MDO of Advanced Aircraft Configurations
MDO of Advanced Aircraft Configurations
MDO of Advanced Aircraft Configurations
Global optimization
• Number of processors and choice of algorithm
• Preliminary results with multi-start local and global optimization
Protection against modeling and simulation uncertainties in optimization
• Discrepancies in simulations of varying fidelity and empirical data
• Automated diagnostic methodology, robust statistics
Problem solving environments
• parallel coordinates
Design example: Strut-Braced Wing
• MDO crucial to design
• CFD and aeroelasticity still offline
• Transonic transport (Boeing 777 mission): 19% TOGW reduction, 24%
less fuel, 46% fewer emissions
Selected References
✈ MAD Center
Parallel computing:
• Burgee, S., Giunta, A. A., Balabanov, V., Grossman, B., Mason, W. H.,
Narducci, R., Haftka, R. T., and Watson, L. T., “A Coarse Grained Variable-
Complexity Multidisciplinary Optimization Paradigm,” Intl. J. Supercom-
puting Applications and High Performance Computing, 10, No. 4, 1996,
pp. 269-299.
• Krasteva, D. T., Baker, C., Watson, L. T., Grossman, B., Mason, W. H.
and Haftka, R. T., “Distributed Control Parallelism for Multidisciplinary
Design of a High Speed Civil Transport”, in Proc. 7th Symp. on the Fron-
tiers of Massively Parallel Computation, IEEE Computer Soc., Los Alamitos,
CA, 1999, 166–173; also MAD Center Report 98-11-01, Virginia Tech, AOE
Dept., Blacksburg, VA, Nov. 1998.
• Krasteva, D. T., Watson, L. T., Baker, C., Grossman, B., Mason, W. H. and
Haftka, R. T., “Distributed control parallelism in multidisciplinary aircraft
design”, Concurrency, Practice Experience, Vol. 11(8), 1999, pp. 435–459.
Selected References (continued)
✈ MAD Center
Global optimization:
• Cox, S. E., Haftka, R. T., Baker, C. A., Grossman, B., Mason, W. H. and
Watson, L. T., “Global Optimization of a High Speed Civil Transport Con-
figuration”, Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization, Amherst, NY, May 1999.
Problem solving environments:
• Goel, A., Baker, C. A., Shaffer, C. A., Grossman, B., Mason, W. H., Watson,
L. T. and Haftka, R. T., “VizCraft: a problem solving environment for
configuration design of a high speed civil transport”, submitted to IEEE
Comput. Sci. Engrg., also MAD Center Report 99-06-01, Virginia Tech,
AOE Dept., Blacksburg, VA, June 1999.
HSCT design problem:
• MacMillin, P. E., Mason, W. H., Grossman, B. and Haftka, R. T., “An MDO
Investigation of the Impact of Practical Constraints on an HSCT Configura-
tion,” AIAA 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Paper No. 97-0098,
Reno, NV, Jan. 1997.
Selected References (continued)
✈ MAD Center
Integrated Design
• Aerodynamics, Structures, Performance
• Controls, Propulsion
• Manufacturing, Costs
Detailed Design
• State-of-the-art analysis methods
(Navier-Stokes, detailed finite-element)
• Disciplinary
Our Approach to MDO
✈ MAD Center
• Utilize detailed analysis methods in the early stages of a multidisciplinary design
◦ new concepts with weak historical database
◦ market-driven efficient designs
• Computational cost of hundreds of thousands of high-fidelity analyses
• Numerical noise due to discretization, incomplete convergence, shocks, irregular
constraint boundaries, etc.
• Immense, non-convex design spaces
• Variable-Complexity Modeling (VCM):
◦ simultaneous use of several models (analyses) of different levels of complexity
and fidelity
• Response Surface Models (RSM):
◦ curve fitting (polynomial approximation) to the results of multiple analyses
based on design of experiments theory
Variable-Complexity Modelling
✈ MAD Center
σ (E
x0 ) = FD (E
x0 )/FA (Ex0 )
F(Ex ) = σ (x0 )FA (E
° Explore design space with simple models and use detailed model in promising
° Use functional form of simple models to generate response surface models from
detailed analyses.
Variable-Complexity Modelling: Experience
✈ MAD Center
Variable-Complexity Modelling:
is an effective procedure to reduce the computational burden of multidisciplinary
design optimization.
Problem Areas:
• Convergence difficulties due to noisy and non-smooth derivatives.
• Local minima in design space.
• Not adequate for very high-fidelity codes.
Euler/ Navier-Stokes
Detailed finite-element
1/10 Count
50 60 70 80 90 100
Wing Semispan (ft)
Response Surface Modelling
✈ MAD Center
Response Surface:
• Curve-fit, using polynomial approximation (typically quadratic), the response in
terms of specified variables.
Y = c0 + cj x j + c j,k x j xk
1≤ j≤N 1≤ j≤k≤N
• For HSCT design problem, response surfaces for drag and material bending weight.
Size of the model:
• For quadratic response surface in N variables, (N + 1)(N + 2)/2 coefficients.
for 10 variables, 66 coefficients, at least 100 analyses.
for 25 variables, 351 coefficients, at least 500 analyses.
Size of the design space:
• Candidate design at each corner of the design space, there will be 2 N candidate
10 variables, 1,024 vertices.
25 variables, 33,500,000 vertices.
• Curse of dimensionality.
Customized Response Surfaces
✈ MAD Center
Range TOGW (lbs)
IS 5 Geom., Nacelle 810000
AX 4
Max. Thrust Req. 800000
3 770000
2 750000
3 4 5
Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design (MAD) Center Dept. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
for Advanced Vehicles Virginia Tech
2010 Minimum-TOGW Optima
◆ Thrust Reduction of 21.5-31.6% ◆ SBW %TOGW Improvement
– Lower Noise Pollution at Urban = 9.2-17.4%
Airports ◆ SBW %Fuel Improvement =
◆ Large SBW Sweep Reduction 14.3-21.8%
◆ Less Wing Area ◆ Similar Wingspans Except for
Wingtip-Engine Case
◆ Wingtip Deflection Constraint
Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design (MAD) Center Dept. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
for Advanced Vehicles Virginia Tech
Continuing Research: MDO of Aircraft Configurations
✈ MAD Center