches,
disinfectants and germicides’ product group
Order Products using CAS no. Chemical name Hazard class and category Signal Hazard statement
the chemical word
1 29 64-17-5 Ethyl alcohol Acute toxicity (oral)-cat. 4 Warning Harmful if swallowed
Germ cell mutagenicity-cat. 1A Danger May cause cancer
2 13 1310-73-2 Sodium hydroxide Acute toxicity (oral)-cat. 4 Danger Harmful if swallowed
Skin corrosion/irritation-cat. 1 Warning Causes severe skin burns and eye
3 12 7681-52-9 Sodium hypochlorite Acute toxicity (vapours) -cat. 4 Danger Very toxic to aquatic life
Skin corrosion/irritation-cat. 1 Warning Causes severe skin burns and eye damage
Hazardous to the aquatic
environment-cat. 1
4 9 67-63-0 Isopropyl alcohol ·Eye damage/irritation-cat. 2· Warning Causes serious eye damage·
Specific target organ toxicity May cause respiratory irritation
(single exposure)-cat. 3
5 8 26172-55-4 5-chloro-2-methyl-4- Acute toxicity (oral)-cat. 4 Danger Harmful if swallowed
Acute toxicity (dermal) -cat. 4 Warning May cause allergy or asthma symptom or
breathing difficulties if inhaled
Acute toxicity (vapours) -cat. 2 Very toxic to aquatic life
Hazardous to the aquatic
environment (acute)-cat. 1
Hazardous to the aquatic
environment (chronic)-cat. 1
6 7 15630-89-4 Sodium percarbonate Not classified - -
6 7 497-19-8 Sodium carbonate Acute toxicity (dermal)-cat. 2 Danger Fatal in contact with skin
Acute toxicity inhalation (dust/ Warning Toxic if inhaled
mist)-cat. 3
Eye damage /Irritation-cat. 2 Causes serious eye damage
6 7 64742-47-8 hydrotreated light Acute toxicity (vapours)-cat. 2 Danger Toxic if inhaled
Aspiration toxicity-cat. 1 May be fatal if swallowed and enters
Hazardous to the aquatic May cause long lasting harmful effects to
environment (chronic)-cat. 2 aquatic life
6 7 7439-92-1 Lead Hazardous to the aquatic Warning Very toxic to aquatic life·
environment (acute)-cat. 1·
Germ cell mutagenicity-cat. 2 May cause cancer
6 7 7440-38-2 Arsenic Acute toxicity (oral)-cat. 4· Danger Harmful if swallowed·
Carcinogenicity-cat. 1A Warning May cause cancer
6 7 7440-43-9 Cadmium Acute toxicity inhalation (dust/ Danger Fatal if inhaled·
mist)-cat. 1·
Germ cell mutagenicity-cat. 2 Warning Suspected of causing genetic defects
Carcinogenicity-cat. 1A May cause cancer
Specific target organ toxicity Causes damage to organs through
(repeated exposure)-cat. 1 prolonged or repeated exposure
Hazardous to the aquatic Very toxic to aquatic life
environment (acute)-cat. 1

ingredients have either been not written or partially MSDS [15]. As described above, if the ingredients infor-
written [13,14]. mation in the MSDS is not accurate, the establishment
Lee (2009) reported that the ingredients could not be of Precautionary Principle hazards communication will
identified for about 45.0% of mixture substances in the be difficult.
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 8 of 11

Table 5 Carcinogenicity classification on the ingredients When analyzed by the IARC, ACGIH, EU, and NTP, 7
in household chemical products products contained chemicals classified as carcinogenic
Carcinogenicity Cleaning agents Bleaches, Total by the IARC for ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’,
and polishing disinfectants and 4 products contained chemicals categorized as car-
agents and germicides
cinogenic by the IARC for the ‘bleaches, disinfectants
and germicides’ such chemicals. The main products
Group 1 2 5 2 which used the chemicals categorized as carcinogenic,
Group 2A 0 0 0 were polishes for cars, ingrained stain removers, and
Group 2B 2 1 2 multi-purpose cleaning agents in ‘cleaning agents and
Group 3 8 11 8 polishing agents’.
† From the ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’, the
main products include pesticides, bactericides, and bleaches
A1 0 2∏ 0
for cleaning. 29 chemical substances were categorized as
A2 1 3 1 carcinogenic by the IARC among 272 chemical substances
A3 1 2 1 which compose the product groups ‘cleaning agents and
A4 5 4 5 polishing agents’ and ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germi-
EU‡ cides’; 18 chemical substances are carcinogenic by the
ACGIH; 14 by the EU; and 6 by the NTP.
Category 1 3 3 3
In the systems of the Quality Control and Safety Man-
Category 2 5 2 5
agement of Industrial Products Act, Occupational Safety
Category 3 0 1 0 and Health Act, and Toxic Chemicals Control Act, there
NTP§ is no specific clause regarding carcinogenicity. The first
R 0 1 0 condition for restricting manufacture is in the case of car-
K 1 4 1 cinogenicity. Subsequent provisions for permitting manu-
(N = 272 chemical substances)
facturing or restricting handling by the Toxic Chemicals
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Control Act can be applied [19].
Group 1: carcinogenic to humans, Group 2A: probably carcinogenic to The excess of limits for each category (poisonous sub-
humans, Group 2B: possibly carcinogenic to humans, Group 3: not classifiable
as to carcinogenicity to humans, Group 4: probably not carcinogenic stances, substances requiring preparation for accidents,
to humans.

restricted or prohibited substances; regarding single sub-
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).
A1: confirmed human carcinogen, A2: suspected human carcinogen, A3:
stances in household chemical products), regulated by
animal carcinogen, A4: Not classifiable as a human carcinogen. Toxic Chemicals Control Act, was investigated.

European Union, EU. To assess the severity of health and environmental
Category 1: Substances known to be carcinogenic to humans. Category 2:
Substances which should be regarded as if they are carcinogenic to humans. hazards, a study was conducted regarding whether poi-
Category 3: Substances which cause concern for humans, owing to possible sonous substances, substances requiring preparation for
carcinogenic effects but in respect of which the available information is not
adequate for making a satisfactory assessment. accidents, and restricted or prohibited substances (cate-
National Toxicology Program (NTP). gorized by the Toxic Chemicals Control Act of the Min-
K known to be human carcinogens.
Rreasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens.
istry of Environment) are regulated. The result of that

CAS no. 7440-47-3. Overlapping of ACGIH A1 and A4 as a chemical substance study showed that 8 products from among the ‘cleaning
that belongs to salts and chemical products. agents and polishing agents’ and 4 products from the
‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’ exceeded the
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) regulates CMR limits of regulation. Based on the findings, these house-
substances as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) hold chemical products are not safe to use.
[16] 20 products (13.5%) from the ‘cleaning agents and From the results of this study, the toxicity, including
polishing agents’ and 7 products (7.0%) from the ‘bleaches, CMR and acute toxicity, was high for a portion of house-
disinfectants and germicides’ were classified as CMR sub- hold chemical products. The introduction of communica-
stances. Such CMR substances could not be investigated tion of chemical hazards information (such as including a
accurately and the applicability of each regulation was not caution mark on household chemical products) and estab-
fully determined; therefore, the potential for being exposed lishment of regulations are urgently required.
to toxicity is very high [17]. Lee (2011) reported additional The GHS warns with caution marks, including sym-
information for applying the UN GHS standard to CMR bols and signal words. Such caution marks will be effect-
chemical substances is needed to improve the industrial ive ways to warn of hazards and to reduce damages
health and awareness of carcinogenicity, since the stan- from careless handling. Kim and You (2000) reported
dard of classification and labelling method are used diffe- that the purpose of a caution mark is to influence the at-
rently [18]. titudes of consumers with respect to the hazard and
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 9 of 11

Table 6 Usage of toxic chemicals in household chemical products

Number of products that containing Number of products that exceeding
toxic chemicals the allowed limit
Cleaning agents and polishing agents (N = 135) 23(17.0%) 8(5.9%)*
Bleaches, disinfectants and germicides (N = 98) 29(29.6%) 4(4.1%)†
There were 8 products among the ‘cleaning agents and polishing agents’ that used substances regulated by the Toxic Chemical Control Act in excess of the
allowed value including 5 products that ambiguously indicated the contents under the MSDS.

There were 4 products among the ‘bleaches, disinfectants and germicides’ that used substances regulated by the Toxic Chemical Control Act in excess of the
allowed value including 2 products for which the legal regulations on the corresponding products were difficult to determine.

providing the caution mark will be an excellent method adding a caution mark to chemical products, but the safety
for effectively influencing their attitude [20]. The attach- certification system by Quality Control and Safety Manage-
ment of caution marks or signs according to GHS classi- ment of Industrial Products Act is under preparation [1].
fication will be meaningful since those can influence Countries in EU require that the manufacturer register
consumers effectively. an MSDS in the Products Register and the registered
The fact that areas like the EU and Thailand have ap- MSDS provides information for medical staff through
plied the GHS to household chemical products to render the Poison Center and renders emergency treatment in-
chemical hazards information more easily shows that formation. Austria has required that the MSDS of new
there are important implications for preventive measures chemical products be registered with the Federal Envir-
for health. onment Agency, and Switzerland requires that every
Countries in the EU are replacing the regulations on chemical product be registered with the Chemical Prod-
chemical products with classification, labeling and pack- ucts Division of the Swiss Federal Office of Public
aging (CLP) systems [21]. A CLP is similar to the classi- Health. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) opens
fication system of the GHS, and every imported product MSDS records to the public [28]. This allows for perus-
should be classified and labeled and packaged according ing the ingredients and content (%) of specific chemical
to the CLP. The United States regulates products by the products and chemical hazards information.
Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) of the Con- In Korea, only safety certification status and the product’s
sumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The CPSC image are provided through the website of the Korean
(2008) completed a comparison analysis for of the GHS Agency for Technology and Standards in the Ministry of
and FHSA and decided that an alteration of the FHSA is Trade, Industry and Energy [29]. The Ministry of Environ-
needed [22]. ment revised its regulations on toxic chemicals control to
Canada regulates products with the Consumer Chemicals found legal basis and has operated the Chemical Accident
and Containers Regulation. The country does not apply the Emergency Information System (CEIS) since 2009.
GHS, but the country’s regulations have adopted labeling The CEIS has 2,400 types of hazards information on
[23]. Furthermore, the United States, Canada, and the EU chemicals and household chemical products and opens
have enacted laws regarding toxic chemical containing the GHS classification to the public through its website
products, and have required marking of different types of [30-32]. The problem of multiple regulations on provid-
hazards (e.g. toxic, corrosive, irritative, etc.). Moreover, vis- ing cautionary information by the Toxic Chemicals Con-
ual notation including signs and pictures must be used to trol Act, Quality Control and Safety Management of
render the marks of caution according to the law [24]. Industrial Products Act, and Occupational Safety and
As of February, 2012, Thailand, Malaysia, and Australia Health Act may occur.
are discussing introducing the GHS for household che- Furthermore, application of the GHS to household
mical products and the Food and Drug Administration chemical products has problems such as the costs to
(FDA) in Thailand has completed an analysis of the vali- companies and the training of professionals to perform
dity of applying the GHS to chemical products and is pro- classification. For that reason, further discussion of the
ceeding to obtain the approval of the Health Minister [25]. ripple effects of introducing the GHS is needed. How-
The Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) in ever, the GHS is applicable to every chemical substance
Australia is conducting a study on introducing the GHS and mixture substance and has standards of classifica-
with other agencies by publish a discussion paper [26,27]. tion and renders easier understanding by using cautions
In Switzerland, classification and labelling with the GHS and labels. The value of introducing the GHS is clear
standard is slated for implementation by December 1, with respect to preventive health.
2012 and revising regulations on mixtures by June 1, 2015 A limitation of this study is that the GHS classification
[27]. In the Republic of Korea, there are no regulations for was conducted on the basis of chemicals and CAS
Kim et al. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013, 25:11 Page 10 of 11

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Cite this article as: Kim et al.: Hazard Classification of Household
Chemical Products in Korea according to the Globally Harmonized
System of Classification and labeling of Chemicals. Annals of
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013 25:11.

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